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2021-01-30 10:46 27132948 Anonymous (monero.png 1280x1280 7kB)
Redpill me on this coin
0 min later 27132974 Anonymous
1 min later 27132996 Anonymous
It will soon get delisted from all CEXs and lose half its value. Pretty nice use case though. Anything else?
2 min later 27133025 Anonymous
>infinite supply
6 min later 27133223 Anonymous (2s5wbyj6ts961.png 800x2000 284kB)
oh no so hard to get into and out of
7 min later 27133255 Anonymous
Kinda pointless. There is no method of getting XMR with ACH as far as I know, so youll end up paying fees/premiums if you go USD/XMR. Might as well just hold LTC and change it for XMR when you need to make a deal.
7 min later 27133277 Anonymous (ff3c2549803067ed2f3a17134837ca514f7d8347c6c38465f86c11240ec96e4a.jpg 125x62 2kB)
oh no there will be 33.6mil coins within just a hundred years
7 min later 27133279 Anonymous
Is this better than using localmonero?
8 min later 27133294 Anonymous
Token not needed
8 min later 27133329 Anonymous
use the xchange me onion
8 min later 27133334 Anonymous
The blockchain is encrypted os you get decryption keys and view only keys with every address subaddress and transaction meaning only reveal the info YOU WANT to reveal. Yes the wallet has accounts and subaddresses, this is the most privacy a coin can possibly offer. It's a digital safe. Really extremely based coin. Actual crypto currency. I'm retardedly insanely long on Monero.
8 min later 27133336 Anonymous
You dumb fuck, I didn't say I have trouble buying it. But you should be expecting price to go down, not up in the coming years.
9 min later 27133356 Anonymous (1609755862959.jpg 624x850 88kB)
depends on the country, but its muuuuuch cheaper in my shithole
9 min later 27133359 Anonymous
Also does anybody know why WH market only accepting monero and not Bitcoin anymore didn't effect monero price much?
11 min later 27133437 Anonymous
because markets come and go. WH market will get shut down like the rest soon.
11 min later 27133469 Anonymous (pahmpdabat.jpg 558x845 54kB)
Fluffy pony is an absolute faggot. In buying Monero, you're basically telling the world you enjoy sucking cocks.
12 min later 27133507 Anonymous
It's still doing the most business atm, no? I just figured maybe it's because of the amount of monero in escrow and being converted back to fiat everyday that keeps it from going up
12 min later 27133508 Anonymous
XMR threads are bait data collection threads so the gubment knows who to watch.
With that said, DEAggers tongue my anus. No vpn, no fear of prison because it can’t be worse than “freedom” in this Orwellian fucking nightmare.
But still it’s an important coin to discuss. Remember always that bitcoin carried the same stigma for years and now your grandma has some.
Stay “free” nerds
14 min later 27133594 Anonymous
Around 100 XMR in cold storage, interesting to see where it is in 5-10 years
14 min later 27133617 Anonymous
How can a wallet let you exchange?
14 min later 27133626 Anonymous (1609760691983.jpg 1024x580 136kB)
why will price go down sir atomic swap incoming
15 min later 27133674 Anonymous
cake wallet has built in exchange via changenow and monero.to plus another one i cant remember atm
16 min later 27133695 Anonymous
nice thumbnail
18 min later 27133762 Anonymous
I don’t understand you kids these days with you jumbo jumbo.
21 min later 27133860 Anonymous
21 min later 27133903 Anonymous (5644c98fd5074a8dfd265bdeca8b56b0994c5cfdbddfc266b01131c03ca0da68.png 2160x1080 384kB)
sorry bros
23 min later 27133982 Anonymous (1609774903154.jpg 1078x1088 200kB)
https://lmgtfy.app/?q=how+to+exchan ge+on+cakewallet+for+boomers
25 min later 27134080 Anonymous (1611277429777.png 454x801 444kB)
27 min later 27134154 Anonymous
beautiful anon, thank you
30 min later 27134291 Anonymous
Just a waste of time really.
Never seen any established retailer accept Monero.
It's only for darkweb stuff and that market won't exactly boom any time soon.
31 min later 27134302 Anonymous
there are anonymous exchanges like xmr.to xchange.me and what not. its always going to be a useful thing to run your funds through if you would like to hide them. and many other reasons
34 min later 27134492 Anonymous
Bunch of retailers accept Monero https://www.getmonero.org/community /merchants/ including more that aren't listed
really cool :)
38 min later 27134631 Anonymous
there's nothing to redpill
it's severely overvalued already, not much money to make anymore
get in PirateChain
most pirate coin to date
huge upside potential
38 min later 27134644 Anonymous
Monero based crypto
40 min later 27134715 Anonymous
>Be me
>Purchased this shit back in 2015 got in when it was 60cents a coin
>Have 3000
>fast forward to now
>every alt has gone up 100-200% last few months, Monero has gone backwards
>my one chance in life hitched to a coin that barely moves these days
why me
44 min later 27134892 Anonymous (hal_finney_anonymity.png 405x226 20kB)
It's the only cryptocurrency that's actively used as a currency. It has one of the busiest blockchains, mining is cpu-only, it's the standard on the dark web, and best of all it was also created by Satoshi Nakamoto aka Hal Finney, using his other pseudonym Nicholas van Saberhagen.
44 min later 27134905 Anonymous
46 min later 27134970 Anonymous
Atomic swaps will be years in the making. In the meantime I could see Monero go to $50 and then moon to $500.
48 min later 27135061 Anonymous
if you only knew.
50 min later 27135182 Anonymous (1609764121384.jpg 600x500 212kB)
draft is already completed
https://medium.com/comit-network/mo nero-bitcoin-atomic-swap-1cab015d7a f9
51 min later 27135225 Anonymous
post proof
52 min later 27135248 Anonymous
defi money laundering
say goodbye to taxes forever
53 min later 27135280 Anonymous
>It's only for darkweb stuff
Good to know you wouldn't have bought Bitcoin at $10. Everything you people say about Monero was said about Bitcoin.
54 min later 27135308 Anonymous
They have to wait for Taproot to get added to Bitcoin.
54 min later 27135335 Anonymous
literally the only crypto that is actually used and not just acoomulated because maybe in 10-15 years the project might start working.
55 min later 27135363 Anonymous
>it will be the same this time!
>turkey happiness chart
55 min later 27135393 Anonymous (1558762289032s.jpg 250x166 7kB)
any projected timeframe on that?
56 min later 27135441 Anonymous
post proof
my man
1 hours later 27135794 Anonymous
https://www.coindesk.com/taproot-me rged-bitcoin-core
It's been merged into the Bitcoin Core library but there's no word as to when the big deployment will take place.
1 hours later 27136336 Anonymous (shutterstock_755610535.jpg 1000x660 161kB)
thanks monerobro
1 hours later 27136555 Anonymous
>Everything you people say about Monero was said about Bitcoin.
dead on. It's identical fud
1 hours later 27136580 Anonymous
only real crypto currency
1 hours later 27137735 Anonymous
>e Bitcoin Core library but there's no word as to when the big deployment will tak
Imagine missing out BTC and then missing out XMR because you didn't learn from the first time
1 hours later 27137987 Anonymous (1612006037775.jpg 678x452 85kB)
Ray Dalio's statement on bitcoin from a day ago:
https://www.bridgewater.com/researc h-and-insights/ray-dalio-what-i-thi nk-of-bitcoin
>As an extension of Bitcoin* being digital are the questions of how private it is and what the government will allow
>*When I use “Bitcoin” please take that to mean Bitcoin and its analogous competitors.
>there is a growing need for assets that can be privately held
>there exists the possibility that Bitcoin and its competitors can fill that growing need
>Bitcoin will unlikely be as private as some people surmise.
>Since the way Bitcoin works is fixed, it won’t be able to evolve and I presume that a better alternative will be invented and pass it by.
And finally, just for (you) >>27132996
>if it’s successful, the government will try to kill it
Please draw your own conclusions.
1 hours later 27138184 Anonymous
Monero is an overpriced fork of Bytecoin shilled to noobs. Once I realized Monero can be tracked, I sold it for 0xMonero.
1 hours later 27138278 Anonymous
0xMonero is scam. dont fall for this broke pajeet
1 hours later 27138302 Anonymous
nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
stop trying to steal from people by lying to them about the capabilities of the project
https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoon Shots/comments/i27fhk/0xmonero_summ ary_of_findings/
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2475 0658#p24755504
2 hours later 27138417 Anonymous
lol, Indians need a separate containment board.
2 hours later 27138485 Anonymous
I cant wait for mimblewimble to btfo monero shills
2 hours later 27138919 Anonymous
What's taking it so long?
2 hours later 27138970 Anonymous
great coin, bad investment
2 hours later 27139018 Anonymous
>buying Monero, you're basically telling the world
nothing, the world doesn't know
isn't that the point
2 hours later 27139022 Anonymous
Monero needs to hurry up and crash to a couple of cents so I can buy more.
2 hours later 27140186 Anonymous
lol retard
2 hours later 27140225 Anonymous
the lst couple of months. feel free to buy in after the next 3x and miss out again
2 hours later 27140258 Anonymous (1518107464416.png 646x700 173kB)
Satoshi's original vision
$30000 EOY
3 hours later 27141475 Anonymous
Based. Dalio is great.
3 hours later 27141479 Anonymous
You can buy drugs with it.
3 hours later 27141499 Vitalij_K
Imma go for the greatest Ahahahahahahaha
drop you money and cry like a baby
I will be smarter and hold my BASE with top Cascade system protocol
market volume will rise this month so I will become rich
3.033 0.074