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2021-01-30 05:02 27152859 Anonymous Old fags only, need to consolidate. (coins-crypto.png 2440x1278 483kB)
I dove head first and did some research and developed a good case of FOMO. I let this consume me and now I'm wanting to consolidate and stop checking every 10 minutes and instead check it once a week. I need advice on what to merge. Here is where I stand:
$1.3K Link
$500 INJ
$500 REEF
$500 PRQ
Thanks for any advice. I'm tired of hitting the panic button and losing my gains in gas fees. It's been a long few weeks, but I've learned a lot and know what to do moving forward.
3 min later 27153112 Anonymous
For gods sake don't sell your fucking LINK.
Overall you have good picks. If you don't have BTC and ETH you need to get the blue chips.
Out of those I like REEF as a risk/reward play and LTO as a long term play. Dyor
6 min later 27153339 Anonymous
Not an oldfag, dyor
AAVE looked like a relatively good hold, but lets wait for a better opinion on it
7 min later 27153353 Anonymous
Thanks anon. I do have a bit of ETH, whatever I dump will be converted to ETH and stay there.
7 min later 27153400 Anonymous (spinpepe.gif 270x270 885kB)
Get some rubic. Unironically will outperform everything else in your portfolio
8 min later 27153430 Anonymous
That's not in my list, but thanks. I'm looking to consolidate.
9 min later 27153550 Anonymous
Ignore this. RBC may even be ok but it's subject to continuous PnD groups so avoid until they fuck off
9 min later 27153552 Anonymous
a) I'm not retarded, as you can see from my list I made highly recommended picks.
b) I'm looking to consolidate.
9 min later 27153566 Anonymous
Oldfag here. ETH doesn't scale but unlike BTC in 2018, there's up and coming L2 stuff. I'm gambling on SKL but I've got other bags too. I'm a bit nervous about it though.
At this point I've lost money on every Ethereum killer so I don't think there will be one.
12 min later 27153787 Anonymous
Thanks, but I'm looking to consolidate. I think I have my money spread too much. I want to merge some of these.
13 min later 27153847 Anonymous
Get some comfy staking coins
Sit back and chill with 5-9% apy doing nothing
16 min later 27154122 Anonymous
Keep the LTO it;s a good pick
17 min later 27154172 Anonymous
Thanks, but I'm not buying anything new. I'm looking to consolidate.
17 min later 27154214 Anonymous
FOMO and shitcoins is why you'll stay poor. You've got like 6k. Imagine if you had just bought 2x bitcoins with it last year when they were 3k per and none of those shitcoins.
Here's a (believe it or not) high risk portfolio:
60% BTC
20% ETH
20% whatever shitcoins you're gonna buy anyway
18 min later 27154274 Anonymous
I've made all these purchases in the last 2 weeks.
21 min later 27154535 Anonymous
Why is this high risk?
22 min later 27154639 Anonymous
Well then return them. You still have the receipt, right?
Reference the portfolio above. Can tell you're obviously not an experienced trader. So for you, hedge your bets against BTC. At least 60% BTC, if not 80%.
24 min later 27154797 Anonymous
Because this isn't the stock market or property. Everything in this space is speculation. BTC and ETH are the safest and they are still risky. Even LINK, the surefire backbone oracle is risky because it may never get adopted.
25 min later 27154899 Anonymous
1. It's crypto
2. It's not 95% BTC
3. Most smooth brained autists here have no idea what they're doing
4. See #1 and 2
27 min later 27155044 Anonymous
I'm ahead on money by a few hundred bucks, but I don't want my money in this many places and I don't want to keep paying gas fees on uniswap. I want to merge all of this into maybe 3 or 4 instead of 8 (7 in the list plus ETH). I want to do that, and only look in once a week to add from my salary every week.
28 min later 27155127 Anonymous
I'm not looking to cash out either, maybe you misunderstand what I'm asking.
30 min later 27155356 Anonymous
Sell all that bullshit below GRT 50/50 into LINK/GRT
31 min later 27155404 Anonymous
Then do the fucking portfolio i mentioned above. You're making money because we're in alt season. But the truth is your shit portfolio is gonna suffer in the long run.
You picked based off greed and inexperience. You just want moonshots but don't even realize BTC is a fucking moonshot at this price.
Take it from an old fag who has been through the last two major bullruns: BUY AT LEAST 60 FUCKING PERCENT BTC
...or don't and worry about your portfolio every other day as it slowly bleeds out the shitcoins you chose
31 min later 27155408 Anonymous
If you want to go the GRT and PRQ route, I'd personally allocate more to PRQ as I have a lot more faith in that project, whereas GRT has always looked like a giant vc pump and dump to me... but to each their own.
32 min later 27155522 Anonymous
Btc maxis are so cringe, if you dont plan on risking it on shitcoins just go 100 eth, it will outperform btc by 3x
35 min later 27155768 Anonymous
Current prices and historical charts show that you're a smooth-brained faggot.
ETH in the 2017 run was $1,400 and BTC was like 21k.
Now, ETH ath is like just over 1,400 while BTC is 40-something.
Jesus, stay poor you clueless fuck
38 min later 27156031 Anonymous
Let me re-phase the question, which of these 3 or 4 are the most obvious to convert to ETH and hold as ETH from the list above?
39 min later 27156079 Anonymous
Don't you think BTC is gonna drop down a lot soon though? Like last times this kind of run happened, the normie attention span forgot about it after 2 weeks and BTC drops 50% again.
I think it will happen in 2 weeks, and then buy up all the BTC i can
39 min later 27156117 Anonymous
Everything below GRT, but you should buy more LINK and GRT not ETH.
45 min later 27156619 Anonymous
GRT might be something but it’s market cap is too high to make it worthwhile over PRQ, which has a similar use case but superior tech with many GRT users switching over. I think putting new money in LINK is kind of dumb in 2021 but that’s just my opinion. You’re too late. It’ll go up but your money is better spent elsewhere. Not really familiar with YFTE and INJ.
46 min later 27156717 Anonymous
I plan to put $200 in weekly from my salary, all into LINK and GRT. And thanks for your advice, but I still want to hold LTO for sure.
Right now I'm thinking of selling INJ and YFTE, and maybe hold REEF for a week or two.
47 min later 27156790 Anonymous
oldfag here, why should i help, name one (1) reason
47 min later 27156807 Anonymous
I personally think so, yes. But that doesn't mean it's gonna happen. The markets have been unprecedented lately, including the stock markets.
That said, always buy BTC. When BTC crashes, so does everything else. And when normies forget about it, alts bleed dry and sometimes never recover
53 min later 27157332 Anonymous
You certainly owe me nothing, but I would appreciate any advice I can get before I start my consolidation.
54 min later 27157456 Anonymous
1 reason
I'm not here shilling any coin nor asking anyone to buy anything.
1 hours later 27158151 Anonymous
grt pretty much priced in, yfte inj reef and maybe lto, are pretty shit picks
godspeed anon
1 hours later 27158405 Anonymous
and i guess i could shill what im holding but that would make me feel bad so i wont
1 hours later 27158714 Anonymous
go kys you newfaggot retard, you legit bought retarded scams that have been shilled this month. nice research dumbass
1 hours later 27158734 Anonymous
>grt pretty much priced in
What do you mean by priced in?
Also, what time of the day are the gas fees the lowest? That's when I start consolidating.
1 hours later 27158889 Anonymous
Youll have to wait till both europe and america are sleeping for low gas
1 hours later 27159346 Anonymous
Dont bother with his types anon, they are eternal nocubers and they are ngmi.
1 hours later 27159716 Anonymous
>Also, what time of the day are the gas fees the lowest?
1 hours later 27159984 Anonymous
I'm about to exit this thread, I'd love to know what you are holding.
So I ended up consolidating to:
LINK/GRT/PRQ/LTO and converted the rest over.
1 hours later 27160071 Anonymous
1 hours later 27160169 Anonymous
>I'd love to know what you are holding
big prq, big xcm, bit of link, looking to get some qnt.. bit late to the party but still, also as a gamble on biotech some encrypgen
1 hours later 27160545 Anonymous
Interesting, I held XCM for a day or two and ditched it.............. oh well.
1 hours later 27160602 Anonymous
ZRX is not there, pointless
1 hours later 27160763 Anonymous
>no btc
1 hours later 27160780 Anonymous
If REEF doesn't pan out next week, it may get converted to XCM! Good luck anon!
1 hours later 27161069 Anonymous
you should also consider some xmr, although almost nobody wants to touch that with a 10 foot pole..
1 hours later 27161416 Anonymous
dont fucking ask for old fags, when you are the newest newfag
1 hours later 27161753 Anonymous
Newfag to /biz/, old fag to 4chan. Why would I want advice from other newfags smooth brain?
1 hours later 27161763 Anonymous
Your definition of high risk is driving 5 mph above the speed limit
1 hours later 27161830 Anonymous
agree with this anon, monero is great.. fantastic in fact but sadly gets shit on by a lot of people
1 hours later 27162361 Anonymous
1 hours later 27162458 Anonymous
>INJ a shitty pick
>When mainnet comes out next month
Lol ngmi
2.848 0.096