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2021-01-21 11:20 26328283 Anonymous (IMG-20210112-WA0005.jpg 720x960 46kB)
For experienced anons. In real... sell everything or still hold?

2 min later 26328386 Anonymous
It's just a correction, it will be over before you know it, 2017 bullrun went 10x over previous ath, this has only doubled it. just chill, stop looking if you need to and wait

3 min later 26328436 Anonymous
Hold, you already missed your chance to sell. This happens all the time. It'll be higher next week than it was this past week

3 min later 26328458 Anonymous (1611085139843.gif 225x234 671kB)
I am holding, but i am in fear. I want to secure some gains atleast. I will probably sell if we breach 30k when I wake up tommorow. Im so poor omg

3 min later 26328463 Anonymous
>>26328283 He seems to be missing his remote control. Also laying like that will start to hurt the neck after a while. The TV would be better mounted in the ceiling where he can look straight up without straining his neck.

5 min later 26328548 Anonymous
>>26328386 Janet Yeller.

5 min later 26328551 Anonymous (1611050469716.jpg 678x800 148kB)
>>26328458 >when I wake up tommorow Son, its going down today.

7 min later 26328628 Anonymous
>>26328283 Why would you not short the Biden administration? Just whatever you have, why aren't you shorting that?

7 min later 26328643 Anonymous (it's over for buttcorn.png 1360x1536 301kB)
>>26328386 >>26328436 Holy shit, why do you cultist refuse to acknowlege obvious facts? Secure some gains while you are still in the green you stupid fucks.

8 min later 26328675 Anonymous
>>26328283 look around you at your fellow anons? What are they doing? Do the opposite.

8 min later 26328717 Anonymous
>>26328283 people who think this is the top are retarded bethis is literally the first correction we had.

8 min later 26328722 Anonymous (583CE988-F9E9-4FD9-833A-C93A05DF7BF1.jpg 828x773 91kB)
>>26328643 Buy wall at 30k seems pretty insane. I’m just gonna hold til 28k. Lost some money but whatever.

9 min later 26328744 Anonymous (joker-crying.jpg 600x350 39kB)
>>26328283 I told you fucking retards to buy Intel 3 weeks ago and you called me retarded. What I'm trying to say is that you CYRPTONAZIS GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE

9 min later 26328751 Anonymous
>>26328283 Depends on what you are holding.

9 min later 26328757 Anonymous (1611181105551.jpg 244x207 6kB)
>>26328722 > this buy wall WE ARE SAVED

10 min later 26328802 Anonymous
>>26328628 You mean longing dollar? Retard.

10 min later 26328813 Anonymous
>>26328757 Seems like instititional support is going to hold us to 30k and then up from there. Hoping to not be a dumbass here.

10 min later 26328818 Anonymous
>>26328283 I just dont understand What stops them from selling, then buying again later?

11 min later 26328876 Anonymous
>>26328744 ok faggot I'm litearlly up 300% in the past few months.

12 min later 26328888 Anonymous
Never selling take it down to 10k don't care

12 min later 26328890 Anonymous
>>26328283 Hold man, I've been holding since 2017 and I'm rich

12 min later 26328910 Anonymous
>>26328818 Taxes and it’s a gamble. Bitcoin has ALWAYS gone up, regardless of dips. The idea that it’s going to fall apart has been fud forever and the longer you’re here the longer you realize emotional panic sellers have a strong tendency to get priced out and make threads about whaling to kill themselves.

12 min later 26328925 Anonymous
>>26328818 Longing...then shorthing

12 min later 26328928 Anonymous (1611145612742.png 697x644 198kB)
>>26328813 I hope so buddy boyo, I had made 500 out of my 140usd the last 30days. Currently down to 370 so kinda sad, please instiution bros hodl.

12 min later 26328932 Anonymous
>>26328643 >holding BTC ngmi

13 min later 26328971 Anonymous
>>26328283 hold you idiot. most people that sold back then had to buy back really high...

13 min later 26328996 Anonymous (1610187180625.jpg 640x638 74kB)
>>26328744 imagine getting excited for not a even a 1x, and even more excited on getting taxed for holding it every year.

13 min later 26328997 Anonymous
>>26328932 unironically hodling btc is the best way.

13 min later 26329011 Anonymous
>>26328757 >>26328722 >>26328813 The buy wall is only about 20 million on Coinbase pro. I wouldn't count on it holding for very long...

14 min later 26329058 Anonymous
>>26328722 >>26328757 Buy walls literally do not matter morons

15 min later 26329087 Anonymous
>>26328548 Is that the CEO of bitcoin stocks?

15 min later 26329096 Anonymous (1594360214683.jpg 680x780 42kB)
>>26328932 based

15 min later 26329108 Anonymous
>>26329058 Kinda do. Not absolute proof of a trend but a bit of comfort level.

16 min later 26329150 Anonymous
>>26328283 This is a FUD based on the double sale thing, so even though we know it's a FUD, normie sheep are going to shit this down to maybe 20K to 15K. Then if a lot of people lose money, maybe Biden will step in to try and "fix" this malarkey. "Too many young people have lost too much of their hard earned money in Bitcoin, which is why today, we are investigating it" Then the US politicians will buy in the dip they create no doubt. I can see it happening if the sell off doesn't stop soon.

16 min later 26329152 Anonymous
>>26329108 Yeah it's just basically cope. I'll bet you twenty bucks were gonna crash a bit below 30k.

16 min later 26329167 Anonymous
>>26328386 It's up 5X since March 2020.

17 min later 26329207 Anonymous
>>26329150 You're an absolute moron. Holy holy holy fuck the most stupid post I've seen on biz. It's over

18 min later 26329244 Anonymous
>>26328463 >ignores the water

22 min later 26329497 Anonymous
>>26329207 The people in government aren't as smart as you might think. The lobbyist intervene to help them make the larger decisions. They don't understand crypto at all and Yellen has already talked about taxing unrealized capital gains from the stock market (not that they would ever actually be allowed to do that by the lobbyists). At this point, I would expect them to do something stupid with crypto, nothing would surprise me.

23 min later 26329533 Anonymous
>live in Australia >23 >get about 72k a year, not paying rent atm >90k in ETFs, 8k in crypto (though half of that is in fiat) >currently getting fucked by the dip What's my game plan to making it?

24 min later 26329567 Anonymous
>>26329152 this, check again in 30 mins and it flips again, whales adjust thier orders like schizos in case you have any misunderstandings.

24 min later 26329570 Anonymous
>>26329497 I'm not reading any of that. You assumed in your op post that the govt is concerned about their citizens losing money and becoming poorer. That's in fact their plan. They do not give a shit if a bunch of people lose money.

24 min later 26329593 Anonymous
>>26329533 hodl through the dip, if it crashes you buy the crash and then make it. Huge chance this is just a correction.

25 min later 26329620 Anonymous
>>26328283 sell everything

25 min later 26329628 Anonymous
>>26329533 Double/Triple/Quad up at the bottom of the dip. It's the only way.

25 min later 26329639 Anonymous
>>26329533 Unironically just hold and see how this FUD plays out. I can't imagine it going on for more than two days before people figure out this double sale thing is just fake worrying.

29 min later 26329870 Anonymous
>>26329639 And if it crashes, just buy-in at the bottom of the floor and hold for however long until Crypto explodes upward again. Ez gains ez life.

31 min later 26329970 Anonymous (2A02CA0F-4115-4220-BF9F-43A2AC41BCF6.jpg 1702x872 127kB)
Hoarders with iron hands are accumulating like crazy and taking the coins off the exchanges into cold storage. Once weak hands sell their coins they’re not getting them back.

32 min later 26330037 Anonymous (first selloff.png 2527x1405 249kB)
>>26328643 the rise to 42k is inline with the the last time btc breached ath in early 2017 (1120 to 2900). in fact, that pump was bigger than this pump to 42k, and the correction from that early 2017 pump was 39%. and it was unironically the first sell off. youre imposing the bubble chart to the first sell off and historical data backs me up. either your naive, or youre cherrypicking data to shake out newfags.

34 min later 26330121 Anonymous
>>26328386 >10x God the retards on this board.

34 min later 26330143 Anonymous (D71A33BF-A2AD-415A-B1CC-D6808474A386.jpg 1426x858 48kB)
Guess who’s buying your coins? High net worth individuals. People likely worth half a billion dollars or more.

35 min later 26330167 Anonymous
>>26328458 >ill probably sell if it goes lower this isn't how you trade anon.

35 min later 26330198 Anonymous
>>26329570 >I'm not reading any of that. >You assumed in your op post that the govt is concerned about their citizens losing money and becoming poorer don't bother reading it, you missed the point of the first post anyways so perhaps it's wasted on you. In the hypothetical scenario I gave, the government would be creating a bigger dump by "trying to fix it" and insiders, knowing the government wont do anything, would be buying in the dip Peace be with you anon.

36 min later 26330205 Anonymous
>>26328548 So what? Fat old kike bitch makes some americucks panic sell? Jesus, the world is ending. You haven't realized already that the USA has become irrelevant as of yesterday?

36 min later 26330216 Anonymous
>>26328802 Biden taxes strengthens the dollar

36 min later 26330224 Anonymous
>>26329244 The water looks fine. What's wrong with the water?

37 min later 26330288 Anonymous (realhopium.jpg 2456x1318 325kB)
30 is good. 29 is important. 25 is critical.

37 min later 26330298 Anonymous (D5C273BB-CAD6-40DA-896B-88C16AC1AC75.jpg 578x347 19kB)
>>26328283 Stop being little bitches

38 min later 26330309 Anonymous
>>26328888 Quads checked and based, I’m excited for another buying opportunity. Probably dip down to 26k and then we’re on the bull train.

38 min later 26330310 Anonymous
>>26328283 >Were flash crashes part of the plan Of coursesh

38 min later 26330334 Anonymous
>>26328283 imagine everyone who sold in 2013 "crash" and how they feel right about now.

39 min later 26330377 Anonymous
I just checked and every BTC I own is worth 100,000,000 Satoshi! Fucking hell! What a performer!

39 min later 26330390 Anonymous
>>26328548 She didn't do anything and it's day 2 of the administration, you are a scared little boy.

40 min later 26330397 Anonymous
>>26328463 >He seems to be missing his remote control. Voice-activated smart TV

40 min later 26330423 Anonymous
>>26330334 pretty good anon. pretty good. don't let the jews steal your bags today!

40 min later 26330439 Anonymous
>>26328463 The cameraman is the one with the remote. Floatanon is in captivity, that's why he's being forced to watch Big Bang Theory

41 min later 26330442 Anonymous
>>26329870 It's only the truth that patience is the key to investing.

42 min later 26330494 Anonymous
>>26328458 >I will probably sell if we breach 30k You mean buy right anon?

42 min later 26330511 Anonymous
>>26328283 buy high sell low

43 min later 26330537 Anonymous
>>26330298 I can tell you that anyone truly complaining about 'losing money' by buying crypto is someone that is investing money that they actually shouldn't be investing. Someone that likely has to pay bills with that money and all they feel is pressure when they see these wild swings up and down.

43 min later 26330546 Anonymous
>>26328888 Checked and strong hold

49 min later 26330798 Anonymous
>>26330537 No anon, it’s their mindset, if all they had was 10k aside they should’ve invested 5 and they wouldn’t be whipsawed by the market and forced to sell at the worst possible times. Not everyone has the emotional control to make it the successful investor must have emotional mastery, people understate the importance of this as though 7-8 figure portfolios are built overnight and they could handle seeing 6 figure swings regularly . Most people on here just larp as being afraid or fud their own bags So to speak(which I sometimes do too). Bitcoin will recover and thrive wether it falls to 20k again is irrelevant for all but the trader who’s taking on much more risk then the hodler

50 min later 26330826 Anonymous
>>26328458 CASH IT TODAY

52 min later 26330937 Anonymous
>>26330143 Fucking this. Whales are buying at this price, so why is it a problem for you? They are just shaking people out for cheap coins lol.

56 min later 26331094 Anonymous
>>26330309 >Probably dip down to 26k and then we’re on the bull train. Usually that's what should happen. But I have this theory that BTC whales are getting thoroughly fucked by the institutions this bull run. The institutions have figured out the BTC whale gameplan, they know when it is going to dip and how much, and then they start buying just before the bottom that the whales were waiting for, tricking the whales to into selling "the top" but failing to rebuy the bottom, effectively transferring BTC ownership from whales to institutions.

57 min later 26331153 Anonymous
>>26328643 >>26328643 >what even is S2F >limited supply of 21 million >Greyscale bought 16,000 BTC at the price of 39k literally 3 days ago you are NGMI 100%, but this is 4chan and I'm not impressed.

1 hours later 26331370 Anonymous
>>26328283 Couldn't care... seriously. We know where it's going and I don't want to give them my crypto trading like a degenerate.

1 hours later 26331641 Anonymous
>>26331094 That’s a good theory. I feel as though this dip from 42k to today has felt very different then past cycles, excited to see how it plays out

1 hours later 26331865 Anonymous
>>26331094 Somewhat true, it’s not that whales are getting fucked so to speak it’s that they’re happy to sell their coins here cause they’re up so much, more of them essentially exit the game the higher the price goes, to be replaced by new whales who buy now with 100k + targets. This Is necessary

1 hours later 26331936 Anonymous (1610575660031.jpg 1280x860 100kB)
>>26328283 This is the fourth bubble I experience. Been in it since 2013. I sold 90 % of my holdings when Bitcoin was at $40 000. Moobois were getting delusional, people like Logan Paul began pumping BTC and prices skyrocketed. It's not rocket science. Get ready for the price to fall at the very least 30 - 50 % more. Even 80 % fall from here wouldn't be out of the picture, although pretty unlikely as long as there's no systemic event like regulation or Tether blowing up. Meme-chart unironically works.

1 hours later 26331969 Anonymous (1594082853400.jpg 449x383 84kB)
>>26328458 Gee, I wonder why you're poor. Jesus fucking Christ..... why are so many /biz/lets bad traders?

1 hours later 26332091 Anonymous
>>26331969 >why are so many /biz/lets bad traders? Anyone who starts down the road to becoming a trader eventually comes across the statistic that 90 percent of traders fail to make money when trading the stock market. This statistic deems that over time 80 percent lose, 10 percent break even and 10 percent make money consistently.

1 hours later 26332186 Anonymous
>>26328283 bought at 12, sold at 38

1 hours later 26332213 Anonymous
>>26328283 Hodl you faggot. Weak hands get the rope

1 hours later 26332344 Anonymous
>>26331936 So what? Shortest bull run so far and 3 year bear market agin?

1 hours later 26332460 Anonymous
>>26328458 If you're so set on selling then just sell now instead of waiting till 30k

1 hours later 26332503 Anonymous
>>26332344 a year is short?

1 hours later 26332574 Anonymous
>>26328283 Hold. Wallstreet is signaling to sell in the middle of a bull run. If you know anything about wallstreet, that means they want you to sell to them. Welcome to crypto, the land of international fud.

1 hours later 26332609 Anonymous
Look man. Imma dead serious with you for one sec. Imma say this once HOLD

1 hours later 26332719 Anonymous
This is late 2016, we had a 35-40% selloff after breaking ath, many plebs were rekt sold and then btc went 20x in 2017. Act accordingly

1 hours later 26332720 Anonymous
>>26332503 each run has seen exponential price growth over a 2 y ah fuck it, everybody sell. so many weak hands we're not gonna make it. it's over. Yellen and taxes.

1 hours later 26332733 Anonymous
>>26329497 This one really jumped out at me. How can you be that woefully unqualified for your position to even suggest something like that? Did no one on her staff who helped write that speech say "this is retarded"? Like, you barely need a grade 9 level grasp of economics to realize how flawed taxing unrealized capital gains is. How were lawmakers listening to her able to do so with a straight face? I can hardly even type this without cracking up at the thought of how absurd it is

1 hours later 26332750 Anonymous
>>26328548 Jesus Christ. She floated the idea of doing something that would take effect in 4 years at the earliest. 2025 being excluded from the headlines shows you how Jewish all of this is.

1 hours later 26332774 Anonymous
it's literally a bear trap

1 hours later 26332787 Anonymous
>>26328548 old hag cunt. she needs to fucking die.

1 hours later 26332805 Anonymous
>>26328283 Hold

1 hours later 26332809 Anonymous
>>26332503 for BTC yes

1 hours later 26332825 Anonymous

1 hours later 26332833 Anonymous

1 hours later 26332866 Anonymous
>>26329087 fake new sec talking boomer head. maybe even older than boomer.

1 hours later 26332887 Anonymous
>>26328722 Imagine actually basing your decisions on buy walls hahahahahaha The absolute STATE of this fucking board

1 hours later 26332972 Anonymous
This is a point you should be buying more if you aren't already sitting on stacks. Don't believe all the retarded shit you are seeing play out right now.

1 hours later 26333006 Anonymous
>>26328722 bro 27.9k is when I buy back in... Don't sell there.

1 hours later 26333027 Anonymous
>>26332887 fr. noob trap 101: the floating sell wall

1 hours later 26333125 Anonymous (2gsffo.jpg 785x720 44kB)
>>26332887 >>26333027 >he bought $1 at 30002? >demolish the 3Billion $30000 buy wall immediately

1 hours later 26333161 Anonymous
>>26328283 When will you need the money? I've been holding since 2017, when we almost hit 20K. No worries if you weren't planning on cashing out.

1 hours later 26333302 Anonymous
>>26328283 Never sell fully that is my only advice

1 hours later 26333356 Anonymous
>>26329207 is he though?

3.088 0.141