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2021-01-22 08:22 26348887 Anonymous (1584745629905.jpg 867x881 268kB)
>27 years old
>only $100k networth
0 min later 26348908 Anonymous
>21 years old
>only $38k networth
it feels like i will never ever ever ever make it
1 min later 26348946 Anonymous
26 years old and turned my 4k unemployment check into 500k+ in a year KEK
2 min later 26348967 Anonymous
You are doing better than I am anon
11 min later 26349176 Anonymous (1579296617340.jpg 960x960 124kB)
> 32 years old
> 2k euros in account and no assets that I own
13 min later 26349227 Anonymous
via what? TSLA and GME Calls?
Need proof
15 min later 26349299 Anonymous
better than me too man, dahm
18 min later 26349379 Anonymous
19 min later 26349392 Anonymous
You don't have the balls to take a risk. You won't leave 5 figure hell.
19 min later 26349404 Anonymous (fuckme.png 265x190 8kB)
26 min later 26349645 Anonymous
Aw sorry. I'm talking shit. I'm a 3 figure bloomer. Ignore us dummy!
35 min later 26349940 Anonymous
wait, 100k is six figures, no???
42 min later 26350093 Anonymous
I'm 21 too with a net worth of 30-something k.
I'll be done with my MA when I'm 25, I hope to have 100k by then.
45 min later 26350192 Anonymous
Most people your age are in the negative so you're doing really well.
Assuming a good chunk of that $100k is liquid you could grow that very quickly. So much opportunity at the moment amid all the chaos.
46 min later 26350214 Anonymous
That’s good. Make it to a million before 30.
47 min later 26350229 Anonymous
Probably just got lucky with a 100x in crypto. Not that hard to believe.
50 min later 26350329 Anonymous
> TFW $50k at 24yo
I'll prolly not make it. 50/50 in QNT and PRQ. PLEASE SHILLBERT AND ANATOLY PUMP MY BAGS
52 min later 26350382 Anonymous (1610632856269.jpg 508x676 80kB)
>swinging between 600k-700k
>afraid to cash out or trade
bros send help
52 min later 26350387 Anonymous
30 and 250k here, was 160k at 29. I feel pretty alright.
55 min later 26350439 Anonymous
Do your research faggot. The Median for under 35 is 91k in the US. Your growth will be exponential if you aren't braindead.
55 min later 26350440 Anonymous
35 with 25k here. I know It's shit, but I was -15k a year ago, so it's an improvement. I set a goal to hit 50k this year, 100k the next, and 250k the next.
55 min later 26350455 Anonymous
go retire in romania
56 min later 26350465 Anonymous
57 min later 26350499 Anonymous
>35 years old
>just above $20k networth
Eh, could be worse. I certainly do regret missing out on Bitcoin. It was probably the last chance I'll ever have of mooning.
57 min later 26350501 Anonymous
Weird. I don't remember typing "braindead". I thought "retard" got autocorrected on this board now.
59 min later 26350532 Anonymous
taking risk with 3 digits is not taking risk its having fun
six digits hell is hell because most people hold onto their money and stop taking the risk neccessary to make it into millions
1 hours later 26350587 Anonymous (1609970610557.gif 497x373 500kB)
>had less than $400 a year ago
>$70,000 today
I feel thankful and blessed. But fuck.. it feels like peanuts when you realize a house is $150,000 minimum.
1 hours later 26350643 Anonymous
>Buying a house before you're 30
Did you move out of your parent's place like a smotthbrain?
1 hours later 26350697 Anonymous
28 and £15 to my name.
Try again.
1 hours later 26350741 Anonymous
I guess it's OK if you move to a 3rd world shithole
1 hours later 26350764 Anonymous
No, I live with my mother and pay half the rent+bills. We're actually going to get a mortgage together for a house soon so we stop paying rent. But the thing is I really want to live on my own in 2-3 years max, I need to 5x this money ASAP.
1 hours later 26350876 Anonymous
>recently 18
>poorfag family
>made 800€
am I gonna make it?
1 hours later 26350892 Anonymous
I feel like I'm probably one of the most financially retarded people here next to literal pajeets every time I get a profit I find a way to lose it, at least /biz/ gives me some laughs
1 hours later 26350905 Anonymous
You have to be patient before you FOMO into something retarded. At least put some of your profits into a well-performing company that pays dividends. It's going to be slow and grueling but unless you're born into money your options are limited.
You lost the lottery when you weren't born as Jeff Bezos' son. You will need patience.
1 hours later 26350993 Anonymous (images.jpg 225x225 8kB)
>like 20k net worth
>still rich compared to my second world peers with their 2k
Heh, suck it firstoids.
1 hours later 26351024 Anonymous
Yeah I'm not planning to all in into some random shitcoin. I keep DCA-ing into BTC and waging. I don't see any other choice right now. The return of stocks are too low for me to put so little money in there.
1 hours later 26351068 Anonymous
36, $200k real estate, 85k stocks, 30k pm, 12k cryptos, ~20k various weird investments
1 hours later 26351088 Anonymous
Hate you fags STFU!
1 hours later 26351158 Anonymous
>went from 130k€ to 90k€ in the past 24 hours
It hurts guys
1 hours later 26351375 Anonymous
>Just hit 218k
Am I gonna make it bros
1 hours later 26351433 Anonymous
> 29 yo europoor
> 200k RE
> 65k wage
> 100k cripto & boomer stocks
plan to quit when net worth 7 figs
1 hours later 26351453 Anonymous (death.jpg 124x109 6kB)
>27 soon 28
>$10K networth
1 hours later 26351468 Anonymous (1601955871952.png 500x500 133kB)
I think I'm doing good
1 hours later 26351641 Anonymous (1611075972102.png 1048x1584 271kB)
1 hours later 26351661 Anonymous
cash out, use 150k to invest further. Less stress and use the rest to improve your quality of life.
1 hours later 26351855 Anonymous
20 260k here
How do I make this into a million before 30?
1 hours later 26351894 Anonymous
34 only 11k.
But I just learned about margins and options so I feel like I’ve already made it.
1 hours later 26351907 Anonymous
1 hours later 26351968 Anonymous
do not get a mortgage with your mother, run anon, run.
1 hours later 26351990 Anonymous
1 hours later 26352105 Anonymous
I have 200
1 hours later 26352199 Anonymous
Why not? It seems like the best financial decision. No more rent, the house stays ours forever, I get to increase my net worth and eventually get a mortgage for my own house in a few years.
1 hours later 26352217 Anonymous
it's over for us, isn't it?
1 hours later 26352251 Anonymous
this is the gayest shit i ever heard. Stop pretending your mom is your girlfriend.
1 hours later 26352279 Anonymous
>pretending your mom is your girlfriend.
He probably fucks his mom as well
1 hours later 26352291 Anonymous
Cash out if you are at big profit
Hold if you are at loss
1 hours later 26352345 Anonymous
no it is not a good financial decision if you want to live on your own in 3 years
it will be a pain in the ass for you to get out of that scenario once you put yourself into it
also it is only worth it to buy a house if you live in it for at least 10 years or buy it well below market value.
1 hours later 26352451 Anonymous
So moving out on my own and spending half my salary on rent is better? Damn, you fools will stay poor while I have 2 houses in 3 years, good luck.
1 hours later 26352489 Anonymous
No wonder you have only 200k at 26, retard. When I'm your age I'll have 2-3 houses and 1mil+
2 hours later 26352622 Anonymous
he can't help it anon. this is what happens when you grow up without a father.
i hope you're all in chainlink then
2 hours later 26352636 Anonymous
200k at 26, what a fucking joke. I'm 21 and I made over 90k the past year, leaving me with around 70k after expenses, and crypto gains only contributed like 10k to it. I'm light years ahead of you. Know your fucking place and who you're talking to, shrimp.
2 hours later 26352756 Anonymous
And you as well, retard. How are you gonna give me advice when you're in the same situation as this other retard? 218k at 26? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm 5 years younger than both of you and will surpass you within a year, retards. Know your fucking place, breath the dust I leave behind you in my Lambo, fucktards. I'm setting both my mother and myself up for life while you're jerking off to anime and playing vidya, fucking fat cunts. Stay poor.
2 hours later 26352800 Anonymous
2 hours later 26352805 Anonymous
>my mother
2 hours later 26352821 Anonymous
kek, getting this emotional. You really grew up without a father, didn't you?
2 hours later 26352833 Anonymous (1602676282315.jpg 591x631 48kB)
>200k at 26, what a fucking joke. I'm 21 and I made over 90k the past year,
We are talking about Dollars here, not about Indian rupee
2 hours later 26352856 Anonymous
ass burgers
2 hours later 26352902 Anonymous
Stay poor and dumb fucking retards, your parents are probably still working dead beat jobs and struggling to pay the clothes your sweat asses are wearing while I've paid for everything I own myself and help the only people I have left of my family.
I'm talking about dollars too you piece of shit.
Yes I did and that's why I became a real man who takes care of shit unlike you fucking mongoloid, stay retarded
2 hours later 26352919 Anonymous
>not enough for a house deposit in UK
Absolute state of this island
2 hours later 26352930 Anonymous
26, 500k in crypto, 100k pulled out
2 hours later 26352947 Anonymous (images.png 241x209 8kB)
>a real man
2 hours later 26352979 Anonymous
How are you telling me I won't make it when you're 10 years older than me and have only 250k? You're a fucking joke and you failed miserable, probably too pussy to take a single risk in your life and your net worth shows it, dumbass
2 hours later 26353017 Anonymous
Have you ever had sex?
Sounds like you need to release some pressure anon
2 hours later 26353018 Anonymous
That's kind of the opposite of what you're supposed to do but whatever. People have been hearing the same maxim for 300 years (cut your losers, ride your winners) and regularly ignore it for 300 years lmao
2 hours later 26353045 Anonymous
>father decides to dodge that bullet
>anon decides to be "a real man" by becoming his own father
absolute gold
2 hours later 26353050 Anonymous
whats wrong with cashing out high and buying back in lower
2 hours later 26353054 Anonymous
I'm 100% sure I've had more sex than you will for the rest of your shitty life, dumb cunt. Unless you pay some cheap hookers, which is the only way a woman will ever spread her legs for your autistic ass
2 hours later 26353060 Anonymous
>tell me i’m sucessful guys!!
Reddit cunt
2 hours later 26353081 Anonymous
No, don't. You need to leave the nest, you're a man. She WILL become emotionally dependant on you, and then undermine you through, what may even seem, like positive things. Reliance through disability, she will be your servant, but you will be a boy forever--which is what she wants.
2 hours later 26353101 Anonymous
Having sex with your mother doesn't count, anon
He is probably black. After all there is no black family where the father stays
2 hours later 26353113 Anonymous
>95k in crypto but owe 60k in student loans
>dont even have a degree because im retarded and didnt know what I wanted to pursue
>too afraid to go back to school
>still feel great because I started 2020 with about 13k in the bank
2 hours later 26353123 Anonymous
look at this overconfident retard. keep your head down and be humble.
also >buying BTC
enjoy your boomer gains
4.521 0.096