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2021-01-23 12:07 26406895 Anonymous (1594148660689.jpg 751x1044 124kB)
Chainlink at $1000 EOY is not a meme. It never was, it was all true
10 min later 26407140 Anonymous
Have you made the chart? Saved anyway. I remember crying of laughing to hard when I first saw the webm when it was posted for the first time.
16 min later 26407278 Anonymous
Hey there was a podcast of Sergey this week that was really good, in which he talks in layman's terms about smart contracts. I wanted to send it to a friend. Anyone got a link or remember what site it was? Thanks, boys
17 min later 26407293 Anonymous
Funny how none of those cards have Polkadot
18 min later 26407316 Anonymous
Here you go fren
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yba Tur4A1OU
19 min later 26407323 Anonymous
Ah, found it in my history, NM
https://www.realvision.com/podcast/ realvisioncrypto/episode/c0803c5a-5 46e-11eb-aafd-e3ceb13a3764
19 min later 26407327 Anonymous
Any chance you / someone can post it
20 min later 26407367 Anonymous
Thanks anon might send this to my mother who has 600 link
24 min later 26407437 Anonymous (1524025973965.png 377x414 216kB)
>Only have 100 more LINK than anons mom..
25 min later 26407468 Anonymous
I'm updating the chart with todays valuation.
Could you gentlemen help me identify Bryce's portfolio? I'm hungover and my brain hurts. Also the middle one in van patten?
26 min later 26407486 Anonymous
Nice, my mum has a bunch, too. DOubt she'd be interested in hearing it though. She'd rather watch some crappy soap opera. I do love her, though..
26 min later 26407490 Anonymous (1596495615304.jpg 495x386 181kB)
Suicide Stack = $23,000
36 min later 26407712 Anonymous (1518529755636s.jpg 250x182 5kB)
Seriously guys, i'm a poor fag student who can buy 200€ of links / month for now.
Next year I can get me 2000€ worth of linkies/month on average.
How long should I hold ? Am I gonna make it anons ?
I was too young a few years ago so I couldn't get into the link train ( even tho I really wanted to) but it feels like that era is just over and i'm just gonna lose all of my money into this project (Girlfriend thinks i'm a lunatic). All I ever think about is Links.
Hold me linkbros and tell me it's gonna be okay
39 min later 26407772 Anonymous
Hold forever, I will see you in Valhalla.
39 min later 26407773 Anonymous
If you DCA in for 2 years you'll make it. You have t keep buying, even after the dips. It will be fine, you just need the self control to hold it 5y and keep buying.
49 min later 26407988 Anonymous
Bump because I still need help
Paul Allen's portfolio is worth 3.2m now btw
55 min later 26408094 Anonymous (1538062839437.jpg 770x756 171kB)
Couldn't find it even though I thought I had saved everything since 2018 January.
57 min later 26408128 Anonymous
Stop chasing shit that has already pumped.
Will LINK be hundreds of dollars this year? Yes. But how much will you make with that if you only have 200€?
Pretty much nothing. You need to be gambling on microcap alts with potential until you have some capital to spend, and even then I would only be putting money on promising projects with sub 100m marketcap.
You missed LINK, just accept it and don't miss out on the next big thing.
1 hours later 26408220 Anonymous
>don’t make thousands this year anon, just invest in shitcoin forever
1 hours later 26408309 Anonymous
>thousands this year
Imagine only making like $5000 in an entire bullrun because you were too stubborn about investing in something you missed out on.
1 hours later 26408363 Anonymous
Keep in mind, LINK was once a microcap shitcoin.
Which is when he should have invested in it. I'm telling him to find the next LINK
1 hours later 26408447 Anonymous
LINK is the next LINK. 1000/23 = 43x. You're telling him to waste the a safe 43x for what is essentially gambling with his already limited funds.
1 hours later 26408500 Anonymous
Is it that easy? I want to find the next link too anon but I don’t see the point in not buying and making money now still. You can always cash out later
1 hours later 26408528 Anonymous
Imagine thinking LINK being at a trillion dollar market cap this year is a "safe bet"
The ENTIRE crypto market cap is currently $940 million. You're fucking delusional.
It will reach $1000 eventually. Most likely in the next market cycle, but you're asking this guy to wait 5 years for a 43x? on 200 fucking euros? Bro....
1 hours later 26408642 Anonymous
>but I don’t see the point in not buying and making money now still.
It just depends, do you want to make it? Like actually be financially free? Or just have a nice chunk of savings that you can buy a new car with or something?
If you had like, $5k minimum, I'd say fine, throw it all on LINK. But you still won't make it.
If you want to take this opportunity to make lifechanging wealth where you can tell your wage master to go fuck himself and live on your own terms, but you only have a couple hundred to invest? You're just going to have to gamble and take safe bets when you've accumulated enough capital.
That's the harsh reality here, we're not all going to make it.
1 hours later 26408711 Anonymous
What is the logo in between REQ and FUN?
What is the logo to the left of DRGN and TRX?
1 hours later 26408753 Anonymous
Link is the next link
Literally no one ever made it buying shitcoins because they inevitably crash 99% when the bullrun is over. The only way to make it is to accumulate btc/ETH/link.
1 hours later 26408777 Anonymous
Making profit is always better than no profit.
Any profit is good profit.
1 hours later 26408862 Anonymous
You need a significant amount of capital (atleast tens of thousands) to make it with high caps.
>Literally no one ever made it buying shitcoins
Lmao there's plenty of anons on this board with $250k+ portfolios from shitcoins.
Reminder that LINK was once a low cap shitcoin that we all invested in cause the memes were funny.
Link still has probably 30x potential left in this bullrun, but good luck making it with BTC or ETH unless you've got atleast $100k in them
>Making profit is always better than no profit.
Agreed, but we're talking about making it here, not having a rainy day fund
1 hours later 26408914 Anonymous
€200 PER MONTH you retard.
99% of altcoins go to 0 over a long enough timeframe. There is no next LINK, not at the moment at least. Otherwise /biz/ would have already found it. ETH and LINK, literally only two opportunities like that in the last 12 years.
He shouldn't buy anything else than BTC, ETH and LINK right now. If he just does that he'll soon reach 5 figures and can start growing quickly from there. He also says he can put €2000/month in in a year so he has plenty of time to accumulate during the next bear market.
Or he could waste it all away on gambles and scams like some degenerate reddit faggot.
1 hours later 26408941 Anonymous
Hey anon. I have no clue on what the logos are that you are still missing. Just want to recognise your effort. Can anons help this guy out since he teying to update the op pic to present day. Would be interesting.
1 hours later 26408953 Anonymous
I’m super late getting into LINK but I will continue to accumulate more every week. I’ve also got a reoccurring investment for GRT
1 hours later 26408964 Anonymous
Checked and correct
1 hours later 26408978 Anonymous
What do you think of GRT? I spent a hundred on it but should I just go to link instead? I know it’s not much but next paycheck I’ll probably drop a grand
1 hours later 26408984 Anonymous (5c68adccf6810d671b31a6d0a12fb3958f29596cbb44424f1d4963308514a93a.jpg 741x731 110kB)
ETH is old news now
1 hours later 26409067 Anonymous
Okay, 200 a month. There are 8 to 12 months of this bullmarket left. That's less than 3000 before the bullmarket is over.
>There is no next LINK
There are so many things in the crypto space that are emerging, we haven't seen widespread adoption yet, Defi is in it's infancy. You can't say there is no next LINK lmao, it's most likely sitting right under your nose.
>He also says he can put €2000/month in in a year so he has plenty of time to accumulate during the next bear market.
Okay, so he can make it in the next cycle if he has the patience to wait 4 years
1 hours later 26409106 Anonymous
what is it that make anons say LINK can 10x, 30x, or 43x ?
what numbers are you using to get this?
1 hours later 26409116 Anonymous (Name these and you will make it.png 850x515 616kB)
Thanks anon. Dumping some stuff I found. Data incomplete for now without knowing the attached (I recognise both, I hate myself for not being able to find them on cmc).
1 hours later 26409128 Anonymous
Speaking of webm’s, does anyone have the neon genesis/chainlink webm? Not the intro, but where gendo is having a discussion with Seele and everyone is a chainlink team member (it was in Japanese). I haven’t seen it since 2019.
1 hours later 26409138 Anonymous (BATEMAN.jpg 951x5750 994kB)
HQ of original
1 hours later 26409159 Anonymous (sneak peek.png 479x261 4kB)
Will add better labels and present it nicer when the data is complete
1 hours later 26409199 Anonymous
Fuck zoomers (and I am one). Your impatience will be our downfall.
Only an idiot would have a hard time choosing between
> Make it definitely in 4-5years
> Maybe make it but most likely gamble all away this year
1 hours later 26409225 Anonymous (1607187136499.webm 640x480 3141kB)
here you go
1 hours later 26409226 Anonymous
lmao thats just before i bought a suicide stack (10k) because of the memes. good times
1 hours later 26409234 Anonymous
from 300$ to 1 000 000$, Feels good. It is starting to become real. We are the chosen ones.
1 hours later 26409256 Anonymous
epic, thank you
1 hours later 26409287 Anonymous (rubicpilled.jpg 600x600 281kB)
you are my last green pill anon.
1 hours later 26409304 Anonymous
Where do you guys keep your stuff? I only know of Binance and Coinbase, and US Binance has way less options than the non-US one. I’m at a slight loss as to where to invest in shitcoins through.
1 hours later 26409321 Anonymous
Currently there is NO moonshot as obvious as LINK. And 2k a month into LINK won't get you anywhere this cycle. There won't be another project that gets even close to the risk/reward ratio that LINK offered to us. If you know about one, I'm listening.
1 hours later 26409361 Anonymous
? You misunderstood.
I'm still in favor of going all in link.
I am sadly a late fag and only bought summer 2019 but even absolute newfags will still make it if they are patient.
1 hours later 26409379 Anonymous
FUN and REQ are why my chainlink DCA is $6.66 even though i switched at 50 cents
1 hours later 26409407 Anonymous
We all make mistakes anon. Dont beat yourself up about it, what matters is you acted and have a stack of link right now in 2021.
1 hours later 26409415 Anonymous (A9A1BD6A-7EC5-42CA-85F7-2418693DD30A.jpg 1220x684 422kB)
buy link and ignore the nolinkers
they were salty at $5, $10, $15, $20...
and will still be salty at $100, $500, $1000
1 hours later 26409454 Anonymous
1 hours later 26409579 Anonymous
Logo between Req and FUN is KCS
1 hours later 26409634 Anonymous
And the other is raiblocks! Thank you so much.
2 hours later 26409685 Anonymous
Just buy LINK/BTC/ETH and be patient, don't buy anything else before your portfolio reaches $10,000.
Once you have 10k, you may use 10% to take out some gambles on lower mcap coins, after you've researched them thoroughly. Never FOMO in within minutes. Try not to buy something that's been going up vertically already. Don't touch the other 90% though, even if you manage to lose all your gambling stack.
If you do try to gamble on something despite our advice, at least take your initial out if it does actually moon (i.e. take out half of your stack if it did a 2x). If you lose money, for the love of god don't try to make up for it by making even riskier trades. Just accept your losses and move on.
Live frugally so you can accumulate more, don't fall for consoomerism, just be patient. Four or five years go by very fast.
Also don't keep everything on one exchange. Exchanges get hacked all the time. Yes, even the one you're using. Ideally, have control over the private keys of the majority of your stack.
That is all. Good luck anon.
2 hours later 26409704 Anonymous
Fucking Paul
2 hours later 26409730 Anonymous
Tip top kek
2 hours later 26409731 Anonymous
How can I be salty if when I joined the crypto space it was already at $20
2 hours later 26409754 Anonymous
Where do you store your stuff if not an exchange? I’m pretty new, though I’m sure you can tell. I’m >>26409304 and I don’t know of any non-exchange wallets that are good..
2 hours later 26410011 Anonymous
2 hours later 26410031 Anonymous (Paul Fucking Allen.png 700x450 7kB)
Was paul allen a link marine?
2 hours later 26410210 Anonymous
Based anon. Fair play to you putting that together. Fucking Paul Allen knows.
2 hours later 26410416 Anonymous (5014D8B5-C374-454F-9184-D3EB746D0CC6.gif 127x126 86kB)
80/20 LINK/GRT if you’re a faggot buying now.
>t. pre mainnet oldfag
2 hours later 26410477 Anonymous (1576104C-0BC7-4560-AF57-3D3F7E0AD9FC.gif 480x264 1615kB)
My LINKY senses tell me 10k GRT is the new suicide stack, but always stack LINK first.
2 hours later 26410506 Anonymous
really pathetic bro
2 hours later 26410507 Anonymous
Update: $24,000
2 hours later 26410692 Anonymous
I'm going to get it looking a bit more professional and then make a compilation like the one in OP. Too fucking tired and hungover to do it rn.
2 hours later 26411027 Anonymous (6446F41D-E147-43B7-B918-A06E30F910B1.gif 600x338 3994kB)
Sound exactly the same as the retards who told me not to buy LINK at .70.
I mean that unironically that’s exactly how you sound. Take that for what it’s worth.
2 hours later 26411081 Anonymous
Now I see why Bateman murdered Paul
2 hours later 26411126 Anonymous (1610916006328.png 613x857 814kB)
Priced out. Normies couldnt make it before, and now they wont even live without guilt.
2 hours later 26411148 Anonymous
>Next year I can get me 2000€ worth of linkies/month on average.
Lnik will be 1k this year so sell it all this year. Your 200 Euros wont buy much soon.
2 hours later 26411149 Anonymous
kek dragonchain
grt will go the way of the dragon(chain)
3 hours later 26411472 Anonymous
Funny how there’s no pictures of Jesus with hitler
3 hours later 26412174 Industry Standard
>Defi is in it's infancy
Yeah well how does link perform when defi is all grown up?
Link is the next Link, get over it
people have been discussing having missed it at 1dollar, 4 dollars, 7, 10, now 24 but Link has no rooftop you fucking zoomer
3 hours later 26412196 Anonymous
Even better for him to buy in now then when he has time; if Link is going to moon to $1k eoy theres really no reason not to buy in. If its NOT going to go there yet and he has longer to accumulate before it happens even BETTER for him to get in now and keep buying Either way the answer is simple - fucking buy more LINK newbie.
3 hours later 26412886 Anonymous
I sold LINK last night with the plan of getting back in when it pulls back, what do we you guys expect it to pull back to?
4 hours later 26413283 Anonymous
there is no next link you stupid nu or nolinker
4 hours later 26414001 Anonymous (1608038123929.jpg 462x286 44kB)
Around 40-50 after it hits >100
1.490 0.133