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2021-01-31 04:28 27247508 Anonymous HIGH IQ PORTFOLIO GENERAL (portfolio.jpg 1961x3133 520kB)
ITT: we rate each others portfolios
1 min later 27247592 Anonymous
>high iq
what is the fucking logic of buying vaporware at $8billion market cap LMFAO? there are no bigger retards than people holding eth killers in 2021, save maybe DOT but even that is tremendously overvalued
2 min later 27247666 Anonymous (a.jpg 1440x2960 575kB)
+228 enjin on coinmetro
2 min later 27247683 Anonymous
So you a redditor newfag or a bagholder oldfag?
Either way, not high IQ
2 min later 27247695 Anonymous
Holding REEF and FTM till EOY.
3 min later 27247796 Anonymous
QNT, ETH, ADA, TRAC, FTM, UPI master race. In.
4 min later 27247817 Anonymous (1596221821876.jpg 538x570 19kB)
4 min later 27247825 Anonymous
i just pulled out of uni because btc is nosediving
wtf is going on
5 min later 27247874 Anonymous
Imagine being so far out of the game you don't hold ADA.
5 min later 27247933 Anonymous
I am unironically 100% RBC
6 min later 27247943 Anonymous
>wtf is going on
cryptocurrency is going on and now you don't have any because you were too scared
6 min later 27247980 Anonymous
8 min later 27248121 Anonymous (Zorpane.png 517x698 224kB)
100% ZORA
8 min later 27248134 Anonymous
9 min later 27248151 Anonymous (Topkek.jpg 1600x901 121kB)
11 min later 27248308 Anonymous
hold any or all of these, and yagmi
12 min later 27248366 Anonymous
14 min later 27248561 Anonymous (SmartSelect_20210131-094245_CoinGecko.jpg 1072x545 119kB)
It's not much but it's mine
15 min later 27248600 Anonymous (Crypto bets.png 3840x2160 2152kB)
I like this format, more fun than just posting shots of your blockfolio.
17 min later 27248733 Anonymous
17 min later 27248758 Anonymous
Every single one of them is a competitor and you missed ADA which is better then them all?
17 min later 27248769 Anonymous
Heard the vaporware FUD on ADA every since it came out.
(((They))) will still be saying it when it is $2 EOY as well.
19 min later 27248893 Anonymous (india.png 584x405 624kB)
Great to see you again Sundeep.
19 min later 27248894 Anonymous
>holding the gay unicorn
lmao ecks dee anon, you really had me there. pull out of that shit and put it in sushi, 1inch, or even rubic. your pink pony will crash to $6 later this week and you'll be a certified bagholder.
21 min later 27249012 Anonymous
wtf based
24 min later 27249208 Anonymous (1601389399482.jpg 500x334 102kB)
I was thinking about picking up STATERA. What are your thoughts on it?
24 min later 27249225 Anonymous (CiggyPepe.jpg 225x225 8kB)
Exploiting nigger is the most based way to get rich
See you @$5
25 min later 27249310 Anonymous (1612044373104.png 1384x1867 2240kB)
Got a 30k LTO stack
26 min later 27249361 Anonymous
80% LINK
15% BTC
3ish% ETH
2% assorted shitcoins
Got an iq test back when i was 19 and scored 130
27 min later 27249443 Anonymous
Uniswap, 1inch, Algorand. It's all you need.
28 min later 27249513 Anonymous (EsZ9EayWMAAt3xW.jpg 550x550 30kB)
Nano fucking sucks and seems to never stick after getting pumped but reddit is shilling it constantly now.
29 min later 27249589 Anonymous
>a fellow flow bag holder
We got scammed nigger
30 min later 27249666 Anonymous
The real IQ test.
34 min later 27249923 Anonymous (25345345366.jpg 597x559 50kB)
Wtf is this shit prrof ada did 3x in 10m when everyhting did fucking 5-10x ?
The absolute state of adafags
36 min later 27250044 Anonymous
Kek wills it
How come, any funny story?
Crypto crashes make kek
38 min later 27250224 Anonymous (1612028503614.png 400x350 49kB)
100% ADA. The comfiest hold, staking masterrace. I just fud it here from time to time so I can accumulate more.
39 min later 27250243 Anonymous
Anything that makes African gentlemen too comfy to come to Europe is fine by me.
40 min later 27250340 Anonymous (1612021473480.jpg 570x286 25kB)
Uniswap isn't the one Binance Labs keeps throwing millions at.
41 min later 27250408 Anonymous (highIQ.jpg 500x701 237kB)
Actual high IQ here
48 min later 27250889 Anonymous
>literal 30c globohomo stablecoin given to niggers for free
51 min later 27251101 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210131-111915_CoinGecko.jpg 1079x1635 408kB)
52 min later 27251202 Anonymous
It’s a pretty good one anon, as far as I can tell an anonymous dev releases a coin whose whole gimmick is that it inflate by airdrops directly to holders. It jumps to nearly three dollars after release and is shipped here back in august, then falls to sub 1cent. Classic PnD. Delusional telegram full of morons sucking the devs dick. It’s copied once to try and run the scam again, and just recently was copied again (like on Wednesday). Apparently this third copy is BY THE DEV, he’s abandoned flow, copied it 1:1 with a new name and website, and it’s being pumped again with another group of delusional telegram trannies.
52 min later 27251227 Anonymous
All of them are solid projects with high moon potential. I dont hold btc and I didnt include any eth holdings because it is always fluctuating. Shitcoin speculation is more fun than the boring mostly tedious climb of btc and eth.
53 min later 27251314 Anonymous
all you ADAfags just completely ignore the fact
that the logo is literally a butthole
54 min later 27251339 Anonymous
bretty good
58 min later 27251672 Anonymous
Statera is solid, their history has taken them through the worst that can happen to a project and the team held up terrific under pressure and now the project is completely free and community based. No rug pulling, no team exit scamming, no nonsense with the code, it is all set. No it is just a matter of time for it to spread and eventually moon as the actual utility of the pools and burn is understood. It has the larger benefit of stabilizing the cryptosphere as a whole after it has become mainstream adopted as well.
Solid pick, buy a 10k suicide bag minimum.
1 hours later 27251893 Anonymous
9/10, honestly it's near perfection:
ETH, 1 ETH Killer (ADA, DOT, AVAX or whatever .. but you chose the best one), 1 DEFI Coin (UNI, CRV, YFI, COMP, AAVE... again you chose one of the best).
Not 10/10 because one should always have some Bitcoin.
1 hours later 27251939 Anonymous (1606752634963.png 929x1175 113kB)
1 hours later 27251966 Anonymous
+ some small quantities of shitcoins on the off chance they moon
1 hours later 27252054 Anonymous
DOTcuck has no fucking idea whatsoever. You can’t make this shit up
1 hours later 27252291 Anonymous
I don't think you're talking about the same FLOW.
It's a whole new NFT-oriented blockchain by the creators of CryptoKitties, not a random ERC20 scam token.
Still way, way overvalued since listed on Kraken. Gonna get dumped on as soon as the locked VC tokens release
1 hours later 27252530 Anonymous
1 hours later 27253544 Anonymous
1 hours later 27253686 Anonymous
> IQ 130
65% of my portfolio is ADA
This is the true big brain coin
1 hours later 27254156 Anonymous
1 hours later 27255327 Anonymous
70% staked.
1 hours later 27255444 Anonymous
1 hours later 27255636 Anonymous
33% LTO
33% Reef
33% KMD
1 hours later 27255692 Anonymous
maybe you keep hearing it because it never changed the status from vapourwave to ecosystem
still the most unused chain out there
>muh TPoS
yeah on paper maybe.
sage ada is gay af
1 hours later 27255832 Anonymous (AdaVsETH.png 2092x2197 3615kB)
1 hours later 27255841 Anonymous
I was going to make a post about the gamercoin. How does ENJ look?
1 hours later 27255954 Anonymous
shit imo
1 hours later 27255969 Anonymous (IMG_20210131_182351.jpg 1080x1780 245kB)
R8 me
I used to post in poor folio threads.
1 hours later 27255972 Anonymous
60% BTC
40% XMR
I'm 80 iq but liking weed has gotten me this far in life. Why stop now?
1 hours later 27255985 Anonymous
Reddit port
1 hours later 27255989 Anonymous
>148 IQ
I literally just ride PnDs, only have 2 long term holds
1 hours later 27256031 Anonymous
I have to wonder how these faggots cope with having no product after 4 goddamn years and how they expect them to actually turn the corner
even if you get a working product you still have no dapps, no devs, and an language that no one knows or has any incentive to change over to. if you're gonna punt on vaporware eth killers go to page 8 of CMC or some shit lol
1 hours later 27256124 Anonymous
1 hours later 27256134 Anonymous
40% GRT
35% BTC
25% ETH
2 hours later 27256482 Anonymous (IMG_20210131_182934.jpg 1080x1939 251kB)
I bought after the dip
I expect it to shoot up again on Monday when the GME ride continues. Either because there is blatant market manipulation or because redditors actually get rich and put their money into doge
Pic related used to be my portfolio haha
2 hours later 27256765 Anonymous
I just got into crypto a few days ago during all the doge shit. So far I own ADA, XLM and PAY. How did I do?
2 hours later 27256895 Anonymous
80% GRT
20% BTC
2 hours later 27257648 Anonymous
app in picrel?
2 hours later 27257848 Anonymous (18DDEEFA-FF98-4172-85D6-DFA0EDBFD172.png 1000x1288 305kB)
>BCH (only hold from the BTC fork)
2 hours later 27257980 Anonymous
%100 AVAX
Change my mind
2 hours later 27258311 Anonymous
300k portfolio
60% BAO
40% RBC
Literally based, the portfolio. I will be browsing /biz/ on my yacht in 2025.
2 hours later 27258377 Anonymous
2 hours later 27258429 Anonymous
>100% LINK
>Already down $10,000
1.978 0.115