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2021-01-22 11:17 26383740 Anonymous /XSG/ XRP Schizo General #568 (EsO2tFKXYAAfZkF.jpg 1030x1228 172kB)
America's top banking regulator is now led by a Ripple employee edition previous thread >>26369250 >Flare/Spark Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bM GWE6dJiw Flare Finance Intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA7 UN3RboLM&t https://blog.flare.xyz/creating-and -redeeming-fxrp/ >SEC Lawsuit https://www.sec.gov/news/press-rele ase/2020-338 https://www.sec.gov/litigation/comp laints/2020/comp-pr2020-338.pdf >Staggered Spark token distribution https://blog.flare.xyz/further-info rmation-on-the-spark-token-distribu tion/ >XRP Ledger https://dex.xrplapps.com/ >Flare Finance Source Code https://github.com/flrfinance/ >XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance https://flr.finance/ >XRP Richlist Stats https://ledger.exposed/rich-stats >Past /XSG/ Threads: https://pastebin.com/pZdQbREq >Insiders Threads: https://pastebin.com/Z39w20qf >Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads: https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1659 5583 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1726 6853 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1791 4598 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1810 2776 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1841 7446 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1928 3439 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1991 9081 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1998 0410 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2009 8041 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2042 9829 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2072 0991 >The Myth of Market Cap: http://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth- of-Market-Cap---Version-2 >XRP FUD BINGO fudbingo.com >Twitter: https://twitter.com/@JoelKatz https://twitter.com/@looP_rM311_721 1 https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives] https://twitter.com/flrfinance [Flare Finance] https://twitter.com/flarenetworks >What wallet do I use? Hot storage - XUMM or TrustWallet Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor ***Do not use Droplet wallet - it's a scam***

1 min later 26383800 Anonymous
>>26383740 This has all been debunked already.

2 min later 26383845 Anonymous
Nothing ever happens until the schizo's mind mines the next block in the schizo blockchain. Qlarp was a double spend, but real schizos know the longer chain.

5 min later 26383969 Anonymous
Price being stagnant after a shake-off was part of the plan posted on /XSG/ multiple times. Next step is moon and then you see all inactive XRP accounts on twitter like rippleriddler being active again and posting stuff like soon. The lack of action seems very similar to the low pressure right before a tornado. It will happen soon, do not be a degenerate and sell at first wave.

5 min later 26383972 Anonymous
is it hard to set the outgoing message on my ledger? I have over 100k on there and I dont wanna screw it up, but I want that spark now that I've read some more about it.

5 min later 26383978 Anonymous
I wouldn’t even know what to do if xrp actually did hit 2k it would be so overwhelming, I’d probably just reinvest some of it into other assets and try to help people around me

8 min later 26384081 Anonymous
>>26383969 i think we'll see a smaller pump driven by adoption in cross-border payments outside the US and then once regulatory clarity is achieved (first domestic, then international) the moon will happen >>26383972 use the wietse.wind tool in the OP, it's not hard at all, takes a few minutes and it walks you through it

10 min later 26384201 Anonymous
>>26383800 I’m gonna deboooooooooonk

11 min later 26384236 Anonymous
>>26383800 The debunk was rebunked.

14 min later 26384349 Anonymous
>>26384236 Consider this unbunked

14 min later 26384362 Anonymous (1427507057613.png 851x710 709kB)
>Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor Should I buy the Ledger Nano X/S? Do I need the X? Is Ledger Live any good? Most reviews I've read are dated

15 min later 26384385 Anonymous
>>26384081 did you use your regular eth wallet? I know that weistnigger advises against it for privacy, but the only embarrassing thing on there is my hedge tokens from that ico harry duped me into.

18 min later 26384524 Anonymous (conrad.jpg 190x245 15kB)

20 min later 26384594 Anonymous (xrp.jpg 1095x490 134kB)
Can anyone give me a rundown on this xsplapps site? Does total volume in usd equals amount of xrp moved between wallets?

20 min later 26384610 Anonymous
this bullshit had better be at 2k soon.

23 min later 26384694 Anonymous (1610240665526.png 595x597 255kB)
>>26383845 >Q was a fork no one wanted >BTFO Excellent. We can finally reunite on the one true chain. The standard.

23 min later 26384722 Anonymous
>>26384362 I have a Nano S myself and I like it, no problems at the very least. Ledger Live is about the same, no problems except that it appears to not always display the exact worth of everything I own which I think may be due to it excluding something but I don't know what in that case.

26 min later 26384868 Anonymous (WHEN.png 596x615 235kB)

26 min later 26384870 Anonymous (QChad.gif 665x1145 83kB)
i just want to trigger the shills hi

27 min later 26384891 Anonymous
I can't believe this bloody coin sometimes... Life was something else at the 70c mark!

28 min later 26384956 Anonymous
>>26384891 wew lad

29 min later 26384974 Anonymous
>>26384891 you would have enjoyed the $4 mark

30 min later 26385021 Anonymous
>>26383978 Thats the special thing about the xrp community. so many people say that they want to help others and lift others up. That attitude alone pulls me deeper into XRP.

31 min later 26385071 Anonymous
I haven’t regularly checked XSG in like a week. Sup guys? Y’all still bullish right? I know I am

32 min later 26385107 Anonymous
>>26385021 Has there ever been such a community here on /biz/?, where most people just want to help others through this muddy chapter of our era?

33 min later 26385153 Anonymous
>>26383740 so when is this reddit shitcoin spam going to stop?

35 min later 26385251 Anonymous (31B12FA1-AD94-422A-A13A-EE5B18B23724.jpg 1285x1212 165kB)
>>26384891 Compare it btc and others that rose similarly at the same time but stayed up, xrp dropped from the lawsuit, so once confidence is restored it should go back up. It’s buying season for xrp.

36 min later 26385272 Anonymous
>>26385071 Am honestly jealous anon, whyd u come back?

37 min later 26385324 Anonymous
>>26385153 It's one thread.

39 min later 26385399 Anonymous
>>26385153 This isnt a prq thread anon

40 min later 26385443 Anonymous
>>26384385 i used my regular metamask wallet yeah. i know it's less secure than making a new one but meh

40 min later 26385463 Anonymous
>>26383978 ygmi fren

40 min later 26385467 Anonymous
>>26383978 Haha, I know the feeling. The thought of that ACTUALLY happening really is overwhelming. >>26385021 >>26385107 Yeah, that's where the disconnect with biz comes in. Got into it with someone on here a week or so ago, dudebro-ing me about "why don't you want to make money and invest in ETH?" Some don't get it, and don't stick around here long. But a lot of us do get it.

42 min later 26385557 Anonymous
>>26385324 >one thread >#568 kek but seriously, hes probably trying to get his little microcap thread going and we're bumping this one with mundane posts.

44 min later 26385609 Anonymous
>>26385467 That's why the schizo label works so well, it attracts people that looked beyond the veil and understand that the only path forward it's humanity itself.

44 min later 26385616 Anonymous (1611000178421.png 1080x1080 1400kB)
Calling all schizos to join /ourcoin/ and leave this psy-op coin for the birds.

46 min later 26385692 Anonymous
If there is a forced buy back, how would you protect against it?

47 min later 26385739 Anonymous
never trust a bros poster

48 min later 26385786 Anonymous (20210122_190453.jpg 2142x2672 2578kB)
>>26385443 yeah I'm just gonna use the one on my ledger I think. I got some eth on there but I can never seem to move any of it, I always get stuck cuz of some gas fee shit.

48 min later 26385802 Anonymous
>>26385692 Best you can do is have it in a wallet. They'll likely force exchanges to cash you out first. Directly on the ledger will be institutional investors and others, so your odds will be better mixed in with them.

53 min later 26386021 Anonymous
>>26385272 Cuz this is home. I’m living on Twitter currently but XSG is where I grew up, since primordial XSG. It just isn’t the same and no real research goes on here anymore. Sadly the retards on Twitter are better for news/research right now. That can always change and you’re all still my brothers. WAGMI soon. Christ is King

55 min later 26386067 Anonymous
tldr; is XRP getting adopted by big gov after being cucked? is that what you crazy fucks expect? it's .27 a coin right now lol!

55 min later 26386078 Anonymous
>>26386021 Based af. Amen anon, glad you came to check on us retards

56 min later 26386115 Anonymous
>>26386067 You’re brown

57 min later 26386136 Anonymous (1611351567210.jpg 820x1024 223kB)

57 min later 26386143 Anonymous
>>26385692 that would kinda fuck Flare over so I don't see it happening. if it was some kind of one-time offer I'd probably give up part of my stack and then put the rest into Flare/Flare Finance

57 min later 26386146 Anonymous (milin.jpg 654x421 61kB)
>>26384524 >tfw you are gonna spend 3 percent of your wealth on Berserk statues

58 min later 26386183 Anonymous

59 min later 26386207 Anonymous (1610938181979.png 1024x1024 916kB)
>>26386067 yes

1 hours later 26386271 Anonymous
How does brave rewards work? The longer I read an ad the more I get per ad?

1 hours later 26386277 Anonymous (file.png 426x162 8kB)

1 hours later 26386314 Anonymous
>>26386277 have fun getting banned for false reports

1 hours later 26386327 Anonymous
>>26386277 That ID reads like something you'd find in a demonology book lmao

1 hours later 26386420 Anonymous
>>26386067 lol no now go away

1 hours later 26386503 Anonymous (xrpee.jpg 1920x1356 482kB)
>>26386207 REMOVE MEDS

1 hours later 26386582 Anonymous (EsX3Z9xUUAA0zvK.jpg 1125x743 199kB)

1 hours later 26386612 Anonymous
Hey frens What's this about a 33mil anon? Can somebody help a fren out and give some sort of summary? ty.

1 hours later 26386662 Anonymous
>>26386612 Lol I just saw that on Twitter too. Went back a few XSG’s. Funny, I just made a post saying I haven’t checked XSG much, maybe I need to stay home!

1 hours later 26386804 Anonymous
>>26386662 >>26340401

1 hours later 26386877 Anonymous
>>26383978 Yeah, it would feel unreal. I would probably give a chunk to the local charities that I've been working with.

1 hours later 26386919 Anonymous
where do i buy xrp

1 hours later 26386938 Anonymous (1548207179678.jpg 700x700 157kB)
what if i told you America as we knew it didn't exist ( ̄ω ̄;)

1 hours later 26386944 Anonymous
>>26385692 >forced buy back How are they going to enforce that? They could barely do it with gold.

1 hours later 26386972 Anonymous
>>26386919 I'm kind of a normie on exchanges but I use Kraken.

1 hours later 26386999 Anonymous
>>26383740 XRP the absolute motherfucking standard

1 hours later 26387005 Anonymous
>>26383972 lmao guess you better buy some litecoin

1 hours later 26387023 Anonymous (1606089262422.png 680x950 863kB)
>>26386999 holy checked

1 hours later 26387107 Anonymous (1610298943720.jpg 736x721 76kB)
>>26386999 $2K EOY CONFIRMED

1 hours later 26387130 Anonymous (1610020316027.jpg 713x921 137kB)
>>26387005 unironically might not be a bad idea. its integration with Flare is going to increase its value and the fact that its price is low means it's mostly shielded from any market corrections that might be incoming as a result of regulations or the Tether lawsuit. also, for some reason I see stickers up for LTC at coffeeshops/weed dispensaries/crypto ATMs, it seems like it has focused on adoption. Call me crazy but I think LTC might be a decent buy if you have extra cash and are looking at a longer timeframe. Then again, I am speaking out of ignorance, please feel free to correct me if that's not true

1 hours later 26387155 Anonymous
>>26386327 lmao

1 hours later 26387181 Anonymous (9F7ECE6A-96D9-4883-BB44-06D985A5848A.png 750x1334 2478kB)
Where’s my #YellenGang at? https://twitter.com/marketplace/sta tus/1352386787700781058?s=21

1 hours later 26387184 Anonymous
>>26387130 how do i convert my xrp into flare

1 hours later 26387328 Anonymous
>>26387181 Gigacringe, and yellen did not fix the housing crisis

1 hours later 26387477 Anonymous (d90.jpg 482x427 76kB)
It's just hit me hard tonight... These psychopaths are never going to let me leave my home again, are they? These lockdowns are going to be permanent.

1 hours later 26387550 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-01-22 at 10.10.31 AM.png 1366x768 284kB)
so, I've been doing some reading on Bancor and Multilateral Clearing, the systems proposed by Keynes and Schumacher at Bretton-Woods in 1945, the conference which established the international economic system as we know it today. Some people think that XRP will be a supranational currency similar to Bancor. The BIS's announcement about an international CBDC settlement platform today lends that some credence, because CBDCs will need a bridge currency and XRP was pretty much designed for that purpose. https://www.coindesk.com/bis-plans- platform-for-testing-central-bank-d igital-currencies-in-cross-border-p ayments Schumacher proposed a system called "multilateral clearing" where there would be a kind of central authority dealing with imports and exports and deficits/surpluses, which each country would pay in their native currency, pegged to exchange rates. https://sora.one/hi/posts/multilate ral-clearing Reading this made me think about Ripplenet, where payment rails are established between currencies and liquidity pools held in the center in a neutral bridge asset (XRP) allow payments and transfers to be settled near-instantaneously. I might be crazy, but i think we might be seeing the system starting to go live- the BIS's announcement today essentially formalizes what us schizos (and the weirder parts of the XRP community in general) have been saying for a while now: XRP is the standard. Perhaps this won't be led by the IMF, but the BIS- the central bank of central banks.

1 hours later 26387552 Anonymous
>>26386944 I don’t know, I didn’t say it was going to happen. Just if. I’d like to protect what I have and cash out at a higher price if such a thing were to happen.

1 hours later 26387558 Anonymous
>>26387477 you have been warned for weeks to leave the US

1 hours later 26387565 Anonymous
>>26386999 Trips of truth, checked.

1 hours later 26387579 Anonymous
>>26386804 Thanks fren

1 hours later 26387658 Anonymous
>>26387550 They made their own coin & it’s gonna eat XRP’s lunch. We’re fucked bros

1 hours later 26387714 Anonymous
Anyone else find it hilarious that Ripple and Tether trial are both on Feb 22? What did they mean by this...

1 hours later 26387793 Anonymous
Threadly reminder Aliens will come and finish syphoning off the gold. They will give us new technologies to further enslave us. Xrp will be declared 200000000000000 eoy. Only those with at least 20 xrp will make it and transcend to the upper realm with the ayyys

1 hours later 26387800 Anonymous
>>26387658 Nah XRP is public n open source, so theres a level of trust on XRPL from all different countires due to conflict of interest Ripples been working for years building bridges n connections, and getting regulatory clarity soon, thats opportunity cost if someone wants to build another xrp they have to go through all these again XRP is good to be used right now, today, tested, proven, ready to go just my 2 xrpees

1 hours later 26387814 Anonymous
>>26387477 when xrp moons, i'm giving my family the option to leave with me to (undisclosed country)

1 hours later 26387825 Anonymous
>>26387793 Retweet

1 hours later 26387843 Anonymous
>>26387714 means they will crash BTC n the rest of the shit coins and XRP will literally rise from the ashes the day xrp moons it will make us look like geniuses but only we know what it takes to actually hold this shit for so long

1 hours later 26387870 Anonymous
>>26385021 >xrp community Jesus fuck leave.

1 hours later 26387889 Anonymous
>>26387793 I don't wanna go to the realm of ayyys.

1 hours later 26387893 Anonymous
>>26387793 Aliens are not real Only thing real is Jesus and his kingdom

1 hours later 26387910 Anonymous
>>26387793 >>26387793 6$ ticket to the citadel

1 hours later 26387929 Anonymous
>>26387793 I can confirm that this will happen

1 hours later 26388024 Anonymous
>>26387558 I'm not in the US

1 hours later 26388159 Anonymous
>>26386804 I actually believe this thread. WAGMI

1 hours later 26388237 Anonymous (1554947806430.jpg 2048x1193 334kB)

1 hours later 26388249 Anonymous
>>26386919 Uphold

1 hours later 26388252 Anonymous
what is the amount needed to officially make it? i only have 500

1 hours later 26388317 Anonymous
>>26387843 You’ve left quite a bit out. Btc and others will crash. Xrp will moon hard, but it’ll do so in relation to hyperinflation. Meaning everyone will be poor. And institutional wealth will be preserved via xrp.

1 hours later 26388340 Anonymous (1606390817978.jpg 960x640 69kB)
>>26387184 wait a month or two and then buy FLR on an exchange New Darren Moore video is good, he makes some interesting predictions about the role of digital assets in the coming economy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCg iEd9iZ6k

1 hours later 26388356 Anonymous
>>26387893 I don't even think space as we know it is real. Anyone hoping to use their xerpies to live on mars is going to be disappointed. You should just buy a small village and make your own outer heaven

1 hours later 26388374 Anonymous
>>26387793 Q predicted thsi

1 hours later 26388401 Anonymous
>>26388252 How does 1 Million dollars (before taxes) sound?

2 hours later 26388434 Anonymous
>>26388401 So $10,000? That’s pretty good

2 hours later 26388442 Anonymous
Breaking News guys! You can now use your xrp "the standard" to buy porn on pornhub! Wow!

2 hours later 26388443 Anonymous
>>26388252 we used to say 500-1000 but now everyone wants 5k-10k xerps.

2 hours later 26388469 Anonymous
>>26388442 this is the moment we've been waiting for unironically

2 hours later 26388500 Anonymous (robinette.jpg 1024x1024 676kB)
>>26388434 kek. Thank you based Biden, we didn't need to make it anyways

2 hours later 26388541 Anonymous
>>26388443 I'm at 2k xrpies, depending on what happens with the coming days ahead I'll act accordingly, but I want 5k to be safe. Enough to give 20$ to my parents so they can enjoy the rest of their lives, and help those that need it, while pursuing a degree in something. I like to think 2k is enough to make it.

2 hours later 26388581 Anonymous
>>26388541 20%*

2 hours later 26388582 Anonymous (Ape escape.jpg 2016x1512 631kB)
>>26388541 >Enough to give 20$ to my parents so they can enjoy the rest of their lives Based frugal boomers

2 hours later 26388621 Anonymous
>>26388582 My sides blasted off.

2 hours later 26388635 Anonymous
>>26388541 Make sure you have enough fiat to buy Spark/flare tokens when they come out, especially if you missed the snapshot. Even if we never hit 2k xrp Flare Net and Flare Fin will let us make it.

2 hours later 26388658 Anonymous (1611348926511.png 1538x312 755kB)
anon who posted this in the last thread >>26379971 where is this image from?

2 hours later 26388665 Anonymous
>>26388442 Pornhub banned non check marks and also accepts dogecoin. You don’t think the government is secretly planning on making dogecoin the standard™ do you?

2 hours later 26388686 Anonymous
>>26388635 Yeah, I'm holding around $2k to spend on tokens when they come out, we are definitely going to make it

2 hours later 26388719 Anonymous
>>26388541 >$20 After inflation that should be enough for them to get an icecream cone at McDonald’s

2 hours later 26388720 Anonymous
>>26388635 Has there been any guesses as to how long flare is going to be cheap enough to match our XRPees? I'm gonna need a bit of time to match the numbers

2 hours later 26388793 Anonymous
>>26388720 >match Why do they have to match?

2 hours later 26388801 Anonymous
>>26388541 hahahah $20.... fuck my dad he can have 5$

2 hours later 26388869 Anonymous
tetragon lawsuit forces no further sales of xrp from ripple. ODL corridors dry up as most exchanges are shut down. imf whales move in and buy out remaining exchanges books. no more xrp to be found bc no one selling and no access to sell. market freezes and appears dead as WEF announces cbdc's next week. UK done end of month CN/CP done feb, US corridor comes in March (SEC negotited transfer of ripple escrow to imf./bis) along with Market collapse to create causality this dominoes to EMEA eurozone and IMF/BIS steps in to bail everyone out. buy back of outstanding xrp at premium moon price announced.

2 hours later 26388885 Anonymous
>>26388658 Not that Anon but it was a FUD image for Link back in day when people used to say Pajeets were shilling Link to PnD it. Link OG here bought in at $0.17

2 hours later 26388907 Anonymous
>>26388665 >40 There can only be one "THE DELISTED STANDARD" XRP

2 hours later 26388936 Anonymous (B78DE4BC-A619-4D90-8509-C09BD482E4D5.png 1668x2388 620kB)
>>26388869 Xrp is still for sale. I can buy it right now if I want.

2 hours later 26388938 Anonymous
>>26388635 How many tokens were awarded on December 12th Airdrop?

2 hours later 26388986 Anonymous
>>26388869 OMG... It all makes sense now! THE STANDARD

2 hours later 26389035 Anonymous
>>26388938 They distributed flare at a 1:1.0073 ratio of xrp to flare

2 hours later 26389075 Anonymous
>>26389035 Damn, lucky to those that were there. Thank you!

2 hours later 26389097 Anonymous
>>26388869 >he thinks I'm going to sell all my ripple at a premium

2 hours later 26389117 Anonymous
>>26387477 It'll be until corona is manageable/kill. It's the equivalent of a nation taking it's meds.

2 hours later 26389167 Anonymous
>>26387793 I want to drink tea with the ayyys.

2 hours later 26389190 Anonymous

2 hours later 26389488 Anonymous
>>26389190 Youre brown

2 hours later 26389597 Anonymous
>>26389190 Remember those episodes in The Walking Dead when they disguise themselves as walkers in order to not be detected? That's me in this video.

2 hours later 26389647 Anonymous (1593650202790.jpg 960x1540 434kB)
>>26387550 >>26387800

2 hours later 26389649 Anonymous
>>26388885 is it true all link OGs have moved to The Standard?

2 hours later 26389707 Anonymous (1591393909486.png 755x708 295kB)

2 hours later 26389819 Anonymous
>>26388793 Because you want as much flare as xrp

2 hours later 26389930 Anonymous
>>26389819 Not necessarily true. There are reports you won't need as much FLR to put XRP to use, but no one knows exact numbers. That's my understanding anyway.

2 hours later 26390024 Anonymous
>>26389930 2.5x XRP to 1 FLR is the ratio they have mentioned in the past

2 hours later 26390119 Anonymous
>>26389930 It's just the rule of thumb I've seen so far. Just like 80/20 XRP to XLM. Although I don't follow that one as much since if I have extra cash it goes to xrp. if the snapshot thing was almost 1:1 I'd assume it's right

2 hours later 26390156 Anonymous (1558044322294.jpg 532x532 34kB)

2 hours later 26390163 Anonymous
>>26389649 Some/many.

2 hours later 26390295 Anonymous
>>26388317 This is my worst nightmare. I now have $50m in xrp, lol the house I want to buy is $75B now

2 hours later 26390346 Anonymous (20210122_184630.jpg 1170x1363 150kB)
Found this on Twitter, but I don't understand what they mean about the buy back

2 hours later 26390348 Anonymous (pull.jpg 225x225 10kB)
So I thought today was going to have some news or something good.. but it felt like.. nothing...

2 hours later 26390362 Anonymous
>>26387893 >he doesn’t know extra terrestrials and gods are the same thing

2 hours later 26390383 Anonymous
>>26389649 I don't know but I have. Still have Link though.

2 hours later 26390430 Anonymous
>>26390383 really fucking based. heavy heavy hitter. this really scares the shills.

2 hours later 26390432 Anonymous
>>26388317 not so much though, because it will still be valuable in spite of inflation There's not enough XRP to hold all the wealth and debt in the world, so it will still be very valuable in spite of inflation

2 hours later 26390441 Anonymous (glowing skeleton walking against the crowd.gif 450x450 3097kB)
>>26388885 ((something)) tells me that it's not fud but a real service and I want to know who my competitors are :^)

2 hours later 26390450 Anonymous
>>26390295 The alternative is >you have 0 dollars/xrp except UBI, you need to take out a micro loan to afford the bug paste with flavor as opposed to the standard unflavored. Lithium in the drinking water prevents you from committing suicide.

2 hours later 26390494 Anonymous
>>26390441 hello glowie fren

2 hours later 26390525 Anonymous (GUTS_ARMORED.gif 123x132 38kB)

2 hours later 26390623 Anonymous
my hot take is this is going to be like 2008, maybe a little worse a translation of wealth, money passing from one set of hands to another which was the same as 08, but no wealth is lost so it's not going to be a hyperinflation issue I think, it's still going to be very valuable as its not enough coins to do a lot of things (odl corridors, and store of value)

2 hours later 26390727 Anonymous (96F12EE9-B8FA-4136-BF1F-EF1F0E547EB1.jpg 973x632 154kB)
>>26390623 >which was the same as 08, but no wealth is lost >so it's not going to be a hyperinflation issue I think this fren. been thinking this for a while.

2 hours later 26390814 Anonymous (EsI74UCXMAIgfvX[1].jpg 726x697 54kB)
Anyone wanna take a stab on what Mr. Pool meant by this?

3 hours later 26390900 Anonymous (angy.jpg 1833x1257 2356kB)
>>26390814 They all appear to be unarmed. I can't tell if the furthest 2 to the right are also soldiers or if they're some sort of zombie thing. Hell I don't even know why I assume these are soldiers when I stare for awhile

3 hours later 26390914 Anonymous
Can you get a DUI if you take a Tesla self-driving car home drunk as shit?

3 hours later 26390981 Anonymous (59BC53BD-DC79-4B7F-AA53-B5B5140B6466.jpg 1365x709 226kB)

3 hours later 26390985 Anonymous
>>26390450 I have well water. The only thing standing between me and suicide is my thinning strength of will

3 hours later 26390999 Anonymous
>>26390814 Looks like me and Sir Auron are about to be taken to Besaid Island by sin. Sucks though see your ghosts in a 1000 years when I bang Yuna on the hill. "This is my story" as i climax.

3 hours later 26391030 Anonymous
>>26386136 Ahhhh

3 hours later 26391060 Anonymous
>>26390900 Kinda does look like soldiers. >>26390999 Umm reluctant check. Can anybody figure this out?

3 hours later 26391114 Anonymous (1506503985569.png 1920x1200 3041kB)
>>26390999 based, checked, and Spirapilled

3 hours later 26391138 Anonymous (og-image-coconut-crab.jpg 700x372 49kB)
>>26390348 BIS's announcement about the CBDC platform is a good thing. too bad we are still BIG CRABBIN >>26390346 oh yeah, that @brotherXOS guy is good, seems like he's got his head on straight. relatively speaking >>26389647 if you are calling me a retard you are 1000% correct i'mfucking dumn as shit >>26389190 this is a new and improved version? impressive >>26388869 eenteresting

3 hours later 26391140 Anonymous
>>26391060 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytu WVn8XOLU

3 hours later 26391203 Anonymous
>hold for tree years >make no money Best coin on the market.

3 hours later 26391219 Anonymous
>>26388869 Tetragon's the lawsuit nobody has really talked about. I thought it was weird that a founding partner would sue Ripple. you just gave me a piece of the puzzle, thank you, whoever you are

3 hours later 26391246 Anonymous
>>26388658 that was me, it was posted in a Rubic thread yesterday evening

3 hours later 26391313 Anonymous
>>26390914 I'd imagine so

3 hours later 26391316 Anonymous
>>26390914 >will the law/government follow logic and be nice to me No

3 hours later 26391336 Anonymous
>>26391301 >/pol/304524813

3 hours later 26391341 Anonymous (crabtime.gif 600x338 2485kB)
>>26391138 did you say Crabbin'?

3 hours later 26391348 Anonymous
>>26391219 its looking more and more like that guy who claimed the april date from the simpsons scene was legit

3 hours later 26391349 Anonymous
>>26391336 >>/pol/304524813 ?

3 hours later 26391360 Anonymous
>>26390900 They look like zombies because it's a zombie stock photo. Does that mean zombies will usher in the standard? Only time will tell.

3 hours later 26391369 Anonymous
>>26391203 >not buying the bigg dip

3 hours later 26391380 Anonymous
>>26391336 >>/pol/304524813

3 hours later 26391389 Anonymous (1558030886097.gif 500x418 979kB)
>>26391349 officially a retard yay

3 hours later 26391416 Anonymous
>>26391301 >>26391336 >>26391349 Stop being so fucking new. It's embarrassing.

3 hours later 26391426 Anonymous (bullish.jpg 600x718 218kB)
>>26391360 if they are all zombies, I assume it means that normies and unwashed masses will soon swarm to XRP but it'll be too late

3 hours later 26391437 Anonymous
>>26391349 some anon just posted a broken link and then quickly deleted his post. i was intrigued so i'm trying to post it so i can click it and find out what he was trying to link us to. doesn't seem like anything. hmm. maaan i need to get a fucking life. i was supposed to go on a date with a cute hippy chick tonight but she flaked. i'm in a rut.

3 hours later 26391473 Anonymous
>>26391437 https://i.4cdn.org/pol/161136530778 9.webm

3 hours later 26391481 Anonymous
>>26391416 look at mr elite 4chan ninja over here. do you put "elite forums poster" on your CV?

3 hours later 26391491 Anonymous
>>26391426 Huh didn't think of that, the light could be a flare and they're rushing to it maybe?

3 hours later 26391606 Anonymous
>>26391473 call me crazy but that doesn't look like the oval office i'm familiar with?

3 hours later 26391610 Anonymous (kaz 2.jpg 944x616 205kB)
>>26391491 >the light could be a flare SHEEEEEEEEEIT

3 hours later 26391705 Anonymous
>>26390914 I read something about this year's ago, so maybe it's changed. The autopilot is sort of a "driver assist aid", with the expectation you are alert to take the wheel if needed. So no sleeping, reading or, honestly, gooning on /gif/

3 hours later 26391707 Anonymous
>>26390999 Laughed and checked

3 hours later 26391716 Anonymous
>>26391606 what. lol thats the oval office my dude. you need to get off this website man

3 hours later 26391741 Anonymous
>>26391606 I think your focus should be more on the rigidly still, wax-like Biden

3 hours later 26391794 Anonymous
>>26390346 If that would of occurred, i wonder what the buy back price would be.

3 hours later 26391819 Anonymous
>>26391716 Lol are you sure the ayyys and the pedos aren't just riding flying pigs into a secret death star? BIDEN MOONING XRP CONFIRMED.

3 hours later 26392015 Anonymous
>>26391794 $2k+

3 hours later 26392039 Anonymous
>>26384362 S not X. Bluetooth capability may not be an attack vector in 2021, but the MO of security is preventative. Nano S is cheaper and more secure. Also, XRP is an absolute fucking shitcoin and I urge you to at least ALSO buy something like LINK, ETH, or XMR

3 hours later 26392188 Anonymous
>>26392039 not your thread brainlet

3 hours later 26392301 Anonymous (1606856930419.png 585x462 51kB)
>>26391138 no I liked what you said

3 hours later 26392314 Anonymous
>>26392188 You’re going to hell for scamming innocent newfags. You were a newfag once too

3 hours later 26392319 Anonymous
>>26387714 Isn’t USDC supposed to go live on stellar around then too?

3 hours later 26392371 Anonymous
>>26392314 yeah yeah, dont kill yourself when we reach 4 digits

3 hours later 26392409 Anonymous (1558045209487.jpg 837x768 224kB)
>>26392314 I don't like you

3 hours later 26392420 Anonymous (DFC05F38-EE4C-4A9C-A2F8-C26759E3C349.jpg 750x1000 113kB)
>>26392371 >t. 2017 LINK ICO fag

3 hours later 26392473 Anonymous
>>26392409 I don’t like you either. Stop scamming redditfugees it’s delaying singularity. Accelerate.

3 hours later 26392703 Anonymous
>tfw got a 4pack of steel reserves for the first time in awhile next year, i'll be sippin on champagne

3 hours later 26392731 Anonymous (1558026958628.jpg 663x783 72kB)
>>26392473 I'll do you one better I'll trade them out of XRP send them my way plz & ty i need BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRR BASAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

4 hours later 26393363 Anonymous (1456845144392.png 1313x1875 1661kB)
This lawsuit is going to take years isn't it? I don't care about meme dates much but this could take a long, long time.

4 hours later 26393527 Anonymous
>>26383740 Guys how do I make a cold wallet for XRP. I'm ultranoob and an aspiring schitzo.

4 hours later 26393692 Anonymous
>>26393363 Probably

4 hours later 26393847 Anonymous
>>26390814 people without XRP running to the light. ONLY POSSIBILITY it's an explosion because it's switched flipped so so aggresively

4 hours later 26393896 Anonymous
>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads: https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1659 5583 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1726 6853 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1791 4598 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1810 2776 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1841 7446 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1928 3439 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1991 9081 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1998 0410 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2009 8041 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2042 9829 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2072 0991 Why include this when the premise was trump backing XRP to gold prior to the Nov election?

4 hours later 26393942 Anonymous
>>26393896 Autists screech if it's not included and the latest 2020 calendar goalposts carry through until the end of February.

4 hours later 26393983 Anonymous
>>26393527 https://bithomp.com/wallets/paper If you trust a random anon

4 hours later 26394054 Anonymous
>>26386146 Cringe and ngmi-pilled.

4 hours later 26394088 Anonymous
>>26390295 u the only smart one here

4 hours later 26394204 Anonymous
>>26393983 If an anon seriously wants to steal my 20 xrp thats fine by me.

4 hours later 26394294 Anonymous (wefb.jpg 3024x4032 1680kB)
>>26391219 many small strings in proper time and tempo make the webs we all fall upon

4 hours later 26394611 Anonymous
>>26394204 >my 20xrp kek, please tell me you are talking about the reserve

4 hours later 26394638 Anonymous
>>26383978 don’t give your shit away, establish a fair finance system with your wealth that plebs can use free of usury

4 hours later 26394713 Anonymous
>>26394294 is there a good place to be while you wait for things to sort itself out? still picking a good country to wait out the storm or if i just stay and buy supplies

4 hours later 26394790 Anonymous
>>26393896 nov 20

4 hours later 26394921 Anonymous (1609663113829.jpg 2048x1536 342kB)
music to calm the nerves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGT xqhSN8bE 2k is real, patience is key

4 hours later 26394954 Anonymous (1609842719466.jpg 736x570 136kB)
>>26392703 i was thinking of getting drunk out of loneliness and boredom but i realized that it's unhealthy to use alcohol as a coping mechanism so went for a quick jog and feel better. i haven't had a drink in 2021 yet, i just realized. maybe i'll keep that going. fuck it. just decided: i'm not going to have a single drink of alcohol until XRP breaks $1.00. (i learned something about my psychology just now, as well: as soon as i typed that, i had an intense urge to go to the store and get a beer. hmm.)

5 hours later 26395175 Anonymous
Where can I still buy XRP? I'm in the US.

5 hours later 26395208 Anonymous
>>26395175 uphold. someone should mention this in the OP

5 hours later 26395257 Anonymous
>>26395175 kraken or uphold kraken has some dumb system to deposit fiat uphold won't let you transfer it off for 65 days if you link it with your bank account so use a debit/credit card to buy it if on uphold

5 hours later 26395271 Anonymous
>>26395208 don't spoonfeed

5 hours later 26395455 Anonymous (painting girl tiptoeing on endless grassy ridge.jpg 554x723 103kB)
>>26394921 baste and tonnepilled, very good trance inducing music

5 hours later 26395682 Anonymous
>>26395257 >65 days Holy fuck, is that true? I have uphold but it doesn't have my bank, just gonna send my xrpies from coinbase to there, if it's really 65 days of waiting if you use a bank, that's crazy.

5 hours later 26395689 Anonymous
anyone has info on the amount increased of xrp wallets since november?

5 hours later 26395841 Anonymous
>>26394638 i only have 9k so my head would explode. id probably buy a house and let like one or two friends live with me for a nominal rate. >>26384362 just use exodus from a dedicated linux partition or VM. can still paper/metal your backup. >>26385616 fuck off kike >>26388541 even if i only 10x my money that is still good enough to start making more lucrative big boy trades.

5 hours later 26395856 Anonymous
>>26395455 just came across him tonight after not listening to much music for the past year due to kind of music fatigue it's made me realize i need to listen to more classical guitar >>26395682 yeah, it's pretty insane, use a card if you can, but for whatever reason when i try and use my card it never gets added probably gonna have to contact support

5 hours later 26395972 Anonymous
>>26395856 Same, my shit bank just locks the account and I have to give them a call for them to unlock it. Tried it the first time, didn't went trough, stopped trying. After I deposit my USDC from coinbase I'll buy more xrpies, because that seems to be the only way for me to buy them at the moment.

5 hours later 26396047 Anonymous
god i came across an indian who said he was living in switzerland can you imagine those brown limbs touching that beautiful land so fucking gross

5 hours later 26396089 Anonymous
>>26396047 kek

5 hours later 26396132 Anonymous
>>26396047 Browns love Switzerland, you go look at those videos of the swiss country side on instagram and all the comments are in gross bug languages. Makes me physically ill.

5 hours later 26396399 Anonymous

5 hours later 26396458 Anonymous
>>26395972 yeah, i'll probably end up going that route >>26396047 would love to visit there since both of my grandma's parents (dads side) came from there in the early 1900s, and the town i grew up in had a lot of swiss heritage i'm some kind of (1% jewish), irish, swiss, and probably some kind of canadian mutt though so i won't stay long before retiring to some cold place with nice summers

5 hours later 26396827 Anonymous
>Everyone going up but XRP How long until this SEC bullshit is over?

6 hours later 26396895 Anonymous
>>26396827 sooner than you think but longer then your patience has time for

6 hours later 26396957 Anonymous
>>26394638 >free of usury That’s pretty anti Semitic of you anon

6 hours later 26396985 Anonymous
>>26396458 As long as you're not brown that's OK with me

6 hours later 26397026 Anonymous
>>26395175 >Buy crypto >send it off exchange, to one that lists xrp >convert >????? >XRP

6 hours later 26397042 Anonymous
>>26383978 Im gonna buy a miata

6 hours later 26397187 Anonymous
post yfw when GME inevitably hits 4 figures before XRP

6 hours later 26397336 Anonymous
>>26387800 Checked, and you meant your 0.000005 xrpees because XRP 2K EOY

6 hours later 26397337 Anonymous
>>26383740 Big soulja is trying to buy XRP rn. Maybe he can help us pump it up after the sec case

6 hours later 26397360 Anonymous
>>26397187 Enjin is already a gaming currency whitelisted and approved for usage in japan. Gme is too late.

6 hours later 26397396 Anonymous
these low iq twitters are useful idiots to keep people away in that reasoning i'm low iq and a schizophrenic those two are not mutually exclusive

6 hours later 26397438 Anonymous
>>26386136 noooooo

6 hours later 26397464 Anonymous
>>26397187 I hold alot of gme. Gonna put all my gains into xrp

6 hours later 26397655 Anonymous
>>26397187 i have sell order for 1500

6 hours later 26397758 Anonymous
so when will the lawsuit be concluded?

6 hours later 26397905 Anonymous
>>26397758 Nobody knows, the court date is feb 22, chances are they will settle before, but no one truly knows, just hodl if you have XRP. We're at the finish line

6 hours later 26397916 Anonymous
>>26397905 how are their chances of winning

6 hours later 26397992 Anonymous
>>26397916 Very high. Ask yourself, why would the SEC wait 8 years to sue, and why is the SEC the only reg. body that says XRP is a security. The UK and Japan were clear that it is not. At this point, if you DYOR, you would know we're in a good spot, but no one can tell you the outcome 100%, that's part of the risk. If you don't hold any other coins, I would suggest to diversify but make sure that XRP is your biggest bag.

6 hours later 26398133 Anonymous
tfw i wont be able to claim spark tokens because i only learned about xrp this month... am i still gonna make it ?

6 hours later 26398151 Anonymous
>>26397992 why did they even file a case to begin with

6 hours later 26398152 Anonymous
>>26397916 go back to 2014 and ask yourself "do you think bitcoin could actually be worth more than it is now? there's so much fud around it i just don't see a future in it"

6 hours later 26398192 Anonymous
>>26398133 Have a stash ready to buy spark when it list

6 hours later 26398216 Anonymous (1610004360437.jpg 1673x3517 2655kB)
>>26398151 Their motives? If I knew I wouldn't be on 4chan lol. The reason why they sued them was because they alleged they sold an unregistered security in XRP. Imo its bullshit, just like when the SEC sues Tesla and Amazon. But like I said, DYOR, don't listen to me, or strangers or riddlers. DYOR and figure it out yourself if its a good investment.

6 hours later 26398240 Anonymous
>>26398151 >cuz trump's guy Clayton is a faQQot

6 hours later 26398271 Anonymous (goalpostmoved.jpg 740x593 92kB)
Cugs moved the goal post to April.

6 hours later 26398307 Anonymous
>>26398151 Someone said it best, I dont remember who it was but they said that if Ripple was truly a scam, it's the most elaborate scam since Bernie Maddoff, just go take a look at their board of directors and leadership roles. People are leaving the most comfy jobs to go with Ripple, never follow what the masses say, DYOR and make up your own decisions fren >>26398271 >Cugs moved the goal post to April. It was always April if you follow his little "game". Anyways dont take these riddlers at face value man, no one truly knows the date.

6 hours later 26398325 Anonymous
>>26398271 He also said digiYuan end of this month One bank note every month til April? April = 04 = 2020 from his stupid 'XRP 2020 phrase'

6 hours later 26398339 Anonymous
It's a sign guys, forget about mooning, flare is gonna be giant and go intergalactic at warp speed

6 hours later 26398352 29K Xerpies
>>26398271 I guess its always been april, add up 2020. Hes always saying it happens in "2020" aka 4. Cus we now know that masons just add shit up and do basic math.

6 hours later 26398360 Anonymous
>>26398271 lines up with my plans extremely well

6 hours later 26398370 Anonymous (IMG_20210123_160747.jpg 1080x1160 228kB)
>>26398339 Forgot pic

6 hours later 26398401 Anonymous
>>26398325 Digital Yuan is supposed to be coming in 2022

6 hours later 26398406 Anonymous
what the point of even buying spark if we hold xrp anyway id rather diversify into OTHER outside projects, eggs in one basket not a great plan

6 hours later 26398425 29K Xerpies
>>26398360 Im gonna have surgery and go on disability for about 3 months rn. If it moons while im on disability, I might never have to work again ever. I swear, if I didnt fall out of a tree last summer and get stuck in bed reading PMG and early XSG and been here for the mellon threads and insiders, my life would be completely different. Some things are meant to be.

6 hours later 26398443 Anonymous
>>26398406 Spend 5 minutes reading about what Spark is used for.

6 hours later 26398471 Anonymous
>>26383740 I wish there were more normal and honest people in these threads instead of gematria schizos, fudders, degenerate gamblers, and various ignorant idiots. Why are we so awful?

6 hours later 26398477 Anonymous
>>26398401 My bad Baba mentioned the Pound will go digital EOM.

6 hours later 26398492 Anonymous
>>26398406 >>26398443 Crypto Eri has a new video for people who have no clue what the fuck it's about

6 hours later 26398498 Anonymous (1610057903924.png 1242x1394 1394kB)
>>26398471 Wdym fren, we're all normal here, except with obivous fudders

6 hours later 26398517 Anonymous (tranny alert.webm 286x224 178kB)
>>26398471 >I wish there were more normal people in the SCHIZO general >we

6 hours later 26398529 Anonymous
>>26398406 flare network is the basket.. but go ahead. sell your bags pussy

6 hours later 26398550 Anonymous (BA1D4888-8E72-4BCD-84E2-D49645AF8E54.gif 500x599 1178kB)
>>26388869 ....huh...

6 hours later 26398551 Anonymous
>>26398425 >Anon fell out of a tree, got brain damage, and became a tranny Very sad. Many such cases!

7 hours later 26398584 Anonymous (1602920837377.jpg 526x353 61kB)
>>26386136 Every week is my worst week anon

7 hours later 26398599 Anonymous
>>26398471 >Why are we so awful? Lot of otherwise well-meaning anons are...shellshocked I think from their extended time in the trenches. Think that webm of the XRP bag zombies crawling through hot fire and glowing embers. I personally loathe the riddles. Fucking primadonnas. As far as my personal take on XRP I continue to hold. Mainly a RE guy, waded into Ag, Au, and Pt two years ago and XRP last year. See the argument for XRP being simple: it's cheap [transaction wise], it's fast, and it seems perfect to be the Bancor 2.0 as the world teeters on the precipice of the monetary reset chasm...but that's just me.

7 hours later 26398667 Anonymous (Billie Eilish Suck Guitar.webm 384x480 463kB)
>>26395856 enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_g oHl-GuNk

7 hours later 26398829 29K Xerpies
>>26398551 I love the way Trump speaks. Like an American. Its amazing how normal he is for being a billionaire. I hope I'm eating mcchickens when we make it. Like at least 4 mcchickens a meal. Someone post rhe mcchicken copypasta, it always makes me hungry for mcchickens.

7 hours later 26398878 Anonymous
>>26398829 I'm going KFC.

7 hours later 26398949 Anonymous
>>26388541 >I like to think 2k is enough to make it. From an older anon 'making it' is as liberating as it is terrifying. Why? Once you've 'made' it, you then have to MAKE it matter. It's no longer about paying your mortgage, paying your car note, whatever...you - and you ALONE - are now master of your destiny meaning YOU have to figure out what matters to you. In other words, you have to make it [matter] once you've made it. You can only fuck so many 10/10 pros, eat so many Michelin starred restaurants, or whatever other vices you wish to indulge before you realize the meaning you thought you'd get from these goals/pleasures is meaningless. Many ask: > is [x] enough to make it? Retarded question. Invest however much is prudent for you to invest in a volatile asset and you will then have what you have and what the Lord wills to happen will then happen. But always remember to heed the warnings of those who won the lottery only to have their [lack of] sense of purpose laid bare and if you MUST ask the question of "how much to make it" try to reframe it to, "if I do make it financially, how then do I make it emotionally, spiritually, philosophically" as THIS is where the real variables lie...however much XRP you can accumulate is however much you can accumulate. Don't fret on it. Rather focus on how YOU will define your purpose once your able to be free of the wage-slave wheel and no longer have someone else's purposes shoved up your asshole.

7 hours later 26398966 Anonymous
>>26398425 it's odd how these things play out i'm starting to believe that everything to be is already written to happen, it's all up to whether or not you want to realize it or not >>26398667 i might just be paranoid but i find it hard to listen to anything with lyrics because i feel like it's programming me >>26398829 we really didn't deserve him, but i think his purpose has been served he's the exact same person he was in the 80s and 90s while biden is calling people niggers and the like in congress yet he still gets elected

7 hours later 26398970 29K Xerpies
>>26398878 I got a KFC Taco bell all in one in my city. Fire sauce on tendies washed down with baja blast.... Mmmmmm.... artherosclerosissss...... mmmmmmmm..... Have yet to see a TacoBell/Pizzahut/KFC but i hear those exist and i wanna own one.

7 hours later 26399021 Anonymous (88813939-BEF7-4FB6-9382-262708FBE57E.png 680x670 517kB)
>>26386067 It is exactly what I expect. It is all part of the plan, so I am never selling. Nice try SEC. Alphabet boys will never get me, glowies hate me. I am an ultra schizo chad absolutely immune to mk ultra brainwashing, neurolingustic programing, and 5G radio waves.

7 hours later 26399049 Anonymous
>>26398949 I found my purpose long ago, a purpose not related to wage slaving, and one related to humanity. Thank you for your wisdom though

7 hours later 26399183 Anonymous (73jnkj891bp01.png 1942x1897 1086kB)
>>26393896 How about you shut your goddamn mouth and fuck off. the plan is on schedule.

7 hours later 26399291 Anonymous
>>26399049 I have not and considering the makeup of /xsg/ (24-35 INTP, living meagerly) I would bet most of us haven't either. I'm somewhat jealous of you and yet I'm looking forward to finding what my purpose is. I'm looking forward most to starting a family (anyone else?)

7 hours later 26399410 Anonymous
mfw youtube actually has good music recommendation but only when you aren't logged in and bogged down by all of your past viewing history https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySA _QYVWj9k

7 hours later 26399429 Anonymous
>>26399291 >I'm looking forward most to starting a family That's a purpose, all you need now is to not lose focus and work towards it. I also want a family, one that I can impose my purpose, and make it eternal and universal in the long run.

7 hours later 26399462 Anonymous
>>26399021 Did u think Trump was gonna pull through aswell ?

7 hours later 26399547 Anonymous
>>26399410 Getting some really really good Gerudo Valley vibes at 3 minutes, pretty good link thank you anon.

7 hours later 26399611 Anonymous
>>26398471 >>26398599 Frens

7 hours later 26399620 Anonymous
>>26399429 >That's a purpose, all you need now is to not lose focus and work towards it. I That's an interesting way to look at it anon. My biggest goal with my family is to make them aware of the dangers of this world (globohomo, NWO) and preserve my bloodline.

7 hours later 26399624 Anonymous
>>26398966 Checked Most, if not all songs are programming. Modern day conditioning for the slaves. Depending on the HZ level they are mastered in, it can either cause low-level programming, or a liberating feeling. Go listen to stuff that's mastered at 432hz.

7 hours later 26399644 Anonymous
>>26399620 >>26399620 Immortality.

7 hours later 26399723 Anonymous
>>26398966 >i might just be paranoid but i find it hard to listen to anything with lyrics because i feel like it's programming me I get this, but with everything. Am I schizo? I just want to enjoy something again. Anything.

7 hours later 26399762 Anonymous
>>26399462 libtards are gloating now, but i wonder what their faces are going to look like when trump comes back.

7 hours later 26399782 Anonymous (1610655544780.jpg 512x504 18kB)
when moon

7 hours later 26399815 Anonymous (EB284CBD-8C33-42CF-A9FB-BA9412D8E773.jpg 640x1096 336kB)
>>26399462 I knew from the beginning that Q was a LARP. I held out hope for numerous rumors until the oaths on the Bibles had occurred. Past that point reality became undeniable, Biden is the new commander and chief. This is bullish for XRP, as it is The Great Reset coin and Biden wants to Build Back Better(TM). The BBB rhetoric is used by the figureheads that are working for TGR hosted by the WEF.

7 hours later 26399879 Anonymous (key knife.jpg 650x488 37kB)
>>26399782 When (You) sell and stop posting this

7 hours later 26399902 Anonymous
>>26399762 I believe He'll be pres soon, not because of anything Q related but because THEY get a double-combo of human suffering, trump supporters and Qists are demoralized and terrorized with Biden winning + Beta Leftist NPC's are tormented when Trump 'steals' the presidency and kills 'democracy'.

7 hours later 26399915 Anonymous
>>26399815 Kamala did her oath on what appeared to be a wallet. Surely this is extremely bullish for XRPee

7 hours later 26399948 Anonymous
>>26398966 >because i feel like it's programming me it is, learn to "sleep with one ear open" so to speak >>26399410 this guy is on another level, the aural definition of "take mushrooms bang on drum ward off evil spirits" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx1 ihpoiBlA (btw, there is a 432hz version of Internal Flight on youtube)

7 hours later 26399995 Anonymous
get get get xrp 2k ish lets GOOOOO

7 hours later 26400017 Anonymous
>>26399995 roll

7 hours later 26400028 Anonymous (painting skeleton sitting writing with cigarette lit by death.jpg 748x748 70kB)
>>26399995 ah fack, wonder who got it >>26399999

7 hours later 26400047 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXL 5tCU6HEw Where my shamans and animists that believe in Jesus at

7 hours later 26400057 Anonymous (e49a2bd353805b8a.png 492x771 408kB)
>>26399815 Only thing here is a larp is your dumb ass. fuck off. >>26399902 Trump handed his presidency to the military. the military is in control. what we are witnessing now is a show. a play. the usurper is an actor. playing the part of a president. People will suffer and see what a Biden and democrat leadership really is. then shit will go down. Done in 30. Chekcmate.

7 hours later 26400061 Anonymous (images (61).jpg 624x352 27kB)

7 hours later 26400118 Anonymous
>>26400057 >Done in 30. Right. So what's the new qoomer goalpost? The 30th? 30 months? 30 years? It's bullshit, but I want to be aware of it so I can keep up with the cope.

7 hours later 26400145 Anonymous
New bread for music lovers >>26400126 >>26400126 >>26400126 >>26400126 >>26400126 >>26400126

2.358 0.351