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2021-01-22 12:21 26355668 Anonymous HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU NEED TO /make it (1610957123376.png 935x759 264kB)
Let's settle this now once and for all.
I am thinking 4 million €
>1.5 million for a house
>500k for a sailing boat
>1 million in Crypto
>1 million in the stock market with 5% annual dividends
1 min later 26355703 Anonymous
you need 10 million to really make it, anything else is C O P E
2 min later 26355738 Anonymous
Currently, if you want fuck-off money, you will need $15 million.
If you want to be financially secure while working or renting, $5mil.
2 min later 26355749 Anonymous
3 min later 26355767 Anonymous
>>buying amenities
The "Rich" are powerful, you should instead spend money on influence which will get you land and control of Natural Resources.
6 min later 26355847 Anonymous
>Currently, if you want fuck-off money, you will need $15 million.
Why? Sounds retarded to me
What you even gonna do with that much money?
8 min later 26355885 Anonymous
10M you are still a poorfag
you can afford a nice villa, a sportcar, trips around the world but that's it
not much different from a 1M wagie
9 min later 26355922 Anonymous (annoyedl.png 360x360 11kB)
>10M you are still a poorfag
Kill yourself nigger
9 min later 26355925 Anonymous
What the hell /biz/ I thought you guys were financial savvy? It's been 1.5-2mil for years. Just dumping 2mil in coke(KO) will net a comfy 60k+ annually in dividends for doing nothing.
17 min later 26356125 Anonymous
A bunch of newfags and niggers. That's what happened to this board
18 min later 26356151 Anonymous
I'd be comfy at 1m, I just want land and a house with a couple fun vehicles
18 min later 26356163 Anonymous
>$1.5m for good house and a bit left over for maintenance and bills if you're extra conservative
>$2m to be paid out over X number of years for your daily expenses
>$1m savings that earns interest
>$1m in stock market
19 min later 26356178 Anonymous
20 min later 26356186 Anonymous
how big of a reddit faggot do you have to be to post those homosexual reddit-tier mouth-open memes?
20 min later 26356189 Anonymous
>If you want to be financially secure while working or renting, $5mil.
Dude, you can get a 6 figure annual income from dividends with a 4-5 mil inv portfolio easy. You don't need to work..or rent. You can chill and own.
20 min later 26356198 Anonymous
I want €30.000.000
20 min later 26356200 Anonymous
two million is about the standard payout for a life ruined lawsuit so yea most people can live on that
21 min later 26356232 Anonymous (drevil_cover.jpg 578x258 25kB)
One million dollars!
23 min later 26356257 Anonymous
You need 4 million for basic make it package.
1 million goes to your house
3 million goes to your investments which you can safely withdraw about 4% for eternity which is120k a year which after taxes would be about 100k.
23 min later 26356262 Anonymous
He is probably a nigger
23 min later 26356267 Anonymous
buy a nice house on a nice plot of land and pay for it. buy a few cars and have them paid off - one for wife, one for you, and a work truck. have 5 million MINIMUM in an investment vehicle that returns 5% dividends or return on investment each year to live off of (giving you 250K pre-tax to live off of... this is at a bare minimum though, 8-10 million in that investment vehicle would be better so that you have 400-500k to live off of each year).
24 min later 26356281 Anonymous
Yeah about that adjust for your country currency. Anyone saying more is a consoomer
24 min later 26356290 Anonymous
>$2m to be paid out over X number of years for your daily expenses
this is stupid... hold a good proof-of-stake coin or an fund that gives a 5% minimum return each year and you live off of those proceeds without touching the principal
26 min later 26356332 Anonymous
26 min later 26356337 Anonymous (E600DDC1-ADAB-494D-B390-D632CBCE10E5.jpg 1116x438 56kB)
For me it’s 10milly
26 min later 26356351 Anonymous
>optimizing everything for a comfortable bourgeoise existence for the rest of his life
Ngmi. You should be using your capital to pursue your dharma; that's all. When you're on your deathbed you're not gonna be happy you spent your time being a decadent consumer goy.
Use your money to fund a trip to Vienna; where you meet like-minded individuals and actually pursue something; escape your jewish mind-prison.
28 min later 26356396 Anonymous
Alright, so what's the way to make a mil then? Just start an ecom scam?
>expecting advice on /biz/
Yeah yeah I know
30 min later 26356431 Anonymous (images.jpg 225x225 8kB)
For me, it's $300k. If you need ANY more than that, you're mentally disabled and are NEVER going to make it.
Don't @ me losers.
30 min later 26356440 Anonymous
36 min later 26356590 Anonymous
just become a welfare queen like you were always meant to
36 min later 26356606 Anonymous
Imagine being a fucking burger
I can live like a king on 50k € in Europe
37 min later 26356628 Anonymous
You must live in a 3rd world. That's 6 yrs of makin 50k a year. NGMI long term with that in the 1st world.
38 min later 26356670 Anonymous
50-100m is make it status
40 min later 26356698 Anonymous
Why are all of you retards spending 1MM oon a house. You can get a nice house near a lot of ammenities in one of the fastest growing markets in the US for like 300k. Are you all Californian or something?
46 min later 26356848 Anonymous
I want to buy a massive estate in greece on clear blue ocean with white sands where the weather is always perfect and start a winery so I can be drunk and high all day and not feel any guilt because I already made it. Also a porsche 911 turbo in bright yellow with a performance package, mandatory lambo, and a fully modded lancer evo. I'll just give my wife half for the divorce and impregnate med sluts 24/7. And a yacht that's good for blue water.
49 min later 26356903 Anonymous
3 millions €
>300k house
>1.5m on safe cryptos or lending
>500k on shitcoins
>500k on the stock market
>200k to start a risky business you'd like or fuck whores your choice
51 min later 26356968 Anonymous
Making it level 1 - tens of thousands
>enough to survive in a bug out shithole without working
Making it level 2 - hundreds of thousands
>enough to live like a normie in a place you like without working with no family
Making it level 3 - millions
>enough to live like a normie in a place you like without working with a family
Making it level 4 - tens of millions
>basically you can buy whatever you want but don't have any power
Making it level 5 - hundreds of millions
>you can buy whatever you want and you control other people
Makin it level 6 - billions
>you join the pedophile elite and ascend to the vampire dimension
54 min later 26357046 Anonymous
>he still unironically pay for inflated housing prices in the 1st world
migrating to the third world is the only answer. no way i will be (((saving))) for 20 years just to have anything close to an acceptable life.
>inb4 but third world countries are shitholes
Africa isn't the only third world place in the world
57 min later 26357148 Anonymous
Eternal pleb detected
1 hours later 26357385 Anonymous
1m usd ill set a meeting with my boss and then take a shit on her desk
1 hours later 26357400 Anonymous (1600550495504.jpg 1500x1125 1254kB)
I could see myself living comfortably on 500k to 1 million
You guys that want million dollar houses and gay Abercrombie bullshit like a fucking boat are just retards. You can live without a Lambo or some stupid ass house that's so retarded big you dont use more than 1 or 2 of the 5 bathrooms or bedrooms. And dont even get me started on your collection of vehicles. Youd be paying out the ass and giving other people so much time to upkeep them it's basically like you bought it for them.
Poorfag just dont think of this shit
1 hours later 26357425 Anonymous
$10M USD
>$2m for housing
>$2m others
>$5M buy out a company
>$1M sports car collection
rest idk
1 hours later 26357489 Anonymous (1611244242003.jpg 960x960 87kB)
>1.5 million for a house
kek. buy some land somewhere nice, pay for house to be built, get all the utilities and you're set. not paying any nigger realtors any time soon.
1 hours later 26357490 Anonymous
Owning your own house plus 500k, assuming you don't want kids or they're financially independent already. That's enough to not work and live comfortably.
1 hours later 26357533 Anonymous
Also this.
1 hours later 26357575 Anonymous
>5% stock dividends
Doesn't the typical ETF yield 8-12% pa?
1 hours later 26357690 Anonymous
people actually tell themselves this shit
1 hours later 26357698 Anonymous
iam from rural eastern europe i could buy decent house for like 50-70k like 5k for homegym and i wouldnt really need anything else...
1 hours later 26357770 Anonymous
For me, it's £500k. Invest it wisely and would live comfortably and not have to wage again.
1 hours later 26357800 Anonymous
If this is what you intend to do with your wealth once you have it, your depression will only get worse.
1 hours later 26357820 Anonymous
I'd be happy with over 500k
1 hours later 26357879 Anonymous
Are you retarded? I'm from Eastern Europe (Bulgaria) as well and I have $90k + already have my own apartment at 21. It's not enough to retire. Need at least 500k minimum to even CONSIDER retiring
1 hours later 26357906 Anonymous
Damn 50 k loss is nothing?
1 hours later 26357908 Anonymous
right my bad i didnt mean retire i guess i just listed things that i would buy if i had money
1 hours later 26357941 Anonymous
1 hours later 26357957 Anonymous
I need my crypto portfolio to get to 5 million to be able to live my dream.
1.5 million will go to a house on the beach, and the rest will be invested so I can live off the returns.
I’ll probably keep working construction part time to keep fit and keep insurance or whatever, but that’s just because I really like it and it’s kept me in good shape.
It’s a pipe dream though because a combination of link and btc would have to do a 50x for that to happen
1 hours later 26357965 Anonymous
Not to mention there's probably 0% chance I retire in this country. Fucking Boyko and his band of thieves gonna try and steal my money one way or another.
1 hours later 26357974 Anonymous
Seems like the general goal is a 6 figure income from dividends.
If you actually know how to trade, you can easily make 50% per year at very low risk, so $200k is all I need. My IQ is extremely high though.
One other thing: 6 figures annually is wastage. No one needs more than $80k per year, that will cover the entire family's expenses. Don't even bother arguing with me because I'm going to bed, plus my logic is literally irrefutable. Check em
1 hours later 26357976 Anonymous
I plan a trip around the world for an entire year. Is that cope?
1 hours later 26358024 Anonymous
>check em
Yeah, no dubs or trips. Means you're truly a retard and just spilling bullshit
1 hours later 26358064 Anonymous
Closer to 300k from the highs, I feel nothing anymore anon
1 hours later 26358100 Anonymous
I want to work just so that i can actually do something in this world instead of just NEETing. I've tried NEETing and it's brain cancer, it's not what we are biologically functioned to do. I'm not saying work 24/7 but you need the struggle to be happy.
1 hours later 26358140 Anonymous
True. 7 figure hell isnt called that for nothing. Having like 4 mil is pure suffering. You wont even attract proper gold diggers with that kind of chump change.
1 hours later 26358169 Anonymous
If i get filthy rich ill run a patriotic cafe in the city and keep bees on my countryestate
1 hours later 26358195 Anonymous
Enjoy being part of EU bro. In places like Ukraine or Belarus 90k and an apartment is more than enough. Obviously you would still want to get 5% or so from your 90k
1 hours later 26358236 Anonymous
We're savvy and half of us are stuck in 6 figure hell.
2m is enough to live off. Probs the minimum for /making it/
Doesnt make you wealthy though. Most of us realised we need far more assets to feel comfortable. We're good at planning this stuff because we're not niggers.
1 hours later 26358264 Anonymous
>Ukraine or Belarus
Why the fuck would I want to move from one shithole to another? I'm trying to escape Eastern Europe, this place is fucking cursed.
1 hours later 26358265 Anonymous (1527085118442.jpg 557x800 76kB)
Making it means never having to work again. For this you need around 600k USD så you can live off divvies. Anything else is just luxury.
1 hours later 26358344 Anonymous
If I had a million I would feel like I made it lmao are you fags really so vain you think you need a McMansion with 20 rooms you don't need and a yacht
Just let me own a comfy little home in a nice rural area and enough left over to generate some part-time gains so I can eat and buy things now and then and I will be content forever
1 hours later 26358395 Anonymous
>Why the fuck would I want to move from one shithole to another
Didn't I just give you the reason retard bro? There's no major difference between Ukraine and Bulgaria in terms of quality of life is there. But it's much cheaper. Sounds like a good reason to move there if you're not planning to be a wagie
1 hours later 26358459 Anonymous
Hit that level in august and still wagecucking a job I dont like. Don't change your lifestyle in any way until you've derisked and have hard assets. Except, crypto offers far better returns so I'm not selling. Hence, no lifestyle changes.
1 hours later 26358466 Anonymous
It depends how old you are and what lifestyle you want to live. I'm in my mid-40s and live the midwest, and I just want to retire to Florida while I'm still young enough to enjoy it. If you don't want power and influence and you just want to live a pleb-tier life without having to work again it would just be a couple million to do that. If you have a white collar software job or something you can FIRE pretty easy by your early 50s if you're disciplined about saving and investing.
1 hours later 26358471 Anonymous (1611282355991.png 598x598 245kB)
.1 btc
1 hours later 26358490 Anonymous
Yeah these guys don't get that with all those toys comes the maintenance and storage and all the expenses associated.I live around many rich people. Have millions and pretty much most don't live the way these guys are wanting too. How they want to live is way more money than 5-10mil.
1 hours later 26358496 Anonymous
HelIo Sven
1 hours later 26358507 Anonymous
>sounds like a good reason
Yeah and end up getting fucked by the government or by the retarded citizens. Fuck that. I don't know if it's exactly like that in Ukraine but in Bulgaria people are envious and nosy af, no one can be trusted.
1 hours later 26358534 Anonymous
How much does one need to earn £20k+ interest per year in UK? That much + a comfy house bought outright.
1 hours later 26358656 Anonymous
>I plan a trip around the world for an entire year. Is that cope?
This is something poorfags dream about and always say they want to do yet no actual rich person every does it. What does that tell you?
1 hours later 26358693 Anonymous
2 million. One for me and one for wife. We will never have to work again :)
1 hours later 26358699 Anonymous
Interest? You're losing purchasing power of the capital if youre taking all the interest.
20k @ 2% is 1m. Good luck anon, you'll need far more than 1m.
1 hours later 26358812 Anonymous
>buy a few cars
2 hours later 26359039 Anonymous
>spending more than the absolute maximum of 500k on a house
>not going stealth mode
2 hours later 26359058 Anonymous
3-5 Mil
2 hours later 26359107 Anonymous
Rich people are retarded?
2 hours later 26359165 Anonymous
Anything below 50mil is poverty.
2 hours later 26359413 Anonymous (1611233251852.png 320x320 410kB)
2 hours later 26359445 Anonymous
Wrong word sorry anon. 20K a year passive income... whats the total portfolio value required to do that?
2 hours later 26359495 Anonymous
>not getting a small home in a village somewhere
>not handing off the rest of your money to a financial investor
>not telling him you'll pay him double the annual rate he charges if he leaves you alone and ensures you don't have to earn money ever again
When you get to 15 mil, you realise that stealth mode is the dream
2 hours later 26359711 Anonymous
Between 250k to 400k, depending on interest rate
2 hours later 26359768 Anonymous
Do you have any useful youtube links where I can learn more? Thanks
2 hours later 26359926 Anonymous
Investopedia should help.
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/ f/four-percent-rule.asp
Half a mill then? Plus house.
2 hours later 26359933 Anonymous
Yeah for sure after she divorces you kek
2 hours later 26359996 Anonymous
Around 5-6million SEK for a nice house is all I want
2 hours later 26360024 Anonymous
I don't sorry. Just look into ETF, Index Funds, Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF
2 hours later 26360039 Anonymous
Making it is surviving the collapse of society. Assets make it easier but there a some who will make it with their skills. Take the prepper pill.
2 hours later 26360167 Anonymous (249738D5-D46D-440A-A9C4-40555CBF7729.jpg 630x420 22kB)
if your idea of making it is driving a run-down beater car, having no work truck and letting your wife and kids get around on public transportation with the violent inderclass then pic related is (you)
2 hours later 26360190 Anonymous (1591803821508.png 293x172 8kB)
>I need a massive house and a fancy car even though I will just stay in my room all day fucking prostitutes
2 hours later 26360447 Anonymous
Multiply your annual expenses by 35, thats how much you need
2 hours later 26360527 Anonymous
about $30 million to enter global elite caste, which is the only caste that will matter soon (clean water, healthy food, biological children)
2 hours later 26360917 Anonymous
Fully made it is in the $5m ballpark, but you can stop waging at $1.5m assuming all taxes are paid, etc.
2 hours later 26360948 Anonymous
To live a life of luxury, millions. As a matter of fact I don't think any amount of money would satisfy me.
To be debt free, have everything I want and drasticly improve my quality of life? Only a few 100k will do the job.
2 hours later 26361201 Anonymous
he said making it not making a median salary without working. that's only step 1 on the path
2 hours later 26361286 Anonymous (dc0ruu1-5a6c15d1-cac1-41ea-9269-9b00c807afa2.png 2324x2563 434kB)
How much does it cost to build a house out somewhere nice?
I'm thinking of building a real homestead, out somewhere in the Pacific Northwest either in Idaho, possibly Montana, or southern Oregon and then lobbying for the state of Jefferson (or Greater Idaho) for the rest of my life so I don't have to live in a shithole ruled by Portland
This but $4 million is where you can honestly "stop" if there were such a thing in investing
I always assume only a conservative 3% return for passive income after taxes, any inflation, and macro risk, and at $4 mil that's $120,000 a year hands free, and more if you can beat 3%
People in here are retarded if you think you can't do just about anything you want with $10,000 a month for no work
3 hours later 26361501 Anonymous
bug out shithole for now
3 hours later 26361603 Anonymous
>$4 mil endgame
True, after that it becomes a different game, trying to waste your money on sundry stupid things in order to get "your money's worth" out of what you've accumulated
What are you gonna do after $4 mil?
Buy some shitty middleclass looking house in LA?
3 hours later 26361731 Anonymous
Imagine if you get that sailing boat but you get hit by a massive wave and drown.
3 hours later 26361745 Anonymous
I have no wife children or job
these vehicles are unnecessary
3 hours later 26361769 Anonymous
just smart investing over years. The growth will be exponential. Give or take 10 years, you'll have a milly
3 hours later 26361866 Anonymous
If you're not starving, your life is not in any immediate danger, and each day you wake up and go to sleep with a mind free of any disturbance, only then can you say you have truly 'made it'.
3 hours later 26362009 Anonymous
2 mil in my country
>500k for a very nice house
>150k-200k for a nice car
>300k for everything else
>1 mil sitting there making me bank by doing nothing
3 hours later 26362312 Anonymous
damn what kind of expectations do you all have?? I´d be comfy with 2,5m €. Wouldnt have to ever work again. I´d live in the middle class, thats true, but I can spend my time however I want and dont have to wageslave
3 hours later 26362430 Anonymous (1367458946338.jpg 809x1118 59kB)
>just smart investing over years
Oh, is it that easy?
3 hours later 26362659 Anonymous
literally this.
3 hours later 26362694 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210122-095250_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 290kB)
3 hours later 26362750 Anonymous
depends where you live/where you want to live. if you wanna live innawoods you can make it off less than a million. if you wanna live in a big city then $10 million
3 hours later 26362795 Anonymous
> work truck
3 hours later 26363134 Anonymous
Well for me there is no such thing as making it? I currently throw around 5% of my eth in shitcoins. Even if got billions and trillions my portfolio proportions will stay the same and i wil keep on gambling everyday.
As for financial safety, 5 crores rupees(3-4 crores for big house,1 crore for two flats to rent out) then 2 cars each 0.2 crore. Then i would want additional 4 crore rupees (1 crore in stocks and crypto to gamble around,1 crore in gold and silver and 2 crores in mutual funds to get 7-12% apr). Anything ahead if this is bonus.
So the total would be near 10-12 crore rupees which is about 13 million usd to 15 million usd.
3 hours later 26363383 Anonymous
Der Konsoomer...
4 hours later 26364013 Anonymous
Fucking this. Why the fuck would I want a sports car etc?
I'll be happy with a nice penthouse and a bit of change.
4 hours later 26364074 Anonymous
How much for a boat capable of crossing the Atlantic? I want to party on coordinates no human has ever been
4 hours later 26364194 Anonymous
Staying out of debt is key. Anything else is cream on the top.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEI whmFp6Mc
4 hours later 26365078 Anonymous
you cannot even afford a private jet or a mega yatch with 10M
4 hours later 26365165 Anonymous
Your drug addiction will get you nowhere.
4 hours later 26365252 Anonymous
No, that's fuck you money. Making it means not having to ever work again. AB said so
4 hours later 26365445 Anonymous
>invest all in MO
>8.25 dividend ratio
That's $25,000 a year for life. Because you're not paying FICA, payroll, state and local taxes on that, it's like making $50k a year as a wagie or more if you account for other deductions like benefits. That's over $2000 a month. More than enough to live on, especially if you have full equity in your house and aren't a rentcuck donating to your lord every month.
4 hours later 26365502 Anonymous
Which can be accomplished with just 300 to 500k.
4 hours later 26365767 Anonymous
>move to Portugal in order to pay 0% taxes on crypto
>300k for house
>600k for three apartments to rent (making around 2k euro passive income)
>100k for sailboat (swedish markets are cheap, and a monohull is way cheaper than a catamaran)
>200k in some stablecoin defi lending dapp that gives you 7-15% APY
>200k in savings, just in case something unpredictable happens
>100k for random travel expenses
>total 1.5 million
4 hours later 26366018 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUi 0gsxVHZM&t=2s
This dude sailed from LA to Hawaii on a cheap 23 feet boat that doesn't cost more than 10-15k
A nice 40 feet monohull would be somewhere between 40-200k, depending on where you buy it and how much do you want to invest in stuff like a watermaker, spare motor parts, solar panels, radar, autopilot, scuba diving equipment and a bunch of other stuff.
5 hours later 26366792 Anonymous
Well done
5 hours later 26367081 Anonymous
>move to Portugal in order to pay 0% taxes on crypto
I heard they're working on changing this right now. Can any anon from Portugal confirm?
5 hours later 26367154 Anonymous
If you're 80, you need much less.
5 hours later 26367215 Anonymous
>15,000,000 for a house
wtf are you talking about?
5 hours later 26367431 Anonymous
500k for me but that’s only because I already have a decent investment portfolio and this would pay off things like rental properties and leave me with enough left over to make good amounts off dividend stock investments and would be making like 40k a year. It isn’t much but that seems like a modest comfy living. I’d prefer to have a couple million because then I could easily get to have cash flow of over $100k. My plan for making it is to never just dip in to my initial capital and only live off of cash flow so I can continue to grow my wealth
5 hours later 26367957 Anonymous
>200k in some stablecoin defi lending dapp that gives you 7-15% APY
when you could have 50%, stable and safely
5 hours later 26368170 Anonymous
I hope not, that's one of the most important things. Or if they change it the tax should not be bigger than 5-10%. My shitty eastern european country has 20% taxes, fml
5 hours later 26368250 Anonymous
>I hope not, that's one of the most important things
I hope so, because I planned to move there too.
5 hours later 26368392 Anonymous
50% APY is not sustainable at all long term. That's the reason you will never see a highcap DeFi/ staking coin like AAVE, SNX, COMP or others offering this much.
5 hours later 26368416 Anonymous (1371126153810.jpg 117x120 2kB)
>1.5 million for a house
5 hours later 26368451 Anonymous (hqdefault.jpg 480x360 15kB)
5 hours later 26368548 Anonymous
My living off passive income number realistically is net 2k a month. I own my home. It cost me ~1K a month to maintain my lifestyle (utilities, property tax, internet, car), The 1k is a cushion for any extraordinary expense that might need like restaurant or an emergency.
That said my make it number is 20K a month passive income minimum.
In terms of investments, I have rental properties. Net of all expenses I get $2k a month from them. I have a small (30K) stock portfolio of Dividends and VTSX. Nets me ~1K of dividends a year. Getting into crypto now in hopes of making more passive income as rental property prices have exploded since Covid started.
5 hours later 26368564 Anonymous
I already have 300k. What lifestyle am I supposed to be living to have made it with this amount?
5 hours later 26368568 Anonymous
Bros I made $7k into $250k. I’ve bought land in Los Angeles I’m building a cheap house that is in a neighborhood of $800k houses. I have a decent stack and my next goal is a project I need $1.5 million to invest.
5 hours later 26368572 Anonymous (1609230377169.gif 316x306 1102kB)
>Mom in id
>Mom in pic aka richest character in futurama
5 hours later 26368610 Anonymous
>20% taxes, fml
that is literally nothing you whiny faggot. Most of us have to pay a lot more than that.
1 million
those of you saying 10 million are completely delusional and retarded
5 hours later 26368627 Nurtilekll
why giving a scam ?
are you believe this jews try to give anything workable?
I don’t follow them and why should I do it?
I have Base on my wallet and Uniswap portfolio
I have brains to use cascade and get passive income
5 hours later 26368674 Anonymous
14.067 0.278