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2021-01-25 05:55 26521833 Anonymous (download (2).jpg 300x168 5kB)
>Mainnet next month
>Smart contracts to follow
Whats a make it stack for $ADA these days anyways.
1 min later 26521944 Anonymous
between 500k and 100k
10 min later 26522449 Anonymous
Anons please stop, I need to accumulate.
11 min later 26522528 Anonymous
I live in a shitty country and I only hold 100 LOL.
13 min later 26522628 Anonymous
This. 100k to 500k. Probably closer to 500k. GL Biz. This is going to 1$ when main net smart contracts are out and multiple partnerships are announced.
14 min later 26522749 Anonymous
3 dollars till march. coinbase incoming
15 min later 26522764 Anonymous
15 min later 26522775 Anonymous
go back
18 min later 26522951 Anonymous
>This is going to 1$
honestly anon, I used to think $1 but now I'd say it's more like $2-3 and this year I expect higher than $5. Long term in the high-teens.
which makes the make-it stack closer to 100k-200k
19 min later 26523041 Anonymous
Why? Shill me
22 min later 26523186 Anonymous
Ok but what's the suicide stack?
22 min later 26523216 Anonymous
make it stack is like over a few mil after sell im assuming, idk the make it amount is a mystery
22 min later 26523229 Anonymous
25 min later 26523358 Anonymous
$2-3 based on the way the markets are performing. everything is amplified way beyond what it was in the 2017 hype-fest. and now real-world utility is being rolled out in conjunction with a BTC that is ballooning up. With projects migrating to Cardano and high-quality dapps being built on Cardano + the Treasury fund being worth hundreds of millions of dollars per year to fund development on cardano ad-infinitum $5 by EOY. Wolfram oracles, AGI assisting oracles as well as DeFi on cardano. $5 is easy. then watch this:
long term with over a billion users on Cardano, a $1 trillion valuation (Cardano in the high-teens) seems easily within grasp.
32 min later 26523877 Anonymous
how much you have and how much you looking to accumulate
35 min later 26524092 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-01-25 11-23-55.png 388x235 15kB)
>tfw only 16k ADA
Haven't moved it to Daedalus yet.
I'm looking into at least doubling that stack before it gets into coinbase.
38 min later 26524303 Anonymous
when does it get listed?
42 min later 26524558 Anonymous
>tfw 2,600
42 min later 26524603 Anonymous
I can buy 1k ADA right now. But I’m afraid because ADA has already fucked me up big time previous bear marked
43 min later 26524646 Anonymous
There is not confirmation about the listing. I may even not happen or it may happen in 2022, 23 or 24
48 min later 26524946 Anonymous
did you buy at the last ath or something?
48 min later 26524952 Anonymous
What is the highest this'll possibly go to?
49 min later 26524981 Anonymous
ADA is a smart contract network forged by 300+ PHD wielding techno sorcerers whose market cap is held back by the fact that nobody can userstand how to develop on the damn thing.
52 min later 26525163 Anonymous
When somebody discovers the Rosetta stone for haskell, it'll be worth a fortune.
52 min later 26525178 Anonymous
If ETH doesn't get its gas fees in check ADA will destroy it the second its mainnet launches. Becoming the world computer, internet 2, and web 4.0.
So at this market cap. A 14x; so like 4 dollars US
55 min later 26525299 Anonymous
It could also easily tank, or fail to reach a dollar EOY without adoption
55 min later 26525305 Anonymous
how's your bag looking ? just curious. ETH gas fees have been atrocious
55 min later 26525364 Anonymous
probably when its 100% dwcentralized, about end of march or when in Q2 with smart contracts.
58 min later 26525515 Anonymous
>ETH gas fees have been atrocious.
What, ADA isn't an ETH token?
I own 14k ADA.
1 hours later 26525599 Anonymous
Its never been a token.
1 hours later 26525941 Anonymous
Misunderstanding, the "?" was unintentional as I lead my sentence with "What". My mistake.
I was pointing out that is isn't a token, when he mentioned ETH gas fees and the size of my ADA stack.
1 hours later 26525959 Anonymous
yes :( it still hurts
1 hours later 26526114 Anonymous
I see. I think he's mentioning a factor that may have people move over to ADA over ETH, from his perspective.
1 hours later 26526137 Anonymous
have you seen the video linked here?:
if not you should
1 hours later 26526380 Anonymous
Dude... you put it in Daedaelus or Yoroi, and delegate it for moar ADA.
1 hours later 26526425 Anonymous
I'll give it a watch.
Oh, misunderstandings all around then.
>In that case.
ADA is "feeless" in the since that holding ADA pays for rights to use compute time. So ADA "stakes" CPU and RAM used to process transactions. The more CPU and RAM on the network, the more CPU and RAM each ADA is worth.
1 hours later 26526501 Anonymous
get ready for ADA dApps to moon too
1 hours later 26526579 Anonymous
how to invest in those? also is there any overview whats in the pipeline? which coins are on the devnet?
1 hours later 26526934 Anonymous
ive gone heavy in ADApay, aka COTI
their roadmap has 'ADApay on Shelley mainnet' in Q1 (https://cotinetwork.medium.com/cot is-roadmap-2021-s-first-half-ae8f2d 8f08fe)
other than that ive not delved in too much, i think there are some defi dapps that are being worked on?
1 hours later 26527010 Anonymous
there is also the africa deal
1 hours later 26527157 Anonymous
great times ahead!!
1 hours later 26527257 Anonymous (coti processing volume.jpg 286x116 9kB)
theres no way this volume could be processed on ETH with their gas fees
remember when request tried to implement a payments dApp...
1 hours later 26527259 Anonymous
pls anon move it to daedalus and stake. you'll then start getting 50 extra ADA per month
1 hours later 26527786 Anonymous
I've delved quite heavily into ADA, the founder, Charles Hoskinson had a pretty nice analogy of the ADA coin and its main target/rival ETH and the shitcoins offspring (like parsiq). Ada is a house who's building its foundation first before putting a house on it, ETH was the house without the foundation, which make it harder to work on, ADA has a full team of brains and develop technologies way faster than Ethereum ever will, add to this the africa deals, ADA is working in close relationship with the ethiopian goverment and developing countries as whole, they aim to conquer new markets they are quite literally the Apple in a world of Nokia and Blackberry if you prefer, there's quite a lot of interviews on youtube I suggest you look for yourself if you're interested in knowing how much of a safe x10 this is this year
1 hours later 26527810 Anonymous
about to flip xrp
1 hours later 26528046 Anonymous
>google of blockchain
>apple in a world of nokia and blackberry
I know people are retarded but holy shit, those analogies are giving me a headache
1 hours later 26528107 Anonymous
>t. xrp holder
1 hours later 26528683 Anonymous
Good point. I keep forgetting about;
Wolfram Oracles and Coinbase listing. So maybe 5 is a good target.
1 hours later 26528924 Anonymous
depends. if btc crashes ada is going to 10c
1 hours later 26528952 Anonymous
https://cointelegraph.com/news/defi -could-be-coming-to-cardano
2 hours later 26529014 Anonymous
Yes. Integration with Celsius is the big one.
2 hours later 26529098 Anonymous
bros, when you say $1-5 you are actually talking about the fair valuation (after pop of the market), the make it stack is actually 100k-150k, because ADA is going to hit $8-13 during the crazy mania peak.
2 hours later 26529139 Anonymous
>smart contracts
Tron has them too topkek
2 hours later 26529232 Anonymous
lmao I legit spat my drink on my screen you fucker, topkek
2 hours later 26529247 Anonymous
dude it isn't. It's mathematically impossible.
2 hours later 26529316 Anonymous
Wait didnt this shitcoin makes you a transgender?
2 hours later 26529362 Anonymous
> It's mathematically impossible.
Bro I LEGIT swear you are like the same dude who were saying, in 2016, "oh ETH mathematically can't go over $200, maybe even $300, this cycle, maybe $500 if the USD inflates lol"
Fucking retard
2 hours later 26529378 Anonymous
Smart Contracts plus dev funding projects to get the on to Cardano. Also 100% compatibility with ETH. Next few months are key. They need to get a few apps up and running and bridget to ETH and BTC,
2 hours later 26529466 Anonymous
Math only works if they invent hypothetical numbers. There is a reason math majors are poor and finance majors are upper middleclass.
2 hours later 26529605 Anonymous
plus $15 ADA at maximum peak mania is like 450 billion, which is not that insane in a fully inflated 5-10 trillions market cap crypto bubble.
2 hours later 26529625 Anonymous
>Solidity - right now
>Haskell Plutus - Q1
>Haskell Marlowe (for non-coders) - Q1
>most other major languages (see previously linked video
2 hours later 26529686 Anonymous
right now? Okay I'm building my crypto projet on ADA and ALGO.
Fuck Polka, Fuck Avax, Fuck Radix.
2 hours later 26530685 Anonymous
if the ada market cap ever reaches 100 billion, it would be only 9x. 100 billion is sixth of bitcoins market cap. So ada's price would be somewhere near $3. But what do I know, let them moon boys dream about impossible things.
2 hours later 26530778 Anonymous
yes the Cardano Solidity Devnet is up and running. you can build it right now in Solidity and deploy when mainnet goes live. could be among of the first to launch on Cardano that way
2 hours later 26531046 Anonymous
it would be insane and it is impossible. Btc market cap is 600 billions now. Cardano isn't even close to being worth that much. Reality will hit hard during this year.
2 hours later 26531294 Anonymous
More than 1 month old, still not at $1. When will ada pump? Or st least go back to 10c so i can buy môre before Gougen.
2 hours later 26531400 Anonymous
Realistically what do you think ada will be worth after the Gougen launch? What do you think will be the highest Ada can go before EOY 2021?
2 hours later 26531401 Anonymous
bro we are going to a >4 TRILLIONS market cap, this year
2 hours later 26531583 Anonymous
>mainnet next month
>Smart contracts to follow
don't depend on it
ada niggers have never hit a milestone within yeeeeeeears
>mainnet 2026
>smart contracts to gradually & eventually follow
2 hours later 26531697 Anonymous
you're talking about Ethereum
2 hours later 26531832 Anonymous
Cardano could very easily hiy $7-$8 peak mania this bull run. longer term a market cap of greater than 1 trillion usd is not far fetched when it has a userbase of 1 billion + and is a financial operating system and identity management system for those people just as a baseline, not counting the tens od thousands of dapps and experiences that will be made possible by Cardano
2 hours later 26531911 Anonymous
3-4 usd
2 hours later 26531978 Anonymous
lately we have been hitting milestones and dev velosity is insane
2 hours later 26532000 Anonymous
With Gougen launch. I think it's close to 1$. If we see a large dapp migration then this is going to be 3 to 5$
2 hours later 26532009 Anonymous
don't mind, he's just larping as a fudster because he can't buy enough
2 hours later 26532028 Anonymous
People also forget that Africa is an untapped market which only gets fucked because the nogs are in charge of the banking system.
Cardano fixes that and will get billions of African adopters who are worried about paying trillions of their local currency to buy bread.
2 hours later 26532134 Anonymous
Impossible doesn’t mean what you think it means
2 hours later 26532169 Anonymous
is this fucking 2017?
2 hours later 26532175 Anonymous
checked, also Goguen needs pulsus tests to be a success or else it wont go anywhere
2 hours later 26532365 Anonymous
around $1. EOY (if the bullrun and mania is insane) it could hit $4.
2 hours later 26532412 Anonymous
Over 100 major partnerships still to be announced. So far only a few have been disclosed big rumours going round. Wish I could say more. YAAGTMI
3 hours later 26532536 Anonymous (pepehug.png 112x112 15kB)
Please tell us more anon
I need my dopamine spike before going to bed
3 hours later 26532585 Anonymous
dude 3 is like 100% sure, 5 if mania
3 hours later 26532625 Anonymous
Do you anons really know when the mainnet is going live when will be the releasement? Provide us, noobs, with some links where we can read all that stuff, cover your words. It's looking like a speculation now.
3 hours later 26532840 Anonymous
imo 3-4 is max this bullrun. ADA is long term project and as Charles said he doesn't give a fuck how long it takes to make all the things, he doesn't care if investors make money or not. they are going to take their time and make everything perfect.
3 hours later 26532900 Anonymous
March If they doesn't face any problems. I don't know the exact date yet.
3 hours later 26532914 Anonymous
end of february and in Q2. source is charles hoskinson AMA on youtube
3 hours later 26533075 Anonymous
You are all arguing about whether or not ADA will make a 10x or a 15x. Just fucking buy ADA lol.
3 hours later 26533218 Anonymous
I've already bought at 10c.
3 hours later 26533307 Anonymous
i know that , but you know how bull runs are, fucking crazy, and now with all that money printing it will be even more. im telling you if the bull run is maintained 5 is normal. but i would also take 3-4, nothing wrong with that.
3 hours later 26533353 Anonymous
I'm seriously tempted to stop stressing over my portfolio and go full ADA maxi, I have 15k at ~.28 average cost and could probably hit 50k before ADA reaches $1.
3 hours later 26533370 Anonymous
This has already pumped im afraid. Im going to smart and invest in something thats lagging behind the rest of the market and well behind its prior ATH. Im thinking EOS, Bitcoin Cash, Zecash, Dash, XRP etc.
Good luck ADA bros, ship has sailed for me unfortunately
3 hours later 26533413 Anonymous
Why would Cardano ever be picked over Avax as an alternative to Eth? You can't run blockchains on top of Cardano, only smart contracts. You can run blockchains on top of Avalanche, an infinite amount, each capable of a minimum of 4,500 TPS (On avalanche TPS is CPU bound, so when we say 4500 that is with the crapiest computer you can find in the past 10 years or so - i.e. raspberry pie). If you throw a 24 core CPU at it, it will be 15,000 TPS+++.
3 hours later 26533435 Anonymous
Blockchain Backer
3 hours later 26533493 Anonymous
oo i see you hate money. ok sir , not everyone likes money and that is ok
3 hours later 26533506 Anonymous
>I'm going to miss the one coin that could replace Ethereum and buy literally every single trashcoin in existence
You do hate money, don't you? Not even an ADA Maxi but Jesus why the fuck these exact shitcoins? There's so many coins with potential why choose exactly the dead 2017 projects?
3 hours later 26533523 Anonymous
Because ADA transactions are effectively feeless, and you can already run ETH code on Cardano.
I pretty much already have. Half my portfolio is in USD for a rainy day. The rest is ADA.
3 hours later 26533555 Anonymous
yawnsss , nobody gives a shit. Cardano is great tech!!!!! but we are here for the money
3 hours later 26533579 Anonymous
Because networking is important and Avax isn't working on any Eth dApp integration
3 hours later 26533728 Anonymous
Don't never ever buy bitcoin cash, just don't do it.
3 hours later 26533761 Anonymous
The Avalanche-ETH bridge is coming very soon though, That's just not accurate.
3 hours later 26533889 Anonymous
Hes right and he has my back
why would you buy something at the top and not at the bottom? think of the potential percentages. chasing pumps is how you get burned. if this dips hard again i'll pick up a bag but thats it.
out of the top 100 coins there wasnt a single coin which didnt pump last bullrun
3 hours later 26534129 Anonymous
because nobody is talking about them. yes they will pump, but not nearly as much as ADA,DOT,LINK,....
3 hours later 26534214 Anonymous
>dominates working smart contracts
>already creating 2nd iteration
>handles all the non-eth smart contracts
>works, cheap, scalable
>developer in <1 year
>developed a wallet & staking 3 years behind schedule
>still running around with pants around ankles looking for toilet paper
ada needs to get their shit togther.
3 hours later 26534299 Anonymous
Ada has smart guys behind it but like a lot of academics they are bad at executing things. Their code base used to be really bad and they effectively had to start over. Difference between a working man's programmer and an dude who spends times meditating over Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.
3 hours later 26534445 Anonymous
I plan on cashing out half my Cardano when it doubles up which I am confident it will so I dont lose my original investment. Is it a smart move or should I let it ride? When do you guys claim back your original cash investment?
3 hours later 26534496 Anonymous
once they pump people will say "sleeping giants have awoken" and FOMO in.
3 hours later 26534559 larp (20210123_100221.jpg 748x460 41kB)
So are you anons going to try and sell at the peak of the bull run, or will you Hodl all the way through?
3 hours later 26535081 Anonymous
Staking percentage keeps going up there's a whopping 70% of the circulating supply staked, that's more than 22 billion ADA. That leaves 9 billion left in other wallets or exchanges. In the middle of a bullrun even so that's not even 70% primed for selling. Scarcity factor will be engaging in the next month
3 hours later 26535114 Anonymous
>your original cash investment?
through staking rewards over the next year. With cardano locked in on $1-$2 minimum for the 2nd half of this year and onwards into the future, staking rewards are going to be the only "cash out". Never having to pay captial gains on the accrual of value from buying early is god-tier.
3 hours later 26535222 Anonymous
I'm going to hodl through, I trust the tech.
3 hours later 26535769 Anonymous
Im missing the whole bull run because of this peice of shit
gimme that 1$ and dumping and shitting on this like a mf
fuck you
3 hours later 26535824 Anonymous
low iq
4.763 0.240