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2021-01-18 10:47 26146371 Anonymous (_91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg 976x850 59kB)
Cryptocurrency was the "next big thing" for over a decade now. But somewhere out there is the new "next big thing" that has nothing to do with cryptocurrency at all. So what is it? If we find it like someone finding Bitcoin in 2011 we would all be millionaires.
0 min later 26146384 Anonymous
The next gold rush of a new frontier...It's out there somewhere guys, I can feel it. It already exists, but where?
2 min later 26146425 Anonymous
The next big thing is unironically cryptocurrency lol
There's at least a 10x in this space every week lol
2 min later 26146436 Anonymous
there's several next big things every decade, but bitcoin is an anomaly in letting the common man take part in it
it's likely anti-aging research or gene modification will take off sometimes in the next few years but good luck finding a vehicle for investing in that
2 min later 26146444 Anonymous
Yeah but in 2011 crypto was a 10,000x
3 min later 26146454 Anonymous
it's not over yet
3 min later 26146465 Anonymous
Blockchain *is* the next big thing.
4 min later 26146478 Anonymous
Decentralized finance. One trillion percent. Bitcoin is ancient technology.
4 min later 26146480 Anonymous
Probably a 10,000x still now given its nowhere near breaking into the everyday world. Its like the internet in 1994 versus today. Thats the time frame you should be looking at for investments here.
4 min later 26146482 Anonymous
>But somewhere out there is the new "next big thing" that has nothing to do with cryptocurrency at all. So what is it?
Damn i was just thinking about this in the last few days.
Well i guess it could be some tech project/idea shilled on small forums. But other than that who knows.
4 min later 26146483 Anonymous
this is the question to ask.
thought it was psylocybin stocks, but it's not.
thought it was SPACS, but it's not.
I will tell you if you register here: https://ftx.com/#a=derivative
4 min later 26146490 Anonymous
Blockchain is about to do for finance what the internet did for communication.
It hasnt even fucking begun.
4 min later 26146495 Anonymous
Unironically biotech and gene editing. The last couple decades was the boom of the Internet/tech, but within next 100 years we will have “designer babies” common and crazy bio shit we can’t even dream of now
5 min later 26146515 Anonymous
7 min later 26146554 Anonymous (1596021765871.png 1881x2048 3471kB)
New media, straight to your brain VR that will replace any other traditional forms of entertainment like books, movies and videogames.
8 min later 26146598 Anonymous
I would say it's more like when AOL became ubiquitous for up and coming suburban white people, we're on the cusp of everyone seeking to own a little BTC for the novelty without really understanding it.
You know though, something like "bling for my hardware wallet" would probably be the next thing, like the transition from clunky cellphones for yuppies to flipphones with texting for kids. Make hardware wallets that can easily connect to your cellphone and look stylish while doing so- call it a "smartwallet" and you'd be gold.
9 min later 26146615 Anonymous (o.jpg 720x1280 53kB)
This also, Hyde shilled this a week ago
>pic related
10 min later 26146641 Anonymous
The next big thing, whatever it is, won’t be accessible to normal people the way crypto has been.
Every day we see politicians and the elite lecture people about how everyone should be renting an apartment and living a shitty government subsidized existence.
Owning anything will be rare in 100 years. Governments providing basic services only make people more subservient and cattle like.
The elites will be genetically modified and live much longer than the normal man living in the super cities. As everything becomes automated and population rises, the need for smart people becomes less and less.
We can’t get low IQ races to stop breeding at an unsustainable rate, and that’s going to be the downfall of the human race.
11 min later 26146663 Anonymous
great the people who were in this game since and before 2011 will make x100,000,000
i'd like to find the next thing which does that which isn't crypto because i'm already invested in crypto anyway
12 min later 26146682 Anonymous
Yeah so work hard so you or your kids can be the eternal elite.
13 min later 26146705 Anonymous
This, if you make it with crypto and you're under 30, death will be optional and your children or grandchildren will be superhuman
14 min later 26146729 Anonymous
unironically, weed stocks.
I 100x my balance by investing in weed companies a year before it went legal, when they started getting built.
16 min later 26146782 Anonymous
fuck everyone I wanted to change the world but now I couldn't care less, going full blackpill -- which in a way is a whitepill
17 min later 26146791 Anonymous
It’s definitely bio shit
Peeked at the vaccine development process, they literally have printers that can print DNA
Soon they’ll offer it to the disabled, then as a child improvement package
19 min later 26146850 Anonymous
forgot to mention, canada. french leaf over here.
>be me in 2k17 joking around with my bum friends in the low 4 digits thinking about investing in weed stocks
>be me actually do it and my friends dont
19 min later 26146858 Anonymous
the eth infrastructure shitcoins - or at least i hope so cause i'm all in on2017 tokens
19 min later 26146864 Anonymous (1610473826422.jpg 609x676 61kB)
Is this what aging feels like? I wanted to fight for a better world all through my teens, now I just want enough money to protect myself and my kids
20 min later 26146882 Anonymous
>muh bio pharma
I'd say clean energy. Not wind, not battery, not nuclear uranium, not solar. Something else...
20 min later 26146885 Anonymous
based if true
26 min later 26147053 Anonymous
Bugs and synthetic meat
I'm not even kidding slightly. The value proposition is use.
Apart from that definitely private space companies but that seems to be decades away looking at the industry rn
27 min later 26147065 Anonymous
My investments:
3D printing
Bio-stocks (bio hacking)
Those will get you massive roi in the next 10 years
US defense. Lockheed and Boeing for short term
30 min later 26147153 Anonymous
Lol, three generations and they become trust fund kids working as cashiers.
Knock it off, nothing is eternal.
31 min later 26147185 Anonymous
>Astroid mining in the next two decades duh
>Cybernetics in general lol
>CRISPR google it lmao
32 min later 26147215 Anonymous
space mining
39 min later 26147365 Anonymous
Lmao if life extending technologies mean I'm still around to beat them into shape? Yeah, it's going to be eternal. Besides, that statistic is mostly for new money. Old money and those who live thatt way preserve wealth for centuries
40 min later 26147400 Anonymous
its likely still crypto, but in a more regulated way thats got less scam rugpulls and more slow burn jewy investments
42 min later 26147417 Anonymous (1595185273479.jpg 600x500 49kB)
so, huxleys brave new world? sounds good to me bro, sex is basically mandatory, will I finally get the sex bros?
42 min later 26147420 Anonymous
CRISPR augmentation and everything associated with it
43 min later 26147449 Anonymous
tfw put in epsilon class
43 min later 26147459 Anonymous
Probably something in biotech. People have been saying industrial revolution > computing revolution > bio revolution for a decade or two now. We're probably in the equivalent phase of the steam engine or IBM mainframe.
44 min later 26147477 Anonymous
Looks like someone just watched Elysium.
47 min later 26147529 Anonymous
SGMO is the next crspr from my research,. zinc finger shit is mad cool
48 min later 26147552 Anonymous
Seconding ARKK and ARKG. Glad to see Sam Hyde is on the same page as me.
49 min later 26147572 Anonymous
Undeniably true.
50 min later 26147597 pajeet
space industry is the next big thing.... asteroids out there that has more gold and shit that earth ever has. space mining is the future
53 min later 26147680 Anonymous (1603282133599.jpg 700x700 95kB)
>designated alpha
>alcohol injected into blood surrogate
>become alpha manlet
53 min later 26147681 Anonymous
You are thinking too short sighted, myopically, on to the next before the current has even been established. It's bigger than you imagine.
50s-70s it was petroleum and automotive.
80s-90s telecom and computers
00s-now internet age
2009-now blockchain
It's not even big yet. It's still essentially ground floor
You're asking why we're not still in the basement
57 min later 26147775 Anonymous
Water futures
58 min later 26147801 Anonymous
The first time I bought bitcoin was in 2011 when it was about $8 and I kept "buying high and selling low" losing my money then say "fuck it" for 6 months and leave and see it was now $30 so I buy high and sell low again losing all my money, leave for 6 months. see its now $100.
repeated that for literally 10 years straight...never learned my lesson. i couldve been a millionaire if i had just held
1 hours later 26147945 Anonymous (1585418157363.png 434x469 40kB)
Going to be a rough century.
1 hours later 26148095 Anonymous (1600099119811.jpg 420x420 63kB)
technological megatrends & [unknown amount] of [redacted]
1 hours later 26148128 Anonymous
Crypto is actually still in its early stages. Think of Bitcoin as if its AOL in the Internet timeline.
1 hours later 26148186 Anonymous
If you're rich and your kids still turn out to be useless then you parented wrong. Give them a non absurd allowance and make them work for it.
1 hours later 26148191 Anonymous
top kek, what are the axises even?
1 hours later 26148229 Anonymous
AI will do the job of billions bio tech workers in minutes, invest heavily on AI losers!
1 hours later 26148265 Anonymous
Dont you idiots know we live in a faster world then 2000's AOL were?
1 hours later 26148287 Anonymous
Asteroid mining, self-driving cars, AI, robotics, nanotech, all that stuff doesn't have the same vibe as "digital money" or "automated contracts".
1 hours later 26148350 Anonymous
a technological singularity, by definition, is a point at which future predictions become impossible
that guy looks like a faggot anyway
1 hours later 26148352 Anonymous
so here's the thing: EVERYTHING related to finance will be tied to a cryptocurrency. money, stocks, everything.
so...the "next big thing" WILL be a crypto.
all you have to do is to wait until the crypto market stabilizes and change the world into a more efficient one.
second, watch for bio tech (aging in particular) conducting an ICO, or space tech.
vr games won't be successful due to privacy concerns: if a closed source program can get into your brain, anyone can know what's in your mind, so it won't happen. plus it wouldn't be a huge improvement over current games.
only true for non smart people. historically, dumb people have always been exploited, and always will be
1 hours later 26148367 Anonymous
VR probably. It's still very early in adoption, it will inevitably explode at one point. Which company will win, I don't know.
1 hours later 26148369 Anonymous (1595761964457.jpg 557x717 101kB)
He's actually pretty based.
1 hours later 26148394 Anonymous
>watching as the dollar / fiat collapse takes place
>hmmm I wonder what the next big thing is going to be
1 hours later 26148417 Anonymous
still, making predictions about what happens after a singularity is pretty retarded
1 hours later 26148464 Anonymous (178946586453164.jpg 952x1024 125kB)
Yes, after awhile you realize that this world doesn't need you and in fact sometimes hates you.
A man can only walk one road at the same time and we are walking on the right one.
1 hours later 26148491 Anonymous
did he never read any of the stuff discrediting Koko's language abilities?
he sounds pretty retarded desu
1 hours later 26148506 Anonymous
the difference though is that aol was actually used by people meanwhile crypto is only used as investment, it doesn't compare because you wouldn't see normalfags investing in tech stocks and interent stock so early on
1 hours later 26148517 Anonymous
it'll almost certainly be in biotech.
1 hours later 26148540 Anonymous (1579937821536.png 377x1297 205kB)
I think I'd still rather live around gorillas with sign language speech impediments than Somalians.
>t. in 33% white city with large Somali population
1 hours later 26148544 Anonymous
The next big thing was OnlyFans. Next will be legal prostitution.
1 hours later 26148593 Anonymous
lab-grown meat obviously anon. no more polution, no more cruelty, literally eat meat as much as you want without any of the downsides currently associated with it.
1 hours later 26148627 Anonymous
silver, it will be MASSIVE in 10 years (mines depletion, absolutly mandatory for everything (biotech, battery, electro stuff, medical...)
1 hours later 26148683 Anonymous
>crypto is only used as investment
i use it frequently to avoid payment censorship on legal goods that are banned by payment processors.
1 hours later 26148742 Anonymous
Designer babies already exist (people use IVF to select for eye color and etc.), just going to get crazier with genetic editing and eventual integration of entirely new alleles into genome.
1 hours later 26148770 Anonymous (1597290911110.png 1786x661 349kB)
1 hours later 26148854 Anonymous
jesus why are you retards like this
most people who post on biz already are into crypto, why the fuck would you keep mentioning it?
1 hours later 26148877 Anonymous
>We can’t get low IQ races to stop breeding at an unsustainable rate, and that’s going to be the downfall of the human race.
So you'd rather have elites living forever?
I'd rather have low IQ races destroy that dystopia.
1 hours later 26148890 Anonymous (6884E142-8BE3-4D56-80DF-7335C08C795E.png 1346x1232 554kB)
Instead of anons just pulling their worthless opinions out of their asses how about sharing resources that predict future developments?
The WEF’s Great Reset is a good place to start. They have lots of details on different industries that will play a large role over the next decades.
1 hours later 26148904 Anonymous
yeah i use monero for the kind of stuff but even then i always get the feel like i shouldn't because it could moon insanely
i guess it's the same way people feel about having bought drugs or donated to wikileaks with bitcoin early on
1 hours later 26148960 Anonymous
It has to be related to finance and money
1 hours later 26149011 Anonymous
Furries will be the new elite
1 hours later 26149029 Anonymous (1598485975514.png 638x590 366kB)
Low IQ races don't have the ability to bring the elites down. They're just a tool used by the elites to destroy whites because whites historically are the only people that could stop it. Low IQ makes you easy to manipulate by default, brainwashing techniques are being perfected at this point. We're only having race trouble because of marxism being drilled in to non whites. If there were no whites, they'd just teach them to be peaceful consoomers, using science to make them more docile etc.
1 hours later 26149083 Anonymous
Yeah the people who love jews the most today are the only ones who can stop it.
1 hours later 26149086 Anonymous
the next thing is probably next gen food industry. It will be a gold rush.
How can I be wrong?
1 hours later 26149096 Anonymous
its called a metaphor dumbass.
There are lots of projects trying to do this which is why I said we are still in the early stages the first coin which reaches mass adoption will be huge. Even governments around the world want to do stuff with blockchain but there are certain limitations that exist now that might not in the future.
1 hours later 26149107 Anonymous (1603511852011.jpg 900x517 343kB)
Stop the brainwashing and that will stop petty fast.
1 hours later 26149128 Anonymous
Definitelt biotech, farms/food production and asteroid mining.
1 hours later 26149143 Anonymous
No it won't stop. Stop replying to me low iq retard
1 hours later 26149220 Anonymous (1595920738304.png 1349x2199 329kB)
>People are normal
>Education system and media starts being used for indoctrination
>People's threat detection system stops working
>You are here
If you stop teaching kids white guilt, to love Israel, and Marxism, they'll stop being Jew loving self hating Marxists.
1 hours later 26149301 Anonymous
Yes. It's called the messianic stage
>This paper (work in progess) tries to summarize conceptual ideas and research findings pertaining to the idea that certain features of Piaget & Inhelder's Formal Operational developmental stage can also be understood as a "messianic stage". Here, the stage model is used to explain why, in late adolescence and early adulthood, many young people are prone to adopt idealistic and utopian social and political ideas which they reassert with an almost zealous vigor. Yet, at the same time, and probably due to a lack of experience and an egocentric tendency, they tend to underestimate the difficulties and the ramifications of attempts to implement their ideals in complex, real-world settings.
1 hours later 26149327 Anonymous
The next bitcoin has to be another crypto. Think about it, no assets have been easier to invest in and profitable that on crypto, the next big thing want happen outside of it
1 hours later 26149345 Anonymous
Literally DeFi atm
2 hours later 26149484 Anonymous
If I told you literally the factual truth: Algorand is the next Bitcoin, it's bigger than Ethereum.
You would probably laugh at my face, even though it's 100% real
2 hours later 26149615 Anonymous
>We can’t get low IQ races to stop breeding at an unsustainable rate, and that’s going to be the downfall of the human race.
>implying 100 IQ is a high IQ
>implying that stupid people breeding is stoping smarter one to do the same
>implying it's about race when even among negroes you can find people smarter than 99% of whites
Typical midwit reasoning
2 hours later 26149720 Anonymous
DDR5 ram
2 hours later 26149742 Anonymous
incredibly difficult to tell
In 2007, it was meant to be biotech/space. Then, blockchains were invented.
One thing thing is that the 'make-it' projects are becoming increasingly more derived. Below are some examples
Level 1: [raw blockchain]
The first implementation of blockchain. Impossible to forge. Comparable to gold.
A more developed version of bitcoin. Doesn't really have a real world equivalent
Level 2:
Also impossible to forge but needed smart contracts to stand out from bitcoin. Comparable to AMD.
Level 2:
An implementation of smart contracts. Comparable to Amazon. Arbitrum is an analogue to AWS.
Level 3:
>Ampleforth. Built around implementations of smart contracts (the rebase function) and Link (supplying price data). No idea what to compare it to.
>Uniswap. Also built around smart contracts and Link oracles. Comparable to a bank.
Basically, blockchain is developing the same way that Rennaisance-era finance did. Governance tokens are joint-stock companies, bitcoin / Monero is gold [as a store of value] and paper, Ethereum is laws [written on paper], Link is the postal service [which is guaranteed by law], Ampleforth is gold as a means of exchange.
2 hours later 26150588 Anonymous
This thread contans an high level of ape reasoning.
Try harder faggots
2 hours later 26150660 Anonymous
Ok shill me your shitcoin I might throw a few vitaliks at it
2 hours later 26150838 Anonymous
Blockchain technology in general.
2 hours later 26150853 Anonymous
Water and oddly sand. (Look it up if you don't believe me)
2 hours later 26150892 Anonymous
geothermal? hydro?
2 hours later 26150897 Anonymous
Unironically soibeans
>human food, animal food, biodiesel, lots of industrial uses, can be used to produce a variety of goods including lube and carpets
2 hours later 26150909 Anonymous (1594473409033.jpg 500x441 37kB)
3 hours later 26151032 Anonymous
How is that relevant to what I said you midwit subhuman?
By ignoring the fact that the average whitoid have an IQ of 95-100, which is laughable compared to actually intelligent people, you're the one ignoring the bulk of the bell curve.
3 hours later 26151038 Anonymous
3 hours later 26151127 Anonymous (E4B21900-B944-4FD0-B170-EA813F016D63.jpg 400x643 61kB)
wow based
3 hours later 26151202 Anonymous
Something to do with AI, not sure what though.
People are seriously underestimating AI, it will be in everything including your fucking toothbrush eventually.
If quantum computing also becomes a thing then you mix that with AI the rate of learning and advancement will be frightening on a scale not even sci-fi could imagine.
3 hours later 26151468 Anonymous
But there is no way to profit of it except maybe by being the one coding the ai
But desu if an actual ai is made, which I doubt it will, we're all fucked anyways
3 hours later 26151485 Anonymous (1609293160738.png 898x900 227kB)
It's relevant because you said you said you can find blacks smarter than whites, which makes the image exactly relevant.
>By ignoring the fact that the average whitoid have an IQ of 95-100
Now post the black average IQ
3 hours later 26151620 Anonymous
Crypto was ruined a bit when it started becoming more about how do I create the next bitcoin so I can get 100x gains too just like the guys who invested in BTC early vs everyone focusing on developing useful currency.
It's sad but people want a shitcoin casino more than they want a tool for fighting the money printers.
3 hours later 26151702 Anonymous
If genetic engineering ever gets anywhere there will be no more blacks anymore, everyone will choose their kids to be white.
3 hours later 26151703 Anonymous
The elites are just going to exterminate the lower classes... They will try to do it "nicely" and if that doesn't work they will do it "not nicely."
3 hours later 26151726 Anonymous
Which defi program though. There’s too many and let’s me honest only 1 or 2 will actually make it
3 hours later 26151740 Anonymous
MANY of the great reset is related to finance and money, you fucking retard.
3 hours later 26151761 Anonymous
Based. ARKG is one of my best. I'm about 55% invested in ARK funds, they're incredible.
3 hours later 26151797 Anonymous
There are plenty of people who adopt niglets today what makes you think they will be any different in the future.
Some people just have an irrational love for africans.
3 hours later 26151813 Anonymous (1610350578787.jpg 1212x1624 567kB)
Also: renewables. Look into solar and anything battery related. This will make you rich.
3 hours later 26151839 Anonymous
The ego is the enemy and it's the reason you think you can change the world on your own. It only clouds your thoughts and adds an emotional layer to what otherwise would be rational thinking.
3 hours later 26151870 Anonymous
Really loud minority, most spics, indians and asians would rather have white kids. White traits are desirable, that's why they still exist even if they're recessive.
3 hours later 26152004 Anonymous (1594510233395.png 1659x1000 1577kB)
They do that because virtue signalling. Leftists adopting black kids is funny though because when they raise them in a white environment and they still end up not doing as well they get a first hand lesson in nature over nurture, except they can't say jack shit about it to anyone or they'll be exiled.
3 hours later 26152076 Anonymous
Only because white kids are in short supply due to being able to parent.
3 hours later 26152394 Anonymous
65, and? We're not measuring dicks there, you're the one who's brain got hijacked by identity politics, me I'm merely stating the truth
>It's relevant because you said you said you can find blacks smarter than whites, which makes the image exactly relevant
And did you bother to ask yourself where was I going by making this point, little midwit? Read back my post assuming I'm not the blue haired sjw that lives in your head rent free and talk to me again
3 hours later 26152436 Anonymous
Anti aging is the next big things. Ketogenic diet/fasting is the way the common man gets in.
3 hours later 26152450 Anonymous
P2P tech existed for a long time, remember torrents? Satoshi just reconfigured it for finance.
P2P was a spook NSA invention too, a twist on cryptography. The next thing is decentralizing everything and taking down the big printing Jew.
4 hours later 26152761 Anonymous
>Link, An implementation of smart contracts. Comparable to Amazon.
I'd say it's more similar to a protocol like HTTPS. Amazon is a company, link is a network that gets data in and out of smart contracts
4 hours later 26152797 Anonymous
The IQ measured for the gorilla was based on infant IQ. It had the equivalent intelligence of an average 2 year old
4 hours later 26152822 theHOLOnaire
4 hours later 26152839 Anonymous
Charter cities
4 hours later 26152984 Anonymous
They're both involved with securely transporting items/data of value and guaranteed through contracts. I picked Amazon as an example as it is monetised in a way that https isn't.
4 hours later 26153126 Anonymous
How about you do some reaserch on xrp because once that goes 1000x you will all wonder how you missed it
4 hours later 26153286 Anonymous
climate change related stuffs
4 hours later 26153422 Anonymous
4 hours later 26153492 Anonymous
I thought the weed boom ended
4 hours later 26153584 Anonymous
This, it's just the beginning. It's like buying stocks when stocks became thing you could transact with digitally. Bitcoin will be the internet of money.
4 hours later 26153588 Anonymous
Few people I respect are really into urbit, could you give me a quick rundown on it? What does it mean to own a star?
4 hours later 26153700 Anonymous
/biz/ shilling Link, what else is new
it's a meme
4 hours later 26153711 Anonymous
Anon the internet was being developed in like the 1970’s, it was 20 years before it was remotely mainstream and another 10 from there before the world ran on it. And still it grows every year. Major technological revolutions don’t happen over night, crypto has about 20 years of insane growth left in it. You’re looking at about 40 years until the next big thing comes around.
4 hours later 26153803 Anonymous (1601572872697.png 1233x1809 1285kB)
>Hijacked by identity politics
Nonsense. I was dragged kicking and screaming into identity politics by retards that insisted on ruining every hobby I had until my only option was politics. And where were you going, o great and intelligent one? Just because you can show me one or two smart black people, that doesn't change what I see where I live, nor my rational conclusion that I'd rather live nowhere near them. 100 is a high enough IQ to participate in society without destroying it. It's not high, but it's not 80. Stupid people breeding is actually stopping smart people from doing the same, because the smart people who make all the money and pay all the taxes, are paying huge tax premiums to support all the welfare of the stupid, white or otherwise. They consume resources that could be going to medical research or space travel. There are positive and negative eugenics, and without a good balance of both, we're on the road to destruction.
4 hours later 26153845 Anonymous (1586591105792.jpg 1522x677 500kB)
>20 years
4 hours later 26153932 Anonymous
it's bodybags and mortuary stocks because everyone is going to be dying BIG LEAGUE
4 hours later 26154029 Anonymous
Next big thing has been in front of your noses all the time
its the new bitcoin, the new ethereum, SEPA 2.0
ecologically friendly almost feeles, almost instant, backed by banks and governments.
believe it or not.
4 hours later 26154078 Anonymous
Nah your thinking is wrong. You can buy small bags of those potential new areas of growth and in 40 years you'd be very well off. Of course that comes with speculation in trying to pick the right moves, but that is required for any new technological growth.
4 hours later 26154258 Anonymous
>Yeah the people who love jews the most today are the only ones who can stop it.
Yeah they're the only ones who ever have historically.
>Ancient Rome
4 hours later 26154261 Anonymous (C5ED630E-FACC-4389-BB06-4ED219E3D917.jpg 2000x1315 3615kB)
Haha, I ask this from time to time here too, and no one here can think past crypto, answer always back to crypto. It’s weird.
Crypto might give 1000%, done right I’d bet 10000%, but not the million plus percent the first bitcoin era got. What’s the next million percent.
4 hours later 26154317 Anonymous
There will never be a next big thing again. And this big thing isn't over yet.
If you don't make it in this golden bull run, you will never make it.
4 hours later 26154424 Anonymous
Vitamins. Our children will LAUGH when they hear we EAT VITAMINS? That's like mineral titanium, bro!
5 hours later 26154566 Anonymous
SPACE MINING = NEXT 1000000 X opportunity
5 hours later 26154763 Anonymous
Gems on uni are short term speculative flips. They aren't the next big thing and can't support putting meaningful amounts of money into 10xing.
5 hours later 26154846 Anonymous
Historical artifacts like beanie babies.
5 hours later 26154871 Anonymous
you may be onto something
5 hours later 26155009 Anonymous (FD5D852E-DD1D-4765-B467-DF1961E76FD5.png 600x600 563kB)
Fuck this was a neat thread that descended into pol pretty fast. This board is starting to have a weird obsession with the”elites” and race. Ngmi. And you KNOW all those posters are bitter sub 5 digit Q magatards from pol and the donald. The same way they think immigrants are destroying America there immigration to here is destroying biz.
5 hours later 26155011 Anonymous
I second this, people are not focusing on AI industries
I for one have yet to see threads about AI
Politically it's a shaky ground, but I see it as inevitable, I wonder what companies are good at AI/ which are pioneering it
Anyone got any ideas?
5 hours later 26155025 Anonymous
Is this that dude who claimed to have a 200 IQ?
5 hours later 26155067 Anonymous
>AntiFem comics
I can see the good point the original comic was making even through this lazy edit.
5 hours later 26155129 Anonymous
The next big thing is DLT. Blockchain will go to zero. DLT will be king. Tech wins in the end
5 hours later 26155327 Anonymous
absolutely btfod that man
5 hours later 26155354 Anonymous
yes all the races got along together before anyone went on pol ok bud keep living in delusion
5 hours later 26155581 Anonymous
Fucking pol. Remember when they went around in mobs destroying dozens of priceless historical artifacts out of pure intolerance for other points of view?
5 hours later 26155744 Anonymous (FB_IMG_1610638807295.jpg 1080x802 115kB)
Psychedelics are the next big thing. Get in on psychedelic research companies before shrooms and lsd are made legal again. Screencap this.
5 hours later 26155782 Anonymous
AI sex bots. No irony here.
5 hours later 26156499 Anonymous
>arguing again with points I hadn't made
Please don't (you) me ever again
5 hours later 26156663 Anonymous
Low Earth orbit debris cleaner
6 hours later 26156730 Anonymous
Why are they the next big thing? How? Who produces them?
6 hours later 26156753 Anonymous (220px-Cyark_merv_3.jpg 220x329 21kB)
Yes but nothing is eternal and elites always get thrown down in the dust and replaced
I know a family of aristocrats in Europe who had it all 100 years ago
They had large houses and thousands of acres which the local peasants rented off them
They earned the equivalent of millions every year
Now the last of their line has had to sell his ancestral home which was over 250 years old and all its historic furnishings
He's in debt to the tune of 4 million and earns about 500 a week in his job
The modern elites are so out of touch they think history will stop for them like that King who ordered the tide to go back
Read Ozymandias by Shelley
6 hours later 26156759 Anonymous
GME stocks. We're about to go to the moon next week. Buy shares and hodl and you'll get 10x minimum.
6 hours later 26156866 Anonymous
Tokenised stocks
6 hours later 26156912 Anonymous (1510766374545.png 627x554 14kB)
up yor bud ind rund the gorner
6 hours later 26156994 Anonymous (bda.png 380x349 103kB)
YES. Fuck everybody else. People don't want your help, your change, your hope, or any other that shit. Life is a competition. You need an "All for me, fuck everybody else" mentality or you're ngmi.
6 hours later 26157074 Anonymous
AI is obviously the next and final BIG thing , nothing else counts unironically and literally , what's a valid anti-thesis ?
6 hours later 26157076 Anonymous
>anti aging
Ketosis puts tons of stress on your organs, if anything it makes you age faster
6 hours later 26157289 Anonymous
This + hemp
6 hours later 26157323 Anonymous (altcoins.png 1395x913 104kB)
Yeah a 10x with shitty volume that it's impossible to profit from unless you are playing with mom's paycheck
6 hours later 26157325 Anonymous
6 hours later 26157363 Anonymous
You dirty whiteoid mongrels can't stop fantasising about Somali Cock .
6 hours later 26157447 Anonymous
the only serious post is this entire thread.
Like all new tech, quantum computing and AI is being researched on a meaningful scale only by government agencies, just like crypto/digital currency was researched in the 90's by NSA.
Once it is considered viable and in line with the plans, it will then be rolled out in a mix of real innovation on top of government-planned infrastructure. And by government I of course mean the CIA, not the buffoons who act out their plays in office.
Will be exciting to invest in the first quantum computing company. I foresee that every computer will be different, there will be different kinds of computers depending on the kind of quantum-algorithms you want to run, due to limited programmability.
6 hours later 26157475 Anonymous
I don’t think so. Weed has been legal in california for almost 20 years and dispensaries here hardly make any profit.
6 hours later 26157484 Anonymous
Nothing mentioned in this thread is going to be as significant as blockchains.
I don't believe the next big thing is here yet.
6 hours later 26157576 Anonymous
Ai and automatization. Its already starting, look at how people are valuing tesla atm even though self driving cars arent even on the market yet.
6 hours later 26157662 Anonymous
>the rate of learning and advancement will be frightening on a scale not even sci-fi could imagine.
This is why I refuse to invest in any machine-learning/AI projects. Literally fueling the end of the make-it-er.
6 hours later 26157680 Anonymous (3DBF71F9-C2DA-4346-BA1D-38A57B8E9C71.png 644x800 13kB)
>I'm going to buy what my favorite e-celeb told me to buy
Must be 18 to post here
6 hours later 26157720 Anonymous
How do I buy these?
6 hours later 26157761 Anonymous
Some other anons are talking about quantum computing, but unfortunately thats still a meme for at least another 20 years, however you can expect most wagies to be replaced by robots within the next 10 years, ai and robotics development is going insanely fast, some of the research being done right now is mind boggling
6 hours later 26157798 Anonymous
Whoever made this psuedoshit diarrhea seriously needs to have their ass kicked and their glasses flushed down the toilet.
6 hours later 26158002 Anonymous
Agreed. The next biggest cryptocurrency will be entry into the bitcoin market, there will be a Bitcoin killer with all the traits of Bitcoin + the shitcoin improvements, and that coin will be the coin all normies use
6 hours later 26158058 Anonymous (1583869400687.jpg 432x444 200kB)
>the collective subconscious demon
certified persona reference
6 hours later 26158114 Anonymous
smart smart smart smart SMAAAAAAART
6 hours later 26158151 Anonymous (1596539997601.png 199x212 30kB)
kek you can't argue for shit I only addressed points you made.
6 hours later 26158153 Anonymous (1608164622854.png 485x319 194kB)
Bitcoin started from the darknet markets, but now it's been replaced, does this mean we are already seeing the birth of the Bitcoin killer ?
6 hours later 26158163 Anonymous
Somebody has been reading the hunger games
6 hours later 26158213 Anonymous
thanks fren :D
We just need to find that coin, and I think the autism of this board will help. We need to look for something with a memorable, revolutionary name, a solid design, and a strong adoption case
6 hours later 26158224 Anonymous
6 hours later 26158245 Anonymous (1593811009149.jpg 358x368 71kB)
6 hours later 26158247 Anonymous
6 hours later 26158275 Anonymous
We arent in 2020 anymore, shill some other shitcoin
6 hours later 26158285 Anonymous
EVERYTHING space related will go parabolic over the next 2-3 decades. We need more resources to sustain ourselves and space is the place to obtain them
6 hours later 26158291 Anonymous
yeah but chain link is an Oracle, not a full on coin, so it can't replace Bitcoin altogether
6 hours later 26158296 Anonymous (1601719882577.jpg 491x270 28kB)
6 hours later 26158304 Anonymous (1594590533451s.jpg 125x111 2kB)
The point here is you are already one of the early adopters, being the early early or even one of the first adopters is near impossible, unless you are involved in the project
6 hours later 26158315 Anonymous
6 hours later 26158319 Anonymous
>But desu if an actual ai is made, which I doubt it will, we're all fucked anyways
I don't understand this line of thinking, do people like you just blindly spew what you've seen in terminator and other movies like that? And why do you doubt we will ever make an AI? That's like a man in the middle age saying he doubts we'll ever be able to talk and see each other from across the planet.
The world is ever changing, unless there is some kind of apocalypse and assuming any rate of technological progress, we will eventually have a general artificial intelligence. Note that this has nothing to do with artificial consciousness which for some reason a lot of people seem to think is what AGI means. AGI simply means an AI that is able to solve any problem like a human could given enough time and the resources to do so. Such an AI would not be limited by our biology however and it's not hard to imagine it'd become much more able at solving complex problems, finding solutions, etc. than us. It'd be the ultimate tool, propelling us into a new age i.e. singularity.
I fully expect this to happen in a few decades, GPT-3 already exists and displays some of the properties of an eventual AGI.
6 hours later 26158337 Anonymous
I think so, yes, and in the next few years it will dethrone Bitcoin. Our biggest mission is to figure out what the fuck it is that'll replace it, and I think it'll be a totally new player to the scene, not something with some market cap already. But I may like be wrong
6 hours later 26158376 Anonymous
First designer babies will be bog babies
6 hours later 26158426 Anonymous (1591407366406.gif 300x300 291kB)
poor bernard
6 hours later 26158449 Anonymous
This. Anti-aging is giant. If you want exposure to it and crypto you could invest in Cardano or Singularitynet as they are working on something in this space that will likely be worth billions.
6 hours later 26158483 Anonymous
>blockchain in general, not just to buy crypto.
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