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2021-01-19 10:35 26222615 Anonymous deep down you all know (1610739626062.jpg 245x327 19kB)
>deep down you all know they aren't going to just let the dollar "collapse"
>deep down you all know they will eventually regulate crypto to death until the price of bitcoin reflects that
>deep down you all know the elites are not just going to give up the stranglehold they've hand on humanity for hundreds of years
>deep down you all know the only purpose of sats is to convert them to dollars, which is why bitcoin is valued in USD and why you actually care about the price
>deep down you all know the housing market is never, ever going to crash
>deep down you all know the game has been rigged for hundreds of years and won't just magically become unrigged
1 min later 26222654 Anonymous
I hate kikes.
1 min later 26222658 Anonymous
Thanks. I'm cashing it out dude. Tonight. If I still can.
1 min later 26222668 Anonymous
2 min later 26222720 Anonymous
...it's over
16 min later 26223409 Anonymous (1609124001660.png 831x799 233kB)
I mean yeah, no shit. My goal is to make as much in crypto as I possibly can before that happens.
27 min later 26223899 Anonymous
Thanks just sold 100k
33 min later 26224128 Anonymous
Deep down you know that they would have stopped it already if they could have.
The Rubicon as been crossed and there's no going back now, anon.
33 min later 26224146 Anonymous
>>deep down you all know they aren't going to just let the dollar "collapse"
That's out of the hands of the government. If people lose confidence in the dollar, when they expect inflation to only go up, it's over. There's nothing that can be done about this. Statist often come up with "but muh military might!" and "muh taxes must be paid in USD". Well, that was true for every country that went into hyperinflation. Didn't help.
>>deep down you all know they will eventually regulate crypto to death until the price of bitcoin reflects that
That's why Bitcoin decentralized.
>>deep down you all know the elites are not just going to give up the stranglehold they've hand on humanity for hundreds of years
That's why Bitcoin is decentralized.
>>deep down you all know the only purpose of sats is to convert them to dollars, which is why bitcoin is valued in USD and why you actually care about the price
>>deep down you all know the housing market is never, ever going to crash
It already did. Good luck reinflating it with fiat that's increasingly worthless.
>>deep down you all know the game has been rigged for hundreds of years and won't just magically become unrigged
That's why Bitcoin is decentralized.
34 min later 26224176 Anonymous
You mean you don't know?
How empires fall
35 min later 26224228 Anonymous
Is regulation the new bobo tether meme now jan15 is a confirmed nothingburger?
36 min later 26224255 Anonymous
This desu.
If money printer go brr, people will find a way to escape that. Whether it's gold, BTC, or something else that holds value.
Genie is out the bottle now re crypto, de-centralised so not much they can do short of banning exchanges / shutting down the internet. China tried to ban - didn't work.
Also, there are big Wall St investors coming into the space now. CME do futures on it ffs.
38 min later 26224347 Anonymous
elites can buy every bitcoin for sale and then dump the shit on YOU. It's easier to manipulate than anything else
39 min later 26224422 Anonymous
>The Rubicon as been crossed
You don't understand that sentence
40 min later 26224426 Anonymous
So? Then we buy, simples :)
41 min later 26224504 Anonymous (111222.jpg 1000x1000 66kB)
Pretty simple annon.
41 min later 26224512 Anonymous (images.png 255x198 4kB)
> Assuming they didn't do the coins
> Assuming they didn't get in early
> "satoshi nakamoto"
42 min later 26224528 Anonymous
truly pathetic answers
>doesn't even attempt to address the fact the price will tank when it's regulated to death
>doesn't even attempt to address the fact that yes he does care about the price of bitcoin, and that is obviously because the purpose is to covert sat to usd
>doesn't even attempt to address the fact the housing market will never crash again
>doesn't even attempt to address the fact he doesn't know who the elites are or what the current power structure in the world is
42 min later 26224536 Anonymous
43 min later 26224606 Anonymous
that's why I buy XRP
44 min later 26224623 Anonymous
Crossing the Rubicon means YOU can't go back, not that they can't stop you.
It's like deciding to pull your dick out and piss on your boss's wife at a party. At that point there is no longer an option to apologize and go back to normal. There's plenty of option for your boss to fire and/or murder you though.
45 min later 26224709 Anonymous
>Hello Dave. So a few years ago I read about a cryptocurrency on a racist anime forum so I bought a few thousand dollars worth and now it is worth half of a million dollars. What should I do?
47 min later 26224789 Anonymous (1609708474348.jpg 240x240 11kB)
nobody actually thinks these are going to be worth tens of trillions and be a new money someday. the whole thesis is that crypto will become a secondary commodity market and serve in its own niche. bitcoin and ether will serve as new-age gold with a few trillion in mc apiece.
the goal is to get rich in between the transition from nerdy internet money -> trillion dollar corporate commodity
48 min later 26224856 Anonymous (1610228897659.jpg 326x245 11kB)
49 min later 26224902 Anonymous
Deep down we all know that they will certainly try to do everything you said, but only time will tell if they can actually keep getting away with it.
49 min later 26224934 Anonymous
“Funny money”
50 min later 26224983 Anonymous
i do not know that deep down. so fuck you.
51 min later 26225015 Anonymous
Why do you think, that Bitcoin being illegal depresses the price? If it's difficult to get in, but illegal to go out, what will the price do? What makes you think, it's going to be illegal globally, even though most countries are NOT the financial Hegemon and only profit from it getting butt-fucked by a C++ program? How did prohibition of cocaine and alcohol affect its price?
53 min later 26225091 Anonymous
>I'm not going to get on the life raft because the captains of the sinking ship might not approve
53 min later 26225119 Anonymous (1610339773477.jpg 736x1266 197kB)
>deep down you all know the housing market is never, ever going to crash
This is the one that made me think you were being ironic.
>deep down you know that other nations and currencies exist which openly support crypto
>deep down you know that there isn't even a uniform voice against crypto among 'them'
>deep down you know 'they' know baseless, unlimited inflation is unsustainable
>deep down you know that 'they' do not have the kind of control you're implying here
>deepest down you know that crypto itself is part of their conspiracy to further rig the system through and is not fundamentally a threat to the true elites
55 min later 26225188 Anonymous
they've gotten away with it for hundreds of years, are you so naive to think that you just so happen to be born in a timeline where they somehow don't get away with it anymore despite having more power than they've ever had
57 min later 26225272 Anonymous
Well that's the remarkable thing about crypto, it's not centralised and basically impossible to shut down.
Satoshi was a visionary.
57 min later 26225286 Anonymous
>Why do you think, that Bitcoin being illegal depresses the price? If it's difficult to get in, but illegal to go out, what will the price do?
you must be joking?
>regulate crypto to death in USA for example
>billions of dollars that would have otherwise flowed into the market to buy is no longer flowing in
>'muh institutions' which are erroneously said to be pumping the price are no longer allowed to buy in, more potential hundreds of billions gone
>retail loses confidence as they should
there is no scenario under the sun where amerifats banning crypto doesn't tank bitcoin back to 3k
58 min later 26225315 Anonymous (boomer.png 571x526 295kB)
Deep down you know you need to CASH IT DUDE, TONIGHT
59 min later 26225385 Anonymous
>>deep down you know that 'they' do not have the kind of control you're implying here
>>deepest down you know that crypto itself is part of their conspiracy to further rig the system through and is not fundamentally a threat to the true elites
those were the two that let me know you're completely delusional and less than 23 years old
1 hours later 26225438 Anonymous
You shouldn't pretend to be so certain about the future. Even BTC maxis acknowledge that it could fail. No one knows exactly what's going to happen, we're playing the probabilities.
1 hours later 26225455 Anonymous
elites do not coordinate, they have multiple ethnic, ideological, and religious factions who will chase profit if it exists in this space. Hedge funds clearly saw a reason to step in now when last run they said crypto was a scam
1 hours later 26225457 Anonymous
>tank bitcoin back to 3k
Oh no. That would set us back all the way to... March...
A truly scarce liquid asset has a much higher market than drugs and alcohol, which are physical and much harder to transact. People will get their hands on Bitcoin one way or another, because they want it and they need it.
1 hours later 26225512 Anonymous
that's a reasonable position to take. I haven't ever heard a maxi acknowledge that it 'could' fail though. And I don't see how betting against the global structure is 'playing the probabilities'
1 hours later 26225515 Anonymous
The age at which anons insult other anons for not being is slowly growing older as I've seen.
Keyed, I will enjoy growing old with my senagalian discus tossing brothers
1 hours later 26225577 Anonymous
The ruling elite during the french revolution didn't get away with it forever. Granted once overthrown and executed they were quickly replaced with a new ruling elite but for a brief moment there was justice and vengence. Position yourself to be part of that new elite if the grasp of the current elite slips. Stop being so bitter and defeatist and realize that history shows that times like these bring opportunity.
1 hours later 26225601 Anonymous (1606050587823s.jpg 250x250 6kB)
>deep down you all know math cannot be stopped
>deep down you all know regulations cannot be enforced
>deep down you all know you could be using cryptocurrencies as a peaceful and distributed way to unrig the system, right now
>deep down you all know you are a scared pussies for not doing so
all in btc, never going back
fiats are programmed to bleed, btc is programmed to suck out all the wealth searching for protection and sovereignty
1 hours later 26225602 Anonymous
Have you studied the history of money?
New money technologies have been developed throughout history.
Fiat currencies have collapsed time and again through history.
For these things to happen is not even a black swan. It's an inevitability. Crypto is an inevitability and even if bitcoin fails, we will be using crypto in the near future. If bitcoin fails there will be a replacement, if that one fails, itll be replaced again. It's an arms race now.
1 hours later 26225624 Anonymous
>Oh no. That would set us back all the way to... March...
yes March where it would remain as a top.
>People will get their hands on Bitcoin one way or another
okay and? they won't be making any profit by doing that. Or are you 'in it for the tech'?
1 hours later 26225679 Anonymous
Yuuup. Fiat won't last another ten years, it's in the death spiral now.
It was doomed the moment they un-pegged from the gold standard.
1 hours later 26225688 Anonymous
>The housing market is never going to crash
Go watch the Big Short. The housing market already crashed in 2007. The last 14 years have been an attempt to carry on without drawing attention to that fact. The result has been the housing crash has pulled down the banking sector with it.
1 hours later 26225696 Anonymous
Btw, it's telling, that one of the most bearish, if not THE most bearish scenario, mentally puts you in a world with a $3000 Bitcoin. You would have been laughed out of even Bitcoin forums just a few years ago to suggest such a ridiculously bullish price.
And as long as the price is greater than zero, doesn't even matter in what you measure it (could be oil, for example), it will bounce back. That's what absolute scarcity and zero supply increase outside of schedule does for you.
1 hours later 26225738 Anonymous
>okay and? they won't be making any profit by doing that. Or are you 'in it for the tech'?
Of course they will. If you buy for $3000 and then it goes up to $3030 a week later, you made a profit. You know how math works.
1 hours later 26225849 Anonymous
Yep - which is why interest rates have remained at zero. If they try to increase them it will all collapse.
1 hours later 26226105 Anonymous
you're arguing that a 90+% drop in the value of something that's supposed to be a "store of value" is bullish. Just step back and look at this logically.
1 hours later 26226116 Anonymous (1610583634567.jpg 859x1153 451kB)
Well consider both of those propositions.
If they do have the kind of global control and knowledge to design indestructable economic strangleholds for mankind that last hundreds of years, why wouldn't they also have the power and knowledge to have invented cryptocurrencies in order to preempt the inflationary pop and secure of their reign?
My point is why are you framing crypto as diametrically opposed to them and below them, when obviously it's a useful futuristic technology. If they're so strong and smart, they would be smarter than you too, and would also be able to see that trusting a piece of paper is less sustainable than trusting crypto.
Unless you also don't think they're smart somehow, and are driven towards such lasting success on the the thrust of mere 'economic evil' alone.
1 hours later 26226131 Anonymous
If that's what you read, you're retarded.
1 hours later 26226253 Anonymous (5bb706c8f1d454963b1dc8d103888a0a63bf5ba63f5b820ce1fe8fb65bcd1ea3.jpg 519x699 126kB)
Deep down you all know that some day we will see his majestic return. And he won't be as kind as last time.
1 hours later 26226325 Anonymous (its-coming.jpg 900x1200 401kB)
there will be a collapse
but you won't like it
1 hours later 26226563 Anonymous
I get what you're saying but I hardly think they'd do all of this as a round about way just to assert more control. It's futuristic technology sure, but it's seen as a threat. They never needed bitcoin before.
1 hours later 26226976 Anonymous
>Is regulation the new bobo tether meme now jan15 is a confirmed nothingburger?
1 hours later 26227575 Anonymous
>deep down you all know they aren't going to just let the dollar "collapse"
"Let"? They seem pretty hellbent on making sure it does.
1 hours later 26227659 Anonymous
You never answered anon’s last question.
How did prohibition affect the price of cocaine and alcohol?
1 hours later 26227704 Anonymous
im 28 and what is this
1 hours later 26227795 Anonymous
you're mistaking spot price for absolute price. there is a finite amount you can buy for the spot price, then it moves up
to be sure you can manipulate the market, but only up to an extent. acquiring even 90% of the bitcoin supply would likely require paying $1MM per bitcoin for that last percentile
1 hours later 26227820 Anonymous
>implying they want to stick with dollars
>implying they didnt kill sn and take his coins
>implying they dont want a completely static and immutable ledger of every financial transaction, for all of mankind to see
1 hours later 26227874 Anonymous
>housing market already crashed
It's objectively harder for all of us to buy a house these days. Your answers are fantasy
1 hours later 26227922 Anonymous (1609202723023.jpg 1080x1313 431kB)
^^That's what I'm talking about.
2.236 0.137