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2021-01-29 04:30 26942072 Anonymous i missed the dogecoin surge (1522530579862.jpg 240x250 6kB)
i am watching it happen before my VERY OWN EYES
RH doesn't let people who live in KEKachussetts to trade crypto.
Coinbase doesn't list it.
Kraken's website is SHIT and is being smashed with 500 errors, plus my Coinbase BTC send is going to take anywhere between an hour and a day. WHY CANT I JUST BUY THE FUCKIGN COIN
5 min later 26942906 Anonymous
because it was an obvious meme currency but /biz/ is filled with genuinely bad people that do pump and dumps. hey if you got rich off this your going to have to lie because everyone you know will think you are pure scum
5 min later 26942958 Anonymous
i want to fuckign rope
6 min later 26943098 Anonymous
i am going to FUCKING KMS over a coin named after a REDDIT MEME INTERNET DOG
7 min later 26943154 Anonymous
Nigger, what?
I live in mass and I bought doge at 0.041 and made a 200 dollar profit off a 200 dollar investment
8 min later 26943322 Anonymous (1472153857243.jpg 600x439 24kB)
I had $200 worth of this shit in Cryptopia, now probably worth $10k+
FUCK reddit
FUCK elon
FUCK doge
9 min later 26943401 Anonymous
whitebit has up to 2 BTC withdrawal limit without KYC
9 min later 26943414 Captain Hooker
Wait till midnight or so when there are less US faggots. It will also be cheaper then.
9 min later 26943444 Anonymous
calm down everyone missed it, the only people on here who didn't are throwing small amounts in
9 min later 26943499 Anonymous
Just go to tradeogre bro that's what I'm doing
10 min later 26943533 Anonymous
This has basically been my day. I casually looked into buying DOGE a month ago, forgot about it, then tried again today and realized it was too hard with all of the bogged down websites fucking us.
Fucking Coinbase.
11 min later 26943677 Anonymous
I WANT 10 BABY thanks for one last dip
12 min later 26943900 Anonymous
Where is the problem? buy now.
13 min later 26943927 Anonymous
Imagine still using kikebase in 2021
13 min later 26944024 Anonymous
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK I'm trying to get it right now but Kraken, Robinhood are both down.
14 min later 26944112 Anonymous (92954723.jpg 711x862 95kB)
/biz/ is such a useless fucking shithole now. Boomers telling me to buy LINK which grows at fucking snail speed while FUCKING R E D D I T is calling all these moon missions
16 min later 26944412 Captain Hooker
If you bought link when /biz/ told you to you'd have $100k+ made right now off of $1000 invested
18 min later 26944671 Anonymous
--money isnt everything, unironically.
--im holding my hopes out for REEF, there's gonna be a pump and dump for a binance event on the 1st
18 min later 26944716 Anonymous
Use binance bro
20 min later 26944982 Anonymous
binance is down right now
21 min later 26945051 Anonymous
It literally isn't. I just bought this retarded coin a minute ago.
23 min later 26945240 Anonymous
Get in the now grandpa. How many years are you gonna talk about 2017 for? Meanwhile these opportunities are flying past our heads at light speed doing 200x before our very eyes. Go fucking stroke your boomer cubes if you're not gonna talk about great future projects
23 min later 26945300 Anonymous
24 min later 26945396 Anonymous
The more you squander like this and blame reddit instead of seeing this as a coup of the elites the more bad karma will come your way cunt
24 min later 26945476 Anonymous
use uphold bro
28 min later 26946027 Anonymous
doge is up 556% in the last 24 hours lol.
It finally feels like the golden alt season is back.
this gem shit helped purge and revitalize this board
35 min later 26946909 Anonymous
I heard you can buy litecoin on coinbase and convert it over to dogecoin. Anyone have success in that?
36 min later 26947060 Anonymous
how is it not on uniswap
its the shittiest of shitcoins
38 min later 26947244 Anonymous
Tried Binance, asking me for SSN. Not happening.
38 min later 26947272 Anonymous (Dogestination-moon_half.png 768x1024 811kB)
The rocket hasn't even finished fueling.
39 min later 26947370 Anonymous (20210128_210930.jpg 1080x390 49kB)
44 min later 26948086 Anonymous
we told you not to sell, you faggot!
46 min later 26948275 Anonymous
Its not too late to buy the hype has just begun, GME 2.0
46 min later 26948334 Anonymous (g6tp1Qh.jpg 545x254 39kB)
46 min later 26948369 Anonymous
Dogecoin is up because institutional investors are massively investing. It will be the new reserve currency of the world. Buy now or be priced out forever.
47 min later 26948467 Anonymous (tenor.gif 480x480 2127kB)
>bought at 0.086
47 min later 26948481 Anonymous
Dip to 0.06 then 0.10
48 min later 26948594 Anonymous
where can you trade etherium for dogecoin. I bought some but want to get some more
48 min later 26948625 Anonymous
You can short it, you know?
54 min later 26949453 Anonymous
we're going to space
get onboard
56 min later 26949624 Anonymous
Realistically though. How much money should I put into it? $10?
56 min later 26949665 Anonymous
Coinbase told me I would be able to send bitcoin instantly, now it's telling me I can only send a max of 0 today? What the fuck. I was trying to send to Probit and buy dogecoin that way.
If *I'm* having trouble with this, imagine all the boomers giving up before even making it this far.
57 min later 26949790 Anonymous
Did you just buy it?
If you just bought it, you actually can't move it around for 9 days.
58 min later 26949852 Anonymous
Can't even fucking get it on Exodus. "Temporarily disabled". Same with Uphold. I've been trying to find a legitimate exchange to buy Doge on for almost 24 hours. This fucking sucks,
58 min later 26949922 Anonymous
So they straight up lied to me as I was making an account then... Sweet. It said clear as day "You'll be able to move your funds around immediately." Oh well, after the GME surge BTC is gonna go up anyways I think.
59 min later 26949947 Anonymous
So wtf is going on with Kraken? Are people really trying to buy doge coin to the point that it's crashing the site?
59 min later 26950040 Anonymous (fuckyou.png 395x513 43kB)
1 hours later 26950088 Anonymous
A coworker told me today he has a million doge coins. Is he gonna ghost town now lmao
1 hours later 26950157 Anonymous
Pretty much yeah.
I used them to buy 4chan pass. Couldn't do shit with any of it for 9 days.
Your "available balance" is how much you can actually use to buy/trade with.
1 hours later 26950158 Captain Hooker
yes, it happens with every moon on every webiste. Robinhood, binance, coinbase, kraken, etc.
that's only $8000 don't fret too much
1 hours later 26950232 Anonymous
i thought you could send instantly but everythings fucked right now meing
1 hours later 26950309 Anonymous
Fucking Uphold refuses to acknowledge my passport that expires in May. What do
1 hours later 26950342 Anonymous
Like dogecoin specifically or just coin in general?
1 hours later 26950352 Anonymous
Thanks for the quick and helpful replies, anon. Even though I couldn't jump into doge, I wish you luck.
1 hours later 26950360 Anonymous
will be 100k by the end of the day. Anon stop looking at the threads or youll end up killing yourself
1 hours later 26950661 Anonymous
Yeah dude I tried to fucking transfer .005 BTC from Newton to Binance so I could buy DOGE but their system HAD to fucking take a shit right then and the withdrawal request STILL hasn't come through.
Just what the fuck is wrong with these (((trading platforms))), convenient isn't it how they break down at the most inopportune time?
1 hours later 26950670 Atomsk (1611863825608.png 339x232 131kB)
I'm 10 shots and 2 bowls in rn and am still fairly sober.
I bought at the absolute last minute @.01 cents.
I've got 25k and wish I had more but still, I want to believe more than anything else in this fucked up timeline.
Let's go to the moon together.
Actually, fuck that.
1 hours later 26950685 Anonymous
don't care, still spending my life savings on this
1 hours later 26950894 Anonymous
That's not true.
1 hours later 26950903 Anonymous
0x2a98f128092abbadef25d17910ebe15b8 495d0c1
use this contract address in metamask
1 hours later 26950966 Anonymous
1 hours later 26951078 Anonymous
This is what a copeium od looks like
1 hours later 26951261 Anonymous
I sold half my bag at .054. Kinda sad it immediately ran up after, but I'd kick myself if the dump happened while I slept. Grats to everyone making it out at 8 cents. If any newfags are lurking, this is not going to a dollar. Be ok with whatever you have going back down to 1 cent.
1 hours later 26951308 Anonymous
Same, honestly with the website instability and UNI being garbage, I think the risk is too great that we'll be unable to sell during the dump so I'm going to say meh and move on.
1 hours later 26951320 Anonymous
So stupid question.
I bought a bunch of dogecoin years ago. How do I actually sell it?
1 hours later 26951330 Anonymous
Get on NOW Op, we're riding this shit to 10,000
1 hours later 26951341 Anonymous (saddly_hank.png 573x528 491kB)
ya boi is dropping like a brick im out
1 hours later 26951433 Anonymous
lol what?
1 hours later 26951593 Anonymous (1611895323507.jpg 330x489 22kB)
drag a magnet across your hard drive
1 hours later 26951736 Anonymous
it's not too late lol
1 hours later 26951851 Anonymous
1 hours later 26951965 Anonymous
It will be listed on Coinbase in a few hours
1 hours later 26952045 Anonymous
Why are you mad. Idiots pumping doge is the sign that crypto is going into a bubble.
1 hours later 26952162 Anonymous
how do you know anon
1 hours later 26952188 Anonymous
just turned all my xrp into dogecoin. good move?
1 hours later 26952211 Anonymous
i bought $100 a month ago through changelly with no problem, now it's worth $1000
1 hours later 26952223 Anonymous (1586021307874.gif 255x189 174kB)
1 hours later 26952302 Anonymous
Is it really a bubble if there's no hedge fund shorting it?
1 hours later 26952333 Anonymous
>still pennies
>>missed the surge
lmao, even buying at .1 will give you a 900% ROI when it hits 1.00
You're a stupid nigger who deserves to be poor
1 hours later 26952365 Shiroyuki (1611809395359.jpg 685x684 78kB)
How the fuck do you buy this in Canada? Binence doesn't have cad. Fuck
1 hours later 26952462 Anonymous
How the fuck do you buy it in probit? I feel like a fucking retard.
1 hours later 26952671 Anonymous (1605905627120.jpg 593x767 55kB)
I think you're right for the most part but I also think this whole GME thing has normies interested in alternative investments. A LOT of people are gonna be dumb and sell their GME tomorrow and I think a solid half of them will buy doge because
>They think it's the next GME
>They've heard of Bitcoin
>They are dumb
That's gonna be a huge push to the moon for this worthless crypto.
1 hours later 26952871 Anonymous
open a binance account and move crypto from another platform to it. that's what i just did.
1 hours later 26952883 Anonymous (1593439233658.gif 450x450 1356kB)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUV Qz6_-vxc
1 hours later 26953626 Anonymous
1 hours later 26953910 Shiroyuki
SHIT. thanks anon m. Looks like I'll have to get some btc
1 hours later 26953943 Anonymous
try https://changenow.io/?from=btc&to=d oge
1 hours later 26954166 Anonymous
Use Newton
1 hours later 26954415 Anonymous
You can't buy doge on Newton bro.
1 hours later 26954483 Anonymous
Set up shakepay account, etransfer in some CAD, buy BTC, send to binance, trade for DOGE
1 hours later 26954763 Anonymous
I just buy USDT and buy DOGE/USDT on the exchange.
1 hours later 26954885 Anonymous
Binance lets you use your debit but I I'm guessing that's not important for you. Just realized what you're asking.
1 hours later 26954998 Anonymous (1375593194361s.jpg 125x120 2kB)
>have 1mBTC
>can't fucking trade it to doge because shapeshift is down
1 hours later 26955563 Anonymous
/co/ bored wageslave here, how do I buy dogecoin? Can I do it from my phone because my pc has viruses and shuts off randomly when I game. Can I do it without a US ID because mine has been expired for months and I’ve felt no need to do anything about it. I just tried to sign up to Binance and it seems I need an ID. Thank you in advance if anyone answers me.
1 hours later 26955606 Anonymous
1 hours later 26955904 Anonymous (Patrick_rage.png 800x568 490kB)
I can't fucking verify my account on binance because I have a PO Box.
1 hours later 26956120 Anonymous
Take a look at XLM, make your own decision fren
1 hours later 26956532 Anonymous
Register on Binance and complete basic verification (takes two or three minutes). Transfer whatever you want to get rid of to Binance. Market sell it, then market buy DOGE with the result. Just got rid of all my BAT and used the proceeds to buy. Worked out fine. Now lets just hope we don't tank.
1 hours later 26956644 Anonymous
dude you need to get verified these days, no way around
1 hours later 26956751 Anonymous
Haha what if I don’t know where to buy the whatever I want or how to transfer because I’m from /co/
1 hours later 26956784 Anonymous
I know, you can buy bitcoin and trade it for doge on other platforms
T. Bought 4k of doge
1 hours later 26957094 Anonymous
>asking or my ssn/id
yeah fuck no
1 hours later 26957101 Anonymous
Do you have any crypto anywhere my bro?
2 hours later 26957789 Anonymous
Bought 7400 when it was 0.018. Waiting till noon tomorrow to dump them once the normies start filtering in on this bullshit
2 hours later 26957901 Anonymous
>tfw just occasionally visited /biz/ for the memes
>see link being shilled
>mention it to parents.
>they put like 4% of their portfolio on it when it was 40 cents per.
>this was after i told them that i thought BTC was gonna pop around 20k in 2017
And thats why now they think i have some sort of "insider connection" to the crypto market.
2 hours later 26958125 Anonymous
2 hours later 26959741 Anonymous
jpfag here. use bittrex
2 hours later 26960453 Anonymous
2 hours later 26960762 Anonymous
Next one is xlm lumen, it's starting to spread
2 hours later 26960909 Anonymous
I'm in Texas. Same problem. Stahp pushing your non-doge coins and please halp.
2 hours later 26961010 Anonymous
Is there any crypto platform that doesn't require me to use facial ID?
2.845 0.098