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2021-01-22 01:49 26335315 Anonymous Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own (corrections1111.png 780x611 398kB)
This is unironically the best thing that happened in the past month or so. Weak hands get shaked out while based oldfags can get their hands on cheap coins. Newfags need to pass through these trials just like we passed through them in the previous bullmarket. Only the strong will survive, while the waves of pink wojak meme energy feeds the whales in a continuous cycle, until the market will be oversold and we will rise to new ATH's.

6 min later 26335685 Anonymous
>>26335315 Okay so lets calculate it: 42k was the top x0.6 =25k. So when should i start to worry like in south park? After we penetrated 25k from north?

15 min later 26336231 Anonymous
>>26335685 I would keep my eyes on the 25k zone as a buy area. I don't expect it to go lower since this dip wasn't caused by any significant event with worldwide implications

16 min later 26336292 Anonymous
I like AAVE <160 here. Finally it got to where I wanted.

16 min later 26336295 Anonymous
>>26336231 Basically caused by boomer Biden/yellen fud right?

18 min later 26336351 Anonymous
>>26336231 https://markets.businessinsider.com /currencies/news/bitcoin-price-doub le-spend-flaw-critical-report-sugge sts-2021-1-1029990921 coordinated fud is suppressing the price the most right now

20 min later 26336480 Anonymous
>>26336295 That and some faggot journalist misreporting that a double-spending event occurred with Buttcoin

24 min later 26336677 Anonymous
>>26336480 This, those retards just gave us a flash sale as far as I'm concerned.

28 min later 26336890 Anonymous
>>26336351 The FUD pushed through some stop losses and liquidations. It's going to cause a couple months of sideways movement from the bottom if we're where your chart says.

34 min later 26337206 Anonymous (vroom.png 1667x902 45kB)
>>26335315 why do you faggots never show the full chart? Looks like the right side of that to me bud.

36 min later 26337287 Anonymous
>>26337206 and if you zoom in the dumps on the way up look like it too

38 min later 26337370 Anonymous
This dump was obvious considering BTC was crabbing at 35k for days

38 min later 26337390 Anonymous
>>26337287 and if you keep zooming and all you see is poop pee >>26337206

39 min later 26337442 Anonymous (q42020.png 1573x967 113kB)
>>26337206 do you faggots never show full log charts?

40 min later 26337467 Anonymous
delete this you fucking cunt

42 min later 26337571 Anonymous
>>26337206 >halving in 2016 / halving in 2020 >bullmarket started in 2016-17 = bullmarket started in 2020-21

42 min later 26337579 Anonymous (1609921449335.png 600x600 157kB)
>>26337442 >quick let me find the only possible chart that could ever look good

44 min later 26337683 Anonymous
>>26335315 Lmfao we're always there It's ALWAYS the first sell-off

46 min later 26337739 Anonymous
>>26337683 Yes. Just hodl forever

46 min later 26337767 Anonymous
>>26336351 Basically that. Even if the FUD got refuted (since it wasn't a real double spend), the news caused some newfags to panic. It was that combined with the dumb Yellen (that also released another more crypto friendly statement just today, but since the dumb news with her old statement is already out there, newfags gonna sell)

48 min later 26337853 Anonymous
>>26337442 >Using a log “hopium” chart and not a legitimate linear chart Never gonna make it

49 min later 26337926 Anonymous
>>26336351 unreal.

56 min later 26338277 Anonymous
>>26337767 >the news caused some newfags to panic better they get their first chaff here than at $100k

1 hours later 26338746 Anonymous (9780449911464.jpg 300x450 37kB)
>>26335685 The Jews know that you think it's going to 25k that's why 28k - 29k is the lowest you'll see. In June 2017 BTC hit just shy of 3k which was triple it's previous ATH and triple where it was just a few months prior. By mid July it bottomed out at $1900 before regaining 3k in August eventually hitting 19k in December. Today is mid July 2017. The sequence is reverse fibonacci. So, this retracement happens at 2x instead of 3x. It went up another ~6x from 3k. This market tops out at 80 - 120k. Start selling massively into ~90k and wait for the retracement to this point 18 months from now and buy back in. Wait another 2 years and repeat. You're all gonna make it.

1 hours later 26338874 Anonymous (1599225781091.png 583x1220 416kB)
Buy when there's blood in theAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

1 hours later 26339068 Anonymous (based111.jpg 406x596 22kB)
>>26338277 yeah, they need to get rekt a few times until they develop strong hands and get used to how the market works

1 hours later 26339113 Anonymous
>>26335315 Well atleast somebody on this board knows what they’re talking about. Any thoughts on how btc would handle the possible impending market crash?

1 hours later 26339132 Anonymous
>>26338746 This. Already saw a few newfags on another thread that are waiting for the 25k dip, kek

1 hours later 26339197 Anonymous (1611241678352.png 500x440 160kB)
>>26338746 hey anon you know that book is a total lie right? You know he never even spoke to carnegie right?

1 hours later 26339226 Anonymous
>>26335315 >past performance is not an indicator of future performance >your POSITION is the only thing that matters two golden rules of trading, don't forget it

1 hours later 26339240 Anonymous
bros I've got about 10k set aside that's my DCA pool, I can't add more much more to this until summer. What's the move?

1 hours later 26339325 Anonymous
>>26339113 I guess it depends on the timing a lot. For example if the market crash happened right now it would be very bad since we're already in a red area and it would only amplify the FUD and the panic selling. But if it happens after BTC passes the 42k ath and there's plenty of buy pressure and positive crypto news then the effect should be reduced or even nullified by some of the money going from falling stocks to crypto searching for a safe haven.

1 hours later 26339378 Anonymous (EB4644E7-999E-4F68-9CE1-BCB1040C6A4E.png 1600x897 198kB)
>newfags get eternally priced out as supply is bought by hodlers Best timeline

1 hours later 26339408 Anonymous
>>26338746 When I was 1-5 years old I averaged 20cm a year Using TA and Reverse Fibonacci Techniques, I project my height to go from 180cm this year to 280cm in 2026, will need to rebuild all my doors.

1 hours later 26339415 Anonymous
>>26335315 How to become rich: >buy now >sell the next ATH in February >buy at the lowest point mid April >sell again December 2021 Screenshot this and seethe because you won't listen to me.

1 hours later 26339419 Anonymous
>>26335315 >Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own This only really applies to the stock market. Where you are investing in companies and the people who work in those companies, which generate economic value. Crypto is just another form of "asset" like gold. You buy it. It doesn't do anything. It doesn't solve any problem. Therefore, the only value it will ultimately have, is what others pay for it.

1 hours later 26339468 Anonymous (uabitch.gif 500x281 555kB)
>>26337579 >>26337853 how fucking new are you faggots? If you trade macro trends, you need to use the log chart for scale.

1 hours later 26339483 Anonymous
>>26339419 Correct. Also miners need to sell to cover their electricity, labour and rig costs even if the power is stolen. So if you don’t sell, someone else NEEDS to sell.

1 hours later 26339520 Anonymous
>>26335315 Bitcoin is a Chinese miner Ponzi. It used to be sub cent now yes, i am soooo sure institutions are buying NERDS bags. It's the funniest shit ever. Buy new shit on ETH like UNN. Sell euphoria. And move on with your life this year. This is the last ALT bull run of note / volume.

1 hours later 26339685 Anonymous
>>26339520 >shilling a shitcoin Opinion discarded Into the trash it goes

1 hours later 26339746 Anonymous
>>26339483 People really underplay this fact. Bitcoin needs to be pushed REALLY hard as a transaction medium to survive long term. Not that people haven't been trying. The tipping point will be when people are using government cash to buy bitcoin in order to buy the products that they want to buy. When they actually quantify their purchases in Bitcoin. I just don't see that happening. Everything else is really just pure speculation.

1 hours later 26339916 Anonymous
>really wanted to sell on the bounce to 38 and my gut was telling me to sell and rebuy on a crash >decided I was stupid and would just make retarded swing choices and lose >turns out I was right

1 hours later 26339998 Anonymous
>>26339325 I concur, good analysis. Probably a host of other things that could happen too, with bitcoin AnYtHinG iS pOssIbLe

1 hours later 26340003 Anonymous
>>26336351 Top fucking kek. Someone posted exactly this a couple of days ago on here. Business "journalists" literally took a biz throwaway shitpost as news.

1 hours later 26340170 Anonymous
>>26339113 >impending market crash lol, there is no crash coming. We won't see anything like March 2020 for another decade. Not even close. Only people who LARP constantly about muh market crashes are room-temp IQ retards who know nothing about real markets >>26335315 we're actually at the 4th arrow in mid-2017, given that one came following a ~3.5x rally from 900 > 3k early in the year following a halving. 2021 lines up perfectly.

1 hours later 26340206 Anonymous
$30k bitcoin is not cheap, wake me up when we are at $10k or below again

1 hours later 26340261 Anonymous
pajeet scam coin

1 hours later 26340297 Anonymous
>>26336295 No, this is traders ass raping all the weak-handed noobs that fomo, just like every time

1 hours later 26340342 Anonymous (pepe-laughs-203.png 900x900 16kB)
>>26339468 >trade macro trends >still check price of btc every minute

1 hours later 26340399 Anonymous
This goy literally thinks he is smart: >>26339419 >Crypto is just another form of "asset" like gold. >You buy it. It doesn't do anything. It doesn't solve any problem.

2 hours later 26340954 Anonymous
>>26340399 Ok, so why don't you educate us? I'll back up my claim. Buying Stock >Company takes money and reinvests it into the company >People working in the company generate value by solving real world problems that people are willing to pay for. >Company distributes some of that newfound value in the form of share buybacks, dividends, etc. That's literal value. Buying Bitcoin (or gold) >You pay for e-money (or gold) >People might do all their transactions in e-money or not >Sometimes, they need to you translate to a different medium to complete your transaction >Bought bitcoin just sits there >Nobody employs the capital to solve problems >Somebody comes along and says "oh yeah, I'm going to buy some of that" >Your e-money / gold has some value now. At least with gold, it has a few industrial and material uses. Call me old fashioned, but I tend to want to invest my money in smart, hardworking people, rather than speculative assets.

2 hours later 26341088 Anonymous (xdai_large.png 250x250 1kB)
>>26340954 Buy eth or at least stake.

2 hours later 26341143 Anonymous
>>26339415 what are you basing this on

2 hours later 26341561 Anonymous
>>26336677 >those retards Considering even for a second it is not orchestrated... Ngmi

2 hours later 26341763 Anonymous
>>26339378 more money was injected by tether in the last 30 days than all retail investors & private equity combined

2 hours later 26341913 Anonymous
>>26341763 And it still goes down? Is btc fucked forever? Like if tether scam puts them in jail... Will gvmt take over their assets?

2 hours later 26342137 Anonymous
>>26339746 The new STX 2.0 project may help here. Since their coins are mined by making btc transactions on the btc blockchain the transaction miners are encouraged to submit with high fees to ensure inclusion in the blockchain. This would add a new fee market to btc that was not their before. More normal btc transactions could then go to lightning or other L2s and there would still be enough fees to keep things going even as the mining reward reduces. The STX coin then acts as gas on its own chain for smart contracts but the stakers in STX get rewarded in the coins sent on the btc blockchain by the miners. Not saying the incentives are perfect, but it could radically improve BTC's future sustainability as a network.

2 hours later 26342360 Anonymous
Look up the informal definition of crypto online. It's all a part of the incoming universal communist digital welfare system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JS 8CW6dq1I&t=17s

2 hours later 26342408 Anonymous
>>26338746 unironically this. they watch the levels and won't go easy on you. this is all about outplaying the normies and whales at the same time.

2 hours later 26342439 Anonymous
crypto vet here. lived through this 3 times. tether up cuz its down from here

2 hours later 26342512 Anonymous
>>26335315 Have fun buying the dip like the idiots back in 2017 after the blow off top. Sold at $40K. Comfy. See you in 4 years anon.

2 hours later 26342614 Anonymous
>>26335315 Newfag here, I was able to analyse from afar how the board and how the dildo react of the past week. I wasn't subject to emotions because I invested in RBC and not maincoins, I am also not diversifying yet. it's impressive what you guys do, and I almost regret not coming here before. But I also was younger. So I might have had been subjected to more emotions. >inb4 rbc is a pnd scam I know, I wanted to learn the hard way. And well. Swinging my way from a 2 digits to a 5 digits is pretty comfy.

3 hours later 26343325 Anonymous
>>26342439 >crypto vet here For what, crypto kitties?

3 hours later 26343482 Anonymous
>>26340954 >implying I dont want you to stay poor Congratulations on figuring out the ponzi.

3.485 0.124