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2021-01-30 12:24 27137398 Anonymous I'm the person who sold all LINK at $25 (capture.png 1803x915 169kB)
What happened, frens? Where are the autists who were talking shit in my thread back then? Oh you're 10% down now? This is only the beginning.
0 min later 27137422 Anonymous
Why'd you sell anon?
0 min later 27137427 Anonymous (capture 2.png 1263x924 135kB)
>safest bet
1 min later 27137486 Anonymous (capture 3.png 1172x854 162kB)
Who got bogged now? I could re-buy lower now if I want but I won't be doing that, it's going 5 feet under.
2 min later 27137541 Anonymous (1609733857982.jpg 249x249 8kB)
Because I knew $25 is the top and I was right. Made huge profit and looking to invest in things that will bring more money, LINK won't.
3 min later 27137555 Anonymous
What a venomous thread, seek help OP
4 min later 27137612 Anonymous (72496923.jpg 334x506 27kB)
It's okay fren, you still have time to sell before it hits $15
4 min later 27137620 Anonymous
see you in 1 month nigger
5 min later 27137684 Anonymous (1609748868606.png 748x766 178kB)
>see you in 1 month
Yes, see you at $15 friend. You'd at least be able to afford a rope with your linkies
9 min later 27137866 Anonymous
good decision. I sold that shitcoin at 23.80
the bagholders will hold all the way to $1 while Sergey keeps dumping on them and getting richer lol
11 min later 27137953 Anonymous (1610235695074.jpg 621x640 24kB)
You made a wise choice fren. The only purpose of LINK is to get Sir Gay a new apartment in NYC.
11 min later 27137958 Anonymous (1541271067134.jpg 389x386 47kB)
>screencapping your own posts
This is just pathetic.
12 min later 27138002 Anonymous
I was literally planning on selling a chunk at $25 but i was held up at work and too exhausted when i got in.
13 min later 27138033 Anonymous (tenndies.jpg 1024x731 105kB)
I just used my page History's search feature and it took me 2 seconds to find it fren, catch up with the technology.
13 min later 27138040 Anonymous
yeah the "oracle problem" isnt a fucking problem you want a middle man for. its basically not a problem at all. The Graph quering IPFS is better solution and way cheaper.
15 min later 27138111 Anonymous (111111.jpg 720x727 32kB)
You still have time fren, we'll never see LINK at $25 again.
I really like The Graph as well fren, I might increase my stack soon, we'll see.
15 min later 27138126 Anonymous
yooooooooo uncle how is your internet persona my guy?
16 min later 27138168 Anonymous
trips confirm LINK will never be $25 again, see you at $5 kek
17 min later 27138204 Anonymous
>over 26k profit
nice playmoney
17 min later 27138223 Anonymous
Don't forget to pay taxes, goy
19 min later 27138292 Anonymous
Yeah we 100% will - but probably not for a couple of months.
19 min later 27138308 Anonymous (236345435.png 680x717 165kB)
It's okay fren, the pain will soon be over
I think it will range at $15-20 before dumping under $10 in some months
It's life changing amount of money in my Eastern Europoor country, I can get myself a nice house now at 21. Once I sell my UNI as well I pretty much made it fren.
10% tax rate no problem fren
22 min later 27138402 Anonymous (1581481697439.jpg 230x219 10kB)
>10 posts by this ID
holy kek didnt even notice, imagine being this desperate for attention
25 min later 27138516 Anonymous (1609715720271.png 828x1403 308kB)
Got a lot of free time once you make it fren, I hope you can relate one day
26 min later 27138571 Anonymous
>10% down in crypto
I have been -70% of my ATH and never even thought about selling.
27 min later 27138624 Anonymous (Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-30 um 12.51.32.png 576x148 45kB)
sure hope so fren
27 min later 27138627 Anonymous (1610594300267.jpg 900x873 211kB)
Soon you'll experience -80% down if you continue holding LINK fren, still have time to avoid this
28 min later 27138673 Anonymous (1609723700729.gif 511x512 107kB)
I admire your inspect element skills, fren. I truly wish you make it one day so you won't have to use them
30 min later 27138741 Anonymous
if you post a picture of a sharpie in your pooper I will send you 0.5 btc
33 min later 27138855 Anonymous (1611770734143.gif 248x203 98kB)
It's okay fren, I have enough BTC and ETH to live another 40 years
36 min later 27138982 Anonymous
>happy about 25k
>has enough btc and eth to live 40 years
oh I see well good for you fren have a nice day then
38 min later 27139070 Anonymous (dogcheese.png 1035x672 624kB)
OP definitely sleeps on a mattress with no frame
39 min later 27139139 Anonymous (1608676900457.jpg 1182x754 53kB)
You too fren
It's okay fren, you still have time to sell, but the clock is ticking increasingly fast
42 min later 27139275 Anonymous
We passed upon the moon
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
Sergey said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you sold your stack
A long long time ago
Oh no, not me
I never got shook out
You're face to face
With the man who sold his LINK
47 min later 27139538 Anonymous
I think it's fine if you want to take profit now and that 26k is a lot of money to you, but don't delude yourself and others into thinking that it will never go higher, shows you don't understand much about link fundamentally
49 min later 27139671 Anonymous (1611133558885.jpg 392x331 25kB)
Beautiful poem fren
You're in the wrong market fren
50 min later 27139685 Anonymous
You seem to have an awfully pronounced interest in getting others to sell. Wonder why that is.
51 min later 27139763 Anonymous (1611305421314.png 500x500 133kB)
It's okay fren, you can keep holding for another 10 years if you want, I guess you don't need the money for IRL things like a house, I personally do
52 min later 27139786 Anonymous
>26k profit is considered huge
Fuck me what shithole country is this, an OG linkie with 100k stack could probably buy it and kick OP and his goat out
55 min later 27139963 Anonymous
>16 posts by this retard
>brags about $26k
where the fuck do you live, a jungle in vietnam? $26k is 5 minutes of work to some people yet here you are thinking you’re warren buffett kek
also link 1000 satoshis eoy
57 min later 27140048 Anonymous (1610249657701.png 736x960 306kB)
*sniffff* mmm I can smell the cope frens, it's okay maybe one day you'll get to experience what it feels like to be a winner like me
59 min later 27140154 Anonymous
1 hours later 27140534 Anonymous
1 hours later 27140559 Anonymous
I know this is a bait thread, but the difference between $22.5 and $25 is so small kek. Make the thread again when we are at $18. Currently it's too obvious.
1 hours later 27140707 Anonymous (1610073804168.jpg 900x856 877kB)
It's okay frens, we all know we're headed down down down, I hope you make it like me one day and learn when to sell
1 hours later 27141162 Anonymous
based OP I also sold all 148 of my LINK shares at $25, clear downtrend sense and no sines of stopping
1 hours later 27141566 Anonymous
Yeah these Link shares are ripe for puts
1 hours later 27141944 Anonymous (1009876504.jpg 294x226 32kB)
Do you niggers not realize how insane it is for Link to be a $23 stablecoin? It was insane when it held at $12 for months too. LINK WAS ONE FUCKING DOLLAR THIS TIME LAST YEAR
If you're not long on link at this point you're clinically retarded
1 hours later 27142590 Anonymous (1611298553440.jpg 221x228 8kB)
Yes, long the top fren, it's the biz way
1 hours later 27142789 Anonymous
>Romanian gypsy makes what I make as a discretionary bonus and thinks he’s made it, decides to FUD the rest of us relentlessly
Good luck to you. You can leave now.
1 hours later 27142803 Anonymous
Prove it
2 hours later 27142961 Anonymous
psyop thread intended to make linkies sell their ticket to freedom, sad.
2 hours later 27143168 Anonymous
>self reassuring thread
you're a weak fag lmao
2 hours later 27143370 Anonymous
I sold at $28 - why did you sell at 25?
2 hours later 27143630 Anonymous
i was the anon that encouraged you. i told you that you did the right thing. for over a year now /biz/ has just been crybaby bagholders that seethe at the sight of anyone making money because their lives involve getting dumped on from shitcoin to shitcoin. luckily there are still some smart people here. but they dont realize how mad they get at it makes them look even worse
2 hours later 27143726 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbH rwFM4ZNk
2 hours later 27144413 Anonymous
I don't think I like you OP, you've come off as a really pretentious 'know it all' piece of shit.
I'm smart, you dumb, now bow to me
No, 26k is not life changing money in any country on earth other than sub-Saharan Africa
2 hours later 27145736 Anonymous (1610949703382.jpg 2000x1334 311kB)
Stay poor frens
If you don't know how to use your money then yes, it's not life changing. Stay poor, consoomer. Pic related it's you for the rest of your life
2 hours later 27145848 Anonymous
2 hours later 27146059 Anonymous
>26k in profit
dont spend all that in one place there hot shot
3 hours later 27146425 Anonymous
gz you made 1% of my stack in profit you really are the elite now
3 hours later 27146636 Anonymous (1611772367202.png 500x500 247kB)
Cope frens. 26k is peanuts in your cucked countries and you can't do shit with it, I can do everything with it and combined with my UNI, BTC and ETH profits, I can retire right now at 21 but I enjoy the ride so I will continue. Maybe one day you'll be as bright and successful as me and turn your life around, I wish you that.
3 hours later 27147683 Anonymous (1586530218323.jpg 400x400 27kB)
>how i long for the day when i can move to a 3rd world country and sit around doing nothing in my hut made out of sheet metal and plastic. atleast they turn the power on tuesdays and fridays so i can brag to /biz/ about how i made it
3 hours later 27147839 Anonymous (1611424492993.jpg 1200x813 239kB)
Cope fren. Life in my country is 10x better than any western country and it's 100x more beautiful and peaceful.
3 hours later 27147899 Anonymous
3 hours later 27148137 Anonymous (EqGg6VxXEAIWyCL.jpg 1100x1063 92kB)
>its so nice infact ill keep saying "my country" instead of actually saying what country it is
inb4 something ending in a -STAN or failed commie block
3 hours later 27148574 Anonymous (45756345.jpg 500x500 98kB)
Comfy Eastern Europe fren. Every western country will end with STAN in a few years, don't be running here though, we have no room for you
3 hours later 27148585 Anonymous
His country is so beautiful
Posts a painting of an English countryside KEK
100% deteriorating communist ghetto apartment with Slavic nigs squatting outside in adidas tracksuits going BLYATT at each other
3 hours later 27148703 Anonymous
Check out MUSE. It's an in game currency for a game and the price is going nuts. I'm thinking 100x
3 hours later 27148722 Anonymous
We’re literally getting ocr on Monday and arbitrum mainnet within two months (id guess). What a dumbass.
3 hours later 27148769 Anonymous
This “man” is fudding to buy your bags. You’re welcome newfrens
3 hours later 27148857 Anonymous (1507217791673.jpg 350x350 51kB)
>100% deteriorating communist ghetto apartment with Slavic nigs squatting outside in adidas tracksuits going BLYATT at each other
Sounds like the west but without the "Slavic"
Will do fren
$5 soon fren, sell or stay poor
Just preaching the truth fren, trying to help these poor people holding these eternal bags
3 hours later 27148893 Anonymous
Congrats, you made a successful call, but look at yourself and what you’re doing right now.
Fucking loser.
3 hours later 27148899 Anonymous
Oh my gott sire you are truly genius , which low mcap gem I should buy sir ?
3 hours later 27149096 Anonymous (1507401740442s.jpg 225x225 7kB)
I'm a born winner fren, I know you admire my talent
BTC and GRT fren
3 hours later 27149211 Anonymous
You fucking absolute piece of shit if it weren't for you Link would have reached 50 dollars by now but you dumped like a fucking faggot. You could have had millions of more dollars but instead you chose to not only fuck over the people who made you a millionaire but plunge the shit out of your own asshole in the process.
Good job op always was and always will be a FAGGOT.
3 hours later 27149214 Anonymous
Whichever one Reddit is trying to pump. Because in the end, none of them are worth what they are currently at. Once the coin crazes over in about another month and a half, Bitcoin is the only one that's going to be worth thousands. Maybe five thousand. The rest of it as shit and there are other projects that are way better than lengths that are coming out soon. Link is fucked
3 hours later 27149327 Anonymous
>26 posts by this id
3 hours later 27149431 Anonymous (1602972336282.png 500x500 234kB)
Sorry for dumping on you fren, you still have time to sell before $5 or stay eternally poor
Interesting angle fren, you might be onto something here
Once you make it you can do whatever you want fren, feelsgood, I hope you feel this freedom one day
3 hours later 27149581 Anonymous
These threads always age well sure
3 hours later 27149646 Anonymous
you WILL eat the bugs that i sell you
you WILL live in your rented cuckpod that I own
you WILL wear 10 fresh masks every day that I manufacture
3 hours later 27149735 Anonymous
Doesn't matter, he's country's probably isn't some dystopian kike-run hellhole where 3decades of soul-crushing wage cucking doesn't even result in home ownership.
This nigga's unironically made it, wish him luck and stop being such a fucking vindictive little faggot my boy.
Good luck with it all anon, time to start seriously considering starting a family.
Money and material possessions are completely useless if you don't have off-spring, fatherhood is the greatest joy anon.
3 hours later 27149772 Anonymous
>You're in the wrong market fren
3 hours later 27149780 Anonymous
LINK about to blast ass past $30, never look back and you’re gonna feel real retarded.
3 hours later 27149825 Anonymous
Good luck OP, hope you don't live to regret it especially after gloating like this.
3 hours later 27149945 Anonymous
If 26k is made it status in your country, who gives a fuck? Collect your profits and dip before it all turns into an ocean of red.
3 hours later 27150049 Anonymous (1602700228899.jpg 2048x1276 1098kB)
It sure will fren
Thank you fren, I do plan to start a family soon, I want at least two kids, I wish you luck as well and great health
It's okay fren, LINK is yesterday's news now, the show is over
Thank you fren, you too
4 hours later 27150239 Anon
Stop bloating with 26k brainlets. In no country is 26k a bloat sign you monkeys
4 hours later 27150298 Anonymous
>OP acting smug a week later
Calm down zoomer, link is for generational wealth
4 hours later 27150313 Anonymous
Ukraine? Because even in Russia or Poland 26k isn't shit.
4 hours later 27150333 Anonymous
>tfw we had exact these same threads a few months ago of retards saying 20$ was the top and link will never reach it again
4 hours later 27150391 Anonymous
>refuses to go under $20 for 2 weeks
>$25 was the top
this has to be a larp. no one is this stupid.
4 hours later 27150400 Anonymous
I remember these threads at 12$ too
4 hours later 27150628 Anonymous (1508283533064.jpg 236x214 8kB)
You will remember at $5 too frens
4 hours later 27150833 Anonymous (SoldBeforeRally.png 1652x1342 561kB)
Thank you for your sacrifice.
You will become the next generation of this in the close future.
However I will also warn you.
No matter what you do in the future you won't be admitted to the yacht party.
4 hours later 27151459 Anonymous (EhmLzWdXcAILtNd.jpg 254x246 12kB)
he's made it about asmuch as welfare queens in the gheto who never have to work again have made it. if you lobotomized niggers think having enough money to get a toyota corolla is making it then enjoy the good life kangs
4 hours later 27151475 Anonymous (1507203221044.gif 500x281 1287kB)
You're right fren.. LINK will go to $1000 and I should re-buy now.
Haha joke, stay poor fren see you at $5
4 hours later 27151702 Anonymous
it's okay, you will be able to double your shitstack even when you fomo back at $50
until then keep farming (you)s fren
4 hours later 27151838 Anonymous (1507206145888.jpg 245x206 9kB)
Oh look fren, my GRT just went up 15% while LINK is down 10%, oh my oh my, I'm so good at making money
4 hours later 27152014 Anonymous
You could buy a smaller stack, since you have to pay taxes, you stupid faggot. But of course you’re too retarded to have figured that out before your LARP just as you’re too retarded to have actually ever owned LINK. Good day.
4 hours later 27152028 Anonymous
31 posts from this id, thank you for caring so much about our financial well being. appreciated
4 hours later 27152104 Anonymous (1611480136062.png 300x300 74kB)
really happy for you my fren
i'm also making good money in grt, while understanding what link does and not selling like a room temperature iq nigger
4 hours later 27152287 Anonymous (1508541720427.jpg 788x685 85kB)
It's okay fren, one day you'll make it like me
You're welcome fren, I invested in LINK thanks to biz and it made me good money, I have to give some of my amazing knowledge and talent back now
Happy for you too fren, but your linkie is going to $5 so better hurry and secure that profit
4 hours later 27152409 Anonymous
This guy said this shit 6 or 7 months ago when we were at $5. Exactly the same format. Can't believe he hasn't even bothered to use a different strategy. Kek what a tool
4 hours later 27152496 Anonymous
i really hope that you are right my fren, coz at that price i'll be buying more
4 hours later 27152621 Anonymous
Based fiscal fren.
I love memes and shitposting as much as anyone, but retards here really lie to themselves about coin performance. People were buying DOGE at 70c the other night after it had already peaked and whales were dumping MILLIONS of USD. I watched numerous transactions of $5-$7 million. People were just buying thinking it would pump higher. Hype can't break the resistance of whales dumping tens of millions inside of 45 minutes.
Be smart. Amass profits. Never hold someone else's bag.
4 hours later 27152640 Anonymous (1516096925021.png 750x775 952kB)
Cope fren, this is my first LINK related post ever
I might buy some at $5 too fren, we'll see
4 hours later 27152744 Anonymous (1514737842695.png 646x595 286kB)
That's true fren. And here we have SirGay dumping every single week, oh my oh my
4 hours later 27153206 Anonymous
>26k profit
I don’t even unlock my phone for 26k. The absolute state of nufags
2.859 0.116