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2021-01-31 04:48 27210345 Anonymous /XMR/ Monero General (monerowaifu14.jpg 769x1285 102kB)
Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency! Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction. Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network. If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly. OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://web.getmonero.org WHERE TO GET MONERO? >KYC: Binance Kraken Bitfinex >Non KYC: Local Monero Morphtoken Bisq Kucoin Tradeogre Crypto ATMs see: kycnot.me >Mining https://archive.is/TWOah HOW TO STORE MONERO? >Desktop Gui/Cli (recommended) MyMonero Exodus Feather >Mobile IOS: Cakewallet Android: Monerujo NOTE: MYMONERO FOR ANDROID IS A SCAM. DO NOT DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY.

3 min later 27210626 Anonymous
Everything that's happened with gamestop leads me to think projects like monero will be popular soon I hope i can but enough in time.

16 min later 27211484 Anonymous
How profitable is XMR mining? Can I set up a miner on a VPS and make money off it (do VPS hosts even allow crypto mining or where should I set up a rig?)?

30 min later 27212499 Anonymous
>>27211484 It's not very profitable in the short term, but if you look at it as a 10 year project, then you can make some real nice gains.

36 min later 27212852 Anonymous
Why does XMR get so much hate?

50 min later 27213725 Anonymous (1603733992484.png 463x662 46kB)
>>27212852 because it works

53 min later 27213915 Anonymous
>>27212499 That really doesn't make sense. If it's not profitable right now (say I need to invest $50/month to get $40 of XMR/month), but it "will be profitable" becase XMR will grow in value over time, it would make more sense for me to invest the $50 in $50 worth of XMR instead.

54 min later 27214010 Anonymous
>>27210345 So I've heard this is the cryptocurrency to buy if you actually want to use cryptocurrency to buy shit, is that right?

58 min later 27214273 Anonymous
>hold LTC >just exchange for monero when I need to acquire goods Why should I hold monero? LTC is even going to introduce mimblewimble soon so we might not even need XMR if its good enough.

1 hours later 27214702 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210127_074638.jpg 1080x679 183kB)
>>27214273 Stop lying. You know perfectly well that MW offers no good privacy. Otherwise why doesn't LTC have delisting FUD?

1 hours later 27214842 Anonymous
>>27214702 There is delisting fud. Thats why there is debate in the community on whether they should make it an extension or not

1 hours later 27214921 Anonymous (653234.jpg 720x715 191kB)
>>27214273 >Why should I hold monero? LTC is even going to introduce mimblewimble soon so we might not even need XMR if its good enough. lol LTC+MW doesn't even come close to comparing to XMR's full-spectrum privacy. https://www.reddit.com/r/litecoin/c omments/kq37v3/questions_about_lite coins_privacy_upgrade/

1 hours later 27214982 Anonymous (monerochan.png 847x1200 326kB)
How much monero to I need to buy to make her real

1 hours later 27215760 Anonymous
>>27214702 >>27214921 What's the privacy problems wiht MW? I thought it had some hard crypto behind it.

1 hours later 27215990 Anonymous
>>27210345 What's up with all the gay tranny art for monero? Trannies have no money. Chad has money. But Chad is not into trannies.

1 hours later 27216146 Anonymous
>>27214982 20 suicide, 100 make it stack

1 hours later 27216300 Anonymous
>>27212852 Because it's being used as a real currency, so it doesn't often moon like other alts

1 hours later 27216371 Anonymous
>>27214273 You can't just add on privacy to a blockchain as an afterthought. Part-privacy is no privacy at all.

1 hours later 27216627 Anonymous (864547.jpg 828x1388 472kB)
>>27215760 >What's the privacy problems wiht MW? I thought it had some hard crypto behind it. Its not the level of privacy you need when your freedom is on the line.

1 hours later 27216729 Anonymous
>>27210345 1 Monero = 100,000 when Bitcoin becomes too mainstream

1 hours later 27216741 Anonymous
>>27214010 Yes

1 hours later 27216956 Anonymous
>>27213915 yeah pretty much. but it's a pretty comfy side hustle from what I hear.

1 hours later 27217030 Anonymous (083.jpg 413x395 41kB)
For your amusement: >ZEC is better than Monero/Dash https://www.reddit.com/r/zec/commen ts/l91wqc/zec_is_better_than_monero dash/ >Id love to see a counterargument from someone on the Monero side.

1 hours later 27217212 Anonymous
>>27217030 Topkek https://www.google.com/amp/s/cointe legraph.com/news/researchers-claim- 999-of-zcash-transactions-are-trace able/amp

1 hours later 27217743 Anonymous
>>27217030 > After all, what is the point of a privacy coin that doesn't get widely adopted? kek.

1 hours later 27217968 Anonymous
>pay for meal with monero >can't leave until transaction clears >end up waiting 1 hour because network was slow

1 hours later 27218005 Anonymous
>>27217743 Idk bro monero is adopted and will become more widely used as people get pushed underground as well

1 hours later 27218006 Anonymous
Buy afdlt

1 hours later 27218282 Anonymous
>>27216146 what's the suicide stack for poorfags who can't afford 20?

2 hours later 27218330 Anonymous
>>27218282 19.999

2 hours later 27218365 Anonymous
>>27218005 I know anon. in that reddit post, the zcash shill asks that question. The context is that the shill is trying to argue that zcash will be more adopted than Monero because of optional privacy, but anybody who is following the dark nets can recognize that Monero is the privacy crypto taking over the marketshare. >>27218282 an unknown amount

2 hours later 27218429 Anonymous
>>27216627 Explain.

2 hours later 27218603 Anonymous (7574348.jpg 963x933 336kB)
>>27218429 >Explain. "Good enough" privacy obviously isn't "the best" privacy.

2 hours later 27218643 Anonymous
>>27213915 Ya but if you mine you will have XMR plus the means of production. The obvious answer is to buy a stack now and think of mining as DCA with the side effect of protecting the network.

2 hours later 27219022 Anonymous (1316975568001.png 680x504 1081kB)
My sides, I can't even >Dash may be technically superior than most other cryptos but it seems nobody is really taking notice. Only people already onboard with Dash seem to value it. Dash needs new blood. https://www.reddit.com/r/dashpay/co mments/l8l1jy/dash_may_be_technical ly_superior_than_most_other/

2 hours later 27219664 Anonymous
Any monero mining bros in the thread? I have some questions.

2 hours later 27220528 Anonymous
Anyone here have any 0xMonero?

2 hours later 27221054 Anonymous
>>27219664 Then just ask them nigger.

2 hours later 27221555 Anonymous
>>27219664 You might catch a knowledgeable anon lurking, but if I were you I'd check the official FAQ at getmonero.org or r/moneromining

2 hours later 27221645 Anonymous
>>27220528 No, because 0xmonero is a vaporware scam. Aren't there cocks somewhere you should be sucking, or streets you should be shitting in?

2 hours later 27221867 Anonymous
>>27218603 You still haven't explained why MW's privacy is worse than Monero's. You just keep saying that it is worse but without any reason. Looks like maybe you're actually just repeating something you heard and don't actually understand the cryptography between either system?

2 hours later 27221955 Anonymous
>>27221054 no. bitch. >>27221555 Checked

3 hours later 27222113 Anonymous
>>27217030 but opt in privacy is a bad thing. everything needs to be private otherwise you are instantly suspicious for using the privacy.

3 hours later 27222190 Anonymous
>>27219664 don't ask to ask nigga just ask

3 hours later 27222248 Anonymous
>>27219664 i don't know a lot but i mine while i'm working to keep my office warm when i'm on my work computer. even if i'm not making money, i can exchanging electricity for monero and supporting the network. also it keeps me warm

3 hours later 27222349 Anonymous
has anyone used bisq? there isn't a lot of people on it and the sellers want all this information... any tips? In the past i just used coinbase and transfered to binance but these days binance could lock me out because of US and coinbase has KYC.

3 hours later 27222518 Anonymous
>>27210345 Upgrade your Monero to 0xMonero. Unlike XMR, 0xMR cannot be banned, blacklisted, tracked or delisted.

3 hours later 27222602 Anonymous
>>27222349 What pairing are you trying to use on bisq?

3 hours later 27222751 Anonymous
>>27222518 Nice! Why do people never talk about 0xmo ero?

3 hours later 27222954 Anonymous
>Be me >Purchased this shit back in 2015 got in when it was 60cents a coin >Have 3000 >iamgoingtomakeit >fast forward to now >every alt has gone up 100-200% last few months, Monero has gone backwards >my one chance in life hitched to a coin that barely moves these days why me

3 hours later 27222998 Anonymous
>>27222751 why would they? it's garbage. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoon Shots/comments/i27fhk/0xmonero_summ ary_of_findings/ https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2475 0658#p24755504

3 hours later 27223140 Anonymous
>>27222518 this guy wants you to get vaccinated.

3 hours later 27223626 Anonymous
>>27222602 oh i guess i was looking at agoradesk. but yeah on bisq i want to go xmr/usd and send someone usd for some monero. haven't actually set it up yet >>27222518 >0xMR what's this? scam copy?

3 hours later 27223634 Anonymous
>>27222113 But doesn’t that apply on a macro scale across coins? If you choose a privacy coin (like Monero) over something like BTC/ETH//LTC doesn’t that also make you instantly suspicious?

3 hours later 27223796 Anonymous
>>27223634 it makes you suspicious in the same way as using cash USD instead of your bank card.

3 hours later 27223807 Anonymous
>>27223634 some people are just suspicious people anon like all those folks who got into bitcoin in 2009, lock em up I say!

3 hours later 27223837 Anonymous
>>27222518 nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit just like the last hundred times you spammed it stop trying to steal from people by lying to them about the capabilities of the project warosu.org/biz/thread/S24750658#p24 755504

3 hours later 27223847 Anonymous
>>27223626 >scam copy? here's the entire diff of the 0xbitcoin and 0xmonero contracts https://i.imgur.com/c5cf0MJ.png 0xmonero has no privacy features they just lie and lie and lie and lie all day trying to trick the technically illiterate out of their money

3 hours later 27223860 Anonymous
>>27210345 This sexy anime girls has convinced me to buy Monero.

3 hours later 27224009 Anonymous
>>27223626 yeah, 0xmr is a shitty scam token that Rajeesh here spams in every monero thread. just report and hide

3 hours later 27224027 Anonymous
what is everyone's thoughts on what will happen to monero as government restrictions on crypto and personal freedoms continues? on one hand this will make monero extrememly valueable as this is part of it's purpose, being resistant censorship. on the other hand, if exchanging cash for monero becomes a crime, how will people actually get monero with such high risk?

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