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2021-01-29 11:17 26982732 Anonymous (dogecoin.png 940x940 620kB)
0 min later 26982788 Anonymous
put it in Fantom, and stop chasing random pumps
1 min later 26982828 Anonymous
i gonna fill my bag as soon as you sell, let me know
1 min later 26982839 Anonymous
what's with all the paper-handed traders here? sersiously...biz is becoming more gay by the day
1 min later 26982873 Anonymous
You only hold your bag when you sell.
Keep holding
2 min later 26982909 Anonymous
Paper hand niggers ought to be lynched
2 min later 26982956 Anonymous
Hold because ameribros are about to wake up.
2 min later 26982968 Anonymous
3 min later 26982983 Anonymous (1611894574511.jpg 888x894 77kB)
>oh nooooo Doge fell to 2x it's previous ATH! YoU gOt sCaMmED
Hold the fucking line
We're all gonna make it
Wave 2 coming TODAY
Wave 1: $0.01 to $0.08
Wave 2: $0.04 to ???
Best time to get a bag is this very moment.
3 min later 26982997 Anonymous
This guy here fucks
3 min later 26983035 Anonymous
only sell if you sell low
4 min later 26983055 Anonymous
>Wave 2: $0.04 to ???
make the 0.03 to 0.2
4 min later 26983061 Anonymous
sell and move the the happening of our lifetime GME and AMC
4 min later 26983101 Anonymous
Sell at a profit, convert to BTC and await the collapse.
6 min later 26983209 Anonymous
this. it's time to buy the dip, you have the chance to get in the train right now
6 min later 26983211 Anonymous
kek dubs confirm
fuck you
16 min later 26984057 Anonymous (inb4YouSayThatsTheJoke.jpg 474x355 14kB)
Today I finally understood the actual meme-ness of Dogecoin. It's not because it is named and styled after after a shiba dog meme, it IS a meme and only has value for the briefest moments while it is actually being aggressively memed by some huge catalyst like Elon or AOC. The meme turns stale after a few hours and it creates a new wave of idiot bagholding pink wojaks. It is designed inherently for pumping and dumping.
And no, I am not one of those idiot bagholders.
17 min later 26984143 Anonymous
farm doges on dogefarm finance
https://sys.4channel.org/derefer?ur l=https%3A%2F%2Fdogefarm.medium.com %2Fdogefarm-platform-and-ydoge-yiel d-tokenomics-53ce0e20394f
18 min later 26984166 Anonymous (Es2KJHWUUAMzVl4.jpg 612x612 52kB)
You should have bought at 20 or below and sold at 70/80. If not then you fucked up.
20 min later 26984308 Anonymous
Just went back in. The momentum is building again and we're gonna pump it right up again. Just remember to HOLD, keep shilling and BUY THOSE MOTHERFUCKING DIPS.
21 min later 26984385 Anonymous
where to buy doge? and what wallet?
24 min later 26984596 Anonymous (resim_2021-01-29_134126.png 500x236 224kB)
>be me
>bought at 20 sat and sold at 45
>see the prices before I sleep
>"huh I guess I missed the train"
>wake up
>it's 250
>panic rebuy
>watch the downfall in pain
>wait for amerimutts to wake up
ahh my hands
24 min later 26984627 Anonymous
Dont be a coward. Hodl and ride this bad boy at the end... buy more link
25 min later 26984658 Anonymous
desu holding doge is more important to me than making money off it
25 min later 26984684 Anonymous
binance for non american, for americans idk
25 min later 26984713 Anonymous
10am EST is the big pump, but at lowest around 8h30am
26 min later 26984755 Anonymous
26 min later 26984762 Anonymous
If you sell buy a rope
26 min later 26984768 Anonymous (DOGE.png 538x46 5kB)
26 min later 26984797 Anonymous
27 min later 26984822 Anonymous
This guy know what's up
27 min later 26984838 Anonymous
hold untill america wakes up and normies hear about it
easy x10
27 min later 26984848 Anonymous
Get out before u end up bag holding at .0008
28 min later 26984908 Anonymous
save yourself. dHEDGE does it for you
28 min later 26984910 Anonymous (1527965944482.jpg 349x268 20kB)
fuckoff samefag
have fun in the dust
29 min later 26985010 Anonymous (IMG_20210129_044440.jpg 1600x900 895kB)
If you're at a deficit hold, you're fucked regardless, and wait til the vast majority wake up
31 min later 26985133 Anonymous
The Twitter gears are churning as are r/SatoshiStreetBets, which gained 70k+ members because of DOGE in one day.
It's time lads. Time to do it all over again and POMP EET
32 min later 26985260 Anonymous (Cleon-Peterson-Poison-6.jpg 912x920 93kB)
sell it so I can buy
33 min later 26985326 Anonymous (1611232693059.jpg 662x447 62kB)
There's still normies trying to make money on this?
The pump started over 24 hours ago and everyone that knows what's going on already cashed out. You're basically just playing musical chairs with a bunch of normies til a few get stuck with bags til the next time this gets meme'd in a year or two.
34 min later 26985366 Anonymous
Im riding it out to see if it gets the ride from today's squeeze. I bought in early enough that i won't take a big hit if it goes back to 48 hours ago levels and i only have 12k doge so i wouldn't have made enough off the 5 hours ago to make much difference. Hopefully i wake up to some 4 figure gains but if not it was worth a shot
34 min later 26985370 Anonymous
This shit hit .08 last night. There's no way it doesn't pump again when people see the potential.
35 min later 26985442 Anonymous
36 min later 26985523 Anonymous (1489309542381.jpg 249x250 6kB)
I sold my holdings for 90% profit so I'm pretty comfy. Kinda wanna see it crash at this point for the bloodbath. Remember that it is fundamentally uselss - it was created as a joke and there are unlimited Dogecoins
37 min later 26985586 Anonymous
Fake news, Twitter's already warming back up to pump. There's not gonna be any sign up delay this time and coinspot has fixed their issues so server crashing for the 5000% increas in aussies won't be an issue anymore
37 min later 26985594 Anonymous
Was literally created by an aussie shitposter
41 min later 26985915 Anonymous
This is your last chance to sell at a good price
41 min later 26985967 Anonymous
Is this a joke? How did you not make 300% profit off of this shit in the last few days?
41 min later 26985985 Anonymous
It's literally going up as we speak. Get in now before it's too late because 0.5 is the aim tonight.
42 min later 26986006 Anonymous
do you know what IDs are newfriend?
43 min later 26986165 Anonymous
43 min later 26986171 Anonymous
Wait for the Amerifats to wake up.
43 min later 26986177 Anonymous
i'm retard who is new to this, bought £50 doge on binance, how do i cash out if it goes up? how can i check the difference between the rpice i bought it for and what the price is at currently?
44 min later 26986222 Anonymous
It has no potential it is literally a joke coin but it does have potential to make money
45 min later 26986333 Anonymous (17_55_25_215_file.jpg 500x500 49kB)
are you new or just retarded anon
49 min later 26986679 Anonymous (1611875935792.jpg 819x1024 94kB)
This, and every glownigger deserves a painful death
49 min later 26986710 Anonymous
FUCK i sold 40000 at .045 cad, though i bought at .012 or so, still made out ok. Should i rebuy 10000 or so? It's now .056, fuck my fucking life
55 min later 26987254 Anonymous
50 cents is not a meme anymore boys
56 min later 26987300 Anonymous
56 min later 26987330 Anonymous (file.png 522x88 16kB)
1 hours later 26988858 Anonymous
my head tells me to sell, but my gut says to buy more.
I feel like last night was a pump and dump by people who are mostly familiar with crypto. And even the morning after we are well above ATH. Tonight and this weekend could be the pump of a lifetime with every normie in the world trying to get in on the memes.
1 hours later 26990166 Anonymous
1 hours later 26990423 Anonymous
>the pump and dump is dumping should i hold?
based retard
1 hours later 26991635 Anonymous
I only bought in last night, that was 8 hours of gains
1 hours later 26991718 Anonymous
1 hours later 26991810 Anonymous
1 hours later 26992030 Anonymous
2 hours later 26992328 Anonymous (dannwau-7e1a4257-c518-4cc1-883f-3676041f46cd.png 649x708 77kB)
Hold pussy
2 hours later 26992431 Anonymous
im so fucking mad. just hopped on the bandwagon and all the sites that sell are frozen shut. cant verify. cant do shit.
2.529 0.065