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2021-01-30 03:12 27103788 Anonymous Rootkit - supply and demand make ROOT a sure thing (murdainc.jpg 400x560 31kB)
now $3k, look for ROOT to head north to $4k soon
cleverly designed protocol is not for the weak: https://rootkit.finance/#/
6 min later 27104286 Anonymous
giant mega pump n dump incoming!
12 min later 27104825 Anonymous
ROOT keeps rising every time i fucking look lmao
19 min later 27105329 Anonymous
just put all money in DOGE and ur good senpai
20 min later 27105426 Anonymous
hurry up and get absorbed. We need another $CORE pump
25 min later 27105772 Anonymous (trash.jpg 194x260 10kB)
CORE is a garbage ass scam. gtfoh with that - i know way too many people who got fucked by them
32 min later 27106304 Anonymous
rootkit is that one built by a bunch of hacker fucks aint it
41 min later 27107004 Anonymous
andddd what's your point?
50 min later 27107700 Anonymous
this isn't exactly what satoshi nakamoto had in mind when he hand crafted btc code
52 min later 27107849 Anonymous
Anon you were supposed to wait until after the massive buybacks happen next week before you post this..
55 min later 27108090 Anonymous
Lol how's your CORE doing? Wait didn't you all say this was going to rug when it first came out and then it proved you wrong.. Fear manifests itself in many ways. Root just took your idea and made it better kek
1 hours later 27108672 Anonymous (matrix1.jpg 548x796 71kB)
core is a mega sucktooth project
at least root has the team and the tokenomics to make this last
1 hours later 27108889 Anonymous
Why buy this and core when YFi is the only one making things happen?
1 hours later 27109366 Anonymous
To put it shortly they "hacked" uniswap liquidity calculation mechanism. Uniswap is over there thinking root is backed by locked liquidity, but in reality there's two liquidity pools, which allows us to take ETH from the other pool and buy back at market value. It's the closest thing to a money printer on market.
1 hours later 27109421 Anonymous
YFi is a proven scam- it's ruined families and relationships. don't spread that toxicity around here
1 hours later 27109523 Anonymous (1449193520135.gif 500x711 1017kB)
So should I be staking my little half ROOT?
1 hours later 27109618 Anonymous
If I were you, I'd not stake for now and wait for the big buyback next week.
1 hours later 27110162 Anonymous
just sit back, relax, and watch the dollars add up motherfucker
1 hours later 27110705 Anonymous (root.png 792x501 14kB)
So comfy. It's been out for two months now it and can't stop going up. This chart is a work of art.
1 hours later 27110849 Anonymous
i add to my stack on the fucking reg.. haven't been disappointed yet
1 hours later 27111408 Anonymous
I mean the branding might be a little bit of a turnoff for people, and it was probably not the best idea to piss off the entire CORE community when it first launched but I can't wait to see what crazy shit will be implemented in the future. Can't believe it's flying so under the radar desu
1 hours later 27111497 Anonymous
core deserves it plain and simple.. if they cant take the heat, gtfo the kitchen
1 hours later 27111606 Anonymous
You guys literally stole their code and even ape them personally. You might be a sociopath
1 hours later 27111710 Anonymous
They haven’t implemented shit and they won’t because they aren’t even developers. This is encore level 12 year old faggotry. Stay broke.
1 hours later 27111989 Anonymous
The code for both projects is on GitHub or are you too stupid to read it kek
You probably just see a function name and think "OMG IT SAYS IT RIGHT HERE FLOOR SWEEPER. WE GOT EMMMM" without realizing that's how we reuse our liquidity.
And I'm not broke so literally all of your arguments sound like they're level 12 year old faggotry. We must've really pissed you guys off.
1 hours later 27112547 Anonymous (photo_2020-12-24_15-16-49.jpg 634x423 50kB)
may we continue to live rent free in the shit talker heads
1 hours later 27112866 Anonymous
Just know the feud between us is a meme at this point and not to be taken too seriously. Sure the Absorbening wasn't the most tactful move on our part, but CORE was the popular trend at the time and it gave us good hype to accelerate the LGE. Also, our lead dev did not make ENCORE or any CORE clone--she did make UniFund though that got her foot in the door.
And no, our projects are not the same apart from the locked liquidity and Windows 95 website style (called React95--which is a public React library that literally anyone can use).
1 hours later 27113121 Anonymous
good drama on here for a friday night
2 hours later 27113960 Anonymous
rootkit only goes up? am i crazy or is that what's happening
2 hours later 27114371 Anonymous
There's math and stuff that happens in the background but yeah, pretty much. Our devs programmed a money printer. The pump function is normally only executed when there's a dip though to prevent someone just selling all their bags. It actually is used to punish people who sell as they have to buy back in at a higher price kek
2 hours later 27114624 Anonymous (spectacular.jpg 300x168 7kB)
woah what do you think the price will hit this year?
2 hours later 27115236 Anonymous
I'm not a financial advisor by any means but probably 0. All my coins go to 0 kek
2 hours later 27115390 Anonymous
well you must not own any dogecoin cuz that thing is going to $1 whether your ass likes it or not
2 hours later 27115748 Anonymous
I do own DOGE.. but DOGE will also reach zero when I exit my position. It's really weird but my MetaMask has all these 0's next to the coins after I trade them. I must be doing something wrong.
2 hours later 27115898 Anonymous (2020root.jpg 600x500 45kB)
well ROOT will have four 0's next to it when it hits $10,000 in the near future
2 hours later 27116384 Anonymous
you wish fag, no chance
this thing is about to take a sharp turn towards 0
2 hours later 27116456 Anonymous
It was a newfag joke but true. I'll be staking these bad boys. Also 99% of crypto price projections are wrong, all I can predict is price will go up if BTC/ETH hold throughout the year and it will go down if they don't.
2 hours later 27116619 Anonymous
That's physically not possible. It's called a price floor--and it's one of the great features of having locked liquidity. Every time someone buys, the price floor rises.
2 hours later 27116750 Anonymous
is it possible to get rich off this thing or just a dream?
2 hours later 27117264 Anonymous
you wish bitch- you will lose everything and your wife will leave you
2 hours later 27117317 Anonymous (telegram.png 409x314 12kB)
There are Medium posts for how all this works, but it's all tied to ETH. Also see pic for current numbers--this is a pain in the ass to explain it all but know that it can never be zero. And it would move up a lot faster if people didn't dump as soon as it's pumped. But yeah it is possible, and once it starts gaining traction, the buy pressure it will generate will be insane. You also get the swings of ETH as well, both good and bad.
2 hours later 27117530 Anonymous
Well the devs got a good percentage of ETH during the Liquidity Generation Event (a million dollars split ~4 ways I think), and they talk to us a lot in the Telegram of all their crazy plans and thoughts. Some of the most based devs I've seen on a crypto project.
2 hours later 27117667 Anonymous
And this is 4chan newfag. Not family central. This entire board is filled with incels kek
2 hours later 27117789 Anonymous
not quite sure wtf 'based' means
3 hours later 27118060 Anonymous
..I must accept that Redditors have come and are here to stay.. "Based" is internet terminology:
(Internet slang, 4chan) Praiseworthy and admirable, often through exhibiting independence and security.
3 hours later 27118356 Anonymous (grin.jpg 447x456 50kB)
yes basically a red pill based head is the kind that will do well in life
3 hours later 27118638 Anonymous
topkek I don't know my Internet history how it became a word of endearment (maybe from the rapper "Lil B the Based God"), but you'll see it a lot that you just become normalized to it
3 hours later 27118656 Anonymous
guys if i dump $10k into ROOT and use 20x leverage, will i be able to retire and move to Key West?
3 hours later 27118861 Anonymous
I hope so brother. Not to disclose my holdings but that's roughly about the same amount I have in this. Once again, not a financial advisor, but if I were buying in I'd wait for it to dip under $3K since it's been hovering around that point. I really can't do accurate TA on this though since it just goes up kek
3 hours later 27119385 Anonymous
congrats on flushing $10k down the drain bud
you could have bought new wardrobe with that money- do you realize what a fucktard you are for washing this money down the shitter?
3 hours later 27119500 Anonymous
I don't want to give any misleading info though. This as a high risk ETH trade, if there is any market fuckery with BTC/ETH (ie. crypto fails) this will fall with it. But then again, that's the entire market.
Get used to using stable coins (USDC or USDT). If we somehow reach a stock/crypto apocalypse, a good move is to trade into a stable coin immediately as the market will crash around you but won't have as bad as effect on you. Just felt like giving that pro-tip to new users in this space.
3 hours later 27119577 Anonymous
Woah wait kek why do you think that way? Do you have a better project in mind?
3 hours later 27119884 Anonymous
Imagine not being in root have fun staying poor.
3 hours later 27120246 Anonymous
imagine being a little bitch fag
3 hours later 27120884 Anonymous
So much negativity. Doesn't make sense since we're still a pretty small project and we hardly post on here at all. CORE brah is that you?
3 hours later 27121253 Anonymous
rumor has it that Core shutdown due to the leadership being involved in some rather unsavory behavior
3 hours later 27121757 Anonymous
lets be real,,,, rootkit is the methlab of the crypto world
3 hours later 27121879 Anonymous
Meth labs make hella dough tho
4 hours later 27122035 Anonymous
I wouldn't trust those rumors. And even if it was true, they are a legitimate project and would continue to thrive regardless. Fun to meme on, sure. But legitimate, nonetheless, and we owe a lot to them and their advancements in the DeFi space.
4 hours later 27122049 Anonymous
Shit is like a new kind of stablecoin, one of the few 4chan coin useful for my portfolio
4 hours later 27122188 Anonymous
woah that's crazy that you secretly work for Core and use Rootkit insider secrets to make Core protocol more robust
4 hours later 27122226 Anonymous
Dumbest bullshit I've seen in a while desu
4 hours later 27122503 Anonymous
kek insider secrets are all on medium and Telegram so I guess that makes them.. outsider secrets O___O
4 hours later 27122824 Anonymous
Sorry faggots I'm trying to adapt to this Reddit culture now but this is hard as fuck and I'm cringing just reading what I wrote. Fuck.
4 hours later 27122913 Anonymous
the only time i couldn't keep a secret was when my gf made out with her best friend at prom
i told the whole damn school LMAO
3.556 0.107