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2021-01-30 05:18 27113794 Anonymous (sheeit.png 749x412 205kB)
>Retard niggers buying useless memecoins that already mooned 1000% and discussing it with pajeets on twitter
We are already at the top of this cycle. Wake up and look around you. Euphoria stage is in full effect. Be carefull. Grab what you can but don't get caught in shit projects for the next 3-4 years. This is late 2017 all over again. Don't make the same mistake if you were around at that time.
1 min later 27113882 Anonymous
4 min later 27114151 Anonymous
Look at the comments on those tweets. You will know enough.
9 min later 27114487 Anonymous
Fucking goldmine
9 min later 27114534 Anonymous
I’m black and up 1000%. Maybe you could learn from me
10 min later 27114567 Anonymous
Like I said. It's late 2017 all over again. Kek
11 min later 27114670 Anonymous
So you are not a retard nigger. Wel done.
12 min later 27114754 Anonymous
shut up nigger
12 min later 27114788 Anonymous
17 min later 27115202 Anonymous
You'll never be able to buy white skin.
18 min later 27115303 Anonymous
i always think these tweets are bots, but they're indistinguishable so it doesn't matter
19 min later 27115377 Anonymous
Twitter is literally 90% bots. Never underestimate corporate jews.
20 min later 27115481 Anonymous
Agree. Twitter bots fuel P&D's like this.
26 min later 27115889 Anonymous
https://twitter.com/hindustanheadl/ status/1355373424894304258
It's the same cycle over and over again. Just with new people.
29 min later 27116155 Anonymous (Es2tfb7XIAAyGuC.jpg 946x2048 87kB)
Yeah, and it's beautiful.
Imagine these are the people that are collectively fucking hedgies over.
If I were a billionaire and lost to this lot, I'd be pretty damn salty.
32 min later 27116377 Anonymous
34 min later 27116513 Anonymous (whatnow.jpg 1280x720 155kB)
You've been saying this shit all month. Reality is you can't into indicators, you can't into cycles, you can't into TPO. You don't even know what a halvening is or why it's relevant. You're just some bum fuck head from reddit literal who expects to be taken seriously. Here's what's going to happen. Dip within the week the as low as 26 600 ideally but as long as it's atleast below 29k it's good and then it's bouncing and continuing the path of logarithmic growth.
GTFO my board before I strangle you one day irl.
35 min later 27116613 Anonymous
>Batman’s son
I’m dying
I’m also holding wut
38 min later 27116831 Anonymous
What would make the bidding for shit coins/meme stocks stop this time? I just do PMs and index investing so I have absolutely no dog in this fight but with all the monopoly money sloshing around can't this keep going for much, much longer than previous runs?
40 min later 27116977 Anonymous (KLEROSCOURTSEEYOUIN.png 125x100 14kB)
I'd be fine with this being late 2017 all over again because my current positions would have to both 5x at least, which is all i want for 50% of the bags anyways.
However, I do believe shit like Kleros will shine in the coming years and nobody owns enough (unless you 5M+ PNK gang)
Just use Kleros.
42 min later 27117185 Anonymous
>pulling numbers out of his ass
>claiming to know the bottom by the fucking decimals
You will never be a woman
43 min later 27117233 Anonymous (sadpepe.jpg 120x160 4kB)
reddit taking down hedge funds
/biz/ larping with doge coin
sad week for 4chan
46 min later 27117484 Anonymous
OP pic literally looks like the Tyrone comic
>Batman’s son
That should be the name of the app that replaces RH
47 min later 27117515 Anonymous
>What would make the bidding for shit coins/meme stocks stop this time?
Coins in the spotlight like dogecoin turning out to be P&D schemes with shitloads of bagholders.
47 min later 27117573 Anonymous
I was here for euphoria last time. It always lasts longer than you think it will. The euphoria train has just taken off
52 min later 27117915 Anonymous (yokai.gif 1071x1080 3624kB)
Very intelligent response. Just what I expected from a drooling /pol/ nigger monkey. Dw all my calls in DEFI have made me good money. I exited before the crash weeks ago. I swung stellar before it came roaring out of the gate, I predicted the pump back to 40k right before it happened at around 34k after the crash. I know what's going to happen while the likes of you have been predicting a 90 percent crash every day now WHEN THE POST-HALVENING BULL RUN HAD ONLY JUST BEGUN AND IT'S NOT EVEN ALT SEASON YET.
Everything is moving as it did in 2017 but the closest comparison is September not December.
Fucking DYOR nigger lips
52 min later 27117925 Anonymous
It's the most popular board on 4chan right now, the amount of newfags crying because they're losing 10-20$ dollar investments in meme coins feels like a major red flag
53 min later 27118009 Anonymous
bless your gains my nigga
57 min later 27118266 Anonymous
90% of the posters on this board won’t recognize the OP nog
I hate this website
58 min later 27118351 Anonymous (2075F2DB-67E5-4724-A7D2-E77E682EC985.jpg 500x335 158kB)
This feels way more like spring 2017, normies were fomo’ing into every ICO possible, this time they are FOMO’ing into whatever Elon Musk shills or what gets shilled on TikTok instead. Late 2017 didn’t even feel real, whereas now prices are way more stable.
1 hours later 27118563 Anonymous
>I know what's going to happen
People can't even time the stock market and you claim to know what is happening in the crypto market. Get out of here tranny. Show me that +2 mil networth then. With all those insights you should be even higher than that.
1 hours later 27118572 Anonymous
irremediably based
1 hours later 27120042 Anonymous
Nobody wants to be a pasty whitey anymore, your time was like 100 years ago. Sorry you didn't get to experience it haha
1 hours later 27120222 Anonymous (1447775817907.png 448x486 428kB)
bitch we barely in early 2017
buckle up
1 hours later 27120226 Anonymous (1611858876948.jpg 574x566 65kB)
It's only the beginning anon.
These pumps will put the "get rich quick" idea into the heads of millions. People will remember what happened this week, and will FOMO into ANY project; HARD.
Take up your positions and hold lads. Bull season starts soon, and it's going to be fucking scary.
1 hours later 27120232 Anonymous
Nigger all you do is whine about white privilege. This is a white man's world, you're a member of a failed race.
1 hours later 27120296 Anonymous
>coin made as a joke
>people unironically buy it thinking they'll get rich
1 hours later 27120399 Anonymous
liquidity in the system
mass millennial fomo
people realizing the type of trading they want to do fits the crypto space not the boomer stock market
idk bro, i think the euphoria might just be beginning
1 hours later 27120411 Anonymous
>I’m black
Well, you probably aren't as black as african fresh off the boat
1 hours later 27120509 Anonymous
No that all your own white liberals do. Remember BLM is 90% white retards. Whites won't exist in probably another 100 years or so, you're going extinct. Good luck with that.
1 hours later 27120554 Anonymous
1 hours later 27120589 Anonymous
Whites came up with the "one-drop" rule so.....yeah
1 hours later 27120689 Anonymous
so hurtful
1 hours later 27120700 Anonymous
So are you saying we pull out before the crash and accumulate again at the bottom?
1 hours later 27120780 Anonymous
lol imagine believing this
whites will become the new jews and lord over the brown races once again
1 hours later 27120790 Anonymous
living in the past? lol
1 hours later 27120806 Anonymous
Easily. People know about it, but people don't pull the trigger on whim, they sit on the sidelines and watch awhile.
1 hours later 27120881 Anonymous
with all those insights it shouldn't even be here, wasting time discussing with randoms online about making money KEK
1 hours later 27121003 Anonymous (bros.jpg 622x541 36kB)
>lost $20 on doge but up on everything else
I don't even know what to say, if you thought a fucking memecoin was the hill to die on in this freak situation, you deserve every bag you hold
1 hours later 27121061 Anonymous
lol imagine believing "whites will become the new jews" hahaha you must be one delusional idiot. Your time is OVER son. You can't even say that shit in public without having your life destroyed. Completely cucked in your own countries and outbred. Pathetic.
1 hours later 27121143 Anonymous
Based, fuck the haters, don't buy memes though please
1 hours later 27121159 Anonymous (1604483437501.png 720x960 883kB)
Minorities and normies using bitcoin is unironically bullish. BTC 100K confirmed
1 hours later 27121186 Anonymous
How's this for timing?
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2592 4947
Nigger the only thing I overestimated was the momentum and even then I knew OBV was dangerously low as fuck. That and the crabbing has been going on way longer than I thought it would, but DEFI has been booming and that where I put my real money.
1inch? entered at 1.50
Telecoin at .005
Fantom at 8 cents
Stellar from 12k to 36k
Bitcoin 1.1 entered at 10k exited at 42k when parabolic breakdown and insane BVOL1M jumps toward over 100% Why do you assume I started with 6 figures tardo?
1 hours later 27121195 Anonymous
Yep. Look at all the posts about buying "shares" of doge on robinhood. The top is in. I'm selling everything, see you guys in a couple years.
1 hours later 27121383 Anonymous
Maybe in Jewmerica yes, everywhere else no lmfao. When nigs like you and dumb bimbo pornstars enter the market is when I sell my bags to idiots like you. Thanks for buying my shitcoin bags dummy.
1 hours later 27122039 Anonymous
Well sell then faggot, sell everything.... and not only in "Jewmerica" but all over the world your birthrates are falling so quit acting like you're exempt you clown.
1 hours later 27122133 Anonymous (sJSjmCN.png 941x119 18kB)
This is my favorite one
2.641 0.070