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2021-01-26 03:46 26552184 Anonymous /XMR/ Monero General (monerobull.jpg 527x455 40kB)
Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency!
Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction.
Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.
If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://web.getmonero.org
>Non KYC:
Local Monero
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me
Gui/Cli (recommended)
IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo
>Cold Storage
1 min later 26552257 Anonymous
I've finally figured out how to properly use and hold Monero. I've never been happier.
What's the suicide stack?
7 min later 26552518 Anonymous
8 min later 26552555 Anonymous
I like this ID, too bad it's red
9 min later 26552574 Anonymous
based "Hold" id.
10 min later 26552625 Anonymous
suicide stack is [unknown amount] and make it stack is [unknown amount]
12 min later 26552693 Anonymous
C, Hold, Dil, +
Can't hold, plus dilate
19 min later 26552965 Anonymous
Dead coin, just sell accept your loss and move in.
23 min later 26553098 Anonymous
>t. newfags after any slight dump
25 min later 26553183 Anonymous (16088167297867267375011353026866.jpg 1080x1350 314kB)
Just bought for $120k.
How fucked am I?
t. Multicryptollionaire
28 min later 26553261 Anonymous
Comfiest hold bar none. Little bit of shitcoin gambling for the ol dopamine rush, and XMR for those sweet long term gains. Anyone who can't see the privacy bubble on the horizon is a fuckin brainlet.
29 min later 26553316 Anonymous
agreed, I'm doing the same. Shitcoin portfolio for fun, XMR for being rich in 10 years.
30 min later 26553331 Anonymous (XMRBTC.png 3648x1853 392kB)
Bought it because great tech + capitulation on XMR/BTC ratio is fucking over.
Upside vs BTC alone is easily 15-20x
33 min later 26553436 Anonymous
will this pump for altseason even despite the regulation FUD? All the privacy coins are lagging really hard, thinking about rotating some eth into them
36 min later 26553552 Anonymous
Nica chart
38 min later 26553612 Anonymous
not substantially, if you care about short term like that you're probably better off with some shitcoin
55 min later 26554152 Anonymous (Image45.jpg 739x415 27kB)
Delisting and regulation FUD for all the privacy coins was priced in when they didn't pump at all the last four weeks. They should be pretty numb regarding this.
Actually, I see the risk more for the Defi tokens where most of the casual traders will be baffled by the regulation thrown at them. Doubly worse as they can't really hide. It will be fun to see the zoomers youtube videos then.
59 min later 26554316 Anonymous
but that kind of FUD could suspend big pumps until they are resolved. kind of like XRP.
1 hours later 26554899 Anonymous (1610385382759.jpg 225x225 7kB)
>some transparent smart contract chain tokenizes xmr
>people flash their stack of unknown amount in random addresses with no previous transactions to scrape some fees in an AMM and disappear again after some time
>regulations and delistings happen to said smart contract chain
1 hours later 26554959 Anonymous
1 hours later 26554982 Anonymous
Also what happened with Monero Gold?
1 hours later 26556201 Anonymous
The hell is that?
Sounds like a scam lol
1 hours later 26556238 Anonymous (resim_2021-01-26_073701.png 1080x720 1170kB)
Sold my 1 XMR for BTC it's not much but I'll keep coming after gainz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knr GMHhnqrw
1 hours later 26556290 Anonymous
XMR stability once again prevents Monerochads from getting rekt while Bitcoin shits itself, but you'll never see anyone praise that
1 hours later 26556399 Anonymous
Monero is superior to Bitcoin in almost every single way. It's even superior on the presentation and normie-friendliness front. The website is cleaner. The docs and tools are better. Setting up a full node through the GUI or CLI is a breeze. Mining it is easy, and you can do it with regular hardware.
This is the coin that people should be using. Everything else is shit in comparison.
1 hours later 26556529 Anonymous
what does this mean sry im a xmr newb
2 hours later 26557028 Anonymous
finally a good general
2 hours later 26558003 Anonymous
Buying Monero is literally 50 IQ tier. There are 100 cryptonote coins that do the same thing and are pennies on the dollar. In fact, Monero is just a fork of Bytecoin that shouldn't be valued any higher. I sold My Monero for 0xMonero.
2 hours later 26558094 Anonymous (0xMonero is for people who shit in the street.png 496x807 720kB)
2 hours later 26558131 Anonymous
nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
stop trying to steal from people by lying to them about the capabilities of the project
https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoon Shots/comments/i27fhk/0xmonero_summ ary_of_findings/
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2475 0658#p24755504
2 hours later 26558222 Anonymous (vsiiednk3ic61.png 488x680 376kB)
How long do i have to hold this shit coin to make it if i have between 30-50 xmr
2 hours later 26558516 Anonymous (checkem.png 534x460 368kB)
6 years
3 hours later 26559641 Anonymous
Already exists
https://blog.btse.com/introducing-w rapped-monero/
People do this already but I think it usually goes XMR to decentralized exchange, ???, back to XMR, cash out
>more accurately: buy XMR, ??????
3 hours later 26559802 Anonymous
So is it confirmed at this point that Monero is a form of fractional leverage on bitcoin? Like if bitcoin goes down 4% XMR goes down 2%, or if BTC goes up 10% monero only goes up 5%, and so on. If so, pretty based, it means the majority of people holding it aren't speculating on the crypto market as a whole but just want to have monero (probably to use it)
4 hours later 26560487 Anonymous
been downloading this blockchain for the past week now. got 357K blocks to go. The joys of an HDD. Anyway, I just want to hurry up and invest before it booms so I don't get left in the dust like with bitcoin.
4 hours later 26560787 Anonymous
Downloading the blockchain shouldn't be taking nearly that long unless you have absolutely piss poor (like less than 1mbps) internet, it's only 100 gb. Also you know can invest without or prior to having a copy of the blockchain, right?
4 hours later 26560905 Anonymous
lol you don't even know the name of the fucking pow hashing algorithm you fucking retard.
4 hours later 26561288 Anonymous
you are still eligible for the tip I offered you a few days ago. You are a hero for posting this reply everytime 0xMoneroshill comes along. Post an address and I will tip you an unknown amount of Moneroj
4 hours later 26561449 Anonymous
It’s called tax evasion fren
4 hours later 26561619 Anonymous (holyxmr.gif 220x220 106kB)
stack up boys. t.me/xmrgif
4 hours later 26561721 Anonymous
XMR is the single most based project in existence. Everyone should DCA in. That being said, it’s pretty clear it will lag a DeFi (mostly LINK) - led bullrun, so the opportunity cost is too Rey. Best route is LINK this bull cycle, maybe a couple option plays on AMC for quick cash for more LINK, then end of DeFi cycle cash out into the only true privacy coin XMR. ZEC is fucking garbage and can suck a cock
5 hours later 26563143 Anonymous (wtf.jpg 1063x545 125kB)
How can i safely delete this shit?
6 hours later 26563710 Anonymous
> ~20 mbps download
A barely okay speed. Don't know what else it could be. Oddly enough the closer I've gotten to finishing the download the slower it's gotten. Before, I could get 10-12% of the chain downed in a day, now it's at about 1-2% down per day.
6 hours later 26563738 Anonymous (1610051434926.jpg 1079x1215 729kB)
based dubs bountyposter
6 hours later 26563892 Anonymous
Thats the chain file, why? Just exit client and del it.
6 hours later 26564000 Anonymous
Yeah did that, I just relocated the blockchain to my hdd, it was fucking my C:/ SSD
6 hours later 26564001 Anonymous (dj billybool and monero-chan.png 700x500 335kB)
6 hours later 26564114 Anonymous
tremendously based
6 hours later 26564275 Anonymous
can't lose anything with XMR. Take the final redpill. EOY:
1 XMR = 1 XMR
6 hours later 26564586 Anonymous
or more downside who knows?
6 hours later 26564616 Anonymous
>buy this and let unknown amount of hidden inflation visit you at night
7 hours later 26564735 Anonymous
well, this post does not have (you) so there must be at least two of us. If you want to get rid of your precious moneroj put it into the getmonero.org general fund
7 hours later 26564853 Anonymous
I'm convinced the 0x shill and the anti-0x guy are both bots in an arms race to detect and post in monero threads. I've never once seen their IDs make another post
7 hours later 26564893 Anonymous
BTC should still be 50% of everyone's portfolio.
7 hours later 26564939 Anonymous
I will only buy coins accepted by drug and loli traffickers just has it is intended in a AnCap society.
7 hours later 26564971 Anonymous
What do you guys think about changing the logo color? There have been some murmurs on Monero forums about getting rid of the ugly orange.
7 hours later 26565041 Anonymous
Im 20% BTC/80% Monero long run.
I was listening to a podcast with bitcoin maximalists calling XMR a shitcoin and only usable to move in and out of BTC.
What these morons dont seem to understand is when bitcoin billionaires start being minted do you really think they will move in and out of XMR with atomic swaps or just convert a part of there massive stash to XMR long term so they can move wealth around without being monitored by the chainalysis surveillance state?
These fuktards dont realize government is gonna have its boot up BTC's ass its basically a surveillance blockchain and the whole blacklisting addresses and tainted coins really leads me to believe these stupid wall street fucks and normies have no clue that BTC has an Orwellian 1984 future coming.
BTC is the opt out of the BRRR printing from govts.
XMR is the opt out of surveillance state BTC.
Long term I think this means that BTC eats the world and XMR slowly eats BTC. What do you think happens when people realize how important privacy is and large mexican cartels start hoarding XMR and atomic swaps drive up the price of XMR because of tainted BTC.
For the next 20 years XMR is actually more scarce than BTC and has slightly lower inflation rate which is below one percent a year.
The trade of a generation is here in plain sight and yet 99% of /biz is going to miss it.
7 hours later 26565080 Anonymous
you have a point there
7 hours later 26565355 Anonymous
way too specific lol
7 hours later 26565359 Anonymous
In my opinion, XMR is what everyone thought BTC was and would do when they first heard about it. I’ve really come to hate what the kike handlers have done to the world in the past year. I don’t even care if XMR moons, I just more people to use it.
7 hours later 26565406 Anonymous
Market has decided Monero is a shit coin?
Has done nothing but go backwards for months while other alts are up 100-200%
7 hours later 26565440 Anonymous
Would invest but have a strong gut feeling that this currency would be made illegal in some way because of how untraceable it is.
7 hours later 26565497 Anonymous
XMR has always been a long term play. Im pretty confident that if we see BTC go 10-15x from here or eth go 50x from here XMR can easily go 100x or more depending on global factors.
Mexican drug cartels still think BTC is private. Wait till they find out about monero. Its going to be the global reserve currency for the entire offshore economy.
In the meantime just keep stacking and enjoy ur life knowing that once atomic swaps come online late this year u will be holding the most important asset in the history of the world (hint its not BTC).
I compare BTC to Hewlett Packard. Yes they were the first to innovate but does anyone still own HP stock?? Fuk no things evolve and they hold Google, Tesla, MSFT etc
7 hours later 26565524 Anonymous
fuck no, it looks great
7 hours later 26565528 Anonymous
How does being made illegal matter if we dont need exchanges anymore with atomic swaps?
How can you ban something like that?
7 hours later 26565738 Anonymous
A yellow-gold color would look more appropriate and marketable.
7 hours later 26565781 Anonymous
Atomic swaps seem like the answer but I'm sure the surveillance party will find a way to track which bitcoins had been atomically swapped to monero.
7 hours later 26566145 Anonymous
>the anti-0x guy are both bots
have seen at least one other chad who customized the copypasta and not long ago the copypasta was always posted witth the same lint-green monero knockoff logo
Thus I conclude there must me at least three of us retards to repost it manually
7 hours later 26566156 Anonymous
problem with Monero is I keep putting off buying it. and apparently I'm rewarded for doing so because the price keeps going down. it's the opposite of FOMO. it feels like if I just wait longer, it'll be even cheaper
7 hours later 26566195 Anonymous
nope the swap breaks the transaction.
7 hours later 26566249 Anonymous
Has any of you guys tried to mine Monero using an android phone? Wha app did you use?
7 hours later 26566258 Anonymous
it's 1ppm (1 millionth) of the suppy at the point where the block reward starts to be a constant 0.6XMR
7 hours later 26566271 Anonymous
atomic swaps appear on chain as bitcoin moving from one wallet to another, just like a normal transaction
7 hours later 26566329 Anonymous
Well as of today that would be possible, but atomic swaps require bitcoins taproot feature (which is to be introduced soon) which causes all transactions, even complicated ones like atomic swaps, look like just a normal transaction.
7 hours later 26566388 Anonymous (color-emotion-guide.png 625x666 113kB)
fits pretty good to monero and the community around it, imo
8 hours later 26566434 Anonymous
You can barely run a full node on a phone, let alone mine on it.
8 hours later 26566813 Anonymous (1595972272498.jpg 1080x1213 42kB)
How /fit/ is /xmr/?
8 hours later 26566845 Anonymous (1611582376193.jpg 984x800 121kB)
i need to get 2 more XMR to be comfy
8 hours later 26566851 Anonymous
you know what, that was obvious in retrospect and i'm a ducking midwit. that said he asked for the suicide stack, not the make it stack
8 hours later 26566914 Anonymous (sat.png 961x863 922kB)
1238 XMR
Known ammount
>not based
8 hours later 26566944 Anonymous
>eth go 50x from here
8 hours later 26567092 Anonymous
you need to get rid of 4 xmr desu
8 hours later 26567132 Anonymous (download.jpg 262x192 8kB)
8 hours later 26567151 Anonymous
because you'll have 1234 :3
8 hours later 26567157 Anonymous
8 hours later 26567172 Anonymous
You can mine on android, I am positive. Some anon on here was using like 6 smartphones to mine XMR lol
8 hours later 26567187 Anonymous
You don't have to run a node or download the blockchain to mine Monero. You just need a processor
8 hours later 26567217 Anonymous
More is better than less, buddy
8 hours later 26567272 Anonymous
>that said he asked for the suicide stack, not the make it stack
18.7 suicide stack
50 comfy stack
100 make it stack
at least this is the general rule of tumb here
8 hours later 26567312 Anonymous
when did you start accumulating?
8 hours later 26567315 Anonymous
You have a pretty big bag, aren't you afraid of being traced and having those monegros linked to you?
8 hours later 26567369 Anonymous
>Actually, I see the risk more for the Defi tokens where most of the casual traders will be baffled by the regulation thrown at them
Not only that, but there are many ghost blockchains, i.e. blockchains+tokens with millions or billions of dollars in market cap but with zero activity on the blockchain itself. Many of these ghost blockchains will see their value migrate to active blockchains.
8 hours later 26567532 Anonymous
send them to another wallet then
8 hours later 26567610 Anonymous
I dont have a clear idea on how much XMR I have and how much it values now. I barely check the price for this coin.
8 hours later 26568152 Anonymous
comfy holding, pump is coming soon
9 hours later 26568293 Anonymous
December 2018
9 hours later 26568368 Anonymous (16097247387725958660796325037870.jpg 624x850 88kB)
>comfy holding, pump is coming soon
Do you hear the anons sing?
Singing a song of unkown men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be traced again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the pumping of the chart
There is a bull-run about to start
When tomorrow comes!
9 hours later 26568524 Anonymous
Wow, it was cheaper back then (40€ for those reading along), but you still put a lot of cash in to a rather young currency. Based, glad to have you here
9 hours later 26568733 Anonymous
btw, /biz/ mining pool when? i feel as if we should put our cpu's where our mouths are and drop our collective dicks on the table
9 hours later 26569109 Anonymous (ok nigger.gif 300x200 3017kB)
Not a bad idea actually. Don't know what autist would manage it tho.
9 hours later 26569145 Anonymous
>mfw my friend told me to buy this years ago and I shyed away.
3.730 0.177