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2021-01-27 09:39 26723020 Anonymous /XSG/ XRP Schizo General #586 (FULL-SCHIZO-AT-589.png 960x497 517kB)
Previous thread: >>26685481 Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or trade other cryptos for XRP on Kraken until the 29th >Flare/Spark Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bM GWE6dJiw https://blog.flare.xyz/creating-and -redeeming-fxrp/ >Flare Finance Intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA7 UN3RboLM >Flare Finance FAQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9R s_DyuAq8 >SEC Lawsuit https://www.sec.gov/news/press-rele ase/2020-338 https://www.sec.gov/litigation/comp laints/2020/comp-pr2020-338.pdf >Staggered Spark token distribution https://blog.flare.xyz/further-info rmation-on-the-spark-token-distribu tion/ >XRP Ledger https://dex.xrplapps.com/ >Flare Finance Source Code https://github.com/flrfinance/ >XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance https://flr.finance/ >XRP Richlist Stats https://ledger.exposed/rich-stats >Past /XSG/ Threads: https://pastebin.com/pZdQbREq >Insiders Threads: https://pastebin.com/Z39w20qf >Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads: https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1659 5583 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1726 6853 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1791 4598 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1810 2776 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1841 7446 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1928 3439 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1991 9081 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1998 0410 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2009 8041 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2042 9829 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2072 0991 >The Myth of Market Cap: http://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth- of-Market-Cap---Version-2 >XRP FUD BINGO fudbingo.com >Twitter: https://twitter.com/@JoelKatz https://twitter.com/@looP_rM311_721 1 https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives] https://twitter.com/flrfinance [Flare Finance] https://twitter.com/flarenetworks https://twitter.com/CommunityFlare >What wallet do I use? Hot storage - XUMM or TrustWallet Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor ***Do not use Droplet wallet - it's a scam***

1 min later 26723263 Anonymous (XRP medallion.webm 720x720 948kB)

2 min later 26723334 Anonymous (oooooooo.jpg 680x780 42kB)

4 min later 26723555 Anonymous
3 more to go

4 min later 26723661 Anonymous

5 min later 26723741 Anonymous (bogbog.png 733x391 352kB)
>>26723555 https://youtu.be/Ha4mnVEzv2g

5 min later 26723761 Anonymous (1611561212060.jpg 696x392 61kB)
>>26723334 >>26723661 Dangerously based

5 min later 26723765 Anonymous (85195165163.jpg 1082x695 293kB)
Who /comfy/ here?

6 min later 26723838 Anonymous (1597158491415.png 903x1692 820kB)
>>26723555 checked ranks before moon mission

7 min later 26723905 Anonymous (IMG-20210127-WA0003.jpg 772x750 27kB)
>>26723741 Tomorrow is the 28th and we will have the thread #589. Coincidence? I don't think so....

7 min later 26723972 Anonymous
new speech by BIS weighty director Agustin Carstens on CBDCs/digital currency: https://www.bis.org/speeches/sp2101 27.pdf key points: -need for digital id - distinctions between public/private partnerships and tiered systems of digital currency (i.e. how much of an active role the central banks take) - permissioned/permissionless blockchains (how centralized the CBDCs are in terms of monitoring and access) - talks about BTC using a lot of energy and being functionally useless for payments -no mention of XRP or Ripple but some of the segments about public-private partnerships and initial use of digital currency in payments are real juicy

7 min later 26723998 Anonymous (1602875091102.jpg 680x780 93kB)

8 min later 26724052 Anonymous
>>26723020 blessed be the bakers

8 min later 26724127 Anonymous
>>26723905 ehhhh calm your dick. both the 28th and the number 589 are based on random, faceless larpers, not actual verifiable events. if tomorrow comes and goes without anything happening i will not be surprised.

9 min later 26724162 Anonymous
Will my buy order at $0.2500 fill?

9 min later 26724208 Anonymous (brute.png 932x973 453kB)
Blessed be the peacebakers and blessed are the Jonespilled anons

10 min later 26724410 Anonymous (ooooooooooooooo.jpg 780x680 70kB)

11 min later 26724422 Anonymous
>>26723972 check out the diagram on pg 16!! https://www.bis.org/speeches/sp2101 27.pdf am I crazy or does option 2 sound a lot like the XRP ledger?

11 min later 26724439 Anonymous
>>26723838 >>26723838 Sergeant reporting, wagmi guys

11 min later 26724442 Anonymous
>>26723905 Tomorrow is going to be hilarious regardless

11 min later 26724444 Anonymous (7B7122A6-7BE1-4C6D-8748-29B98AFB3001.jpg 898x2436 713kB)
bread number DLXXXIX coming soon

11 min later 26724460 Anonymous
https://www.bis.org/speeches/sp2101 27.pdf >This paper finds that despite all the limitations with Bitcoin and other permissionless cryptocurrencies, greater economic promise lies with the “permissioned” variant of DLT. In permissioned DLT, a known network of validators replaces the traditional model with one central validator. The BIS Innovation Hub has already demonstrated that this works in a lab environment, in a proof of concept that involved the settlement of tokenised assets in central bank money using a DLT-based software. And what did the BIS Innovation Hub use for their 'lab environment?

12 min later 26724599 Anonymous
>>26724444 Checked

12 min later 26724622 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-01-27 at 04.18.01.png 1802x1108 427kB)
>>26724460 It was called Project Helvetica.

13 min later 26724702 Anonymous (musical-pepe.gif 498x401 300kB)
>>26724460 Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgp Th5CczBI

13 min later 26724708 Anonymous
>>26724439 fellow sergeant

13 min later 26724808 Anonymous (1610258104666.png 680x780 523kB)
>>26724444 >>26723555

14 min later 26724964 Anonymous
Another meme date tomorrow bros. Maybe im retarded and naive but I think this one could actually come to something

15 min later 26725055 Anonymous
>>26724127 Me too, fren, me too. Just saying kek

15 min later 26725097 Anonymous
>>26724162 my guess would be yes. maybe not today though

16 min later 26725185 Anonymous
Anyone got any good summary/spoon feed links I can send to a friend who's shown some interest. Nothing too schizo but enough to get him interested

16 min later 26725217 Anonymous
>>26724708 Major general here

16 min later 26725233 Anonymous (xrpee.jpg 1920x1356 482kB)
>>26724964 Expect NOTHING HOPE for everything

17 min later 26725335 Anonymous
>>26725185 >>>/lgbt/

18 min later 26725491 Anonymous
>>26723972 This is fucking bullish as hell. Basically sets aside utility tokens (eg. tokens used for settlements), then politely rips apart all the others (those that act as currencies). This follows the view of the ECB, BoE and previous BIS work. Reading between the lines, essentially, XRP and utility tokens can survive, the rest will be fucked out of existence. https://www.bis.org/speeches/sp2101 27.pdf

19 min later 26725646 Anonymous (EssI6jhXAAIxOoP.jpg 750x454 63kB)
>>26724622 run on R3 corda's settler, which gives the option of using XRP as a settlement mechanism btw https://www.r3.com/press-media/r3-l aunches- universal-corda-settler-application / project helvetia was a cooperative effort between BIS, Swiss national bank and SIX, a swiss digital asset company: https://www.financemagnates.com/cry ptocurrency/news/bis-announces-succ essful-testing-of-cbdc-project-helv etia-with-snb-and-six/ SIX is working with SBI bank in Singapore on a digital liquidity hub https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/sbi -teams-up-with-swiss-six-exchange-t o-offer-institutional-crypto-servic es-in-singapore SBI owns 8.7 billion XRP and its CEO sits on the board of directors of Ripple https://dailyhodl.com/2020/11/07/fi nancial-giant-sbi-to-test-xrp-in-6- 6-trillion-foreign-exchange-market/ Happening, WAGMI

19 min later 26725696 Anonymous (2k RIGHT NOW.png 300x440 288kB)
>>26725233 based snake poster

20 min later 26725738 Anonymous (1E8EFD4F-54F8-4C5A-8619-4CA749BE45AB.jpg 1125x1021 115kB)
>>26725233 we’re not new to this we’re true to this

21 min later 26725857 Anonymous
>>26724460 >>26724622 https://www.ledgerinsights.com/r3-c orda-ripple-xrp-payments/#:~:text=T oday%20R3%2C%20the%20enterprise%20b lockchain,application%20on%20its%20 Corda%20Network.&text=XRP%20the%20c ryptocurrency%20associated%20with,d igital%20currency%20to%20be%20suppo rted.

21 min later 26725954 Anonymous
>>26724622 Corda>r3>ripple

23 min later 26726142 Anonymous
>>26725185 see >>26725646 https://azcoinnews.com/g30-says-rip ples-xrp-powered-cross-border-payme nt-platform-leapfrogs-the-efficienc y-of-traditional-remittance-methods .html https://group30.org/members/bio_sen ior/yellen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON6 nOWmsCdY https://www.weforum.org/organizatio ns/ripple https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/res earch/fintech/proofs-of-concept/rip ple https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment /bank-england-pick-ripple-partner-1 25908421.html https://dailyhodl.com/2020/04/08/ba nk-of-america-executive-touts-partn erships-with-ripple-and-swift/ https://coingape.com/citi-extends-p artnership-with-ripple-powered-vola ntes-volpay/ https://eng.ambcrypto.com/ripple-pa rtners-moneygram-ria-to-power-walma rts-money-transfer-service/ https://ripple.com/insights/iso-200 22-shaping-the-future-of-cross-bord er-payments/

23 min later 26726232 Anonymous (angy.jpg 1833x1257 2356kB)
>>26725185 >Nothing too schizo

26 min later 26726571 Anonymous
>>26725233 checked, I hope nothing happens though. I want to keep GME until friday and then put the gainz into XRP. Makes no sense for me if XRP also moons

26 min later 26726597 Anonymous (1603061496814.gif 220x220 211kB)
reposting this from the crypto general, want to hear what my fellow schizos think Right now the current dip coincides with the current GME stock, it's safe to say people with crypto are converting their coins into GME. Now obviously a pump powered purely through reddit memes is non-sustainable, it's bound to crash down eventually. What I think will happen at this rate is the people who cashed out their crypto to buy into GME, will eventually reverse this process and flow it back into crypto, except there will be even more liquidity to go into it. Furthermore, there is an underlying ideology here beneath what is going on, that is "fuck the established economic system"; the same people who are buying GME to stick it to (((them))) are the same who are just as likely to put it back into crypto. Right now buying up all kinds of crypto might be all but a sure bet

27 min later 26726726 Anonymous (3x4W7Si.png 327x486 107kB)
Finally unbanned

28 min later 26726920 Anonymous (buhgok.jpg 720x379 29kB)
>>26723334 never stop posting this

31 min later 26727263 Anonymous (1605953162847.jpg 1635x932 125kB)
Ripple partner TransferWise partners with Visa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ch nPyWe4AA >>26726726 welcome back schizo

31 min later 26727370 Anonymous
I’ve been gone from XSG for a week. Where tf did the new meme date come from lol? This shits poppin off before May 2021, Gregorian calendar. Screen cap this. Aaaanyway... what if all this GME Reddit shit was started by (((them))) infiltrating r/WSB to create market disparity and start the inevitable collapse while at the same time predictive programming for XRP to skyrocket and not cause people to be surprised?

32 min later 26727432 Anonymous
How do we get these on WSB to buy into XRP? If they like 10000% gain I’m sure they will like 1000000% gain

32 min later 26727448 Anonymous
>>26726726 my bans weirdly last about 30 seconds

32 min later 26727496 Anonymous
>>26724439 At ease, Sergeant. > t. Sergeant Major

33 min later 26727682 Anonymous
>>26727432 fuck reddit faggots

33 min later 26727691 Anonymous (1605971841073.png 961x532 470kB)
>>26727370 possibly, we'll see the agenda unfold in the next few days

33 min later 26727729 Anonymous
Pls moon :(

34 min later 26727744 Anonymous
>>26727370 I think most definitely this is not the work of reddit but the work of the powers that be. Why though I don't know. Could just be a simple distraction to keep people's attention from something (such as XRP) or it could be exactly what you said. If it was always this easy to fuck the stocks like this wouldn't some country like china have already taken advantage? I don't know that much about it so I could just be retarded

35 min later 26727918 Anonymous
>>26727682 Unironically this

36 min later 26728076 Anonymous (key knife.jpg 650x488 37kB)
>>26727729 Stupid dumb katposting scum, forgot your picture

37 min later 26728223 Anonymous

37 min later 26728230 Anonymous
>>26726142 Thanks fren

39 min later 26728553 Anonymous (1606015075598.png 873x3961 794kB)
>>26728230 maybe this one? it's outdated, but still impressive

39 min later 26728602 Anonymous
>>26727744 Checked and agreed. I have no doubt Reddit didn’t do this. I bet we could go through the post history of some of the redditors who are inciting the shit (the guy who posted the new Silver short thread had his account less than a year, all I know) and see if it seems sketchy. I have a feeling moon soon, probably not tomorrow unless there’s an announcement, but soon.

46 min later 26729492 Anonymous
>>26727744 >>26728602 I was thinking along the same lines as well. We now have the perfect situation where plebs sold off crypto to go buy meme stocks, and many wealthy traders and funds were forced to sell off assets to cover their short positions. Only people left in xrp will be those in the know or schizos who believe

47 min later 26729544 Anonymous
>>26728553 This site https://www.xrparcade.com/world-top -100-banks/

50 min later 26729938 Anonymous
This GME stock thing is in my opinion just set in motion to crash the whole system and then move on onto a digital system. Everything will become tokenized. Everything will get a microchip. >>26727263 Thanks brother >>26727448 My ban lasted one month :c

53 min later 26730242 Anonymous (1608608220089.jpg 888x555 153kB)
>>26729938 bad goy

54 min later 26730444 Anonymous (xrpthe standard.png 877x763 375kB)

59 min later 26731030 Anonymous
>>26729938 Why would GME crash The Who market ?

1 hours later 26731156 Anonymous (1611178760111.jpg 750x858 514kB)
>>26730444 me in the front also checked

1 hours later 26731258 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210127-145354.png 1080x1920 267kB)
>>26731030 Wait till they short squeeze SLV The end of the current financial system

1 hours later 26731314 Anonymous
Christ, I hate it here sometimes. Maybe I’ve been here too long. Maybe it’s the apparent influx of teenagers. I don’t know. The GME thing is not going to crash the fucking economy. How fucking retarded do you even have to be to think that? Fucking GME? Yes, it could take down a couple of tiny hedge funds. Yes, it’s great to see them fucked. But are you really, truly that fucking retarded? You fucking Hollywood addicted degenerates. The short squeeze on VW - much fucking larger in size - didn’t bring down the world. A couple of hedge funds got fucked and we all moved on. Tell me, honestly: do you truly believe the retard shit you post? Or is it some faggot ‘performance art’ thing? Have you thought of killing yourselves? Cunts.

1 hours later 26731439 Anonymous
congrats all who have been in xrp for the past year. not only did you miss the entire stock market bull run. you also managed to miss the entire crypto market bull run nice job! you managed to be in the right place at the right time. but still missed out on everything nice work!

1 hours later 26731566 Anonymous
>>26729938 >microchip Easy there revelations, you don't need to be chipped you carry a phone and you own a currency with X symbol

1 hours later 26731693 Anonymous
>>26731030 It wouldn’t. They’re just Hollywood addicted degenerates. You can ignore the fucking retards.

1 hours later 26731714 Anonymous (1607841712892.png 1600x1943 3883kB)
>>26731030 Hedge after hedge fund collapse, followed by overleveraged banks, or something like that; they probably just need a logical explanation and scapegoat and now they have it Then restart

1 hours later 26731793 Anonymous
>>26731439 Whethers it paid fudders or schizos just enjoying the pasta, stuff like this gibs me hope

1 hours later 26731799 Anonymous
>>26731314 Honestly would be optimal for the reset to be done this way rather than another lockdown

1 hours later 26731935 Anonymous
>>26731314 I’m saying it could be utilized as a catalyst to start the engineered market tank. Of course GME itself wouldn’t tank the market.

1 hours later 26731960 Anonymous
>>26731566 He’s a fucking retard. He should be fucking roped with the rest of his kind. He lives in a deluded fantasy because Hollywood has ruined his retard brain. Why the fuck would they need to crash the economy to go digital. They could literally do it tomorrow and 99% wouldn’t even notice.

1 hours later 26732120 Anonymous
>>26731030 Because the hedgies have to pay for the 146% of shares they borrowed, but the current holders set the price. They can set the price at whatever number they want and the hedgies have to pay when they get margin called Friday at close. Hedgies cannot afford to pay so the broker assumes the liability. Broker can’t pay either so now the bank has to pay. Bank needs the Fed to print more money to pay. Boom.

1 hours later 26732196 Anonymous (1606293131723.jpg 1206x1590 558kB)
>>26731960 Because they want you poor and dependent and ready to receive whatever reality they have prepared for you with no escapes

1 hours later 26732221 Anonymous
>>26731799 > would be optimal for the reset to be done this way Hollywood has fucked your retard brain, degenerate.

1 hours later 26732446 Anonymous
>>26731960 >Why the fuck would they need to crash the economy to go digital. exponential gains

1 hours later 26732476 Anonymous (1610642887913.jpg 850x400 55kB)
>>26724964 The last meme date I went all in on leverage trusting it. Went from 14k XRP to 2560 XRP. >>26727744 Maybe it was as simple as reddyt starting it and larger fish eating smaller hedge funds. >Anybody got an answer on the vaccine problem? Why would they vaccinate people only to kill them in the long run keeping only non-conformist alive? If they only want to kill the schizos they wouldn't need to vaccinate the people to by proxy kill the schizos. This is really straining my small brain, what the fuck is up with this vaccine?

1 hours later 26732533 Anonymous
The whole gamestop narrative is elucidating the borrowing from peteowitz to pay paulberg better than any other mass media piece in recent memory. The question is will spider feast on spiderkind?

1 hours later 26732547 Anonymous
>>26731258 Lmao I have some shares in a 3X silver bull etf Let them pump it to 1000

1 hours later 26732566 Anonymous
>>26732221 Hey BkdxHQ18, have you heard that Kanye and Kim are getting a divorce?

1 hours later 26732678 Anonymous (i-get-it.jpg 500x360 24kB)
>>26731439 Hey man, It's one part of a balanced breakfast. Diversify your crypto, nigga

1 hours later 26732790 Anonymous
>>26731935 Why would they need to rank the market? To go digital? They could do that tonight and nobody would notice or care. >>26732196 Where the fuck do you think you are? You’re living in their reality, you fuckwit. They don’t need to crash anything. Want to chip people? They could do that by tying it to UBI. No crash needed. Want to stop property ownership? They pretty much have done in most western countries (certainly in big cities) What horrors do you think that they want to perform that could implement fucking tomorrow without the slightest disruption to the markets. You are a degenerate. Your parents - who instead of raising you, just sat you in front of a TV for Hollywood to fuck your retarded young mind - are degenerates. You and they should be roped.

1 hours later 26732890 Anonymous
>>26731030 I don't know why but to me it seems it's just a modern tullip mania and it is staged to bring in certain policies and changes. >In January 1637, tulip bulbs were sold for more than ten times the annual salary of an experienced craftsman, and were worth about the >same as an Amsterdam canal house. There was also speculation in tulip options It was at that time that professional traders ("stock jobbers") got in on the action, and everybody appeared to be making money simply by possessing some of these rare bulbs. Indeed, it seemed at the time that the price could only go up; that "the passion for tulips would last forever." People began buying tulips with leverage - using margined derivatives contracts to buy more than they could afford. But as quickly as it began, confidence was dashed. By the end of the year 1637, prices began to fall and never looked back. >While it was not a devastating occurrence for the nation's economy, it did undermine social expectations. The event destroyed relationships built on trust and people's willingness and ability to pay.

1 hours later 26732978 Anonymous
>>26732566 >Kanye and Kim About right for a fucking Hollywood addicted degenerate like you.

1 hours later 26733004 Anonymous
Everything is in motion for crypto to explode.

1 hours later 26733031 Anonymous (bandit-heeler-bluey-1.71_thumb.jpg 130x148 7kB)
So far gamestop amc and gmc were bonked.. whos next..

1 hours later 26733353 Anonymous
its over bros ... ive lost everything ...

1 hours later 26733380 Anonymous (unknown.png 1506x1450 303kB)
>>26732790 Why? I don't know I'm just speculating anon. According to the most recent data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), for the first half of 2019, the total notional amounts outstanding for contracts in the derivatives market was an estimated $640 trillion but the gross market value of all contracts to be significantly less: approximately $12 trillion.

1 hours later 26733381 Anonymous (1606405577167.jpg 450x600 35kB)
>>26732790 Huh? Things can get much worse than they currently are. They want everyone to accept the new reality with no room for failure. They own all the money in the world; they can crash and recover the economies of the world whenever the fuck they want. Naive plebbitor, cant wait for you subhumans to leave the board

1 hours later 26733504 Anonymous
>>26723020 based darren put out a video where he tries out Flare Finance looks kind of confusing but also a good way to make a shitload of money when it comes out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o9 zvVE7Bm8

1 hours later 26733527 Anonymous (faggot.jpg 213x236 28kB)

1 hours later 26733969 Anonymous
So the after effects and regulations of this GME event will lead to an explosion of growth in crypto and subsequent regulation which props xrp as the nwo glowie coin right?

1 hours later 26734084 Anonymous
>>26733504 in it he confirms that Flare is coming out in May and Flare Finance will do their airdrop a week after that

1 hours later 26734335 Anonymous
>>26733380 >According to the most recent data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), for the first half of 2019, the total notional amounts outstanding for contracts in the derivatives market was an estimated $640 trillion but the gross market value of all contracts to be significantly less: approximately $12 trillion. Yes. What are you trying to say? >>26733381 I heard they watch you while you sleep and sometimes they lick all of your favourite toys and laugh at you while you play with them. You are a pathetic, Hollywood addicted degenerate. Your life is boring as sin because you are sinfully pathetic excuse for a man. You will never be anything. You will never make it - no matter how much you make from XRP (the standard) - because untermensch like you are incapable of actually functioning in the world. You are a genetic dead end.

1 hours later 26734494 Anonymous
WhiteHouse is monitoring the situation https://www.marketwatch.com/story/b iden-administration-monitoring-the- situation-with-gamestops-stock-whit e-house-says-2021-01-27

1 hours later 26734615 Anonymous
>>26732790 Yeah, correct. In 1971 they went off the gold standard completely and not a single normie on the street noticed a thing. This will go the exact same way for digital, but I suppose the steps in going cashless/one world currency won’t happen overnight, as people might actually notice those things

1 hours later 26734748 Anonymous (1607253996893.jpg 225x225 12kB)
>>26734335 seethe tranny

1 hours later 26734936 Anonymous (kluu5onsg1s31.jpg 922x788 50kB)
When did you find out XSG is just a safe space for us so the rest of the board doesn't make fun of us retards. It's over bros

1 hours later 26734959 Anonymous
>>26734615 >hurr durr you REALLY think they would do that? >durrrr most old people don’t even know how to use a computer durrrrrr the general sentiment of anyone I’ve tried to tell. now I keep my mouth shut

1 hours later 26735084 Anonymous
>>26734615 >I suppose the steps in going cashless/one world currency won’t happen overnight, as people might actually notice those things We’ve been moving towards cashless for years and nobody really cares, but that’s going to be the most difficult step on my view, because you will reach a point where it becomes about poor black folks not knowing how to use digital wallets or being somehow unable to keep hold of a card due to ‘racism’. One world currency is not happening in your great grandchildren’s lifetimes, let alone yours.

1 hours later 26735252 Anonymous
>>26734615 most will notice when its too late. then they will rope themselves because they didnt listen.

1 hours later 26735263 Anonymous
>>26731314 >>26731693 >>26731960 >>26732221 >>26732790 >>26732978 >>26734335 You sound like a midwit t b h that is projecting hard. We might be insignificant but you vastly over estimate consolidated power within the ruling class. Vaccination is already seeing a backlash with around 40% of medical professionals not willing to take the vaccine, you can only force people to do shit with force, if that is through soft force like UBI or boots on the ground. Boots on the ground has a large chance of backfiring and UBI incentive can backfire too when people realize they can take the politicians head on and refuse it. Every book about revolution and coups state that you need around 8-12% of a population to have a successful revolution and most importantly you need people to believe change is possible, iow, you need people to believe their lives will be better at the end of the revolution. You know how easy it would be to convince large unwashed masses that their lives would be better if they attack the powers that be instead of just accepting the pittance they give people? Forcing 52% of people (the middle class) to accept poverty instead of trying to change things would be nearly impossible without some kind of catalyst. I am dumb as shit but you are dumb as shit and convinced you are smart. Shoo, shoo. Go watch blackpilled and go use your sterile intellect to reinforce your ego.

1 hours later 26735274 Anonymous (1605481672623.jpg 625x813 124kB)
>>26735084 >being this dumb

1 hours later 26735310 Anonymous
Fatboy Carstens (most powerful banker in the world) has a warning for maxis: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti cles/2021-01-27/bitcoin-might-break -down-altogether-bis-head-carstens- warns in this message he echoes Janet Yellen and Christine Lagarde and Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey by saying BTC is not long for this world

1 hours later 26735397 Anonymous (Agent in Place.png 329x481 99kB)

1 hours later 26735412 Anonymous
>>26735263 >Every book about revolution and coups state that you need around 8-12% of a population to have a successful revolution Source? Genuinely interested.

1 hours later 26735443 Anonymous
>>26724702 >based retard schizo nigger wow i genuinely hope this nigger does alright, better than mc jammal and lil chiquan

1 hours later 26735552 Anonymous
>>26734748 >plebbit >seethe tranny Aaaahahahahahahahahahaha You sub-human scum deserve the fucking rope. Mindlessly clinging to meme lines because you haven’t the capacity to say anything, even in your own defence when called: “Hollywood addicted degenerate”, “a sinfully pathetic excuse for a man”, “untermensch... incapable of actually functioning in the world”, and “a genetic dead end”. Fucking hell. Truly a genetic dead end.

1 hours later 26735599 Anonymous
>>26731793 He is right though, I’m here just for xrp since summer and I invested all my time in xrp, missing out on other options. Not that I’m mad, but he is right.

1 hours later 26735677 Anonymous
>>26729544 i've read somewhere that there are NDAs in place and banks might be connected to Ripple via other integrators.

1 hours later 26735870 Anonymous (jayplz.png 748x503 64kB)
feds aint happy with retail traders making money. time to step in

1 hours later 26735940 Anonymous
>>26723020 guiz i'm thinking about converting my side coins (xlm, iota) into NOK hype or fud?

1 hours later 26736157 Anonymous (1606455280911.jpg 1800x974 205kB)
>>26735552 You're just projecting as all leftist brainlets do, nothing new. Prime example is your obsession with Hollywood. I don't think any schizo even cares about Hollywood.

1 hours later 26736204 Anonymous
>>26735940 probably too late bucko, but I’m no financial advisor

1 hours later 26736337 Anonymous
>>26735412 Start with "War of the Flea" or counter insurgency warfare theory and practice, perhaps read the Gallic wars first to understand how you D&C people and make them hopeless first. My polemology isn't what it used to be since I finished university but that should be a great starting point.

1 hours later 26736367 Anonymous
>>26735084 Are you retarded or shilling

1 hours later 26736423 Anonymous (00D34E34-A645-4C5E-ABA6-8D548FDEA603.jpg 1125x1752 982kB)
new ripple just dropped > #XRP consumes just 0.0079 KWh of electricity per transaction. Learn how the digital asset can lead us into a fully digital future that ensures #sustainable payment options for all. https://ripple.com/insights/ensurin g-that-our-digital-future-is-a-sust ainable-one/

1 hours later 26736438 Anonymous
>>26735677 Checked. I wouldn't doubt that.

1 hours later 26736463 Anonymous (1523794888165.jpg 1435x907 198kB)
are Stellarchads welcome ITT? it's crazy out there... with all that GME fuzz

1 hours later 26736483 Anonymous
>>26735552 that's all these zoomers know: memes and slogans. imagine them trying to grow, let alone preserve their newfound wealth? sad state of affairs.

1 hours later 26736536 Anonymous
>>26735263 >I am dumb as shit At least you’re self-aware. Your doomer bullshit is just that. Deluded, Hollywood addled nonsense. Nobody is coming to get you, fuckwit. The “great reset” is meaningless marketing nonsense. They’re basically going to push ESG a bit. That’s it. Look at their past themes: 2012 was “the great transformation”, 2014 was “reshaping the world”, 2015 was “a new global context”. Nothing fucking happened. You’ve built a doomer world and are jumping at fucking shadows. Because you are too fucking stupid to see that it’s just delusion. It doesn’t even stand up to the slightest prodding of logic: these people run the fucking world and have done for centuries. They don’t need to crash anything to change the way things are. I’m fact: it’s quite the opposite. People are far more pliable when things are going well. Tldr: you’re retarded

1 hours later 26736542 Anonymous (bullish.jpg 600x718 218kB)
>>26736423 B U L L I S H

1 hours later 26736632 Anonymous
>>26736423 Wow how innovative.. The only thing this beats is PoW which is already outdated aside from XMR

1 hours later 26736663 Anonymous
>>26736463 only if you're at 80/20 XRPee to XLM or at the LEAST 60/40

1 hours later 26736684 Anonymous (1611785945932.jpg 190x250 8kB)
Rumor is that Elon is posting on the forums, 2k eow.

1 hours later 26736700 Anonymous
>>26735599 You should have kept a stack you are happy with if it suddenly would've mooned overnight. Sold the rest. Diversify. Take profits and put back in XRP to gain your original investment back. Rinse and repeat.

1 hours later 26736721 Anonymous (1610759214975.jpg 517x856 261kB)
>>26736463 Welcome sneky, algochads also welcomed >>26736536 Back to the plebbit

1 hours later 26736738 Anonymous
https://coinbae.org/coins/XRP This is dead, how do they fix this SEC issue. The same thing happened to EOS and that is long gone

1 hours later 26736741 Anonymous
>>26736337 I'll look those rec up! Thank you

1 hours later 26736879 Anonymous
>>26735412 In some cases it’s even less. It’s 8-12 for populist revolution. It’s less than 1% for general organizational collapse. Syria had a functioning, stable government, and a population of 21 million people. It took less than 20K guys to completely dismantle a society, and all they needed was a solid year of slaughtering police, military, judges, politicians, and businessmen, and their families, and posting it on liveleak.

1 hours later 26736942 Anonymous
>>26736157 >leftist Even basic literacy - reading my posts - would show that to be bullshit. You are a Hollywood addicted degenerate. That’s why you inhabit your fantasy world. That’s why you’re desperate for something to be happening. For you to be part of a plucky band of heroes that see the truth. But you’re nothing more than sheep. Doing exactly what it is you’re supposed to be doing: living in a deluded fantasy while the world moves on without you.

1 hours later 26736991 Anonymous
>the great reset is just a marketing meme stop this retarded bullshit it's indeed a marketing label for the tipping point of the slow boil of the middle class, which eventually said middle class will stop enjoying the privileges they once had and renew the social contract to one with no upward mobility, no freedom/privacy, with UBI and a serf/royalty system you wanna call that a "great reset" then whatever, but it's not a meme

1 hours later 26737086 Anonymous
>>26736721 >plebbit again Genetic dead end.

1 hours later 26737091 Anonymous (D49C6E37-42D2-403C-AA4D-E7143A39D254.jpg 1125x1479 518kB)
>>26736542 certainly fits the game plan. > Kerry later argued that the Great Reset is necessary to slow the "climate crisis" and that "I know Joe Biden believes ... it's not enough just to rejoin Paris [the Paris Climate Accords] for the United States. It's not enough for us to just do the minimum of what Paris requires." >Kerry also said that because of the Great Reset movement, he believes "we're at the dawn of an extremely exciting time" and that "the greatest opportunity we have" to address social and economic problems is "dealing with the climate crisis." https://thehill.com/opinion/energy- environment/528482-john-kerry-revea ls-bidens-devotion-to-radical-great -reset-movement >>26736632 >muh tech The day you learn that connections and a narrative are all that matters in this world it will be too late, son.

1 hours later 26737105 Anonymous
>>26736879 That's ballsy. Let's be honest, something like that is never happening in the United States, or anywhere near modern Evropa.

1 hours later 26737114 Anonymous (1607403246869.jpg 1280x720 121kB)
>>26736542 please stop posting that faggot's face, it makes me uncomfortable

1 hours later 26737121 Anonymous
>>26736942 You add hollywood into every post like it's your crutch. Like you think it's some bullseyeknockout blow. what the fuck is wrong with you, retard? You have to be some sort of fart huffing euro or eurolite from the anglosphere

1 hours later 26737148 Anonymous
>>26733381 is this pic saying xlm november 2030? its not even redditors its glowies dont give too much away we dont know anything

1 hours later 26737193 Anonymous
>>26736367 Depends - which part?

1 hours later 26737274 Anonymous
>>26735552 >Aaaaaaahahahahahaha >furiously writes a paragraph of seethe and cope, nobody reads

1 hours later 26737306 Anonymous
>>26723020 Does it hurt that everyone is making money besides you guys?

1 hours later 26737314 Anonymous
>>26736463 All iso20022chads are welcome

1 hours later 26737320 Anonymous (waow.png 657x527 120kB)
>>26737114 Me too, I have to do it to cope with my anger at his dumb mug. I apologize

1 hours later 26737323 Anonymous (0e184c14d51f2c20dfc476b056c77524.png 669x383 50kB)
>>26736942 >Hollywood

1 hours later 26737345 Anonymous
>>26737193 also you should be mindful that these WEF campaigns did not spill into the campaign themes of politicians (e.g. canada & biden's build back better)

1 hours later 26737376 Anonymous
>>26737105 >Let's be honest, something like that is never happening in the United States, or anywhere near modern Evropa. Oh man Imagine what America is to the rest of the world. Imagine the things that make us different. Now imagine those things, in the form of an American Al Qaeda or ISIS, being clandestinely funded by Some of the biggest economies of the world

1 hours later 26737402 Anonymous (1608147921717.png 1000x563 756kB)
>>26736942 And here you are, wasting your life away in a thread of no concern to you, projective your naive world views. This is your brain on woke.

1 hours later 26737478 Anonymous
>>26737091 reminder that Kerry's stepson with the Heinz ketchup heiress Chris was a business partner of Hunter Biden

1 hours later 26737489 Anonymous
>>26737148 No and that's a 2010 leading to 2020 not 20 to 30

1 hours later 26737593 Anonymous
>>26736463 im 80% xrp 10% xlm 9%algo and 1%chainlink welcome brother

1 hours later 26737689 Anonymous (Nevermind the fud.png 2000x2000 1133kB)

1 hours later 26737738 Anonymous
>>26736536 You did not address a single issue I raised, while constructing a new imaginary set of beliefs I do not hold then attacked that and me personally. Yup boys we are dealing with a dumbass who is an effeminate man who is very insecure of his intelligence. Your entire personality is probably built around "being the smart one" in a group of retards. I honestly shouldn't have expected a better reply, kind disappointed by your inadequateness.

1 hours later 26737759 Anonymous
>>26737689 best one yet

1 hours later 26737766 Anonymous
>>26737323 Mnuchin was a movie producer too https://www.businessinsider.com/tre asury-secretary-steven-mnuchin-prod ucer-movies-2017-5 Suicide Squad, the Conjuring, Lego movies it's all a show

1 hours later 26737826 Anonymous
>>26737689 very Nice, you forgot the little dingus though. I shall add one and see if it ends up being gross or funny, then post if the latter

1 hours later 26737861 Anonymous
>>26737689 when moon

2 hours later 26737866 Anonymous
>>26723334 Never stop posting this

2 hours later 26737937 Anonymous (1496934719623.png 485x409 200kB)
>>26737689 based

2 hours later 26738067 Anonymous (Trump2.jpg 960x685 722kB)
>>26737766 Kek. It is. "All the world's a stage" The only person you don't get to see on stage are the people who wrote the script.

2 hours later 26738213 Anonymous
>>26737121 I add Hollywood because that perfectly describes what’s wrong with you. You’re sheep. Your parents failed to raise you and just sat you in front of a tv. And now, like the fucking e-thots and gangstas and all the rest of your kind, you are desperate to be the stars of your own retarded movies. Your brains have been so fucked by Hollywood that you will believe any deluded nonsense put in front of you. For some of you, that’s Q retardation, for some of you, that’s doomer bullshit, for some of you that’s the far right threat, Russia or orange man bad. But you’re all the same. Broken humans. Destroyed by Hollywood. Desperate and ready to believe whatever gets put in front of you.

2 hours later 26738263 Anonymous
>>26736536 What an utter window licking faggot you are. You freakish pot bellied, slack jawed, mouth breathing waste of space

2 hours later 26738374 Anonymous (1609012116641.png 594x611 539kB)
>>26738067 They give us clues ;-)

2 hours later 26738394 Anonymous (haha_benis.png 2000x2000 1056kB)

2 hours later 26738451 Anonymous
>>26736423 it doesn't use any electricity because no one ever uses it lmaoo

2 hours later 26738462 Anonymous
>>26737402 Genetic dead end can’t read. Isn’t it time for you to pop down the road for your evening shit Raj?

2 hours later 26738778 Anonymous (1608244215792.png 778x720 2241kB)
>>26738462 seethe faggot

2 hours later 26738793 Anonymous (CsQ3zRKWYAAh_Y7.jpg 539x610 109kB)
>>26738374 Yes, they do kek

2 hours later 26738859 Anonymous (1610435347811.gif 222x533 16kB)
>>26738394 wait, you've been freehanding all of these? i thought there was some kind of software animation program you were using. damn, respect. so many talented people on this site.

2 hours later 26738883 Anonymous
>>26737738 You didn’t raise any issues you fuckwit. Your entire post was nonsense. Vaccinations: yes, they’re gonna struggle to get people to take them. So what? Boots on the ground. What? Forcing the middle class into poverty. What? Your entire post is premised on doomie fuckwittery. There’s nothing to respond to.

2 hours later 26738895 Anonymous
>>26736423 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hss 0f3Hgs90&ab_channel=ThePsychedelicM use that pic speaks to me

2 hours later 26738898 Anonymous (1605850002065.jpg 2856x1014 307kB)
>>26738793 Lmao

2 hours later 26738932 Anonymous
>>26737866 checked, but you forgot your cat picture

2 hours later 26738997 Anonymous
>>26738263 Another Hollywood degenerate. This is you: >>26738213

2 hours later 26739036 Anonymous
>>26738793 I've wondered who is the third glass in that cheers

2 hours later 26739119 Anonymous
>>26737593 stinky linky

2 hours later 26739120 Anonymous (blueysnake.png 568x834 158kB)
>>26738859 I use a mouse for all my gay OC, real bluey probably has a tablet, since he makes high quality tasty stuff

2 hours later 26739175 Anonymous
>>26738778 Back from the street already Raj? Back to dreaming about how the world is one big dance, like the Bollywood degenerate that you are

2 hours later 26739282 Anonymous
/xsg/ i dont get it, if it moons and you live off selling xrp, how does that qualify for above 0% capital gains tax? i mean, if its based on your income, and you have no income, as the sale of the currency is not qualified as income thus taxed differently how does that work anyway? assume even also that you can deduct enough of your income through losses so you can sell at 0 tax

2 hours later 26739457 Anonymous
>>26739282 you don't sell xrp numb nuts, you allow banks to use it for liquidity and gain interest, the interest would be taxed as income

2 hours later 26739527 Anonymous (MPCZG77PJFKNNQESTVWBQC2VGU.jpg 525x605 97kB)
>>26738778 Sapera Boy

2 hours later 26739599 Anonymous
>>26739457 well thats kind of gay, but i suppose you're right

2 hours later 26739607 Anonymous (1609088131980.png 960x540 883kB)
>>26739175 Yes, faggot

2 hours later 26739608 Anonymous
>>26737323 The CIA has been working on this for decades. And that’s why there are so many Hollywood degenerates everywhere. It’s an entire industry aimed at dumbing down and prepping the masses and we’re seeing the fruits in the world today. Hell, we’re seeing them in this very thread. >>26738213

2 hours later 26739652 Anonymous
can someone explain the schizophrenia behind #589?

2 hours later 26739774 Anonymous (flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg 750x1000 55kB)
>>26738793 her ring represents the ancient earth mother goddess as well you know something i figured out recently? there's some symbolism behind the Rothschilds owning the best vineyards in the world- it has to do with lineages, and royalty, it's a symbol of their control of the lines of power. as with so many things, they are hiding in plain sight, rubbing it in our faces even. $4.7 billion on Ancestry.com, which is almost $2 billion more than its evaluated price. GlaxoSmithKline spent $300 million to get access to 23andMe's data. https://time.com/5349896/23andme-gl axo-smith-kline/ I think there's information in these databases that might be useful or interesting to these very powerful groups for reasons beyond medical interest and applications, pharmaceutical development and gene therapy and what not. Maybe they're looking for certain genetic markers? Tracing specific bloodlines through the population? I know it's just speculation, and pretty far-out speculation as well, but $4.7 billion is a lot of money...

2 hours later 26739787 Anonymous
>>26739652 google Comex 589 Rule

2 hours later 26739881 Anonymous
>>26739457 >you allow banks to use it for liquidity and So how much do you think is enough to live off XRP in the future?

2 hours later 26739963 Anonymous
I just saw the white tiger on netflix and....there is literally a scene of the main lead taking a shit with a fellow pajeet on the street.

2 hours later 26740238 Anonymous
>>26738883 You proposed that they could do anything they want without consequences, like a big sky daddy or perhaps a real daddy who bullied you rather Kafkaesque of you and I proposed a that they might not be able to. Your inability to even understand the points I raised proves even further that you are extremely insecure of your intellect. It's okay anon rapid psychological change is good but only if you have the moral courage to accept it. You are a midwit, you based your entire personality on being smart and now your finding out you are not. This will cause rapid psychological change if you face it and you will be better afterwards. The only reason you see nothing to respond to is your intellectual blindness. The only way to ensure defeat is to focus on winning and you are on your way to a impressive one. Bet you had to google 26.

2 hours later 26740304 Anonymous
>>26739527 Just did a quick search on snake charming videos and they are all so boring and basic, was expecting something impressive.

2 hours later 26740636 Anonymous
>>26724422 >technical interface pretty much it's also the best of the three options option 1 involves potentially hundreds of interface "solutions" and will be pretty much the same as we've got already or worse option 3 - one over-arching authority - would be fiendishly difficult to achieve and impossible to maintain

2 hours later 26740656 Anonymous
Feels like everyone is getting rich of shitcoins and boomer stocks and I'm just here holding my 25c stable coin... And buying more... lol

2 hours later 26740905 Anonymous
>>26739881 depends on who you are and what you want in life. I am cool with a small amount of money, I have a long life ahead of me so I have 2.5k xrp. But I only want to travel and urban camp around the world. Live off like 30k a year. At 2k per XRP I would be making like 200k per year pre tax.

2 hours later 26740930 Anonymous
>>26740656 'ckin crazy ainn it but thats what the big short was about boomers getting rich off stocks and you buying shitty bets everyone called you crazy for

2 hours later 26740933 Anonymous
>>26740656 This is how we make it

2 hours later 26741087 Anonymous (1608146276709.jpg 600x600 177kB)
>>26740656 Play some Schwartz in the meantime

2 hours later 26741334 Anonymous
>>26740238 Yes. I proposed that they can do anything they want without consequences. Because they can. They are in control and have been for centuries. They don’t need to crash the world to do their thing. Digital: already in motion Surveillance: already in motion Destroying communities by importing foreigners: already in motion. Perhaps, my doomie friend, they don’t actually give a fuck about people taking the vaccine? Perhaps, my doomie friend, even if they did care about it, there are other ways do enforce compliance (travel restrictions, allowing kids to choose for themselves, etc.). Perhaps, my doomie friend, “anything they want” is naturally couched in “within reason”, so that some things are slowly implemented and other implemented quickly. Perhaps then “nuh uh, they can’t murder babies in the streets” (or whatever nonsense it was you posted), wasn’t exactly much of an argument. The simple fact is that you are a Hollywood addicted degenerate. You are a sheep and a useful idiot, no better than a gangsta or an e-thot: >>26738213

2 hours later 26741341 Anonymous
>>26738394 Bro you know Bluey is a girl, right? a Blue bitch. there is a reason i choose a blue dog for posting in xsg. lol.

2 hours later 26741423 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-01-27 182327.png 717x811 1012kB)

2 hours later 26741509 Anonymous (xsgDRAFTheadshot114.png 1128x1200 915kB)
>>26739120 thanks bro.

2 hours later 26741625 Anonymous
>>26741334 Ok bro, meanwhile next global lockdown is coming, you know, the fucking global scale multi year happening that utterly destroy all economies for a fucking flu, never even seen even in your hollywood movies that's right faggot, now get the fuck out

2 hours later 26741656 Anonymous
>>26741341 Nobody gives a shit about your garbage drawing ,furry faggot, you're like that millhouse forced meme.

2 hours later 26741768 Anonymous
>>26731960 they dont need to crash the economy to go digital but they certainly could use the threat of it as a pretense. nixon took us off the gold standard ostensibly because of fears of hyperinflation. they just cant take us digital out of the blue. sure they *could* but they won't, because they need plausible deniability

2 hours later 26741820 Anonymous
>>26731314 take it easy lad you do not have to remove very many parts of an already unstable structure in order for it to fail catastrophically this is as true in the financial markets as it is in any other situation

2 hours later 26741843 Anonymous
>>26741341 >Bro you know Bluey is a girl, right? oops, then It's a prosthetic I swears

2 hours later 26742096 Anonymous
>>26739963 yo! they made a movie of White Tiger? That's one of my favorite books. Aravind Adiga is great. Check out Between the Assassinations

2 hours later 26742187 Anonymous (countdown oo-.oo.png 596x594 175kB)
>>26741656 I understand bro. as long as we moon... as long as we moon. https://twitter.com/disclosetv/stat us/1354459431522758661

2 hours later 26742446 Anonymous

2 hours later 26742624 Anonymous
>>26741334 this guy must believe 9/11 was done by Saudi hijackers lmao

2 hours later 26742664 Anonymous
>>26741334 Your inability to understand basic concepts is as astounding as your ignorance. Since the times of Madame Bovary (don't google it surely a Hollywood hater like yourself is well read.) Your myopic focus on Hollywood misses not only human nature but the self re-enforcing mechanism that creature comforts creates without leadership in a hyperindividualized society and how frail the chains of comfort really are. The king with all his might and armies could not force the medieval peasant to work ungodly hours, for he needed the catalyst of Protestantism to convince him that you serve God through work and even still sometimes they stormed the castle. >Perhaps then “nuh uh, they can’t murder babies in the streets” (or whatever nonsense it was you posted), wasn’t exactly much of an argument. You are legitimately so dumb that you cannot even create a functional strawman to attack out of fear of revealing your lack of intellect even more. You accuse me of being a doomer while being defeatist. Slave morality, for you have internalized your subservience. SHEEP! HOLLYWOOD! USEFUL IDIOT! GANGSTA OR E-THOT! He cries out for he has no intellect to guide him through a cave to reveal the world he constructed in his head is not the full picture unable to muster the courage to even entertain thought experiments for surely he is the great knower of his time.

2 hours later 26742723 Anonymous (skull-and-bones.jpg 346x328 34kB)
>>26737091 >>26737478 reminder that kerry is a bonesman

2 hours later 26742832 Anonymous
>>26741625 The lockdown is just an extension of your Hollywood brainwashing. It’s a great example really. As well as an example of what happens when it goes wrong. You see, there isn’t really one thing that’s going to work on everybody. That’s why they have lots of different types of movies and themes and propaganda. So your type (the doomie/Q retards) aren’t going to get worked up about a little flu. But unfortunately, there are other brainwashed idiots that do get worked up. Very worked up. Because they’ve seen movies and they think this is the end of the world. In fact: part of them dreams it’s the end of the world, because they want to be the stars of that movie. It’s those brainwashed regards that are calling for lockdowns, etc. There’s a large part of them that have bought into a lot of the hero stuff. So they believe wholeheartedly in all this and will “heroically sacrifice their freedoms for the good of others”. No governments actually want to shut down. It’s fucking them and it’s fucking countries over. But (1) they have to contend with the brainwashed retards who think this is the end of the world, and (2) they will have to contend with the retards that blame them and cry bloody murder because the same number of people who usually die from flu are today dying for a world ending flu. I mean, you’d have to be ballsy as a politician to stand up and tell the truth in today’s world: that fuck it, we don’t need to close down and yes, some folks will die, but that’s life. They’d get lynched by the “heroes”. This is an example of the brainwashing actually becoming a nuisance to those in charge. They don’t want this. But a large part of their populace was primed to react a certain way and now they’re having to deal with that.

2 hours later 26742977 Anonymous
>Hollywood bickering who cares?

2 hours later 26742991 Anonymous
>>26741768 >they just cant take us digital out of the blue We already are 95% digital. Nobody would notice. Not a soul. The numbers on your screen when you check your bank balance would still be numbers on your screen. Also you don’t need to go digital for XRP. It’s a separate thing that’s not to do with retail.

2 hours later 26743071 Anonymous (23464574.jpg 800x749 74kB)
>>26741656 bluey is based

2 hours later 26743108 Anonymous
>>26742624 Kek. I know the truth. It was Saudis trained and paid by Israel. Now tell me, how’re Q’s predictions working out for you, degenerate?

2 hours later 26743324 Anonymous
>>26742977 It's just like when those 2 autists shit up the thread arguing about Rothschilds

2 hours later 26743421 Anonymous
>>26723020 I love that you never give up. Godspeed

2 hours later 26743438 Anonymous
Bros i am Reporting for the Moon Launch of 2021 are gunna make it this time?

2 hours later 26743439 Anonymous
>>26742664 >Your myopic focus on Hollywood misses not only human nature but the self re-enforcing mechanism that creature comforts creates without leadership in a hyperindividualized society and how frail the chains of comfort really are. My god who writes like this? A faggot. A faggot writes like this. You’ve yet to make any points other than your pseudo-intellectual nonsense.

2 hours later 26743538 Anonymous (1606463091154.jpg 1024x789 134kB)
>>26743108 You vastly overestimate how smart you are as others have pointed out. Are you new on /biz/?

2 hours later 26743710 Anonymous (satanicfilth.png 780x852 804kB)

2 hours later 26743749 Anonymous
>>26742832 >The lockdown is just an extension of your Hollywood brainwashing Pretty much inverse, the whole world goes hysterical when it's obvious for anybody that looks into the data that the government reactions to this is so overblown that it can't be mere incompetence >Hollywood brainwashing The number of film I've watched in my life add up to maybe 20. I never watch / read any fictional stuff because it is boring, you really missed your target here >It’s those brainwashed regards that are calling for lockdowns, etc. Exact >No governments actually want to shut down. See my first sentence. lockdown defies all logic, especially since the first one didn't work at all, same for masks (look at the chart, no correlation, pretty much useless). Either they are all completely retarded at the same time, or there is something else. >the doomie not really no >Q retards not at all > But a large part of their populace was primed to react a certain way and now they’re having to deal with that. The ones that lobby the government all day are basically the same that own medias They are the creator of psyop AND the enforcer of arbritrary rules at the same time, come on, it's obvious

2 hours later 26743755 Anonymous
>>26737689 ha this one is clever. keep up the bluey memes fuck the dumbass haters

2 hours later 26743854 Anonymous
>>26743538 >disagrees with your doomie nonsense >Y-y-you think you’re so smart Also: >are you new Kek. Still spouting meme lines. Not enough original thoughts to rub together.

2 hours later 26743898 Anonymous
>>26743439 Calling me a faggot? What's next are you gonna call me a virgin like the Hollywood teen movies with the promise of boobs, have conditioned you to confront intellectual superiority? You miss the points because you cannot see them, you lash out in anger because you don't understand and just like Hollywood has brainwashed you, you use homoerotic insults.

3 hours later 26744562 Anonymous
when moon

3 hours later 26744602 Anonymous
>>26744562 soon moon

3 hours later 26744623 Anonymous (1606802997995.jpg 723x408 309kB)
>>26743854 I simply recognize how far behind you are; growth comes in stages, and you're in the know-it-all faggot one. The bigger issue is that spoon-feeding season is over and there is only so much energy one can waste on brainlets like yourself. Can't believe ppl are replying to your drivel walls of text, so here is one more (You) to you.

3 hours later 26744626 Anonymous
>>26744562 Right now

3 hours later 26744667 Anonymous
>>26723838 First lieutenant reporting for duty sir!

3 hours later 26744682 Anonymous
>>26743108 OK, so why bother going to all that trouble just so the US had an excuse to invade the middle east? Why not just tell the US to do it? They hold all the power according to you and it would be as easy as clicking their fingers.

3 hours later 26744722 Anonymous
>>26727432 The fact that you're asking this means that you don't understand what WSB did and what XRP is meant to do. Fucking hang yourself, tourist.

3 hours later 26744765 Anonymous
>>26743710 >>26738793 >>26738374 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLs Ld22mhOA

3 hours later 26744880 Anonymous
>>26743749 >Pretty much inverse, the whole world goes hysterical when it's obvious for anybody that looks into the data that the government reactions to this is so overblown that it can't be mere incompetence I’d contend that’s part of the brainwashing. You have people primed through propaganda fo react to stimuli. Normally it’s ‘them’ that introduce those stimuli. But I’m this case it wasn’t. It was external and it triggered the brainwashed (not a majority of the population, but enough), to react. > The number of film I've watched Hollywood is a catchall term in this context. It’s the propaganda fed through all forms of entertainment. > The ones that lobby the government all day are basically the same that own medias. They are the creator of psyop AND the enforcer of arbritrary rules at the same time, come on, it's obvious I don’t think this is the case. I think you had a populace primed to react and they’ve reacted to an external stimulus. That populace includes journalists (the majority of whom are not in the know - they’re just average brainwashed retards). So you have a situation where the brainwashing has created a situation out of ‘their’ control and they’re just playing catch-up. You don’t want to tell these people it’s nothing because the brainwashed and primed journalists and scientists will just keep running with it and you’d risk losing trust from one of the normally most trusting sections of the population. I think this is not in their control.

3 hours later 26745020 Anonymous
>>26743898 >still writing like a faggot Fuck off faggot. You have not points to make.

3 hours later 26745207 Anonymous
>>26744623 It's fun because if he has any potential to live up too, he will be immensely embarrassed by this one day but he seems like a midwit,who is surrounded by dummies and now thinks he is a big fish so he most likely won't. If he doesn't I had fun. I'm going to sleep. I hope everyone in this thread has a great week.

3 hours later 26745418 Anonymous
>>26744682 Hatred. Nice and easy. If you’re going to send young Americans to die for you, you’re gonna need to give them a reason. And killing a bunch is gonna give you that reason. I’m betting on another large attack on American soil in the next 2-3 years. To stoke up that hatred which has died down over the last 20 years (nobody wants to be fucking around in the Middle East any more). They tried it with the Liberty. They did it with 9/11 and they’ll do it again.

3 hours later 26745488 Anonymous
>>26745020 >Being this dumb and confident Self awareness of a nigger, delusions like a tranny.

3 hours later 26745586 Anonymous
>Literal pajeet coworker told me he was investing in crypto >Said he lost a bunch of money on Ripple >Is invested in XLM >Pays a discord for insider trading info

3 hours later 26745595 Anonymous (fcwcfwd.jpg 566x528 27kB)
>https://thecryptobasic.com/2021/01 /27/messari-report-shows-investors- in-south-korea-prefer-xrp-instead-o f-ethereum/

3 hours later 26745610 Anonymous
XRP can't moon soon, it has too much selling power in the hands of whales (brad, arthur britto, jeb! dumping every week, schwartz, 60bil in escrow). There's only like 30 bil circulating which constantly gets hammered by these huge whales. XRP *could* moon in 4 years after the market cap has been fully diluted, anything until then will just be suppressed

3 hours later 26745639 Anonymous
>>26744623 >I’m grown Hahahahaha Fucking hell. What a little faggot.

3 hours later 26745816 Anonymous
>>26745488 >into the safety of posting meme lines Thanks for playing, faggot.

3 hours later 26745828 Anonymous
>>26745418 Of course. There's always the list of countries without central banks to choose from. I still believe Syria and North Korea are on that list, perhaps Iran too (though I'm not sure). Funny how that list always coincides with who we go to war with.

3 hours later 26745961 Anonymous
>>26745610 Your mom’s a dumping whale, faggot.

3 hours later 26746150 Anonymous
>>26745816 >Into the safety of posting meme lines >Calling people faggot on 4chan makes him think he won arguments LMFAO, you are just proving more and more how fucking dumb you are. Good night dummy.

3 hours later 26746188 Anonymous
>>26745828 Yep. Syria next then into Iran. But first they’ll need to prime the US populace. And that will likely involve a false flag.

3 hours later 26746268 Anonymous
>>26723020 Feels bad, seeing Gamestop going to the moon before XRP >Atleast XRP will be the bandaid to supply Liquidity for this institutional "oopsie"

3 hours later 26746329 Anonymous
>>26746150 Good night little faggot xXx

3 hours later 26746450 Anonymous
>>26745418 so, you've just admitted there's been an example of TPTB 'crashing the world to do their thing' ie middle east invasion, PATRIOT Act But you're in this thread arguing anybody who believes that is a Hollywood addict because they don't need to resort to such drastic measures to make changes to the world because they hold the power and we just dance to their tune anyway So which is it?

3 hours later 26746498 Anonymous
>>26746188 Sure will be fun to trot out the "You know who didn't start wars..." line to my liberal friends, who will suddenly be waving flags (or wearing American flag facemaks probably).

3 hours later 26746848 Anonymous
Gamestoppers are just about to start flooding into BIZ It's only a matter of time before they buy up the "undervalued" XRP I am concerned...

3 hours later 26746857 Anonymous
>>26745961 why are you spamming the thread with faggot? are you trying to tell us something? It's ok anon we're tolerant people

3 hours later 26747202 Anonymous
>>26746450 I know your dad was flying one of the planes in the end, so it must have affected you greatly, but killing a few thousand yanks is not ‘crashing the world’, Mo.

3 hours later 26747396 Anonymous
>>26746498 Yep. Already gleefully pointing out the news to them. They got rid of the boorish oaf and are back to their nice sophisticated warmongers. Very woke of them.

3 hours later 26747601 Anonymous
>>26746857 >fud nigger pajeet is mad at me for spamming the thread Fucking kek. Go earn your fud rupees in another thread.

3 hours later 26747882 Anonymous
>>26747202 lol how old are you? 16? the world was never the same again after 9/11

3 hours later 26748011 Anonymous (NASA-Satellite-sea-level-rise-observations-1993-Nov-2018.jpg 863x533 121kB)
I DID IT BOYS. JUST BOUGHT ANOTHER 5000 XRP. Im now a 4th percentile XRP holder hehehe

3 hours later 26748241 Anonymous
>>26747882 what happend 9 november?

3 hours later 26748261 Anonymous
>>26746848 You're an uninformed faggot. Go clutch your pearls elsewhere.

3 hours later 26748389 Anonymous
>>26747601 Any bump is good bump hen we're stagmant at the moment from lack of ripple news. That said, did anything happened today with the World Economic Forum? Any insights or news? Didn't even noticed a thread in /pol/

3 hours later 26748581 Anonymous
>>26748389 I think there will be a talk about digital currencies tomorrow.

3 hours later 26748830 Anonymous
>>26748581 Well, the latest prophecyfag has his memedate set for tomorrow so we'll see. Of course, if he doesn't deliver by the 29th we do what is necessary. Which is to say we shit on him and all other prophecyfags and memedaters in thread for at least a thread if not the entire day.

3 hours later 26748888 Anonymous
>>26747882 I know Mo. You lost your dad, Mo senior. Your world was never the same. But look on the bright side, the little boy form the little village was a pilot for a few minutes in the end there. Seriously though, yes, the world was never the same, but 9/11 didn’t ‘crash the world’ did it? Economies had a little dip and went on and ‘they’ got what they wanted: increased surveillance powers and a pretext for endless wars. Now you are telling me that in order to introduce digital currencies (which can be plugged right in and which most people won’t even notice), they’ve got to crash the entire financial system?

3 hours later 26749054 Anonymous
>>26748389 11am London tomorrow. Digital currencies talk.

3 hours later 26749148 Anonymous
>>26748830 Very interesting things happening tomorrow: https://www.weforum.org/events/the- davos-agenda-2021/programme

3 hours later 26749226 Anonymous
>>26748011 Well done frendo. YGMI

3 hours later 26749457 Anonymous
>>26747882 >>26748888 The digits are smiling upon your dad Mo. As allah smiles upon him now.

3 hours later 26749684 Anonymous
>>26748581 >>26749054 >>26749148 Blessed posters, thank you. >>26748830 Yeah been lurking the threads and watching the memedates+thread number schizo talk. Whatever happen, it's gonna be fun.

3 hours later 26749705 Anonymous (1.jpg 852x480 26kB)
Japan is ready.

3 hours later 26749746 Anonymous
>>26749457 youre pretty blue pilled, >41 posts

3 hours later 26749824 Anonymous
>>26747601 we get it you were molested as a child

3 hours later 26749867 Anonymous
New thread: >>26749300

3 hours later 26750002 Anonymous
>>26749867 Too soon.

3 hours later 26750034 Anonymous (1591147954921.jpg 697x389 22kB)
>>26745639 Again, this is an XSG thread, not a place to validate your existence. Go back to your discord tranny server where people think you're smart. This is a thread only for 150+ IQ schizos looking for comfy, memes, fun, and generational wealth.

3 hours later 26750175 Anonymous
>>26748389 I got detained for instigating riots, I wanted to provide a Davos-lifeline; https://www.weforum.org/events/the- davos-agenda-2021/sessions/resettin g-digital-currencies-2 Right from the centre of the Cabal, Radio-oranje!

3 hours later 26750248 Anonymous
>>26748888 The financial system was always one crash away from collapse after 2008. It was on life support. I know that, you know that, everybody knows that. You are speaking like they destroyed the healthiest economy in the history of the world. It's only a matter of time before the reckoning comes and, thankfully for the goyim, the central bankers have been hard at work behind the scenes investigating how digitisation can improve upon the current system's drawbacks.

3 hours later 26750337 Anonymous
>>26749746 >1 post by this ID You’ll never be a woman. >>26749824 I told you Raj: fuck off and fud somewhere else. You’re shit at it anyway. You need to build up to xsg. Maybe ask Mister Bhardwaj for an easier assignment.

3 hours later 26750358 Anonymous
>>26750034 based

3 hours later 26750388 Anonymous (1607156909486m.jpg 1024x768 194kB)
>>26749457 So fucking glad I exited this mooslime infested scam coin.

3 hours later 26750512 Anonymous
>>26749867 The fuck is wrong you? Delet that.

3 hours later 26750803 Anonymous
who else worried about the stock market? I think The Big Crash is coming. >>26749226 thanks.

3 hours later 26750830 Anonymous
>>26750388 So Butch and the many fragmentations of his ego are still ree'ing and now are using mooslime LARP to get based people out so that he can resume with his faggoty sunday-school here >Nothing has ever changed

3 hours later 26750879 Anonymous (1C3A66D4-F9EA-49DF-A0D2-CFE0ECD73EF0.jpg 759x893 82kB)
>>26750388 >he almost larped us into thinking he isnt an actual shitskin

3 hours later 26750984 Anonymous
>>26750034 >the grown boy is back Yes sweetie, you’re getting very big. Sure sweetie, I’m sure your mommy was telling you the truth: that doctor was there to give you an “IQ Test”, not grade you on the international faggot matrix (where 150 represents the very worst kind of mutilated tranny). You’re a very clever grown boy.

3 hours later 26751143 Anonymous
>>26750984 Butch ease it, go read your KJV.

3 hours later 26751148 Anonymous
New thread, dont derail this one so fast >>26749300 >>26749300

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