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2021-01-21 08:28 26320494 Anonymous (sadgaben.jpg 740x429 115kB)
Why doesn't this board talk about regular stocks stocks more instead of crypto? Invest time into real trading so you can learn a valuable skill in your life instead of hoping on crypto. Sure I like crypto a lot, but regular trading is still important.

1 min later 26320545 Anonymous
>>26320494 shut up boomer

1 min later 26320564 Anonymous
>>26320494 Boomer fag

1 min later 26320577 Anonymous
My only stock is Jumia. Jumia and crypto baby. Fuck Yeah. Honk.

2 min later 26320605 Anonymous
Why spend time to learn how to trade regular stocks when you'll get rich a lot quicker with crypto? Seems like a gigantic waste of time.

2 min later 26320619 Anonymous
Traditional stocks is a rigged game. Insider-led moves is the norm, not the exception.

3 min later 26320659 Anonymous
>>26320494 because crypto is closer to a free market and stock market is closer to a insider trading rigged ponzi

4 min later 26320684 Anonymous
>>26320494 Gee, retard, I wonder why people talk more about investments that go up 100-1000x higher than traditional stocks?

4 min later 26320692 Anonymous

6 min later 26320784 Anonymous
>>26320577 I investing into jumia for a while, bailed out after a short rise cuz I wanted to move that money to BNGO. >>26320605 Because holding and hoping on any stock or crypto is stupid. The "get rich quick" thing is super short term and doesn't work for 99% of all crypto traders. >>26320619 Not true, plus insider moves can also be used to make money on your part.

6 min later 26320793 Anonymous
>>26320619 This. Totally and completely rigged. They don't even try to hide their insider trading anymore. With that being said, I still DCA small amounts into boomer stocks and shiny rocks every now and then. I'll probably give my kids stock shares, precious metals and crypto for their bdays/Christmas as well (if I ever actually have kids..)

8 min later 26320866 Anonymous
>>26320684 Because it can go down just as quick, just like any penny stock.

8 min later 26320879 Anonymous
>>26320494 2/10 bait. Everybody with more than 3 braincells should realise that stock regulation shit, makes the whole market just an retarded version of crypto.

10 min later 26320950 Anonymous
>>26320577 Thinking about Jumia as well, seems promising.

10 min later 26320966 Anonymous
>>26320692 Fucking retards, this is the only post that should be read and then thread discarded.

12 min later 26321075 Anonymous
No value in stocks. Its inflated and little room for upside, also its not as safe as its perceived to be, its a house of cards. Crypto is "more" risky, but when you consider the potential % gains its not risky at all. Picking stocks over crypto in the current economic environment is like picking a gun with two bullets instead of one in russian roulette because the caliber is smaller.

12 min later 26321080 Anonymous
>>26320494 >muh regulated jew markets

13 min later 26321109 Anonymous
>>26320494 Most cryptofags know nothing of traditional finance. Their loss, desu, they wouldn’t have made so many fuck ups or held so many retarded beliefs otherwise. It’s kinda endearing, kek.

13 min later 26321146 Anonymous
>>26321080 >>26320692 >>26320793 You guys are just shit traders then. I've made profits and people I know have made profits.

15 min later 26321210 Anonymous
>>26321109 Exactly, I feel like most crypto traders on this board just hold and hope, which is unhealthy because it can make then loose a lot of profits. Its super short term 95% of the time but they don't know that.

16 min later 26321254 Anonymous
>>26321146 Ok Jeffrey Sprecher

19 min later 26321427 Anonymous
>>26320494 No idea where are you from, I assume you're American, but most of us are not welcomed in the traditional stock market. Before crypto I used to buy precious metals (physical), but now I can make gains and use trading skills thanks to these new coins; and to be honest they seem to do way better than most things you can buy out there.

21 min later 26321524 Anonymous
>>26320494 Stocks are much more regulated, also, at least in my country you have to pay a monthly fee for a "depot" just to be able to hold stocks.

22 min later 26321557 Anonymous
>>26321427 Yeah I'm American, and I see this as the most valid reason to be constantly investing in crypto. But I'm very confident in saying that the mass majority of people here are American.

22 min later 26321583 Anonymous
>>26320494 I miss this big nigga like you wouldn't believe

23 min later 26321614 Anonymous
>>26321583 everyone does

28 min later 26321858 Anonymous
>>26320784 Lmao if I was making 60% a week in stocks I'd be a genius having lunch with Warren Buffet. I'm making 80-100% gains a week with crypto and I'm just a schizoid college student. Stocks will not make you rich, only richer. Crypto can make you a million dollars a year if you're dedicated and not a cowardly hodler

30 min later 26321982 Anonymous
>>26320494 >Invest time into real trading so you can learn a valuable skill in your life "Buy SP500 and hold for 40 years" I don't want to be rich when I'm 70 and can barely move, I want to be rich while I can still enjoy it.

31 min later 26322002 Anonymous
>>26321858 Don't get me wrong I've liked crypto for years and I'm in college as well. But I feel like this board is a bit too into it and ignores the regular market for the wrong reasons. Plus I feel like plenty here don't actually know how effectively to trade stocks and are just here because of crypto hype.

32 min later 26322057 Anonymous
>>26321982 you can trade in plenty of different ways anon.

34 min later 26322177 Anonymous
>>26321210 Us ameribros have to hodl. Im not paying a 15% premium to trade

35 min later 26322242 Anonymous
>>26320494 Wagies really are stupid, just daytrade stocks bro, it's literally that simple.

36 min later 26322257 Anonymous
>>26321982 This is me. I came from a poor family and since getting a job at 22 I've put every extra penny into 401k/IRA target date retirements and s&p500 because calculators told me I would be a millionaire by the time I'm 40 Now I just found out about crypto and don't know if I was retarded or just being prudent. But I want to have money now to enjoy life, not so I can comfortably sit on the sofa all day when I'm 60

37 min later 26322296 Anonymous
>>26320605 not everyone who invests is trying to "get rich quick"

37 min later 26322318 Anonymous
>>26322057 Yes but your returns will still be sub par, and probably won't even manage to match the SP500 growth rate. You can't get rich with stocks if you dont put DECADES into it or aren't rich already, With crypto you can go from a few k to muti-millionaire in a couple of years. The risk is greater, but so are the rewards.

39 min later 26322377 Anonymous
>>26322318 99% of the people here wont see those rewards

40 min later 26322394 Anonymous
>>26322296 Ok boomer, have fun being a millionaire when you only have 3 years to live and struggle to move on your own due to old age. kek

43 min later 26322517 Anonymous
>>26322377 And neither will a large portion of wagies if they die before retirement. Better to risk it for an amazing life than to play it safe and lead an utterly miserable one.

48 min later 26322758 Anonymous
You can mix crypto with stocks by just buying BFARF or MARA. They've both outperfomed BTC and will continue to do so + they're much comfier to hold

49 min later 26322810 Anonymous
>>26320494 Because /biz/ was created as a crypto containment board from /g/

50 min later 26322828 Anonymous
>>26322257 This, I'm literally beating myself up everyday. I've missed like 3 chances to become a millionaire by not risking enough. >ETH at $12 >Link at $0.2 Etc etc

50 min later 26322847 Anonymous
>>26320494 faggot go die you old piece of shit stocks are for faggot old boys

55 min later 26323031 Anonymous
>>26320494 Soi boomer

58 min later 26323162 Anonymous
>>26321858 how do i get to this level? t. cowardly hodler

1 hours later 26323471 Anonymous
>>26322758 This honestly, Held MARA more then I've held BTC ever. sold it a while ago but still people one this board are a cult to crypto.

1 hours later 26323570 Anonymous
>>26320494 They're retarded, they think the only way you can make money is by buying something and it going up and instead of making leveraged bets on real companies they hope pajeet coins with zero liquidity go 100x.

1 hours later 26323578 Anonymous
>>26323162 Shitcoins brother. Get into TG groups. When you get started you can ride whale tails as they pump nameless shitcoins then dump on normies who see it mooning. Then it's just about volume. Find enough shitcoins and presales a week that 2-3 do 2-5x and you are golden.

1 hours later 26323588 Anonymous (12312312313123.jpg 600x319 28kB)
>>26320494 >you will not own your games and you will be happy

1 hours later 26323635 Anonymous
Fuck you! I just wanted to buy Valve stocks. Gabe announced single player games. And they always deliver. Jokes on me, there are none.

1 hours later 26323948 Anonymous (image0.png 828x1792 212kB)
>>26320494 I normally trade crypto, but when it reaches ATH like a week ago I just swing my profits into stock options. Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna all in on crypto again after this cycle. But stocks really aren't that bad

1 hours later 26323989 Anonymous
Crypto has higher returns. People don't have enough money to trade stocks. The barrier for crypto is lower. Its a no-brainer.

1 hours later 26324306 Anonymous
>>26323989 you could say that about penny stocks though. Investing in BNGO and that shit has gone up 700% in 4 weeks

1 hours later 26324569 Anonymous
>>26323578 I know its all elitist and you need the right TG groups but where do you find them? twitter?

1 hours later 26325802 Anonymous
>>26324569 Seconding this. Please.

2 hours later 26325970 Anonymous
>>26320494 I get more money from crypto and crypto is easier I fucked up from stocks and became a ktov bagholder Never again outside of bluexhips and (when I make it) dividend stocks

2 hours later 26326014 Anonymous
>>26320494 If you aren't doing both you are an absolute idiot

2 hours later 26326046 Anonymous
>>26322242 >locks your account for day trading more than 5 times Nothin personnel kid

2 hours later 26326085 Anonymous
>>26320494 Wow learn stocks! Only thing you need is index sp500 and maybe DJI, everything else is bigger gamble than cryptos, companies can fuck over by diluting shares and doing r/s. Its fucking shitshow

2 hours later 26326129 Anonymous
>>26323578 this pajeet wants you to hold his bags do NOT listen to him

2 hours later 26326178 Anonymous
>>26320545 daily reminder gme is doing better than crypto daily reminder bitcoin is a boring as fuck 3 year long bubble that gets smaller and smaller each 3 years reminder most crypto is garbage

2 hours later 26326259 Anonymous
>>26320605 for me reading about crypto is so god damn fucking boring because its useless i understand stocks a lot and theres more to pick from i would just gamble with crypto memes but its all shit. they all look stupid as fuck and its like go on coinbase > buy bitcoin > 20% fees >move to uniswap > 20% fees > exchange for x shit coin > lose or make money >swap it back to btc > 20% fees > move it back to coinbase > fees> withdraw to bank account > fees yes so much gains

2 hours later 26326270 Anonymous
>>26326129 Holding shitcoins for more then an hour our two is retarded. You should know within 10 minutes whether or not it's going to moon, probably less

2 hours later 26326580 Anonymous
>>26324569 It was organic for me. Twitter is one place, but I've never used it. I joined the unilock TG and joined every group that was showcased there. Basically, there's never enough data. >>26325802

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