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2021-01-29 06:18 26956213 Anonymous Doge to 0.10? (Screen-Shot-2014-05-07-at-5.23.11-PM-345x222.png 345x222 95kB)
Who's holding till 0.10? how high you guys think doge will moon?
0 min later 26956302 Anonymous
1 min later 26956374 Anonymous
2 min later 26956487 Anonymous
>50 DOGE threads
>All but 2: 1 post by this ID
2 min later 26956494 Anonymous (1559766171676.png 500x500 211kB)
3 min later 26956533 Anonymous
There's NO WAY this is going to $1.00 are you kidding me how the fuck can this go up that much?
3 min later 26956635 Anonymous
why not? crypto trading is a meme, literal pokemon card tier value, nobody actually uses this garbage but to cash out into usd rich
4 min later 26956674 Anonymous (1601534818725.jpg 1080x1080 59kB)
I'm literally seething right now.
I made my coinbase account the other day and I have to wait until feb. 3 to be able to send btc funds needed to buy doge
I can't even buy in until it's already going to have risen a shit load. Fuck everything
4 min later 26956684 WTF is this shit and why is pumping
100k doge here, selling @0.10
5 min later 26956725 Anonymous
It can't, look up what volume is
5 min later 26956753 Anonymous (1585151722674.png 581x581 181kB)
1 DOGE = 1 BTC
5 min later 26956762 Anonymous
10$. We're riding.
5 min later 26956783 Anonymous (maxresdefault.jpg 1280x720 90kB)
8 cents AGAIN lets goooooooooooooooooOOOooO
5 min later 26956792 Anonymous
5 min later 26956825 Anonymous
5 min later 26956842 Anonymous
6 min later 26956876 Anonymous
i think it will dump hard as soon as it hits 10c
volume is dropping and there are more and more sell walls
pump is not over but it's getting there, very dangerous now imo
6 min later 26956881 Anonymous
people were saying this morning that .05 would be MAX if you were lucky. hovering around .08 right now nigger
6 min later 26956920 Anonymous
That's what I'm thinking Anon. 10 cents is where I might bail. I'm too scared to hang on longer.
6 min later 26956948 Anonymous
I know that feel bro, but there will always be another opportunity
7 min later 26957015 Anonymous (Casual.png 656x938 819kB)
I'm holding til at least $1, maybe $5
7 min later 26957045 Anonymous
24k doge holder here, holding at .10 dont be a faggot like this anon.
7 min later 26957054 Anonymous
7 min later 26957059 Anonymous
LOL you'd get dumped on by whales first bro. Hope it gets to .25 or the idiots from WSB keep pumping. It's literally a shitcoin.
8 min later 26957132 Anonymous
i'm only side hussling with 6 buck investment.
I'll wait until a dollar, if it looks like it'll still rocket i'll stay.
8 min later 26957157 Anonymous
Doge is not on coinbase
8 min later 26957178 Anonymous (1610944959880.gif 400x400 458kB)
>sell 122k at $0.04
>try to buy dip at $0.035
>shit glitches out, won't give me access to my money
>miss the dip
>shit skyrockets
>still can't buy back in
I'm out like $11,000 I feel sick
9 min later 26957207 Anonymous
Long ride ahead pardner
9 min later 26957219 Anonymous
9 min later 26957259 Anonymous
Yeah that's why I have to send my BTC elsewhere to be able to buy it on another market... But it won't let me for an entire week.
10 min later 26957327 Anonymous
>niggies keep selling a .08
10 min later 26957335 Anonymous
swingers get the rope
diamond hands only
10 min later 26957347 Anonymous
10 min later 26957358 Anonymous
Strengthen them hands to something more sturdy, anon. To the victor go the doggies
10 min later 26957361 Anonymous
>still can't buy back in
bullshit, I've been playing every dip on the way up you've had plenty of chances
10 min later 26957404 Anonymous
10 min later 26957429 Anonymous
This. Anyone that thinks its wont hit 1.00 is butthurt they didnt buy for Penny's on the dollar.
11 min later 26957465 Anonymous
.10? im sure you typed $1
11 min later 26957498 Anonymous
DOGE TO $100
11 min later 26957528 Anonymous
I like road trips my dude. I can do art and chill. Just don't let the cynics beat this down.
11 min later 26957540 Anonymous
I'm buying the dip at .10
11 min later 26957548 Anonymous
how do you check volume history of a coin?
12 min later 26957563 Anonymous
I’m holding til.10 baby
12 min later 26957577 Anonymous
my shits still glitched, I'm on my phone at work
12 min later 26957593 Anonymous
I'm holding until the dollar collapses.
12 min later 26957595 Anonymous
nevermind my saying bullshit, my brain completely skipped your glitches out line. sad for you bro
12 min later 26957649 Anonymous
If it hits .10 it's going to a dollar
12 min later 26957655 Anonymous
I had 25k and sold around .07
12 min later 26957668 Anonymous
13 min later 26957759 Anonymous
hold til.095 sell
buy the dip
transaction slow like ass rn cannot be trusted
13 min later 26957764 Anonymous
.10$ is chump change. Hold to the moon, brother.
13 min later 26957773 Anonymous (doge volume.png 694x535 29kB)
wait this? the volume is as high as ever
14 min later 26957837 Anonymous
Fuck that I got back in. It's still going
14 min later 26957842 Anonymous
14 min later 26957850 Anonymous
going to be hard to hit .10 it will be like it is with .08 right now. too many people will be selling. but you are right, if it gets past .10 it will moon
14 min later 26957911 Anonymous (tjvkngng2fb11.png 1054x526 181kB)
Holy shit this same thing fucking happened to me
Robin Hood kept being retarded and not letting me buy and sell
I lost so much money over this garbage
Beyond seething
15 min later 26957922 Anonymous
This shitcoin is the shittiest of them all. Look at the circulation and market cap compared to BTC
15 min later 26957923 Anonymous
1$ anon dont have fucking paper hands, get twitter retards to fomo in this shit and it can easily get there if we dont fucking sell
15 min later 26957924 Anonymous
No way I’m not holding until tomorrow. Anyone who sells tonight without making big bucks is a fag
15 min later 26957934 Anonymous
doh. Right. Of course. stakecube.net has beans too oh...try to buy some eth then send that.
15 min later 26957984 Anonymous
Let's break .10 ya fags we can do it. hold steady, buy dips, do not sell
16 min later 26958066 Anonymous
So like do I sell at .1 ?
16 min later 26958113 Anonymous
no you fucking nigger. hold
16 min later 26958118 Anonymous
16 min later 26958128 Anonymous
More like sell at $1
17 min later 26958220 Anonymous
hold for at least a couple days
keep buying at dips
dont get scared by red numbers it will only go up
18 min later 26958282 Anonymous
probably $1 but I'll cash out at .9
19 min later 26958338 Anonymous
Hype and memes aside, if this crashes, will it be too quick to react? Am I going to sleep and wake up to it at .02 again?
19 min later 26958344 Anonymous
no hold it. normies have not got a hold of this information yet.
it will do $1 for sure with all the normies fomoing from gme
19 min later 26958371 Anonymous
Is it too late? I want to throw up. This is like the fourth time this week that I've missed early retirement.
19 min later 26958417 Anonymous
Sold at .79, made $1500 and waiting to get back in at .65
19 min later 26958440 Anonymous
I say no, because Europe is waking up and seeing this, if any of them jump on the hype, it's on. Then it hits asia. Then America wakes up and a lot of people have payday, and FOMO for the next possible bitcoin.
20 min later 26958443 Anonymous
Probably, hence why everyone is fucking awake. If by the afternoon we hold at .08 or even .10 we can rest. All depends upon the normies.
20 min later 26958459 Anonymous
People are counting on redditors jumping in on this tomorrow after GME crashes
20 min later 26958481 Anonymous
momentum is a helluva drug
20 min later 26958488 Anonymous
wrote them an email telling them they owe me money, thankfully I've got free legal council through my job so I can file a suit if need be
21 min later 26958555 Anonymous
You guys are fucking retarded. Memes like this only last a day or two tops. This will come crashing back down. It is a meme. It has no value. Try investing in something with actual value. Otherwise you are retarded.
21 min later 26958564 Anonymous
I can't sleep for FOMO. Watching this instead of homework
21 min later 26958597 Anonymous
Someone with a fuck ton of doge is slowly selling off big chunks at .08. I wish there was a level II chart so we know how much this faggot has and when it'll finally break through .08
21 min later 26958616 Anonymous
where the fuck are you at that its 79cents?
21 min later 26958656 Anonymous
For someone who doesn't have a fucking coinbase account (or anything else that requires a fucking picture of your face or some shit and ID in order to sign up) what's the best way to get in now? An exchange like binance? Tradeogre?
I've got some Monero I could easily exchange though - is it best to go XMR > DOGE or is it better to go through either BTC or a stablecoin first ?
22 min later 26958661 Anonymous
Head and shoulders formed on 1 minute chart.
Big increase coming!
22 min later 26958703 Anonymous
22 min later 26958716 Anonymous
i have a limit sell for 0.10 because i think thats the highest memes can drive it atm
23 min later 26958775 Anonymous
binance. i THINK if you exchange to busd, than to doge, you payless fees (if non at all)
23 min later 26958785 Anonymous
079 I mean lol
23 min later 26958793 Anonymous
its the sell orders, a lot of americans went to sleep
23 min later 26958852 Anonymous
Scrub here how do I buy dogecoin?
24 min later 26958915 Anonymous
so what you're saying is set the limit sell to .1 and just take the money
24 min later 26958939 Anonymous
What about SiaCoin niggers?
24 min later 26958942 Anonymous
binance. buy in bitcoin and convert to doge if it refuses, or in case it does
buy tons
25 min later 26958969 Anonymous
It’s one of only ten cryptos on robinhood and the normies are asleep. The only people pumping right now are us. We haven’t even gotten close to maximum exposer. Once people are awake and cash in gme doge will moon. This weekend doge will be at 2
25 min later 26958991 Anonymous
Binance, wait till it goes below 0.07 to buy and then hold until the next pump
25 min later 26959002 Anonymous
I bought doge earlier today and now can't find it anywhere. Can't do Binance because I'm in the US. Where else can I go??
25 min later 26959022 Anonymous
i'm not liking the normies on twitter talking about what color ferrari they're gonna buy, makes me feel like something is going to go wrong here and nobody will make any money even if you sell at a high price
26 min later 26959085 Anonymous (36575822_652959531707473_5026400922293501952_n.jpg 453x488 53kB)
26 min later 26959093 Anonymous
kraken and robinhood are shitting the bed. i've heard probit is good but haven't tried it. demoralized as fuck from missing everything
26 min later 26959100 Anonymous (1476715863549.jpg 705x419 24kB)
26 min later 26959127 Anonymous
Get over it, I got in @ doge @ 17 cents .. Holding, up 2300$ LOL.
27 min later 26959171 Anonymous
people hate robinhood now though
27 min later 26959172 Anonymous
Is there a difference between Binance dot com and Binance dot US ? It tried to shove me over as it noted my US IP. Can I just fuck around with a VPN and go on dot com?
27 min later 26959177 Anonymous
I can't help but fucking laugh at this. I'd be fucking ecstatic to be wrong, but this shitcoin is infinite, there is no limit to the amount of coins. People would need to be actually, and I mean literally, actually retarded to prop this to $2.
27 min later 26959184 Anonymous (1611700420954.webm 404x720 2050kB)
fuck these sell walls god damn it. robin hood is constantly fucking up which is making it hard for the price to go up as well. might just sell limit and go to sleep god damn it
27 min later 26959218 Anonymous (dogo.jpg 279x181 10kB)
How many shares should I buy to make a real profit, would dumping 1k into coin be good?
27 min later 26959251 Anonymous
27 min later 26959258 Anonymous
It can’t. You will be left bag holding.
28 min later 26959265 Anonymous
someone is going to get burned on this brother.
best thing you can do is watch this mother fucker 24/7
28 min later 26959267 Anonymous
I'm very tired, i want to sleep, but i dont want to lose my mooooney
28 min later 26959274 Anonymous
hold pussy
28 min later 26959280 Anonymous
how long does binance take to process transactions approximately?
28 min later 26959282 Anonymous (1611307093130.png 1288x1600 2959kB)
I'm not gonna sleep tonight bros.
This shit is stressful and I don't even have real money riding.
28 min later 26959292 Anonymous (pic-selected-210128-2145-53.png 380x349 12kB)
using godex.io to exchange XMR to doge. why the FUCK is it taking so long?
28 min later 26959313 Anonymous
Doge is not supported on coinbase.
28 min later 26959341 Anonymous
I’ve never bought crypto or invested anything in my entire life.
I registered on Binance and I’m waiting for verification. Do I dump my last $50 on this shit?
28 min later 26959348 Anonymous
Why does dogecoin peak at .08? is it just the buy order? the dips are getting smaller.
29 min later 26959378 Anonymous
im not from the us, so i couldnt say. but i've heard if you use a vpn binance will deactivate your account. so dont do that
29 min later 26959382 Anonymous
Wait, how can it be infinite? Its a SCRYPT based coin right? I thought like LTC and others there is a maximum built in.
29 min later 26959387 Anonymous (1611157966785.jpg 828x1184 89kB)
29 min later 26959404 Anonymous
I put 20 bucks in. Holding til at least a dollar. We'll see. I'm excited bros.
29 min later 26959405 Anonymous
Depends on how important your $50 is.
29 min later 26959434 Anonymous (1610388253124.jpg 1199x1600 342kB)
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon -musk-tweets-support-dogecoin-01560 9684.html
29 min later 26959445 Anonymous
>what is demand
29 min later 26959446 Anonymous
That could give you a few hundred bucks profit
29 min later 26959456 Anonymous
i'm holding till $100
30 min later 26959479 Anonymous
does coinbase works for buying doges?
30 min later 26959483 Anonymous
many fags with weak hands are selling, what you gotta do is HOLD, just hold, eurofags will start dumping da monay soon
30 min later 26959494 Anonymous
seems impossible
30 min later 26959496 Anonymous
The normies still use it
30 min later 26959508 Anonymous
Listen guys the hold to $1 meme is going to be a self fulling prophecy of destruction. This has room all the way to $5 without eclipsing BTC in market cap. And even then isn't likely because BTC is getting injected in order for people to buy DOGE in most exchanges. They're going to balloon together.
We could realistically be looking at $3, but if everyone cashes at $1 it's going to be a much harder road.
GME made anything possible. Keep attention on both GME and Doge via Robinhood for normies and we'll make bank.
30 min later 26959523 Anonymous
Everyone in this thread is weak. I’m not selling my Doge till it hits $1000.
30 min later 26959534 Anonymous
30 min later 26959560 Anonymous
$1 baby we can do it
31 min later 26959577 Anonymous
31 min later 26959602 Anonymous
this will literally just continue to steadily rise until US market close tomorrow. eurofags will be trading this all day and night
31 min later 26959607 Anonymous
If you already have coins where do you sell them? Can you sell doge on binance?
31 min later 26959637 Anonymous
It’s a meme coin through and through but nobody will notice until biz dumps at 1 . Something being retarded hasn’t stop retards from pumping it
31 min later 26959648 Anonymous (1584088729229.jpg 640x362 29kB)
First time buying DOGE. I put $155 dollars into it. Is that enough? Cause that's all I had.
32 min later 26959697 Anonymous
Thats why you should HOLD faggot
32 min later 26959702 Anonymous
https://cryptonews.com/news/dogecoi n-blasts-into-top-10-flips-link-lit ecoin-bitcoin-cash-9055.htm
https://forextv.com/bitcoin-news/do gecoin-makes-history-as-it-overtake s-bitcoin-in-tweet-volume/
https://www.gizbot.com/news/dogecoi n-value-soars-what-is-dogecoin-and- why-is-it-so-popular-right-now-0723 48.html
https://beincrypto.ru/chto-sluchilo s-poka-kriptorynok-spal-obzor-ot-29 -yanvarya/
it's fucking happening
kek with us
32 min later 26959704 Anonymous
i put a 100 bucks in. though, i'm still waiting for this retarded exchange site to convert my monero to doge. FUCK
32 min later 26959721 Anonymous
Anyone else have work tomorrow? It’s almost 1am and I go in at 8am....might see if I can work from home on my laptop.
32 min later 26959724 Anonymous (1459393563200.jpg 500x548 103kB)
If Elon Musk doesn't buy a million doge and sneak it onto the next manned moon mission I'm gonna personally fucking kill him in minecraft
32 min later 26959743 Anonymous
seeing as I'm not very smart how much would it net in?
32 min later 26959760 Anonymous
What goes on in the mind of someone who bought this back in 2015 at .0002 two years ago with the knowledge that maybe someday this will go up?
I don't think that the average wagecuck would be able to keep $1000 in one place for 5 years and not think about cashing out even once, but maybe this is just my paper hands logic.
32 min later 26959772 Anonymous
Nothing is impossible for the doge army. I’ll let you shine my shoes for 20 bucks when we are all doge millionaires
32 min later 26959779 Anonymous
Diamond PAWS lets gooooooooooo
33 min later 26959833 Anonymous
how much money do you have on the line? if it's worth way more than a day's pay call in sick
33 min later 26959835 Anonymous
Fuck it, I'm going to bed. I hope this thing is at .1 when I wake up.
33 min later 26959850 Anonymous
33 min later 26959867 Anonymous (1601405919621.jpg 1637x1336 317kB)
33 min later 26959875 Anonymous
I bought a bunch of dogecoin but it was through RH. what do I do?
34 min later 26959903 Anonymous
bros I'm about to sell at 8 cent and buy the dip somebody stop me please
34 min later 26959909 Anonymous
Amen brother. 92k coins and this high just won't come down. Momentum overdose once it's dime time!
34 min later 26959938 Anonymous
34 min later 26959958 Anonymous
34 min later 26959959 Anonymous
LOL I used to say to everyone back before the bull run that doge will 3x the all time high. They called me retarded faggot. Literally said it’s impossible. Crypto is a meme and the whole circus of the stock market just proved all this is just a big fucking show. Nothing makes sense. I wouldn’t doubt if it hits $10. Remember bitcoin STILL needs to pumps (always does after doge). $1 is easy, $10 will be achieved.
34 min later 26959967 Anonymous
imagine selling at $1 and buying that dip. huge gains
34 min later 26959972 Anonymous
Oh god we’re gonna be so rich when normies kick this coin up to $100.
35 min later 26960021 Anonymous
I would think one would have to forget that they had it, or doesn't need the money.
35 min later 26960027 Anonymous
I cant even fucking buy dogecoin
35 min later 26960038 Anonymous
I just want the coins bros....so much pain...
35 min later 26960054 Anonymous
staying up all night and work at 8 am, screw it i'll sleep early tomorrow.
35 min later 26960092 Anonymous
Same, I just put in a buy order on RH but I can't even see it
36 min later 26960106 Anonymous
Kek you are the reason for that dip
36 min later 26960141 Anonymous
>all these newfags still trying to buy
I’m going to be rich
36 min later 26960149 Anonymous
odds of turning 300 doge into 300 bucks by EOD?
36 min later 26960164 Anonymous
Normies are going to wake up and pump it due to the Elon tweet, everyone in Europe was asleep when this happened
36 min later 26960173 Anonymous
Not even going to bother with Robino hood.
Will I have time tomorrow lads? Will I finally be verified and free to partake?
36 min later 26960183 Anonymous
It can hit $1 and beyond by riding the GME frenzy and becoming the most popular cryptocurrency in the world. Get word to places like China, India, Russia, $10 is not out of the question.
37 min later 26960218 Anonymous
wait at least till tomorrow when it shoots to the moon. All you gotta wait is a few hours till normies see what they’re missing out on. Then you’re rich as fuck.
37 min later 26960247 Anonymous (1611872950280.jpg 287x176 10kB)
Nobody's gonna be rich.
I just wanna dump fiat into theoretical infinite money supplies until everyone's shit is all fucked up.
Don't let your memes be dreams.
37 min later 26960261 Anonymous
>bought $40 dogecoin before bed
>woke up with $200
37 min later 26960268 Anonymous (Es2oW5HXEAMucvG.jpg 799x1000 197kB)
>your face when you're on the moon
37 min later 26960283 Anonymous
With all the GME hype, and DOGE rocketing at the same time, the FOMO is gonna be real and normies will buy like crazy, especially once it hits 0.10
38 min later 26960311 Anonymous
We are so fucking early anon. This isn’t even mainstream normie news like GME yet. Just wait like two days.
38 min later 26960358 Anonymous
How do I even buy DC, kraken is down.
38 min later 26960371 Anonymous (1610719115614.jpg 407x407 24kB)
and anyone who doesn't know how to pluralize "pennies" is an illiterate retard who deserves to lose it all on the shitcoin he buys at peak
38 min later 26960375 Anonymous
39 min later 26960408 Anonymous
>can you sell doge on binance
Yes, but it'll depend on you.
If you want money return as soon as, then you're better off with selling under Tether and converting it straight to whatever currency. If you want to use this as the next step to an investment, then BTC.
39 min later 26960432 Anonymous
It hasn't even started yet
40 min later 26960502 Anonymous
40 min later 26960515 Anonymous
Give me a good place where I can convert my BTC to doge
I have 0.001 BTC but binance won't let me trade unless it's fucking 0.002 BTC and shapeshift app keeps fucking up
40 min later 26960518 Anonymous
have you ever heard of money laundering?
41 min later 26960577 Anonymous
41 min later 26960589 Anonymous
Is tradeogre legit or is there something better? Got some Monero I can use to fuck around and exchange for some DOGE (directly or via cheapest intermediary steps).
41 min later 26960601 Anonymous
41 min later 26960628 Anonymous
>lol this wont go above 2c
>lol this go above 4c
>lol this wont go above 8c
>lol this wont go past 10c
>lol this wont go past 15c
You are here
>lol it wont go past 25c
>lol it wont go past 50c
>lol it wont go past 75c
>lol it wont go past $1
42 min later 26960689 Anonymous
dangerously based
42 min later 26960709 Anonymous
Dogecoin Makes History As It Overtakes Bitcoin In Tweet Volume
The interest in meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) is skyrocketing to new heights every hour.
According to cryptocurrency market data services provider The Tie, Dogecoin tweet volume has surpassed that of Bitcoin (BTC) over the past 24 hours.
According to the TIE, there were over 100,000 tweets about Dogecoin in the trailing 24 hours period, to when it tweeted, from 50,000 unique non-bot accounts.
The move assumes significance as it is the first time ever that a cryptocurrency has overtaken Bitcoin in terms of the social media spark.
42 min later 26960716 Anonymous
kraken is crashed out and binance verification literally just doesnt work, good thing i had fucking robinhood set up. fuckin A these companies cant handle a little traffic, and the one that can is a backstabbing nibba
42 min later 26960741 Anonymous
I'm holding for banter to be fair lads even if I go bust, but this cant hit a dollar realistically can it?
43 min later 26960773 Anonymous
I got 2 million for $400 and some mining on my parents electricity bill a number of years ago
I sold half going through some hard times for like 5k when it was half a penny. and sold another quarter million at about 4 cents on the way up today, went to dinner after and came back and saw if I had waited one more hour I would have doubled my money.
I would still be HODLing all of it if Covid hasn't had me out of work for so long, I think it can still go up, but, I also think this current surge is going to crash back down, I have a buy order set up for a fucking penny and I kinda think that might be too high
Watching the prices for as long as I have Doge likes to have its bubbles, but after a few months it bounces back stronger.
It easily could be worth what it is and more but it getting up to this so quickly when it was worth less than a penny yesterday just doesn't seem natural or sustainable.
That said, I am not an expert, don't take this as investing advice, I am just a guy who bought some digital numbers because people like to represent it with a funny internet dog, so why the fuck would you listen to me.
43 min later 26960794 Anonymous
once it gets to 50c there is no stopping this thing
43 min later 26960828 Anonymous
It’s having a hard time even reaching 10 cents
43 min later 26960841 Anonymous
February 1st
43 min later 26960842 Anonymous
Bump for MUSE
44 min later 26960861 Anonymous
oh absolutely it can
this is only the beginning
its 6 am in europe
44 min later 26960887 Anonymous
PLEASE be honest with me, do I sell now or is this genuinely going up tonight. I wanna sleep
44 min later 26960892 Anonymous (1611609735812.png 300x298 80kB)
>openly advertise it's a pump and dump
>expect that admission to generate massive buy ins
holy fuck its no wonder plebbit has to make all the big plays these days if /biz/ is this fucking retarded
44 min later 26960907 Anonymous
having a hard time? retard we are almost up 500% in a single day, fuck your hard time
44 min later 26960911 Anonymous
if this peaks how much would 642 doge coins be worth...say if it hits $1?
44 min later 26960941 Anonymous
how much do you have invested?
44 min later 26960957 Anonymous
all women are whores that should be killed
45 min later 26960974 Anonymous
swingers get the rope
45 min later 26961002 Anonymous
The redditards behind it are pushing for $1. There's no way it will get that high but I don't think there will be a planned sell off, it'll just cascade after getting somewhere high.
45 min later 26961043 Anonymous
well if you have 642 coins
and each coin is worth 1 dollar
what do you think, shitstick? why are you here?
45 min later 26961048 Anonymous
1x642 =
45 min later 26961052 Anonymous
Are you retarded?
45 min later 26961062 Anonymous (1611187422983.jpg 459x460 15kB)
Doge coin has memes.
It's marketing and it's working.
Throw $5 in there we're burning this motherfucker down.
45 min later 26961063 Anonymous
WE HOLD TIL $1 the normies will flood doge if elon shills good enough and Reddit rich kids buy in
45 min later 26961070 Anonymous
I put $600 in when it was at 110sats
46 min later 26961087 Anonymous
8,600 shares at .02
47 min later 26961176 Anonymous
Right now, got 985 coins, about $50 dollars invested. I haven't gambled here much since AMC got me down, but I'd still prefer to make money here
47 min later 26961241 Anonymous (1610730784412.png 350x300 75kB)
why are you here
47 min later 26961243 Anonymous
Jesus fuck What Is that worth now?
47 min later 26961244 Anonymous
How much will Doge be worth in 5 years
47 min later 26961245 Anonymous
Any of you fuckers use Edge? Seems like it can exchange and its multiwallet that is supported by Monero of all things on their homepage so it should be open source and non shit?
48 min later 26961309 Anonymous (1611132513950.jpg 1200x889 128kB)
48 min later 26961330 Anonymous
you must be this tall to ride the ride ---
49 min later 26961358 Anonymous (20210129_010404.jpg 967x532 46kB)
This is who you retards are on the side of.
49 min later 26961367 Anonymous
Depends if Elon Musk puts some on a moonbound rocket
49 min later 26961383 Anonymous
This.Giddy up and enjoy the ride
49 min later 26961409 Anonymous
big dip on its way, buy it if you're not a faggot. Or if you are a faggot. Just buy it.
49 min later 26961418 Anonymous (1607133745788.png 326x326 96kB)
49 min later 26961435 Anonymous (piip.png 516x402 302kB)
not selling
49 min later 26961441 Anonymous
Kraken allowed me to buy 15k doge when it was 0.066 euro, but now its down and the price is falling. Although now I might not scare sell.
50 min later 26961471 Anonymous
there is a 22BTC sell wall on binance from 220-26 sats
50 min later 26961486 Anonymous
51 min later 26961554 Instagram.com/wallstreetbetsadmin
This is the way
51 min later 26961604 Anonymous
Hold my man, the climb is real, I bought in at 1.7, 2.5, 4.2 and now at like 6.x fuck it.
Diamond hands holding baby
51 min later 26961605 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2021-01-28 at 9.51.39 PM.png 1372x180 28kB)
i thought this the first time i sold and now i missed out on 20k
51 min later 26961616 Anonymous (5f9e7a816f5b310011724b08.jpg 750x562 43kB)
exactly what I paid to fuck your mother last night
52 min later 26961686 Anonymous
Bought over 6000 a month ago during the initial pump
Not enough to make it but crypto has never been so profitable for me
Here's to hoping it'll be at $100 at the end of February
52 min later 26961737 Anonymous
where to exchange bitcoin to doge coin?
53 min later 26961743 Anonymous
100k bag but I forgot my password
53 min later 26961747 Anonymous
Muse is going to fucking destroy
53 min later 26961782 Anonymous
53 min later 26961788 Anonymous (1601685428842.png 993x1360 782kB)
>Here's to hoping it'll be at $100 at the end of February
53 min later 26961790 Anonymous
just put in $70 is it safe to go to sleep now.
53 min later 26961832 Anonymous
worry more about 5 hours
54 min later 26961843 Anonymous
For what it is worth
That $400 was half a bitcoin in those days
If I kept that $400 in btc, and held that entire .5 BTC until today
I would have 16.5k or so
As of this exact moment, the doge I have remaining (3/8 of my initial buy in) is worth 52k
This might be a temporary blip, because yesterday that same doge would have been worth 7.5k
But only time will tell I guess
54 min later 26961887 Anonymous
54 min later 26961899 Anonymous
so binance isnt allowed in texas... I cant get robinhood to send verification email. All i have is a debit card worth 300 dollars from my job, i dont have a bank account right now, am i just going to have to sit this out?
54 min later 26961904 Anonymous
according to bittrex about $850
54 min later 26961913 Anonymous
i mean...985 coins you barely put any money in. most people have thousands if not tens of thousands of doge.
so you should sleep sound, what have you got to lose? 50 bucks? if you want to throw in more, europeans are waking up soon and might want to get in on this. if you invest more, set a sell limit and go to bed.
54 min later 26961928 Anonymous
where to exchange bitcoin to doge coin?
pls help a brother out xd
55 min later 26961971 Anonymous
exodus wasn't allowing it so maybe use tradeogre or something. looks like you can on exodus now though.
55 min later 26961988 Anonymous (The-bait-of-Satan.jpg 700x366 19kB)
55 min later 26962009 Anonymous (Untitled.png 700x74 5kB)
why didnt I buy more...
55 min later 26962021 Anonymous
This god damn it, shapeshift won't allow me to trade BTC for doge
55 min later 26962029 Anonymous
55 min later 26962045 Anonymous
yes gambling your last 300 dollars would be retarded
55 min later 26962060 Anonymous
oh look, its that same post we saw when bitcoin was first hitting the scene. poor people actually never learn lol
55 min later 26962066 Anonymous (561.jpg 306x540 21kB)
Euros are up.
We'll take it from here, thanks burgers
56 min later 26962070 Anonymous
Use binance, transfer btc to that account
56 min later 26962085 Anonymous (1611407448738.jpg 622x361 40kB)
Yep. Your dollaroos will be safely in (((their))) pockets by the morning. Don't worry, (((they'll))) spend them better than you would've.
56 min later 26962104 Anonymous (images.png 225x225 9kB)
56 min later 26962112 Anonymous
>Memes like this only last a day or two tops.
Yes and we want to get it as high as possible to dump it
56 min later 26962113 Anonymous
56 min later 26962126 Anonymous
Waiting for the dip tomorrow to buy more. I got it at .02 so I'm /comfy/
56 min later 26962139 Anonymous
How do I get into this shit? Friend was talking buying some doge in robinhood should I use that?
57 min later 26962183 Anonymous
57 min later 26962220 Anonymous
i am disabled and get a monthly check that hasnt come in yet. i have cash saved up. that 300 dollars is for me to spend i need a way to buy doge is it possible please help me im tired of being poor
57 min later 26962244 Anonymous
Guys, ride the tiger. Do nothing until Monday. Let this fester over the weekend.
57 min later 26962250 Anonymous
Robinhood is shit but it's also easy to use shit
58 min later 26962264 Anonymous (hi5elms6g3251.jpg 1242x1230 80kB)
You're right, I'll buy a little more and do that. Thanks anon
58 min later 26962269 Anonymous
Remember this all started become some nerd (not me) on wallstreet's discord decided to pick DOGE coin to spam and then malaysia hour spammers decided to catch on.... thank me later fags.
58 min later 26962290 Anonymous
Everyone visits this site bro, its over.
I just don't know if I should set my sell order to .10 or $1.
I honestly don't think this is a golden ticket but worst case scenario I wait for the next pump in a couple years.
58 min later 26962342 Anonymous
Use anything you can to get the coins. RH is fine. Don't listen to the idiots claiming you need binance.
58 min later 26962364 Anonymous
>easy to use
That's all I need I've never invested or bought crypto shit before.
59 min later 26962413 Anonymous (pic-selected-210128-2217-13.png 1238x342 45kB)
59 min later 26962431 Anonymous (ekxms96001a61.jpg 750x1161 101kB)
why is it dumping
what the fuck.
59 min later 26962444 Anonymous
selling at 75 cents is the dream
ill prob cash out at 25 cents considering i bought it at .0001 last year
1 hours later 26962484 astromoot (download.jpg 201x251 12kB)
Malcolm in the middle
Mia Khalifa
Literally more pornstar thots
Name me one more reason I should green arrow and sell right now!?
1 hours later 26962522 Anonymous (1608736695_gates_of_oblivion_meme.jpg 811x845 92kB)
I'm sorry to tell you anon but 300 dollars in dogecoin is not going to make you rich ever. This is a fun little meme coin it's not bitcoin you won't be seeing 30,000 dollar dogecoins in 7 years.
If you're legitimately broke right now do not invest. There's just as much a chance you lose everything as gain another 300.
But getting rich with 300 bucks aint gonna happen.
1 hours later 26962524 Anonymous
how much more u putting in
1 hours later 26962569 Anonymous
oh shit oh fuck
1 hours later 26962591 Anonymous
I read that it is literally impossible for it to reach $10 because of how it was designed.
Is this true?
1 hours later 26962608 Anonymous
1 hours later 26962612 Anonymous
Top fucking kek
1 hours later 26962614 Anonymous (1611775736203.png 900x1100 321kB)
Buy ze dip
1 hours later 26962618 Anonymous
sorry, i bought peak. its all over now
1 hours later 26962635 Anonymous
im scared
1 hours later 26962642 Anonymous (1611843311573.jpg 802x1349 141kB)
i fucking sold i fucking lost $ but hwateve rthis shit was retarded fuck you all for selling
1 hours later 26962643 Anonymous
1 hours later 26962665 Anonymous
Because the eurobros who had tens of thousands of dogecoin lying around in their wallets from 2013 are just now waking up and realizing they made a few thousand bucks.
1 hours later 26962668 Anonymous (chrome_2nlHCIuF6W.png 227x28 1kB)
not today satan. today i have diamond hand
1 hours later 26962673 Anonymous (SL5vKsYT_400x400.jpg 240x240 15kB)
1 hours later 26962697 Anonymous
what is a coin exchange that works for the US for Doge
1 hours later 26962702 Anonymous
i just want some extra spendin money friendo
1 hours later 26962731 Anonymous
How the fuck do you people handle this? I only bought in like a day ago and this shit is already pure stress.
1 hours later 26962764 Anonymous
Who the fuck is pumping this shit?
1 hours later 26962781 Anonymous
I literally bought at 0.082 lmao literal peak I fucking suck
1 hours later 26962800 Anonymous
Me, you, the guy reading this.
1 hours later 26962809 Anonymous
Don't get emotionally attached to the money you put in crypto and enjoy the ride.
1 hours later 26962844 Anonymous (CB304342-F05B-4C09-BC87-F95FCB26A91A.png 1242x2688 912kB)
How do I buy this shit on Robinhood?
1 hours later 26962854 Anonymous
forgive me for not wanting to all in on a meme
1 hours later 26962866 Anonymous
1 hours later 26962870 Anonymous
Frens, you can farm doge coins by holding some DOGY in your wallet and linking it do dogeyield. U get DOGY in Uniswap, Sushiswap ans some other places.
i did the same a few days ago and changed my free UNI from the airdrop. I receive a few thousand DOGE coins in result every day.
>https://dogeyield.co m?reff=Dbhf9Myd5F
>https://dogeyield.co m?reff=Dbhf9Myd5F
please use my ref link. all you have to do ist connect your eth and doge address on dogeyield and set a password. remember to choose a good one and write it down, you can't change it afterwards.
1 hours later 26962909 Anonymous (memecoin_pump.png 1913x596 84kB)
The last pump of doge was three years ago and only hit a penny.
This will probably be doge's last succesful pump. Next time around you will have a much more informed investing community, and they won't buy a meme with no white papers en masse like this.
1 hours later 26962930 Anonymous
It takes a lot of weak hands and a lot of bad moves before you finally realize that giving into that panic sensation is what loses you money
Never sell for less than you bought. Never. I dont care how scared you are, it will go back up
1 hours later 26962932 Anonymous
This is truly the way.
1 hours later 26962944 Anonymous
You’re the one who sold you retarded fuck it’s not to late to get on this moon mission.
1 hours later 26962965 Anonymous
Just zoomed out to the 1h, RSI nearly oversold. Holy shit! Get ready to Moon!
1 hours later 26962987 Anonymous (Davis-25.jpg 1870x1246 340kB)
Don't buy in with money that causes you stress lol
Only gamble on crypto with money you're not worried about losing. Think of it as a day at the casino.
Sorry bud I took your post of "I'm tired of being poor" literally
1 hours later 26962993 Anonymous
i made like 15cad buying in at ~0.07c (cad) or so with only like 50 cad for fun, so you can get enough to buy a burger if you have the time
1 hours later 26962998 Anonymous
Wont sell at anything lower than .10
1 hours later 26963025 Anonymous
I'd bust a fat nut in her so hard that she would conceive on the spot.
Hodling btw
1 hours later 26963027 Anonymous (1506101952970.jpg 640x504 21kB)
1 hours later 26963033 Anonymous
0.1 is for pussies who don't want those sweet tendies. ONE DOGE ONE DOLLAR.
1 hours later 26963034 Anonymous
>its a game of chicken
1 hours later 26963106 Anonymous
never trust a eurocuck to do a chadmericans job.
1 hours later 26963152 Anonymous
plan to lose money, I am okay if I lose half my position now on a dump, I'll just buy more. that worst scenario bouncing around in your head? just plan ahead for it
1 hours later 26963225 Anonymous
Once coinbase verifies my shit I'm gonna buy 50 bucks of doge and I'm gonna hodl for the memes
1 hours later 26963243 Anonymous
Let it ride the weekend guys. Keep getting thots and other normies to buy and talk about it.
If GME keeps heading toward orbit (and doesn't get torpedoed) we'll be fine. DOGE's success is attached to GME's hip at this point.
1 hours later 26963247 Anonymous
I'm not greedy, doge is not good for a long investment especially when normies invest in it. This just regular operation pump and dump until normies done with it.
I already got 120% tho.
1 hours later 26963252 Anonymous
I like the coin.
1 hours later 26963310 Anonymous
I bought in like 24 hours ago when it was still like .019, and then bought more like 12 ago when I saw it jumped up.
I mean yeah I still have plenty of actual money in my bank account, im not gambling away everything. I just have no fucking idea when to sell since there good be some good proper gains on this shit.
1 hours later 26963315 Anonymous
Fuck shapeshift, fuck coin shift, fuck kraken, fuck, bittrex, where the fck do we exchange this shit
1 hours later 26963329 Anonymous
Your average newfag everyone
1 hours later 26963331 Anonymous (B31ADFE1-D133-4A85-BE45-69A99B5A52A1.jpg 220x260 14kB)
Fuck, you faggots are pathetic
1 hours later 26963355 Anonymous
What's creating this 8 cent wall? Algo traders?
1 hours later 26963380 Anonymous
Buy it from binance, dump everything from robinhood, it's not safe i warned you
1 hours later 26963406 Anonymous
Is voyager any good? Looking at rh alternatives
1 hours later 26963412 Anonymous
europoors apparently
1 hours later 26963416 Anonymous
>Who's holding till 0.10? how high you guys think doge will moon?
I'm already rich, I'll hold for you guys.
Everyone hold, we need to reach one dollar, after that we go to the moon.
1 hours later 26963427 Anonymous
keep algorand out of this nigger
1 hours later 26963435 Anonymous (3D34F669-09D5-4809-83F9-4854EEEBB07B.jpg 500x518 42kB)
You’re holding til when?
I need to hit 14c and I’m out
1 hours later 26963451 Anonymous (Aang Sad.jpg 480x360 19kB)
>Turns out Europeans are poor
1 hours later 26963465 Anonymous
It's like 6 am here dude. I just dumped a few thousand into it at 65 after selling at 79
1 hours later 26963526 Anonymous (kek.jpg 847x473 64kB)
1 hours later 26963539 Anonymous
give it a little time, it's working fine for me
1 hours later 26963637 Anonymous
Any weird trading quirks like day trading branding ir fees with buying and selling doge on rh? I'm fed up with regular stocks
1 hours later 26963638 Anonymous (1611297026951.jpg 441x228 39kB)
124k @ .00214avg
I invested in this shit cuase "cheap lol".
Feels good.
1 hours later 26963728 Anonymous
1 hours later 26963767 Anonymous
My bad dude. We been crabbing At 6c for 2 hours
1 hours later 26963788 Anonymous
A key difference between Doge and BTC
Is that Doge will always be created
BTC will (Eventually) stop creating new BTC and miners will only be awarded with transaction fees, not new coins.
Doge coins were SUPPOSED to do the same thing, and they were SUPPOSED to get to that point very quickly, it was part of the joke.
But the creator was literally too retarded to get that right and instead there was a glitch discovered that means it will stay on its final reward structure, forever.
There was a big debate on if it should be fixed or not, and the creator, who was fed up with "Serious investors" in his "Fun" coin, declared the error would not be fixed and doge coin would instead print coins forever.
This decision happened after I bought in and killed a lot of doge's momentum early on.
However, Doge coin has been on its final reward tier for a WHILE at this point, and while I am sure it does depress prices a little, it has still been gaining value even if you ignore the big pumps like this. There is nothing to say this means it CAN'T get to $10 it just means it will never hit that magical "NO MORE BITCOINS EVER THE SUPPLY CAN ONLY GO DOWN" That BTC promises to.
That said in theory if the % of coins lost due to people being retarded remains constant as the supply goes up, eventually there will be a point where that % off sets the new coins being created and the FUNCTIONAL SUPPLY (not the total number of coins but the amount in the market) will remain about constant.
1 hours later 26963809 Anonymous
Europoors can't even hold 7c. The dream is over.
1 hours later 26963854 Anonymous
wait until the ruskies wake up, after the vodka hang over
1 hours later 26963886 Anonymous
I bought this coin at 0.0065 then sell half of it at 0.3
Half got burned around 0.6, decide to go all in.
Sorry fren, shit so scarry.
1 hours later 26963914 Anonymous
You gon’ be rich, man!
1 hours later 26963932 Anonymous (moon_cancelled_for_food.png 814x274 41kB)
I clicked sell when it was at .082
Sold at "best price" .076
There is no honor amongst thieves.
Find another platform if you must throw away your money on a peaked meme.
1 hours later 26964004 Anonymous
2 more weeks!
1 hours later 26964084 Anonymous (1524089340896.jpg 960x739 79kB)
>MFW literally just started doing stocks because why the fuck not and tossed 10 on doge for the fuck of it and now I'm reading this fucking thread.
1 hours later 26964140 Anonymous
no thieves, only gambling
1 hours later 26964278 Anonymous (1609918302819.jpg 800x537 96kB)
I'm having "fun"
1 hours later 26964353 Anonymous
Sorta feels like this is stagnating at 7, any bros wanna raise my spirits? I bought at 8 lmao
1 hours later 26964384 Anonymous
okay europe you are all the actual niggers from the whole world
1 hours later 26964405 Anonymous
Guys I've made hundreds of dollars off of this :-)
glad I joined biz recently
1 hours later 26964406 Anonymous (1608869990614.jpg 960x960 225kB)
Fucking stone hands to the moon boys!
1 hours later 26964524 Anonymous (1610731180181.jpg 213x236 8kB)
Generally when I gamble on a scratcher and win $50 on a $10 ticket, they don't give me $46.34 and say the lottery fluctuated while I handed them the ticket.
1 hours later 26964569 Anonymous
lmao I was pretty salty about it at first but honestly over time I have come to see it as something that is actually better for the health of the coin.
Miners will always have a reason to mine and transaction fees can stay small, and like I said at some point the functional supply will stabilize even if the actual number of coins don't.
46.383 0.374