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2021-01-21 09:51 26297392 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210121-024751__01.jpg 1080x1184 182kB)
Satoshi Nakamoto is at it again
3 min later 26297483 Anonymous
Shhh. Delete this thread.
9 min later 26297608 Anonymous (1511806869645.png 1035x612 842kB)
what an obnoxious cunt
9 min later 26297629 Anonymous
what a pajeet
10 min later 26297638 Anonymous
Our boy Craig is finally standing up to the jews who control blockstream. Thank you based Craig!
10 min later 26297651 Anonymous
Why isn't he in jail?
11 min later 26297660 Nalich.
A lawyer can't "order" something removed. Only a court judge can do that
11 min later 26297663 Anonymous (Screenshot_2020-09-01 craig wright scam - Búsqueda de Twitter Twitter.png 717x687 425kB)
14 min later 26297741 nour (1611219922401.jpg 1072x1516 467kB)
Yeah, about that...
https://bitcoin.org/en/posts/regard ing-csw
15 min later 26297774 Anonymous
Craig Kike isn't Satoshi Nakamoto.
He is a tool to draw Satoshi out of hiding
24 min later 26298014 Anonymous
I think the dude is just addicted to public humiliation.
26 min later 26298041 Anonymous
Literal who
26 min later 26298050 Anonymous
Me thinks he has pubic frustration.
31 min later 26298206 Anonymous
this cretin has larped long enough as satoshi
36 min later 26298351 Anonymous
I haven't paid attention to crypto in about two years, did we finally confirm Craig is Satoshi? When's he killing (((bitcoin)))
48 min later 26298712 Anonymous
A couple of months ago a message was signed by 150 satoshi wallets from 2010 craig claimed to own, calling him a liar and a fraud. Personally I just think the jews hacked his private keys to frame him.
54 min later 26298892 Anonymous
This. Double digit IQ biz letting it slide
59 min later 26299008 Anonymous (loser.png 842x834 1010kB)
kek what a loser. imagine missing out on the gbr because you believed a literal faggot from a former prison colony.
59 min later 26299009 Anonymous
cope harder faggots, CSW wins
1 hours later 26299236 Anonymous
Yes you can though, through threat of legal action from a cease and desist.
t. My sisters black boyfriends dad is a lawyer
1 hours later 26299271 Anonymous (checkmate.png 482x1179 68kB)
1 hours later 26299304 Anonymous (b14534ed7ec165ead68f5daa5c09e4163a2947d9d56d00d28624f1e0cd477a83.jpg 818x1039 96kB)
1 hours later 26299330 Anonymous (zażenowanie.gif 150x150 1592kB)
1 hours later 26299347 Anonymous (royalfork.png 864x955 147kB)
1 hours later 26299444 Anonymous
>t. My sisters black boyfriends dad is a lawyer
LMAO good one follow autist, here is an upboat!
1 hours later 26299578 Anonymous
core jews will bend the knee to the anglo bwc
1 hours later 26299594 Anonymous
All this nigger has to do to prove he created bitcoin is show that he holds the private keys to satoshi's wallets. But he can't even do that because he is a lying negro and anyone who takes him seriously has brain aids.
1 hours later 26299618 Anonymous (1571931701577.jpg 450x399 179kB)
>he doesnt know
oh boy youre corekeks are in for a world of pain
1 hours later 26299663 Anonymous (file.png 645x773 11kB)
Royal fork? What does he mean by that?
1 hours later 26299744 Anonymous
Fuck off Craig. We all know it's you posting, and we're all laughing at you.
1 hours later 26299850 Anonymous (1591300552730.jpg 500x750 42kB)
Just announcing you're going to transfer X number of BTC between two specific wallets on a certain date and time, then do it. That's all you have to do. Don't give me the "wants to maximize profit bullshit. Just a few sats is all that's needed, but it won't happen, because this dude is a fucking retard. Fuck him.
1 hours later 26299868 Anonymous
it's all over the reddit
i have to go back
1 hours later 26299923 Anonymous
Craig has always been a larping loser financed by Calvin and has always failed. Remember that history repeats itself, so wait for his next fiasco.
1 hours later 26299975 Anonymous
https://youtube.com/watch?v=cKbPNFU HLYM
>I remember reading it
>probably when I wrote it
1 hours later 26300117 Anonymous
It's a chess move
1 hours later 26300123 Anonymous
what a fucking retard
1 hours later 26300157 Anonymous
you think csw transferring even just a few sats from a known satoshi wallet would not move btc price?
God bless you retards xD
1 hours later 26300195 Anonymous
Ah, thank you
1 hours later 26300197 Anonymous (10fshfaub9651.jpg 1125x1580 161kB)
if that's the case, I'd genuinely like to know why. I don't want to be retarded.
1 hours later 26300285 Anonymous
trying to fud us out of vitalik's shit like eth and pnk. this is not good. tired of these guys
1 hours later 26300312 Anonymous (854081161001_6160067919001_6160060421001-vs.jpg 1280x720 55kB)
The people here defending Craig are just larping, right? No one is really that stupid... RIGHT?
1 hours later 26300351 Anonymous
that's the spirit anon!
Well if he were to do something like that publicly, immediately the whole world would "know" that craig wright is satoshi (owner of probably 1million+ btcs that he plans to sell), this will cause people to sell their btc en masse cause they predict the price to crash by csw selling. Therefore the price would crash and csv would not be able to sell his btc for much.
Now if he wanted to maximize the cash he can get from selling his btc, he would try to sell them unnoticed, starting from more recent addresses, ideally around an ATH...
https://twitter.com/murphsicles/sta tus/1350605679799791620?s=20
who knows..
1 hours later 26300497 Anonymous
This faggot is utterly shameless
2 hours later 26300520 Anonymous
I hate this cunt so much. There's zero fucking proof he's Satoshi and people still go along with his ramblings.
2 hours later 26300621 Anonymous
If that's the logic then why would he go around saying he is Satoshi in the first place? He would just keep quiet.
The fact that he's claiming to be Satoshi is the single biggest piece of evidence that he isn't Satoshi.
2 hours later 26300656 Anonymous
Satoshi is dead, long live Shitoshi
2 hours later 26300878 Anonymous
He didn't, but most people dont know or the full story.
He stayed hidden as much as he could, but all hell broke loos in 2015. Some of his coworkers realized he's satoshi, news got out. He got hacked and hackers were extorting him to send them btc or they would expose him as satoshi.
He didn't send btc. Hackers dumped documents to newspapers exposing him as satoshi. He got sued by Ira Kleiman claiming his dead brother Dave collaborated with him on the creation of Bitcoin so he owes him half of the satoshi coins.
Before 2015 he managed to stay hidden, despite already having founded bitcoin-related companies in 2009 and included btc in his tax filings since 2009..
At this point he was forcefully outed as satoshi and had no option but to go along with it
2 hours later 26300902 Anonymous
Kek he’s clearly the evil villain in the story. Satoshi is out there somewhere face palming at this absolute child.
2 hours later 26300974 Anonymous (infiniterupeeloop.jpg 728x728 221kB)
2 hours later 26300997 Anonymous (rfgsdfgdf899.png 1103x88 20kB)
2 hours later 26301029 Anonymous
>Hackers dumped documents to newspapers exposing him as satoshi
No such documents exist.
If he was Satoshi he would have done what every other "exposed" person did. Simply deny that he is Satoshi.
2 hours later 26301458 Anonymous
>claims to have invented censorship resistant money
>trying to censor his censorship resistant invention
This guy is obviously a paid cia shill trying to cause drama in the crypto community to stop it's adoption. You're as stupid as the Qtards on /pol/ if you believe this man.
2 hours later 26301479 Anonymous
did you miss the articles from Gizmodo and whatnot back then?
The documents were there, mainly the transcript of his case with the australian tax office, which showed they had problem with how to classify the bitcoins he'd been mining since 2009, and were contesting the loan he got from the tulip trust as a liability for research on bitcoin (tax-writeoff), the hackers dumped some tulip trust documents as well.
At that point he could not entirely deny his early involvment in btc, but was just saying vague things like he was involved very early on.. he was part of the original team.. etc.
Then people started attacking him and insulting him for being a fraud and whatnot, and only after that he started defending himself saying he's satoshi and going to court for it. It was a gradual process
2 hours later 26301500 Anonymous
Get help anon, it's for your own good
2 hours later 26301573 Anonymous (cryptos-jews.jpg 599x832 100kB)
2 hours later 26301616 Anonymous
"as this site is about Bitcoin Core (a specific implementation), not about Bitcoin in general"
"specific implementation", what did they mean by that?
>https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bi tcoincore.org/pull/740
2 hours later 26301657 Anonymous
that sentence is taken out of context, he was criticizing revisionist people who want to cancel western books and art because of the white patriarchy, showing the flaw in their thinking since western culture always had contributions from non-whites
2 hours later 26301677 Anonymous
theyre already backpedalling and trying to distance themselves from the bitcoin brand new (which Craig owns the copywright to). they know they fucked up and whats coming down the pipe. tick tock corecucks
2 hours later 26301753 Anonymous
Fucking aggravates me so much seeing how burgers make the middle finger. Why can't they do even one simple thing right?
Middle finger = middle finger sticking up. Craig's version is the typical English / Commonwealth model that any civilized person would use. You can clearly see what its trying t o denote, and it has connotations of power and firmness.
Now look at this example. Its weak, pathetic, open handed, knuckles not even in line with each other, ring finger splayed out. Its not even a comfortable or natural position for the fingers.
2 hours later 26301763 Anonymous (image_from_ios.jpg 652x264 20kB)
yup, they know that legally they cannot defend their position. This will be a fun one
2 hours later 26301815 Anonymous
so he just kept doubling down on a lie, going slowly insane basically?
2 hours later 26301890 Anonymous
>https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bi tcoincore.org/pull/740
It means they're covering their asses legally. BTC devs are not ready to hold a strong defense.
2 hours later 26301920 Anonymous
Cool, bsv is still losing in sats though...since ages
3 hours later 26301944 Anonymous
yes, and publishing ~800 patents in the meantime and funding several companies, all proof that he's a fraud right? If it was a lie the real satoshi or somebody close to him could have easily disproven this, but nope... silence...
3 hours later 26301966 Anonymous (CenF497.jpg 640x480 56kB)
A lot of glowies in this thread. Terry would be VERY disappointed how low our intelligence has gotten since he left us. Stop following a conman.
3 hours later 26301973 Anonymous
He literally said in court under oath he doesnt have access to the priv keys...
3 hours later 26302010 Anonymous
3 hours later 26302026 Anonymous
I wonder what Hal Finney would think about this pathetic idiot trying to steal his work
3 hours later 26302069 nour
The trustees have access to the keys. Craig was not a trustee himself until very recently. Keep up anon
3 hours later 26302090 Anonymous
http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+ is+a+trust
3 hours later 26302122 Anonymous
you have such a low IQ that you should probably kys
3 hours later 26302136 nour
Do you know what a trust is?
3 hours later 26302275 LebAnon
checked and seconded
3 hours later 26302304 Anonymous
Pls to be buying the real satoshi bision, vishnu in the blockchains sir
3 hours later 26302360 Anonymous (1593655384865.jpg 468x895 219kB)
>No one is really that stupid... RIGHT
3 hours later 26302386 Anonymous
Can someone please explain what’s going on as if I were a redditor? Who is Wright, and what implications does this have?
3 hours later 26302536 Anonymous
Creg invented Bitcoin. Bitcoin is BSV. Craig doesn't like other coins using the name Bitcoin like BCH and BTC. He's using his intellectual property rights to begin enforcing that now.
Meanwhile the only thing BTC has going for itself is store of value, which is basically reputation based. Which means its entire value proposition is based on its name. If I have to explain what happens to BTC price if Creg wins, you're dumber than even a redditor.
3 hours later 26302556 Anonymous
It's really simple. If Craig really were Satoshi, he'd be able to spend bitcoin from the original Satoshi wallet(s). He never has, therefore he's full of shit and should be ignored.
3 hours later 26302579 Anonymous
lmao that stupid FUD. Asking to remove a MIT licensed whitepaper. Good luck sell low buying higher anon
3 hours later 26302605 Anonymous
He's some stupid negro pretending to be Satoshi. Even though there's a mountain of reasons confirming he isn't he keeps insisting and his cult keeps following him. The only thing that will come out of this lawsuit is everyone on /biz/ LAUGHING at the bsvtards whenever this goes nowhere.
3 hours later 26302634 Anonymous
huh, hmm wonder what happened a just few days ago..
https://twitter.com/murphsicles/sta tus/1350605679799791620?s=20
3 hours later 26302690 Anonymous
Adam Back is Satoshi.
3 hours later 26302750 Anonymous (wrong.png 386x678 93kB)
3 hours later 26302761 Anonymous
It's easy:
This is a high iq post
This is a low iq post
3 hours later 26302790 Anonymous
>Adam Back
even though, the dude can't prove he's satoshi, so good luck removing a whitepaper which is basically public property now
3 hours later 26302806 Anonymous (EsP5DVCXAAYMPpg.png 1175x429 44kB)
If pic related happens I might just coom in my pants.
Whoever made this infograph called BSV a fork, that's wrong though, BTC is the fork.
3 hours later 26302836 Anonymous
>can't prove he's satoshi
And what if, that very foundational assumption you're making was wrong?
Just saying, if you're a smart investor you should always hedge your risk..
3 hours later 26302884 Anonymous
Although there is still a lot of room for plausible deniability, there is a lot more reason to believe this guy is Satoshi than Craig Wright. The dude's name is literally the first name mentioned in the whitepaper.
3 hours later 26303019 Anonymous
The dude is desperate. If you are the real satoshi you're not going to launch a coin named "Bitcoin, Bob version" because you are named Bob. If you are satoshi, you sign with your keys and lead the world.
But if you are satoshi, you most importantly never show yourself because you would be insta-killed. It's not that I'm 95% sure he's not satoshi, I am 100% confident.
3 hours later 26303066 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-01-21 13-32-23.png 280x312 87kB)
>publish your first anonymous paper trying really hard to stay anonymous
>cite his own paper in the first citation
3 hours later 26303104 Anonymous
you people are such newfags it really shows you werent there when things unfolded
3 hours later 26303138 Anonymous
Bro you sound like the only thing you should be 100% certain of is how to operate a forklift.
3 hours later 26303163 Anonymous
you are a retard if you think Satoshi is anyone else except Bill Gates.
3 hours later 26303168 Anonymous (brainlet bike.png 539x455 155kB)
>bitcoin dot org
3 hours later 26303238 Anonymous
You retards don't understand that Satoshi is dead, long live Bitcoin.
And I'm don't hold ANY BTC, not a maxi here
3 hours later 26303354 Anonymous
I wonder what his lawyers are thinking when they do this. Are they laughing at him behind his back as hard as we are? Happy to have a continuous supply of money from an autist who will do anything?
3 hours later 26303419 Anonymous (pfobsve24fa61.jpg 540x195 13kB)
>He doesn't know
3 hours later 26303430 Anonymous
I wonder what's funnier, having this retard spending all his time to get attention on his drama, or the fact that nobody even cares? (incels here don't count as "somebody")
3 hours later 26303501 Anonymous
Can anyone defend the fact that this guy launched BSV? Anyone here actually think that the real Satoshi would have done something as desperate than that?
If he's the real SN and lost his keys and launched BSV to have some piece of the cryptospace he starded but missed.... lmao I just can't accept this possibilty. TOP KEK
3 hours later 26303670 Anonymous
He just split the protocol before it became a mess. First with BCH to avoid segwit in 2017, then with BCH to avoid certain OP_codes that altered the legality of the coin drastically. How are people invested in a coin they do zero research for, truly mind-bottling. BCH and BTC are (soon to be were) the Jewish attacks on Bitcoin.
4 hours later 26303769 Anonymous
I hope this kind of replies are written for the love of kek
4 hours later 26303817 Anonymous
This but unironically:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMe lZQ9TgWk
4 hours later 26303883 Anonymous
What's topkek is that even though Wraight may have written the whitepaper, I'm sure he did not do any of the implementation. A pure jewish son a bitch
4 hours later 26303894 Anonymous
This shows how illiterate you are about bitcoin, when some nodes want to change the protocol there is a split of those following new rules and old rules.
Craig wright didn't "launch BSV", he just tried to preserve the original bitcoin by refuting changes to the protocol (by core first, and then by abc), and keep mining using the ruleset closest to the original vision in the Bitcoin whitepaper.
See this:
4 hours later 26303942 Anonymous (1583444263155.jpg 600x943 429kB)
Post photo of your foreskin, anon
4 hours later 26303958 Anonymous
But unironically he's wrong "there is no indicator of any money inflow, it's all tether press". Crypto user x4ed in the last 2 YEARS, x4 ! Read Cambridge studies or EU/AMF reports. There IS a real influx of money, just look at the volume of major coins. It's not Tether.
it's what some anons call "nocoiner cope"
4 hours later 26304031 Anonymous
No what you don't understand is that Bitcoin is a decentralized protocol and its changes are part of its life, even Nakamoto said so in 2010-2011 Bitcointalk posts. Consensus happens on chain and off chain.
> he just tried to preserve the original bitcoin by refuting changes to the protocol
This is why this makes no sense, and why Nakamoto would never do that because that's fucking stupid. Are you seriously saying I don't understand what is a fork? lmao. BSV is just like ETC: a fart in the wind.
lmao, congratz because I'm actually french
4 hours later 26304241 Anonymous
>BSV is just like ETC: a fart in the wind.
This shows you don't understand forks, ETH is a fork of ETC, ETC followed the original consensus rules.
Anyway ETH is not even in the same ballpark as bitcoin since it was premined and basically controlled by a central party
>Nakamoto said so in 2010-2011 Bitcointalk posts
You are retarded. Satoshi was not on Bitcointalk in 2011, he had already disappeared (in fact he was never on bitcointalk, the forum content got copied over). Anyway show me such a post if you remember it, i remember him saying that the protocol has been set in stone since version 0.1:
https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.o rg/posts/bitcointalk/126/#selection -32.0-32.13
4 hours later 26304386 Anonymous
Why is he black?
4 hours later 26304389 Anonymous
> This shows you don't understand forks, ETH is a fork of ETC, ETC followed the original consensus rules.
"The original consensus rules", grow up! That's naive as fuck. The consensus is the consensus, it's not a network-only thing. ETH is the main chain, always has been, always will be.
We don't give a fuck technically how you view the chains, it's not relevant at all, you know that right? The DAO hack happened, the network fucked the hacker by forking, because it was in the interest of 99.9999% of the network participants. It has shown strength and resilience from both off-chain and on-chain consensus. I actually don't know anyone with a brain that can argue differently.
> You are retarded. Satoshi was not on Bitcointalk in 2011
Bro maybe 2010 I don't recall perfectly, I'm sure I can find it, he said that several times with different wordings
4 hours later 26304492 Anonymous
>geek makes software
>chad 1 makes him fork by swaying opinion with reddit censorship
>chad 2 makes him fork by adding a check to consensus that the block was signed by their abc node
>geek goes legal route
>OOOO satoshi would never do that
4 hours later 26304600 Anonymous
No one that matters cares
4 hours later 26304690 Anonymous
you are the other anon are the kind of people that scream "it's not the original rules nooooooo" "it's not what was written line 67 of bitcoin_protocol.cpp
Who the fuck cares? BTC is the one that's going to >$1T valuation, it's over!
4 hours later 26304863 Anonymous
>BTC is the one that's going to >$1T valuation, it's over!
>13 pots by this ID
then why are you nervously posting ITT?
4 hours later 26305012 Anonymous
seems like he already did
4 hours later 26305589 Anonymous
Remember when an anon on here posted that he owned the wallets and he was going to sign them? Anybody have that screenshot?
5 hours later 26305872 Anonymous
I would also like to see this
5 hours later 26305924 Anonymous
Anyway I hope satoshi reveals itself, it would destroy the mistery that is behind BTC, and probably (after a nice crash) bootstrap an altcoin season that will last forever.
5 hours later 26305985 Anonymous (cucked.jpg 1170x1032 363kB)
a lot of you core cucks are in for a rude awakening
its aslready happening newfrens
tick tock
5 hours later 26306005 Anonymous
smartest thing said on this thread. Half based
5 hours later 26306058 Anonymous
what's fun is that the network won't even blink.
Whitepaper drama, lmao... we would have seen all kinds of FUD in 3 months, damn what's next? Quantum computing attacks in march?
5 hours later 26306110 Anonymous
The strange part is that two of the people Craig claims to have worked with as Satoshi Nakamoto both died...
5 hours later 26306169 Anonymous
>what's next?
we can only speculate
but keep in mind Craig Wright also owns the copyright for the Bitcoin name and ticker symbol
5 hours later 26306225 Anonymous
He's not satoshi, he's a scammer you dumb fucking pajeet
5 hours later 26306232 Anonymous
5 hours later 26306276 Anonymous
Don't worry guys, ive just saved the whitepaper to my PC. Going to upload it all around the net. Come after me craig.
5 hours later 26306573 Anonymous
I don't know who this guy is.
But this Kike Jew is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto.
Just another typical Jewish fraud trying to collect shekels with his corrupt Jewish tricks.
5 hours later 26306646 Anonymous
but a Spanish dude bought the Bitcoin brand a year ago if I recall correctly. I guess this BSV bullshit is burger only drama?
5 hours later 26306692 Anonymous
would be a shame if..it was already uploaded on SWARM and IPFS right?
5 hours later 26306871 Anonymous
forwarded to creg
5 hours later 26306950 Anonymous
Is this shitsmear really back from the grave? This is really peak neocon shit right here. Using force to influence the market to use your product. Kek.
5 hours later 26306961 Anonymous
https://swarm-gateways.net/bzz:/62f ef7471928b40bbe81b31155156736eb862f 4a07c35aa7afa25b578293104b/bitcoin. pdf
Each time someone of you downloads it delays the deletion of the file. It's basically forever now.
> whitepaper is still on bitcoin.org though
5 hours later 26307065 Anonymous
Wasn't the story that he paid people to find keys of very old wallets so he could pass as SN? IIRC there was a post from him on the bitcoin forum.
5 hours later 26307399 Anonymous
wtf is a whitepaper
5 hours later 26307424 Anonymous
based autism
5 hours later 26307454 Anonymous
the neocon shit is blockstream trying to subvert the bitcoin project, obtaining control of the github, reddit and website, banning gavin and every single big blocker from the platforms, and using their connection to exchanges to keep the name Bitcoin despite their major segwit changes
there was a post of someone trying to buy early coins from a miner on bitcointalk, but it is unknown who it was
5 hours later 26307600 Anonymous (1609669793271.png 707x1000 542kB)
Shut up faggot. If you don't want to use Bitcoin then don't use Bitcoin. This is so retarded. Craig Wright and BSV shills are out here preaching laserdisc technology while the world moves on to streaming.
5 hours later 26307652 Anonymous
Don't use, just hodl ;)
5 hours later 26307852 Anonymous
Paper was material used to store information on in the before times. It was made of woodpulp or something and people would 'write' on it, like people would actually write letters on it as if it was a phone except once written you couldn't erase so they had to pulp more wood.
5 hours later 26307867 Anonymous
Thanks, actually I use bitcoin every day tens of times per day, mainly on twetch, enjoying my sub-cent transaction fees.
How often do you use your 10$-transaction-fee-"""Bitcoin"""?
The world has moved on from your 1MB laserdisc, we are on tera-blocks now baby
5 hours later 26307934 Anonymous (satoshi knows.png 813x1813 281kB)
This. Craig is too much of a boomer to be completely redpilled on the JQ, but he is very very far away from being on board the globohomo train.
>Consensus happens on chain and off chain
Jewish hands typed this
5 hours later 26308001 Anonymous
yes, to add to this, initially paper was yellow-ish, but during time they devised technologies to produce white paper, so that the contrast with the letters written on it would be higher, hence "whitepaper".
5 hours later 26308029 Anonymous (solidsnake.jpg 480x732 27kB)
The reality is starting to sink in for Greggles and Co.
5 hours later 26308062 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-01-21 15-48-08.png 602x533 93kB)
The capitulation is real LOL
https://twitter.com/CobraBitcoin/st atus/1352263301657485314
6 hours later 26308172 Anonymous
the reality is that if all that FUCKING NO COINER FUD drama was real, altcoins would be pumping as fuck, and ETH would be at 2.5k by now
6 hours later 26308288 Anonymous
blame the boomers who dont even know the diffrent between bitcoin and a stock
6 hours later 26308337 Anonymous
but the boomers don't even care about Bitcoin core or this nerd stuff that probably interest max 2000 retards on the planet.
They will keep pumping that shit until we reach 10T, that's simple
6 hours later 26308584 Anonymous (EryA4APXYAUXCCn.jpg 818x1039 189kB)
Ok, well today's been fun BSVbros. Now it's time for another 6 months of blue balls probably.
6 hours later 26308662 Anonymous
this dude is legit retarded and can't even write his thoughts properly, but somehow people believe he invented one of the best tech of the last 30 years?
6 hours later 26309013 Anonymous (1564956182949.jpg 1000x698 84kB)
>we've got to defend our devs
>something must be done
holy cringe
6 hours later 26309136 Anonymous (hC0g8kc.png 644x800 13kB)
Remember, HODL! Don't use!
6 hours later 26309319 Anonymous
But hasnt it already been confirmed that Sergey Nazarov is Satoshi?
6 hours later 26309360 Anonymous
nice slide, kike
6 hours later 26309488 Anonymous
he could just do a transaction from the satoshi address and it will all be clear. why is that so hard for him to do?
6 hours later 26309602 Anonymous
english isn't your first language or are you more autistic than he is?
6 hours later 26309686 Anonymous
Bounded courier will arrive in 10 minutes sir!
6 hours later 26309945 Anonymous
he talks into a mic and the text comes out but his accent fucks up the words
6 hours later 26309994 Anonymous
6 hours later 26310074 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-01-21 16-34-59.png 386x278 38kB)
6 hours later 26310092 Anonymous (aaf.png 680x709 249kB)
6 hours later 26310101 Anonymous
yeah someone who can't even use a keyboard to shitpost typed out bitcoin codebase alone. sounds legit.
6 hours later 26310159 Anonymous
What a retard, he should just anhero himself already.
6 hours later 26310184 Anonymous
this dude talks into a mic like he's handicaped?
Every info pushes the level a little lower.
6 hours later 26310208 Anonymous
Where is the proof that he is Satoshi?
6 hours later 26310214 Anonymous
okay newfag it's not like i actually saw him explain it and can even tell the word he most likely spoke to generate the incorrect text
keep up
6 hours later 26310240 Anonymous
>multiple degrees
>authored multiple papers and books
>taught university classes
>hundreds of patents in his name
*hurr durr he cant even write xD*
6 hours later 26310280 Anonymous
it's faster when you're saying multiple sentences and especially if you're a boomer on a phone with thick fingers
6 hours later 26310319 Anonymous (hal.jfif.jpg 191x264 11kB)
was it the smile?
6 hours later 26310337 Anonymous
how can we ever believe a fucking boomer invented Bitcoin though? They can't even use Excel after 25 years
6 hours later 26310343 Anonymous
Some say the lone bonded courrier is still swimming through the atlantic en route.
6 hours later 26310433 Anonymous
All he has to do is move one satoshi from his wallet to another that he owns to prove it.
He fucking can't.
6 hours later 26310532 Anonymous
Why is this guy such as cunt. No way someone this egotistical invented Btc.
6 hours later 26310609 Anonymous
>Creg proved he actually has all these degrees. but it doesnt matter!
>Creg proved bitcoin can scale onchain. but it doesnt matter!
>Creg got the copyright for the bitcoin whitepaper and name. but it doesnt matter!
>Creg won his court case against hodlonaut. But it doesnt matter!
>Creg won the court case against Ira Kleiman. but it doesnt matter!
>Creg actually signed the message. but it doesnt matter!
>Creg dumped a million BTC and bought BSV. but it doesnt matter!
6 hours later 26310647 Anonymous
Why won't he use the key satoshi made public and sign a transaction for everyone to see?
If I ever see this nigga in Sydney imma one punch kill him in Minecraft.
6 hours later 26310710 Anonymous (JAL083-CJ39F-ZO3C0-XJ39DL.png 225x225 9kB)
There is a correlation to trump supporters and CSW
6 hours later 26310779 Anonymous
nothing craig does without a proper verifiable signature matters he is still a liar and a fraud.
7 hours later 26310805 Anonymous
this guy really convinced himself hes satoshi. this is sad
7 hours later 26310913 Anonymous
he is a compulsive liar and a narcissitic sociopath.
7 hours later 26310943 Anonymous
poor little baby
7 hours later 26311012 Anonymous (1558370740598.jpg 693x505 161kB)
>tether fud
>kyc wallet fud
>yellen fud
>environmental fud
>kyc wallet fud
>biden tax fud
>china fud
>bitcoin futures fud
>cz looking at blacked porn fud
and now
>satoj write whitepaper fud
it's almost as if there is an organized and well coordinated campaign to fud btc during a rally that has caused supply shock. Intredasting...
7 hours later 26311034 Anonymous
you do realize that craig have promised this and that since 2015 and nothing came true. so far nada.
7 hours later 26311042 Anonymous (1609836970623.jpg 749x906 258kB)
2021 will be the year of BSV
7 hours later 26311084 Anonymous
>it's almost as if there is an organized and well coordinated campaign to fud btc
it definitely is, but i think this was not part of it it's just usual curry cashie shenanigans to pump their dying shitcoin. happens from time to time.
7 hours later 26311134 Anonymous
nah, it will be the year sv falls out of top 20
already out of top 10... which must make you seethe uncontrollably non stop.
7 hours later 26311146 Anonymous
creg literally said his timeframe is 2026
7 hours later 26311214 Anonymous
The bsv shills in this thread are making me giggle. These are the most delusional people on /biz/
7 hours later 26311237 Anonymous
he said a lot of things... most of them absolutely make no sense. he also changed his testimony in court like 4 or 5 times. he also submitted like a gazillion word documents none of which has a shred of actual verifiable proof in it.
7 hours later 26311246 Anonymous
Someone should tweet at Nick Szabo and tell him to sue Wright. Americans do love a good lawsuit, after all.
7 hours later 26311320 Anonymous
so why does anon care so much is it's 100% fraud?
7 hours later 26311453 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-01-21 Max Boonen on Twitter.png 590x547 84kB)
I want to believe.
3.610 0.246