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2021-01-22 07:48 26348050 Anonymous (1610918193304.png 960x685 863kB)
>i missed link
People unironically think this and will continue to think this everytime link pumps until they finally rope by the end of the decade.
0 min later 26348070 Anonymous
cant wait for the next dip so I can buy more
2 min later 26348113 Anonymous
I met someone like that on another imageboard. I hope they suffer, they deserve it more than anyone else.
2 min later 26348125 Anonymous
faggots like you cope with the fact that link is always making higher lows. fuck you
3 min later 26348133 Anonymous (1610662294788.jpg 250x182 8kB)
i kept telling one of my friends this over and over to buy chainlink when it was sub $1. then I told him to buy again after it crashed on coinbase, then i warned him before the golden bull that it was a good time to buy, and today i warned him again that now is the perfect time to buy (it was $17.80 when I told him). he constantly tells me he regrets it every time but refuses to buy any and today he told me he's going to try investing in penny stocks tomorrow.
5 min later 26348176 Anonymous (1610916006328.png 613x857 814kB)
LINK is the future. Just like Bitcoin, institutions will adopt LINK and buy more LINK. The price will skyrocket in the five figure range. We are still massively undervalued. Get in now or get the rope
6 min later 26348213 Anonymous
Yep, its like btc and eth
6 min later 26348230 Anonymous
anyone else wondering why link is underperforming during this bull market so far? it dumps harder than most and pumps the least. it isnt recovering nearly as well as some alts after todays crash. i guess im just overexposed to link and am worried about missing the golden bull.
7 min later 26348234 Anonymous
jfc it's already back at $19.50.
god I wish I wasn't such an impoverished 3 figure fag
8 min later 26348269 Anonymous
I don't know what you're talking about. it was holding on better than ETH
9 min later 26348292 Anonymous
it's always been like this, holding LINK is suffering, and then one week for no reason at all it pumps 300%
12 min later 26348350 Anonymous
I was like but I bought link at $1.80 and held for 18 months. It can happen to you desu senpai.
13 min later 26348369 Anonymous
I don't understand what you mean.
14 min later 26348393 Anonymous
you have 15 seconds to prove to me that link will continue to grow. it's already had 100x ffs
14 min later 26348395 Anonymous (076DB54B-2746-42F5-9DC7-296D87AB7674.jpg 500x267 17kB)
It took me awhile to come to grips that some people just cannot be helped no matter how much information you spoonfeed them. I told someone about link ~$1, but they bought TRON instead because it was “cheaper per token.”
17 min later 26348464 Anonymous
then dont buy it faggot
18 min later 26348465 Anonymous
What do you guys like right now?
I’m only in LINK and GTR
18 min later 26348492 Anonymous
for sure its been gaining on eth since eth stopped running a little while ago but it got hammered against eth since the bullrun started
yeah i know link just kinda does its own thing. i've been holding since around 1$ its just been kind of frustrating since link/btc broke its uptrend, since then link has been underperforming compared to the rest of the market. even though link usually is less corelated to the broader market it still reacts to macro movements. before that link/btc uptrend was broken it would usually pump harder than the broader market, dump less, and recover faster. thats what i've noticed anyway.
18 min later 26348496 Anonymous
I hate when people say this.. Firstly there's so many goddamn opportunity in this space to make money. You don't need to get in something at the ground level and have it go to Jupiter. Yes it's cool but it was also stressful to hold that shit for three years, ask anyone. Also what a dark fucking message, imagine killing yourself over money. At that point your real problem isn't just money. Money doesn't solve all your problems and it doesn't automatically make you fulfilled. You're still going to find the same troubles and go through the same motions as a gazillionaire because you're a human. And this is someone who sold their 10k link stack well under a dollar to pay debt off.
19 min later 26348498 Anonymous
Meant GRT
20 min later 26348533 Anonymous
this, I thought it was impossible for me to get rich enough to never need to work again but all it took was 2 years of waging/waiting and putting all my money into LINK. haven't made it yet but let's face it if you even have a thousand link you'll probably be very comfy in the future. The only thing keeping literally anyone else from making it is knowledge, demoralization, and maybe balls
i don't even understand what goes through their minds but honestly seeing someone that can't be helped is the biggest black pill of all. especially if it's someone in your family. What is the difference between us and them? the only people that ever took me up on that offer sold their LINK after making a measly 30% return, I literally do not understand the mentality
20 min later 26348561 Anonymous
cope forever for being a dumbass and not just holding debt
21 min later 26348573 Anonymous
You guys need to stop. It doesn’t make you cool Bc you got in and they didn’t just leave them alone don’t bring up link again or they may legit off you in the future. It’s not their fault like why don’t you buy tsla you assume it’s overvalued it’s natural
22 min later 26348598 Anonymous
i have no idea but this was the worst dump to date. even worse than coinbase and at least the corona crash was over quickly. the pump to $23 wasn't really even anything impressive all things considered, we should be at $40 or more right now
22 min later 26348599 Anonymous
22 min later 26348612 Anonymous
Buy some GRT, xrp, and xlm.
23 min later 26348616 Anonymous
ok guys i'm a newfag nocoiner i just have a couple hundred USD worth of LINK, BTC, and XLM. should i just invest a ton in LINK now or wait until BTC dips? how sure of a thing is LINK really?
23 min later 26348618 Anonymous
You can't expect people to buy an asset and hold it for years if they don't understand it. Crypto technology is complicated, especially to someone who has little exposure to the subjects it's based off. Right now techno nerds really do have most of the power and in the future that will be even more true. People who don't know just get left behind in many ways. I can't expect my mom or someone who studied something completely different to understand this kind of shit.
24 min later 26348647 Anonymous (hakasad.jpg 236x192 7kB)
We did miss LINK though. Unless you have 50k plus you missed out on unfathomable wealth, being the new elite. The best you can do is a few million, and that's if you have thousands of LINK. That isn't making it, that's barely even comfy. If you wanted to survive in the new age as someone with power and with opportunity you needed 100k+ LINK.
Also anything under 80 million is poor. And unless you have 100s of millions to billions you won't be a grand master that wars with the Rothschilds and gets to use transhumanist technology to live forever and traverse the stars.
Unless you can accumulate 100k LINK this bullrun, no, you didn't make it.
24 min later 26348655 Anonymous
I'm still making money, I'm still in good projects, I still hold some link too. You live and learn. Most of your guys mindsets are completely fucked up.
25 min later 26348670 Anonymous
how much link do i need to buy at this point to make it? i could come up with maybe 50k in the next couple months is that enough?
26 min later 26348691 Anonymous
let's be honest OP. If I put 1600€ in Link today I get 100 Linkchain. I'm at best once everything is said and done getting 80k€, in a few years, while most people holding 10k of this will be in 8-9 figures.
It's not about comparing my small cock and yours, but with little money you get good rewards with link, but you'll never make it.
26 min later 26348708 Anonymous
you don't get it do you nigger? if you actually understood what LINK is going to do you would be running down to sell your kidneys to buy it at $50. why do you think everyone's desperately trying to get everyone to buy? I never once told him with the intention of rubbing it in, in fact I'm not even the one that brought it up in conversation, HE did because he noticed it fucking skyrocketed a year later.
That's what I don't get though, it isn't like I just screeched "BUY CHAINLINK" I explained it very clearly, and the guy in question isn't an idiot, he actually has a better technical background than I do. But the midwit meme is very very real, the people you think are smarter than average are more likely to turn down the prospect due to things like muh quantum computing, or claiming crypto is a ponzi. From there they don't even try to imagine the technical implications
28 min later 26348756 Anonymous
Yeah there are a lot of people who don't want to mess with crypto on principle because they're scared or lack knowledge unfortunately. That's how my dad is and he won't ever budge.
28 min later 26348757 Anonymous
Fuck man I wish I had a friend like you to tell me this a couple years ago. How long will it take for LINK to 10x if I buy now?
29 min later 26348775 Anonymous
2026 earliest, but just hodl and you'll be fine. We're talking serious, serious gains here man.
30 min later 26348789 Anonymous
>grayscale is coming
Unironically 1000dollars in the future
30 min later 26348796 Anonymous
I have 8k in savings to invest. Please convince me that Chainlink will go up enough to make holding it for a long time worth it. I am a newfag and feel like I missed out on a lot due to severe personal problems/age but I do want to make it.
30 min later 26348797 Anonymous
Fuck that's a long time to HODL. I don't know if my hands are that strong.
30 min later 26348800 Anonymous (1C9CEF12-6FE3-4AA2-9A68-005B2A68B9D7.jpg 1125x1828 504kB)
Stfu here’s my portfolio fag. Stop harassing your friends they get it they fucked up they aren’t going to change they’re lazy little fuckers
31 min later 26348828 Anonymous
That's when it's supposedly supposed to hit 81k, anon. You can sell earlier than that, but I'm not until then. I might secure some profits, but the majority of my measly 850 stack I'm holding.
I need it to be at 81k to make it.
32 min later 26348849 Anonymous
2-3 years
33 min later 26348873 Anonymous
Its one of the best projects in crypto. It going to $100+ this year or next is pretty likely. If you want to just put money in, hold, and see it grow that's a good bet.
33 min later 26348883 Anonymous
worse in what way? theres been a few single red daily candles much worse than today. but i agree, we should be at 40 or higher by now if im comparing link to the rest of the market even large caps. its strange, defi tokens have been crushing it and its no surprise really but youd think that since chainlink supplies the majority of defi it would be pumping about as hard. my theory and hope is that link/btc gets back above its broken uptrend and then we'll see a real pump but deep down i think its just me coping. i feel like a fucking idiot for not even selling into even 1 btc back at 170k sats. didnt sell a single link.
33 min later 26348886 Anonymous
i said 10x. if it goes to 81k that's like 4000x. am i missing something here?
34 min later 26348904 Anonymous (F7AA028B-0F24-4EE8-B4AC-A752DCE079EC.jpg 600x600 38kB)
Basically every project that has done q&a videos and partnerships with the LINK team have all been pretty good successes this year.
Although there’s always a chance we could get REQ’d again, I have a lot of AVAX and PRQ in addition to my Link stack.
34 min later 26348922 Anonymous
No, you aren't, I'm just sayin, a 400x is better than a 10x my dude if you can hodl. But a 10x will probably be in like 2 years or so, maybe even the end of year for real this time.
35 min later 26348947 Anonymous
after two years and seeing me make money I finally got my dad to throw in a couple grand but that was about it.
how have you been here for 3 years and are still retarded enough to compare LINK to TSLA?
2 years or less but prepare for suffering
36 min later 26348969 Anonymous
>tfw sub 1000 linklet
36 min later 26348977 Anonymous
>2 years or less but prepare for suffering
so you think it will go down and stay down for a while before it spikes up one day?
36 min later 26348979 Anonymous
was talking sat loss, im sure you've seen the chart
37 min later 26349006 Anonymous (1596411539896.png 846x592 43kB)
>I told someone about link ~$1, but they bought TRON instead because it was “cheaper per token.”
Holy shit.
37 min later 26349008 Anonymous (1596863738309.jpg 1440x2135 397kB)
this. it will have insane returns but it will be suffering incarnate.
I feel you fren. We'll make it too, one day.
yes. It will be a rollercoaster.
38 min later 26349026 Anonymous
can you explain to a newfag (me) how you know it will be a rollercoaster? if it's so great won't it mostly either crab or moon?
39 min later 26349029 Anonymous
my crystal ball is telling me you must buy, and then wait
39 min later 26349042 Anonymous
40 min later 26349053 Anonymous
It may seem crazy to you but our dads are completely different mindsets, generations, skills, etc.. My dad works his tail off every day at his business and he loves it. I can't fucking get it but he makes good money and is happy. The technology that's being built right now is very hard to grasp, 99.9% of people just won't understand. Period. Even when the internet was coming up people were the same way.
40 min later 26349066 Anonymous
Previous price action, sergey's dumps, and Links general instability. It's a combination of looking at our previous charts and meme magic. It already *has* been a rollercoaster, and that won't stop any time soon.
Link has been on a general upward trend, but it's been a rough ride. Every intense pump we have is followed by a harder dump, usually. We always recover, but it's never easy. 2019 for example wasn't fun either.
41 min later 26349073 Anonymous
He's saying it will keep going up retard so fucking my some now so you can still 1000x in the next 5 years
43 min later 26349128 Anonymous
Fair enough, one day that (might be) us with some sort of new technology that seems retarded from the outset. My dad mostly invested in crypto out of desperation because he fucked up a lot in life and now doesn't have enough money saved up to retire. Actually he doesn't have anything, so I'm hoping I can be the person to change that. With my LINK stack I'll have enough for myself and both parents to retire if I hold for another year or two.
44 min later 26349146 Anonymous
If you don't hold at the very least 4-5k LINK it's not worth is anymore at this point.
1k LINK is also nice. But you are not gonna make it from that
And paying $20k for 1k LINK at this point is just stupid
44 min later 26349161 Anonymous
Ok thanks. Do you think I should try to time the next dump and do a big buy or just DCA in over the next 6 months?
45 min later 26349186 Anonymous
What if I'm not expecting to make it just based on LINK? Can't I still get a nice 10x?
46 min later 26349220 Anonymous (1597300156407.jpg 720x900 45kB)
DCA, only ever invest what you can stand to lose. Timing dumps is a very good way to get burned, do not ever swing.
Personally, I would DCA until you see a big dump, *then* put the rest in.
AAVE might be a solid bet. If you really want to disversify, then it doesn't hurt to be in bitcoin and ethereum.
48 min later 26349263 Anonymous
Well goodluck. It's still years out to really getting legs but this is the future and if you position yourself right you will be very wealthy. We're still early as fuck. Patience is everything, Buffet is actually right about that one.
49 min later 26349282 Anonymous
What kind of retarded cope is this?
49 min later 26349302 Anonymous
It's not, it's orchestrated demoralization FUD.
49 min later 26349303 Anonymous
Yes. Hold some Eth, Link, and other promising defi projects. You will do fine and you can just keep reinvesting.
51 min later 26349353 Anonymous (sergey big news.jpg 275x183 9kB)
>I missed link
People were saying this when it dropped to $2 last March and back when it was 40cents, etc.
51 min later 26349362 Anonymous
Stupid question. Wouldn't I only get burned if the dump never comes and I miss my chance to invest? Otherwise how could it burn me?
Yeah I was thinking of doing a mix of BTC/ETH/LINK and then like 10% on shitcoin gambling. Is that reasonable?
51 min later 26349371 Anonymous
Nice one Anon, I hope to do the same
52 min later 26349378 Anonymous
I have 4k LINK. I'm not fudding. I had the opportunity to buy 600k. If LINK hits 1000 I will only have 4 million. That's nothing, if you think under 10 million is making it you are a poorfag or a third worlder or have no ambition. 10k isn't even making it, Assblaster himself said it. 10k is barely not having to work but still having to be frugal and careful what you spend your money on and live low middle class basically.
Anyone under 50k LINK is poor.
54 min later 26349426 Anonymous
No they weren't. Also when it was $2 you did kind of miss it. You were priced out at buying huge amounts. At this point its unironically over.
54 min later 26349433 Anonymous
Yes that's pretty reasonable. Can't go wrong. Btc might keep dumping for now. But now in general is a good buy opportunity imo.
55 min later 26349470 Anonymous
I'm a 19 yo, 500 LINK is all I can afford at the moment, unfortunately. I wish I stumbled upon this website far earlier, it is what it is I guess
55 min later 26349478 Anonymous
I knew you were a fag. Go on keep talking bs to your friends like you’re some special snowflake. You’ll end up in a ditch eventually. Nobody outside this board wants to hear your futuristic stories nobody cares
55 min later 26349480 Anonymous
kek why is that?
56 min later 26349487 Anonymous (1597096344214.jpg 496x634 73kB)
Yes, that's how you'd get burned, with the dump never coming. EG some people saw link pump to ten and then waited to rebuy under that. We've never touched it since.
If you *are* going to wait for a dump, don't have a specific number in mind. Buying at 20 vs 25 or 30 won't make a difference when we're at 1k+.
I suppose that's reasonable. Buy when there's blood in the streets. I would balance that portfolio based on how much risk you're willing to take, but I would hold the majority in Link- the only over coin I hold is AAVE.
Then again, I'm not very risk averse, so eh. that's a reasonable portfolio though.
57 min later 26349544 Anonymous (1596862954643.png 1200x780 797kB)
hodl long enough and even us linklets will make it, fren.
58 min later 26349549 Anonymous
whys everyone in this thread acting like they cant make/buy more link??
Use the current amount u have, trade it for more and more link. you dont need to invest a single extra dollar.
58 min later 26349570 Anonymous
Thanks brehs. Any other advice you can give would be appreciated. I guess I'll just DCA into those big 3 using Binance.US and then I still need to figure out how to use Metamask/Uniswap for the shitcoins.
59 min later 26349590 Anonymous
>And this is someone who sold their 10k link stack well under a dollar to pay debt off.
59 min later 26349593 Anonymous
so what is the next link? dont want to miss out again
1 hours later 26349627 Anonymous
Make a metamask wallet and store the seed phrase somewhere safe. After that you just find the coin you want to buy on Coingecko/Coinmarketcap and click on markets to get a link to uniswap.
1 hours later 26349641 Anonymous
I think it was AAVE, which we both missed out on by not buying summer 2020. There is probably another, but I haven't found it yet. And whoever has isn't shilling it on /biz.
1 hours later 26349648 Anonymous
swingies get the rope.
Promising lending platform, really the only one of it's kind. I think it'll pump by proxy just because people use it to capitalize on their own stacks. DYOR. The best advice I can give is to zoom out, don't watch the minute chart, and basically set and forget. Don't panic over big dumps and price movements. It's a long term hodl.
1 hours later 26349670 Anonymous
Nothing is a sure thing. Dump xlm and get for more link
1 hours later 26349747 Anonymous
Aave is just a defi project which will probably go up in the future. Defi scene is just really hot right now. Link is the king of defi so that's why you want that.
GRT looks promising. Also a good buy at these prices.
1 hours later 26349754 Anonymous
Based, thanks. When I use metamask is my crypto stored on their server or locally in my browser?
1 hours later 26349789 Anonymous
It's store remotely but it's safe unless you get phished or give away your seed phrase
1 hours later 26349814 Anonymous (1577481958313.jpg 600x500 84kB)
>And this is someone who sold their 10k link stack well under a dollar to pay debt off.
anon, i hope you're kidding, if serious you never understood what you were holding
1 hours later 26349845 Anonymous
Do you guys worry about metamask or binance getting hacked and losing your shit? At what point does a hardware wallet become a good idea?
1 hours later 26349904 Anonymous
I just bought 100 Chainlink on this dip.
I've been here for only a few months but I was filtered by the FUD.
Half the Chainlinkers are the absolute best bros.
The other half are evil gains-goblins.
1 hours later 26349936 Anonymous
I was all on metamask until I started getting phishing emails that specifically mentioned tokens in my metamask...
Make of that what you will.
I immediately ordered a hardware wallet.
1 hours later 26349972 Anonymous
metamask isn't safe at all, but we take the risk. for long term holds always use cold offline storage or a ledger wallet. for trading honestly metamask is very unsafe but people do it because its' a convenient dex to use
1 hours later 26349975 Anonymous
Now still good time to buy?
1 hours later 26349993 Anonymous
I have my private keys engraved into the barrel of my shotgun
1 hours later 26350027 Anonymous
>marketcap higher than 10 amazons in 5 years
Peak delusion
1 hours later 26350045 Anonymous
shit bros. can't i just save my coins into a file on my hard drive and then back it up on a usb stick?
is there something safer for shitcoins than metamask/uniswap? i wish i could use binance.com instead of binance.us because they have way more coins
1 hours later 26350066 Anonymous
I did understand. And no I'm not kidding. My whole thought process was "hey this shits been crabbing for months, it will probably be another year before anything happens," Then next thing I knew the google pump happened. I was young, brand fucking new to investing in general. I shitposted here with you guys, followed the threads, I was hype. Started studying linux os and shit. It was a shitty mistake but I'm not gonna let it dominate my mind, especially now that I've learned how the markets actually work, and how to actually make money. I'll be fine. Expensive mistake but I'll make a lot of money this bullrun.
1 hours later 26350077 Anonymous
>can't i just save my coins into a file on my hard drive and then back it up on a usb stick?
are you new? of course you can, just use an offline wallet, you can use a hard drive or usb stick and only connect it for crypto. just buy a ledger wallet, it's really easy to use.
1 hours later 26350118 Anonymous
What is your advice to newfags now?
1 hours later 26350140 Anonymous (pixels.jpg 300x300 9kB)
>have a poorfag friend who has wanted to get into crypto for a long time
>he knows I'm in crypto so we talk about it a lot
>he inherited a few grand from an uncle who died, first time in his life he ever has money to invest
>convince him to go all in with Chainlink (it was late 2019 so he got in around $2 and obtained a nice little stack)
>he freaks out over every red dildo at first but I managed to prevent him from panic selling each time by explaining it's going to be worth 5 figures one day and he just needs to hodl if he wants to become the wealthiest person by far in his lineage
>think he's gonna make it
>he's devastated after the crash following the $20 ATH back in August
>sells all his linkies as soon as it rebounds to $15
He still walked away with a tidy profit and he's very thankful he listened to me because the five figures he cashed out was life changing for him, but I'm disappointed he was so shortsighted. I guess some people really aren't meant to make it.
1 hours later 26350142 Anonymous
Link will pull another 100x in the next 3 years. Those who disagree have no clue what link is and what's driving the crypto sphere.
t. already rode link from 0.15 to 22 (150x?) and not fucking selling.
1 hours later 26350177 Anonymous
yes i'm very new. what is the big advantage of the ledger vs a normal usb stick? more secure/reliable i guess? if i use a usb stick can i save the same file onto like 3 sticks and put them in different places in case one gets destroyed by fire or something? sorry for stupid questions
1 hours later 26350191 Anonymous
Dyor, buy and hold.
1 hours later 26350201 Anonymous
yes it's more secure, also you sound really fucking clueless and don't understand anything about blockchain and the entire point of crypto. go watch some youtube videos, then spend 60 bucks on a ledger because you sound kind of dumb.
1 hours later 26350259 Anonymous
>Link will pull another 100x in the next 3 years.
seems totally unbelievable but I wish I could believe it
1 hours later 26350269 Anonymous
>i missed link
no you didn't
1 hours later 26350297 Anonymous
Is there any chance that LINK will go down, I did not have any expendable cash in Jan 2020 when I wanted to buy and have regretted it since, now that I have some cash I don't want to buy at these high prices?
1 hours later 26350311 Anonymous (1604256104655.png 405x319 189kB)
>I missed bitcoin
>I missed eth
>I missed link
fuck off niggers, there is still plenty of growth in all of these areas, once we finish with the current dip. bitcoin 100k before eoy, link 100 dollars at least. Buy now fags.
1 hours later 26350322 Anonymous
I just bought TRON November 2017 and sold January 2018, you're solid.
I got the first part right. I sold in June 2019...
1 hours later 26350354 Anonymous
Now you know how us linkies felt in 2018.
Here's some free life advice: spend the next 100 hours researching link and acquire unbreakable faith in the project. Buy literally as much as you can and be unimaginably wealthy in 5 years from now.
or: screencap this post, gamble away your money on shitcoins, look back at this screencap in 2026 and kill yourself.
The choice is yours anon.
1 hours later 26350377 Anonymous (Binance-IEO-Project-Band-Protocol-Sees-Coinbase-Effect-With-Listing-News-What-Altcoin-Is-Next.jpg 784x506 33kB)
LINK is clogged by ETH piping.
BAND will defeat LINK, just you watch. Cap this post if you don't believe, its all in the technology.
1 hours later 26350407 Anonymous
Isn't that a warning sign that even new people this project recognize they should have bought this at like 20 cents instead 20 dollars?
Who is going to buy your bags?
1 hours later 26350434 Anonymous
yeah i'm sure you are right, will do. thanks for being nice about it.
1 hours later 26350496 Anonymous
Link doesn’t require ETH to function, and already has numerous options to work around it if the client still decides to use ETH.
1 hours later 26350497 Anonymous
should I swap my 4 ETH for stinky linky?
1 hours later 26350512 Anonymous
Isn't that a warning sign that even new people to this project recognize they should have bought this at like 20 cents instead 20 dollars?
Who is going to buy your bags?
1 hours later 26350544 Anonymous
I mean it was a nobrainer to buy Ethereum at even 100 dollars when you were new to the project, hell even Ethereum at 300 dollars was a good deal according to new people to crypto
But most people I talk to think Link at 20 dollars is like way too overpriced and they could only buy it when it dips to like few dollars at most
What gives? I talked to this new crypto investor and he quite frankly told me that only way to make it with Chainlink was to buy it at like 30 cents
1 hours later 26350547 Anonymous
To maybe $16 levels? Fat chance but possible. To below $10? Keep dreaming it's not happening.
1 hours later 26350571 Anonymous
wow i can't imagine people still think this, thats the kind of mentality that will make you missout on link forever
1 hours later 26350584 Anonymous
Isn't that a warning sign that even new people to this project recognize they should have bought this at like 20 cents instead 20 dollars?
Who is going to buy your bags ?
1 hours later 26350589 Anonymous
sell signal
1 hours later 26350611 Anonymous
if you check the thread i'm actually the retarded newfag asking dumb questions. i just posted that so to maybe bait someone into explaining it to me
1 hours later 26350618 Anonymous (1611203957126.jpg 500x338 37kB)
>People unironically still holding LINK
1 hours later 26350627 Anonymous (0_UQ6MMOtwyq-JJvUG.jpg 1600x900 481kB)
only like 7b market cap and they are gonna be processing transactions for quadrillions of dollars
1 hours later 26350638 Anonymous
You’re an idiot. This dump felt fine, we’re still near the highest prices we’ve ever had for link. The sats bleed after the peak in 2020 was 100x more painful.
1 hours later 26350676 Anonymous
my god i prefer to be in debt than sell my link...holy shit. also 10k link sub 1$ thats like xhat 4-9k$? so youre telling me youre gonna missout on the biggest wealth transfer in history because of a sub ok$ debts? holy shit i wouldnt wanna be you
1 hours later 26350730 Anonymous
If you cant make it with 4mill to work with YOU are the poorfag idiot with no ambition. dumbass
1 hours later 26350738 Anonymous
some people are just not made to make it. as simple as that. its as if they are bots that can only do basic life without any splashes. people with no taste no real energy
1 hours later 26350763 Anonymous
What part of ‘make it’ stack don’t you understand? Everyone with 10k will be a millionaire in less than a year, two at most. Then we get a salary of 100,000$ a year minimum just for holding link and farming yield/rewards. That’s plenty to live off while smart contracts mature and we become truly wealthy. If you want to move the goalposts and ‘making it’ is a Learjet, knock yourself out. We’ll have total financial freedom and our whole lives ahead of us.
1 hours later 26350779 Anonymous
Yes. You must be new. Have you heard of the guys who spent thousands of BTC or sold a whole fuck load of BTC at $3? Many such cases.
1 hours later 26350822 Anonymous (download.jpg 360x360 22kB)
1 hours later 26350827 Anonymous
How can you be so confident?
1 hours later 26350887 Anonymous
>Get rich
>Buy property and pay off entire mortgage
>Have left over money to play with and accumulate interest
>Never have to give a fuck about working your ass off for 50 years and burning out
1 hours later 26350982 Anonymous
Yes that's very nice. Do you expect me to roll over and die? Or stop trying? Difference between me and you is that I actually have inner strength and a large amount of confidence. Happy about life in general as well, I'm fit, I'm healthy.
1 hours later 26350992 Anonymous (sigh pepe.jpg 350x338 31kB)
>told my uncle about link, he bought 1000
>told my bro about link. he bought 1000
>told my bro about link, he bought 4000 but sold half for a fucking car
>told my bro about link, he refused to buy and only buys shitcoins, he also sold the bottom of march crash
>told my bro about link, he thinks crypto is a scam and it's not real money
I just want them to get rich, why are they like this?
1 hours later 26351051 Anonymous
Seriously this opportunity is happening slowly and in real-time. and people are just choosing to miss out?
1 hours later 26351054 Anonymous
its called unification and kleros
1 hours later 26351060 Anonymous
Because he did his own fucking research.
1 hours later 26351072 Anonymous
maybe if you didnt talk like such a sperg fanboi then you might have convinced some people to buy it
1 hours later 26351092 Anonymous
Down to 12$ at the end of the day for this TOKEN
1 hours later 26351151 Anonymous
Just buy some regulary, like once a week regardless of the price.
Keep some extra cash in reserve and use it as a limit order to pick up any link price flash crahses.
1 hours later 26351155 Anonymous
Okay I'll see if I can get in at ~16
1 hours later 26351211 Anonymous
Just think about how many people are NOT yet invested in LINK. Billions. Link is here to stay and at the very minimum americans and Europeans will have it as part of their retirement portfolios and the buyin will be steep once a large amount of the supply is locked in staking.
1 hours later 26351349 Anonymous
i unironically made this pepe please never use it again thanks
2 hours later 26351530 Anonymous
don't worry, once YOU get rich and it's obvious to them you'll hear every sob story they can fathom and be emotionally pressured to hand some over. this is the reason I don't talk to half my family anymore, have fun!
2 hours later 26351552 Anonymous
But i have a big family and don't want it to fall apart.... even my sisters bought link.....
2 hours later 26351571 Anonymous
You will be able to buy at $5 within a year, but you'll have to have the balls.
2 hours later 26351598 Anonymous
Its honestly unlikely link has held super strong with this crash. If it was gonna hit $16 it probably would of today/yesterday
2 hours later 26351613 Anonymous
you are me, im never fucking selling
2 hours later 26351736 Anonymous
would 'have', not 'of'
2 hours later 26351756 Anonymous
since you guys are so confident in 100x, do you hold any btc or eth? wouldn't it be better to just sell everything besides link in order to buy more link?
2 hours later 26351770 Anonymous
thats the proof you dont understand link, link is blovkchain agnostic, and it has a real jse. igs securing today billions of $ in defi, and the token is mandatory to use the network or to participate in the network by staking.
normies are not needeed staking alone and institutions buying will make do an eady x100 from here
2 hours later 26351819 Anonymous
That’s a really conservative timeline - two years to get to 100$? Incredibly easy. Link already yields 4.4% on celsius. Once staking is generating yield, the yield % will be added to that, 10% yield shouldn’t be hard to achieve. Link has already gone 40x from my buy-in, another 5x is just a matter of time. It’s pretty easy to be confident on BTC and Link because they dominate their sectors of the crypto space. Eth ia probably going to do great, but there are tons of competitors in the dapp platform space, and cross-chain compatibility is becoming a thing, so it’s always possible some dark horse like the trannies at zip end up ‘winning’ the dapp platform war. But it’s going to be next to impossible to beat link, the moat of integrations, network effects and proprietary tech like Deco etc is already too big. This isn’t even factoring in the possibility of a major link mania/bubble, or some crazy partnership announcement, 100$ link will easily be achieved as the network steadily sees more use by defi. Just dyor, DCA and relax, maybe fud link on Reddit if you need a hobby, and wait for the inevitable.
2 hours later 26351858 Anonymous
Kek. That's a small ID you got there
2 hours later 26351897 Anonymous
*trannies at Zil, excuse my phoneposting
2 hours later 26351940 Anonymous
I fucked myself trying to swing it. If I bought back in now I'd have a little over 200 link. My plan is to just chase it. Make money with other things and hopefully be able to buy a fat stack that I can just sit on and feel good about.
2 hours later 26351955 Anonymous
>even my sisters bought link.....
everyone I told to buy eth sub 10 didn't listen but treat it like I should handle the losses alone and share any profit but if your family took that leap and bought then it's much different and they probably won't be spiteful about it like many in my family were
2 hours later 26351996 Anonymous
Anons is 5900 going to be enough to make it? Bought in at $0.48 with all I had, and I wish I had sold my fucking car to get more.
2 hours later 26352016 Anonymous
2 hours later 26352019 Anonymous
Yes. Remember, some people have under 1k, like myself.
2 hours later 26352037 Anonymous (hedidn'tbelieve.png 1652x1342 561kB)
Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no ho no no no no no no
pic related
2 hours later 26352046 Anonymous
If I buy in now, how long will it take for 100x?
2 hours later 26352066 Anonymous
Will Link drop some tomorrow or should I buy now?
2 hours later 26352206 Anonymous
checked. your friend is a retard and doesn't deserve it. just don't rub it in his face when you're balls deep in a lambo
2 hours later 26352221 Anonymous
Cope, poorfag. You didn't make it.
2 hours later 26352245 Anonymous
Yes. I wish I discovered this sooner and had a stack like yours. I only have 450 right and still accumulating for long term hold
2 hours later 26352281 Anonymous
weapons grade copium. sorry for your loss anon
2 hours later 26352308 Anonymous
>I go to school with a prominent professor of tax law and securities regulation whose specific focus is cryptocurrency
she's also a woman, but she's old so I can't seduce her. how do I get her to go all in on link
2 hours later 26352354 Anonymous (priest.jpg 657x527 65kB)
Greed is a deadly sin. This is why it is important to pray a lot whilst doing crypto. Be happy for the gains you have attained, for they are a blessing. You could've just invested in normie stocks and gotten a 10% increase in 10 years (while inflation was 2-4x during the same period). Instead, you're multiplying your investments in a couple of years.
Be thankful, anons, and you will know peace.
2 hours later 26352414 Anonymous
gee anon let me just check my crystal ball
2 hours later 26352434 Anonymous
Based. Not even religious but I still know this. Everyone should.
2 hours later 26352436 Anonymous
i have 25k grt should i dump it and buy more link?
2 hours later 26352450 Anonymous
2 hours later 26352488 Anonymous
Yeah one of my bigger regrets is not getting into AAVE. I saw it being shilled at the every beginning but paid no mind to it, I was tbf only interested in stacking more LINK. Being all in link is great but at the same time there were so many other plays I missed out on. Damn.
2 hours later 26352495 Anonymous
Thanks anons. Ngl it does keep me up sometimes thinking I could’ve had so much more if I made a few more sacrifices. Was so fucking poor in 2017.
2 hours later 26352504 Anonymous
GRT is a great project and it has an incredible use case, I think it's going to become a massive part of the crytpo space over the next few years, the same way Chainlink has, however take a look at the tokenomics, you wont make much if any money this bullrun, there is still so much GRT left to enter supply.
2 hours later 26352536 Anonymous
I know, Anon. I know. You'll make it. We all will, given enough time. Just think about all the people who will post 'is two link enough to make it' in a few months.
2 hours later 26352558 Anonymous
Love posts like these, makes me think we're all still so early.
2 hours later 26352571 Anonymous
Shut up faggot. Link is probably the only thing you hold and you let it decide your fate because you're too much of a pussy to trade. You probably threw a little neet money at it 3 years ago because you were smitten by the memes a group of autists put together and being an "og link marine" on /biz/ is the only form of male comradery you have.
2 hours later 26352610 Anonymous
>Link is probably the only thing you hold and you let it decide your fate because you're too much of a pussy to trade. You probably threw a little neet money at it 3 years ago because you were smitten by the memes a group of autists put together and being an "og link marine" on /biz/ is the only form of male comradery you have.
Kek I know this is true for a lot of anons here
2 hours later 26352657 Anonymous
You're a bad person to hog those 7s for such a pathetic attempt at misdirection
2 hours later 26352758 Anonymous
assblaster wasnt really that great with numbers though. no one, not AB, not you, not me can know what a make it stack is. we can speculate that it will be more valuable in the future but you can never know exactly how valuable it will be to derive what a sui/makeit stake is. ive spent enough time trying to give link a value based on collateral requirements for different industries and contracts i believe will run through link and at this point i really believe 1k eoy is actually fud and the 100k/10k stack prediction was just an educated guess. godspeed marine
2 hours later 26352770 Anonymous
Will it dump -50% when Staking is announced, like when it did in August 2020, or staking announcement will be the new paradigm?
2 hours later 26352854 Anonymous
2 hours later 26352891 Anonymous
2 hours later 26352943 Anonymous
lol or when they literally partnered with the WEF. strange times
2 hours later 26352972 Anonymous
>five figures he cashed out was life changing for him
So he blew it on hookers and coke? Gotcha. Lifechanging sum indeed.
2 hours later 26352985 Anonymous
I wish I missed LINK in 2017 and bought anything else.
2 hours later 26353008 Anonymous
>the pump to $23
why did it happen?
2 hours later 26353012 Anonymous
based and truth
2 hours later 26353046 Anonymous
2 hours later 26353122 Anonymous
according to your own logic you didn’t either retard
2 hours later 26353230 Anonymous
My premature ejaculation prevents me from having a female who is a 10 regardless of how rich I am
2 hours later 26353248 Anonymous
just pulled this up from May 2018, they were all predicting it to go like 1000x by EOY and it ended up like 2x
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S7709 115
3 hours later 26353276 Anonymous
rub 2 braincells together and learn to think on your own man you are so fucking retarded
3 hours later 26353307 Anonymous
i'm not denying that i'm a clueless newfag so i can't get upset by what you say
3 hours later 26353347 Anonymous
My mom bought 500 link when it was a dollar. She never questioned my advice , she just did it. She retires in a couple years. I just hope it hits $1k and so she can enjoy her retirement more.
3 hours later 26353349 Anonymous
I just shit this thread out on the toilet and forgot about it when I got up. Surprised to see it blow up, heh.
3 hours later 26353484 Anonymous
My stack is bigger than yours and youre still an idiotic loser with no clue about money.
3 hours later 26353511 Anonymous
No, he used most of it to buy a mobile home and the rest to buy a few nice things for himself. Not stupid things like hookers and coke, useful stuff he'll have for a long time like a really nice bed and high end computer parts for his rig he built. I know that doesn't sound like much to those of us planning on making millions from Chainlink but it really is a massive upgrade for him. Before cashing out he had been living with his parents his whole life. His parents are such trashy people. They live in a filthy, dilapidated, Hoarders-tier shithole. It was so bad that a few weeks after he moved out his asthma and allergies no longer exist. I'm disappointed he sold his golden ticket early because I was looking forward to having a /madeit/ friend so I could have a friend with whom money would never be an issue but his life is so much better now that he has a nice, clean place to call his own.
3 hours later 26353570 Anonymous
You two sound as salty AF
3 hours later 26353642 Anonymous (1581976800684.jpg 224x225 7kB)
Did he strike a nerve?
3 hours later 26353683 Anonymous
>He doesn't understand intelligent market manipulation
What do you do in Crypto?
3 hours later 26353691 Anonymous
No shit retard.
How? You have low ambitions in life.
3 hours later 26353698 Anonymous (1529426525051.png 645x729 65kB)
would it make sense buying link with €500 or should i gamble it on pump and dump shitcoins until i have more?
3 hours later 26353889 Anonymous
50K in 3 years. Respectable if starting with 500
3 hours later 26354232 Anonymous
2 years
3 hours later 26354323 Anonymous
Tickled my funny bone, yeh
Nice Fud, btw. Pretend you're Link maxi but shill a load of other shit at the same time, nice
3 hours later 26354369 Anonymous
He wasn't great with anything. He regurgitated the same info about LINK that other people who decided to remain anonymous found prior to him and he shilled 3 other projects which were failures. He told people to buy REQ. I was there. There were many bizraelis that provided significantly better posts in the late 2017-early 2018 LINK Golden Age of threads.
3 hours later 26354472 Anonymous
My fren you need redemption.
You are not an insider clearly and you are trading crypto? You will feed the whales at best.
I guess It’s easier to be proud, it fills the heart with a delusional feeling of all mightiness. Without the required knowledge however it’s pure folly.
Pride comes before destruction, humbleness before honor.
3 hours later 26354829 Anonymous
125 wallets hold 81% of total supply. Is that true?
4 hours later 26355155 Anonymous
At this point even a 100x will not allow me to make it as all I can afford is £1000 from a loan I have.
All I want is a log cabin in the woods, inflation will fuck me by the time that happens so £100k will not be anywhere near enough.
4 hours later 26355251 Anonymous
high level post
4 hours later 26355306 Anonymous
>And this is someone who sold their 10k link stack well under a dollar to pay debt off.
4 hours later 26355341 Anonymous
>10% yield shouldn’t be hard to achieve
on celsius?
Why so much once staking is implemented?
4 hours later 26355363 Anonymous
>mfw this is actually nice by 4chan standards
4 hours later 26355412 Anonymous
Kek - I thought so too
4 hours later 26355442 Anonymous
you arent supposed to make it with one small investment. multiply your money until you make it. also shitcoins are nice for fast gains. im 2k deep into rbc
4 hours later 26355864 Anonymous
I always thought the whole point of 4chan was by removing peoples identities from the comments you remove egos therefore any insults / attacks are purely on the content of your messages. When you think about things that way the insults are equally meaningless since your personal ego is separate from any online comment you make, unless you specifically make a comment that is somehow related to your personality / ego.
4 hours later 26355949 Anonymous
Or he forgets to move tokens in case of address migration...
4 hours later 26356001 Anonymous
Defi is much more vulnerable than traditional assets.
Even a small exploit has large potential to harm the reputation of the whole defi.
Read some of the quantstamp analysis of the mainstream defi projects, that's tragic.
4 hours later 26356144 Anonymous
Anon think of it like this - what other fucking way do you have to make it ? Waging is not enough you need to invest. Biz has already done the work for you - I’m a shrimp stack and even I know this will revolutionise the world . In 10 years you will still be poor so why not just gamble on it
4 hours later 26356179 Anonymous
yes, we did we will never get the insane lucky gains OGs had (100x). At most it’s 5x and for most of us that’s not gonna change much. So, please shut the hell up and enjoy your luck of making it without any effort just by being at the right time in the right place.
5 hours later 26356467 Anonymous
Psssst it rhymes with 10
5 hours later 26356482 Anonymous
we might have missed link, but we are still early for rbc. hope im gonna make it as a 10k stacklet
5 hours later 26356515 Anonymous
5 hours later 26356794 Anonymous
>by the end of the decade.
Fud. They'll rope by the end of the year at the latest.
5 hours later 26356947 Anonymous
I have a friend who I've been telling about link since it was $2. I only told him because he's an alcoholic and something like this would be his only chance to make any money. Every time I mention it he just says "haha I wish I'd gotten into that" he seems to understand that it still has a very very long way to go but still "haha I wish I'd gotten into that" at $3.50, $4, $10, $20, $10... "haha I wish I'd gotten into that"
5 hours later 26356976 Anonymous
5 hours later 26357040 Anonymous
Not bad fellah but as a small stack holder that goes fishing daily to eat im gunna keep trying to shake people like you down with retarded fudposts until i make 10k.
5 hours later 26357116 Anonymous (1610916847550.jpg 600x525 51kB)
This is why I only tell people once about buying crypto. If they are interested they will approach you and ask questions further. If they arent there is nothing you can say or do to convince them otherwise. Some people arent meant to make it.
5 hours later 26357134 Anonymous (1609532723941.jpg 334x506 43kB)
>tfw 90 LINK
Guess I should probably get it to 100 shouldn't I?
5 hours later 26357177 Anonymous (1562703241774.jpg 800x600 59kB)
Its only underperforming right now. Makes you feel like you missed out because everything else is shooting up. But remember Link hit $20 last year before anything else even took off. Shattering multiple aths for 2019/2020. Eth has just touched ath and broke through once so far.
5 hours later 26357315 Anonymous
Holy fuck these type of copes just strengthen my fucking already hands of steel. Thanks for selling me your bags faggot
5 hours later 26357364 Anonymous (1542306163704.png 640x783 963kB)
>100k LINK this bullrun, no, you didn't make it.
No. You only needed 10k link to make it. Thats 10 million, enough to quit waging. Besides i imagine most Linkies will come back for next bullrun in various ways. Crypto isnt dying with the next crash. Just do the whole thing again only buying make it stacks in multiple coins this time.
5 hours later 26357834 Anonymous
This kek.
My uncle has a PhD in physics but he always makes sure to tell everyone how Bitcoin is a ponzi (granted he never did any serious research). On the other hand my father, while also an educated man, doesn't get it either but he at least takes my word for it because I've explained it to him multiple times in very clear terms. He has been into Bitcoin for 2 years now. I just can't, for the life of me, convince him to stop looking at the chart and just hold. He just wants to trade it all the time kek.
6 hours later 26358248 Anonymous
80% is owned by 1%
6 hours later 26358387 Anonymous
People on Reddit say it's a scam.
6 hours later 26358526 Anonymous
It is.
6 hours later 26358574 Anonymous
I don't want wealth and immortality tho, I just want a somewhat comfy life with death at the end
6 hours later 26358612 Anonymous
go all in brother
6 hours later 26358617 Anonymous
We will recapture ath in sats. We all do this in crypto and allow the present to get too strong a hold on sentiment. Link has gone to sats ath before and retraced. Lool at summer 2019 sats were 60k and 6 months later down at 20k while people cried we would never get it back. BTC has been pumping so alts lost big but its only January ffs. We could easily regain the 100k sats we still have to make up and do that well before summer time where a new proper price discovery in sats can be had. By then with BTC at 60k-80k then we will all be singing and told you soing. Its January lads, calm down.
6 hours later 26358780 Anonymous
So why are people here shilling it?
6 hours later 26358931 Anonymous (70D39798-5CB8-42CB-85E9-BF23A1317AE7.jpg 1069x1082 164kB)
newfag with 42 linkies.
at least i’ll make some money
6 hours later 26359113 Anonymous (Sergey_Ironman.gif 480x480 4059kB)
I want to increase my pitiful 500 stack.
Is it better to Buy a load now? or DCA Every Month, or every quarter?
6 hours later 26359370 Anonymous
To trick racists into wasting their money. The good folks over at r/cc decided to pull off this trick a couple years back and this repulsive forum has never been the same since. Mission accomplished! ;)
6 hours later 26359541 Anonymous
>and relax, maybe fud link on Reddit if you need a hobby
Thanks Anon, starting my day with a hearty chuckle
6 hours later 26359629 Anonymous
This. Greedy anons have slippy hands and get the strong rope.
2.553 0.393