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2021-01-31 01:42 27196650 Anonymous (C753B4B6-1CBC-4A2A-AA83-194543C73DAA.png 1191x826 529kB)
Aaaaand here comes the Btc dump

1 min later 27196742 Anonymous
>>27196650 Just like clockwork

5 min later 27197129 Anonymous
>>27196742 At this point, you’re the schizo if you don’t think (((they))) aren’t suppressing link lol

7 min later 27197233 Anonymous
>>27196650 Every. Fucking. Time. There is truly no more painful a hold than link. You have to have ice in your fucking veins.

8 min later 27197310 Anonymous
>>27197233 It doesn’t affect me as much since I bought at 1 dollar, but it sure as hell annoying

8 min later 27197341 Anonymous
>>27197233 be glad you got in early and close the charts. Go live your life, wagie for 5 another years and you've made it

8 min later 27197352 Anonymous
>>27197233 I am dead inside

9 min later 27197426 Anonymous
>>27197233 pre sibos LINK holder here. my dopamine/cortisol receptors are shot

10 min later 27197449 Anonymous
>>27197341 >5 years try 5 months

10 min later 27197506 Anonymous
>>27196650 btc has been crabbing perfectly sideways though

13 min later 27197681 Anonymous
>>27197233 I actually get pleasure from the dumps. I have a strange self-harming relationship with LINK. Started buying at 80c btw

13 min later 27197704 Anonymous
>>27197506 Zoom in

13 min later 27197714 Anonymous

14 min later 27197776 Anonymous
I sold all my link for rubic earlier today. I got this feeling of emptiness after my dopamine rush weaned of. I live for link. I have seen it grow, mature. I bought right back and i hereby swear i will never betray sergay again

14 min later 27197785 Anonymous
>>27197233 I've been holding since $0.47, this is nothing.

14 min later 27197814 Anonymous
>>27197233 >There is truly no more painful a hold than link. Disagree. We’ve already made it and there’s no doubt involved. Much harder for btc and eth early adopters, think how many got shaken out

15 min later 27197842 Anonymous
>>27196650 >he actually held on to LINK ahahahahahaha

15 min later 27197880 Anonymous
>>27197704 zoom in on the random brownian motion of 1 msec candles? come on now

17 min later 27198023 Anonymous
Bros please be honest with me, is it still worth buying link if it dips below $20? I brought some at $13, got in years late.

19 min later 27198159 Anonymous
>>27196650 Who the fuck keeps manipulating this shit is it hedgies like gme??

19 min later 27198164 Anonymous
>>27198023 You had _ years

19 min later 27198220 Anonymous
>>27198164 Dude I was a /pol/ schizo that never lurked /biz/ until Q4 last year, so yeah.

20 min later 27198275 Anonymous
>>27198220 Transfer 100% to UNI. thank me later

20 min later 27198284 Anonymous
>>27197681 wtf are you me? i start jerkin it when i see the price dumpin hard. i need help

23 min later 27198517 Anonymous
>>27198220 Welcome to biz retard. I was just like you when I transferred from pol about two years ago. Everyone back then told me I had two years. Now is a good time to detox from pol tard logic

24 min later 27198582 Anonymous
>>27198220 Damn sux to be a trump supporter. Missed link and gme Bc you were being a fucking loser.

27 min later 27198833 Anonymous (fol.jpg 540x1110 50kB)
>>27198517 Yup, any suggestions? This is my current shitty folio, looking to invest these USDT into something longterm, I'm dropping $200 every 15 days >>27198582 I'm not from USA, I live in a shitty 3rd world country >>27198275 Holy shit that shit is going straight up, anyone else can confirm that UNI would be a good investment long term?

30 min later 27199066 Anonymous
>>27198833 b8

30 min later 27199097 Anonymous
>>27199066 I wish m8 lmao

35 min later 27199489 Anonymous
>>27198833 Pull everything into link nigger

37 min later 27199651 Anonymous (1560721888794.png 1013x1000 279kB)
For every penny that LINK dips, I lose 500 dollars. I'm down literally fucking tens of thousands of dollars in fucking MINUTES THIS COIN IS A FUCKING SCAM

39 min later 27199810 Anonymous
>>27198159 Yeah but instead of jews its the chinks

40 min later 27199895 Anonymous
>>27198582 Pol are hitler supporters, not orange man supporters

40 min later 27199945 Anonymous (Moon Morning.png 1800x1200 328kB)
>>27199651 Fuck you, nigger. You probably went in @ ICO prices. FUCK. YOU. You have no idea how much I regret not being here earlier.

42 min later 27200030 Anonymous
>>27199651 >>27199945 am i missing something here? link is up to 24 https://www.binance.us/en/trade/LIN K_USD

50 min later 27200714 Anonymous
>>27199489 Fuck, I'll wait for a dip and change all my USDT for LINK, also, how do I avoid fees? I've read here that everyone uses metamask, is it better?

55 min later 27201082 Anonymous
Now I know a thing or two about TA, this board is full of retards. I can only wonder how much FUD this board has caused me because I was a retard following retards who think BTC is even close to dumping, when it has like 5 levels of support beneath it. Like you know what I'm saying. Cant believe people this retarded are buying cryptocurrency.

1 hours later 27201609 Anonymous
I am thinking of holding only AVAX and LINK, anyone here any suggestion what % of each would be good?

1 hours later 27201799 Anonymous
>>27198220 >he spent at least the last 3 years of his life posting about schizo shit instead of doing a few clicks on Binance and becoming a new member of the financial elite Loving every laugh

1 hours later 27201939 Anonymous
>>27201082 bait

1 hours later 27201952 Anonymous
>>27198833 BUY MRPH

1 hours later 27202417 Anonymous
>>27197776 Ruined quads pajeet

1 hours later 27202724 Anonymous
It's altcoin season Buy MUSE

1 hours later 27202749 Anonymous
>dips $0.50 after rising $2.00 in a day wow dude it's totally collapsing woah......

1 hours later 27202770 Anonymous (1611978800554.jpg 700x525 63kB)
>>27201939 it's true, anon. to all the redditors browsing: do NOT but Link it is a SCAM

1 hours later 27202816 Anonymous

1 hours later 27202894 Anonymous (tenor (1).gif 534x338 1517kB)

1 hours later 27202901 Anonymous
>>27197704 Now zoom out

1 hours later 27202934 Anonymous
>>27198023 it won't go under $20.

1 hours later 27203070 Anonymous
>>27199895 have you not visited /pol/ since pre-2015?

1 hours later 27203093 Anonymous (38373234-C29C-4F20-BC7C-D17274325356.jpg 239x211 16kB)

1 hours later 27203119 Anonymous
>>27197129 >(((they))) are suppressing link coping shitcoin hodler

1 hours later 27203405 Anonymous (1599197610337.png 2100x441 1022kB)
is it worth getting some link now just to mess with or is it really dead?

1 hours later 27203706 Anonymous
>>27196650 They do this EVERY Fucking time, but diamonds hands will win.

1 hours later 27203824 Anonymous
>>27198023 Yes. It's been swinging between $19 and $25 for a few weeks now. I'd buy at $20 then sell in 1-2 weeks when it's back up to $24+.

1 hours later 27203898 Anonymous
>>27196650 just hold dood, btc on track for 300k in october (predicted, no sauce), stop trying to time dumps, youll lose a lot of money that way or lose your position

1 hours later 27203940 Anonymous
>>27200714 Blockfolio has free trading now and is pretty great.

1 hours later 27204121 Anonymous
>>27197776 You deserve whatever pain you get.

1 hours later 27204179 Anonymous
>>27203405 It’s dead. Move on.

1 hours later 27204206 Anonymous
>>27197352 fucking this this is a prison

1 hours later 27204407 Anonymous
>>27204206 Why did everyone fall for it? I did for a while when I first bought crypto but this bullshit made me nope right back out of coinbase after a ~50% loss.

1 hours later 27204546 Anonymous
>>27204407 I have no life and LINK gave me purpose (note I used past tense: "gave") Now I have far, far less of a life

1 hours later 27204688 Anonymous
>>27204546 Did you really lose though? Or just held through what could have been sweet gains?

1 hours later 27205325 Anonymous
>>27197776 I did the same thing a while ago but bought back. I couldn't abandon link

1 hours later 27205415 Anonymous
>>27205325 but not for rubic lmao*

1 hours later 27205579 Anonymous
>>27203405 totally dead

2 hours later 27205870 Anonymous
>>27204179 >>27205579 why?

2 hours later 27205936 Anonymous
>>27203405 100% dead

2 hours later 27205984 Anonymous
>>27197233 Once your a few x up the screaming turns to laughter at this funny thing called life.

2 hours later 27206244 Anonymous
On a strange unrelated note, there seems to be a Turtlecoin pump. X3.

2 hours later 27206502 Anonymous
>>27196650 Question about DCAing into BTC: I'm investing through Coinbase, given the transaction fees does it make more sense to invest smaller amounts more frequently or larger amounts less frequently? Or are the fees always the same percentage of the trade and it doesn't matter in the end?

2 hours later 27206653 Anonymous (1540510048525.png 701x670 703kB)
>>27202816 >>27202901 >DumBeR

2 hours later 27206677 Anonymous
>>27205870 its not dead. idk why anons here are still fudding. accumulation time is over retards its ok to allow the newfags to learn. you had three years

2 hours later 27206976 Anonymous

2 hours later 27208022 Anonymous
>>27206502 Anyone? Am I overthinking this?

2 hours later 27208874 Anonymous
>>27208022 Don’t use Coinbase you dumb fucking ape.

2 hours later 27209091 Anonymous
>>27208874 Why?

3.071 0.067