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2021-01-22 04:53 26343055 Anonymous (9k=.jpg 230x219 7kB)
My gf told me she no longer wants to be with me

0 min later 26343076 Anonymous
>>26343055 i know that feel well brother

1 min later 26343092 Anonymous
>>26343055 Dare i say, it’s over

1 min later 26343095 Anonymous (buying gf.jpg 237x213 6kB)
>>26343055 just buy a new one

1 min later 26343097 Anonymous
>>26343055 Which means she has been thinking it for a few months and already has another guy lined up. Feels bad.

1 min later 26343105 Anonymous
Get rich now and she’ll come climbing back

1 min later 26343112 Anonymous (1588024297666.jpg 800x534 87kB)
>>26343055 its sucks man but remember that woman is not your partner, if you gonna live with hopes of finding cute gf, its gonna be hard

2 min later 26343127 Anonymous
More time to spend /biz/ and more money for meme stocks.

2 min later 26343134 Anonymous
>>26343055 Shoulda broke with her first retard. Always gotta be one move ahead

2 min later 26343142 Anonymous
>>26343055 Oh no, how does it feel to be the first person ever to have this happen to? Dumping and getting dumped is part of life, take your lessons from this relationship and move on.

2 min later 26343143 Anonymous
>>26343055 To be fair I wouldn't want to be with you either.

2 min later 26343147 Anonymous (72a75deb3d4406e2ee1d39f83b921a16.jpg 550x550 39kB)
>>26343095 I have not made it yet

2 min later 26343150 Anonymous
Sell her and buy LINK

3 min later 26343173 Anonymous
>>26343055 no one ever leaves without someone else to go to, she's been cheating for awhile. If it's her fault, then you are lucky she's gone, if it's your fault, get better. There are a lot of girls

3 min later 26343182 Anonymous
>>26343055 yeah that'll happen after a couple years

3 min later 26343183 Anonymous
>>26343055 My only advice to you is to block all contact and go completely cold turkey. Don't look at her social media or anything of the sort. Do not talk to her ever again even as friends. If you do any of this you will regret it and wish you listened to that random guy on 4chan

3 min later 26343200 Anonymous
>>26343134 I told her I felt the same way and she has been seething on twitter

3 min later 26343207 Anonymous
>>26343055 I found crypto in 2017 thanks to breaking up w a chick. Now I’ve turn 15k into 1M in link. Best situation ever

4 min later 26343225 Anonymous
>>26343055 Then imagine that there is someone like me who is a 34 yo wizard and will never know how it feels to have a girlfriend. Would you rather be like me and never know what you will never have or live to have it for a short period of time and then lose it?

5 min later 26343238 Anonymous (80ABC405-D476-4845-BE85-BF5FEF198C87.jpg 1125x1828 504kB)
>>26343207 Pic related from a couple days ago

5 min later 26343246 Anonymous
>>26343183 This but be mature about it. Thank her for the love she gave you and then never speak to her again.

5 min later 26343252 Anonymous
>>26343055 if she leaves don't contact her for a bit, put her on ice, let her come back once she realizes she goofed up because, no that new guy is not actually that great. Make her earn your respect back. If she sees you happy without her is will literally short circuit her brain. That is if you want her back, if not just find a new bae.

6 min later 26343269 Anonymous
>>26343055 Kek

6 min later 26343274 Anonymous
I no longer want to be with you either.

6 min later 26343284 Anonymous
>>26343055 Good for her.

7 min later 26343305 Anonymous
>>26343055 Rough, bud. You'll be alright. Do this >>26343183

7 min later 26343307 Anonymous (411-4118058_apu-apustaja-hug-hd-png-download.png 860x499 86kB)
>>26343252 Based advice, you are the only non virgin in this thread

8 min later 26343340 Anonymous
>>26343055 I fucked her in the butt sorry not sorry

8 min later 26343359 Anonymous
>>26343183 this. girl is still on my mind as a wandering thought from time to time but I don't care about her at all beyond common decency. just let her go and don't let her occupy any space. it's a reverse stock market git gud anon.

9 min later 26343377 Anonymous
>>26343055 you can save more money now

9 min later 26343389 Anonymous
>>26343307 Insulting everyone who replied to your shitty diary post on /biz? You sound very leave-able. She left you for a reason, your shitty personality that can never change.

10 min later 26343409 Anonymous (2Q==.jpg 312x162 9kB)
>>26343389 I didn't intend to insult you anon, I love you, I am sorry

11 min later 26343420 Anonymous
>gf Reeeeee, normie get out.

11 min later 26343438 Anonymous
>>26343252 Why would you ever want to be with someone who left you?

12 min later 26343444 Anonymous
>>26343420 buy GRT

12 min later 26343455 Anonymous
>>26343252 I doubt a relationship can revert back to how it was after she found something better. He will always be second in her mind and she will keep on hating him for not being the guy she was trying to get.

13 min later 26343488 Anonymous
she;s with a chad who bought bitcoin. dumped your shitcoin having ass

14 min later 26343504 Anonymous
>>26343488 This. Build that stack up anon

14 min later 26343518 Anonymous (Z.jpg 300x168 10kB)
>>26343488 >she;s with a chad who bought bitcoin. Anyone who bought bitcoin looks like this

15 min later 26343550 Anonymous
>>26343518 bitcoin always recovers to new highs. shitcoins dont. switch to bitcoin while its on sale

16 min later 26343585 Anonymous (418-4183599_i-love-this-coin-and-you-should-too-monero-chan.jpg 840x810 183kB)
>>26343550 I was going to go all in monero, how much BTC is a suicide stack right now?

18 min later 26343648 Anonymous (xmr btc.png 1522x530 114kB)
>>26343585 look at the value on monero in terms of bitcoin. do this with all shitcoins. use long term charts. none hold their value when priced in bitcoin buy bitcoin. its your first step to becoming sucessful at investing. dump your shitcoin bags today

20 min later 26343693 Anonymous
>>26343055 Nice. Get you a younger, hotter one.

20 min later 26343708 Anonymous
>>26343225 I lost my virginity at 29, you can still turn things around

20 min later 26343716 Anonymous (1611013203627.jpg 1024x709 74kB)
bros I saw a girl who looked just like my exgf at the dispensary. sent me for a freakin whirl man. she was in a 90s Tacoma and smiled at me just like that girl used to.

21 min later 26343744 Anonymous
>>26343648 >t. zeus capital

22 min later 26343751 Anonymous (Z.jpg 235x215 7kB)
>>26343693 I have been talking to this redhead classmate, she already agreed to a date, but I don't know if its a "firends" date or a real date >>26343716 Did you asked for her number, fren? >>26343225 I am sorry anon, I bet you can still get a nice gf

22 min later 26343771 Anonymous (President Biden.jpg 1140x797 53kB)
My gf told me if I ever left her she would probably kill herself because there's no point living without me.

24 min later 26343837 Anonymous
>>26343771 Sounds a little bit toxic anon, do you love her?

25 min later 26343841 Anonymous
Want to know how I know your poor OP? I am as ugly as a dog and I'm dating a 9/10 Eastern European babe with no tattoos, shes always signaling she wants to settle down and get married - I doubt she would feel the same way If I didnt live in a fully paid off house driving a 120,000 dollar car.

25 min later 26343845 Anonymous
>>26343307 Glad your girlfriend dumped your dumb ungrateful ass

26 min later 26343883 Anonymous
>>26343771 based, marry her

26 min later 26343906 Anonymous
>>26343841 I am poor anon, but I don't care :)

27 min later 26343936 Anonymous (one scoop.jpg 405x500 31kB)
>>26343837 I mean I don't know, as much as I love my dog. She's cuter than my dog though, and I don't like to fuck dogs. So I guess?

28 min later 26343953 Anonymous
>>26343936 Based

29 min later 26343989 Anonymous
>>26343097 Many such cases. Sad

29 min later 26343998 Anonymous
>>26343055 tfw I don't know this feel Feel good man.

30 min later 26344016 Anonymous
>>26343998 To be fair, I don't feel sad, I just miss her

31 min later 26344055 Anonymous
21st century women are literally the worst investment you could possibly make.

32 min later 26344079 Anonymous
>>26343771 my gf said this too and in this present moment i do believe it but dont underestimate how fickle the female brain is. it CAN change on a dime

32 min later 26344106 Anonymous
>>26344055 This Congrats OP, you’re gonna make it.

34 min later 26344144 Anonymous (two many scoops.jpg 1778x999 234kB)
>>26344079 Fortunately I have cult leader tier charisma so she actually worships me.

34 min later 26344157 Anonymous
>>26343238 do you fags actually trust your networth all in anime magic money?

36 min later 26344208 Anonymous
>>26343200 post roastierage

36 min later 26344239 Anonymous
>>26343183 i still have my 13 minute sex tape of my ex gf from 10 years ago. she was made fine i never getting rid of that. it gets funnier as time goes on. cause i had her when she was in her prime 16-22 and now she is like 30+ with a kid and fat.

37 min later 26344244 Anonymous
>>26343518 I bought at $0.80 I laugh at all of you panicking. never selling btw

37 min later 26344274 Anonymous
>>26344208 It's in Spanish, but she said she can't believe ending a one year relationship could hurt so much, so she will probably never get married

37 min later 26344275 Anonymous
>>26343055 Your ex gf you mean

37 min later 26344278 Anonymous
>>26344239 >prime >16-22 too ol- [THIS POSTER HAS BEEN ARRESTED BY THE FBI]

39 min later 26344355 Anonymous
>>26343105 fucking cuck mentality she doesnt want me but she will want this money which she will have to interact with me to use kys you fucking failure

42 min later 26344420 Anonymous
>>26344016 Do yourself a favour OP and watch these: https://youtu.be/tu-QjTNtDz8 https://youtu.be/ByPzzT9ScFA

44 min later 26344480 Anonymous
>>26343055 It happens when you have a small peepee How small is your peepee, OP?

44 min later 26344487 Anonymous
>>26343105 never do that. Never go back to an ex.

44 min later 26344494 Anonymous
>>26344055 To extend the metaphor a bit to see what I mean: >need a lot of starting capital to get into (both financial and social capital) >almost always comes used; the ones that aren't are illegal because of some "must let ferment for 18 years after manufacturing" regulation. >absolutely draconian regulations (can't discipline them without getting jailed and your assets and returns taken away) >if you even get returns to the investment (children, cooking and house maintenance services, sex) to begin with Literally start shorting women and long ai sexbots.

44 min later 26344497 Anonymous
Sell and rebuy at a cheaper cost

44 min later 26344502 Anonymous
>>26343751 >Did you asked for her number, fren? no, she was pulling out as I was pulling in. and honestly the heefer ruins my confidence, I gotta stop this stuff. it destroys my θυμός if you know greek

44 min later 26344504 Anonymous (1589950061929.jpg 595x585 290kB)
>that first time the love of my life told me she thinks we should end things when i thought things were going well

47 min later 26344568 Anonymous
>>26343055 today is the beginning of the rest of your life. my advice is get a rebound fast, as fast as possible. this will get rid of clingy desperation. the sadness might stay though. now build yourself up and chop wood, carry water.

48 min later 26344578 Anonymous (u4sie15lby641.jpg 720x496 123kB)
>>26344420 That movie looks amazing >>26344480 16cm >>26344502 I am sorry anon, you may find her again, I can read the greek alphabet, but I don't know what it actually says >>26344504 I am sorry anon, you will find a better one

48 min later 26344584 Anonymous
bros if life has taught me anything it's that if it happens once, it'll happen again. it's all about being at the right place at the right time.

48 min later 26344589 Anonymous (F1BE05CC-1BFD-46D4-A1E9-8A236A1426EA.jpg 442x532 89kB)
>>26343097 Women are monkeys. They never let go of a branch until they have a firm grip on the next one. It’s just how they are born, brother. Try not to take it too hard. Go over to /fit/, get yoked, rage fuck a few whores, get in a bar fight, and you will feel a lot better. We love you, fren.

48 min later 26344599 Anonymous
>>26343055 /biz/ is your gf now

48 min later 26344604 Anonymous
I’m like an 8 and my gf is a 5-6. My parents lowkey called her ugly to my face. she makes me happy tho bros. what do

49 min later 26344625 Anonymous
>>26344584 Yeah, this was my second gf >>26344589 >Go over to /fit/, get yoked, I called my local gym to see what is the rate today, I just need the motivation to wake up every morning

49 min later 26344642 Anonymous
>>26344589 I'd probably feel so alive if I got in a good bar fight

50 min later 26344661 Anonymous (Z.jpg 316x160 9kB)
>>26344599 /biz/ is probably the best board right now, it reminds me of /b/ 10 years ago

50 min later 26344664 Anonymous
>>26344604 fuck man, stand up for your woman and tell your parents to shut the fuck up, they shouldn't be talking about that like her. fucking christ. also just bag her when you have sex.

52 min later 26344700 Anonymous
>>26344604 I would not be taking that shit from my parents. My parents think I’m too good for my wife too (what parents don’t). I picked her, I didn’t pick them. I will do what makes me happy. Their opinion on the matter is irrelevant.

52 min later 26344703 Anonymous
>>26344578 >I am sorry anon, you may find her again, I can read the greek alphabet, but I don't know what it actually says thanks fren, but I don't want her back. too much trouble. in case you're talking about tacoma woman then inshallah I'll get her number if I see her around town. but who knows I'd probably find an excuse not to get it.

52 min later 26344711 Anonymous
>>26344664 Nah man they arent mean about it I can just tell and read between the lines. She isnt fat just a butterface, and sometimes I can view her objectively and think ‘man this bitch looks like a boy’ but when she smiles bros I just think shes the most beautiful girl in the world. Her soul is beautiful too

52 min later 26344716 Anonymous
>>26344604 Post pics of both. I doubt your parents would call a 6 ugly. If you are a pussy use Anonymizer https://generated.photos/anonymizer

53 min later 26344735 Anonymous
>>26344711 >but when she smiles bros I just think shes the most beautiful girl in the world. Her soul is beautiful too Marry her

53 min later 26344740 Anonymous
>>26344625 >>26344642 do martial arts you fags, don't get hurt

53 min later 26344754 Anonymous
>>26343055 It’s a blessing in disguise - I know you won’t believe me - but just trust me ok. Any girl who dumps you forget them. Focus on you and you alone OP.

55 min later 26344792 Anonymous
>>26344625 Motivation is fleeting. Don’t rely on it. You require discipline. Tap a buddy to come over and beat your ass if you don’t check in at the gym. Also read “Atomic Habits”. It’ll help. Conversely, you could pay me $60/hour and I will drive to your house and fuck you up if you don’t go to the gym.

56 min later 26344820 Anonymous (682812980.jpg 800x450 21kB)
>>26344711 >man this bitch looks like a boy is that such a bad fucking thing?

56 min later 26344834 Anonymous
>>26344642 BJJ is an ok substitute, if you have something to lose. Choking a grown man unconscious is pretty cathartic.

57 min later 26344875 Anonymous
>>26344735 Thanks ill stop being an insecure fag

57 min later 26344877 Anonymous
>>26343055 Are you me?

57 min later 26344878 Anonymous
>>26344792 >Tap a buddy to come over and beat your ass if you don’t check in at the gym I moved to this city 4 years ago, all my friends live like 2 hours away, if I had a gym buddy I would 100% be swollen by now

58 min later 26344883 Anonymous
>>26343055 When I was in grad school I was living with a gf who was working a real job. She left a note on the fridge one morning right before she left on a month long work trip. Basically a dear John letter about how I wasnt around enough. I was doing 100 hours weeks for school and I got to read that shit as I rushed off to class. We had been dating for a couple of years. I just ghosted her while she was gone and she moved out when she got back. Took the fucking showerhead with her without even mentioning it. My life is better now and I laugh about it.

58 min later 26344912 Anonymous
>>26344711 Marry her, bro. And tell your bitch ass parents to get bent. Don’t let them walk on your woman in front if you.

59 min later 26344913 Anonymous
>>26344877 Yes, but from the future >>26344883 based

1 hours later 26344942 Anonymous
>>26343134 Ive got no hand, Jerry!

1 hours later 26344977 Anonymous
>>26344578 It's a decent movie, not spectacular. Great for anyone going through a break up though. Those 2 scenes really sum it up.

1 hours later 26345005 Anonymous
>>26343055 show her your unn stack. just do it. she won't remember the numbers because she is likely a typical woman, so just show her and then let her come crawling back

1 hours later 26345012 Anonymous
>>26344711 >‘man this bitch looks like a boy’ Hahaha nah relatable. The person I felt that way about is very... how to describe. You know it's a girl, and she was pretty.. but in a handsome way? Real angled bone-structure I suppose. Still, sometimes no make-up, hanging out, I'd think "damn that's one pretty dude".

1 hours later 26345025 Anonymous (NjA1MDUuanBn.jpg 512x512 57kB)
>>26344716 These people look nothing like me

1 hours later 26345028 Anonymous
>>26343055 Most anons will tell you something you want to hear like “Oh man sorry bro that’s tough I know that feel” or “feels bad man, I miss mine so much” but they should be telling something that you need to hear. Life will go on and you’ll meet someone else. Get the fuck over it. You only live once, and I don’t mean that in a faggoty YOLO! way, I mean you get one life so don’t waste the next five years of it on a girl who is never coming back to you. Just get over it and don’t let anons like this >>26343105 put stupid fucking ideas in your head. It’s over anon. Also, reported for off topic

1 hours later 26345049 Anonymous
>>26344878 If it’s Fort Worth, I’ll do it for free.

1 hours later 26345055 Anonymous
>>26343055 good now you finally have time to dedicate your life to cuckold porn and vidya

1 hours later 26345066 Anonymous
>>26345028 >reported for off topic Please no, I don't want to be banned :(

1 hours later 26345073 Anonymous
>>26345025 Do you have a lazy eye? The AI doesn't lie, it's not a woman.

1 hours later 26345126 Anonymous (ODEzOTYuanBn.jpg 512x512 71kB)
>>26345049 I am from Costa Rica :( >>26345073 Kek no, but I don't have blue eyes either, its just prompting generic white dudes

1 hours later 26345190 Anonymous
Is it normal for a guy to never tell his gf the stresses hes dealing with? The moment I do I know she'll look down on me

1 hours later 26345268 Anonymous
>>26345190 Yes, but it sucks, I wish I could get a girlfriend that is also my friend

1 hours later 26345314 Anonymous
>>26343225 Nah I agree with the last anon, there's always two sides of the story and I bet you that there's a lot wrong with you for her to leave. Don't know why good advice is always wasted on the ungrateful.

1 hours later 26345369 Anonymous (A4BC8548-C507-423E-84AC-C7A228C6A95E.gif 262x323 1407kB)
>>26345066 lol I was jk anon, you’re good bud

1 hours later 26345392 Anonymous
>>26343055 Women are overrated as fuck. I love to be alone staring at graphs on a screen

1 hours later 26345453 Anonymous (Em-LwF7UwAEesfL.jpg 1024x655 91kB)
>>26345369 Last time I spent three days only posting on my phone, after a mod banned my pc because I said nigger in /v/ >>26345392 Extreme comfyness

1 hours later 26345622 Anonymous (download(2).png 512x512 354kB)
>>26345190 You can tell her about them, but in a "This is what I'm dealing with" way, where you're confident you'll handle it If you're stuggling to deal with it or you're worried/scared - keep that shit to yourself.

1 hours later 26345950 Anonymous
>>26343409 >>26343389 Dammit whos the bad guy here

1 hours later 26345960 Anonymous (anonymous face.jpg 512x512 66kB)
>>26344716 Breddy accurate

1 hours later 26345985 Anonymous
>>26343841 >eastern european >you're ugly and wealthy She just wants your money idiot

1 hours later 26346065 Anonymous
>>26343841 >120,000 dollar cal Unless you're Bill Fucking Gates you're too poor to afford that shit, ghetto ass nigger.

1 hours later 26346110 Anonymous
Then shes not your girlfriend anymore Or your friend Be thankful

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