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2021-01-23 04:41 26414380 Anonymous (1598440725168.png 543x400 181kB)
0 min later 26414408 Anonymous
I lost 8 ETH on this thing
1 min later 26414459 Anonymous (1611094074968.jpg 400x400 28kB)
I'm banking almost everything on this and LINK
2 min later 26414491 Anonymous (941.png 1242x1394 583kB)
3 min later 26414532 Anonymous
EOM/EOQ1/EOY predictions?
4 min later 26414575 Anonymous
Just a wallet
8 min later 26414700 Anonymous
where that pump @ though?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifE 6AiAz_cY
9 min later 26414747 Anonymous
>EOQ1 3.5 USD
>EOY 8-10 USD
9 min later 26414751 Anonymous
wait for it... a little more... ok now
10 min later 26414768 Anonymous
It's a useless wallet
11 min later 26414818 Anonymous
12 min later 26414839 Anonymous
I'm 100% all in with my entire networth, sitting on 20k parsnips snugger than a bug in a rug.
12 min later 26414852 Parsiq
Mashallah friend. 20k stack holding for the year
As soon as covids over I'm gonna take a trip to mecca with my earnings
21 min later 26415177 Anonymous
Just quietly accumulating before the inevitable binance listing pump
21 min later 26415214 Anonymous
Just quietly accumulating before the inevitable binance listing dump*
23 min later 26415279 Anonymous
I am going to make so many smug threads mocking you silly FUDsters a year from now
25 min later 26415343 Anonymous
Shitcoin crab
fuck telegram jannies
26 min later 26415361 Anonymous
half of those FUD retards are swingers and other half are buddies who want DCA with lower price
28 min later 26415477 Anonymous
Well it's perfectly working because most of the telegram jeets are brainlets
31 min later 26415616 Parsiq
You mean the 5 avatarfags watching dextools txns for 24 hours a day?
34 min later 26415717 Anonymous
I'm in the exact same situation
39 min later 26415913 Anonymous
Ok namefag, suck some more jannies dick
39 min later 26415931 Anonymous
Anytime I feel a little down, I watch this video and my spirit is renewed.
40 min later 26415968 Anonymous
For making it, all you have to do is to hold anon.
42 min later 26416003 Anonymous
I'm holding PRA & BAO and have literally never felt this comfy in my entire life
45 min later 26416133 Anonymous
Sold yesterday my Parsiq bag for TosDis ($DIS) bag.
45 min later 26416159 Anonymous
I bought 10k GRT at $0.34 when PRQ was at roughly $0.40 I think. Was heavily debating between the two. I also bought 5k PRQ when it got up to $0.58. I’ve made decent profit for a newfag/relative poorfag but FUCK how I wish I’d gone all in on PRQ.
46 min later 26416218 Anonymous
we're not stopping at 2 dollars if we do get an uptrend... we're going parabolic
49 min later 26416338 Anonymous
This. It's already too close to $2. Next stop will definitely be somewhere in the $4-$5 range, possibly higher.
51 min later 26416427 Anonymous (parsiq_duck.png 709x710 669kB)
prq is mid term/long term, not a shitty pump n dump coin, just DYOR and realize how schizo the project is.
It will pump soon & will never go back to $1 range, u have been warned
54 min later 26416549 Anonymous
This is FUD
57 min later 26416623 Anonymous
I'm just talking short term here. I'm actually the most retarded moonboy on biz when it comes to PRQ. I will not sell my parsnips for less than $1000, as I believe that is coming eoy.
59 min later 26416723 Anonymous
its down 20% from ATH how the fuck you down?
1 hours later 26416783 Anonymous
let's just say that I might or might not have... bought the top... and sold the bottom... several times
1 hours later 26417092 Anonymous
lol. Are you one of those pajeets with ADHD syndrome and gamble addiction who cant stay in one project more than 10 days?
1 hours later 26417106 Anonymous
just sell now i don't want you dragging us down once we start melting faces again
1 hours later 26417113 Anonymous (1610945240129.jpg 841x778 246kB)
say it with me:
1 hours later 26417228 Anonymous
I just rebought. This time I'm holding though, unless it dumps more than 30%.
1 hours later 26417311 Anonymous
i hope that Whale-chan will dump this to 1$ one last time shake off niggers like this
1 hours later 26417362 Anonymous
Is this bait?
1 hours later 26417384 Anonymous
Same bro. WGMI
1 hours later 26417491 Anonymous
Anyone who thinks this is going above 20bucks this year is the biggest coping schmuck.
And I hold 15k.
The whole "$5 IS FUD" schtick gets old quick
1 hours later 26417528 Anonymous
>unless it dumps more than 30%
buy high sell low, always
1 hours later 26417571 Anonymous
20$ maybe not but 10$ is more than certain
1 hours later 26417591 Anonymous (1611402774365.webm 480x480 976kB)
I nominate you January's top biznessman
1 hours later 26417604 Anonymous
dude if/when this thing hits $10 i'll be ecstatic lmao
1 hours later 26417605 Anonymous (1609125866526.jpg 602x853 114kB)
then sell faggot, $100 end of year 2021.
1 hours later 26417688 Anonymous
Maybe not 20$, but 15$ is definitely possible
1 hours later 26417723 Anonymous
Lmao holy shit how are people like this even real
1 hours later 26417775 Anonymous
It's very likely we'll continue to oscillate between a dollar and a dollar fiddy until the next big piece of news
1 hours later 26417862 Anonymous
1 hours later 26417939 Anonymous
>unless it dumps more than 30%.
holy fuck i can't breathe hahhaha
1 hours later 26417960 Anonymous
ur baiting right?
1 hours later 26418038 Anonymous
2B market in the golden bullrun isn't feasible?
FFS DENT coin reached 1B in 2017
1 hours later 26418235 Anonymous
>admits he bought high, sold low
>plans to do it again
fucking kek
1 hours later 26418242 Anonymous
it's a normal stop-loss strategy
1 hours later 26418390 Anonymous
Good. I'm exactly 249 parsnips from my poorfag stacklet of 5k and I want to get it at 1.3 at the highest.
1 hours later 26418480 Anonymous
I buyd another 200 about this time yesterday when it was closer to a dollar in price, it's not a huge difference but if you're willing to stay vigilant I'd wait until it goes a bit lower again
2.453 0.053