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2021-01-20 03:50 26255556 Anonymous Is everybody on 4chan about to become a millionaire? (images.png 241x209 8kB)
After all everybody who ever visited this website bought at least 1000 LINK, right? Everybody must have come across /biz and bought the suicide stack, right? But then again, why are there still LINK token in circulation? Google says this cesspool has 27 million loser, sorry I mean user. But only 1 million people can own 1000 LINK This doesn't add up anons Are 99% who visit this website really retarded, or are they just all poor as fuck?

1 min later 26255593 Anonymous
Most people are here to argue with strangers about anime or videogames

3 min later 26255652 Anonymous
Well i just recently started buying into LINK.... i fear i will never make it

4 min later 26255694 Anonymous
>>26255593 But are the other ones really not concerned about becoming financially independent? What about those retards on /pol who argue all day long about the Jews and how they are all so rich and only focused to make money. Did they never think about doing the same? I have seen retards over there arguing about Bitcoin and that it will go to zero any moment

4 min later 26255712 Anonymous
/biz/ feels like 500 - 750 anons max to me. I recognize some of you by your posts kek

5 min later 26255715 Anonymous
>>26255652 Where have you been before anon? And how many do you have?

6 min later 26255777 Anonymous (1608728832779.jpg 625x518 162kB)
No stinkies for me. I missed out buying boomer stocks instead. Got a good stack of INJ though and it'll pass LINK sooner or later, screen cap this you know I'm right.

7 min later 26255780 Anonymous
>>26255556 No, I don't think I will

7 min later 26255783 Anonymous
>>26255715 36 linkies.

8 min later 26255869 Anonymous
>>26255712 for every poster there is probably like 50 coward lurkers who never post anything

8 min later 26255871 Anonymous (fren.png 388x304 161kB)

9 min later 26255903 Anonymous
>>26255556 ive been here since 2017 and never bought a single LINK

9 min later 26255917 PoonamMitukar@IndiaCoinViral.net (48Pp0Rt.png 791x507 529kB)
>>26255783 >36

10 min later 26255939 Anonymous
>>26255917 >>26255871 Surely that's enough to make it, right? It's my 3 months wage

11 min later 26255967 Anonymous
>>26255593 >Most people are here to argue with strangers about anime or videogames Are you new?

11 min later 26255991 Anonymous
>>26255967 >everybody on 4chan also goes to /biz/

12 min later 26256023 Anonymous (FB139CCB-8378-4FDF-A69A-5D6E5DA51E22.jpg 478x475 57kB)

14 min later 26256073 Anonymous
>>26255783 how does 36,000 sound? t. only own 7 linkies

14 min later 26256084 Anonymous
>>26255783 >$35000 Not great, not terrible.

15 min later 26256112 Anonymous
>>26256023 dude 36 link is a fine stack. it's almost half way to a suicide stack

16 min later 26256123 Anonymous
I knew once it was listed on Gemini that Link isn’t going anywhere. They only list things that are extremely sound.

17 min later 26256168 Anonymous
>>26256073 >>26256084 >>26256112 I lied to cope with my shitty stack, I actually have 320 Started in October, average price around $12

19 min later 26256234 Anonymous
>>26256112 Seems alright to me. 36 will turn into 36,000 in two years time. Just sell at peak, buy back the dip, repeat until you claw your way up.

20 min later 26256254 Anonymous
>>26256168 3 suicide stacks. Congrats on a chevy and a shared home in a suburb

20 min later 26256262 Anonymous
>>26255556 If only you were a second faster typing up your post... Anyway, I wasn't here when LINK was cheap. >t. 25 LINK

20 min later 26256273 Anonymous (1576024883132.jpg 570x766 251kB)
>But only 1 million people can own 1000 LINK I always forget this. Wild.

21 min later 26256301 Anonymous
>>26256254 I could you 3 houses with 320k t. Poor country

21 min later 26256308 Anonymous
>>26255903 based I was just about to post this exact same thing

21 min later 26256332 Anonymous
>>26256112 How 36 is halfway to 10k? None of you poorfags will make it. If you dont have absolutely minium of 100k$ portfolio now in 2021 you will never make it.

24 min later 26256424 Anonymous
>>26256301 lucky shitholer. A real house here starts at 800K, and thats a cuck shed. Anything below and you have to invest several hundred thousand to be able to live in it

24 min later 26256432 Anonymous
>>26255556 hope so, I got 2k link 3 years ago and forgot about it, and this was as a college poorfag

28 min later 26256571 Anonymous
>>26255715 Well before I was in college and broke and also still convincing myself that Crypto was a meme. Currently sitting on 33

29 min later 26256645 Anonymous
>>26256332 Everyone has to start somewhere.

30 min later 26256664 Anonymous (images.jpg 225x225 8kB)
>>26256332 >mfw exactly $100k portfolio

30 min later 26256673 Anonymous (linkie.png 867x711 546kB)
>>26255556 >link

34 min later 26256819 Anonymous
>>26255556 I am poor, unfortunately. I want to work with crypto technology and computers so I can at least have a job and then a job at setting up my own business. I am cursed with being slow, but it is what it is, chin up!

38 min later 26257007 Anonymous
>>26255967 What did you mean by this?

39 min later 26257026 Anonymous
>>26256819 I really hope that you make it as well anon. Just stick with it, no matter if it takes you a little bit longer. Have a vision and a plan on how to get there and you will succeed eventually. Godspeed my friend!

40 min later 26257085 Anonymous
I have 15 only and I want to rope myself

49 min later 26257412 Anonymous
I just bought 60 linkies and i feel so much better already.

50 min later 26257472 Anonymous
>>26255556 Why is LINK dumping though?

54 min later 26257604 Anonymous
>>26256645 Too late to make it from cryptos, only people left to make it here are people from 2017 who hold and bought dip, they have now 100k$ and gonna be last ones to make it. There wont be new cycle of crypto millionaires after that. I know its hard to admit especially when majority is poorfags who believe that pajeet scam coin n.9643 will make them rich.

55 min later 26257663 Anonymous
>>26257604 this >tfw got my hands on a 5k stack and was witness to the last burst of meme magic this sad forum had left i'll be stuck here forever regardless but the magic of this place really is gone.

58 min later 26257778 Anonymous
>>26255593 /biz/ is alot bigger than you probably realize. Everyone is trading stocks and crypto now.

1 hours later 26257848 Anonymous
22k linklet here, I plan to make it this cycle. Just waiting and trying not to die before then. Health has taken a shit this year, possible lymphoma. Oh well, worst case I can help out my family a bunch

1 hours later 26258287 Anonymous
>>26257663 >tfw got my hands on a 5k stack and was witness to the last burst of meme magic this sad forum had left Same anon. We are truly a bunch of lucky bastards if you think about it. I found out about BTC in 2015 but didn't buy. Then got assfucked in 2017 because I fomoed in at the top. And then I went All in LINK last year after I came back to biz and read about LINK. Thank you God and /biz/ autists for allowing to let this happen to me

1 hours later 26258923 Anonymous
>>26255903 Some people are proud of shitting their pants in public as well.

1 hours later 26258981 Anonymous
Can't wait for the inevitable dump

1 hours later 26259391 Anonymous
>>26255593 Or jews

1 hours later 26259450 Anonymous
LINK will surpass BTC prices eventually wont it? Like 100k per LINK is possible right?

1 hours later 26259458 Anonymous
>>26255783 16k phoneum

1 hours later 26259542 Anonymous (1567850813202.gif 196x388 4008kB)
>>26255783 >36

1 hours later 26259608 Anonymous
>>26259450 i checked the price right now chainlink is at 0,0006 euros. Chainlink is dead.

1 hours later 26259718 Anonymous
>>26255556 No, they’re about to become pink wojaks.

1 hours later 26259976 Anonymous (1611000808460.jpg 266x247 7kB)
Wait I just had an idea How can I get into student loans but spend them on linkies?

1 hours later 26260012 Anonymous
>>26257604 >There wont be new cycle of crypto millionaires after that people said that bitcoin was over after 2018, yet here we are. i don't buy that whole "this is the end" shit, there will always be money to make and we're all gonna make it

1 hours later 26260034 Anonymous
>>26257472 Altcoins dump when bitcoin dumps.

1 hours later 26260098 Anonymous
i lost 1100 link today selling low and buying back high, feels very fucking bad man. still have 27600 link

1 hours later 26260164 Anonymous (killme.png 276x385 17kB)

1 hours later 26260165 Anonymous
>>26255903 Newfags think Link was the only coin who was shilled here in 2017. There were hundreds of threads about LISK, FUN TOKEN, EOS, Walton Chain, Vechain. Everyone promising "If you buy this you gonna make it".

1 hours later 26260224 Anonymous
>>26255556 >never selling! >because they got nothing to sell

1 hours later 26260266 Anonymous
>>26260012 this i see opportunity now. im going to be dumping 99.99999999999999999999999999999999 9% of my earnings on crypto. i will sacrifice all food and pleasure, i dont give a fuck anymore

1 hours later 26260512 Anonymous (file.png 1080x1920 675kB)
>>26260165 Walton haha

2 hours later 26260894 Anonymous
>>26255783 3600? 36,000? >>26256023 i made fun of people who bought it at $0.25 because I bought it at $0.10

2 hours later 26261128 Anonymous
Price estimations for LINK seem really conservative. Like most people projecting it to peak at about 1k. Were people the same with BTC in the early days?

2 hours later 26261339 Anonymous
>>26260164 >18 minutes

2 hours later 26261400 Anonymous
>>26260012 >there will always be money to made Yes. But there will never come another chance like LINK. And that's a fact. (((They))) gave us BTC, ETH and also LINK Everything else are fucking shitcoins meant to make you money in the short term. The only other valueable coin out there is XMR which actually has a usecase. The infrastructure is built. Everything from now on are just applications on it. And like Ian Keane from Oracle once said "With Web 2.0 the most valuable things were the applications like Facebook, or Google. With Web 3.0 the most valuable things will be the infrastructure" The guy went All in on Chainlink. Those chances will not come again. Seriously, no matter how hard you want to cope. Sure there will still be 10x around here and there. But the game gets harder.

2 hours later 26261858 Anonymous
>>26261400 Is it too late to hop on the LINK train?

2 hours later 26261924 Anonymous
>>26261858 No it's not. The top wallets are still buying. And LINK will go to $1000 sooner or later Not a question "if" but rather "when" Are you happy with a 50x? Then it's not too late to buy

2 hours later 26261947 Anonymous
>>26255712 >>26255869 The Link marines rank chart Shows how many wallets are held in each stack size. 10-15k link had about 950 wallets if I remember correctly. Those are probably biztards. I also fall into that rank

2 hours later 26262079 Anonymous
>>26257604 >>26257663 Chainlink will continue to moon for YEARS because the token price is a function of network activity. Adoption will grow, vertically. BSN just recently announced a pilot scheme for their digital currency, for 2021, but most importantly the full version comes out in 2025. Chainlink will be adopted by new parties for literal years to come and will decouple from bitcoin eventually.

2 hours later 26262147 Anonymous

2 hours later 26262211 Anonymous
>>26261858 Would you buy ETH at $20?

2 hours later 26262321 Anonymous
>>26262211 Yes. But i want more than ETH numbers.

2 hours later 26262385 Anonymous
>>26255556 I think you need more than 1k Link.

2 hours later 26262386 Anonymous
>>26262147 To be fair, any sort of positive discussion on /biz/ is generally called shilling.

2 hours later 26262437 Anonymous (4_mio_LINK.png 1816x493 77kB)
>>26261858 Also read what the price prediction of a 4 million LINK whale is >pic related With the research I have done, I can confirm what he says in regards to BTC being testing ground and Vitalik being a CIA prop. As I mentioned already earlier. BTC, ETH and LINK all have the same people behind them in the shadows. No matter if you believe me or not. It is the truth

2 hours later 26262515 Anonymous
>>26262321 What does that mean? The price of link has the potential to reach ridiculous heights once adoption scales up. those who buy link now or next bear cycle will still make it, they’ll just have to wait longer. But we’ve been waiting 4 years already

2 hours later 26262525 Anonymous
>>26256234 swingies get the rope

2 hours later 26262531 Anonymous
>>26260266 Definitely gonna make it

2 hours later 26262548 Anonymous
>>26260165 Link was different from all the other shitcoins. There was at least one decent Link thread every day here with real discussion in 2018. It took me a few months lurking to sell my shitcoins and go all in in link, since there was quite a lot of fud already back then

2 hours later 26262570 Anonymous
>>26262386 Sure but Linkies clearly never wanted anyone to buy our bags. We had a dedicated fud campaign. I used to tell newfags it was a scam all the time

2 hours later 26262571 Anonymous
>>26262437 What are you on, man?

2 hours later 26262614 Anonymous
>>26262437 consider taking more or less meds. The current dosage, no good.

2 hours later 26262630 Anonymous
>>26255556 I was a retarded poorfag so I only bought 180 when they were about ~£1.50

2 hours later 26262643 Anonymous (CC11382C-46E0-42C1-9474-014E44875206.png 1193x640 117kB)
>>26262548 There’s shilling shitcoins, then there’s sustained discussion of the Great Reset daily for years before it reached public consciousness. Salty latefags just can’t handle that we were right.

2 hours later 26262677 Anonymous
>>26262630 how much do you own now? roughly

2 hours later 26262707 Anonymous
Link has its own fud company, Zeus Capital, never forget.

2 hours later 26262752 Anonymous
>>26262677 180. When I said was a retarded poorfag, I meant I still am.

2 hours later 26262764 Anonymous
>>26255556 Honestly probably poor. I believe in link. I got in late, but I also will only put in 5% of my portfolio in it, because that’s the risk allocation I’m comfortable with for it. I’m sure in hindsight I’ll wish I put in more, but I’ve been wrecked before and risk management is important to me. I only have like 500 link

2 hours later 26262784 Anonymous (annoyedl.png 360x360 11kB)
>>26262614 >pic related >>26262571 Never mind. You would consider it schizophrenia

2 hours later 26262947 Anonymous
>>26262764 >risk management is important to me lol. I remember reading some anon a few months ago, who said he only bough like 4k or so when he was a student. He was pretty high IQ unironically. He also told his gf about it and explained it to her after LINK went to $1. The bitch maxed out all her Credit cards and bought 10k LINK. Said to him "Either I am going to be a multi millionaire or I lose the value of a little car." kek

2 hours later 26262989 Anonymous
>>26262764 >>26262947 To add to this: He didn't buy more at the time, because of risk management.

2 hours later 26263048 Anonymous (1596688808208.png 840x713 277kB)
>>26256664 10X guaranteed eoy Congratulations !

2 hours later 26263102 Anonymous (fuckyou.png 839x768 408kB)
>>26255869 fuck you

2 hours later 26263138 Anonymous
>>26255712 this. most people i know arent even remotely interested in crypto. the only people you hear about buying crypto en masse are 500 IQ financial institutions of one kind or another. this isnt a normie's game. most of /biz/ front ran this money. then there are normies on reddit selling on the cusp of a new bull run to buy sports cars.

2 hours later 26263172 Anonymous
>>26260165 If you can’t tell between pajeet shilling and an organic discussion of a project you derserve to be poor. Keep seething copefag

2 hours later 26263177 Anonymous
>>26255712 Dude theres only like 10 of us.

2 hours later 26263252 Anonymous
Isnt the guy who made LINK also the guy who made BTC?

2 hours later 26263267 Anonymous
>>26262947 Must be a gf (male). No biofemale is that much of a chad

2 hours later 26263273 Anonymous
Don't give up bros. 100 is the suicide stack

3 hours later 26263347 Anonymous
>>26256645 >You didn't get in on link exactly when I did so you will never make it and nothing will ever pump ever again... This thread...

3 hours later 26263379 Anonymous (1607957424211.jpg 643x477 22kB)
>>26263252 You're close.

3 hours later 26263394 Anonymous
>>26262989 She's fucking chad now.

3 hours later 26263396 Anonymous (1498250785532.png 750x824 859kB)
>>26262784 >shizo Take less

3 hours later 26263409 Anonymous
>>26263273 Reminds me of a certain Stink Shady song I was listening to last night >10 link, that’s a broke bitch, 50 link, that’s a cute stack. 100 link, that’s a suicide stack to a newfag

3 hours later 26263419 Anonymous
>>26262989 So I’m guessing you’re a link maxi?

3 hours later 26263484 Anonymous
feel like the only person on biz who doesn't hodl LINK, yes it seems promising, but at 20$ when I'm poor i could get like a few, or i could put that money in GRT which has way higher potential upside imo from here on out, wish I could get in early on something decent n GRT seems like best hope for something like getting in early on LINK returns

3 hours later 26263534 Anonymous
>>26263484 funny enough, I actually had a dream LINK went to like 3-4 digits the other night even though I don't hold it, is this a sign?

3 hours later 26263556 Anonymous
Been here for a year and a bit probably and always assumed most shit is just mastermids and fellow mastermids trying to make retards buy a load of shit and after vague research and checkups a few weeks/months very early is there an actual gem people promote lol people be so retarded

3 hours later 26263565 Anonymous
>>26263484 You're right the gain from 20 to 1000 isn't that much money.

3 hours later 26263573 Anonymous
>>26263484 Kek dude you should forget investing and just work on earning more money at your day job. You clearly don’t have the capital, fiscal or mental, to make it playing investor.

3 hours later 26263739 Anonymous
>>26255903 Youve failed greatly my son

3 hours later 26263783 Anonymous (GreenwojakJUSTdamaged.jpg 2000x1235 275kB)
>Mfw didnt start browsing /biz/ until late 2018 >never invested before, knew nothing about crypto >learn about link, immediately make coinbase account, can only invest $500 every two weeks because Canada >scrounged up 4000 link within the next 3 months >link mooned over a dollar like 3 months later I shudder thinking about it - I easily could have been one of the unfortunate anons who missed out on sub dollar link, or even sub 10 dollar link, just by not seeing that /biz/ link and clicking it. Crazy to think that such absurd wealth was given so easily but also could have been missed so easily. My stack is small but idc because i came within a cunthair of being priced out. Nightmarish stuff really

3 hours later 26263789 Anonymous
>>26263419 99% of my networth is in LINK, yes

3 hours later 26263809 Anonymous
>>26263534 yes. i had the same thing happen in 2019. i had a dream BTC was 8500 and LINK was 15. at the time BTC was 3800, i bought more BTC and put whatever was left of my 2017 shitcoin bag into LINK.

3 hours later 26263814 Anonymous
>>26263565 >>26263484 Trust me, if you haven’t been on biz for longer than 1 year, and especially if you haven’t been lurking during the bear market, you do not have the ability to distinguish shitcoins from decent investments. Every single shitcoin being shilled now - GRT, AVAX, HEX, etc - will moon but only because bitcoin is mooning. When btc crashes 80% and we enter the next 3 year bear market, those shitcoins will crash and will never recover. Take a look at the shitcoins from the last cycle like xrp, nano, xvg. Chainlink is the only one which doesn’t fit this pattern because it’s fundamentally different.

3 hours later 26263883 Anonymous
>>26263814 Tbh i only went in on GRT in the hopes that I can xash out after it doubles or so and then pump all those profits into LINK

3 hours later 26263917 Anonymous
>>26262947 LINK is technologically just as if not more important than ETH, how could anyone review the facts and think “hmm I better be cautious and only buy 500 link!” I think it’s dumb as fuck

3 hours later 26263989 Anonymous
>>26255869 Hi. Coward lurker here with over 50k Link. It is true, we do exist. This will be one of the few posts I make all year. Good-bye.

3 hours later 26264060 Anonymous
>>26263883 It’s possible, but most people will lose 99% of their initial investment. The best strategy is to continually buy link whenever you can. Sell stuff on eBay, eat cheap food and accumulate link. Many of us did this in 2018. The real play for newfags is to accumulate Linkpool, which will moon even harder than link, and gives you free linkies every 2 weeks.

3 hours later 26264127 Anonymous
>>26263814 This is correct except for AVAX. You need to do more research anon, start with Sergey and Emin’s talks together on YouTube.

3 hours later 26264179 Anonymous
>>26263917 You have to understand that 95% of people are extremely risk averse, and they don't realize it themselves. Or well they probably do, but think it's the right thing to do. It is social conditioning. They never learned how money works, what opportunity costs are, and simply take life in general too serious and think they can get far by playing it safe. Took me some time to break out of this as well. I mean LINK is not even a gamble. It literally is a sure thing. I was one of the schizos who went All in after realizing all the occult stuff and symbolism around it.

3 hours later 26264205 Anonymous
suicide stack is 10k. always has been

3 hours later 26264234 Anonymous
>>26264127 100% agreed on Avax. Amazing project.

3 hours later 26264385 Anonymous
>>26264179 >Occult stuff and symbolism? Explain pls

3 hours later 26264438 Anonymous
Guess im really sold on AVAX and LINK, will accumulate and DCA into them.

3 hours later 26264450 Anonymous
>>26264385 look into the archives newfag

3 hours later 26264548 Anonymous
>>26255777 INJ is unironically a good buy. Doubt it will pass Link but it's obviously going to go top 50. I passed it up early sadly but have bought in.

3 hours later 26264587 Anonymous
>>26257848 If you're gonna die then cash out and give everything to your senpai

3 hours later 26264652 Anonymous
100 link chad signing in

3 hours later 26264667 Anonymous (1611166821380.jpg 960x825 68kB)
>>26255715 1

3 hours later 26264699 Anonymous
>>26255556 i got in way too late and could only afford 90LINK but hay maybe i get something nice out of it?

3 hours later 26264704 Anonymous
>>26255556 A lot of millionaires will be birthed but not everyone here because most people can't hold onto their worthwhile investments. Look how many people sold BTC for like $300 back in the day thinking it would never go higher.

3 hours later 26264808 Anonymous
If you've been here since 2017-18 and are not a millionare yet you've been doing something wrong.

3 hours later 26264931 Anonymous
>>26264127 >>26264234 Literally every shitcoin shill tries to piggyback off link’s success. If AVAX is important at all then Sergey will simply acquire it, just like he did with DECO and TownCrier.

3 hours later 26265227 Anonymous
I’m 60% link 40% eth. I am considering dumping my eth into link.

3 hours later 26265370 Anonymous (60A913DD-999C-4951-B948-D57652CD1231.jpg 250x245 6kB)
Is link really going to be worth 1k soon linklords?

3 hours later 26265406 Anonymous
>>26264931 Brainlet. AVAX is a L1/L0(new consensus breakthrough hence L0). It makes no sense for sergey to acquire that. If link was a distribution company, they might logically acquire gas stations, cranes, forklifts or whatever. That’s like Town Crier, DECO etc. They wouldn’t acquire the roads they drive one (Eth, Avax) Please try to think critically next time anon.

3 hours later 26265447 Anonymous
>>26255556 >Google says this cesspool has 27 million user kek no way there are even 1000 people in /biz/, I've been on /pol/ and /fit/ and /tv/ and /v/ since forever, but only started coming to /biz/ in october 2017. Got a fat og link stack as well so gmi

3 hours later 26265457 Anonymous
>>26265370 2023 probably, HOLD

3 hours later 26265510 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210120-133849_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 322kB)
I'm so fucking close bros

3 hours later 26265604 Anonymous
>>26265510 Sell them faggot they're about to go down, then buy a 50k link stack.

3 hours later 26265733 Anonymous
>>26255556 So...which one will be the next coin?

3 hours later 26265834 Anonymous
>>26255556 Back in 2017, it seemed like everyone had 50k+ LINK stacks, and you weren’t anything unless you had 100k. I came to realise eventually we were such a small minority of the world we were inconsequential in terms of the grand scheme, but Igenuinely felt like thousands of us had it. I’m a top 700 LINK holder and I literally always felt poor till we broke 10 USD. Also if you want the next moon mission, it’s YAX. Don’t but now as it seems to have pumped, but I’m telling you to go look.

3 hours later 26265840 Anonymous (1610979108667.jpg 1800x1322 424kB)
>>26255869 Lurker here. It must drive you insane knowing 50 anons just read your posts and choose not to reply. You'll never know my opinion.

3 hours later 26265869 Anonymous
>>26256023 I had no interest in crypto nor did I know what the fuck it was except bitcoin. I was focusing heavily on stocks and had a nice port after almost 2 years. I kinda realised this was gonna take a fucking while. I got shilled XRP and XLM on pol and been visiting here ever since. It was a mind fuck sifting through the bullshit but I was used to it from the JIDF board. This site to the average person is a fucking mess and scares the shit out of people and those who stay, many are mislead. Tldr I got 500 link now, hopefully I an get to 1k but I doubt it by then you lucky fucks. But I'm glad it's you guys

4 hours later 26266144 Anonymous
>>26265869 >lucky

4 hours later 26266201 Anonymous
>>26257848 You'll be alright anon. >Non-hodgkin's stage 4A survivor of 2 years.

4 hours later 26266397 Anonymous
>>26265406 So AVAX is an ETH killer. Utterly pointless and just another shitcoin.

4 hours later 26266594 Anonymous
Retard here. If there is only 1 billion Links and 21 million Bitcoins. Shouldn’t Link be valued at Bitcoin valuation divided by 47.62?

4 hours later 26266668 Anonymous
>>26261400 There won't be another link but new dapps that are built will grow and be money making opportunities. Look at aave, imagine when blockchain gaming gets adopted, or insurance. There will be more opportunities to funnel our massive link profits into for more profit

4 hours later 26266791 Anonymous
>>26266594 bitcoin is an enigma based on its name that other cryptos loosely follow. Ethereum is the true standard coin that others can be evaluated against because it actually does something besides just exist.

4 hours later 26266815 Anonymous
I'm still new to all of this. I don't know which coins to buy. I found biz from facebook.

4 hours later 26266891 Anonymous
>>26266791 >Ethereum is the true standard coin that others can be evaluated against because it actually does something besides just exist. yeah, being expensive and slow

4 hours later 26266992 Anonymous
>>26256424 Maybe move out of Manhattan then retard. Tier 3 cities is the best bang for your buck.

4 hours later 26267043 Anonymous
Not even that, the linkis prolly bought into rubic aswell, so sooner or later biztards will run the biz

4 hours later 26267118 Anonymous
>>26266891 I didn't say ethereum api doesn't suck. It does. the statement is still true tho. I'm just waiting on the coin that will actually kill it one day (my money is on nervos ckb).

4 hours later 26267130 Anonymous
I sold off my crypto to the next gullible person down the chain before it's too late. People act like stocks aren't going up 5% a day.

4 hours later 26267152 Anonymous
>>26255869 I can smell your swarthy feet from here, I remember that picture you posted of yourself on this god forsaken website. take a fuckin shower

4 hours later 26267331 Anonymous
>>26260012 The fact is that opportunities like link are far more common than people think. At least 3 or 4 times per decade something comparable shows up. A great exercise to illustrate this, is imagine that tomorrow you wake up and you’re back in time in your old body with all your current memories. Try to list out every move you’d make to get rich with what you currently know. I can think of ten to 15 opportunities that would make me a billionaire. Now, all you have to do is figure out why you missed them the first time, and once you’ve solved that you should be able to find the right opportunities that are coming up.

4 hours later 26267445 Anonymous
>>26267331 thinking about what I could have bought makes me want to blow my fucking brains out bro.

4 hours later 26267631 Anonymous
>>26262147 I was trying to browse in pages rather than catalog view at the time and it was hard to actually get to something not about Link. There was maybe one non Link topic per page until page 3 or 4.

4 hours later 26267670 Anonymous
>>26267445 Yes

4 hours later 26267728 Anonymous (9A23EBC3-F897-4719-BD7E-5969A81EDAB7.jpg 700x700 100kB)
Buying 5 more linkies, that 5000 dollars fud shills

4 hours later 26267750 Anonymous
>>26261947 I fell out of the top 1000 today by swinging. I still have 27800 link left

4 hours later 26267913 Anonymous
>>26260165 IQ test FAILED

4 hours later 26268039 Anonymous
I'm millionaire with dot

4 hours later 26268105 Anonymous
>>26267445 I knew about bitcoin in 2007. I thought it was a scam and a dumb idea. I eventually came to terms with the fact that I didn’t understand the world and I’m not as smart as I thought I was. You have to face this stuff in order to grow, and you have to grow in order to make it.

4 hours later 26268136 Anonymous
>>26267631 >browsing by pages Gee I wonder if all those threads every day for 3 years could have been an indication that LINK was the next ETH?

4 hours later 26268141 Anonymous
>>26265834 nice larp to shill your shitcoin, kys

4 hours later 26268149 Anonymous
>>26255556 LINK is at a nice low around $20 right now. Best time to gamble and buy in for rise to $23+ this month and make some quick cash at the very least.

4 hours later 26268386 Anonymous
>>26255869 Lurker here trying to make it

4 hours later 26268406 Anonymous
>>26268105 agreed, I came so close to buying a bunch of btc at about 60$ but ended up not. Knowing me at the time I probably would have just ended up selling around 200$

4 hours later 26268422 Anonymous
>>26267631 See also >>26262643 Literally daily discussion of the great reset for years. No excuse to have missed it.

4 hours later 26268547 Anonymous (doubt.jpg 300x168 4kB)
>>26255556 if i have 4000, what price do i need link to be to make it pls? thank you?

4 hours later 26268641 Anonymous
>>26255556 Doesn’t help that like 600 million are in the top 10 wallets

4 hours later 26268738 Anonymous
>>26265869 >lucky Kek you still don’t get it.

5 hours later 26269031 Anonymous
>>26266144 No you didn't get (lucky) you understand information is the new oil. You're lucky because you browse an updated North Korean marching order forum and you happened to pick this fucking board because you were picked on at school yet you excelled academically and ended up in the forbidden fruit section and now you will be part of the 0.2% if you hold enough of this shit. You could of been a high IQ stock trader making 20% year in year but you had access to ICO link. Yeah I call that luck or good destiny.

5 hours later 26269093 Anonymous
>>26268738 No I do. Samefag here, just static IP

5 hours later 26269157 Anonymous
>>26268547 You can't do simple division?

5 hours later 26269358 Anonymous
>>26256073 It sounds good until you get there. Then you only wish you had more, 5 figure hell is pure torture.

5 hours later 26269470 Anonymous
>>26255556 Yes, they will be millionaires, but only because the $ will plummet and it will cost 1000$ to buy a beer

5 hours later 26269626 Anonymous
>>26256273 That's actually pretty insane

5 hours later 26269893 Anonymous
>>26256432 Same here, how many more years are we looking at till a 10 or 20x?

5 hours later 26269951 Anonymous
>>26269031 Literally totally wrong on every account. First of all this is a Hungarian CSGO skin scamming forum. Secondly I was popular in school and middling in academic performance.

5 hours later 26270013 Anonymous
>>26269031 I only have 200 linkies tho :(

5 hours later 26270355 Anonymous (6B8FC2C5-F9BF-4979-832D-1CEDC1FA944E.png 400x388 139kB)
>browsed /biz/ for the first time on a whim in 2018 >thought all these memes about Link were funny and decided I wanted in >had to ask for help on how to buy crypto >friendly anon told me how to buy and set up a wallet >bought 1000 because I was told it was a suicide stack >never sold because biz told me not to >upped my stack to 1600 slowly over the past 2 years without ever swinging or selling >tfw there’s a decent chance I’ll get to retire early because of meme magic I love you guys

5 hours later 26270454 Anonymous
>>26268105 >I knew about bitcoin in 2007 lmao

5 hours later 26270521 Anonymous (hug.jpg 840x533 120kB)

5 hours later 26270593 Anonymous
>>26257848 Look into protocel bro

5 hours later 26270620 Anonymous
>>26256273 it's like owning 21 bitcoin suicide stack is actually make it stack

5 hours later 26271017 Anonymous (0.jpg 362x259 20kB)
>>26256273 tfw I own 2200 :)

5 hours later 26271090 Anonymous
>>26269951 You lie. Except about the skinning. Anyway, thanks biz

5 hours later 26271397 Anonymous
>>26269031 56k link anon here. im just really fucking glad im not a zoomer. my god imagine browsing the link memes in high school in 2018 and only affording 1k stacks....

5 hours later 26271454 Anonymous
>>26265227 I've got 15 Eth & am thinking of dumping it for more link too

5 hours later 26271463 Anonymous
>>26255712 9 max

5 hours later 26271482 Anonymous
>>26268547 The fact that brainlets like this have more link than me is why I just lurk and never post on this shithole

5 hours later 26271868 Anonymous
>>26260165 >There were hundreds of threads about LISK, FUN TOKEN, EOS, Walton Chain, Vechain I literally bought none of those and 55k LINK. LINK had by far the best memes and spending a day researching was enough for every non-retard to figure out that it is THE coin to put your Antshares profits in.

5 hours later 26271895 Anonymous
>>26271397 You'd still be in the fortunate club. I was focusing on stocks, I could have put at least 5k into this at 8c. At least its a white man's coin and no one really believes in the potential of this thing

5 hours later 26271960 Anonymous
>>26261400 >But there will never come another chance like LINK AVAX made me a x20 in a few months, literally MASSIVELY better profitability than the LINK I held for 20+ months.

5 hours later 26271991 Anonymous
>>26255556 Imagine being on 4chan in 2018 or earlier and not owning at least one thousand link. Hahaha that would feel really shitty. Imagine being that fucking stupid lol.

5 hours later 26272027 Anonymous
>>26255712 lol my hole village do the recognize every times I post,,, haha ranjeet you said it again,, no dear that not me i swear,, but they know,,, they know

5 hours later 26272069 Anonymous (J9KvwESw54dQRhFQP-oSikM2PP8mPYrIj4D0o-ms7fk.jpg 640x853 64kB)
>>26270620 When are we going to make it bros? I can't take this shit anymore, I'm mid 20s, I want my life to start.

6 hours later 26272142 Anonymous
>>26255869 Long time lurker, first time poster Fuck you

6 hours later 26272182 Anonymous
/biz is the pulse of crypto whales are watching

6 hours later 26272276 Anonymous
>>26268105 Dude, you could have invented it before Satoshi.

6 hours later 26272309 Anonymous
>>26265834 mfw got a 3x from YAX in 3 days and wasted it all on a Trump bet. A good five figure sum as well -_-

6 hours later 26272367 Anonymous
>>26255556 Get at least 100 LINK for nice gains but it's not a coin that's going to change your life unless you bought 1000+ when it was sub $0.10. Still a great hold.

6 hours later 26272368 Anonymous
>>26265834 This unironivslly. I somehow accumulated over 100k Link and always felt inferior and late cause my ave buy ended up being 0.40c when everyone was saying if you bought over 0.20 you were late. It was below 0.40 for soo long people have no idea. When it broke 0.60 it was an event

6 hours later 26272455 Anonymous
>>26255556 >poor as fuck this, I had about 2000 back when it was like 20-50 cents, had to sell it because of an emergency during the first bullrun at like 2 dollars or so. I'm pretty much suicidal at this point

6 hours later 26272482 Anonymous
>>26265869 ETH and LINK are your best bet to hold. LTC is good for day trades but probably won't ever explode like it's big brother BTC.

6 hours later 26272597 Anonymous
>>26265840 no lol and diogenes is gay and overrated

6 hours later 26272667 Anonymous (1506571001714.jpg 235x215 8kB)
>>26255593 most people come here to rant about jews and brown people while watching some gore and borderline cp

6 hours later 26272761 Anonymous
>>26255869 another lurker checking in to say fuck you

6 hours later 26273126 Anonymous
>>26271991 wtf? i started browsing in 2017 but don't remember crypto being shilled anywhere. /fit/lets and /sci/entists have disappointed me desu

6 hours later 26273424 Anonymous
>>26271463 theres no fucking chance theres more than 8 people here all talking at one another in different voices. we're all fuckin schizos who secretly have massive amounts of xrp we're trying to fud the other 8 out of keeping...

6 hours later 26273480 Anonymous
>>26255712 That's true. >>26257848

6 hours later 26273574 Anonymous
>>26255712 No we are stronger unique browser would be 1.5k plus daily

6 hours later 26273666 Anonymous
>>26255556 Link is forced meme and until recently it was impossible to purchase on normies exchanges

6 hours later 26273804 Anonymous
>>26255869 don't usually post but fuck you and fuck you

6 hours later 26273898 Anonymous

6 hours later 26274848 Anonymous
>>26255556 this forum is 90% pajeets, 9% retards, 1% people who actually bought link

6 hours later 26274898 Anonymous
>>26255652 you sound like the dude who was "crazy" for buying eth at $50

7 hours later 26275696 Anonymous (1608593419064.jpg 484x641 48kB)
>>26262437 Thank you.

7 hours later 26275761 Anonymous
>>26255556 Yes, bought a suicide stack of 1300 in 2018 because I'm not a retard like all the seething poverty ass nolinkers and bearfaggots on this board.

7 hours later 26275978 Anonymous (1611176209674.jpg 336x437 11kB)
ok posting here so i can hide from sanjeetpoop@hotmail.com, is rubic a fucking scam? how do i tell? almost bought at .02 cents now its booming and im gonna shid my pants and cry help im retarded.

7 hours later 26276435 Anonymous
>>26275978 Learn, >>26262437

7 hours later 26276496 Anonymous
>>26255903 holy shit youre retarded

7 hours later 26276525 Anonymous
>>26255556 Everyone here is a fucking poorfag bragging about how they have 20mil of pp coins in their wallet >always do the opposite biz says You can actually make a shitton of money with projects that are never shilled here, that will make you a millionaire.

7 hours later 26276587 Anonymous
>>26275978 Why don’t you try every low price crypto like a scam Buy low and sell at a reasonable profit Are you scared everything will shoot up like Bitcoin and you’ll sell too early?

7 hours later 26276602 Anonymous (1610406478497.png 340x54 22kB)

7 hours later 26276637 Anonymous
>>26255556 Forgive an absolute brainlet question, but when you say LINK you mean Chainlink? Or was I let astray?

7 hours later 26276646 Anonymous
Is 500 LINK enought to make it?

7 hours later 26276650 Anonymous
>>26255712 Especially on /smg/. We got crackwhore anon, divvie anon, kpop retard, CLFtranny, duck poster erc.

7 hours later 26276708 Anonymous
>>26255556 /biz/ is a relatively small board

7 hours later 26276768 Anonymous
>>26255556 Have you ever heard the phrase, "You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."?

7 hours later 26277218 Anonymous (EpO6NteVEAAsY-h.jpg 877x877 257kB)
>>26255869 never posting never selling

7 hours later 26277689 Anonymous (no.jpg 701x253 57kB)

8 hours later 26278205 Anonymous
>>26255869 Yeah.

8 hours later 26278825 Anonymous
>>26264808 I would have been a millionaire by now but I sold 55k LINK at $0.30. So this statement is correct.

8 hours later 26278878 Anonymous (1607892047737.gif 208x400 753kB)
>>26276646 How does half a million USD sound?

8 hours later 26279170 Anonymous
>>26278878 Not enough ;_;

8 hours later 26279372 Anonymous
>>26267331 To think I was here laughing at people in 2013 when we thought Bitcoin would crash ‘“soon” when it was at a$100 all time home You fucking madmen were talking about this shit years ago when it was double digits

8 hours later 26280140 Anonymous (Wojak.png 645x773 8kB)
>>26255556 >tfw 300 linklet

8 hours later 26280200 Anonymous
>>26276637 >he bought the wrong coin

8 hours later 26280244 Anonymous (1610029183278.png 702x1013 239kB)
I only came here to gain confidence to buy BTC, I dunno how to even buy LINK in Canada

8 hours later 26280359 Anonymous
>>26255903 same and don't worry I've made tons off crypto, but I don't buy premine scam projects

8 hours later 26280385 Anonymous (1497453970386.png 789x565 407kB)
>>26255556 Most people here have 100-1000 stink. A lot of the oldfags don't post on biz regularly anymore.

9 hours later 26280487 Anonymous
>>26255712 I can usually spot Raj, Burger, Wang , Unknown Amount, Soiboy, Schizo and Brainlet

9 hours later 26280523 Anonymous (blythe.jpg 800x2300 1112kB)
>>26280385 No one makes organic threads of honest discussion because there is no point. Its just a waiting game now. t. .30 average

9 hours later 26280623 Anonymous
>>26255869 shut the fuck up

9 hours later 26280699 Anonymous (1599155951722.jpg 1500x1515 1361kB)
>>26280523 Yeah of course, we just need to wait for the newfags to get shaken out by a cycle. t. 0.14

9 hours later 26280744 Anonymous
>>26280523 this. newfags are lucky spoonfeed anon comes around every once in a while.

9 hours later 26280771 Anonymous
>>26256273 How did you work that out anon?

9 hours later 26280833 Anonymous (1584664570109.gif 499x374 1012kB)
I bought 3200 LINK for $0.40 each "just in case", I'm kind of pissed that I didn't take it more seriously at the time and how so many of you have massive stacks of it and I have such a piddly amount of it despite knowing about it from the start.

9 hours later 26280886 Anonymous
>>26255712 lol probabile less. I can definitely identify other people posts or threads by their style too.

9 hours later 26281500 Anonymous
>>26264385 Way too much info to simply explain it to you right here. We can have multiple 300 reply threads about it and still not cover everything. Try searching the archives But to try and answer your question, there are many occult and numerology references surrounding link and the team. These symbols are supposedly one of the way the elite communicate, they give a nod to those who understand what to look for. If it's all true, we're in for a hell of a ride these next few years

9 hours later 26281531 Anonymous
>>26255712 I post here from six IP addresses at a time

9 hours later 26281546 Anonymous
>>26262707 Could you elaborate on that

9 hours later 26281609 Anonymous
>>26255556 it aint much but it honest work

9 hours later 26281615 Anonymous
>>26280833 Nigga, you did good

9 hours later 26281619 Anonymous
>>26281546 Go to warosu and look up zeus capital newfag

9 hours later 26281631 Anonymous
>>26255869 I made this post

9 hours later 26281719 Anonymous
>>26255556 How many do I need to make it? Actual legitimate answers please, ranging from enough to buy a house to million/multi-millionaire.

9 hours later 26281798 Anonymous
>>26255556 I'm a newfag, and yeah I didn't buy any link. I didn't even know what the fuck a "stinky linky" was until I was 3 years old. I own 0 LINK and am proud of it

9 hours later 26281801 Anonymous
>>26270355 fren

9 hours later 26281903 Anonymous (31454055-200C-459E-A382-04832A98C88A.jpg 1024x1542 121kB)
>Imagine paying $22,000 for internet coins

9 hours later 26281934 Anonymous
the bull run is over. bitcoin will never reach 40k again.

9 hours later 26282131 Anonymous
>>26268547 $100 link would give you $400k $200 link would be $800k You starting to see the pattern there champ? See if you can figure out how much you'd have with $300 link

9 hours later 26282317 Anonymous
>>26280523 Dan is suck a fucking chad. Imagine being able to pull off a causal foot massage on a high level QT while at a business party

9 hours later 26282333 Anonymous
>>26281615 Nigga, Superman does good. I did well.

9 hours later 26282388 Anonymous
>>26282333 Kek

9 hours later 26282414 Anonymous
I barely got in at an average of 6.50. I will hold forever.

9 hours later 26282604 Anonymous
I started browsing /biz/ late 2017 and feel like a retard for having only 10k LINK as it was absolutely evident due to the memetic energy that it was going $100 at the very least Hoped to put all those FUN, ICX and other shitcoin profits into LINK at some point but then we all know what happened

9 hours later 26282676 Anonymous
>>26261947 I've held 40K Link on Binance since Feb/March 2018 - has to be heaps more like me

9 hours later 26282795 Anonymous
>>26255869 Fuck you nigga

10 hours later 26282864 Anonymous
>>26271397 i was a college freshman but fuck man t. 2000 linklet

10 hours later 26283016 Anonymous
>>26256432 wtf the exact same thing happened to me.. same amount too

10 hours later 26283149 Anonymous
Poorfag here. Stacking LINK and ADA, but I need some shitcoins to 10x to really build like the early crypto investors did.

10 hours later 26283555 Anonymous
>>26276637 kek what coin did u end up buying?

10 hours later 26283605 Anonymous
>>26272027 Yeah, that's based in my book.

10 hours later 26284250 Anonymous
>>26255869 you're as much of a faggot as OP

10 hours later 26284276 Anonymous
>>26255712 Do me anon, what have I posted before?

10 hours later 26284513 Anonymous
>>26282604 Many such cases, please dont beat yourself up too much. I have 5k LINK, but tried swinging another 5k into REQ in 2018. Never was a swingie again after that. We'll still make it, I believe it.

10 hours later 26284680 Anonymous (1610568113092.jpg 422x646 41kB)
>>26255869 I love the guy who is worth like 2M but still works at trader joes and has like 50k debt or some shit

11 hours later 26285665 Anonymous (1609813797462.jpg 167x170 23kB)
>>26255556 To buy a suicide stack you have to actually have money which is a big ask for 90% of the NEET losers on this website.

11 hours later 26286018 Anonymous
>>26255556 why 1000? what is the minimum staking amount?

11 hours later 26286105 Anonymous (1583285237527.jpg 400x400 20kB)
>>26255869 posting is for betas

11 hours later 26286139 Anonymous
>>26255712 >>26255869 i like to lurk here but the only posting i do is pure bullshit and nonsense. i lie about holding certain coins and sing the praises of some but i have no intention of ever actually playing the glorified fucking roulette table that is crypto lmao

11 hours later 26286935 Anonymous
>only discovered link a month ago ah well anons ive still made money but not as much only have 35 currently kill me :D

11 hours later 26287152 Anonymous
>>26286935 We're gonna make it somehow. Just slower than others.

11 hours later 26287558 Anonymous
>>26263989 bitchass nigga

12 hours later 26287804 Anonymous
% split between LINK and LTO?

12 hours later 26287961 Anonymous
>>26255652 Newfag. Ngmi

12 hours later 26288011 Anonymous
>>26255556 I’m a fucking poorfag and trying to get 10 LINK a month until 1000 t. 200 LINK

12 hours later 26288072 Anonymous (chainlinkvsstellar.png 530x428 374kB)
>>26255556 I'm a LINK holder but I'm kind of confused by /biz/ thinking it will go really high. It's a pre-mined token like XRP, 80% of the total supply is held by the development team. I have no plans to sell it but it's just an ERC-20 token and you guys think it will be worth more than actual Ether?

12 hours later 26288123 Anonymous
>>26267750 What did you swing into

12 hours later 26288139 Anonymous
>>26288011 This is unironically the most intelligent anon on this board right now

12 hours later 26288178 Anonymous
>>26288072 You had 3 years

12 hours later 26288193 Anonymous
Can anyone link me the warosu of the enlightened anon that posted the chainlink gametria?

12 hours later 26288298 Anonymous
I gots me ONE Link! :D It's all I can afford

12 hours later 26288370 Anonymous
>>26256273 It's not true though. Because I'm never fucking selling

12 hours later 26288374 Anonymous
>>26255556 No most people here are LARPers and only have a few hundred to a few thousand worth of crypto. Oldfags and whales who made it in 2017 don't come back. I cashed out pretty heavily in Jan 2018 and went back in slowly since. I come back to actually help you guys and newfags.

12 hours later 26288387 Anonymous
Retarded. Back in 2017 I put 20k into xrp instead of link. Now i have to live every day for the rest of my life with that shitty decision. We truly do live in a cage of hands made by our own actions.

12 hours later 26288516 Anonymous (Efd46UxWoAAmdeA.jpg 1125x1270 260kB)
>>26288193 This one? https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1568 5005

12 hours later 26288653 Anonymous
>>26288516 Ya! That is a blast from the past. I still believe Link has special meaning.

2.299 0.291