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2021-01-19 10:39 26222806 Anonymous SELL AVAX NOW!!!! (AVAXFTW.gif 800x600 98kB)
Cmon guys I want to buy more for cheap. SELL NOW!

21 min later 26223793 Anonymous (1608741630499.jpg 400x533 56kB)
>>26222806 >tfw when this will never be under $6 again

22 min later 26223841 Anonymous
Buy it for $10 and HODL you cheap ass nigga

22 min later 26223844 Anonymous
>>26222806 No I need more AVAX for my node

23 min later 26223892 Anonymous (30373BD3-1FAC-43BE-ACB7-3FBC02922073.jpg 1007x983 128kB)
>mfw only 500 avax

27 min later 26224064 Anonymous (1609068556544.png 554x496 28kB)

28 min later 26224115 Anonymous
ironically this. As soon as it's under 8 I'm dumping 40 eth into it

29 min later 26224138 Anonymous
start fuding it pls

29 min later 26224144 Anonymous
>>26222806 I am only going to considering it around $100-$150 because realistically a proof-of-stake coin isn't going to reach anywhere near proof-of-work prices.

34 min later 26224359 Anonymous (lllllel.jpg 565x536 31kB)

34 min later 26224369 Anonymous
>>26224144 isn't ETH2.0 going to be PoS as well?

47 min later 26225025 Anonymous
>>26224369 I think so, but that more signifies the end of PoW as a viable option for actual business-oriented (aka future oriented) blockchain and the end of an era. I don't think ETH is going to maintain the price it's at for that long either when PoS starts taking over, unless PoW also stays... but then again I don't understand how ETH is even getting PoS to begin with. Like where is all this ETH coming from to reward stakers if miners aren't producing (let alone freely providing) it as a reward to stakers? They cant even just pull the AVAX route and have tokens burned in transactions because part of that system is to have a hard-cap on the total number of tokens and "print" tokens to fill the slots as a reward to stakers. So what now? Is this why ETH2.0 is so fucking delayed that it's basically ADA levels of vaporware?

50 min later 26225176 Anonymous
>>26225025 What are you talking about? The 'new' coins in PoS are minted in exactly the same way as PoW, it's just that the rewards are distributed according to your stake rather than hashing power.

50 min later 26225179 Anonymous
>>26225025 maybe BTC will stay #1 for a while, while there will be top PoS coins that follow in the price list

52 min later 26225241 Anonymous
>>26225176 Thats what we call Centralization

57 min later 26225472 Anonymous
>>26225241 Not really. You would need well over 50% of the coins to attack it which be expensive. At which point, why would you fuck the network? I think in Avax it's closer to 80% required.

1 hours later 26226306 Anonymous
>>26225025 You're completely misinformed. In eth2 the fees will be burned. This burn is likely to be less than the inflation from PoS rewards. In addition, PoW doesn't "produce" anything, that's a fallacy. It's sybil protection.

1 hours later 26226360 Anonymous
>>26226306 *more

1 hours later 26226374 Anonymous
>>26225241 > be btc > mine in 2010 > profit invest in more miners > profit invest in cheaper sources of electricity > 2014 accidental reveal 1 pool controls 59% hash-power > oops > 2021 still pretend a dozen people control 99% of hash-power

1 hours later 26227161 Anonymous (avax_explain_this.jpg 1080x1920 136kB)
I hate you /biz/, I was once again shilled into a shitcoin and it cost me this much.

1 hours later 26227341 Anonymous
>>26227161 First time?

1 hours later 26227374 Anonymous
>>26227161 you cant time the market time in market matters either sell your stack now and buy it back for half the price in a week or buy more and sell it all for $8 in a week as the weak handed faggot you are

1 hours later 26227516 Anonymous
>>26227161 why aren't you staking it?

1 hours later 26227546 Anonymous
>>26222806 i sold, see you below 10

1 hours later 26227556 Anonymous
>>26227374 Just look at the volume of this shitcoin. It is going nowhere. I really believed you and I put some money into it and... biz dumped it on me. Today most of the coins were in the green while this shitcoin was glowing red. Explain this.

1 hours later 26227604 Anonymous
>>26227161 >buying when overbought

1 hours later 26227620 Anonymous
>>26227516 Because this bull cycle wont last for much longer. Imagine you wont be able to sell during a huge downturn, that would be shitty. t. holding, trading and mining coins since 2013

1 hours later 26227649 Anonymous
>>26227556 Anon, AVAX is fireproof. HODL like a motherfucker. 20 dollars EOM guaranteed as Pangolin Exchange opens next week. BE STRONG

1 hours later 26227650 Anonymous
>>26222806 Fuckin checked.

1 hours later 26227714 Anonymous
>>26222806 Pls

1 hours later 26227767 Anonymous (1610779284149.jpg 929x1175 171kB)
>>26227161 waah waah waah what a stinky baby you are. doesnt research, paper hands, starts bawling when he is part of a healthy dip. sell already so your btch ass doesnt reach the citadel with us.

1 hours later 26227781 Anonymous
>>26227161 Tried telling people not to buy the top and got shit on, oh well.

1 hours later 26227857 Anonymous (499CDF8D-EA16-4A2F-9E74-15A584E1E2BF.jpg 1024x512 50kB)
Alert alert this is a daily reminder that AVAX will be the best thing that has ever happened to you because it does not fluctuate with the value of bitcoin it is unassailable and its potency in its own network and it's all consensus and it's all decentralization it is in a scientific empirical basis the future of cryptocurrency.

1 hours later 26227935 Anonymous

1 hours later 26227936 Anonymous
>>26227767 >>26227649 I wont sell it with a loss, I am not a brainlet ffs. But still, this locked up my money which could be spent elsewhere for some nice profits.

1 hours later 26227991 Anonymous
>>26227936 AVAX will be more profitable than anything. It is a hedge against BTC and a constant riser. Be patient.

1 hours later 26228176 Anonymous
>>26227620 >t. holding, trading and mining coins since 2013 >I really believed you and I put some money into it and... biz dumped it on me. In crypto since 2013, yet you rely on /biz/ and don't do your own research. Top kek. Sell now fag - I want cheapies.

1 hours later 26228209 Anonymous
>>26227991 The problem is, that the exact same words are used by all other bagholders of other coins. But yeah, I will be staying.

1 hours later 26228213 Anonymous
>>26227935 Shhh, we're not supposed to talk about that.

2 hours later 26228331 Anonymous
>>26228176 I did my research. And I was really hesitant about it at firt, but I was really shilled into this. It is just a small part of my portfolio money so I risked it and now I am locked in this coin for who knows how long.

2 hours later 26228418 Anonymous
>>26228331 I'd give it a week. This coin is really HODL scenario. It's coming to more exchanges and has strong tech during alt season. I bought into this dip again and people aren't really dumping it. Lots of long term buyers.

2 hours later 26228539 Anonymous
>>26228331 You are LOCKED in why did you buy the top why did you not buy the bottom? only iron hands now what else is the usual we say to bagholders? iron hands thats what everyone told me 2017 when LINK went form 0.6 to $0.4. I sold at a loss. Still believe it must be a scam. Scamcoin.

2 hours later 26228583 Anonymous
>>26228418 Lets hope that the bull cycle will last for a bit longer than the last time. I need perhaps a x4 of my current stash and I will make it. Hope Avax will help me with this goal.

2 hours later 26228676 Anonymous
>>26228583 There is no other coin that holds steady as BTC or ETH dumps. None. Let that sink in. AVAX as an upside is BETTER than what LINK was 2 years ago.

2 hours later 26228686 Anonymous
>>26228539 >why did you buy the top why did you not buy the bottom? Look at the previous days and weeks of Avax before I bought. There were no real dips and it just went up with some stagnating price action. So I thought - well it will perhaps be moving sideways for a bit, no problem. But ohh, nope, it literally started dumping the MOMENT I bought it.

2 hours later 26228741 Anonymous
>>26228418 Burgers can't even buy avax easily yet, it will skyrocket soon.

2 hours later 26228811 Anonymous
>>26228686 Bro, its not dumping. Look at it. The moment it nears 11 somebody IMMEDIATELY buys in. Thats the support. All smart people know the tech behind AVAX is more potent than any volatility

2 hours later 26229131 Anonymous (Orders.jpg 568x532 31kB)
>>26228811 The order book tells you everything you need to know really...

2 hours later 26229265 Anonymous (AdamSandlerCum.jpg 826x350 33kB)

2 hours later 26229380 Anonymous
>>26229131 >>26228811 >muh order book newfags, you're in for a surprise

2 hours later 26229513 Anonymous
I have 3k AVAX, am I going to make it?

2 hours later 26229549 Anonymous
>>26229513 You need 10k to make it this bullrun. But you'll make it

2 hours later 26229804 Anonymous
>>26229549 Yay

5.508 0.098