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2021-01-31 10:38 27229915 Anonymous (download (1).png 1320x742 603kB)
>Piece of shit currency
>Outrageous charges to send the coin literally fucking anywhere
>Forces you to pay more so that your transaction is processed faster; basically pay to win
>Charges you to cancel any transactions that take too long to process
Tell me why this nigger shitcoin wasn't aborted in the first place
11 min later 27230517 Anonymous
Yup its an absolute nigger piece of shit. Kind of system indians or kikes would invent.
12 min later 27230564 Anonymous
Why so much hatred in your words find jesus or shut up
13 min later 27230599 Anonymous
muh jewish control religion. Fuck off brainlet.
14 min later 27230652 Anonymous
Eth2.0 gonna buss
15 min later 27230699 what happens next
it's about to pump. look at that chart.
15 min later 27230711 Anonymous
I sold all my ETH the other day at $1400. I have a buy order set for $999
16 min later 27230748 Anonymous
How many years we been waiting
19 min later 27230884 Anonymous (DOnqq1OM_400x400.jpg 400x400 10kB)
I've been hearing that shit for a entire month, it aint gonna pump. The entire market has done at least a 2x... ETH just pumps 5% then dumps more then every other crypto. Doesn't pump with BTC, Doesn't pump with BTC, I'm with OP on this. This coin has some serious price manipulation going on. Not sure why so many are bullish on this. XRP pumping a 2x in a single day while ETH just shits the bed is the ultimate insult. ETH is dead
19 min later 27230930 Anonymous (6235C684-E813-4D3F-9419-DBB5DF6702EE.jpg 731x5843 1329kB)
20 min later 27230971 Anonymous
Rubic will fix this good sir
21 min later 27230988 Anonymous
Waiting for it to climb just a little bit so I can sell it all at some kind of reasonable profit. Right now if I sold it I'd make fucking $2.
23 min later 27231057 Anonymous
Holy shit you will regret that lmao
23 min later 27231079 Anonymous
yea it will be nice in 5 years when (if) they finish phase 2
24 min later 27231112 Anonymous
An entire month ago it was $700
>Up 100%
24 min later 27231140 Anonymous (80BB0797-167B-41D1-9902-E64D7B6847F8.jpg 1200x514 66kB)
24 min later 27231141 Anonymous
i knew nothing about cryptocurrency before 3 days ago and i went in deep the past 60 hours or so no sleep. it's a fucking joke how bad ethereum is, i was just playing around with it and wasted about 0.1 eth on just fees absolutely pathetic, cancelled transactions, outrageous fees, slow as shit and to top it all off do i get this right that there is no hard cap on the total? so it's worthless, how is this second behind bitcoin are people retarded? the user experience for this is absolute trash, never touching it again will keep my 2 ETH in some usb wallet and cash them out when morons pump the price to 50,000.
25 min later 27231165 Anonymous (ethrip.jpg 275x183 7kB)
Bro, tomorrow is the monthly candle close and it looks like BTC is putting in a very bearish looking candle. Which means ETH isnt pumping anymore. Its gonna put in a giant double top and that will seal the deal for ETH. This fucking thing is gonna bleed and bleed and bleed while alts get the alt season treatment. i hate saying this cuz I own mostly ETH and it hurts to say it but Im coming to terms with that for the past few weeks. it aint going above 1400
26 min later 27231193 Anonymous
based post OP. ETH is mostly a shitcoin but it's got actual momentum so it's difficult to ignore
28 min later 27231295 Anonymous
Phase 0 is coming this year PoS will reduce transaction congestion
28 min later 27231312 Anonymous
Maybe because 95% of other crypto simply cant work without it retard
28 min later 27231329 Anonymous
bullflag for about 1 week we are going to the moon >>27230884
>@ progression of BTC
God you don’t understand
29 min later 27231345 Anonymous
Very good post for a newfag
29 min later 27231354 Anonymous
Find an alternative to what eth provides that is fully deployed and usable rn
29 min later 27231375 Anonymous
im a miner so pay up faggot
29 min later 27231378 Anonymous
That dont mean shit. UNI was $3 a month ago too. DOT was $5. LINK was around 16? XRP was as good as dead and came back to do a 2x in a single day! Doge did a 7x , You know, the ETH/BTC pairing broke out like crazy, hitting highs it hasnt seen in 3 years... guess what the ETH/USD pairing did? NOT A DAMN THING! It dumped instead! ETH sucks. Doesn't pump with BTC, doesn't pump with the alt coins. The fact this coin manages to hold the 2nd spot is only because people buy it for fees. Its garbage. It cant even break its all time high after getting with 5% of it IN A BULL MARKET....TWICE!! Please buy my bags, please...
29 min later 27231379 Anonymous
Yep. What a faggot
32 min later 27231496 Anonymous
You just said ETH didn't do anything this month
>$700 -> $1480
33 min later 27231541 Anonymous
lmao don't kid yourself there are plenty of better options ETH is only here because of first mover advantage
33 min later 27231547 Anonymous
it'll be helped by a network I'm not going to shill
the way jewthereum handles smart contracts is shit
36 min later 27231686 Anonymous (1490731323579.jpg 1054x1202 119kB)
That's that problem with PoW. It doesn't scale well and leads to slower transaction times. Most coins now are developed with PoS. Ethereum is also moving to PoS, but it's doing so very slowly. Ethereum, along with Bitcoin, only has such massive draw and value because they were the first of their kind. As the crypto market gets bigger and more and more normies start flooding in, they're going to be outpaced by coins that actually work like Algorand and Cardano
37 min later 27231723 Anonymous
That was November/December. Since the beginning of the year, its crab walked in the same price range. Sure it tickled its all time high but it came right back down. It avoids $1350+ like the plague. The number of Longs got destroyed first week of JAN. Everyone is shorting ETH during its historically BEST month of the year... thats bad
38 min later 27231791 Anonymous
Are you incapable of looking at a chart? $700 Jan 1st
40 min later 27231875 Anonymous
I'm sitting on 3000 Cardano, good shit
40 min later 27231892 Anonymous
All the FUD in here signals buy buy buy you faggots.
41 min later 27231910 Anonymous
The only reason I was rushing this thing to pump is because I didnt want it to form a double top on the monthly, If BTC decides to go bearish in FEB, ETH will go just as hard thanks to CME and the fact that BTC and ETH are somewhat correlated. Any momentum ETH had would be killed off. Plus, with projects like Cardano and Polkadot looking more attractive, ETH is gonna have a hard time.
42 min later 27231960 Anonymous
ethereum is literally the New Jersey of shitcoins.
42 min later 27231971 Anonymous
if fees are even a concern it just means you aren't moving enough money per transaction. Use a fucking brokerage before you get a stack together. $45 in gas is not a big deal if you are moving above $2k. Its not hard to play swingie and get $100 to $2k in an exchange like binance in a few months. This coin is going to 5k soon. pack your bags mate.
43 min later 27231983 Anonymous
In the first place? Cause it used to cost like a few fucking cents to send any amount of Ethereum. Shit is really bad right now, solutions are in the works, alternatives are coming in, the problem will be solved, yes it sucks for now, it is the way it is - still better than bitcoin for transferring value.
44 min later 27232064 Anonymous
i would post nigger gore to fuck with you but i dont want to get banned
kindly leave
45 min later 27232108 Anonymous
miners getting paid is a good thing. I wish the fees were highier.
52 min later 27232359 Anonymous
good, i want my $2 fees back. DAMPEET
57 min later 27232612 Anonymous
anything that's remotely interesting in crypto runs on Ethereum, faggots
1 hours later 27232722 Anonymous
>still better than bitcoin for transferring value
my sides
1 hours later 27232898 Anonymous
>muh gas
yeah, literally fuck this piece of shit. can't believe my portfolio is a huge chunk of it
1 hours later 27232905 Anonymous
didnt read that far. my fucking sides are in orbit right now.
1 hours later 27233460 Anonymous
ppl who have no idea what crypto even is lmao
1 hours later 27233490 Anonymous
it cost $2 to send retard
1 hours later 27233579 Anonymous
jesus never existed
your messiah is plagiarised sumerian myth
1 hours later 27233616 Anonymous (1611931638392.png 1114x1070 416kB)
>Outrageous charges to send the coin literally fucking anywhere
Ask me how I know you never sent ETH anywhere, new cunt.
0.967 0.073