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2021-01-24 08:19 26471187 Anonymous AND WE HAVE TAKEOFF (AAVE.jpg 400x400 8kB)
0 min later 26471219 Anonymous (unytrfd.jpg 249x243 9kB)
4 min later 26471390 Anonymous (ahhhh.jpg 800x800 156kB)
5 min later 26471419 Anonymous
6 min later 26471457 Anonymous
$1000 when?
7 min later 26471488 Anonymous
Almost gave me a heart attack
8 min later 26471542 Anonymous
Can't believe I didn't buy the dip at $100. I should fucking kill myself
9 min later 26471581 Anonymous
It's going up, still. It's not too late
9 min later 26471582 Anonymous
Best most underrated coin
10 min later 26471616 Anonymous
That was exciting. If I see near $250 I'm getting some more of them.
11 min later 26471662 Anonymous
$1k is inevitable. This will be a top 5 coin, I promise.
11 min later 26471669 Anonymous
this chart doesnt lie been steady going up for over 3 months
12 min later 26471682 Anonymous
theres 4bn liquidity and a product
this is unironically the comfiest make it project in crypto
13 min later 26471723 Anonymous
I just FOMOed into it too I really hope this pays off. Took all of my money out of XLM for this.
14 min later 26471791 Anonymous (2262A1A6-3C2D-41F2-83D2-FD34AF884C2A.jpg 554x619 129kB)
15 min later 26471824 Anonymous
It'll 2x by middle of week.
16 min later 26471892 Anonymous
Unironically my portfolio is only AAVE, UNI and SNX plus some HBAR I'm holding long just for shits and giggles. I traded everything else I had into AAVE a while back and I have no regrets.
17 min later 26471929 Anonymous
I actually contemplated selling this at $30
20 min later 26472058 Anonymous
ive got some XLM because it was the first ever alt I bought years ago, and made some money out of it, but if I had to take a project for the next 10 years AAVE will certainly be it, ive been bagholding since it was ethlend in 2017 and never selling
24 min later 26472241 Anonymous
I've been looking at AAVE since it was under 100$ in december and I feel like a dumbass for not going in on it. I was chasing shitcoins like GRT, XRP, XLM.
28 min later 26472415 Anonymous
Get rid of shit like XRP and XLM. It's obvious that new top 10 will be only DeFi.
Everything else will die.
My portfolio is SNX, AAVE, LINK, ETH.
I'll be buying all dips
34 min later 26472684 Anonymous
You are right because all I have been doing is gaining and losing, only caught a real gain of GRT. I'm just going to keep investing into AAVE because it has simply proven itself by the charts.
42 min later 26473068 Anonymous
This. wgmi
47 min later 26473320 Anonymous
I used to have 40% of my folio in btc an eth
now I keep selling them to buy more aave snx and link
58 min later 26473792 Anonymous
i did, then bought back at like 47, thank god
1 hours later 26473984 Anonymous
1k is a guarantee. Once alt season truly begins, 5k is on the table, even close to 10k. The supply is just too sexy.
1 hours later 26474451 Anonymous (1611036445822.png 657x527 163kB)
What's the suicide stack/make it stack?
1 hours later 26474476 Anonymous
Man this shit is fucking unstoppable
1 hours later 26474537 Anonymous
I should have bought a lot more, fuck
1 hours later 26475108 Anonymous (image (1).png 1182x242 31kB)
people paying several hundred % APR to short it. if they get squeezed it’s straight to $300
1 hours later 26475243 Anonymous
$300 waiting room
1 hours later 26475272 Anonymous
Who the fuck shorts AAVE lmao
1 hours later 26475278 Anonymous (1611177298412.jpg 326x294 18kB)
I don't feel bad for them.
1 hours later 26475294 Anonymous
I have 25 ghosties, will I make it??
1 hours later 26475302 Anonymous
i did.... fomo'd in at 100
1 hours later 26475401 Anonymous
How does 50K sound?
1 hours later 26475475 Anonymous (1611480230544.png 2048x1517 3064kB)
Ranked 14th as of now. Will overtake wrapped bitcoin in a few hours.
1 hours later 26475509 Anonymous (Inside the FED.webm 900x506 1935kB)
1 hours later 26475539 Anonymous
Top 10 by March
Ive been saying it for weeks now
1 hours later 26475662 Anonymous
not enough
1 hours later 26475694 Anonymous
I have 1 lol
1 hours later 26475724 Anonymous
I was a nocoiner until yesterday and bought 12 of these badbois because I liked the logo lol.
1 hours later 26475835 Anonymous
DCA yourself until you have a bag. It's skyrocketing right now.
1 hours later 26475864 Anonymous
I think I'll do that anon, cheers
1 hours later 26475953 Anonymous
Bight at $110
Gonna make it /biz/ bros
1 hours later 26475960 Anonymous
Meme into reality. Use old pac man pics to start.
1 hours later 26476052 Anonymous
whats the chance of AAVE hitting $10,000?
1 hours later 26476083 Anonymous
No joke. My mom actually tried to buy some crypto like 5 years ago and couldn't really figure it out. And then she found she had like $90 in BTC and $40 in ETH just sitting out on Coinbase. A few days ago when stuff was crashing and it AAVE was around $150 I texted her and told her to go swap everything + $20 for 1 AAVE. Now she thinks I'm a crypto god lol.
1 hours later 26476117 Anonymous
Man I used to have like a million of these in 2017. Then I had like 30k of them back in August but sold right before the pump.
What was the conversion of lend to save? Like 40:1?
I thought about buying in on the massive drop on the conversion but there was too much fud about developers minting themselves like 30% of the supply.
1 hours later 26476233 Anonymous
it was 100:1
tfw had 150k lend and sold at $40 after buying lend at $.05. please fucking kill me
1 hours later 26476253 Anonymous
Just buy more when it dips. All alts will dip because BTC will take a shit soon to $24k
1 hours later 26476258 Anonymous
that wouldve been 300 AAVE today at 100:1 swap. Worth about 80-90k.
1 hours later 26476320 Anonymous (1611292179260.jpg 998x968 154kB)
FUCK IT. Just fomo'd. This is one of the safest yet best performing tokens for months. Sold my UNN stack for a little over 11 AAVE. Not a ton but it is what it is.
1 hours later 26476339 Anonymous
my grandpa had a saying that applies to the crypto markets
"you can't kiss all the fair maidens"
so many missed opportunities, how could one possibly snag them all
there's a point where I just have to focus on a few that I'm into and ignore the rest cuz there will always be that random shitcoin that moons and will make me want to fomo in irrationally
1 hours later 26476341 Anonymous
I haven't been following AAVE in particular, why the moon today?
2 hours later 26476406 Anonymous
I was feeling bad about only having 24 AAVE, then had to remind myself I only had 9 two weeks ago
It will never be enough anon
2 hours later 26476452 Anonymous (AAVE.png 600x404 36kB)
Big boy players discovered AAVE
2 hours later 26476611 Anonymous
fuck, this makes me feel better about only having 35, I bought 3600 with it was LEND (2017) and dirt cheap, completely forgot about it for years, logged into kucoin and saw 35 the other week, just been watching it grow and grow. Wondering how high this can actually go
2 hours later 26476625 Anonymous
BZX will make AAVE aavbsolete ! AAVE will go to 0 and BZX to $100. You have been warned.
2 hours later 26476681 Anonymous
your grandpa is a wise man.
20 AAVE here, bought at around $0.20 when it was still LEND.
My only problem is that i didn't buy more
AAVE, LINK & ETH are my main holds
2 hours later 26476691 Anonymous
I could consolidate some other shitcoins and buy more but I like to stay a little diversified.
2 hours later 26476743 Anonymous
Can you guys slow down and let eth catch up, I'm losing too much aave to Impermanent loss
2 hours later 26476777 Anonymous
2 hours later 26476818 Anonymous
Oh, shit.
2 hours later 26476825 Anonymous
Ah so it's a pump and dump, gotcha
2 hours later 26476879 Anonymous
>i like to stay a little poor
2 hours later 26476901 Anonymous
Odd's are actually breddy gud. All it would take is for most of the people that 'tether up during a downturn or a bull market, to realize that they should send those stable coins to AAVE for ridiculous apy returns. Then, repating the cycle. But this time you park some of your profits in stablecoins on AVEE. In theory AAVE could overtake Bitcoin.
2 hours later 26476957 Anonymous (1587676815412.jpg 1200x660 164kB)
Yes but the dump part is missing..
AAVE will just keep flying with a little correction here and there
2 hours later 26476962 Anonymous
Kek, I wish I bought that dip. The way I see it though, is that it's never too late to buy into AAVE.
2 hours later 26477111 Anonymous (1610459881628.jpg 385x390 95kB)
Bzx tards, remember them fudin aave back in the day 3 hacks ago
2 hours later 26477186 Anonymous
My guess is people are starting to realize how much money they can make using it with stablecoins.
2 hours later 26477246 Anonymous (1611484369041.jpg 660x643 84kB)
2 hours later 26477298 Anonymous
2 hours later 26477308 Anonymous
I wish I bought this when it was .77 cents in 2018 with lend baka
it's done a 400x almost when you remove 100x for the aave token ofc
2 hours later 26477322 Anonymous
*Bear Market
I see AAVE as the coin and platform that is the most impervious to any future crashes. That's the genius of it.
2 hours later 26477444 Anonymous
Bancor. No impermanent loss.. I'm in the aave pool myself
2 hours later 26477484 Anonymous
I’m literally crying because I missed out on this.
2 hours later 26477534 Anonymous
#2 in defi, less than a billion from #1 maker
I bet financial institutions will want some of this, They will have to adapt and get in on the future of finance or become irrelevant, which mean huge gains for us.
What a time to be alive
2 hours later 26477564 Anonymous
From where does aave token gets its value? It's not used as collateral or debt like synthetix. You can stake to make it work as aave emergency reserve if something happens but is there nything else? Perhaps a dumb question but I didn't find out the answer from their tokenomics.
2 hours later 26477633 Anonymous (565737345.png 500x382 53kB)
same here anon. i bought AAVE back when it was LEND and sold too early. how do you cope with missed opportunities like this bros?
2 hours later 26477666 Anonymous
keep em comming
2 hours later 26477717 Anonymous (1494883845770.png 626x461 356kB)
ohh shit what have you done
2 hours later 26477879 Anonymous
Not sure, but what is eAAVE?
2 hours later 26477968 Anonymous (1610929365897.jpg 409x409 40kB)
Also, 18,000,000 Total Supply
2 hours later 26478054 Anonymous (1598017748199.jpg 480x480 22kB)
bros, can someone sell their stack so I can get in? I was sick and couldn't make it in the last few.
2 hours later 26478151 Anonymous (1493330808503.gif 248x203 98kB)
2 hours later 26478183 Anonymous (1541914769040.png 662x600 58kB)
Dumped 10 for profit boys
Got 500 more so no biggy my next 5% target is 450 cya there in 1m
2 hours later 26478316 Anonymous
powerful trips
2 hours later 26478593 Anonymous (1610240937174.jpg 800x704 92kB)
Take that profit and put it up on AAVE for 10% APY lol
2 hours later 26478906 Anonymous (1540927191166.jpg 229x221 11kB)
Literally shoved in 15% usdc pool on aave v2 LMFAO
2 hours later 26478929 Anonymous
If it was a pump and dump he wouldn't have removed it from the exchange
2 hours later 26478967 Anonymous
Same. I bought bzrx instead of this. JFC
3 hours later 26479037 Anonymous
No cry... just DCA yourself back in and buy the dips. It's still early for AAVE. Sure, you missed the initial moonshot, but there's a lot of growth left in it.
3 hours later 26479148 Anonymous
I don't know why this board is so fucking obsessed by LINK. AAVE has outperformed LINK so much
3 hours later 26479186 Anonymous
SNX might pull an AAVE
3 hours later 26479314 Anonymous
Based and superior IQ-pilled. Kek
3 hours later 26479424 Anonymous (DJtKTgHVAAAVozJ.jpg 900x1200 217kB)
why did I long ltc instead of this
fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
3 hours later 26479458 Anonymous
I think at this point they are both destined for glory. My intuition says the the mountain jews behind SNX may be a bit too late to the ball. I wish them luck otherwise.
3 hours later 26479511 Anonymous
same. same. could have bought 100 aave bought 50 ltc instead FUCK.
3 hours later 26479533 Anonymous
Imagine the smell
3 hours later 26479535 Anonymous
When the fuck are they gonna move my v1 loan to v2?
3 hours later 26479688 Anonymous
Imagine the amount of victims they'll go on to create.
3 hours later 26480351 Anonymous
Already going back down, wtf
3 hours later 26480522 Anonymous
Dips are for buying. Be grateful
3 hours later 26480614 Anonymous
I hope so. I missed the boat on LINK because I wasn't into crypto back then.
3 hours later 26480944 Anonymous (1609889525348.gif 384x498 1020kB)
2.865 0.114