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2021-01-22 01:44 26335037 Anonymous /biz/ is a cult (0923CC1B-2ED0-4C03-96D1-F1A043C8016E.jpg 512x307 29kB)
You convinced me that crypto was the “next big thing”, the “next industrial revolution” and the “evolution of currency”. You convinced me that this was an opportunity I couldn’t miss out on, that I had to buy in before it booms.
So I invested almost 30% of my net worth, and now it’s all crumbling away right before my eyes. I can literally watch my money burn away in real time. All because I listened to /biz/ and bought into your shill propaganda.
0 min later 26335074 Anonymous
it isnt over til you sell
3 min later 26335250 Anonymous
Jawohl, that's how pyramid schemes work.
7 min later 26335490 Anonymous
I know the feeling man, thankfully I only threw about 700 bucks in. i'm convinced that a lot of the portfolios here are heavily edited, usually to promote some shitcoin or another by association with a lucrative folio. recommend accepting the loss as best as you can, leaving a little in and cashing the rest
9 min later 26335614 Anonymous
next time, buy low and sell high.
11 min later 26335731 Anonymous
Investing isn’t instant lmao
12 min later 26335771 Anonymous
If you invested in solid coins you have nothing to worry about. If you went balls deep in food tokens, I don’t know what ti tell you
13 min later 26335821 Anonymous (1607464615138.jpg 300x300 25kB)
congratulations, you've figured out the charade
albeit at a hefty price
14 min later 26335916 Anonymous
Awww, look it's babby's first market crash!
It will recover.
14 min later 26335920 Anonymous
Soooo, you've been here for a couple days.....
15 min later 26335961 Anonymous
It was the next big thing. You're so late to the party it's not even fucking funny if you're buying now.
18 min later 26336096 Anonymous
“The next big thing” doesn’t last for 3 fucking years. That’s called a fad.
19 min later 26336190 Anonymous
it is the next big thing if you are shorting it like me KEK
19 min later 26336198 Anonymous
People have been talking about and making money from BTC for a decade now
21 min later 26336273 Anonymous
Don't ever fucking buy anything at a high
Lesson learned retard
22 min later 26336336 Anonymous
Same as 2017, if you hold now for 3 years you will double your money.
26 min later 26336535 Anonymous
People have been talking about and making money from stocks for like a hundred years now. It's all about identifying patterns and milking them for all their fucking worth. The chance to see bitcoin as an investment in its infancy and invest large enough amounts of money and hold it long enough to see adoption and recieve a life changing sum is, while commendable, very lucky as you were in the right place at the right time with the right mindset. Venture capital firms throw billions of dollars at new startups just for the chance to get in on the ground floor of those in a million businesses with growth like bitcoin.
28 min later 26336624 Anonymous
The entirety of my savings (£50k) is all in on Crypto. Am I being a retard? I'm only 19, therefore this risk tolerance seems sensible, I'm not entirely sure desu
28 min later 26336636 Anonymous
that's what you get for buying high. If you care about a dump like this you will never make it. Leave your wallet alone and come back in a couple of years to insane wealth. Or not, depends what you bought
29 min later 26336680 Anonymous
This but unironically. People are actual retards and think "NUMBER GO DOWN" in the short term is a loss.
30 min later 26336715 Anonymous
So is there any chance that any other coin (that isn’t ETH) could see the explosion that BTC did? People who held 200 BTC for 10 years are now millionaires. Is there any chance of that with other coins?
30 min later 26336732 Anonymous (1607758597554.jpg 1567x1536 224kB)
>50k sterling
Do you want a lambo by the time you're 25 or what?
31 min later 26336791 Anonymous
Mostly GRT and LINK, some BTC and ETH. Also XLM.
32 min later 26336874 Anonymous
Depends. There certainly are other coins that will be big, maybe not as big though. I think the industry is almost too synonymous with bitcoin still, ETH doesn't even have the cultural pull bitcoin does. If any single other coin caught mainstream adoption bitcoin has then I might be more bullish on the rest of the industry.
34 min later 26336957 Anonymous
This is not good. That is a fat stack to have at 19, and you are throwing it all in a high volatility market.
Why don't you put a portion of it into crypto, see how it goes, and then reinvest your profits - or minimize your losses?
37 min later 26337099 Anonymous
If you had done that a few months ago you'd be singing a different song
38 min later 26337137 Anonymous
Weak bait.
38 min later 26337185 Anonymous
Yeah you’ll be fine bro. Look at crypto’s history, dips like this are normal and healthy
46 min later 26337554 Anonymous
This dip is going to be here for 2-3 years isn't it anon?
46 min later 26337556 Anonymous
Which alt should I focus on for the most long-term gain? I don’t plan on day-trading I just want to hodl
47 min later 26337574 Anonymous
47 min later 26337617 Anonymous
48 min later 26337633 Anonymous
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaahhhhh Mommy the market dipped
49 min later 26337665 Anonymous
Thanks for playing Norm. Let me take those heavy bags off of you now.
56 min later 26338046 Anonymous
Unironically Doge. It has held steady for half a decade besides occasional surges. Buy it at .002, put 75% in a staggered sell order for .004,..006, .008. .01 and .015 at 20/30/30/20 percent and then buy more when it goes back to .002.
Repeat for the rest of your life and you will 4-5x every year.
56 min later 26338057 Anonymous
well, if you're holding crypto, then do something with it. you can
>gamble on sports
>trade leveraged derivatives
>bank with high interest
>buy and sell drugs
and so much more. or you can just
>be a whiny bitch
your choice anon
57 min later 26338089 Anonymous
welcome to the team bud, feel free to silently browse the board for a few years before coming back
58 min later 26338149 Anonymous
My last buy order was 2.5 years ago. I’m up 1700%. This isn’t rocket science.
58 min later 26338153 Anonymous
you only spent $700 and you diversified that much? what?
1 hours later 26338284 Anonymous (1611257582844.jpg 1200x1200 48kB)
1 hours later 26338310 Anonymous
I’m not the anon who spent 700
1 hours later 26338340 Anonymous
You suck and have no imagination, go find your soul and try again.
1 hours later 26338479 Anonymous
It’s called pump and dump. Hype from those already in. The consequence is the public doesn’t see crypto as a currency any longer given Jamal can create a new one tonight, and that no seller wants to receive crypto cause they can lose half of it in an instant. The greed turned it into a high risk speculation scheme, hoping more investors keep doing what you did.
1 hours later 26339448 Anonymous
>buying at the all time high
1 hours later 26339487 Anonymous
1 hours later 26339702 Anonymous
not a cult, a pyramid scheme
1 hours later 26339732 Anonymous
You had 12 years
1 hours later 26340293 Anonymous (1611020995486.jpg 758x644 24kB)
Morons like you and OP are the types people who spent most of their times in dread and self-pity, then read or hear about something you don't understand and FOMO in hoping to get rich quick. I know people IRL who are like this. One guy I know just quit his job to do crypto full time... at ATH.
Crypto is something you do long term. You do your research, buy in, hold long enough, tolerate the dips and sell early enough to take a profit. You will never time the market right. You cannot play this game without having regrets. /biz/ is full with people who buy Uniswap garbage and then rage when it dumps.
Jesus ... /biz/ should do a wealth check before people are allowed to post. You could have bought BTC at $1, $10, $100, $200, $600, $1'200, $8'000, $15'000, $25'000...
1 hours later 26340410 Anonymous
I'm also a newfag with FOMO but I'm not just going to dump my life savings in at ATH like an idiot. I will probably wait until BTC and ETH bottom out and buy in the HODL for a few years until the next bull, and maybe throw a little bit into shitcoins just for fun. Please tell me if this is also stupid.
3.944 0.090