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2021-01-30 04:38 27110598 Anonymous (Es6MSQaWMAwzmx7.jpg 2048x2048 168kB)
bros wtf

1 min later 27110788 Anonymous
>>27110598 250k minimum eoy is not a meme

2 min later 27110847 Anonymous
Crypto feels ruined now. I know this is kinda gay but it felt like our little secret and now I’m hearing normies all over the place at work and on Twitter talking about their $5 dogecoin investments.

3 min later 27110880 Anonymous
>>27110788 tell me more

3 min later 27110895 Anonymous
>>27110847 muhh secret club kys faggot

3 min later 27110899 Anonymous (WTFBVTC.jpg 1812x849 153kB)

3 min later 27110936 Anonymous
Based pump and dump

4 min later 27110962 Anonymous
>>27110847 > oh no the normies will make us rich kys faggot

4 min later 27110987 Anonymous
>>27110847 bitcoin was never a secret, retard.

5 min later 27111059 Anonymous
>>27110847 holy cringe

5 min later 27111061 Anonymous (1609221554088.jpg 1365x2048 202kB)
>>27110847 >our little secret

8 min later 27111311 Anonymous
>>27110847 >>27110987 This... Using various peoples famous or not as some kind sell indicator is retarded. And it's ironic that 95% of the time this talking point is invoked it is never about some shitcoin, but the most established highest liquidity king coin. >oh noes now the whole world knows bitcoin exists and sometimes famous people talk about it, so bearish Yeah that's inevitable with continued success.

9 min later 27111412 Anonymous
>>27110847 This anons right you know

11 min later 27111512 Anonymous
>>27110847 >our little secret >every normie in america bought gpus until they were sold out everywhere three years ago to try and get rich off this meme shit

13 min later 27111666 Anonymous
>>27110847 >>27110987 the "secret community" of bitcointalk completely turned me off. you can only tolerate autistic would-be economists for so long. same reason I float in and out of /biz/ and rarely lurk r/wsb. you people suck. >>27111311 when celebrities start shilling, you know there's a sucker around the corner (good). it also means that I must plot my risk-adjusted model of gamestop's certain parabolic curve gently. even though i intend to profit in the chaos of a likely market downturn, i really don't want to hurt fellow gentiles (bad) and would gladly be thankful of my ability to quickly gather non-debt liquidity, and to take less profit.

14 min later 27111777 Anonymous
>>27110847 Normies always find out eventually

28 min later 27112870 Anonymous
>>27110847 Now? It was all over the news a quite a few years ago with talking heads trying to explain it to the boomer masses.

30 min later 27113043 Anonymous
>>27110788 >>27110899 >>27111311 >>27111777 holy shit these gets >>27111666 you too satan

32 min later 27113182 Anonymous
>>27110847 >it felt like our little secret What the hell is the point of currency if nobody uses it?

32 min later 27113223 Anonymous
Part 1 of the doge mega pump. > be musk > shill doge > shill Bitcoin to get normies into the crypto world > wait for inevitable surge as crypto bull run happens again > shill doge now with millions more people using exchanges > doge goes to $1USD This is just the beginning boys

36 min later 27113510 Anonymous
>>27111666 >i intend to profit in the chaos of a likely market downturn, i really don't want to hurt fellow gentiles (bad) and would gladly be thankful of my ability to quickly gather non-debt liquidity, and to take less profit. based satan

36 min later 27113514 Anonymous
>>27110847 This is good you faggot If more people are investing in crypto that means alt coins have more potential to moon

38 min later 27113673 Anonymous (1600073512107.jpg 900x700 118kB)
>>27110847 i know what you mean, its like what happened to the internet during "eternal September"

39 min later 27113779 Vitalij_K
please, ban all these tards from topic they still try to shill with shitcoins and post everywhere their ref I am not an idiot to participate in this trash Why should I do it if I have BASE on my wallet and last month there were only profitable rebases

49 min later 27114474 Anonymous
>>27110847 >Implying normies aren't going to get fed up with this and never touch crypto again when they get burned on some shitcoin an influence was shilling Also BTC has been mainstream for like 6 years at this point.

1 hours later 27115433 Anonymous
>>27110847 this same elitism is why the boomers are now seething over those stock gamblers

1 hours later 27116217 Anonymous
This is a distraction from GME and AMC and NOK. THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS.

1 hours later 27116293 Anonymous
>>27110598 They're prob trying to take down the fiat cabal Who knows tho

1 hours later 27116359 Anonymous
>>27110598 Faggot Beast should be pumping doge for the little guy. Ugly faggot.

1 hours later 27116472 Anonymous
>>27110847 don't forget they're forever priced out

1 hours later 27117671 Anonymous
>>27111061 eebu..

1 hours later 27117821 Anonymous
>>27110598 mr faggot was a early bitcoin investor, that's how he is rich of course he is pumping his bags elon musk is just a retard

1 hours later 27117869 Anonymous
>>27110598 fuck Jack

1 hours later 27117880 Anonymous

1 hours later 27117895 Anonymous
Is this a bearish sign?

1 hours later 27117918 Anonymous
>>27110847 That usually means it's about to crash lol. I remember in Jan 2018 all the niggers at the gym were talking about bitcoin and then it corrected 80% downward

1 hours later 27118003 Anonymous (danoff.png 1567x731 199kB)
Goodbye DOGE lmaoooo

1 hours later 27118010 Anonymous (1523068446546s.jpg 125x93 1kB)
>>27110598 literally gambling and buying a couple antminer s9s for this exact reason. Worst case scenario I lose a few bucks a day, best case scenario I'll be pretty fookin well off with a nice income per year

1 hours later 27118093 Anonymous
>>27110788 Bitcoin is broken retard. 2 Layer solutions are trash. Enjoy your band aid while real crypto investors know what the future is. I’m not telling a maxitard like you though

1 hours later 27118107 Anonymous
>>27110847 my lil dog coin movin

1 hours later 27118143 Anonymous
>>27110847 Don't be stupid. Bitcoin is never going to be THE crypto. It's simple enough for the boomers to eat up in small doses, but they'll never actually do anything useful with it. They'll stack it like they do with the boomer rocks and that's it.

1 hours later 27118236 Anonymous
>>27110598 bearish

1 hours later 27118542 Anonymous
>>27118010 just be warned. a single s9 will take about 100 days to hit the minimum cashout threshold of .01 in a typical pool

1 hours later 27118598 Anonymous
real? too lazy to check. elon memeing i can understand but wtf at jack. this all feels like a fever dream. anyone rememeber corona virus?

1 hours later 27118664 Anonymous
The elite have long been in Bitcoin btw

1 hours later 27118922 Anonymous
>>27110598 they all misspelled dogecoin

1 hours later 27119661 Anonymous
When will it be available to trade? Monday?

1 hours later 27119756 Anonymous
>>27118093 You could tell me if you don't want to tell him.

1 hours later 27119826 Anonymous
>>27118922 yeah wtf is a bitcoin??? sad to see mr beast engaging in scams for sure

2 hours later 27119844 Anonymous
>>27110847 Honestly it feels bigger than 2017 at this point, the normie hype.

2 hours later 27120573 Anonymous
>>27110847 >our little secret That was supposed to be between you and Uncle Jimmy!!!

2 hours later 27121898 Anonymous
>>27118107 kekkk

2 hours later 27122105 Anonymous
>>27110788 >>27110880 >>27118093 BUY the DOGE dips

28.295 0.091