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2021-01-19 11:04 26195627 Anonymous >$154.03 (1610142040030.png 991x695 481kB)

1 min later 26195666 Anonymous
>>26195627 How long til this is posted unironically

2 min later 26195692 Anonymous
>>26195666 ofm

2 min later 26195693 Anonymous
>>26195666 four months or so

2 min later 26195704 Anonymous
imagine link at 100$ there are hundreds if not thousands of anons that have a 10k stack that would become millionaires over night. shit would be hillarious

2 min later 26195708 Anonymous (71-HQ06UdVL._AC_SY679_.jpg 519x679 58kB)
>>26195666 666 hours

3 min later 26195721 Anonymous
>>26195627 Someone will buy the March 2023 peak at $438 and an hero at $154.03 some time that summer

19 min later 26196114 Anonymous
>>26195666 checked and it will either be this autumn or in 4 years

20 min later 26196155 Anonymous (millennial makes the mistake of a lifetime.jpg 808x585 143kB)
>>26195704 Keep in mind that BTC "whales" have like 20 BTC, the reality is that as the price goes up people will sell off, preventing all but a few from ever reaching the "10000 link at 1000 dollars" super-rich level.

23 min later 26196213 Anonymous (fren.png 388x304 161kB)
>>26196155 >10000 link at 1000 dollars" super-rich level. Imagine having that little ambition $10 million is fucking nothing you faggot

25 min later 26196274 Anonymous (ethereum.png 1652x1342 561kB)
>>26196213 The majority of people on this board will sell for much less, all you have to do is look at the "what will you do when you make it/have a million dollars" threads and every retard says "I'd buy a cheap house in the mountains and be a neet all day until I kms". Very few will hodl their linkies to the max fruition and then swing the money into the next big thing to make even more.

37 min later 26196604 Anonymous
>>26195627 when

38 min later 26196637 Anonymous
>>26196155 checked

39 min later 26196668 Anonymous
>>26196274 this also

46 min later 26196886 Anonymous
>>26196274 Because they have no ambition. I honestly can't understand how anybody would want to do that. I need LINK to hit $2000 and I am not going to sell any time before that. My goal is to buy a nice farm in South America and become a farmer and also live from that. That will cost me somewhere between $10 to $20 million. Depending on where I go and how big the farm is. Sitting in the mountains or at home and doing nothing but shitposting and reading is nothing I could imagine myself doing. But yeah, everybody is different. Only question is, if LINK will ever reach $2000... I hope so

48 min later 26196931 Anonymous
I FINALLY GET IT After months of seeing these shitty spam threads it dawned on my this time. I always wondered why you stinkie linkies are upset with the price going up. Turns out you either didn't buy or sold too early. That's why you dream about kys. Took me a while

50 min later 26196973 Anonymous
>>26195704 They won't because most linktards are never going to sell. Also you need bitcoin around 300k to see link at those levels

51 min later 26197023 Anonymous
>>26196886 >Only question is, if LINK will ever reach $2000... I hope so The answer is time. As time passes and the oracle problem becomes meaningful as crypto's mcap expands and normalfags begin holding as a hedge against inflation rather than a get rich quick scheme and then it continues to evolve into an alternative currency ecosystem with stores accepting and refusing different crypto the way they accept and refuse different currencies and credit cards, Link will also continue to go up alongside fiat's inflation. The real question is if gold per ounce will do the 2000 to 15000 climb that /pmg/ keeps predicting.

52 min later 26197048 Anonymous
>>26196886 Making it to become what our ancestors have struggled millenia to get away from Imagine making it to get cucked by agriculture kek

55 min later 26197125 Anonymous (soyjack.jpg 600x800 53kB)
>>26197048 >Imagine making it to get cucked by agriculture

57 min later 26197155 Anonymous
>>26197125 Enjoy your onions and corn, farmboy

57 min later 26197179 Anonymous
>>26196886 >says anons who wants to be farmers don't have ambition >wants to be a farmer

1 hours later 26197374 Anonymous
>Only question is, if LINK will ever reach $2000... I hope so you dont understand... big tech will be hoarding links for smart contracts, link whales and node operators will be hoarding links for staking. supplies will dry up and people will fight over the few links still circulating on the market.

1 hours later 26197383 Anonymous
>>26195666 Nice digits

1 hours later 26197407 Anonymous
>>26197374 >big tech will be clambering over a fucking JSON parser >they won't be able to make their own instead

1 hours later 26197485 Anonymous
>>26197374 Yeah, what's your take on when we finally see some real adoption ?

1 hours later 26197574 Anonymous
>>26197407 make their own what? link is a network of oracles that took them years to build. >>26197485 right now, with defi

1 hours later 26197584 Anonymous
>>26195704 there are around 2000 wallets holding more than 10000 Not that much in my book

1 hours later 26197661 Anonymous
>>26197584 and 17k with more than 1k link the last time i checked. everybody in this thread reading this right now is still early.

1 hours later 26197745 Anonymous (linkers.png 2270x536 84kB)
>>26197584 >>26197661 correcting Its 3000

1 hours later 26197755 Anonymous
>>26196931 i dont feel like making a snarky joke about how wrong and stupid you are. The meme is poking fun at holders. Despite enormous gains we are a long way a way from the promised land. Thus the linky in the meme is suicidal over the prolonged waiting game. retard

1 hours later 26197970 Anonymous (1610541024906.gif 172x172 519kB)
>>26195666 Based and evil pilled

1 hours later 26198014 Anonymous
>>26195704 Anyone got the meme of fat pepe riding btc up the stairs past the normies to financial freedom?

1 hours later 26198089 Anonymous
> >>26195627 when

1 hours later 26198186 Anonymous
>>26196886 fuckin cringe

1 hours later 26198266 Anonymous (1588980236640.jpg 304x288 19kB)

1 hours later 26198314 Anonymous
>>26196886 >My goal is to buy a nice farm in South America and become a farmer and also live from that based, hire some comfy security too

1 hours later 26198534 Anonymous
>>26195704 There are around 900-1000 wallets with 10-15k link.

1 hours later 26198662 Anonymous
>>26197584 >>26197661 Don’t forget that Linkpool only has 750 holders for an equivalent mcap of #75 on cmc. 1 Linkpool will be equal to 10k Chainlink. It’s already about $95k for 1 lp, it will be much more than that once it’s erc-20

1 hours later 26198741 Anonymous
>>26197023 >as a hedge against inflation in effect data could be a better store of vlue than gold or BTC this is why I will never sell

1 hours later 26198842 Anonymous
>>26197048 Inmagine everyone needs to learn to code. When shit hits the fan, your digital codes mean shit. What do you eat?

2 hours later 26199042 Anonymous
>>26195627 sold half my links today. feel free to pump. or do you want me to sell the other half too?

2 hours later 26199604 Anonymous
in effect data could be a better store of vlue than gold or BTC this is why I will never sell

2 hours later 26199763 Anonymous
>>26197745 only 3000? shit wtf...

2 hours later 26199772 Anonymous
>>26198662 >much more than that once it’s erc-20 why

2 hours later 26200453 Anonymous
>>26195704 Happened when link hit 20. All the 50k hodlers posted here to celebrate. Itll happen all the way up to 100 and passed oit too. Me personally, I hit that 7 digit stack when link goes to 58. Looking forward to it.

2 hours later 26200601 Anonymous (02C1284C-7FE6-4A12-9109-2F1E8DDF88DB.jpg 125x91 1kB)
>>26195666 S-soon...

2 hours later 26200762 Anonymous
>>26199772 No one is selling and it’s very difficult to buy, not on exchanges. Virtually unknown. LP holders get free linkies too. I already got 12 link total and I only hold 0.4LP. If I had the balls I would sell more linkies for more LP, I think it will pump more than link

3 hours later 26200859 Anonymous (1610562358100.jpg 960x924 61kB)
You guys really think it can sustain a market cap of 60 billion?

3 hours later 26200893 Anonymous
>>26196886 Kinda this, i'd really like my own cheese/dairy farm and vineyard. But As a side hustle to my tech company.

3 hours later 26200998 Anonymous
>>26196886 Link isn't going to hit $2k for a very long time, for whatever it's worth.

3 hours later 26201107 Anonymous
>>26195704 >there are hundreds if not thousands of anons that have a 10k stack There are a few dozens at most, most linkies had a no more than 1000 stack last year, probably hasn't changed since.

3 hours later 26201130 Anonymous
>>26196973 >Also you need bitcoin around 300k to see link at those levels No you don't

3 hours later 26201168 Anonymous
>>26196931 It makes fun of link holders who were promised $1000 eoy instead it's a $154.03 stablecoin

3 hours later 26201199 Anonymous
>>26196886 >My goal is to buy a nice farm in South America and become a farmer and also live from that. That will cost me somewhere between $10 to $20 million. No it won't

3 hours later 26201314 Anonymous
>>26200998 >for a very long time 5-10 years and it will probably happen. At least I hope so. I think once we get past $1000 then it won't take that long anymore. Also $81,000 EOY 2026

3 hours later 26201371 Anonymous
>>26201199 Yeah you can get one for way less, I know. Like I said. Depends on the size, the country and the location.

3 hours later 26201666 Anonymous (4_mio_LINK.png 1816x493 77kB)
>>26200998 Also 4 million LINK whale predicted $5000 a few months ago >pic related

2.937 0.067