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2021-01-29 09:05 26972341 Anonymous WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT (E59BA51B-1462-4BB1-A517-85615DB4E0A1.jpg 786x601 199kB)

3 min later 26972604 Anonymous
>>26972341 No it isn't dickhead

4 min later 26972703 Anonymous
We are going to the mooonnnn

4 min later 26972707 Anonymous
>>26972341 Not selling

4 min later 26972749 Anonymous

5 min later 26972844 Anonymous

6 min later 26972901 Anonymous
So comfy.

6 min later 26972904 Anonymous
>>26972341 Pathetic

7 min later 26972980 Anonymous
>>26972341 I have a 30k stack Is this just a meme or can I expect consistent gains in the future?

8 min later 26973036 Anonymous
>>26972980 You’re going to make it

8 min later 26973043 Anonymous (1611748962985.png 1023x842 212kB)
>>26972341 >WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT It's still sitting at 58c nigger don't give me heart attack

9 min later 26973126 Anonymous (1608402496158.jpg 640x700 41kB)
Today we heal

10 min later 26973191 Anonymous (justed pepe.jpg 374x363 45kB)
>>26972341 I only have 200.

10 min later 26973197 Anonymous
>>26972980 Well I have my 100k stacked but I'm debating withdrawing because I feel like February is going to be alt season and it's going to 3x or something. I also probably want to be out before mid-may so I can sell the pump after the supply gets released

13 min later 26973384 Anonymous
Going parabolic is what doge did, we aren’t even up 10% kek

14 min later 26973509 Anonymous
grt has been so consistent in price action its ridiculous, if you lose money on this you're retarded

17 min later 26973773 Anonymous
>>26973509 I know right, sold at .64 and gonna get back in at .49.

19 min later 26973856 Anonymous
120K stack here, just believe in the power of meme energy

19 min later 26973898 Anonymous
That cup and handle will activate any day......any.....day....now

22 min later 26974124 Anonymous (grtstinky.png 1200x1200 1127kB)

22 min later 26974137 Anonymous
>>26972341 Look at the supply. We're going to the bottom of the trading range.

26 min later 26974397 Anonymous
>>26974137 Look at the supply of doge, xrp and eth

26 min later 26974446 Anonymous
What the fuck is BTC doing? An ungodly amount of normie money just flooded into the market and it dumps.

28 min later 26974517 Anonymous
>>26974137 Stale FUD

30 min later 26974660 Anonymous
>>26972341 ngmi sorry

31 min later 26974739 Anonymous (1610469389525.png 1136x1019 163kB)
>>26974137 Yaaawn

37 min later 26975198 Anonymous
What is GRT

38 min later 26975281 Anonymous
>>26974739 We're not done crabbing.

41 min later 26975506 Anonymous
>>26975198 It’s literally google

41 min later 26975541 Anonymous
>>26974446 nvm

1 hours later 26977116 Anonymous
>>26972341 where to cop this?

1 hours later 26977496 Anonymous
>>26977116 coinbase binance basically everywhere it was listed day one on every exchange because it's a serious project, never happened before

1 hours later 26977576 Anonymous
Aaaaand back down lol you sad bunch of cucks

1 hours later 26977601 It's over. (Over......png 169x196 4kB)
It's over.

1 hours later 26977694 Anonymous
Am I fucking glad I sold this shit.

1 hours later 26977698 It's over. (It's over..png 1426x309 10kB)
>>26977601 It's over.

1 hours later 26977712 Anonymous (file.png 330x464 15kB)

1 hours later 26977784 It's over. (It's over....png 477x639 464kB)
>>26977712 Nope. It's over for good now. It's over.

1 hours later 26977880 Anonymous
Everythings dumping in sat value cause of these fucking wall street bet redditor faggots. This might actually kill the bullrun if btc goes too high and the institutions decide to profit take

1 hours later 26977972 Anonymous
learn to be patient. we are going to keep seeing motions like this. GRT is a long haul comfy bag. you need to stop fixating on it. you are in on the next bitcoin. we are all going to the moon just dont fucking give up your bags. or better yet, DO so i can buy them

1 hours later 26978067 Anonymous
>>26977601 :( im all in grt

1 hours later 26978070 Anonymous
>>26977784 its over

1 hours later 26978726 Anonymous (index.jpg 300x168 8kB)
We're back at the bottom of the trading range. Niggers, you know who you are.

1 hours later 26979107 Anonymous
>>26977601 In exactly 20 minutes GRT will be above 60

1 hours later 26979265 Anonymous
>>26978067 Then why are you even looking at short term price? This thing is literally going to $5 this run

1 hours later 26979865 Anonymous (3x.png 112x112 12kB)
>>26979107 >>26979107

1 hours later 26980001 Anonymous
>>26972341 So are we going to $50 or what?

1 hours later 26980431 Anonymous
Well, I got sleep and see that my graph has completely melted, thanks Elon

1 hours later 26981178 Anonymous
>>26979865 I never said which currency brainlet

1 hours later 26981576 Anonymous (29FA056F-8141-42D9-A33A-8FED7DC26341.png 2409x1293 955kB)
>>26974137 Right

1 hours later 26981695 Anonymous
>>26980001 Eventually yes

2 hours later 26982204 Anonymous
>>26981576 Joke's on you, I did 5 years of webdev myself. It doesn't mean shit.

2 hours later 26983476 Anonymous
this coin is such a piece of shit. it can't hold a pump to save its life

2 hours later 26984733 Anonymous (KW2019_aNews4_01.jpg 2318x2307 728kB)
The official Kennedy coin. I'm not even mad.

2 hours later 26984973 Anonymous
>>26982204 What would you use to create a dapp then? How would you query blockchain data? You're an expert, this should be easy to answer.

2 hours later 26985418 Anonymous
>>26984973 The point is that having expertise in an area doesn't mean that you can make projections about actual rate of adoption and market dominance. We've seen players with strong fundamentals fail time and time again in the tech space and some competitor making it instead. We saw it before crypto, we've been seeing it during crypto, and we will be seeing it after crypto. I'm sympathetic to the project and I'm still holding quite a bag myself, but it would be delusional to think that strong fundamentals automatically translate to success or dominance in any specific space.

2 hours later 26985478 Anonymous
SHIT!! DO NOT GO FOR PLS I BEG YOU lol, don’t believe in this trash my portfolio is safe with xsn on it 46mil mc, Layer2 DEX, top staking and top opportunities without fees

2 hours later 26986272 Anonymous
>>26985418 Normally I would agree, but Graph is literally game changing. It takes away a giant chunk of complexity (and cost) that you would need to pay in order to develop a dapp. No one will do that, given the option to just pay some GRT and get the data you need, developing a custom subgraph if needed, and once it's on the Graph it will stay on the Graph. Yes, if this was just based on hopes and promises then fundamentals mean nothing. But it already works, it's already used, and everyone who uses it agrees that it's a necessary piece of the ecosystem.

3 hours later 26986610 Anonymous (99924623462.jpg 750x956 646kB)
>>26985418 it's already dominating

3 hours later 26986652 Anonymous
Where's the dchan bro been? When the hedge funds crash today, Biden and boys are probably going to start shutting down financial forums for hate-investment advice, and I still want a place to talk about $.55 eoy.

3 hours later 26986906 Anonymous
>>26986610 And it's in the process of adding ALL of the layer1 blockchains, layer1 blockchains are literally competing against eachother who gets to be the first to be integrated after ethereum which is already integrated btw

3 hours later 26986985 Anonymous
>>26986652 Hate investment advice, my sides this is going to be the new narrative on MSM

3 hours later 26987006 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-01-28 After a Successful Mainnet Launch on Ethereum, The Graph Evaluates Integrating Additional L1 blockcha[...].png 1307x720 899kB)

3 hours later 26987210 Anonymous
>>26986652 Here. Yeah, there's not going to be anything usable anytime soon, sorry about that. But maybe by 2090 we'll have a usable PoC. Maybe.

3 hours later 26987303 Anonymous
>>26986610 Yes, but the market isn't big enough yet. There's ample time for competitors to come in and rain on the parade, or for things in the space general to go south. We see shifts of dominance with things declining and rising constantly everywhere, and there's no reason to believe that this project is immune to any of these developments, no matter how great it is and looks like now >>26986272 . It could still turn out to be the Neanderthals of indexers.

3 hours later 26987329 Anonymous
>>26972341 Cool, I’m going paraplegic

3 hours later 26987385 Anonymous
>>26987303 >>26986906

3 hours later 26987452 Anonymous (EsyYkS8XAAM378D.jpg 960x430 43kB)
>>26986652 >hate-investment advice Kek

3 hours later 26988035 Anonymous
>>26987303 Anything could happen, honestly. The whole thing could turn out to be a scam. Crypto could go to zero. The whole team could die tomorrow. But all of these prospects are much more probable compared to someone popping out and having a working product that does what the Graph does in a more efficient manner. It's simple, high quality, and has already enough momentum that it will be really, really, REALLY hard for someone to come up with a competitor that will shift Graph out of his dominant position.

3 hours later 26988182 Anonymous
>>26974446 Amerimutts are just starting to wake up.

3 hours later 26988499 Anonymous
So, are we going to miss are weekend pump because something market bought 15 million last night?

3 hours later 26989039 Anonymous (25-Yoga-pants.jpg 570x711 72kB)
>>26988499 >*our Need coffee. Is coffee good for you?

3 hours later 26990107 Anonymous

3 hours later 26990169 Anonymous
>>26989039 Is this a porno because I need to here her orifices filled by BIG BLACK DICK. Imagine bigger cum dripping out of her pussy and asshole while she begs for more black cock, because he BLACK COCK HUNGER is far from sated. Not even close. This is hey she is working out, to attract more masculine BLACK DICK to impregnate her WHITE CUNT. Very nice.

3 hours later 26990377 Anonymous
>>26990169 spotted the american

3 hours later 26990419 Anonymous (F970823E-87CD-429B-B430-1FCEF43DE07A.jpg 456x597 160kB)

3 hours later 26990633 Anonymous
>>26990169 Looks like the Americans are awake.

3 hours later 26991168 Anonymous
>back to shit tier levels why

3 hours later 26991203 Anonymous
>>26988499 What are you talking about? Elaborate.

3 hours later 26991211 Anonymous
>>26991168 55c stablecoin

4 hours later 26991295 Anonymous
>>26990169 A statera man, I see!

4 hours later 26991304 Anonymous
>>26990107 >MUH search bar By the time it has one you’d be priced out faggot

4 hours later 26991483 Anonymous
>>26991203 Historically, lol all 6 weeks of it, we've generally hit weekly highs on the weekend, and we sink down to trading range the rest of the week. It feels like the flow was probably disrupted a bit by last night's dam break volume.

4 hours later 26991529 Anonymous
>buy coin with solid fundamentals and usecase >would’ve gotten multiple times the return I’ve gotten on it if I would’ve just bought fucking dogecoin This isn’t fair.

4 hours later 26991674 Anonymous
>>26991529 eventually reality will set in and it will dump back under 1c.

4 hours later 26991721 Anonymous
>>26991529 don't worry, the majority of the normies who bought dogecoin are too retarded to sell on time.

4 hours later 26991751 Anonymous
>>26972904 this, so much this

4 hours later 26991814 Anonymous (GRT - Indexers daily rewards comparison - Report 29-01-2021.jpg 1123x793 132kB)
For my little Grapherios fren anon

4 hours later 26991835 Anonymous
>>26991529 Grasshopper and the ant. Set your own goals and don't measure success by what's going on over in doge threads. That's going to be pink wojack town within the week. Imagine getting caught with a bag of your life savings in a known meme product that has been mass hysteria driven to brainfuck highs, then ruined everyone involved, like 10 times in 5 years?

4 hours later 26991920 Anonymous (1611622984609.jpg 850x850 27kB)
>>26990107 >>26991304 It's already here. And you still don't have your suicide stack yet. NGMI.

4 hours later 26992049 Anonymous
>>26974739 lel right-wing beta males couldn't even get a good IT team together for their ghetto twitter offshoot

4 hours later 26992118 Anonymous (GRT - Indexers daily rewards comparison - Report 29-01-2021.jpg 7017x4958 3543kB)

4 hours later 26992497 Anonymous
>>26991920 What’s the suicide stack?

4 hours later 26992777 Anonymous
>>26992118 Be aware that indexers can change their fees cut at anytime so this report is only valid day by day ;) The indexer with the best GRT daily return now won't necessarily be the best for the long term (they want to attract more delegators with high earning). I personally think that it's better to chose one with lower return but more consistant in the time. And don't forget about the 28 days thawing period. Have a nice day!

4 hours later 26993495 Anonymous (1609297621126.jpg 945x745 64kB)
>>26992497 Suicide stack 10k, make it stack 100k.

4 hours later 26994420 Anonymous
>>26992049 huh?

4 hours later 26994440 Anonymous
What's happened to biz? First the pol fags came and now these fucking weebs and normies are here. I see 5 threads about Nano, Digibyte and Doge. Where are all the faggots saying normies wont come back to 2017 coins? fucking joke, the lot of yous

4 hours later 26995145 Anonymous
Thats it boys, time to buy more.

4 hours later 26996096 Anonymous
I wish my 42k stack was a 100k stack. I might have to do some trades..

4 hours later 26996189 Anonymous (1611916460366.jpg 713x703 209kB)
is 3k grt enough? im delegating.

5 hours later 26997292 Anonymous
>>26994440 wall street bets kids jumped on DOGE for some reason

5 hours later 26997317 Anonymous
>>26996096 I wish my 4k stack was a 10k stack.

5 hours later 26998240 Anonymous
My buy was set at $.555 last night, and I let a moonboi idiot whisper in my ear about $.60 being the new floor. Reset buy to $.575, because I was 95% sure he was retarded, but .555 did seem like a big drop. Stuck here for a while.

5 hours later 26998330 Anonymous
>>26985418 It already has dominance though. Any other project is years and years behind.

5 hours later 26998436 Anonymous
>>26996189 didnt even think that was enough to delegate with, I had a pretty nice stack of GRT and believe in the project but was doing fucking nothing for me so went all in on RBC and seeing insane gains already (even right now in this dip)

5 hours later 26999166 Anonymous
>>26998240 i remember this specifically from last night lol. told you it'd pop right back down

5 hours later 26999548 Anonymous
>>26999166 I knew it would. I KNEW it would. but the devil saying an overnight 20% drop was impossible seemed semi reasonable. Hey, that's life. From now on, I live and die by my own strats.

5 hours later 26999632 Anonymous
>>26998240 I was fucking sleeping when it was mooning. FFS. Woke up with bags again.

5 hours later 26999884 Anonymous
>>26999632 I'm sorry to here that bro. I'm sticking to the atomic clock stable coin trading range from now on. The best thing about this product is, it has a future, so you're never (hopefully) stuck for too long.

3.273 0.136