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2021-01-29 08:09 26967529 Anonymous DOGE perfect storm. (Screenshot_20210129-020640.jpg 1080x1583 136kB)
America pumped DOGE 800%. The goal? Get DOGE into a state where it could eventually compete with Bitcoin in order to troll the system. If eurofags actually stuck to the fucking plan instead of seeing if their assholes were ready for the two inch covid probes with their tongues and assorted dildos it would be fine. Normies and celebrity influencers are all hyped to jump on. All you fags had to do was keep DOGE up. Keep buying DOGE, stop letting Americanons down, the best is yet to come.

3 min later 26967851 Anonymous (xWcl1LVy_400x400.jpg 281x281 12kB)
Anyone that understands the basics knew it could never reach $1 You tell the suckers $1 so they feel comfortable buying at 10 cents Then you dump at 8-9 cents before the early buyers reach their sell goal. It'a how it works and ill take a tip if you learned something

3 min later 26967857 Anonymous
>>26967529 DO I KEEP OR SELL

4 min later 26967959 Anonymous
>>26967857 HOLD

4 min later 26967963 Anonymous
>>26967857 If you have to ask this at this point it's too late for you. NGMI

5 min later 26968006 Anonymous
>>26967529 I put all i have . made 900+ DONT LET ME DOWN FAGGOTS 1k WHEN

5 min later 26968062 Anonymous
>>26967851 This is a little bit short sighted, if it holds up even to like the 3c level the FOMO tomorrow will be extreme my guy

6 min later 26968116 Anonymous
>>26967529 ill buy once more for the queen

6 min later 26968118 Anonymous
>>26967851 We need to shill for these retarts, they will become easy money in near future

7 min later 26968219 Anonymous
this dog coin is a jewish diversion from the gme squeeze. prepare to be bled out after their position is covered

8 min later 26968268 Anonymous
>>26967851 lies detected. you didnt provide a way to pay for the tip in the first post

8 min later 26968291 Anonymous
>>26967529 This! I bought 2000 doge early in the morning and couldn't be a happier waggie!

8 min later 26968297 Anonymous
>>26967529 No fucking joke, DOGE is literally BTC

9 min later 26968404 Anonymous
>>26967851 It went up like .4 in a couple hours this shit could work our way

9 min later 26968406 Anonymous
>>26967851 he's right you know. There are people here who have MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Doge that they got for fucking NOTHING

10 min later 26968447 Anonymous
>>26967529 eurofag here just bought 50k dogecoins

10 min later 26968467 Anonymous
>>26967851 Good shit but you forgot that you need to reinvest again at 5c because it's definitely going up tomorrow.

10 min later 26968507 Anonymous
>>26967857 I bought a few thousand, I'm holding. Won't be the worst thing if it goes down, but it could be a great thing it it goes up.

11 min later 26968550 Anonymous
>>26967857 you're gonna be hodling the bags

11 min later 26968564 Anonymous
Why are Europeans such pussys

12 min later 26968632 Anonymous
>>26967851 Just lie and say it's going to be the next Bitcoin, normies will believe you due to FOMO.

12 min later 26968643 Anonymous
>>26967851 realized this early on and made a quick $60 at .08 cents, thanks retards!

12 min later 26968659 Anonymous
>>26968387 pls delet or don't - no one here (read: newfaggets) is even smart enough to understand what the implications are KEK.

13 min later 26968701 Anonymous
>>26967851 >>26967529 Dumbass eurotrash, i only doubled my money off of this. I'll buy in again tomorrow

13 min later 26968714 Anonymous
>>26968219 You already know it is. It has 720k tweets on twitter and has apparantly siphoned all of the funds from retards who were going to "pwn the hedge fund" tomorrow but how now lost their extra funding due to the rug pull.

15 min later 26968961 Anonymous
>>26968268 He meant a verbal tip,like 'don't eat yellow snow'

16 min later 26969005 Anonymous
>>26967529 >>hurr duurr power of teamwork and positive thinking we'll flip bitcoin it will be epic gaymer win I'm burger but I gotta say euros are based on this one.. Who gives shit about such a ludicrous scheme you should have been ready to dump like any non-retard...

16 min later 26969052 Anonymous
>>26967851 Don't eat yellow snow

17 min later 26969069 Anonymous
>>26967851 Sell at like .095 and let it hit .1 the dip that causes will drop it down hard. Try to find the bottom and ride the bulltrap back up to .08.

17 min later 26969152 Anonymous

18 min later 26969186 Anonymous
i don't trade crypto, why does the chart show negative prices at 9:30 it looks like algebra 2 class

18 min later 26969244 Anonymous
LMAO at all the paper hands selling rn.

19 min later 26969245 Anonymous
>>26969005 >>26967529 It's only 0830 in Europe, anons. At least check the time before making these posts

19 min later 26969262 Anonymous
>>26968659 Correct

21 min later 26969432 Anonymous
>>26969152 Price is probably dropping too fast. Sorry bro. It's called capitulation. You should sell regardless, buy the dip. it'll be back tomorrow.

22 min later 26969586 Anonymous (download (10).jpg 251x201 6kB)

23 min later 26969661 Anonymous
Yea i bought when it was 0.00000100 BTC and sell when it was 0.00000150 so i don't fucking care. If it goes up again. I'll buy.

24 min later 26969731 Anonymous (ErfEVbKXYAQ3zbU.jpg 640x480 26kB)
Set my limit to 0.08c. might as well make a quick $200 before everyone with a brain dumps on the normies. Paper hands etc.

24 min later 26969736 Anonymous
Dude where could I even possibly go to short this bitch? USA Anon here

24 min later 26969740 Anonymous
I shorted DOGE, my liquidation price is $1,come short squeeze me fegits

25 min later 26969841 Anonymous
>>26967529 I hope those of you who were smart enough scalped the fuck out of the twitter fomo'ers My retarded tactic of selling when the Ichimoku cloud flipped red on the 1m miraculously worked

26 min later 26969874 Anonymous (1611730134457.png 206x244 3kB)
>>26967529 >compete with Bitcoin

26 min later 26969875 Anonymous

27 min later 26970041 Anonymous (paper-heart-hands-3.jpg 640x412 78kB)

28 min later 26970093 Anonymous
>>26967857 If you don't sell you haven't lost any money

28 min later 26970101 Anonymous
>buying a coin with infinite supply

32 min later 26970419 Anonymous
>>26967851 >he told them the truth and they hated him for that

33 min later 26970483 Anonymous
>>26970101 How is that different from USD?

34 min later 26970599 Anonymous
>>26970483 B A S E D

41 min later 26971092 Anonymous
>>26969244 You're not LMAOing, though. Your laugh sounded hollow. You're fudding. You're so desperate to make people hold that you type things like LMAO, and it sounds empty. Empty and desperate. Try putting yourself in others' shoes and seeing your post for what it is.

43 min later 26971277 Anonymous
>>26971092 yea 1200% is killing me rn

46 min later 26971585 Anonymous
>>26969244 GO BACK TO R*DDIT This isn't the stock market, it's dog eat dog. Enjoy holding your new bags faggot.

47 min later 26971657 Anonymous

53 min later 26972143 Anonymous
>>26971585 >it's doge eat doge

53 min later 26972149 Anonymous
eat shit faggots, I am an investor not a gambler. unlike gamestop the money here comes not from greedy hedgefunds but from fellow crypto-tards who got in late. I am not playing your pump and dump scheme even if I was early on the hype. suck my dick.

53 min later 26972189 Anonymous
>>26967529 where to buy

55 min later 26972300 Anonymous
>>26972149 >not taking for reddit baristas

57 min later 26972502 Anonymous
for some reason I can't help but feel RH's price charts haven't been accurate all day it's probably because we questioned our masters

59 min later 26972608 Anonymous (memes322.png 1423x623 48kB)
Dogecoin be like

13.938 0.082