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2021-01-26 05:56 26582348 Anonymous (1610307686904.png 1229x1160 81kB)

1 min later 26582431 Anonymous (1611658642325.png 1064x600 232kB)

1 min later 26582446 Anonymous
>>26582348 I fud my largest investment which is pumping right now.

2 min later 26582477 Anonymous
i didn't sell after a 3x on my long two days ago and got liquidated like an absolute greedy retard

3 min later 26582558 Anonymous
Averaged into chainlink at 2 then 6 then 9. Bought ETH at 600. Bought BTC at 35000. I'm not selling.

4 min later 26582588 Anonymous
>>26582348 I found crypto tedious and not very lucrative. I deciding pretty much gambling with options was a better strategy for my low portfolio value.

4 min later 26582612 Anonymous
>>26582446 FTM chad

4 min later 26582635 Anonymous (1515961753721.png 1229x1160 61kB)

6 min later 26582717 Anonymous
>>26582635 i've already made back what got liquidated so it's not too bad but i'm still a greedy retard

9 min later 26582892 Anonymous
I got scamed by big pump signal for 300 euro

11 min later 26583003 Anonymous
I hold too many tokens and don't know how to concentrate in only 4-6

12 min later 26583065 Anonymous
>>26582348 Okay lad, LOKI got me

12 min later 26583067 Anonymous
>>26582348 i shitpost about having 5 figures earned in crypto when in reality i only have $534 to my name...

16 min later 26583298 Anonymous
>>26583067 dangerously based

17 min later 26583370 Anonymous
i buy high and sell low

17 min later 26583372 Anonymous
>>26582348 I threw $600 into patientory in 2017 and held. It's worth $50 now and likely has zero liquidity. Pls Sergey forgive me for thinking BLM might pump the negress coin.

17 min later 26583381 Anonymous
>>26582348 i bought up rubic at .1 a week or so ago right before it pumped to almost .2 and didn't sell, and i bought XPb when it was first shilled and didn't sell when it pumped to almost $1.80, I panic sold BTC at $37k weeks ago and spent $10k on LCX when it was at $.045. and i fell for LOCK when it was shilled and lost $5k on it. I bought $15k worth of GRT back at .34, then panic sold most of it at .32 and woke up the next morning to see it at .45, .50, .60, .70...

18 min later 26583444 Anonymous (52-525999_clip-art-sapo-triste-meme-pepe-the-frog.png 860x692 554kB)
I sold LINK at $0.50

19 min later 26583518 Anonymous
>>26582348 I put a bunch of money into uniswap but I have no idea how farming works

20 min later 26583535 Anonymous
>>26582348 i bought DFT at 10 and didn't sell at 30. still hodling. thankfully though that's the only objectively retard move i've made so far.

20 min later 26583571 Anonymous
>>26582348 i bought the top of LCX now gambling the money away with leverage

20 min later 26583581 Anonymous
>>26582348 I sent 10K XRP to an unknown wallet

21 min later 26583636 Anonymous
I put 30k into a rugpull, and now the amount I paid in gas fees is double my networth

22 min later 26583687 Anonymous
I have only bought through crypto.com

22 min later 26583700 Anonymous (crinkle.jpg 482x427 76kB)

23 min later 26583722 sdfghfdsakj
>>26582446 its rubic isn't it.

24 min later 26583771 Anonymous
i bought link at 2$ and sold at 4$ thinking i was in profits

24 min later 26583774 Anonymous
>>26582348 I'm never buying shit stocks or memecoins. Just shitposting here for LARP and memes.

29 min later 26584075 Anonymous
>>26583774 based and rubicpilled

30 min later 26584104 Anonymous
>>26582348 sold my link at $2.5 and never bought back

30 min later 26584112 Anonymous
>>26582348 I can only get crypto on p2p exchanges and probably will use that to cash out as well because of the retarded banking rules in my country.

30 min later 26584133 Anonymous
i fud RLC heavily to accumulate more i also encourage people to not make any threads so that newfags don’t find out about it

31 min later 26584174 Anonymous
>>26583722 >>26584075 can you be more subtle

31 min later 26584196 Anonymous
>>26582348 I bought 1,000,000 Digital Reserve Currency tokens. I'm retarded.

38 min later 26584629 Anonymous
>>26582348 Out of crypto as of 2 weeks ago. Observing how newfags/normies/niggers are going to get dumped on. Once this hype train reaches the light at the end of the tunnel it won't be the exit that shines hehe.

41 min later 26584810 Anonymous
>>26582348 I sold my uni airdrop at $5

44 min later 26584971 Anonymous
>>26584133 Same. And I’m pretty sure over 50% fall for the fud

44 min later 26585011 Anonymous
>>26582348 I shill hive blockchain i invested some time and money on that.

45 min later 26585040 Anonymous
>>26584810 I sold half at $3, then the rest at $4

50 min later 26585407 Anonymous
>>26582348 My friend got into BTC very early and offered to send me 5k btc when it was worth like $20. I had no idea what BTC was at the time and gave him a random address for giggles.

52 min later 26585526 Anonymous
>>26585407 Thank you for contributing to the void kind sir

57 min later 26585892 Anonymous
I lost 0.8 BTC between Oct-Dec being long on Bitcoin. Fucking leverage

58 min later 26585963 Anonymous
>>26584133 Don't sure if it's a sin or our duty

1 hours later 26586222 Anonymous
I bought BSV because I got worried

1 hours later 26586261 Anonymous
I bought Rigal Finance 4 days ago at $150 and sold at $120 because I thought it was a scam. I messed up bros.

1 hours later 26586481 Anonymous
Bought link at .35! but only bought $100 worth. Held until $20! but panic sold when it dropped down to $11 in Dec. Started DCAing into ETH at $100! Watched it go to $1300+ Panic sold when it dropped to $1100... Why am I like this?

1 hours later 26586558 Anonymous
I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing and somehow I’m up money.

1 hours later 26586741 Anonymous
The only "profit" I've made from crypto is the free UNI I was too lazy to sell.

1 hours later 26587004 Anonymous (1598452769831.jpg 960x667 67kB)
>>26582348 I sold all my SENT for XRP to get in on the spark token airdrop. A few weeks later XRP was down 75% and SENT was up 300%. Worst fucking trade of my entire life, but hey at least I'll be getting my shitty spark tokens right?

1 hours later 26587078 Anonymous

1 hours later 26587251 Anonymous (a1f755b1422e0fa57afd375bcd48a90b.png 500x673 193kB)
I cannot stip spending my whole working day monitoring stocks and browsing /smg/, I am obsessed. I am only productive during weekends. I am also in loxkdown and haven't interacted with an attractive female for months. And haven't had sex for 5 years , almost. And I cannot stop fantasizing about asses, literally my whole working day is thinking about stocks and asses, and I don't even fap. This last lockdown is making me insane.

1 hours later 26587290 Anonymous
I started playing leverages again eventhough i know im a gambling addict

1 hours later 26587327 Anonymous
>>26582348 >Made 3.5x on R3FI >Got fomo and ended up with with a 23% loss >Bought Flow at like 40 cents >Sold Flow at 20 cents >Bought Rope at 40$ >Saw ROPE go to 220$ >Sold ROPE at 44$ >Bought MAN at 1$ >Sold MAN at 0.30$ My only good Crypto buys have been LINK @5$ and thats keeping me afloat.

1 hours later 26587452 Anonymous (1605032225450.png 560x600 358kB)
>>26587251 I have bad news for you goy, these lockdowns are never going to end. Welcome to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, now get back in your pod and eat ze bugs.

1 hours later 26587880 Anonymous (0e08ca0eb5bd33ac1a6703b8fdf19a2a.jpg 800x1000 79kB)
>>26587452 YOU VILL EAT ZE BUGZ !

1 hours later 26589435 Anonymous
>>26582348 i bought YFV/VALUE

1 hours later 26589508 Anonymous
>>26584133 RLC fuds itself kek

1 hours later 26589558 Anonymous
I've never traded anything but Pokemon cards. I wouldn't know where to begin, but I feel like I need to learn since I keep ending up fired for having mental breakdowns at work.

1 hours later 26589677 Anonymous
>>26582348 i stole my friends earphones a few years ago. well i didn't steal them but i swapped my brokenish ones for his perfectly functioning ones. i dont know what i was thinking. ive never stolen anything before

1 hours later 26590016 Anonymous
>>26582348 I don't really understand what crypto is, I just like lurking here for the wojak memes.

1 hours later 26590201 Anonymous
>>26583067 .... im at 5figures now and i feel nothing, maybe when i’m able to enter 6figure hell lol.

1 hours later 26590281 Anonymous
I bought REQ.

2 hours later 26590448 Anonymous
>>26586261 I bought at 180 and sold at 80. Still a scam.

2 hours later 26590498 Anonymous (123123.jpg 646x595 43kB)
I bought Rigel

2 hours later 26590577 Anonymous (Bitcoin.jpg 400x400 19kB)
>>26582348 I only recently have taken the Max pill.

2 hours later 26590750 Anonymous (1560910302817.jpg 469x410 74kB)
Back before gig work blew up I was just a few pieces of paperwork away from opening my own gopher/delivery service where you could order takeout and have it delivered, or order shit from whatever store you wanted and we'd bring it to you same day. Friend and I did a soft-open for a couple weeks advertising to people in just a few apartment buildings and got a huge reception. Made a lot of money. We decided not to try and scale it up because we figured we couldn't serve a larger area without a lot more people, and a lot more people wouldn't scale with the cost of the service. We even had a website and iOS app we let people get on via testflight. Probably should have gone for it.

2 hours later 26590804 Anonymous (1529426525051.png 645x729 65kB)
i bought rbc almost at ath i sold it at 50% loss(with fees) for link almost at ath now rbc is green, link red and im a retard

2 hours later 26590811 Anonymous
>>26590498 same, wgmi fren. early rbclets are big in Rigel

2 hours later 26590970 Anonymous
>>26590804 if rubic moons on 28th and doesnt get dumped into the ground i will buy a rope. thought holding link would be easier

2 hours later 26591303 Anonymous
>>26590811 Whats the telegram? kek

2 hours later 26591421 Anonymous
>>26587251 Thank God for my low libido, saved me from being a coomer 24/7. It gets lonely, but one ugly boring woman from Tinder brings you back into reality real quick.

2 hours later 26591463 Anonymous
I panic sold ETH at $600 and panic bought at $1300 Dead serious

2 hours later 26591708 Anonymous
I’m poor so I only put money into link, graph, and Bitcoin

3.980 0.100