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2021-01-23 11:26 26405990 Anonymous (kek.png 587x667 315kB)
Most CEOs are dumb as fuck.
Most anons are smarter than them.
1 min later 26406029 Anonymous
2 min later 26406073 Anonymous
Jesus Christ what a fucking brainlet
Imagine being so illiterate you can’t recognize a lie
3 min later 26406085 Anonymous
>falling for shitty fud
3 min later 26406094 Anonymous
Just listen to Warren Buffet talk about crypto and you realize uber rich people can be just as ignorant as anyone else. RIP NexTech onto the next tech
8 min later 26406186 Anonymous
>falling for shitty fake news msm fud
how fitting for a leaf cuck company
10 min later 26406245 Anonymous
boomers dont understand technology that's why we're all gonna make it and they arent
11 min later 26406258 Anonymous
you are kidding
39 min later 26406853 Anonymous
>Most anons are smarter than them.
we often have imposter syndrome because we're poor neets
we need more self-confidence and we can take on the kikes and absolutely dominate them
believe in yourselves more
54 min later 26407190 Anonymous
The reason why Buffet sounds so dumb about crypto is because he's so old its difficult for him to see the potential. It would be like trying to teach an old dog a new trick. It doesn't mean he's dumb.
1 hours later 26407341 Anonymous
That's because FUD is illegal in normal markets (actually in crypto too, but not enforced) and they aren't used to it.
Expect them to run to SEC and demand to enforce securities fraud laws. 4chan will give up the IP addresses and all the shills will get raided by the FBI and locked up.
Will be glorious.
1 hours later 26407544 Anonymous
>Most anons are smarter than them
That's easy most anon's don't need constant multi-billon dollar bailouts, the wonders of capitalism anon's.
1 hours later 26407577 Anonymous (jqw7iyt5cwextf20ryhe.jpg 256x256 6kB)
It's more like older people don't understand how retardedly and aimlessly dishonest younger people are and don't get the point of anonymous internet larping.
Same reason why baby boomers were so completely convinced the Qanon larp was real.
1 hours later 26407579 Anonymous
how come old peoples dont understand new things? are they all like this? will we become like this to? id rather kms tbqhdesu
1 hours later 26407596 Anonymous
rofl dum dums fell for it
well played scamming fucktards!
1 hours later 26407654 Anonymous
Is double spending thing true or not?
1 hours later 26407686 Anonymous
Who cares? They can buy it cheaper below 30k
1 hours later 26407689 Anonymous
The CEO is a dumb leaf kike
1 hours later 26407697 Anonymous
>Same reason why baby boomers were so completely convinced the Qanon larp was real.
Sounds like they need to pull themselves up some bootstraps and give firm handshakes to reality.
1 hours later 26407704 Anonymous
Brain plasticity decreases with ages.
That's the reason big tech companies keep buying startups and hiring 20-30 something people too.
1 hours later 26407780 Anonymous
It's not true. The two copies of the same payment weren't part of the accepted longest blockchain history. Having a duplicate on a version of history that isn't the real one which gets rejected by the network in favor of the real history exactly how it's supposed to work.
1 hours later 26407807 Anonymous
>2027, Letter to shareholders
>My initial scepticism about crypto currencies, was in fact just that, a reluctant to consider these digital tokens "currencies".
>the blockchain component has always looked interesting, that was why that over the last 3 years Berkshire Hathaway inc. have been buying up a significant amount of Ethereum.
>As Ethereum is not an outright currency, but a platform of sorts. I considered this purchase of Ethereum an investment into a digital infrastructure.
>Last night, news broke about Vitalik Buterin horrible car accident, and although my thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends, i believe it is time to act swiftly
>As of writing, i have sold most of the Ethereum Berkshire Hathaway inc. had on its books, if an opportunity present itself to buy back in, once the Buterin estate is settled. I will seize
Best regards Warren Buffet
1 hours later 26407815 Anonymous
It's not really something to be proud of. the blindspot happens because they can't imagine how retarded and mentally ill the younger generations are.
1 hours later 26407847 Anonymous (fee-bump.jpg 999x524 104kB)
>The two copies of the same payment weren't part of the accepted longest blockchain history.
that's not true for a moment there was 2 longest chain. and two different versions of the tx.
and it was a reverse double spend where the first tx with the lower fee got confirmed 2 deep.
1 hours later 26407854 Anonymous
this is what a CEO is aiming for?
after tax it will be 150K.. I don't even sell for that few
1 hours later 26407871 Anonymous
There weren't two *ACCEPTED* longest chains.
1 hours later 26407898 Anonymous
there were of course. temporarily.
1 hours later 26407919 Anonymous
I'm pretty sure your IQ literally goes down slowly as you age so it could be possible you actually get dumber as you get older(assuming IQ actually measures intelligence of course).
1 hours later 26407975 Anonymous (1598477856831.png 840x859 2887kB)
based, wgmi
1 hours later 26408002 Anonymous
I was mostly joking, I don't believe they have that big of a blindspot the older generation most have some idea something isn't right just look at job hopping, back in the day going from one job to the next after 6 months to 2 years would have gotten you laughed at now it's the main way most people get a raise (and I mean a real raise not just matching inflation).
1 hours later 26408042 Anonymous
One wouldn't get accepted over the other if they were both accepted.
1 hours later 26408067 Anonymous
Corporate is for literal psychopaths.
1 hours later 26408116 Anonymous
it really depends on what you are calling a double spend. back in the days before blockchain spending the same quantity of currency twice was double spend.
since that is impossible with bitcoin it got altered in meaning that double spend is when you either release 2 tx-es at the same time and of course only one of them wins or somehow change block history by reorg.
the first one is only important in regards to 0-conf. 0-conf is retarded but cashies love it. i could rant hours about why 0-conf is bullshit and how there is absolutely no consensus before a block is made but that's beside the point.
the other double spend when blocks get reorged and confirmed coins double spent only happen to shitcoins with no network security. btc can experience reorgs on the top by the nature of the network but we require 2 to 6 confirmations for this reason which just about eliminates any possibility of a malicious double spend.
1 hours later 26408148 Anonymous
they were both part of the longest valid chain. just separate chains. the nature of bitcoin is such that only 1 chain can win over time, but i guarantee that both miners accepted their own work and started to build on it. and other miners had to pick sides and the network was momentarily split.
perfectly valid state mind you. but you can't say it was not real. it was very fucking real. and completely normal.
1 hours later 26408265 Anonymous
If they were both valid there would be no basis for picking one over the other.
1 hours later 26408324 Anonymous
The inability to learn may be construed as dumb
1 hours later 26408331 Anonymous
it's RANDOM miners pick one say whichever they receive first OR whichever has greater proof of work as in more 0s in the hash that's a metric also there is no guarantee that a miner finds only the minimum.
so eventually the network will settle on a longest chain with greatest cumulative proof of work. if nothing else by chance and timing.
this is the beauty of the nakamoto consensus.
1 hours later 26408427 Anonymous
1 hours later 26408521 Anonymous
Nakamoto consensus required 6 confirmations to be considered valid.
1 hours later 26408540 Anonymous
Amazing. Imagine being such a retard you fell for that fud.
1 hours later 26408548 Anonymous
There's no fucking way. How can such stupid people be in charge of such large volumes of money?
1 hours later 26408551 Anonymous
no that's just convention and lately it's 2 most exchanges accept 2 confirmation on btc because it's historically safe.
2 hours later 26408638 Anonymous
oh and it has nothing to do with validity i think what you meant is final.
invalid transactions don't get confirmed or even propagated.
2 hours later 26409172 Anonymous
That's the most bullish happening I've read in a long time.
2 hours later 26409238 Anonymous
in a just world this would be a sticky
2 hours later 26409330 Anonymous
>I would also like to add a word about Geico insurance. While no insurance could make up for the tragedy Buterin suffered, his family could have been protected from financial disaster thanks to Geico. I believe Geico is a great product readers will be satisfied with.
2 hours later 26409488 Anonymous
>tial. It would be like trying to teach an old dog a new trick. It doesn't mean he's dumb.
Actually it does mean you are dumb. My 65 old boomer dad understood crypto when i explained it to him and wanted to buy. Being old doesnt mean you lose the ability to learn new things, it means you never had it and now dont bother to want to try.
2 hours later 26409822 Anonymous
>Wall St hand rubbing intensifies
2 hours later 26409944 Anonymous
I thought these institutional investors were supposed to be smart
2 hours later 26410035 Anonymous
>FUD is illegal
What? is it really?
2 hours later 26410119 Anonymous
yeah sure. The world was pure and honest back then lol
2 hours later 26410135 Anonymous
>he's dumb because he's old
>that means he's not dumb
he's dumb
3 hours later 26410201 Anonymous
>older people don't understand how retardedly and aimlessly dishonest younger people are and don't get the point of anonymous internet larping.
this is true
it's literally impossible to explain to my parents that they shouldn't forward chain mails or whatsapp messages, because they just don't understand why anyone would want to circulate a fake chain message
3 hours later 26410287 Anonymous (1609514282920.png 800x750 108kB)
>Most CEOs are dumb as fuck.
>Most anons are smarter than them.
3 hours later 26410307 Anonymous
Ceo here, can confirm
3 hours later 26410417 Anonymous
No. People fud stocks all the time on stock twits. Its just the boomers dont actually understand what theyre buying so the first thing they hear makes them panic.
3 hours later 26410468 Anonymous
Yeah, the ones causing the retards to panic sell and then buying up their coins are smart
>jump on btc bandwagon bc Saylor did it
>panic sell at the first FUD you come across
3 hours later 26410545 Anonymous (1611362676922.jpg 398x376 41kB)
Imagine this dumb motherfucker casually reading Bloomberg and drinking his morning coffee and scrolling past the doublespend article. His eyes go wide and he gets naseous in the pit of his stomach. He frantically logs into Microsoft Teams for an emergency meeting with his board members, they all agree and he logs on to Coinbase and panic sells the treasury. He feels a euphoric sense of relief and goes back to sipping his coffee.
3 hours later 26410557 Anonymous
Maybe he's just fudding to secretly accumulate.
3 hours later 26410568 Anonymous (images.jpg 179x282 7kB)
imagine successfully FUDding an institution
lmao this is the future fuckers
next up we're actually going to rugpull blackrock
3 hours later 26410578 Anonymous
3 hours later 26410595 Anonymous (6537356735678368.jpg 326x245 15kB)
3 hours later 26410648 Anonymous
That’s one of the things keeping me up at night. The fact that crypto and the internet in general, is creating a very underground non biased intelligent breed of degenerate retards that are more than willing to expose the Jew and hurt them where it counts; banking.
3 hours later 26410650 Anonymous
"smart money"
3 hours later 26410681 Anonymous (1607521159098.jpg 900x668 101kB)
>emergency meeting with his board members
kek the poor things arent use to 24/7 business operations I guess. Sit around and do nothing and have your little wagies shuffle papers around.
>imagine successfully FUDding an institution
These institutions did research on crypto to know a double spend is bad, but theyre not ready for pajeets and scams all over. Theyve gotten comfortable from safe and secure stocks.
3 hours later 26410694 Anonymous
Its not that it was a lie this is just probably a subsidiary of a much much large whale and it was a public stunt to get others to sell so they could buy. 130 BTC is literally chump change to these people. Whales have a few hundred thousand BTC its insane.
3 hours later 26410823 Anonymous
I think the real truth here is as you age you are less likely to want or be interested in learning new things. Things like chronic pain, slow range of movement/less energy, and worsening memory elderly become more particular what they waste their time on and generally seek comforts and pleasures with more priority than learning. He probably doesn't know shit about crypto and doesn't need to anymore.
3 hours later 26410874 Anonymous
200k wont go far given luxury soup prices in the new chink diaspora
3 hours later 26410928 Anonymous
>A bear raid is an illegal practice of ganging up to push a stock's price lower through spreading adverse rumors about the targeted company.
>Bear raid is a form of securities fraud.
3 hours later 26411022 Anonymous
statists are truly cucks
3 hours later 26411039 Anonymous
>A bear raid is an illegal practice of ganging up to push a stock's price lower through spreading adverse rumors
Well maybe those boomers should realize news article writers are liars. Not like we have several years of evidence for such a thing.
3 hours later 26411115 Anonymous
>learning about meme coins when you are like 70and already super rich
Sounds like a waste of time famalam
3 hours later 26411204 Anonymous
but it's free speech
3 hours later 26411233 Anonymous
many people who are 70 are dirt poor pensioners
3 hours later 26411605 Anonymous
No such thing in financial markets.
Was clearly orchestrated and shilled everywhere. It's one thing to fud to retarded retail, another thing to fud to the boomer hedge funds. The crackdown on the whole market will hard beyond belief.
1.271 0.133