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2021-01-25 06:39 26524727 Anonymous Such a fucking obvious x100 (qwefe.png 1950x534 120kB)
Let’s get real for a sec. This shit is competing against Synthetix while improving on its current model.
>Potential growth x100:
- SYNTHETIX 20 billion $ mcap
- BAO 20 million $ mcap
>Partnership with SUSHISWAP with the first baskets deploying in February - just imagine the liquidity migration
>CHICOCRYPTO picked it as his top alt pick - regardless of whether you like this dickhead, he pumps the fuck out of his picks
>TVL for BAO is over 50M$ and growing like crazy for the past few days
If you seriously think 20M$ is where this belongs you’re plain retarded
4 min later 26524975 Anonymous (26FD9848-849C-4BF8-88F5-8020BB0CAE7C.jpg 620x504 186kB)
When you know you know
7 min later 26525142 Anonymous (11.png 2384x1378 342kB)
Biz will fomo at 0.001$
17 min later 26525715 Anonymous (1604422932393.jpg 596x873 172kB)
is anyone staked in multiple pools? how's that going?
27 min later 26526327 Anonymous
a bit crazy desu
im in 3 where the average apy is over 2000%
i reckon once more people start getting in it will stabilize, but BAO's token price will explode proportionally so Im not too worried
32 min later 26526581 Anonymous
Lool that sentence will make everyone on biz FOMO like a mf once they see it
42 min later 26527136 Anonymous
is it over baobros?
bleeding the fuck out
47 min later 26527386 Anonymous
Some cunt removed 500k dollarydos of liquidity yesterday on uniswap, this dump was gonna happen. But I'm not too worried, number of holders is increasing and it's gonna be listed in 3 more exchanges.
47 min later 26527435 Anonymous (greedy pepe.png 300x300 78kB)
Anyone who has been lurking /biz/ since the beginning should have recognized BAO from the start.
>excellent market case (SNX for SUSHI and UNI)
>low cap gem
>perfect brand for memes, shilling, and hype
Don't miss out on this. Fuck FUDers.
48 min later 26527484 Anonymous
But Anon, I FOMO'd in ages ago.
49 min later 26527523 Anonymous
I picked up 69k for shits and giggles
50 min later 26527588 Anonymous
could have also been another food coin scam desu
51 min later 26527604 Anonymous (baomeme.jpg 1024x683 304kB)
We're all gonna make it.
51 min later 26527649 Anonymous
Some whale just staked 10 ETH in this dip.
I'm feeling good.
Retracing to 0.00006 and crabbing for a while seems like it's following the exact pattern fifteen days ago. I expect it to skyrocket again in the next few days.
People calling this a scam are actually slightly thick - r3fi was a stupid product, RBC was an actual coordinated p & d, and BUILD etc were discord p & d's. I even saw on Reddit that this was a scam because it had the same exact website as a failed crypto coin - they didn't realize that all the sushiswap coins have the same layout.
Dev has been honest and I'm genuinely excited about the long term potential here. The fact that a lot of exchanges are listing is bullish, and the synthex potential is really cool.
51 min later 26527658 Anonymous
lmao this scam moves quick
people better get their bags packed asap
I’m better follow xsn with their Layer2 DEX, modern staking model and tpos consensus rather go for this scam
52 min later 26527715 Anonymous (kenshiro toast.png 538x353 261kB)
I threw in 1.3 ETH total
Currently down .1 but whatever. This has potential in the short term.
52 min later 26527720 Anonymous
Fucking FUD out by a retard when this was super low a few weeks ago claiming GOOK SCAM and JUST A PONZI FARM TOKEN BRO.
/pol/lacks don't deserve this cute dumpling.
53 min later 26527757 Anonymous
how are your daily gains fren?
I'm in bao-eth and down to 600k a day
53 min later 26527776 Anonymous (1610648774795.png 600x600 159kB)
I have 800k should I stake? I don't get this IL business and I don't want to get raped by the fees. Also, do I need to pay gas every time I harvest or just when I unstake?
59 min later 26528068 Anonymous
5 mill coins here. Considering doubling the stack.
1 hours later 26528284 Anonymous
downward trend just reversed so now is the time to do so
1 hours later 26528346 Anonymous
playground for pnd'ers
1 hours later 26528478 Anonymous
That's why it's a meme coin and will die, and y'all know it. just sold all.
1 hours later 26528541 Anonymous
33 059 003 965 / 802 687 181 168 supply
Enjoy your 50% crash, well deserved
1 hours later 26528579 Anonymous (lain smug.jpg 672x479 49kB)
1 hours later 26528580 Anonymous
This retard acting like he didnt read the thread lol
1 hours later 26528590 Anonymous
wow, so many "obvious" 10x, 50x and 100x on /biz/ right now
i'm gonna be rich!
1 hours later 26528627 Anonymous
One of the happiest parts of my life was when I used to play ragnarok with my friends. Thank you for reminding me, just doubled my stack.
1 hours later 26528643 Anonymous
And this retard acting like he doesnt know supply will slowly increase over 5 years loool
The level of cope here is epic
1 hours later 26528667 Anonymous
no it won't
it's meaningless until proven otherwise
1 hours later 26528766 Anonymous
I put 5 million Bao & the equivalent Eth into the pool last week.
Can someone please explain my best course of action right now.
1 hours later 26528788 Anonymous
agreed. the thing is, they've done a lot already to prove it. if these partnerships and liquidity stats arent enough to convince you i dont know what to say
maybe wait for february product launch and fomo then
1 hours later 26528795 Anonymous (bb.jpg 965x376 46kB)
450$ FARM AIRDROP. Coinbase listing soon, free money that will 4X!!
t.me/FarmFinanceAirdropbot?start=r0 344773073
1 hours later 26528814 Anonymous
Doesn't seem reversed to me just yet, needs a fat green candle.
1 hours later 26528862 Anonymous
Now you wait a few months or until you feel like its a good time to exit. They ll be launching on sushiswap soon with a novel product called baskets which is supposed to compete with synthetix.
If they pull it off we’re headed for a x50 or more easily
1 hours later 26528959 Anonymous
damn, same here. Ok I buy in
1 hours later 26529152 Anonymous
someone please test if this works
1 hours later 26529170 Anonymous
Have you staked the LP token you received on the bao.finance website? You need to in order to farm
1 hours later 26529636 Anonymous
1 hours later 26529819 Anonymous
We made it bois
0.001$ this week
0.01$ february at product launch
1 hours later 26529901 Anonymous
They aren't polfags, Anon. Most polfags migrated here years ago to make it so they can escape their hellhole situations. It's nufags and tourists that don't know what good is. Everywhere on the site are retards, and every day you will see competence wane. We need to make it, Anon. Making it is not an option anymore.
1 hours later 26529955 Anonymous
We're still dumping, just with lower volume, at this point we're more likely to be at 0.0003 than 0.001
1 hours later 26530108 Anonymous
where did you pick that up without the gasprice raping you
1 hours later 26530175 Anonymous
there are dexs that list it
1 hours later 26530257 Anonymous
Low was 0.00058. we're now back to 0.00065
you cant go 500% up without a proportional correction. next leg up soon
1 hours later 26530271 Anonymous (1608243984329.png 976x1014 635kB)
I could've gotten into BAO around .00001 but now I don't want to buy any because I feel like a retard.
1 hours later 26530332 Anonymous
>i didn't buy link at 80c because it was 13c
I remember distinctly these posts all the time. Buy in if you think you can make profit, not because you could have done something.
1 hours later 26530342 Anonymous
Lol yeah right. Good luck with that. Never seen such a small mcap with such good fundamentals, volume and TVL
get in or get btfo
1 hours later 26530379 Anonymous
This, I bought EgLD at 50 despite refusing to buy at 20 lmao
1 hours later 26530394 Anonymous
What's the deal with Encore rolls? (5 mil % APR)
1 hours later 26530413 Anonymous
You retards really trying to hype peolle up for something diwn 7% and valued at 0.00060998 ? LMAO, my phone offered to dial it when I highlighted it LMAO YOU FOOL GOT PLAYED
1 hours later 26530456 Anonymous
>my phone
Ah, thank you for outing yourself.
1 hours later 26530493 Anonymous
>My phone offered to dial it
I laffed
1 hours later 26530550 Anonymous
https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ encore
ded asf
check the etherscan, all the recent buys are bao holders
1 hours later 26530623 Anonymous
>rings your shit coin valuation
>no response...
1 hours later 26530628 Anonymous
Dumb question but how does the activity of the coin ETH is wrapped with impact BAO output?
1 hours later 26530720 Anonymous
Shill me your coins.
1 hours later 26530748 Anonymous
buy the dip?
1 hours later 26530785 Anonymous
Pfffft hahahahaha
1 hours later 26530809 Anonymous
Shill me your stocks.
1 hours later 26530897 Anonymous
>my 500 dollars will become 25000 dollars
I think God hates me too much to let that happen. But who knows, maybe I'll be lucky for once.
1 hours later 26530950 Anonymous
There's some price correlation between the two that affects it but mainly it's the value and amount of people in the pool that determines APY I believe.
1 hours later 26530977 Anonymous
Oh no no no no no no
1 hours later 26530982 Anonymous
probably basically no money is in the pool yet.
1 hours later 26530999 Anonymous
Oh, so you're retarded then.
1 hours later 26531201 Anonymous
>10 eth = whale
1 hours later 26531338 Anonymous
10 eth in BAO right now will make you a general crypto whale within 2 months. Mark my words
1 hours later 26531389 Anonymous
10 eth in bao right now will make you a poor man in 10 minutes.
1 hours later 26531531 Anonymous
Cope much fagget?
500% in 1 week alone and we’re only at 20M$ mcap
Imagine when we reach 1B$ mcap which is still only half of our competitors
2 hours later 26531802 Anonymous
That liquidity unlocked food coin with a lone anonymous developer that has literally promised the moon is really going places.
2 hours later 26531824 Anonymous
im new to this but this is what i have gathered.
you should now have uniswape LP tokens in your wallet. this means you could stake them on the bao.finance website for 1k apy in BAO. the caveat is that it:
> cost about $35 to stake and unstake
> you only get 5% of the bao when you unstake and will not get the entirety of the rest of the 95% until 4 yrs from now - although it is released linearly starting after the first year and ending on the 3rd year.
therefore, if you believe the price will *not* increase and stay at a higher level for 4yrs. its more flexible to not stake and just hold the bao tokens so you can quickly sell.
Therefore, it is probably better to remove your BAO from the uniswap staking pool becuase you only earn a very small return.
if you think the price *will* increase and stay at a higher level - say even 5x-10x what it is now - then farming bao on bao.finance is a good play as it is essentially free money.
2 hours later 26531884 Anonymous
>TVL for BAO is over 50M$ and growing like crazy for the past few days
How it is calculated? Poll shows 5M half bao half eth
2 hours later 26531892 Anonymous
Make sure to switch to the BAO-xDAI pool or whatever when they migrate mid-to-late February so your farmed tokens don't get prorated
2 hours later 26531940 Anonymous
God here. I don't hate you, you hate yourself. Stop being a little bitch if you want to make it.
2 hours later 26532058 Anonymous
it is, especially with 2 of the biggest defi protocols backing it and one of the most prominent crypto influencers expressing his support as well
oh and 50M$ TVL, with a 15M$ volume for a 20M$ mcap
stay poor
2 hours later 26532123 Anonymous
2 hours later 26532230 Anonymous
Will do, let me know how you're feeling when minting synthetics with it fails to take off and you've got all of your profits locked in a farm for 3 years.
2 hours later 26532429 Anonymous
im fine without my profits. wanna know why?
because BAO will have x50 by then
2 hours later 26532476 Anonymous
Based af
Rekt af
2 hours later 26533303 Anonymous (file.png 1346x49 9kB)
Dump eet
2 hours later 26533318 Anonymous
Get into $GYSR if you missed out on $BAO. has roughly 700% apys
2 hours later 26533587 Anonymous
lamoooooooo already poumped to shit, bro, give up, this shit has hit its peak
2 hours later 26533749 Anonymous
Oh no number go down!
2 hours later 26533830 Anonymous (yikes.png 987x499 60kB)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-n edzYhRgA
2 hours later 26533933 Anonymous
Can you whales dump harder so I can start staking? Thx
2 hours later 26534237 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2021-01-25 at 3.22.50 PM.png 814x555 94kB)
now what do i do? Pauper fag here
2 hours later 26534363 Anonymous
I would advise getting a job now
2 hours later 26534460 Anonymous
should i do the Bao Party now?
2 hours later 26534570 Anonymous
We just have a new floor of .0006. Nothing to worry about. Zoom out bruh.
3 hours later 26535223 Anonymous
Wait for the xdai pool migration on march 1st then stake.
3 hours later 26535313 Anonymous
grab some coke. hookers are in the back room
3 hours later 26535341 Anonymous
only retards still think this isnt going to x40 minimum
3 hours later 26535477 Anonymous
Comfy hodl,
Screen cap your stack and look at it next week when they say it’s “dead” again.
3 hours later 26535660 Anonymous
Everything is bleeding a bit. BTC started a bit of a pump.
3 hours later 26535816 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2021-01-25 at 3.49.06 PM.png 535x612 81kB)
this is what everyone is doing right?
3 hours later 26535876 Anonymous
I would farm when the price peaks.
1.366 0.122