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2021-01-30 11:43 27135459 Anonymous WHY DOGE IS GOING TO THE MOON (dogecoin.png 250x206 42kB)
> It is now the most talked about cryptocurrency ever on twitter (source: coindesk) > it has become a meme/trend among normie influencers/vloggers/insta thots/tik tokers/youtubers/pornstars/etc. > It is being shilled by Elon Musk, Winklevoss Twins, Mark Cuban, loads of businessmen, and other respected figures. They will not suddenly forget about it and stop shilling. > WSB is obsessed with it and will keep shilling it. They are planning a MASSIVE pump operation in a few days time. All of their main characters with twitters with 10000s of followers are pushing it relentlessly. > 1000000s of normies have bought in with RobinHood only to find it would take 12-36 hours for their funds to be released. This is also the case for many trying to buy with CoinBase (to move to another exchange), Binance, etc. > This coin is so meme powerful that it has literally entered the mainstream public consciousness to a degree that previously only BitCoin and to a lesser degree, Ethereum, had. > Once something is in public consciousness where people talk about it with their friends then the momentum of the meme will take several days to reach full power. > (((Pornhub))) has made it a payment method on their site. Lots of pornstars chattering about this. Very likely other sites looking to trend surf will do this too for free publicity. This will cause a feedback loop taking DOGE to the MOON. > Each prior Doge pump has lead to the coin surging in value, then consolidating on a price much higher than its pre pump price, albeit somewhat lower than its peak pump price. We are seeing that now with the 3-4c price. Only the time to next surge will only be a few hours or days, since it is now rippling throughout mainstream consciousness. > Most likely Doge will hit at least 50c, sometime next week, definitely this month. Once it hits 10c, and it will, all bets are off -- it could easily 5x, 10x, or even 50x as everyone FOMOs in.

5 min later 27135849 Anonymous
Hold hold hold

7 min later 27135922 Anonymous
>>27135459 finally a reasonable take!

7 min later 27135957 Anonymous
Doge going back to 20 sats sooner or later

8 min later 27135978 Anonymous
I just bought 20 AUD of eth on MetaMask and I can’t find it, what do anons?

9 min later 27136025 Anonymous
>>27135957 True, after the normies get in next week and get dumped on

9 min later 27136027 Anonymous
>(((Pornhub))) has made it a payment method on their site. Lots of pornstars chattering about this. Very likely other sites looking to trend surf will do this too for free publicity. This will cause a feedback loop taking DOGE to the MOON. Lol yea the normies are definitely going to switch from a direct deposit subscription to dogecoin payments for the meme

10 min later 27136039 Anonymous
>>27135459 Guys I'm losing my mind for real right now. I don't understand why the F*$!% doge isn't continuing to moon like everyone said it would?? I have been sick to my stomach for the past 12 hours and have barely touched my food that has gone cold now.. I was one of the very first people to buy in after seeing that now viral tiktok video and my portfolio on Robin Hood was DOUBLING every half hour. I don't know how the fuck I can face my neighbors and coworkers now after the way I treated them this morning due to my new found confidence when I thought I was about to retire this week.

10 min later 27136052 Anonymous (ecdf2c48-4e51-11e6-953c-cb8534df0970.jpg 780x520 59kB)
>>27135459 I don't think it'll ever hit 0.082 again. Why do you think this has any potential past this WSB GME fad? You know this little meme frenzy is going to end right? Normies are actually going to get bored of the whole event just like they do with everything else. The ONLY reason normies ever pay attention to something for more than a few weeks is if journalists are telling them to be outraged about something politically. My question for you is how can you justify shilling a memecoin with an infinite supply?

10 min later 27136073 Anonymous (BEAA442E-C7A7-4E7B-95E0-C42DD30AA49C.jpg 960x1290 285kB)

11 min later 27136087 Anonymous
Also: > The downside risk is very limited because crypto market as a whole goes up in times of economic instability and people seek alternatives to fiat, thus Crypto is likely to enter a bull market soon, and whenever Bitcoin goes to the moon, Doge goes even higher. There's literally no point in moving your crypto to BTC to "keep it safe". And upside: > Minimum 25c per DOGE by next week as mainstream celebs start shilling it not just A-list youtubers and pornstars

12 min later 27136157 Anonymous
>>27136087 > Minimum 25c per DOGE by next week as mainstream celebs start shilling it not just A-list youtubers and pornstars Why the fuck would anyone hop in anymore?

13 min later 27136201 Anonymous
>>27135459 I lost $16k in one fucking night. You motherfuckers keep shilling this piece of shit infinite supply bullshit ruined my life. I can’t even talk to my wife right now she keeps asking why I’m upset I have no idea what to say. Fuck you

13 min later 27136202 Anonymous
>>27136025 The vital factor. Normies still gotta wait

13 min later 27136215 Anonymous (getdoged.jpg 600x600 29kB)
>>27136052 Fiat has an infinite supply. Having a slightly depreciating asset as a day to day spending coin actually helps. Nobody wants to spend Bitcoin because they know each one will be worth millions in a few years, but this reduces adoption. On the other hand with a coin like DOGE, it stores value well enough to be an easy exchange of value, the memeability (aka branding) is perfect, and the very slight possibility of depreciation (upon 100% adoption) means that people want to spend them so it will penetrate the market very rapidly.

14 min later 27136240 Anonymous
>>27136201 It's not our fault you expected instant gains. Use your fucking head and be patient

15 min later 27136280 Anonymous
>>27136039 nice copypasta

28 min later 27136839 Anonymous
>>27136201 If you want to play the game, you better stay up on current events.

31 min later 27136962 Anonymous (Na6vheJ.png 679x620 458kB)
>>27135459 >>27135849 >>27135922 >>27135957 >>27136025 >>27136039 >>27136087 >>27136202 >>27136215 I AM RIGHT NOW INDEPENDENTLY FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENTLY

31 min later 27136990 Anonymous
>>27136201 paper handed faggot. you could've turned that 16k into 32k at the very least if you waited.

32 min later 27137020 Anonymous
>>27136215 Bro, just stop it's fucking worthless. No one is buying your bags.

33 min later 27137078 Anonymous (1611909565614.jpg 3000x3000 3302kB)
>>27137020 You're not stealing my bags right before normies make me rich fudman.

38 min later 27137264 Anonymous (566707F3-FF0D-475B-9C95-734BB7DD1B58.jpg 500x646 89kB)
>>27135459 >>27135849 >>27135922 >>27136215 >>27136990 Lmao bag boys get dumped on. DOGE ALWAYS PUMPS AND DUMPS WHY DIDNT YOU SELL RETARDS

38 min later 27137269 Anonymous
>>27136201 Hodl to win.

39 min later 27137329 Anonymous
>>27136087 ok but it's 5x its regular BTC ratio, so if it gets a ride up with BTC and then correct to 20 sats you'll still be cutting out 80% of your upside >>27135978 if it was another coin I'd say find the contract on coingecko and add it, but ETH should be in there. click circle in top right and check all the accounts

40 min later 27137368 Anonymous
>>27135459 >They will not suddenly forget about it and stop shilling lmao. your best bet is they pump it til they cash out and leave you with the dump

40 min later 27137379 Anonymous
>>27136157 normies anon

40 min later 27137385 Anonymous
>>27136990 tell her you have no impulse control and you're a slave to fear, so you retreat at the opportunity. pathetic...you all remind me of that meme from 2009 or whenever with the guy lamenting that he sold his btc at like .80 instead of $2.10 aside from btc, and maybe eth, name one other crypto that normies actually know...that's right, doge. it's on every major platform so it's easy to onramp people, unlike a lot of the alts that get shilled here from time to time. you just sold your lottery ticket because you can't recognize that people are fudding this for a reason. you have to go back, and take the rest with you.

40 min later 27137387 Anonymous
>>27135459 bought the dip at 3c hope you're right

42 min later 27137499 Anonymous
>>27137020 >>27137264 >>27137020 i'm already way up faggot and sold at 7 just correcting some of the fud in other threads from shibashills and other shitcoin enthusiasts

43 min later 27137526 Anonymous (20210129_231528.jpg 312x308 12kB)
pic related me rn -$500 cause i bought at .07 like a boss, literally never selling

43 min later 27137528 Anonymous
>>27137264 it didn't dump after previous 2 pumps, instead consolidated and went up again looks to me like we're consolidating again could take hours or months but I think it will moon again and 3c is a decent entry

44 min later 27137548 Anonymous
>>27135459 Where the fuck do I even buy crypto?

45 min later 27137604 Anonymous
>>27137329 the 5x regular btc ratio won't go away. its DEMAND has increased massively due to 1000000s of people with no prior knowledge of crypto, or simply holding btc alone (eg. mia khalifa) buying in and shilling it.

45 min later 27137647 Anonymous
>>27137385 huh? what the fuck are you talking about? I've been balls deep in BTC since it was ~300 usd.

46 min later 27137655 Anonymous
<br> test <br>

48 min later 27137757 Anonymous
I bought in with the money we were gonna use to pay for my mother's cancer treatment. I thought we could have a nice vacation after it was all over. Now I'm left with nothing.

50 min later 27137847 Anonymous
>>27136027 Normies literally pay money just to see pictures of their female bff on (that app you pay to see picture of a girl’s nipple), They pay money just to talk to online girls with big tits and a gaming controler. Don’t you think they’ll make the switch if a pornstar ask them to?

53 min later 27137999 Anonymous
>>27137528 This is what makes doge a low risk investment. It WILL moon again. And every indication is that that will be in the next few days (due to the massive social media trend for it). But if that somehow fails just gotta wait a few weeks for the next pump

55 min later 27138054 Anonymous
>>27135978 Metamask is for Ethereum networks (which includes ETH and all ERC20 tokens.) Dogecoin is a fork of BitCoin which runs in its own blockchain. If you don't know what any of this means, stop. Don't buy anything, reasearch for a while and then make a decision.

55 min later 27138081 Anonymous
at what price am i suppose to buy doge?

58 min later 27138214 Anonymous
>>27138081 absolutely, unironically, whenever no-one is talking about it and it is flatlining yes there might be another pump soon, equally another massive dump. You can either take a risky possible 1.5x now or guarantee a 2x a few months from now. You choose.

1 hours later 27138330 Anonymous
>>27138214 If it hits .0225 I might unironically all in on doge.

1 hours later 27138387 Anonymous
>>27138214 retarded take. there is zero guarantee that it will ever go down again. IF (and it seems likely) the doge continues to be memed, and the public who are currently stuck in congestion on the on ramp (trying to buy through binance, coinbase, bittrex, RH, etc., but stuck at different parts of the onboarding security process), still go ahead with buying DOGE, it can and will rocket at any time. This may be the last chance to get the coin at 3-4c

1 hours later 27138419 Anonymous
>>27135459 Infinite supply. Go back to twitter/reddit.

1 hours later 27138426 Anonymous
>>27137847 yes the autists on here seem to forget A) what normie men are like in terms of simping, B) what females are like, namely extremely trend following. having female influencers shilling dogecoin means there's a good chance of a giant influx of trend following women buying in

1 hours later 27138447 Anonymous
>>27138081 Buy now. We going to moon on 4th. Public only knew about doge recently and there were a lot of people joining cryto group yesterday and today

1 hours later 27138453 Anonymous
>>27138081 DOGECOIN >Dosh Coin DOGECOIN >Dosh Coin DOGECOIN >Dosh Coin DOGECOIN >Dosh Coin DOGECOIN >Dosh Coin DOGECOIN >Dosh Coin

1 hours later 27138462 Anonymous
>he sold bullllaughing.jpg

1 hours later 27138496 Anonymous
>>27138447 why the 4th? I'm waiting for it to fall further. I have to squeeze everything out of this.

1 hours later 27138542 Anonymous
Doge is done for the week. There will be some runs back to 0.04 but volume is shrinking. You should get out now or you will be stuck with your bags for weeks /months. Or keep them and regret it, your choice anon. I Took a big loss ($1100) but if I waited any longer it would have been $2000

1 hours later 27138551 Anonymous
>>27138496 Plebbit next pump, earlier pump was an error because of robinhood shenanigans

1 hours later 27138587 Anonymous
>>27137757 I feel you, my mother died of cancer, 2 years ago.

1 hours later 27138597 Anonymous
>>27138447 It bullshit. You have big bags you want rid off. Doge will only go down by the 4th

1 hours later 27138617 Anonymous
>>27138542 t.retard

1 hours later 27138644 Anonymous (1612002570838-3.png 995x1847 498kB)
>>27135459 doge is about to get killed by a supply capped version

1 hours later 27138657 Anonymous
>>27137999 Trips of truth. It pumps in an excited frenzy, then settles down to a position that's still higher than where it started, and each incremental cycle raises it higher.

1 hours later 27138704 Anonymous
>>27138081 Now, before normies get in and pump it

1 hours later 27138735 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-01-30-20-48-09-67-2.png 1012x1065 194kB)

1 hours later 27138850 Anonymous
Reminder that this coin used to be worth .003 and is now .03, having previously spiked up to .08 or so. This is arguably a good hold and is only going up over time.

1 hours later 27138870 Anonymous
>>27138850 Zoom out faggot

1 hours later 27138897 Anonymous
>>27135459 I wish you frends a win in life May repeating digits grant this wish Tendies for my autists for life

1 hours later 27138936 Anonymous (78678878687.jpg 269x379 31kB)
>>27138850 If it catches on with the normies and goes up to $1 I'm gonna have some serious nigger rich money.

1 hours later 27138946 Anonymous
>>27138870 Proving me right. It climbs and settles.

1 hours later 27139019 Anonymous
>>27138936 I'm already profiting. I just know it can profit more so I'm not gonna blow my load quite yet

1 hours later 27139052 Anonymous
>>27135459 I seriously hope you're right and I didn't get memed by redditrannies

1 hours later 27139086 Anonymous
>>27138542 t. retard wannabe whale wants people to sell so he can buy the dip. its literally 30xed in 24 hours and is holding steady at 10x and youre telling people to sell hahahahah get fucked kike

1 hours later 27139138 Anonymous
>>27138936 nigga this is the kind of wishful thinking that gets you into deep gambling dept, why you gotta blow it out of proportions? definitely hold, but like, $1? fuck off, ain't gon' happen

1 hours later 27139189 Anonymous
>>27139138 Listen to this anon. A dollar is a far off goal. Focus on .10 or even .20

1 hours later 27139250 Anonymous (1606630888382.jpg 1335x2000 773kB)
>>27139138 I don't know man, normally I'd say you're right but I haven't seen a coin get this kind of mainstream interest in years. If it goes nowhere I'm not out enough to lose sleep over, but if it does...

1 hours later 27139260 Anonymous
>>27139138 >>27138936 >>27138850 stupid reddit niggers in your cringe cope nigger thread fucking neck yourselves clueless newfags

1 hours later 27139301 Anonymous
>>27139189 if it hits 10 or 20, 100 is definitely possible. think the early btc bull runs. decimal milestones hold heavy psychological weight. assuming normies start buying this weekend as expected that will also lead to a surge in demand and price

1 hours later 27139311 Anonymous
This shit coin has no use other than playing high/low with it. Or testing you casino script. Kekeria you fags keep holding :)

1 hours later 27139339 Anonymous
>>27139260 Are you gonna be okay?

1 hours later 27139399 Anonymous
>>27139301 That's what I'm banking on too, the psychology of it's gradual rise and people remembering BTC

1 hours later 27139431 Anonymous
>>27135459 doge is going to 30sat

1 hours later 27139450 Anonymous
>>27139138 That's what people said about BTC a few years ago

1 hours later 27139510 Anonymous
>>27136201 lol retard buy low sell high how new are you

1 hours later 27139520 Anonymous
>>27138387 m8 I'm a veteran dogecoiner I know things about dogecoin that you couldn't even dream about, the dark truth

1 hours later 27139556 Anonymous (mykzj82nluw11.jpg 640x853 85kB)
>>27139301 I understand your optimism, but I don't see practical uses for doge. I know restaurants where I live that say they accept BTC in big neon signs, not downplaying what you're saying about the milestones, but normies wouldn't know fuck all about doing anything with it. >pic related, korean restaurant near my house.

1 hours later 27139636 Anonymous
>>27139556 Well if it gets popular enough it will be traded like that.

1 hours later 27139708 Anonymous
>>27139556 dogecoin is useful because it is fast and cheap for transactions, it is actually a good coin in that sense. It's popular with whales for transferring between exchanges

1 hours later 27139714 Anonymous
>>27139556 >not understanding crypto isn't something you use to buy noodles with You don't buy stuff with a little pouch of gold nuggets do you? No, that's what paper money is for. You hold onto the gold nuggets as a way to store value.

1 hours later 27139791 Anonymous
>>27139636 Keep zooming out and look at the volume

1 hours later 27139822 Anonymous
>>27138644 the perfect diversion to keep doge low while people buy into shibe

1 hours later 27139949 Anonymous
>>27139854 I bought doge tonight through robinhood. How old is that post?

1 hours later 27139972 Anonymous
>>27139854 It's reasonable, lots of people waiting to get on

1 hours later 27140013 Anonymous
>>27139708 This has to be bait? Or are you redditors really this stupid?

1 hours later 27140015 Anonymous
>>27136201 Fuck YOU for spending you and your wife's money without telling her, i hope she leaves you fucking piece of shit

1 hours later 27140068 Anonymous
I hope all of you lose so much money and then have to wage cuck for the next 2 years whilst all of us crypto natives make it in the bull market. you wall street bets crew are some ofo the most retarded scumbags Ive ever seen. genuinely shocked.

1 hours later 27140072 Anonymous
>>27140013 I don't browse reddit I'm not advocating buying dogecoin. I'm just saying compared to other coins (bitcoin being a good example) it has features that make it useable as a currency. I'm out of dogecoin for a few months until no-one is talking about it any more. I do this every few months and it never fails.

1 hours later 27140089 Anonymous (shiba-dreamstime-960x540.jpg 960x540 43kB)
>>27139822 doge is kill. 4chan has adopted a abandoned shiba and we love it and protect it and make it strong

1 hours later 27140091 Anonymous
>>27138735 For once I'd like to me on a 1000+% train

1 hours later 27140128 Anonymous
>>27136201 Don't bother, women don't understand. >>27140015 He's the man in the house, he makes the decisions.

1 hours later 27140133 Anonymous
>>27140089 based

1 hours later 27140134 Anonymous (IMG-380af1e2f2a383ed3811aa65e7a806ad-V.jpg 400x400 28kB)
>DOGE had an average of 1.5 billion dollars pumped into it on January 28th >price only went up 7 cents 1 $ is mathematically impossible. Normie money isn't going to pump it anymore. It was a pump and dump. Stop trying to scam people you sick fuck.

1 hours later 27140228 Anonymous
>>27140089 >>27140134 shiba niggers

1 hours later 27140260 Anonymous
>>27138936 i'm gonna sell half my bags if it hits 90 cents, and keep other half in case it blows up and goes to like $10 why at 90 cents? it's the smart play $1 is being memed hard that means everyone will start selling at $1 causing massive and possible permanent dump dip

1 hours later 27140265 Anonymous
>>27140089 It's by pajeets and crypto trading is about to become illegal over there. It's a big ruse

1 hours later 27140268 Anonymous
>>27139556 show bobs and vagene

1 hours later 27140279 Anonymous
>>27139399 checked and redpilled. there's a shit load of normies who missed BTC that want to make bank with a new crypto. with it being shilled by the richest man in the world, the wolrds most popular pornstar and half of youtube, there is a good chance that dogecoin will be btc 2.0 as far as the average normie is concerned. that will lead to a literal mars landing $1 price point

1 hours later 27140301 Anonymous
>>27140128 >b-but he is the man, he makes the decisions And he just lost 16k, his wife and maybe his kids. His whole life is ruined. This is exactly why women don't want you retards.

1 hours later 27140347 Anonymous
>>27139399 i love all the retards here going like "lol it will never reach $1" they literally seen it happen like 10 times now with other coins, and every time they think THIS time it won't happen no way so they don't buy in and will keep missing trains till the day they die poor because they are fucking retarded

1 hours later 27140365 Anonymous
>>27140265 This. I really do advise caution.

1 hours later 27140373 Anonymous
>>27140260 >You are actually this retarded Oh boy you guys are in for a big disappointment. To reach $1 it's market cap will be higher than ETH and BTC combined. It's not gonna happen retard, not even close.

1 hours later 27140406 Anonymous
>>27140347 >other coins with smaller supply you utter retard

1 hours later 27140423 Anonymous
>>27137757 At what price did you buy at?

1 hours later 27140444 Anonymous
>>27140279 >>27140347 Based pattern recognisers.

1 hours later 27140452 Anonymous
>>27140265 This! Pajeet buddy I know is moving all crypto and funds to the US in a panic.

1 hours later 27140539 Anonymous
I hate millenials so much

1 hours later 27140601 Anonymous
>>27140279 also by worlds most popular porn website who is now accepting doge as payments

1 hours later 27140645 Anonymous
>>27140406 stay poor nigger

1 hours later 27140668 Anonymous

1 hours later 27140688 Anonymous
Doge hype is gone. Lost good money yesterday but I have found my new coin thats about to be pumped big time. Hope to recoup my losses

1 hours later 27140715 Anonymous
>>27140668 HODL. Paper hands don't profit.

1 hours later 27140763 Anonymous
>>27140688 Ye of little faith.

1 hours later 27140779 Anonymous
The biggest question right now is: how many of these reddit faggots are merely pretending to be holding when they're actually dumping their bags, and how many are genuinely holding? I'm starting to turn skeptical on this whole thing, seems like whales are dumping on normies heads and telling them to hold so the price doesn't tank further

1 hours later 27140783 Anonymous
>>27140715 > >>27140668 >HODL. Paper hands don't profit. HODL if you want to sit on your bags for weeks. Or sell and invest in a new coin that will pamp.

1 hours later 27140789 Anonymous
>>27140668 if you want low risk sell at .1 waiting for higher top is much riskier, .3 if you have big balls or >=.5 if you are ready to risk it all for massive gain, but its super high risk

1 hours later 27140798 Anonymous
Woke up this morning to another 20% loss and you get your ass I sold every fucking coin. This shit is dead as fuck.

1 hours later 27140844 Anonymous
>>27140668 HOLD BUY HOLD

1 hours later 27140868 Anonymous
>>27140645 I've already 2Xed on dogecoin this pump, more than enough for me.

1 hours later 27140884 Anonymous
>>27140783 I bought mine last July with a long term plan in mind. If you expect instant gains you're gonna have a bad time.

1 hours later 27140896 Anonymous
>>27135459 I hold 150k doge

1 hours later 27140916 Anonymous
DOGE is dead. Get into XRP right fucking now.

1 hours later 27140921 Anonymous
>>27140798 That's how you do it, lereddit retard. Buy high sell low

1 hours later 27140991 Anonymous
>>27140884 >long term >crabbing price for dogecoin is $0.009

1 hours later 27140997 Anonymous (1611933312626.jpg 225x225 5kB)
>>27139708 this has got to be fucken bait by hal or some shit. wasnt what u described supposed to be bitcoin?

1 hours later 27140999 Anonymous
>>27136201 Why would you place so much money on it. Doge is basically throwing the dice tier gambling

2 hours later 27141021 Anonymous
>>27138054 Doge is litecoin fork nigger

2 hours later 27141023 Anonymous
>>27140884 So I see the goalposts are starting to shift. Good to know, the doge run is over.

2 hours later 27141029 Anonymous
Doge is dead. MUSE is about to 10x

2 hours later 27141037 Anonymous
>>27140916 XRP was suspended by severalk places like coinbase :D

2 hours later 27141046 Anonymous
You people are so retarded, im glad your money is going into smarter pockets

2 hours later 27141052 Anonymous
Literal 2017 vibes. Kill yourselves normies.

2 hours later 27141101 Anonymous
>>27140997 no?

2 hours later 27141104 Anonymous
>>27135459 >Things will no value will constantly pump just because memes You newfags really are retarded aren't you. Oh wait you're pajeet trying to unload your bags

2 hours later 27141120 Anonymous

2 hours later 27141126 Anonymous
>>27141101 30-40 sat

2 hours later 27141138 Anonymous
>>27141052 Normies pump your shit, without them there would be no gains

2 hours later 27141143 Anonymous
>>27141104 Isn't that what's been happening the past week?

2 hours later 27141145 Anonymous
>>27141046 it's sad we're going to have to wait a while for a fresh crop of naive kids to dump our bags on again. Oh well.

2 hours later 27141212 Anonymous
>>27141023 Most people here just jumped on. I'm just watching a pattern. My goal is not the same as theirs

2 hours later 27141225 Anonymous
Anyone notice how every doge thread is 2 anons talking in a bubble with 10+ posts?

2 hours later 27141296 Anonymous
>>27141225 Fudders gonna fud.

2 hours later 27141404 Anonymous
>>27141225 how am i supposed to dump it if i don't pump it first you dumbass?

2 hours later 27141451 Anonymous
>>27141225 Not true fag

2 hours later 27141536 Anonymous

2 hours later 27141538 Anonymous
>>27140373 We live in a post-reality world, Anon. Anything can happen.

2 hours later 27141600 Anonymous (1598542809187.jpg 640x573 48kB)
I'm out 1000 between this and donut lol

2 hours later 27141688 Anonymous
>>27140301 > leaving your husband for losing money in a bad business decision. this is why most women end up old and childless. ungrateful, presumptive, annoying cunts

2 hours later 27141799 Anonymous (2d1e786cfc7a9bd90ee4f65fa374add7.jpg 900x900 54kB)
This is gonna go INTERGALACTIC TODAY New ATH by tonight

2 hours later 27141849 Anonymous
>>27141600 No really I could have bought a real Shiba for this money, i should have

2 hours later 27141909 Anonymous
>>27141849 Ive only known one shiba and she was a bit of a dick desu feel like the memes are lying

2 hours later 27142044 Anonymous
>>27141799 Based comfy doge poster.

2 hours later 27142239 Anonymous
>>27141799 ATH?

2 hours later 27142261 Anonymous (1609431539993.jpg 759x604 31kB)
> > 1000000s of normies have bought in with RobinHood only to find it would take 12-36 hours for their funds to be released. This is also the case for many trying to buy with CoinBase (to move to another exchange), Binance, etc. This is only braindead monkeys, i rarely fuck around with crypto but I bought doge the night before last, sold at 8.2 and cashed out just fine.

2 hours later 27142336 Anonymous
Do you guys really think normies are still gonna care about this shitty coin? They're already bored of it. It barely reached 10c even when it was extremely hyped up. Also we all know that normies have paper hands, they're terries of losing a measly $20

2 hours later 27142428 Anonymous
>>27142336 i dont care, ill hold for a couple years like i did with linkies and most likely get some good money

2 hours later 27142451 Anonymous
>>27136962 Kek’d

2 hours later 27142458 Vitalij_K
Rofl niggers still try to bring you this trash chink spammers that keeps copying other protocols I know only one top rebase system and this is Base biggest uniswap volume, top ratings and best cascade farming model

2 hours later 27142547 Anonymous
>>27142428 You don't think it'll be smarter to just sell it now and buy more when it's back down to 0.01?

2 hours later 27142613 Anonymous (33-334750_holding-in-laugh-funny-anime-pics-otaku-anime.jpg 920x634 180kB)
>>27140260 >>>Thinks 1$ is going to happen

2 hours later 27142752 Anonymous
Wouldn't it be better to buy ethereum instead and pump that rather than to pointlessly pump meme money?

2 hours later 27142781 Anonymous
bought 100 EUR of Dogecoin last night, lost 30 EUR almost immediately, I have 2500 coins and I even might wanna buy some more, or diversify and buy some Donut. still, there's no point in being upset. I ony hope you guys didn't put all your savings into this it's a long term investment my dudes, but it will certainly go up. I mean, what other crypto currencies have the same exposure right now?

2 hours later 27142991 Anonymous (fbfgdgfhhgfhfg.jpg 438x412 38kB)
I got around 10k at when it was 0.02 and am still holding. Even though this has the possibility of being a retarded move, I am surprisingly calm.

2 hours later 27143125 Anonymous
>>27142752 because you're the one getting dumped on in ETH In DOGE you're the one doing the dumping on normies

2 hours later 27143178 Anonymous
>>27143125 Fair point.

2 hours later 27143258 Anonymous
>>27140779 even if that's true: it's all cyclical this is not something to exploit, this is a genuinely good moment to buy a few coins of the next big crypto maybe you won't gain a lot of cash this time, but be sure to hdl and the next time, maybe in 2 years, you'll get your money back+profits

2 hours later 27143306 Anonymous
>>27142991 >possibility anon...

2 hours later 27143351 Anonymous
>>27136052 Because it’s funny bitch

2 hours later 27143483 Anonymous
Any other spiteful masochistics here? I’d gladly see my coins be worthless if it means there is a sea of pink wojaks and redditors jumping off roofs. I don’t mind doge spiking again though, wish I sold at 0.8 and bought the dip of a low 0.3

2 hours later 27143545 Anonymous
>>27135459 £50 in doge for the meme pocket changes really. wont be selling until i can make serious gains, if I don't I guess I lost £50. i spend that on a takeaway, means nothing to lose but represents potential and an opportunity to learn about the topic. it is *very* unlikely that people telling you what to do with your money have your interests at heart. if you can afford to it and you want to enjoy the ride and the potential profits, then use what you can afford to lose (or significantly less).

2 hours later 27143727 Anonymous (Capture.png 1545x1702 97kB)
Should I take the 1400 I made from Doge and yeet it back in? I wouldn't be losing anything technically Normies at my work are speaking of the doge and I am getting funny feels

2 hours later 27143840 Anonymous
Bought 180k at 0.028. Am I going to make it?

2 hours later 27143886 Anonymous
>>27143727 Personally I think it is unwise to take advise from people with an interest in you losing money. But I would stick because the potential outweighs the risk (imo). I am not a clever man.

3 hours later 27143941 Anonymous
It's over, the hype died. For those bagholding either cut your losses or wait for the next pump in 3 years

3 hours later 27144108 Anonymous
>>27143886 I have a feeling that this was just a pajeet pump and dump that lasted longer than it should have. Just debating if it could get normie traction.

3 hours later 27144125 Anonymous
I this about to take off for a weekend rally?

3 hours later 27144135 Anonymous
What are you guys using for your crypto trades? Coin base doesn't have a lot of them.

3 hours later 27144168 Anonymous
>>27143941 It takes insane levels of gay to be talking shit about a shitcoin on an image board in 2021

3 hours later 27144190 Anonymous
>>27143941 this

3 hours later 27144247 Anonymous
>>27144125 I'm saying this more out of hope than out of any solid logic (which is how crypto works I think) but I'm optimistic that there'll be a considerable amount of newbies waiting for authentication/trades to get processed so it'll go shooting up once that happens. The current dip may also attract more people.

3 hours later 27144270 Anonymous
>>27141909 All Shibas are dicks, but I love their weird behavior.

3 hours later 27144305 Anonymous
Every now and then people are still asking where to buy cryptos

3 hours later 27144335 Anonymous
>>27144125 There's going to be a pump by reddit in about a hour or two. .03 is the floor. >>27144135 >>27144305 I've been using Probit for the last two weeks and I like it a lot more than CB or Binance. They just need your email to verify for trades and they support a shitton of other tokens . https://www.probit.com/r/1124349

3 hours later 27144337 Anonymous (1523231421215.jpg 720x523 29kB)
You guys reminds me of Bitconnect

3 hours later 27144372 Anonymous
>>27144108 If thats what you think you should act accordingly. Yes I think it will get normie traction, maybe not immediately, but I believe in the retardation of the nation(s). The machine spirit exists because it is believed in. I would absolutely not put more in that you would spend in a day/week or whatever your equivalence of the 1/2/3/4/5% loss stuff thats day traders use. its obviously a retarded idea to invest in, but people like stupid shit.

3 hours later 27144384 Anonymous
Anyone know if there have been any doge related suicides?

3 hours later 27144499 Anonymous (1611928086120.jpg 1200x1166 377kB)
I want to try this shit out for shits and giggles and put like 5€ into a cheap crypto. Is there any fundamental tutorial to trading this stuff? Where can I buy and whats a good way to track it on some website or phone app?

3 hours later 27144555 Anonymous
>>27144499 Coinbase then binance

3 hours later 27144652 Anonymous
>>27135459 It's over, dump it. Smart people (like me) multiplied their money and got out, now it's going on a steady decline and will stabilize at a price a bit higher than what it was pre-pump. You think the whales that have made and will make tens of millions on this will "hodl for the memes" until it reaches 1$, will never happen. It may reach 0.06 again, maybe hold it if you want to risk, but if you are breaking even just cut your losses and get out or get dumped on by chinks.

3 hours later 27144681 Anonymous
>>27144555 Why use coinbase instead of just buying crypto direct on Binance?

3 hours later 27144769 Anonymous
>>27144681 this coinbase is crap

3 hours later 27144813 Anonymous
>>27144681 Binance auth, takes more they say

3 hours later 27144870 Anonymous
>>27135459 Doge can't ever be valuable. Its literally written to be worthless. The number of bag holders with 100's of millions will ensure it will never ever go anywhere. Stop scamming.

3 hours later 27145016 Anonymous
>>27144813 quit complicating shit and adding extra steps. DOGE is incredibly easy to get. Who cares if authorization takes a few days, there is no rush. Uphold is an app you can start buying on quickly. All that transferring nonsense is too complicated and redundant. Plus it adds more fees for transferring.

3 hours later 27145054 Anonymous
Newbie here.. How can I buy it? What app would be best?

3 hours later 27145324 Anonymous
>>27138054 you buy doge with LTC. As someone who has done a fair amount of research over a long period of time, I can comfortably say that you don't have to know anything. Gauging sentiment and not panic selling at a loss are the only ways to win at this game

3 hours later 27145472 Anonymous (1603597350996.gif 420x431 3231kB)
Will you dumb fucks give it a rest? It already pumped, and already dumped. It was clearly a coordinated PND spammed all over 4chan, Reddit, Twitter etc - note the sudden silence and lack of shilling? Stop being fucking stupid for once

3 hours later 27145482 Anonymous
all these memecoins are worthless they are worse than worthless derivatives like CDOs they provide no value other than to those who get into the pump and dump scheme early

3 hours later 27145541 Anonymous
>>27144681 You can't buy crypto direct on coinbase?

3 hours later 27145669 Anonymous
>>27145541 You can't buy DOGE with CB

3 hours later 27145680 Anonymous
The only reason anyone wants it to go up anymore is so that they can recoup and get the fuck out; we saw this yesterday when it couldn't even get past 0.06 anymore. Even if it somehow does start to go up again we'll just encounter limit sell walls at every half cent. Every single reason for why this shit was supposed to boom has proved to be bullshit and now I'm supposed to believe that normies are waiting for robinhood to make their funds available meanwhile robinhood is currently the most hated entity in the US? If anyone even had the confidence to pump anymore it wouldn't be crabbing at .03 the whole day because then people would actually be buying the dip.

3 hours later 27145699 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-01-31 001402.png 1193x720 83kB)
Is it worth buying more in now, or will it drop lower? It looks like it's semi-stabilised at the current rate of between 0.042c and 0.051c AUD, give or take. I'm considering throwing my $800 or so profits back into the ring, but I dunno if it's worth waiting to see if it'll drop lower. Thoughts?

3 hours later 27145701 Anonymous
>>27145472 kek you absoltue retard. That was round 1 of the "PnD" with the goal of getting it into EVERYBODY's minds, which it has succeeded in (see anon above talking about people at work talking about it). Round 2 starting likely today, will pump it up further to get the now massive number of people watching it interested and actually buying it, round 3 (next week) it hits $1USD. Cap this post

3 hours later 27145813 Anonymous
>>27135459 >coinbase >doge

3 hours later 27145823 Anonymous
>>27145699 Dogecoin is being shilled in brazil by binance so it might rise a bit back to 0.05 this weekend, but it will likely drop dead after this

3 hours later 27145872 Anonymous
>>27145699 it's not going to go lower. see the slight but constant uptrend of the last few peaks, plus the floor at 3c being very clearly established.

3 hours later 27145924 Anonymous
>>27145823 its being shilled by binance everywhere

3 hours later 27145946 Anonymous (1560011210494.png 900x676 419kB)

3 hours later 27145975 Anonymous
>>27145823 So you think the Twitter normies' Robinhood deposits being completed on the Monday/Tuesday won't change much?

3 hours later 27146025 Anonymous
>>27145975 No, even normies will see this is over and just cash out or "invest" in something else.

3 hours later 27146150 Anonymous
>>27146025 That was kind of my second thought. Thanks to Robinhood, the FOMO and mad rush has died out, and the people that deposited money into RH will have like three to four days to calm down and rethink their decision, and once their deposits are able to be used, they'll likely either withdraw it back out, or put it into something else, especially if they take half a glance at the graph and see 'oh no there is more big red line than big green line'

3 hours later 27146160 Anonymous
>>27139260 Compelling argument

3 hours later 27146174 Bruno (IMG_20210130_203136_200.jpg 1280x467 93kB)

3 hours later 27146179 Anonymous
>>27145872 I've had DOGE for 3 years. I caught the rise early at .01 and watched closely until now. There is a solid base below .01 and a new foundation that started at .01 and goes to .03. This base very likely has made their initial investment back through the first pump and literally have no risk to holding. Lastly, I spoke with my boomer Dad two days ago and he was asking me about DOGE and .03 is a cheap and easy investment.

3 hours later 27146188 Anonymous
>>27145946 kek anon you have no idea how appropriate your meme is. >>27146025 Right. Unless Musk or whoever decides to tweet about Doge for the lulz again, in which case it may explode like 400% again. It's not like he's tweeted about it before except like 30 times

3 hours later 27146284 Anonymous

3 hours later 27146362 Anonymous (1582130739012.jpg 766x960 128kB)
>>27145701 Same shit after every PND where bagholders desperately try to convince new blood to buy their bags Seen this uncountable times

3 hours later 27146393 Anonymous
>>27137264 it didnt have this much awareness before either, read the op

3 hours later 27146406 Anonymous
>>27141104 its still good to support the memes and get in during primetime when all the retards want to play casino for every retard that wins on the doge shit another retard has to lose everyone should remember that as they all meme and type with capslock on together that they are all trying to fuck each other when it comes down to it

3 hours later 27146481 Anonymous (36621d08a6a0335c1f23409fe4a96a2e(2).jpg 1200x1694 226kB)
>>27135459 You're forgetting a major point. Normies have the attention span of literal goldfish. Everyone will have forgotten by DOGE in a week, mark my words.

3 hours later 27146537 Anonymous
>>27145975 normies dont have an attention span that long

3 hours later 27146573 Anonymous
Its not. See ya, enjoy bagholding.

3 hours later 27146608 Anonymous
>>27145701 >coping this hard man I do feel sorry for you.

3 hours later 27146647 Anonymous
>>27146537 Yeah, fair. I'll probably just keep what I have, maybe get a bit more if it bottoms out to like 1c, but otherwise won't put any more in. Cheers pal.

3 hours later 27146764 Anonymous
>>27146362 >>27146481 this is literally how markets work. No one should gamble more than they can afford to lose.

3 hours later 27146771 Anonymous
>>27146608 m8 i'm already up and profitable by a decent margin (30% +), got nothing to cope for. now I'll enjoy watching you eat your words tomorrow

3 hours later 27146777 Anonymous (8869009.png 1858x196 35kB)
>>27145701 >cap this post Cap'd, hope your dumb ass is right because that money would turn my life around.

3 hours later 27146991 Anonymous (Pnd.png 550x362 90kB)
>>27146771 It hurts reading you, I can almost feel your shaky and sweaty fingers typing that. You are literally at 'return to normal'. Its not too late for you. Screencap this if you must.

3 hours later 27146997 Anonymous
>>27135459 you retards are all forgetting that most normies are still in the robinhood verification process which takes 1-3 business days. PUUUMP

3 hours later 27147052 Anonymous
IT MIGHT double again. but you have to ask yourself, even with your gay theoretical in theory pornstar jizzmoonshot theories do you really think this shit will EVER sit atop of litecoin for more than a few days? > normies normies normie are you drunk? this is literally nigger tier

3 hours later 27147220 Anonymous
>bought in at 0.0002 >sold at 0.055 >just need to wait 3 months for it to go back to like 0.0005 to buy again >wait until the next meme pump and repeat if you just hold long term then doge is extremely easy to make big gains on daytraders get bags dumped on them for a reason

3 hours later 27147222 Anonymous
>>27146997 Yeah, but on the other hand, >>27146537

3 hours later 27147422 Anonymous
>>27141225 Yeah, because it's either bagholders desperate to pump and dump, or it's some assholes who just want to fuck people over.

3 hours later 27147475 Anonymous
>>27141799 See you there retard. Not happening.

3 hours later 27147505 Anonymous
>>27136215 wait you can spend these fucking things? also why doesnt robinhood allow link buys

3 hours later 27147531 Anonymous
>>27142991 You won't be calm when it goes under 0.02, which it will within a day or two.

3 hours later 27147533 Anonymous
bought in at 0.03, should i just sell now and break even or wait until the end of today?

3 hours later 27147555 Anonymous
>>27138081 The pump and dump is already over

4 hours later 27147750 Anonymous
>>27147533 sell yes its literally going to be .018 i in a few hours

4 hours later 27147829 Anonymous
>>27147533 just put a stop loss in if you'er scared of losing money >>27147750 kek no it won't. you fags already tried to break the 3c floor multiple times with massive dumps and didn't succeed

4 hours later 27147847 Anonymous
>>27147533 Why bother at this point?

4 hours later 27147875 Anonymous
>>27140301 So you're admitting women are only as loyal as a single bad investment decision?

4 hours later 27147898 Anonymous
>>27139301 You don't realize just how MUCH money will be needed to pump into Dogcoin just to get it to $1. Doge needs a little over 100 BILLION DOLLARS pumped into it to reach $1. The mania from the last couple of days pumped it by around 3 billion. Not to mention this coin is infinite so the amount of money required to pump it grows daily.

4 hours later 27147963 Anonymous
>>27140921 As opposed to buy high sell never? The fact is the ringleaders of this pump and dump scam had no intention of ever getting this to an impossible dollar or even the feasible dime. Everyone that sold before it hit a dime should be cast out of society forever

4 hours later 27148027 Anonymous
>>27147898 so like 12% of all the money currently in btc

4 hours later 27148032 Anonymous
>>27147829 >t. 19 post shill Fuck off, stop shilling doge, sell now and at least break even or take a small loss, then wait for it to dump back to its low. THEN buy and hold. It's stupid to buy and hold doge when it's not at its low, because statistically it ALWAYS goes back to its low point.

4 hours later 27148103 Anonymous
Getting out on Monday when the normies money finally clears and it spikes I'll sell my 10k I bought at .01 and it will dip hard

4 hours later 27148112 Anonymous
>>27146150 robinhood is making impossible to buy the big meme shares though.

4 hours later 27148117 Anonymous
>>27138447 >>27138551 Source?

4 hours later 27148134 Anonymous
>>27148032 > noooo you cannot reply to every 30 posts in your own thread!! u must be a shill kek stfu > sell now and at least break even or take a small loss i'm already 35% up faggot

4 hours later 27148155 Anonymous
>>27135459 I'm tempted, I really am. But one thing always holds me back with doge... the meme itself. It's always just come off as super cringe, ever since its inception way back in the day before the coin was even a thing. Something about that dog face really just does not sit with well in my brain.

4 hours later 27148249 Anonymous (1505501285452.jpg 158x200 9kB)
Buy now before it's too late

4 hours later 27148318 Anonymous

4 hours later 27148338 Anonymous
>>27148027 Closer to 22~%. Also in other words you would need Doge to rocket to 2nd place in terms of market cap, passing Etherium which sits at 114 billion. This is also taking into account the miners stop mining the coin, which of course they wont.

4 hours later 27148345 Anonymous
>>27148134 The people getting angry at those of us holding only further convinces me that I should hold.

4 hours later 27148403 Anonymous
Dump on the Robinhood retards that just got in as soon as it hits .11 that's realistically the highest it's gonna go

4 hours later 27148447 Anonymous
Doge was specifically pumped to take away attention from GME. Retards are actually falling for thing and putting money in.

4 hours later 27148503 Anonymous
>>27148338 you're misunderstanding the situation anon. if this goes as planned, then this is a 2nd 2017 type moment for crypto as a whole, only with doge leading the charge instead of btc >>27148345 yeah the efforts they go to tell people to stop hodling doge is very strange. what the fuck is it to them? "NO NO YOU MUST SELL NOW NEWFAGS and BUY BACK IN A FEW MONTHS" hahahahahah get fucked

4 hours later 27148543 Anonymous
Nice dogshit coin, stop shilling this. Just sell if you're a bagholder. It wont be over 5c ever.

4 hours later 27148614 Anonymous
>Put $50 in Doge. >If it becomes $1000 a share in a few years, I'd be a millionaire. >If not, I only wasted $50, which is like a trip to a restaurant. Why do people drop insane amounts of money? Like, just put a tenner on it.

4 hours later 27148702 Anonymous
>>27148614 Inpatient retards who want to be a millionaire NOW. Also, gambling addicts.

4 hours later 27148759 Anonymous
>>27148614 people are retarded i mean they spend money on fucking streamers and onlyfans

4 hours later 27148778 Anonymous
I kneel to Doge

4 hours later 27148807 Anonymous
coinbase demand a picture of my ID. thats fucked up.

4 hours later 27148849 Anonymous
>>27148807 Whatcha got warrants for? You can tell me.

4 hours later 27148858 Anonymous

4 hours later 27148957 Anonymous
>>27148759 >>27148702 Like, I'm all new to this. Doge is the first thing I've ever bought and it's like, clearly, it's not a millionaire today type deal. And all it takes is for a company like Twitch or OnlyFans to be like "lol you can use Doge here now" and blam, suddenly it's popular. I feel like if /biz/ had a service it could offer and use Crypto as its currency, a lot of these would skyrocket.

4 hours later 27148986 Anonymous
>>27148849 just a big case of paranoia

4 hours later 27149019 Anonymous
>>27148858 It's saturday...

4 hours later 27149021 Anonymous
>>27135459 >Biden inject stimulus of one trillion >Inflation and dollars become worthless >Only doge bagholder win this game

4 hours later 27149103 Anonymous
>>27146777 i capped it to laugh at him later

4 hours later 27149104 Anonymous
>>27148957 pornhub just did. just need a few more >>27148858 for real? price surge here we go.

4 hours later 27149158 Anonymous
>>27148614 >$1000 a share >a share also you realize it's mathematically impossible for this coin to to go $1000, right?

4 hours later 27149206 Anonymous
>>27149019 It’s crypto

4 hours later 27149252 Anonymous
Big pumpus is comin

4 hours later 27149275 Anonymous
>>27135459 DOGE this doge that Buy LINK $1000 EOY >not a financial instructor

4 hours later 27149276 Anonymous
>>27149206 Dogecoin has been fucking with me all week by selling while I'm asleep when it's cheap and when it grows they buy.

4 hours later 27149363 Anonymous
>>27137999 >It WILL moon again yeah, in 2030 maybe. the same as it needed 9 years to pump link this in the first place NIGGER FAGGOT KYS

4 hours later 27149390 Anonymous
I am financially ruined

4 hours later 27149392 Anonymous
>>27148503 >you're misunderstanding the situation anon. if this goes as planned, then this is a 2nd 2017 type moment for crypto as a whole, only with doge leading the charge instead of btc Which is likely not going to happen. There are so many factors working against Dogecoin here. You essentially have to meme Dogecoin to be an accepted form of buying power like the dollar is, and the dollar is enforced/regulated by the government. Everyone complaining about inflation for the dollar, is going to flip out when they find out how inflated Dogecoin will be. Bitcoin led the charge because it was new, and had value in terms of both storing wealth and as a transaction tool. Dogecoin is basically a dollar with a dog on it, where retards can drive inflation rather than banks. The rise of Dogecoin will be short lived unless something changes, or fucking countries accept it as a new type of dollar. >>27148614 >>If it becomes $1000 a share in a few years, I'd be a millionaire. That will never fucking happen unless the dollar goes to absolute shit where $1000 in the future is worth $1 today. It getting to $5 would surpass Bitcoin, which is bigger than facebook right now.

4 hours later 27149437 Anonymous
>>27146647 np. I've seen this countless times before. The only people who are buying DOGE at the moment haven't been in crypto long enough to sense when a pump has peaked. By the way, when doge went nuts the other day there was a trading volume of 41 BILLION thanks to mania and people rushing to buy it. To pump it further up than its current position on the marketcap list it would need a ludicrously well timed pump to reach previous levels.

4 hours later 27149490 Anonymous
>>27136201 Hahahahaha

4 hours later 27149503 Anonymous
>>27149437 *coordinated, rather. an elon tweet would probably not even be enough.

4 hours later 27149543 Anonymous
>>27149437 >The only people who are buying DOGE at the moment haven't been in crypto long enough to sense when a pump has peaked. lmao that is me to a T, and I'm not even mad about it. Everyone has to start somewhere, I'm just glad I lucked my way into a profit.

4 hours later 27149603 Anonymous
>>27149276 Yeah fuck gmt. You just gotta place limit orders if you want to ride the wavesx

4 hours later 27149641 Anonymous
>>27149363 Don't counter trade the fucking trend, retard. DOGE will at the very least do a 2x from here again. We don't even have a second 3D or 1W chart yet to retest the ATH.

4 hours later 27149642 Anonymous
>>27149363 > failing to recognise a pattern this stupidly think this is a matter of the nigger calling the white man nigger, faggotanon lets try a few questions for you: > is meme culture on the way up or down? > is antiestablishment and anti wall street sentiment on the way up or down? > is popular awareness of crypto and memecoins on the way up or down? > is crypto adoption positively correlated with economic instability? > is economic and civil instability likely to be on the way up or way down? > a high number of celebrities and influencers have recently been shilling doge? do you see this stopping or becoming more common? > elon musk shilling doge has led to 14, 20 and 400% increases in doge value. Do you expect this to never repeat in the near future?

4 hours later 27149686 Anonymous
>>27139708 Lmao

4 hours later 27149733 Anonymous
>>27149543 glad to hear. just lurk moar and enjoy the ride. oh, and if you do stick around watch out for flavor of the month shitcoins being shilled by pajeets (currently shibe, rbc, donut etc). this year in particular will be quite spectacular as long as you play your cards right.

4 hours later 27149818 Anonymous
>>27149437 i have been crypto since 2010 and i just bought doge. everything is pointing to another pump very soon.

4 hours later 27149885 Anonymous
>>27149818 you are aware that most normies were buying on robinhood - which is now insolvent? a pump like the last seems near impossible. please do tell me the signs pointing to another pump as big as the last.

4 hours later 27149958 Anonymous
>>27149641 You really think this shitcoin would test again the ath? take your meds schizo

4 hours later 27150022 Anonymous
>>27149733 Yeah, I've seen a few threads about Donut and Shibe, but I'm too retarded at the moment to understand a lot of what they're trying to say beyond "Put your life savings into this crypto it's definitely gonna moon. Source(s): trust me, bro" I've slapped a 13c AUD Take Profit on Doge anyway, just in case it somehow jumps while I'm asleep. That way mine will trigger before everyone else's 10c USD one will. Fuckin' galaxy brain.

4 hours later 27150042 Anonymous
>>27149885 >>27149642

4 hours later 27150060 Anonymous
>>27149642 Based DOGE hodler btfoing fudders.

4 hours later 27150063 Anonymous
>>27135459 Cringe

4 hours later 27150092 Anonymous
>>27149158 Alright, I'll bite. What is the theoretical maximum price then?

4 hours later 27150104 Anonymous
Why can't it break 8¢ then?

4 hours later 27150107 Anonymous
>>27150042 doge will be old news in a week. look around at how fast news cycles have been for the past year.

4 hours later 27150179 Anonymous
/biz/ feels lonely now :( everyone who was intelligent enough to cash out has and only the stragglers and retards are left remaining

4 hours later 27150242 Anonymous
any idea what app i should use instead of robinhood? bastards wont let me move my bitcoin

4 hours later 27150283 Anonymous
>>27150179 this board has been extremely strange the past week. it's like all the intelligent/wise people disappeared. in reality there's been a huge influx of reddit and pol migrants. thankfully most will get burned and be gone in a week.

4 hours later 27150291 Anonymous
>>27149958 as someone who has never bought doge before because i am a fundamental fag it just hit me that this fucking meme tiktok shit can pump doge to top 3 so i bought the dip like a retard. well i can be wrong and it keeps dumping but its worth the risk for me

4 hours later 27150324 Anonymous
>>27150092 Apple is the top company in market cap worth 2.2 trillion dollars. If Dogecoin matched Apple it would be worth around $15 per coin.

4 hours later 27150377 Anonymous
>>27150179 This. The only ones left are the retards that NEED to come here to try to make money.

4 hours later 27150438 Anonymous
>>27150291 i forgot about that zoomer shithole. are they seriously intelligent enough to buy or even understand crypto?

4 hours later 27150481 Anonymous
>>27139450 not gonna get nearly enough normies to jump on this train with the knowledge that BTC mining have a profound effect on the environment. have you got a clue how cool it is to be environmentally aware today, this shit outweighs basement coins in the eyes of the normie.

4 hours later 27150534 Anonymous
>>27136201 FOMO fags everybody No one to blame but your emotional ass

4 hours later 27150555 Anonymous
>>27150377 That and bagholders who just want to dump their bags to newfags.

4 hours later 27150568 Anonymous
>>27150042 Look at how all the Doge threads disappeared after it crashed yesterday. All the shills cashed in leaving bag holding pajeets and normies desperately trying to break even

4 hours later 27150586 Anonymous
>>27150324 So $1 is still possible

2.975 0.381