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2021-01-21 12:00 26278207 Anonymous noob with $1000 (chrome_KM2Wos0203.png 894x859 1180kB)
what advice can you give for someone who's a total noob in finances?
like is there a sticky or something?
I understand it takes work, what kind of work? do i have to read the news to see what stocks may go up? do i have to go in forums and stuff?
Is it possible to make good progress in less than a year or should i dedicate myself to studying (if yes then studying what?) and then go into it?
thank you for any answer
pic not related
0 min later 26278256 Anonymous
put it in GRT
1 min later 26278274 Anonymous
It's pretty straightforward:
1 min later 26278304 Anonymous
Or farm BAO for a month.
2 min later 26278325 Anonymous
RBC x5 in 10 days
2 min later 26278336 Anonymous
3 min later 26278364 Anonymous
split 33%/33%/33% btc/eth/link
Leave the 1% for snacks
And then forget about it for as long as you can
4 min later 26278416 Anonymous
buy $GME and $BB and hold. In a month you will have 5k
6 min later 26278503 Anonymous
i know youre shilling me stuff, but if you slow down and try to tell me what hte fuck youre trying to sell me i might buy, bare in mind im a begginer. Are those cryptocurrencies? what the fuck is a cryptocurrencie even? can i operate out of a paypal account?
im looking for guide to read and inform myself and get started into shit.
like, they guy who said i could make 5000? is that like from buying and selling stuff? is there something i can buy that gives me a passive income? what amount of money would i need for a passive income of 100 per month?
8 min later 26278585 Anonymous (5wKMrDspuu_MmDRe_64uEDq8hoGAVU1tmmrOKfXSE2k.jpg 950x788 130kB)
are you the same fag asking for advice on where to invest his mesely 1k ?
Either you go big dick and throw it into BTC and other shitcoins. Or you go the boomer tier and start investing into etfs. Or you become a retard who stock picks only to realise after 10 years an index is outprefroming him by 3%. Put 40% into crypto 30% into ARKK etf ad 30% into the S&P500 or msci world add whatever disposable income you have into this saving plan each month. Now stop making shitty threads on /biz
9 min later 26278607 Anonymous
go fucking lurk you faggot. im not going to spoonfeed you.
9 min later 26278610 Anonymous
Lurk for another week or two before you commit. See how things are shilled here in cycles. You can do more than buy a coin and pray, see yeild farming.
Open a coinbase account.
9 min later 26278612 Anonymous
I was just messing with you, cause I'm a noob too. I don't know shit about finances.
12 min later 26278750 Anonymous
thank you i was after something like this
usually i would but theres no sticky, no guide, in fit you can learn most of it from the sticky and from there its up to you mostly.
Any like, written guides?
13 min later 26278808 Anonymous
Im not big into passive income from memecoins cause who knows how long that stream of income will exist. You can earn passive income from dividend stocks, you will be baited into wanting to buy stocks that pay 11% dividends but dont good rule of thumb is to have a dividend portfolio with a good mix of dividend kings and strong dividend growers. Bad news you will need to have 30k invested in a portfolio with a 4% dividend yield to get 1200 a year or 100 a month (PRE tax)....
If this sounds intresting though look up dividend investing there are millions of youtube videos that explain it in layman terms
14 min later 26278853 Rajadesh Punajabe
15 min later 26278886 Anonymous
based and agreed
18 min later 26279049 Anonymous
>you will be baited into wanting to buy stocks that pay 11% dividends but dont good rule of thumb is to have a dividend portfolio with a good mix of dividend kings and strong dividend growers
wait, so there's a way i can put in 1000 into something that gives me 100 dollars per month? and when i put 100 more dollars in it next month i get 1100?
sorry if i put it in the most noobest of ways possible
sorry you feel that way rajadesh
27 min later 26279441 Anonymous
no you fucking retard. Example. you buy AT&T stock for 3000$, 4x a year (some companies pay every month) AT&T will pay you dividends. If at&t's dividend yield is 7% you'll get 210 dollars at the end of the year (split into 4 payments of 52$). You don't get paid 11% of your investment each month you'd double your investment every year than, how the fuck would that be sustainable???
28 min later 26279468 Anonymous (1249035987f2010f4d4b1c9cec282327.jpg 750x1049 155kB)
Step 1. Ignore every single retard on this board telling you to buy crypto. That's gambling.
Step 2. Pay any debt with an interest rate equal or above 5%
Step 3. Save 6 months worth of expenses as an emergency fund. This is not investment money, nor "I want to consume the latest basedtech product". This is "shit hit the fan" money. This is "the global market just crashed like 2008 and I lost my job" money.
Step 4. Buy and hold globally diversified, low cost, index funds. Every serious academic paper out there has shown that they deliver the best expected returns long term. The vast majority of investment professionals can't beat them.
Step 5. (You should actually star this one bit by bit right now). Learn how taxes work. You can get a lot of tax benefits on your investments if you know where to look.
29 min later 26279537 Anonymous
buying Chainlink is the single best advice anyone can give you on this board.
30 min later 26279585 Chronos
King of the hill is a great show
31 min later 26279592 Anonymous
>Step 1. Ignore every single retard on this board telling you to buy crypto. That's gambling.
Except BTC/ETH. Those are generally a guaranteed 3x per year and aren't going anywhere any time soon.
31 min later 26279597 Anonymous
yeah this what I was trying to tell you but I'd sprinkle in a bit more risk for larger gains you're young and can risk a little + 6 months of emergency funds is was too fucking high imo. but then again I'm not an American where breaking you arm will legit make you go broke but I'd say 2-3 months emergency fund is more than enough
33 min later 26279710 Anonymous
Invest it, lose it all and learn from your mistakes.
Invest it, make money, learn, repeat.
37 min later 26279839 Anonymous
There's no guarantees in investing. If you think there are, you haven't been on this earth long enough.
Furthermore, there's 10 years of data on the crypto market. There's even less certainty on what the fuck is going to happen next.
37 min later 26279840 Anonymous (IMG_20210120_194433.png 720x400 278kB)
ok dipfuck let me give u the lay of the land.
you have 2 real options if you wanna make it assface:
1) grow a pair and start trading margin. the reason why is that you simply do not have a starting amount that's enough to end up with 6 figs via spot positions. high likelihood u lose all your money
2) ape into eth and alts, high likelihood nothing much comes from this though and depending from the alts, you might actually lose everything like the Fucking idiot dipshit fuckface u are
now fuck off loser
37 min later 26279866 Anonymous
thanks for such an in depth response
>Save 6 months worth of expenses as an emergency fund.
yeah of course, i wouldnt gamble with that money, luckily i did this laready
>Those are generally a guaranteed 3x per year and aren't going anywhere any time soon.
when you say 3x per year you mean the price rises 3 times? or is there like a way having bitcoin gives you money without having to sell it?
51 min later 26280484 Anonymous (unnamed.jpg 284x347 33kB)
54 min later 26280579 Anonymous
that pic always confuses the fuck out of me
1 hours later 26280934 Anonymous
media only talks about bitcoin. no altcoins in media
1 hours later 26281232 Anonymous
You will make 3x your initial investment per year.
1 hours later 26281591 Anonymous
but like, without selling them? is there a way they give off money merely for having them? sorry for my noobness but the guides are all circular logic. like
they go like "the concept of a cryptocurrency is really easy, it just a way to use the blockchain
>whats a blockchain
a blockchain is merely a smart transfer with few hydroloops
>what is a smart transfer what is an hydroloop
a smart transfer is series of crispy joeys that end up purchasing less than 3% interest on average but not really. An hydroloop is just a chain of quaternary space titans parading around
>what is a quaternary space titan?
oh thats easy, thats what results into a cryptocurrency
i mean im obviously used made up terms but is there a reason all these guides are so "cryptic" does any of it made sense? is there a good no bullshit guide out there? i know you hate me, im sorry for being such a retard but im trying to learn. If you point me towards a good learning resource then ill learn as much as i can, ill learn much more than you i swear i have infinite force of will, the problem is evil learning resources that confuse on purpose, because of them i have no choice but to ask for knowledge
1 hours later 26281673 Anonymous
After selling them. But you shouldn't sell them unless you absolutely need to. Think of your crypto like your 401k.
1 hours later 26281727 Anonymous
>After selling them.
so youre saying it will 3x its value like, for a couple of years? isn't that like precisely how a financial bubble starts?
1 hours later 26281762 Anonymous
also, thank you for taking the time to answer to my extremely annoying noobness
1 hours later 26281976 Anonymous
1 hours later 26282044 Anonymous
Lurk lazy faggot. It takes like a week or two of lurking and asking questions and you’ll catch up to the basics. If you find a tg group on here join it and bother them with more questions.
Also buy LINK & PRQ and hodl
1 hours later 26282177 Anonymous
>Lurk lazy faggot.
the problem is that theres no sticky so what is done in 2 weeks of lurking may be accomplished in 5 seconds of correctly asking.
Like, your observation wouldnt be wrong if we were on fit, where all the information is neatly displayed on the first post, but if it werent whoever tried to "lurk" would lose a precious amount of time for no reason.
>asking questions
that's what im doing
>LINK & PRQ and hodl
1 hours later 26282358 Anonymous (1611017420937.jpg 1093x1200 162kB)
Listen to this man. He gave you the single best possible advice.
The scammer promising you 3x returns for crypto is full of shit and wants you to become one of the bagholders when he sells. A pyramid always needs new money. It's pure speculation and doesn't create any value.
When you own an ETF fund you own real companies that do real business and provie real services that create real revenue and profit.
Don't fall for the gambling "get rich quick"-scheme, learn to work slowly to acquire wealth.
1 hours later 26283044 Anonymous
thank you, do you know of any good guides?
1 hours later 26283106 Anonymous
Buy Steel
2 hours later 26283832 Anonymous (1611165021382.jpg 1618x2100 956kB)
If you find a term you are unsure what it means, you can use www.investopedia.com and find an article about it.
Watch videos from Ben Felix https://www.youtube.com/c/BenFelixC SI/videos
And really listen to him (the titles of his videos are intentionally provoking). In the end you will come to the conclusion that dollar cost averaging into diversified ETFs is the best and safest choice for you, a newbie.
If you really feel like gambling on something (all newbies go through this, it is very exciting) make sure you use different money for that. If you save 1000€, gamble with 100€. Don't fall for the get rich quick-schemes. It is natural for the male brain to want that, men are more impulsive while women avoid risks (which is what you want to do when investing, protect your money!). Be afraid of leverage!
Don't be the guy who leveraged his house and kills himself when it goes wrong. Many of the get rich quick-people are the ones who took a crazy risk and it happened to pay off, but they never mention the rest who got fucked and killed themselves.
Learn what "compound interest" means. Learn what "dollar cost averaging" means, learn what "diversification" means for your portfolio and risk. These are the corner stones of a healthy investment strategy.
Don't be cocky, greedy, confident. Look into the mirror, you are a noobie! If you go stock picking you are competing against robots, algorithms, pros. All odds are against you, and any success is because of luck and has nothing do with any skill you imagine you have.
Learn what fear and greed is and how it drives the markets.
Everyone is extremely greedy now and are throwing their money on speculative companies that are worth jack shit. Be wary, don't get dragged into the enthusiasm.
Accept that you are an emotinonally driven monkey creature and that you need to learn to control both your fear and greed-instincts.
2 hours later 26283912 Anonymous
thank you for your patience
sorry for my retardness/obnoxiousness
2 hours later 26283914 Anonymous (dogs_large-01.jpg 647x450 84kB)
puppies love the taste of decentralisation
2 hours later 26284526 Anonymous
I bought a Barron's Finance book that was helpful, orthodox content.
2 hours later 26284928 Anonymous
30% split in link, Eth and BTC.
2 hours later 26284973 Anonymous
Dude go get a Coinbase pro account...enter all your info. Then buy like 30 percent bitcoin 40 percent ethereum and 30 percent grt or link and hold it. Wait for your money to come in 5 years
2 hours later 26285047 Anonymous
You need to have a father and never be a real woman
2 hours later 26285303 Anonymous (pep1.jpg 600x809 351kB)
Get some btc and eth, then leave some for layer 2 projects because they are going to moon in 2021...im personally keeping an eye on Tokamak
2 hours later 26285333 Anonymous
Buy bitcoin, ethereum, and chainlink.
33.040 0.136