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2021-01-25 04:41 26492160 Anonymous (A8250BDD-149B-4485-99C3-532A3820850E.png 600x624 459kB)
0 min later 26492195 Rubic
1 min later 26492210 Anonymous (neetpepe.jpg 253x229 19kB)
I've been on NEETbux ever since I dropped out of college eight years ago.
3 min later 26492279 Anonymous (1611101039459.jpg 704x1000 152kB)
26 min later 26493135 Anonymous
27 min later 26493208 Anonymous
>drop out
>apply for neetbux
>receive neetbux
27 min later 26493212 Anonymous (1541158437091.jpg 1456x881 710kB)
i feel like i'm going to get fired soon. The nervous stimulating buzz in my brain is killing. I can't calm down...
this is living hell.
28 min later 26493239 Anonymous (ahhhhh.png 703x446 530kB)
Me too
30 min later 26493319 Anonymous
I started a new job almost 3 months ago and I feel like my firing is inevitable. They expect so fucking much, I wfh and I regularly work past 5.
Worst part is I got laid off from my old job due to the chink flu and that job was much easier and paid a good deal more
34 min later 26493449 Anonymous
I couldn't sleep so I've done my work for tomorrow (ran a bunch of scripts and copied some data). I'll probably sleep in until midday then learn some programming and probably start watching anime again. I've been WFH for almost a year now (started early into lockdown) so I've been comfy at. The only downside is the job is relatively low paying (£23k) and it's easy to spend the whole day smoking weed or something instead of acting busy
38 min later 26493555 Anonymous (1609742121660.jpg 816x957 379kB)
many such cases
42 min later 26493726 Anonymous (1539871750648.png 800x686 183kB)
same bro, there's literally no oversight for my work, and i barely no what the fuck i'm doing because i'm still kinda new. I just finished working all day from home today and more nerves are still rattling me. I can't even sleep at night or take shit properly because i get all constipated giving me hemorrhoids. this job is killing me but i can't quit or get fired because the exit cost on my lease for my place is about 9k.
45 min later 26493812 Anonymous
working on a sunday? that's insane
46 min later 26493837 Anonymous
I didn't have to, but I feel like I'm falling behind.
46 min later 26493855 Anonymous (zeke.webm 1000x562 3109kB)
>alarm goes off at 12pm
>roll over in bed
>open my trading portfolio
>click some buttons
>make $10k
>crawl to my computer
>watch anime the rest of the day
The game was rigged for the start, we can't all be winners.
47 min later 26493887 Anonymous (dczv1g4-b25c902f-28af-429f-b230-c876cc780582.gif 638x359 1746kB)
How much you making this week bois?
gif related
47 min later 26493896 Anonymous
good on for you for at least trying I guess, I don't have the drive to make that kind of effort
49 min later 26493969 Anonymous (zeke y.jpg 1448x2048 317kB)
Effort is a cope, I have never put effort into anything in my life yet I'm a millionaire.
50 min later 26493981 Anonymous
50 min later 26493987 Anonymous (1555741035407.jpg 688x1024 106kB)
51 min later 26494020 Anonymous
i know it's cope. I'm trying to save my ass and not get fired because i potentially fucked up a 200k project.
53 min later 26494073 Anonymous (download.jpg 275x183 8kB)
I'm gibsmaxxing, so literally all of my employment income goes to either buy crypto or pay off my credit line (that I maxed to buy crypto).
55 min later 26494136 Anonymous (472AEE7B-2F0F-43A5-9DEA-04E4960A0ABA.jpg 768x768 155kB)
Tomorrow I have to make a pecan pie for my husband to come home to after buying more graph and link when it dips tomorrow. Comfy week ahead of us
55 min later 26494155 Anonymous
Are you a top or a bottom?
56 min later 26494195 Anonymous
Anon wtf I just went trough that . Now feeling comfy. Is it stressful because their not giving you direction?
57 min later 26494208 Anonymous
obviously a bottom, if he's the homemaker.
57 min later 26494221 Anonymous
I quit my job in November and I spend all my time reading /biz/ and playing video games. Fuck being a productive member of society.
Fuck niggers and jews, too.
58 min later 26494246 Anonymous
Same. In person learning starts again tomorrow so I have to go stand and ramble in front of a bunch of 12 year olds instead of doing Zoom lessons. Fucking kill me.
58 min later 26494248 Anonymous
How much do you make off your portfolio per day? 1%? 10%? 100%?
58 min later 26494255 Anonymous (AAA16C05-3980-4B90-9598-9722BDE1F65F.jpg 1125x1138 104kB)
Whatever wage husband wants, doesn’t matter to me. I don’t pay the bills
59 min later 26494289 Anonymous
I have no idea. I just keep getting lucky. I bought a shitload of Bao last week and that'll keep me in tendies for the next year I reckon.
59 min later 26494290 Anonymous
Yeah, no one looks over more work until the project is near complete and by then if there are errors, it's too late and that project will be delayed. I found some the other day and now i'm trying to figure out how to break the news without getting canned.
I hate this shit so much.
1 hours later 26494317 Anonymous
How do I stay motivated at my job?
I mean I feel like it's just not fucking worth it. Its a bad deal.
I mean we have so much stress and bs to deal with. Yet clicking some buttons to buy btc and eth that earns 3x your yearly salary. Heck if I wasn't a fucking retard and sell my uni early, it would be worth 2-3 months of my salary. Literally fucking free money pays more than my job.
How the fuck can you want to do a job knowing money wise it's a shit deal in terms of time and effort?
1 hours later 26494347 Anonymous
First 2-4weeks where stressful as fuck.. boss thankfully did not snap at me but to be fair he’s one of this read my mind and do what I’m thinking. Luckily my good friend helped train me and some other dude in there spend one day with me showing me how to fly below the radar. Tomorrow I’m basically left alone and just have 1-2 easy meetings. Wtf 9k rent exit shit bro lol best of luck.
1 hours later 26494381 Anonymous
Are you a nigger?
1 hours later 26494445 Anonymous
why dont you just get into management?
1 hours later 26494492 Anonymous
A fuck you need to speak up. Just say I need a bit more direction. Don’t wait until the end or yea they will grill you. Just say I need temporary direction. And learn bro use tools to help you stay organized. Not sure what you do but yea I make sure I do to do lists set up my calendar it goes a long way.
1 hours later 26494564 Anonymous
I’m on the same page but i keep myself motivated knowing that I may hit a 100x or 1000x with the money I’m I putting into crypto each month. I also trade weekly trying to improve so one day I can leave wage slaving and built a biz of my own.
1 hours later 26494629 Anonymous
I happen to live in a first-world country with a social security system.
1 hours later 26494697 Anonymous (-x1exNw3eda5Jqs08ggP-OexocKgTPuWILiTpzlOWCY.jpg 540x540 68kB)
how do you survive working 40 hours a week?
1 hours later 26494782 Anonymous
You don't. You just shut your mind off for 8 hours and grit your teeth around coworkers.
1 hours later 26494857 Anonymous
In my experience only low IQ people can tolerate working full time unless it's a cushy desk job with your own office.
1 hours later 26495369 Anonymous
>sleep at night or take shit properly because i get all constipated giving me hemorrhoids.
Eat a bowl of lentils every day and drink more water.
1 hours later 26495410 Anonymous
A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God,
1 hours later 26495450 Anonymous
Most work is bullshit that contributes almost no value. Aka bullshit jobs.
1 hours later 26495468 Anonymous (goat-leisurely-reading.jpg 499x771 89kB)
Good thing I run my own business and have a generally comfy day 6 days a week. I never understood these wagie Sunday anxiety threads. Kek.
1 hours later 26495488 Anonymous
Make-work jobs yeah. Almost 80% of workers contribute nothing to the economy
1 hours later 26495516 Anonymous
>only low IQ people can tolerate working full time
At my retardedly shitty job everyone is fucking miserable, except the dumbest ones, who simply accept their fate and think only of sports and videogames. And spend all their paychecks on cigarettes, alcohol, 1.2k phones and $200 sport tickets. They have no idea what financial independence means and just... don't care. As long as their bowls have food and water in them, they're happy. It's uncanny.
1 hours later 26495585 Anonymous
>my own business
What do you sell?
1 hours later 26495631 Anonymous
You think you're saving your ass but actually you're presenting it to be rammed. Now Mr. Shekelstein knows that you'll work on Sunday to save his 200k. Kiss your weekends goodbye, bitch.
1 hours later 26495634 Anonymous
just get a casual job at a liquor store like me and invest in crypto, i have over 100k now.
1 hours later 26495679 Anonymous
His mouth and asshole.
1 hours later 26495698 Anonymous
take the neetpill
1 hours later 26495720 Anonymous
It's honest work. You get to pick your hours and your clients, set your own standards of hygiene, etc. It's better than half of jobs.
1 hours later 26495729 Anonymous
Because we are noballs subhuman wagies, that's why we work anon.
1 hours later 26495778 Anonymous
Part time Chad reporting in
I can stay up pretty much as late as I want and have time to shitpost and cook a real breakfast in the morning
1 hours later 26495785 Anonymous
Frens, all you need to do is take the plunge. Decide to change and you've changed. It's all it takes.
1 hours later 26495794 Anonymous
Have any of you bros ever done voice work before? Like for podcasts or radio shows, commercials, etc unironically? How do you get your foot in the door for this type of thing? People tell me I should all the time.
1 hours later 26495832 Anonymous
Let us hear your voice. Post a vocaroo.
1 hours later 26495857 Anonymous
My job has been stressing me so much over the years my fiance basically told me she was wondering about our future and shit. She told me not to take work so seriously. I feel like now I'm walking on thin ice to keep this relationship together because, frankly, I have been a moody asshole. Fucking kill me.
1 hours later 26495919 Anonymous (1608756525394.png 1000x1000 106kB)
1 hours later 26495948 Anonymous
Pretty much. But I just use that money to buy crypto in the hopes that I no longer need their money.
1 hours later 26496043 Anonymous
>>26495832 .
laptop mic
1 hours later 26496146 Anonymous
Get a better mic. Get an agent. Go on the voice acting discord server.
2 hours later 26496174 Anonymous
Kek, currently “working” now
2 hours later 26496186 Anonymous
Damn, even with a shitty mic your voice is really nice to hear. I'd go for it.
Women must drop their panties if you whisper in their hear.
2 hours later 26496205 Anonymous
You could also get a fiver account and do gigs that way starting out.
I used this sexy British woman’s accent for one of my companies internal training I created. She was a pro but used fiver as extra cash I guess.
2 hours later 26496291 Anonymous
>tfw I am a Computer Science teacher at a private school and all the other retards and admin are too fucking retarded to use computers so just chill and do whatever the fuck I want
I basically get paid to do hobbyist projects while dumping my six figure check into crypto so I can retire in 5 years.
The only shitty part is having to deal with women and other teachers.
2 hours later 26496352 Anonymous
2 hours later 26496356 Anonymous
>The only shitty part is having to deal with women and other teachers.
Worth it for the long run. At least your not dealing with absolute fucking shitty subhumans everyday or purple haired feminists and faggot onions men.
2 hours later 26496363 Anonymous
what class do you teach
2 hours later 26496365 Anonymous
Tomorrow? Must be nice, I’ve had 12 hour shifts every day the last 7 days straight and won’t be off until next Friday for a total of 11 12 hour shifts, might do some overtime if the boss lets me stay late
2 hours later 26496402 Anonymous
Same brother
Going to sleep now :(
2 hours later 26496490 Anonymous
Thank you bros.
2 hours later 26496506 Anonymous
Yeah that's true. Teenagers are pretty chill. They know me as the based powerlifting guy and computer teacher who likes boomer shooters.
Computer Science. I redpill my kids on federated projects and open source.
2 hours later 26496566 Anonymous
what did you do to qualify for this position? ALso, do you like to hit on the female teachers?
2 hours later 26496596 Anonymous
>Investing with borrowed funds
Anon I...
2 hours later 26496642 Anonymous
I just always did shit for fun as projects, opportunity came up at a past school even though I was just the Math and Science teacher, decided to take over it on a big self-learning type thing and the project got known enough in schools that I got recruited for a big pay raise somewhere else.
I have fucked three female colleagues across two schools and I have regretted it every time but I think with my dick too much. At least they were attractive. Too bad they were all secretly fucking crazy.
2 hours later 26496668 Anonymous
I used to wageslave, to any bros here I wish you the best of luck, you have my condolences.
2 hours later 26496673 Anonymous (1611472229436.jpg 637x800 315kB)
I'm a print dealer. I acquire print goods wholesale and resell them. I'm a web dev by training so if I'm not making a call or two and sending out a few e-mails to make sure the people I've outsourced work to are on the same page as I, I'm building apps or doing UX/UI work for clients. It's all interconnected loosely.
Most days I'm writing code, shitposting on /biz/ and maybe studying charts to set up a few stock and crypto trades. Comfy as it gets.
Back in your cage, wagie
2 hours later 26496689 Anonymous
Dude I can do tons of impressions and voices and people always tell me to look i to it. I have. Its hard as FUCK to get into VO work
2 hours later 26496694 Anonymous (1611472853207.webm 1280x720 3049kB)
2 hours later 26496703 Anonymous
I’m waiting for unemployment To hit but my state was scammed so I’ll be waiting a lot longer
I wish I could work
2 hours later 26496833 Anonymous
>too bad there were all secretly fucking crazy
You mean all women?
2 hours later 26496871 Anonymous
Nah I have had a genuinely good time with some.
2 hours later 26496913 Anonymous (1610263159501.webm 648x1440 1710kB)
Shucks for you
2 hours later 26496919 Anonymous
I remember introducing myself to my MBA class that I was still a “wage slave” and I rolled my eyes.
It was like the record skipped.
2 hours later 26496948 Anonymous (smuggie.jpg 474x574 29kB)
I do too anon, but the business I work for promoted me to "full time", so I get paid 40 hours a week even though I usually only work 20-30. On top of that, mummy and daddy make a lot of money from their business and still pay me a base wage of 360 dollars a week to occasionally vaccum their office. I'm very spoiled.
2 hours later 26496975 Anonymous
>tfw Monday's and Tuesday are my weekend
2 hours later 26496987 Anonymous
I end up making almost 2000 dollars every paycheck despite having no real skills to speak of, besides basic babby tier IT skills.
2 hours later 26497112 Anonymous
holy based
2 hours later 26497201 Anonymous
Give it a few years
2 hours later 26497649 Anonymous
That's not even your webm. Nice LARP.
2 hours later 26497761 Anonymous
If working is so good why do jews avoid it and just do business?
Why do elites just live off passive income like interest?
Its because working is a shit deal and only goyim do it.
3 hours later 26497878 Anonymous
Okay so soon you'll import niggers and lose it
3 hours later 26498304 Anonymous (1610476975866.jpg 640x630 136kB)
>wake up at 6 to the sound of the plow truck scraping snow off the parking lot outside. I live close to the polar circle so i havent seen the sun in 4 months, its winter here 6 months a year
>force myself to wake up and eat a banana, drink water
>trudge out into the snow to the gym
>spend 2 hours lifting, i can bench a 100kg now
>spend some time in the sauna, it dulls my mind for what is to come, wageslavery
>bike to work, if the snow hasnt been plowed yet i have to walk
>walk into an underground passage into the underbelly of the factory where ill spend the rest of the day.
>its lit up by flourescent lights, its a fridge warehouse. I stamp my shift into the clock with my coworkers, nobody talks to each other, we're all too tired.
>put my headset on, its got a robotic female voice that will tell me where to go to stack and build pallets based on voice commands, i can still hear her voice in my head when i sleep.
>9 hours later i can head home, its still dark outside
>force some food down and browse for a little to try and distract myself from the fact that i have to do the same thing tomorrow
>time to go to sleep, have to work soon.
3 hours later 26498594 Anonymous (comfy fresco.jpg 300x300 35kB)
3 hours later 26498680 Anonymous
You will live in this world, and you will be happy.
3 hours later 26498843 Anonymous
Ah yes another 5 days of grinding for 2 days off.
And fuck all these managers for being overly motivated. Wtf is wrong with them.
They send emails from 8 till 8 every day
3 hours later 26498945 Anonymous (tenor.png 640x640 190kB)
I live in my own studio that my parents pay the rent for, only take 4 online classes four days a week, and pay for food from my cyrpto gains. Every other bill is already paid for.
3 hours later 26498959 Anonymous
3 hours later 26499103 Anonymous (1610380751289.png 713x611 42kB)
have to be in the office in 30 minutes, but gonna be 10-15 minutes late on purpose
3 hours later 26499209 Anonymous
Fuck that was me for the past 4 years in college. Never thought I’d miss it this bad. Take advantage of it nigger
4 hours later 26499583 Anonymous
could i "make it" by wagecucking and investing in crypto?
4 hours later 26499615 Anonymous
I'll be working on my tan drinking Margaritas. Have fun in your cagie.
4 hours later 26499735 Anonymous
4 hours later 26499887 Anonymous
Sure, $1000 in the right token can go a long way.
4 hours later 26500117 Anonymous
uh no you can only make it by sitting at home and investing in crypto
what do you think, dumbfuck?
4 hours later 26500233 Anonymous
I’m writing a dystopian novel. Thanks for the inspiration on a chapter.
4 hours later 26500290 Anonymous
>>wake up at 6 to the sound of the plow truck scraping snow off the parking lot outside. I live close to the polar circle so i havent seen the sun in 4 months, its winter here 6 months a year
>>force myself to wake up and eat ZE BUGS, drink water
>>trudge out into the snow to the gym
>>spend 2 hours lifting, i can bench a 100kg now
>>spend some time in the sauna, it dulls my mind for what is to come, wageslavery
>>bike to work, if the snow hasnt been plowed yet i have to walk
>>walk into an underground passage into the underbelly of the factory where ill spend the rest of the day.
>>its lit up by flourescent lights, its a fridge warehouse. I stamp my shift into the clock with my coworkers, nobody talks to each other, we're all too tired.
>>put my headset on, its got a robotic female voice that will tell me where to go to stack and build pallets based on voice commands, i can still hear her voice in my head when i sleep.
>>9 hours later i can head home, its still dark outside
>>force ZE BUGS down and browse for a little to try and distract myself from the fact that i have to do the same thing tomorrow
>>time to go to sleep, have to work soon.
4 hours later 26500320 Anonymous (tenor.gif 390x364 912kB)
I'm supposed to be waging rn but I'm just lying on my bed browsing /biz.
When the Rona is over I'm unironically going to kill myself as soon as I have to go back to the wage cage
4 hours later 26500364 Anonymous
It's a means to an end anon
4 hours later 26500560 Anonymous (1609954188208.jpg 449x361 24kB)
I got an interview tmw for some machine operator gig. 16/hr with optional 10-20 hours of overtime. Could potentially make 60k/yr on paper but lots of negative reviews on Indeed. At least it's a 2PM to 2AM shift so my schedule fits it. Gotta dump it all into stocks so I can NEET again...
4 hours later 26500628 Anonymous
I can't do it bros. I'm stuck here in front of my computer staring at emails thinking how all this could have been avoided if I just held eth long enough.
4 hours later 26500652 Anonymous (1487760583131.png 339x352 166kB)
>activate quantum immortality
4 hours later 26500658 Anonymous
The real play is contract work. You're not on salary so you can't be sucked into bullshit, you're not a wagie working yourself to the bone. Just do what you promised and get those tendies. Sure you can be fired but then you just go to another job site same as always.
4 hours later 26500679 Anonymous
4 hours later 26500751 Anonymous
Wageslaving commences in 9 hours and I want to kms help
4 hours later 26500803 Anonymous
and send on fucking sundays as well dude
i feel you
fucking kill me
I hate wage slaving
I fucking hate it
5 hours later 26501230 Anonymous (1594402818934.png 615x410 435kB)
>tfw waging from home
>fapping to hentai
>playin vidya
>monitoring my coin hoard
And there's barely any work to do, so it's nearly free money to dumb into more LINK
5 hours later 26501284 Anonymous
That book was written by a fucking moron lifelong academic. Does a baker who makes cake contribute value? We don't really need cakes. He would say they do. But an actuary? Or corporate counsel who keeps a business from breaking the law and going under and having to fire its 50,000 employees? That's a bullshit job
I dropped that book halfway through. For reference I'm a programmer who works on embedded health devices that keep people alive
5 hours later 26501389 Anonymous
29 (was phone posting diff ID)
5 hours later 26501542 Anonymous
How are you 29 and earning only about to be earning 16/hr
5 hours later 26501583 Anonymous
where do you think you are
5 hours later 26501679 Anonymous
The way I rationalise it despite having six figs.
That money is legally guaranteed money for wageslaving, it requires more effort for the perceived security and safetynet of a wagie check every month.
Money from trading is never yours till you sell and bank into shitty fiat.
5 hours later 26501727 Anonymous
Lol they sound like actual dogs
5 hours later 26501787 Anonymous
My gf takes her job too seriously. Stop being a little bitch to shekelstein and get a life.
5 hours later 26502143 Anonymous
Most workplaces are like that. If you don't follow sports, even if you only tune in for a game a week, have fun never being able to have a conversation with anyone about anything.
5 hours later 26502194 Anonymous
Fucking parasite
5 hours later 26502878 Anonymous
How the fuck do I get a WFH going? Sounds comfy if you aren't a lazy ass
6 hours later 26503569 Anonymous (fresco.jpg 587x587 53kB)
im buckled in the hot seat with a cup of joe and an endless playlist of demoscene mods on my second machine...
...yeah, im thinking... im thinking im entering the wageslave zone.
6 hours later 26503596 Anonymous
Wow i cant imagine planning on sleeping soon
6 hours later 26504767 Anonymous
lol, that's pretty funny and autistic anon
7 hours later 26505506 Anonymous
fucking based
7 hours later 26505644 Anonymous
you don't sneak a few trades at work from time to time? what about when BOND finally releases V1 and you're taking a dump? You won't switch over and execute a few little tradarinos on the phonarino?
7 hours later 26505902 Anonymous
dont hate the player hate the game
7 hours later 26505994 Anonymous
This makes me very uncomfortable because its true.
7 hours later 26506107 Anonymous (dHEDGE.png 389x129 2kB)
dHEDGE will solve this if you let it.
7 hours later 26506491 Anonymous
Join the WFH Kings club, today I'm working about 4 hours (and that's above my usual quota).
8 hours later 26506925 Anonymous
That's a very good way of thinking.
8 hours later 26506970 Anonymous (serveimage.jpg 900x560 66kB)
I cant atke it anymore just a measly 100X and I coudl stop wagecucking but the markets just wont move Im gonna kms myself if my bags dont pump soon
8 hours later 26507175 Anonymous
Faggot I work in a factory, NO college degree whatsoever, and I make $29.50 an hour.
Life is cake if you aren't a bitch.
8 hours later 26508024 Anonymous
tfw waiting job cancelling indefinitely because of china virus. Now I can't pay rent and have resorted to doing the fucking app delivery driver meme just so I can keep living here. It could be worse for you bro.
9 hours later 26508599 Anonymous
I have masters in Aerospace, was earning 5.6 € an hour, lost my job due to covid.
9 hours later 26508887 Anonymous
>Life is cake if you aren't a bitch.
uh yeah sweetie we know pampered americans make fucktons of money
try being a yuropoor for a change
you will wantto commit sudoku too
9 hours later 26509112 Anonymous
Where do you work?
9 hours later 26509239 Anonymous
>40 hours a week
More like 50h at the office.
9 hours later 26509454 Anonymous (1604778510374.jpg 640x360 42kB)
>tfw country with 40% youth unemployment rate
I want a job to move out but no one will hire you unless you have a university degree and at least 5 years of profesional experience, even as a dishwasher
9 hours later 26509726 Anonymous
Which failed state do you live in?
9 hours later 26509782 Anonymous
probably italy
22.007 0.202