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2021-01-19 11:15 26195892 Anonymous (chl.jpg 300x168 7kB)
this gay ass useless token was $2 last year and nobody wanted to buy it. Now you guys are going to get rich holding 5? Are you fucking serious?

0 min later 26195906 Anonymous
desu we need bagholders

1 min later 26195917 Anonymous (poorpepe.png 480x530 65kB)

1 min later 26195945 Anonymous
>>26195892 405k is not rich but pretty good anyways

2 min later 26195952 Anonymous (1584334044505.jpg 691x444 39kB)
LINK has conditioned the mind of poor people negatively. Back in 17-18, poor people managed to buy thousands of LINK with their meager $500-$4000 net worth, but now these new poor people think that they can achieve the same results buying @ $22

2 min later 26195956 Anonymous
fren not to burst you bubble or anything but most anons bought under 0.50 and the true marines never sell. if you would want my stack size you would have to pay around 600k

3 min later 26195976 Anonymous
>>26195952 You would have said the same thing last week at 13.50$ when I bought.

3 min later 26195981 Anonymous
is it too late to buy this and make it if i only have 30k

3 min later 26195992 Anonymous
Link can only go up. IT'll be vital in the P2P financial trading area that'll soon fully embrace blockchain tech. Literally the currency of the NWO, my guys.

5 min later 26196019 Anonymous
>>26195992 yeah, just like SWIFT would use it by now

6 min later 26196079 Anonymous
a Lamborghini? one link plz, your anime waifu is in waiting

7 min later 26196111 Anonymous
>>26196019 It's going to be adopted by every major institution on the planet. Web 3.0 2021

9 min later 26196140 Anonymous
>>26196111 the sad part is there are honestly too much dumb people to fall for this shit

13 min later 26196235 Anonymous
Quite a few salty nolinkers on this thread. Nice to see. Fuck 'em. They had 3 years.

15 min later 26196309 Anonymous
>>26196235 no worries, i have another 60 years to buy it cheaper

15 min later 26196313 Anonymous (chainlinksmartcontent.png 798x292 19kB)
>>26196140 What are you talking about? I'm sorry you're ESL and can't into techno-jargon. Take the hour out of your life and read this article. You'll really regret not doing it one year from now. I'm not linking it. Google it yourself. Do some work for once instead of being spoonfed.

16 min later 26196332 Anonymous
>>26196313 fuck off

16 min later 26196336 Anonymous
>>26195892 yes. Just buy now, you still can go with us to 100$

17 min later 26196363 Anonymous

17 min later 26196364 Anonymous
>>26195981 Realistically, it can 3x this year. Not make it but good returns.

18 min later 26196394 Anonymous (Eld0fMgX0AYR3Aw.jpg 1200x1002 295kB)
>>26196363 And it's beautiful

19 min later 26196405 Anonymous
>>26196336 It's 18,000 per link btw

20 min later 26196432 Anonymous
>>26196363 Literally everybody who buys link now is too dumb to know how crypto even works. and that's a fact. Just ask recent buyers, they have no clue. only 'oh top 10 coin, line go up'. You'll lose your money, no worries

21 min later 26196471 Anonymous
>>26196432 You really have no idea what the fuck you're talking about there, pal. I suggest you calm down.

22 min later 26196493 Anonymous
>>26196471 i do, you'll see next year

23 min later 26196528 Anonymous
>>26196493 No you don't. lmfao Whatever, be an idiot who can't believe he's on the precipice of the next Industrial Revolution with a proverbial gold rush following in its wake. Small minds like you are destined to become high school teachers.

25 min later 26196585 Anonymous
>>26196528 nice, can i get the json data for the weather forecast already?

27 min later 26196641 Anonymous
>>26196585 You're not winning anyone over by mentioning things a tenth grade Comp Sci student knows, man.

27 min later 26196656 Anonymous
>>26196641 yeah i made this thread to win you over. Go fuck yourself faggot

30 min later 26196734 Anonymous
>>26196656 So it's literally just a seethe thread, then? Got it. I'll leave you alone now.

32 min later 26196788 Anonymous
>>26196656 Damn this gimp is angry roflmao 3 years my guy

32 min later 26196791 Anonymous
>>26196140 Yup, agree. I'm just holding out for $100 then cashing out

33 min later 26196820 Anonymous
>>26196734 >>26196788 just amazed there are so many retards out there to be honest

34 min later 26196871 Anonymous
>>26196820 tres anos mi amigo

35 min later 26196878 Anonymous
>>26196871 i bought bitcoin in 2012

35 min later 26196882 Anonymous
>>26195992 >Literally the currency of the NWO that's xrp lul

37 min later 26196921 Anonymous
>>26195892 kek this guy knows. chainlink is the biggest wool pulled over the tiniest eyes in crypto. get ready for bond to eat their lunch

39 min later 26196978 Anonymous
>>26196921 Imagine betting against the official jew coin sponsored by Schwab and run buy a guy named Ari fucking Juels.

39 min later 26196991 Anonymous (lightreading.png 520x257 166kB)
>>26196882 If you only knew how truly good things are gonna get.

41 min later 26197046 Anonymous (1587068932365.jpg 422x407 108kB)
>>26195892 >Are you fucking serious?

44 min later 26197124 Anonymous (1337799.jpg 500x499 36kB)
>>26196878 >claims to be wealthy >seethes this fucking much Highly suspicious.

45 min later 26197147 Anonymous
>>26197124 no joke, i bought in 2012, lost coins to BTC-E and butterflylabs though, my friend lost alot on MtGox, times where different back then. Sold a lot in 2015 to buy a house though

48 min later 26197225 Anonymous (1609527892786.png 621x640 49kB)
>>26197147 >bought Bitcoin in 2012 >spends 12 posts by this id sperging about a coin that came out in late 2017

48 min later 26197238 Anonymous
>>26197147 >sold in 2015 Ouuuuuuuchhhhhh. Just reading that felt like a punch to the guy. Do you have PTSD over that now or something?

48 min later 26197243 Anonymous
>>26197225 i have problems with autism

51 min later 26197282 Anonymous
>>26197243 And surely this in no way impairs your judgment of Chainlink, right?

51 min later 26197303 Anonymous
>>26197238 no no, not really, everybody has stories like that in crypto. It was a dead bear market for 2 years, and had a lot of costs.

52 min later 26197328 Anonymous
>>26197282 i have a general hatred for tokens

1 hours later 26197555 Anonymous
>>26195892 >15 posts >KEK you will continue to miss out and seethe because you're incapable of buying a stack of LINK you think you're smarter, but you're really just an idiot who will continue to make stupid decisions

1 hours later 26197615 Anonymous
>>26197328 Oracles are inherently off-chain, tokens are perfect for powering a decentralized network of oracles. And I hope I don't have to inform you of the importance of decentralized oracles for 99% of all crypto use cases.

1 hours later 26197859 Anonymous
So we didn't buy for three years, but we still shouldn't buy now JUST before it becomes adopted as the NWO coin? Ok. Its better late than never I think.

1 hours later 26197990 Anonymous
Chainlinks moons 21 jan after Biden steps down and Trump is inaugurated , chainlink oracles was use to keep a live track of the votes and any questioning of chainlinks integrity is covered by the largest banks trusting chainlink with their most valuable asset their NUMBERS in real time.

1 hours later 26198039 Anonymous (dec389252fa9f9a9d2d713bddb99470c.jpg 567x553 45kB)
>be OP >fuck up bitcoin >don't buy eth >gonna miss link

1 hours later 26198056 Anonymous
>>26197990 >after Biden steps down and Trump is inaugurated This isn't /pol/ and thus retard takes aren't acceptable here. Despite that, I do think LINK's gonna moon.

1 hours later 26198183 Anonymous
>>26198056 Attention gamers looks like we have a faggot with less money than me over here.

1 hours later 26198219 Anonymous
>>26198183 Joe Biden will become president tomorrow and will remain president until 2025. Keep coping MAGAtard.

1 hours later 26198276 Anonymous
>>26198219 yanks are so easy to bait , this is why you are poor.

1 hours later 26198370 Anonymous
>>26198276 Obviously, there's a lot of retards here and it's funny as fuck to troll them. Don't worry, though, you Eurotrards will have your share eventually and it will suck.

1 hours later 26198437 Anonymous
>>26196878 Wow, nolinkers are mentally ill. Delusional

1 hours later 26198546 Anonymous
>>26196405 holy shit id be happy with 5k

1 hours later 26198891 Anonymous
>>26196878 I don't really see how that relates to Link

1 hours later 26198897 Anonymous
>>26195892 what? I'm new to this but one chainlink is only worth £16 so how are people gonna get rich

1 hours later 26199013 Anonymous
>>26198897 some of us bought in 2017 for about 30c and hold quite a few

1.279 0.087