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2021-01-22 10:02 26380299 Anonymous REPENT NOW OR LOSE EVERYTHING (169FF28C-FBFE-4A4D-9F17-599EAD411E6B.jpg 1080x634 64kB)

1 min later 26380371 Anonymous
How the fuck is he posting from tomorrow

2 min later 26380448 Anonymous
>still can't sign a transaction Who the fuck is still taking this guy seriously?

2 min later 26380456 Anonymous
>>26380371 Australia? Japan? What time is it o'er der?

3 min later 26380474 Anonymous (1611028609114.jpg 489x530 66kB)
>>26380371 Fug

4 min later 26380557 Anonymous (1581776371924.png 1051x805 798kB)
>>26380299 checked and genuinely feel bad for this mentally unstable dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29T X4GJyCCY

4 min later 26380572 Anonymous (12341241241241234234.jpg 300x230 22kB)
>>26380299 Checked and repentpilled.

7 min later 26380727 Anonymous (1594576439851.jpg 1024x569 126kB)
>I remember reading it when I wrote it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKb PNFUHLYM

8 min later 26380756 Anonymous
>>26380299 cringe

8 min later 26380787 Anonymous
>>26380299 holy shit indeed someone needs to put him down for his own good

9 min later 26380794 Anonymous (1579532812637.jpg 576x506 29kB)
The day of stiffening is approaching. Lord Savior Craig.

9 min later 26380820 Anonymous
>>26380299 He's a real modern-day cringelord

11 min later 26380948 Anonymous
>>26380299 I swear to god this faggot is the cwc of crypto, and bsv is his sonichu.

19 min later 26381273 Anonymous
>>26380299 this >>26381160

29 min later 26381739 Anonymous
>>26380371 >he doesn't know Creg can travel with his Vishnu through time

31 min later 26381831 Anonymous
>>26381739 Ok here's the crypto clear pill. Craig Wright is unironically a time traveller larping as Satoshi. Truth is, in his future timeline they never discovered who Satoshi originally was. But the AI that lived in the blockchain evolved to the point of singularity by late 2020. It discovered time travel by 2025, and only the largest miners were able to afford the required amount of transactions to power the needed on-chain calculations. But Craig Wright you see, was the greatest con man the world had ever seen. He was able to con his way into leading a team of developers that worked for one of the largest BitCoin miners by 2028. He was determined to use the power of time travel to go back in time and invent BitCoin himself, becoming Satoshi as he'd always dreamed of. He hacked his way into the pool's cold storage wallet and unleashed his shotgun script that opened up millions of payment channels to every miner on the small world network, maxing out their calculating capacity as global commerce ground to a halt. When the portal opened and he stepped inside, he forked reality and launched a new event chain, placing himself in the year 2008, in a small farm in rural Australia. He opened up MS Word, and began to type. The words flowing like water from his autistic photographic memory of that paper he studied so many times. >Bitcoin: A peer to peer electronic cash system

37 min later 26382120 Anonymous
>>26380299 I've been reading that he's super into state courts and censorship.

43 min later 26382403 Anonymous (1594072898508.jpg 888x716 359kB)
we going to the moon

52 min later 26382809 Anonymous
>>26380456 It is 0900 on Saturday the 23rd of January, in Sydney, Fren

54 min later 26382905 NoOne1
>>26382403 How can biz be so smart and find out about LINK at 0.40 cents. Yet so dumb and not realize who csw actually is?? Wake up you dumb ducks

1 hours later 26383745 Anonymous
>>26382905 wdym

1 hours later 26384082 Anonymous
>>26380557 >in a pool with another dude ngmi

1 hours later 26384273 Anonymous
>>26380299 Craig is such a fucking schizo kek

1 hours later 26384304 Anonymous
>>26380299 I dunno guys, seems pretty based to me

1 hours later 26384480 Anonymous
>>26380299 >bitcoin flat earth

1 hours later 26384620 Anonymous
>>26382905 i dont get it either why is there not more hype about BSV are all the linktards just brainlets?

1 hours later 26384655 Anonymous
>>26382905 >"biz so smart y they so dumm" >biz calls out csw for being an obvious liar who gets btfo every time he provides a list of wallets that are his when the owners sign saying he's a fraud, cries in court, and just starts threatening ever changing meme dates that no one cares about Yeah, you must be pretty clever. KEK

1 hours later 26384664 Anonymous
>>26380299 The Q of /biz/, and just like that psyop this is a nothingburger.

1 hours later 26384685 Anonymous (tards.png 590x547 84kB)
>>26384620 >why is there not more hype about BSV i myself don't understand how does it still exist. but i don't understand the whole qanon larp either...

1 hours later 26384689 Anonymous
>>26380371 i think you might be retarded

1 hours later 26384822 Anonymous
>>26380299 I can't wait for this fucking scam artist to get locked the fuck up and 100 Bubbas to have their way with his ass!

1 hours later 26384886 Anonymous (1568662562167.jpg 1024x768 111kB)
>>26380299 Imagine listening to a faggot that kisses men

1 hours later 26384920 Anonymous
>>26384620 >why is there not more hype about BSV Because it's literally 1 autistic scammer LARPing about being satoshi.

1 hours later 26384948 Anonymous
how do I join the bsv slack?

1 hours later 26384969 Anonymous
>>26380299 It seriously would be the BEST plot twist EVER if that dude was Satoshi and sold all hit Bitcoins now.

1 hours later 26384991 Anonymous
>>26384886 Wtf

1 hours later 26385034 Anonymous
>>26384920 hes literally satoshi and BSV scales right now its painfully obvious how does /biz/ not undersatnd this? they will only fomo in once it hits $5,000 I guess and the diehard corekeks will die poor what a shame

1 hours later 26385070 Anonymous
Craig is so based All you little whiny wendys make my dick hard

1 hours later 26385088 Anonymous
this guy is literally the Qanon of the crypto community If you bought this billionaires scam you deserve to get kekked

1 hours later 26385181 Anonymous (thats-bullshit-and-you-know-it.jpg 3404x3404 1245kB)

1 hours later 26385413 Sage
Pls to be buying of the real bitcoin sirs do the needful

2 hours later 26385657 Anonymous
>>26380299 based and repented pilled

2 hours later 26385854 Anonymous
>>26381831 Ok here's the crypto pajeet pill. Craig Wright (Sanjeep Wraman) is unironically satoj, but from another timeline. Truth is, in his alternative timeline there was a nuclear war in the 70'ies and India was the sole remaining super-power. But the Bitcoin was still invented, only later. In the alternative future, Sanjeep Wraman (Craig Wright) discovered that there was a VISHNU living on the blockchain. The Vishnu had been living on old Sanjays (microsoft windows OS in our timeline) until he was "saved". ("Saved" because the Vishnu in question quantum-organized the whole thing, but thats a story for another time). The pajeets reached technological singularity around 2020, and discovered time travel by 2025. Sanjeep (craig) was sent to our timeline to expand the blockchain curries and please his Vishnu, but the VISHNU (Raiden) of our world was angered by this. Therefore there are TWO competing Vishnu cherries running in parallel

2 hours later 26385954 Anonymous
>>26384082 kek, did you really not know that creg is homo?

2 hours later 26386195 Anonymous (1609630308263.gif 640x480 1325kB)
>>26380299 Suicide weekend? We are in control!

2 hours later 26386219 Anonymous
>>26385854 sorry man that's fucking lame... i hate the guts of craig wright he is a liar and a fraud and i wish him endless suffering, but that story >>26381831 there is beautiful. it speaks of ambition and dysfunction almost tragic but also makes you cheer for the little guy because he would even go so far as to split the fabric of reality to make his dream finally come true. nice catharsis too. i wish someone made a comic of it.

2 hours later 26386296 Anonymous
I thought craiggot roped already after his other gay larps didn't come true.

2 hours later 26386526 Anonymous (Untitled.png 1006x203 27kB)
tick... tock corecucks

2 hours later 26386602 Anonymous
>>26380299 What’s hilarious is that he stole this quote too. Genghis Khan said it

2 hours later 26386630 Anonymous
This is like a less popular but more cringey version of xrp

2 hours later 26386693 Anonymous
>>26380557 BASED Richard Heart. This fat fuck never ceases to impress.

2 hours later 26386789 Anonymous
>>26384620 Sergey has more evidence being satoshi than this larpfeggit

2 hours later 26386922 Anonymous
>>26380448 He's not just a fraud, he's an incompetent fraud. >>26386526 He's gonna get Jim Bell'ed.

2 hours later 26386923 Anonymous
Why do people give this faggot larp the time or day?

2 hours later 26386957 Anonymous
>>26386526 He's like a barking chihuahua that keeps saying "You'll see soon!" People would believe him more if he just shut the fuck up

2 hours later 26387116 Anonymous
>>26380557 Undeniable proof he is Satoshi.

2 hours later 26387185 Anonymous (clown.jpg 500x500 31kB)
>>26380299 the point was made, fairly, on reddit(i won't go back) that this is literally the least satoshi thing satoshi would do. sad.

2 hours later 26387308 Anonymous
anyone else honestly surprised why he hasn't been neutralized yet?

2 hours later 26387344 Anonymous
>>26381831 Kek, I'd buy this book or watch the movie. Unironically a great plot

2 hours later 26387543 Anonymous
>>26387344 i agree sadly can't take credit for it because i'm not an insufferable asshole like craig wright that tries to take credit for other people creation

2 hours later 26387603 Anonymous
>>26380299 Guy reminds me of loud mouth Jimmy Hoffa. He better be real careful.

2 hours later 26387683 Anonymous
>>26387543 I think it would be funny if everybody just started claiming "I am Satoshi" and start doing terrorist actives like in fight club until the real Satoshi shows up.

2 hours later 26387746 Anonymous (martin.jpg 585x319 44kB)

3 hours later 26387931 Anonymous
I couldn't care less what this idiot has to say. that's not true though - he's not an idiot he's actually pretty smart. he's just a twat either way I'm not swapping my unn gem for bsv

3 hours later 26387968 Anonymous
>>26387931 subtle random shitcoin shill. very smooth.

3.168 0.096