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2021-01-26 03:20 26573350 Anonymous BTC Manipulation (https___d1e00ek4ebabms.cloudfront.net_production_969e5d7d-8d61-48ae-86ec-8c6b04ab5b7e.jpg 700x394 51kB)
Why is bitcoin crabbing like this guys? Is it being manipulated so institutions can accumulate? Any thoughts?

1 min later 26573412 Anonymous
>hes never seen a correction

2 min later 26573493 Anonymous
>>26573350 yes. You fags didn't listen. I already told you that there's no bear market this year.

3 min later 26573524 Anonymous
>>26573350 >Grayscale owns 3% of BTC >Blackrock wants to enter in BTC >it is possible to lease Crypto and dump it on the market its obvious that some large Player is selling BTC so that his institution can buy. 10% of all BTC will be owned by Grayscale and Blackrock in 2022

5 min later 26573587 Anonymous
>>26573493 I don't think it will go below 30k.

5 min later 26573591 Anonymous
>>26573493 yeah, i agree with this. i am thinking BTC gets to like $400 K this year

5 min later 26573611 Anonymous (9653914b-4b5e-4f24-9d23-f460b656c6cc.jpg 500x500 21kB)
>>26573350 Ask me how I know you are a new, OP

6 min later 26573629 Anonymous
Seems like perfectly normal consolidation phase so far, if a little premature. We could be here another month or another year.

8 min later 26573757 Anonymous
Am I the only person who doesn't buy into this narrative about institutions? If they believed so strongly in BTC, they would've bought long before it reached 30k.

10 min later 26573882 Anonymous
>>26573524 this is the only reason which makes sense for the crab-walk. Every single new mined coin is directly going to the institutional investors, so the price should be at 70K by now.

11 min later 26573932 Anonymous (smiley-face-red-angry-face-dogboo.jpg 750x900 29kB)
>>26573757 They have learned their lession. Will you anon?

13 min later 26574023 Anonymous
>>26573757 >the world is the way I think it should and not the way it actually is

14 min later 26574061 Anonymous
>>26573591 Sell signal

15 min later 26574118 Anonymous
Don't worry this is just a minor bump; it will reach 900k this year. Basedfaceman on youtube told me.

19 min later 26574342 Anonymous
>>26573882 Grayscale owns close to 600k BTC. 900 BTC are mined every day. Grayscale owns the amount produced in 660+ days. >price drops >its beeing manipulated and 90k BTC is possible the next few months. >very high demand and all new mined coins get sucked up

20 min later 26574384 Anonymous
>>26573757 >Am I the only person who doesn't buy into this narrative about institutions? No, there are plenty more schizoids in denial of reality on this subreddit.

21 min later 26574476 Anonymous
>>26573524 >its obvious that some large Player is selling BTC so that his institution can buy. kek, you're in for a surprise mate

22 min later 26574549 Anonymous
>>26573757 Grayscale average is around 15k anon

28 min later 26574892 Anonymous
>>26574476 you mean he is wrong? what is the truth then?

29 min later 26574942 Anonymous
>>26573350 BTC did a 3x since October. Corrected about 25%. Wouldn't surprise anybody if it bleeded some 10% more , until rallying back. This is nothing . Buy the dips or stfu.

29 min later 26574957 Anonymous
>>26573350 Common people bought it, it is time to dump... only buy it again when volume indicator say so, and market starts to trend to a direction...

29 min later 26574972 Anonymous
>>26574061 thanks

30 min later 26575014 Anonymous
>>26574892 He has no argument, just look at my other post >>26574342

31 min later 26575045 Anonymous
>>26574942 i have been buying the dips. i have $300K worth of this stuff and have no cash left. i sold almost all my guns and suppressors to buy it actually.

31 min later 26575105 Anonymous
>>26575045 you will thank yourself in 5 years. possibly EOY too.

32 min later 26575137 Anonymous
>>26573350 Yes surely the more logical explanation for dumping is that it is being manipulated instead of said institutions dumping their bags to retail idiots. It's really never been easier to recognize smart money and dump money. You sir are the latter.

33 min later 26575180 Anonymous
>>26575014 yeah, i get the impression that grayscale is bascially a finance arm of the 4th industrial revolution

34 min later 26575254 Anonymous
>>26575137 thanks bud

35 min later 26575280 Anonymous
>>26575045 You are seriously gonna make it. good things will come to those who wait. You will possible be a millionare if you wait enough

36 min later 26575354 Anonymous
institutions mostly don't buy BTC because they *believe* heck, they also buy litecoin crap they buy, because there is demand from there clients its all a fugazi and they earn there fees nonetheless

36 min later 26575356 Anonymous
>>26574892 DYOR but look up what a Trust means. I dont think you know the true meaning. "Grayscale" are not buying BTC for them per se. They're setting up a fund and they buy bitcoin with investor's funds. BTC goes up, investors are happy because the share price of said fund trades at a premium, but the price goes down and the opposite happens, it trades at a discount. Also, as to the Blackrock news, they authorized a fund to trade futures, not to buy spot BTC, so it means they can also short it. >what is the truth then? Reality is, no one knows 100%, i'm just giving my opinion, always dyor

37 min later 26575394 Anonymous
>>26575045 Just hodl, bro. It's that fucking easy. If you can't handle a simple correction, you're gonna neck yourself, when we get to the Bear Market , if you're caught holding the bag. Remember ? From 20k to 3k ?

37 min later 26575409 Anonymous
>>26575180 In Times of crypto time is really your best friend. Just think about people selling their megacorp stacks in the early 2000s

37 min later 26575443 Anonymous
>>26575354 Basically this lol, same way the big banks owned a shitton of CDO back in 2008...they just care about profits, if shit hits the fan, better believe they will unload before you can blink

41 min later 26575640 Anonymous
>>26575254 You're welcome fren.

41 min later 26575645 Anonymous
>>26575356 yes, i know they are a conduit for big finance. i am a finance lawyer actually so i know what these investment trusts are

42 min later 26575695 Anonymous
>>26573524 >Blackrock wants to enter in BTC Futures* They are not the same thing. One is buying the asset, the other is buying a speculative bet on the asset’s price. Blackrock wants to enter the latter market.

44 min later 26575839 Anonymous
>>26575645 Good, with that being said, you can 100% make a profit still, but be aware you know. I see a lot of misinformation on CT and it's sad because these folks are blinded by "muhh new paradigm muhh digital gold". These institutions are really smart, just look at what happened in 2008, go look up financial news from back them, they're all a bunch of snakes. Also, CoinDesk owns Grayscal afaik so dyor whenever you see news from there

49 min later 26576115 Anonymous
>>26573757 You really think boomers wouldn’t be late for the ride?

52 min later 26576285 Anonymous
>>26576115 This. How long have they waited for boilerplate online banking crap ?

52 min later 26576292 Anonymous
>>26573757 >Harvard, Yale, Brown Endowments Have Been Buying Bitcoin for at Least a Year https://www.coindesk.com/harvard-ya le-brown-endowments-have-been-buyin g-bitcoin-for-at-least-a-year-sourc es >Crypto Miner Marathon Patent Group Buys $150M in Bitcoin https://www.coindesk.com/miner-mara thon-buys-bitcoin-investment >Secure Messaging App Signal Reportedly Toying With Crypto Payments https://www.coindesk.com/secure-mes saging-app-signal-reportedly-toying -with-crypto-payments Please stay forever poor. The writing's been on the wall, you've just been too blind of full of hubris to admit it.

54 min later 26576355 Anonymous
>>26573350 > He can't stand a small correction to 5K

54 min later 26576383 Anonymous
>>26575045 fucking based.

56 min later 26576498 Anonymous
>>26576292 >Please stay forever poor. lol this condescending will bite you in the ass

56 min later 26576528 Anonymous
>>26575695 This is probably just a first step. JP Morgan is getting into the crypto custoy biz, along with Fidelity, which has already been there. If you think, for just one second, that all this is just some fly on the wall, pie in the sky coincidence, then you must be Q tard boomer. The world is changing, adapt or die.

58 min later 26576620 Anonymous (82kPqomaPXmNsjpEo1JmFDEUfLkC6tCQWtRiXXcfA4NJ.jpg 626x373 46kB)
>>26573350 friendly reminder: you are not on redit anymore. instead of sec you have glowies et al

58 min later 26576633 Anonymous
>>26576498 r/buttcoin has been telling me that for the last 8 years, bud. I'd rather apply to your reason and rationality with actual news stories based on facts, but if you want to just ignore the obvious then I can't help you.

59 min later 26576661 LebAnon
>>26573587 it did for a bit though

1 hours later 26576718 Anonymous (1610833441155.png 1160x669 71kB)
>>26575045 How does 75 million in June 2026 sound?

1 hours later 26576975 Anonymous (1606131643352.jpg 376x349 22kB)
Tether stops the money press after they miss their deadline and, wouldn't you know it, BTC starts crabbing downward. Really gets the ol' noggin' joggin', don't it.

1 hours later 26577211 Anonymous
>>26576975 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/ 1352663046712250369.html

1 hours later 26577240 Anonymous (987556465dwds.jpg 855x487 70kB)
>>26576633 >r/buttcoin kek PicRel is more what I meant. Don't fall for the same shit back in 08, all i'm saying is dyor, everyone. These institutions are smart, they won't give us handouts lol. Again with that being said, you can still make a profit, just dont be a delusional bagholder.

1 hours later 26577345 Anonymous
>>26573350 how many bitcoin do you need to never work again, assuming a non lavish lifestyle.

1 hours later 26577397 Anonymous (AB2A3471-AC8A-4286-8B9F-1A4CA1E03FF7.gif 365x230 384kB)
>>26576975 >he thinks tether is some thug Mexican cartel >he doesn’t know tether is the fed

1 hours later 26577540 pajeet
>>26573350 because aload of options expire on the 28th and i guess the rich people are desperately trying to dump the price because if it went over a certain price then the options force them to buy at a loss?

1 hours later 26577920 Anonymous
>>26577211 >If you’re reading this post and expecting a 40 page research report with statistical analysis of Tether then stop here because I’m not going to deliver that. Neither would you have been convinced if I did. kek

1 hours later 26578571 Anonymous
>>26577345 about 10 at $100K per BTC. That will last me until my parents die and then i can liquidate their houses/apartments etc...

1 hours later 26578637 Anonymous
>>26576718 sounds good to me

1 hours later 26578703 Anonymous
>>26576620 yes, i know the CIA and FBI post here. They are probing us for info

1 hours later 26578784 Anonymous
>>26575394 i never said i cant handle the correction, i am just gatherin opinions from the people

1 hours later 26578843 Anonymous
>>26577540 good point. also michael saylor has his "bitcoin for corporations" talk in early Feb, which i think is a big deal

1 hours later 26578929 Anonymous
>muh institutions its 2017 all over again

1 hours later 26579582 Anonymous
>>26578929 Retard

1.353 0.075