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2021-01-23 04:41 26414380 Anonymous (1598440725168.png 543x400 181kB)

0 min later 26414408 Anonymous
I lost 8 ETH on this thing

1 min later 26414459 Anonymous (1611094074968.jpg 400x400 28kB)
I'm banking almost everything on this and LINK

2 min later 26414491 Anonymous (941.png 1242x1394 583kB)
>>26414380 Indeed

3 min later 26414532 Anonymous
>>26414491 EOM/EOQ1/EOY predictions?

4 min later 26414575 Anonymous
Just a wallet

8 min later 26414700 Anonymous
>>26414380 where that pump @ though? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifE 6AiAz_cY

9 min later 26414747 Anonymous
>>26414532 >EOM 2 USD >EOQ1 3.5 USD >EOY 8-10 USD

9 min later 26414751 Anonymous
>>26414700 wait for it... a little more... ok now

10 min later 26414768 Anonymous
It's a useless wallet

11 min later 26414818 Anonymous
>>26414408 how?

12 min later 26414839 Anonymous
>>26414380 I'm 100% all in with my entire networth, sitting on 20k parsnips snugger than a bug in a rug.

12 min later 26414852 Parsiq
>>26414491 Mashallah friend. 20k stack holding for the year As soon as covids over I'm gonna take a trip to mecca with my earnings

21 min later 26415177 Anonymous
Just quietly accumulating before the inevitable binance listing pump

21 min later 26415214 Anonymous
>>26415177 Just quietly accumulating before the inevitable binance listing dump*

23 min later 26415279 Anonymous
>>26415214 I am going to make so many smug threads mocking you silly FUDsters a year from now

25 min later 26415343 Anonymous
Shitcoin crab fuck telegram jannies

26 min later 26415361 Anonymous
>>26415279 half of those FUD retards are swingers and other half are buddies who want DCA with lower price

28 min later 26415477 Anonymous
>>26415361 Well it's perfectly working because most of the telegram jeets are brainlets

31 min later 26415616 Parsiq
>>26415477 You mean the 5 avatarfags watching dextools txns for 24 hours a day?

34 min later 26415717 Anonymous
>>26414839 I'm in the exact same situation

39 min later 26415913 Anonymous
>>26415616 Ok namefag, suck some more jannies dick

39 min later 26415931 Anonymous
>>26414700 Anytime I feel a little down, I watch this video and my spirit is renewed.

40 min later 26415968 Anonymous
For making it, all you have to do is to hold anon.

42 min later 26416003 Anonymous
>>26414380 I'm holding PRA & BAO and have literally never felt this comfy in my entire life

45 min later 26416133 Anonymous
Sold yesterday my Parsiq bag for TosDis ($DIS) bag.

45 min later 26416159 Anonymous
I bought 10k GRT at $0.34 when PRQ was at roughly $0.40 I think. Was heavily debating between the two. I also bought 5k PRQ when it got up to $0.58. I’ve made decent profit for a newfag/relative poorfag but FUCK how I wish I’d gone all in on PRQ.

46 min later 26416218 Anonymous
we're not stopping at 2 dollars if we do get an uptrend... we're going parabolic

49 min later 26416338 Anonymous
>>26416218 This. It's already too close to $2. Next stop will definitely be somewhere in the $4-$5 range, possibly higher.

51 min later 26416427 Anonymous (parsiq_duck.png 709x710 669kB)
prq is mid term/long term, not a shitty pump n dump coin, just DYOR and realize how schizo the project is. It will pump soon & will never go back to $1 range, u have been warned

54 min later 26416549 Anonymous
>>26416338 This is FUD

57 min later 26416623 Anonymous
>>26416549 I'm just talking short term here. I'm actually the most retarded moonboy on biz when it comes to PRQ. I will not sell my parsnips for less than $1000, as I believe that is coming eoy.

59 min later 26416723 Anonymous
>>26414408 its down 20% from ATH how the fuck you down?

1 hours later 26416783 Anonymous
>>26416723 let's just say that I might or might not have... bought the top... and sold the bottom... several times

1 hours later 26417092 Anonymous
>>26416783 lol. Are you one of those pajeets with ADHD syndrome and gamble addiction who cant stay in one project more than 10 days?

1 hours later 26417106 Anonymous
>>26416783 just sell now i don't want you dragging us down once we start melting faces again

1 hours later 26417113 Anonymous (1610945240129.jpg 841x778 246kB)
>>26416783 say it with me: >SWINGIES >GET >THE >ROPE

1 hours later 26417228 Anonymous
>>26417106 I just rebought. This time I'm holding though, unless it dumps more than 30%.

1 hours later 26417311 Anonymous
>>26417228 i hope that Whale-chan will dump this to 1$ one last time shake off niggers like this

1 hours later 26417362 Anonymous
>>26417228 Is this bait?

1 hours later 26417384 Anonymous
>>26414459 Same bro. WGMI

1 hours later 26417491 Anonymous
Anyone who thinks this is going above 20bucks this year is the biggest coping schmuck. And I hold 15k. The whole "$5 IS FUD" schtick gets old quick

1 hours later 26417528 Anonymous
>>26417228 >unless it dumps more than 30% buy high sell low, always

1 hours later 26417571 Anonymous
>>26417491 20$ maybe not but 10$ is more than certain

1 hours later 26417591 Anonymous (1611402774365.webm 480x480 976kB)
>>26414408 I nominate you January's top biznessman

1 hours later 26417604 Anonymous
>>26417491 dude if/when this thing hits $10 i'll be ecstatic lmao

1 hours later 26417605 Anonymous (1609125866526.jpg 602x853 114kB)
>>26417491 then sell faggot, $100 end of year 2021.

1 hours later 26417688 Anonymous
>>26417491 Maybe not 20$, but 15$ is definitely possible

1 hours later 26417723 Anonymous
>>26417228 Lmao holy shit how are people like this even real

1 hours later 26417775 Anonymous
>>26417311 It's very likely we'll continue to oscillate between a dollar and a dollar fiddy until the next big piece of news

1 hours later 26417862 Anonymous
>>26416427 kek

1 hours later 26417939 Anonymous
>>26417228 >unless it dumps more than 30%. holy fuck i can't breathe hahhaha

1 hours later 26417960 Anonymous
>>26417228 ur baiting right?

1 hours later 26418038 Anonymous
>>26417491 2B market in the golden bullrun isn't feasible? FFS DENT coin reached 1B in 2017

1 hours later 26418235 Anonymous
>>26417228 >admits he bought high, sold low >plans to do it again fucking kek

1 hours later 26418242 Anonymous
>>26417362 it's a normal stop-loss strategy

1 hours later 26418390 Anonymous
>>26417775 Good. I'm exactly 249 parsnips from my poorfag stacklet of 5k and I want to get it at 1.3 at the highest.

1 hours later 26418480 Anonymous
>>26418390 I buyd another 200 about this time yesterday when it was closer to a dollar in price, it's not a huge difference but if you're willing to stay vigilant I'd wait until it goes a bit lower again

2.453 0.053