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2021-01-18 06:56 26140782 Anonymous (images (47).jpg 250x221 11kB)
I give up, there's no way to filter what's scam and what isn't. With so many coins being shilled and so many people claiming to dump life-savings numbers, it gives the impression that everyone is so fucking sure with their own option when clearly a lot of these dudes will be crying in some months. Or not, who knows if all of them make it with different coins. This is some paranoid shit. Its literally 95% gamble, with only 5% of research, because when you research, almost all coins will give you somewhat a nice feeling that it is useful. You go with the most trending, see if that makes some sense and that's about it. I think the best way is to throw small quantities at a bunch of coins of your choice and hope that at least one of them moons, so it can pay your failed bets and still return a huge profit. The secret is not be greedy to go full kamikaze with life-savings in only one or two coins. Stop with the instant millionarie dream you retarded, this is something you build through several years, and not with a single bet.

5 min later 26140924 Anonymous
>>26140782 >I think the best way is to throw small quantities at a bunch of coins of your choice and hope that at least one of them moons, so it can pay your failed bets and still return a huge profit. Yes. You uncovered the secret of handling high risk investments. Also remember to keep your eggs in separate baskets and don't go all in in crypto.

5 min later 26140929 Anonymous
>>26140782 You have to identify the patterns in Pajeets shitcoin shill posts. Time of day. Coin being shilled, frequency of pajeet posts, the current price moving average of the pajeet coin bring shilled. Usually when I see a pajeet or discord tranny post, you’ll see at least 4 or 5 posts following the shill post and it’ll include something in the lines of “just dumped my life savings” or “thanks, Op just bought some more” or some low IQ reply post of a similar nature.

6 min later 26140965 Anonymous
>>26140782 thats why you needto take the TA pill. The charts never lie anon.

7 min later 26140995 Anonymous
I only came across this because I searched Quant in the catalog and was wondering if anyone was talking about it here, guess it just picked up the word 'quantities' in your post. Anyway, go research Quant, look at the team behind it. It's no pump and dump, it's a long-term hold and it might be the one you're looking for. The more I'm researching it the more I'm thinking it is. Best of luck.

8 min later 26141021 Anonymous
Search the archives for what ever shitcoin you are researching Or just fucking buy BEL like everyone else and gamble 10% on random shit

10 min later 26141066 Anonymous
>>26140782 This is why BTC dominance is still so fucking high. Who wants the mental duress of figuring out all this bullshit. Just buy BTC and you'll be exposed to the upside of crypto with minimal duress. I guess if you want 1000x gains though you have to slog through the shit. Sorry anon.

10 min later 26141072 Anonymous
Coin are all pump and dump frauds. This board is just a bunch of autistic who think they can ride the pump and psychopathically steal money from the late buyers. Textbook ponzi scheme. Just buy s&p 500 every month and hold for 10 years or more. Will do much better unless you've taken all your vaccines and are maxed on the spectrum. Or a total psychopath who pumps the coin.

11 min later 26141087 Anonymous (example.jpg 263x154 7kB)
>>26140782 This is the best and only advice you'll get from this ID, pic related. Choose your crypto, but go 3/3.

12 min later 26141113 Anonymous
Monero /thread

13 min later 26141138 Anonymous
>>26141087 Should I replace my Link with XRP? What about Monero?

13 min later 26141145 Anonymous
>>26140995 >responds to meta thread about being disillusioned with people shilling coins >shills coin it's all so tiresome

14 min later 26141171 Anonymous
>>26140929 So basically Rubic

14 min later 26141182 Anonymous
>>26140924 This worked for me until I started going all in on stuff and went bust. Squandered 2 uni drops. Will stick with this for now on

17 min later 26141249 Anonymous
>>26141145 You have to remember people on this forum are retarded. They invest in obvious sponsored content from tubers / shills and buy into coins while they are pumping. Do you expect intelligence from people who routinely fall for MLM / Ponzi fraud?

18 min later 26141272 Anonymous (bitcoin-comic.png 625x605 64kB)
>>26141072 Back to /pol/ with you boomer cannon fodder and take your mutual fund tier ROI with you.

22 min later 26141391 Anonymous
>>26141272 I don't think you could explain the science behind the coins given 10 years. If you don't think most of these retards are better of balls deep in an index fund and rather navigate the valuation of a field ride the computer science and complex mathematics -- cycles of volatile pump and dumps -- owners that pull the rug out and liquidate the backing Frankly your a fucking mong that should stick to investing in your evening little caesars instead of scamming

27 min later 26141536 Anonymous
>>26140924 Yes, I'm looking through stocks and also some low-risk investments. It boggers my mind that there are so many folk claiming to dump stupid big amounts in a literally who coin in a - Business & Finnance - board. What the fuck is this, a pajeet infestation? >>26140929 I try man, but it happens that there are too many of them in any coin thread aggregator. The recent one was the RBC shitshow a few hours ago, but yesterday there was a UNN thread that seemed to be alright with some cohesive conversation. GRT and PRQ now is looking like a warzone between shillers and fuders.

39 min later 26141818 Anonymous (2c4.png 427x576 317kB)
>>26141391 Do you have an extensive background in economics? Do you understand the implications blockchain technology has for human civilization? Do you pour over the white papers and do background research on the teams? Are you aware of the growth of DEFI and the moves being made into derivatives and non-custodial trading? Are you aware that big name financial institutions and governments are getting involved in crypto? Do you really think your pathetic government fiat can hold a candle to the immutable SOV that is crypto currency? Do you even understand Tokenomics and how revolutionary it is? Yes or no?

40 min later 26141853 Anonymous
>>26141536 Luckily we have an anon who launch a shill index here and is taking our feedback in helping make it more accurate

41 min later 26141869 Anonymous
>>26140965 Yes I see. But I guess I need to deep dive in economic studies to get a full understanding, there arr so many aspects to take. I might hunt some books soon for this. >>26141066 Unfortunately true. It's almost certain that BTC gives you at least a 3x in the long-term (1 year at least), and it alone is enough for a lot of people who still dreams to multiply their money.

43 min later 26141920 Anonymous
>>26140965 Explain. The TA pill?

45 min later 26141956 Anonymous
>>26141920 Technical Analysis

45 min later 26141958 Anonymous
>>26141818 d4

48 min later 26142042 Anonymous (1609736216722.jpg 640x800 63kB)
>Have hodlbag >take note of whether it's bitcoin season or alt coin season on the index >go all in on sure bluechip bet which after a halvening is bitcoin >take note of corrections in past cycles and watch BVOL1M and logarthmic growth curve like a hawk for parabolic breakdown >buy dip with hodl bag that was sold at top after minimum of 30% drop >have swing bag ready for you could be going through this period for two weeks >wait a month or so till next correction to do it all over again except now you've diversified into DEFI >https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/ch arts/ There's your spoonfeed for the day

49 min later 26142058 Anonymous
>>26141113 He had 5 years

49 min later 26142063 Anonymous
>>26141956 >>26141920 Technicals should be used in conjunction with quantitative and valuation. Otherwise they are pure memeology and mostly unproven academically

54 min later 26142182 Anonymous
>>26140782 I dropped $1k on some interesting shitcoins back in 2018 with my crypto profits. so far I've x10 on RSR, x3 on QNT,and x2 on DAG. My worst investment was SNTVT which im currently at a break even point. Shame I was gone for 2 years working my ass off, I cant believe i missed out on Polkadot. Still, my advice OP is to use your profits to buy small suicide bags of shitcoins you think have a chance. If they fail at least you only lost profit

55 min later 26142202 Anonymous (D29505C0-DE31-4178-89C8-9DB4BB96E202.jpg 1080x1080 105kB)

1 hours later 26142325 Anonymous
>>26141853 Saw this thread briefly a few hours ago. Do you have link fren?

1 hours later 26142351 Anonymous
>>26142182 Losing profit is a huge opportunity cost with compounding interest of more stable investments like index funds... Ahem S&P 500. Especially in your early 20's. These investment have proven time an time again to be successful in the long run, so gambling away your opportunity cost seems pretty autistic.

1 hours later 26142358 Anonymous
>>26142325 Here you go, fren. >>26121052

1 hours later 26142523 Anonymous
>>26142351 >gambling Literally foresaw pretty much everything that happened this past week and earlier and even made threads about it. You had 12 years dude. Stop boomering about stocks like a pissy little bitch, especially when the world is teetering on collapse and drowned in debt. You're talking like it's the 90's you deluded nigger you.

1 hours later 26142605 Anonymous
>>26141138 XRP is literally going to zero. Getting fucking delisted for fucks sake. No way people are still buying this shit

1 hours later 26142651 Anonymous
>>26142605 Only from American exchanges and 95% of their volume is outside of America.

1 hours later 26142663 Anonymous
>>26142358 my guyyy

1 hours later 26142784 Anonymous
>>26142523 Wow one week. Nice track record lmao.

1 hours later 26142817 Anonymous (easy way to assess fundamentals.png 1286x573 241kB)
give it the retard price dump test. if it still looks good after the price tanks, then you're fine

1 hours later 26142878 Anonymous (1609406715836.jpg 904x1024 65kB)
>>26141818 >Do you have an extensive background in economics Neither do 99 % of developers or "investors." >Do you understand the implications blockchain technology has for human civilization? So far, none. It hasn't offered anything that a database doesn't provide. >Do you pour over the white papers and do background research on the teams? White papers are just a bunch of buzzwords strung together. Teams are mostly scammers. >Are you aware of the growth of DEFI and the moves being made into derivatives and non-custodial trading? Buzzwords. Nobody cares, DeFI is being used to play Ponzi and nothing else. >Are you aware that big name financial institutions and governments are getting involved in crypto? They're getting involved with BTC. And maybe they'll make their own blockchain and their own implementations of DeFI. No, they won't accumulate ERC20 tokens and dump [insert Uniswap token here.] >Do you really think your pathetic government fiat can hold a candle to the immutable SOV that is crypto currency? I mean, Venezuela released their own crypto. The entry barrier is really low. >Do you even understand Tokenomics and how revolutionary it is? It isn't.

1 hours later 26142909 Anonymous
>>26142351 The thing about crypto, even now, is that the potential gains outweigh the risks. The 5k or so I invested was just a piece of my overall profit. At this point my folio is worth over 100k and that is pure profit. I cashed out my orginal 20k investment. Dropping a small amount of cash on a moonshot that can x20 or more within a couple years is well worth it imo. Its not gambling if your competent enough to understand the whitepaper

1 hours later 26142933 Anonymous
>>26140782 Buy physical silver.

1 hours later 26142945 Anonymous
this place needs flags you can't trust anything on this board anymore it's all bullshit

1 hours later 26143024 Anonymous
>>26142945 >what is a proxy

1 hours later 26143047 Anonymous
>>26141818 >pour over the white papers

1 hours later 26143057 Anonymous
>>26142784 Try month and still better than yours you crybaby. I called SNX. I said DEX aggregators will see record volume and moon. I swung XLM the days before it started rocketing toward 200% YTD at the start of the year. You just become mind broken: "It's not me who's wrong I don't make mistakes this is all just ponzi gambling das rite!" Go learn TPO with AMT and apply statistical probability to your forecasts. Jesus fucking christ.

1 hours later 26143069 Anonymous
>>26143024 you really think discord trannies and pajeets making $0.10 commissions can afford a proxy that isn't banned here? kill yourself nigger

1 hours later 26143074 Anonymous
>>26142909 The risks are basically that your in a Ponzi scheme. You are either complicit in pulling out the rug, ripping off new investors riding the pump (other people are granting your returns via scam), or you are investing in a legit new tech. What's most likely?

1 hours later 26143084 Anonymous
Just hold link lol

1 hours later 26143147 Anonymous
>>26142878 >no u I'm not going to bother with you anymore you absolute banana boofer. You belong in a zoo.

1 hours later 26143155 Anonymous
>>26143057 > I told people to buy on an autistic coin forum and wow the price went up. You really are fucking pumping. Vaccines included. Fuck this shill

1 hours later 26143201 Anonymous
>>26140782 Just invest what you can afford mate. Ignore these fuck knuckles that claim they are dumping their life savings into something or tell you to do it. Don't invest what you can't afford to lose. Even if that means just investing 50 bucks each payday. Just add it up over time and choose a couple of the coins that have been around a while. Sure you won't become an overnight millionaire but you won't end up broke either.

1 hours later 26143214 Anonymous
>>26143074 What's more likely is that you're a dunning krueger who's taking it out on /biz/ like a spear-chucking ape because he got burned by trading like any investor who learns and grows. Go find your balls dude.

1 hours later 26143325 Anonymous
>>26143147 >>26143214 >can't argue >resorts to personal attacks Cryptotards are so sure about their product, that they have absolutely no arguments about it and instead go apeshit when their Ponzi games are challenged. Yes, anon. You're a financial genius. Go back to play musical chairs with money.

1 hours later 26143346 Anonymous
>>26143155 >he made a prediction on an anime website that must mean he cause cryptos to pump that are worth billions of dollars something something vaccines! Yeah it's clear the problem is that you're retarded and everyone can see it.

1 hours later 26143372 Anonymous
>>26143325 Contradictions aren't arguments you fucking goof ball.

1 hours later 26143402 Anonymous
>>26140782 if you wnt go all in btc,eth link or GRT...if u want to go in...diversify

1 hours later 26143434 Anonymous
>>26140782 My best coins that did over 10x are shit I just put in unintentionally on a whim. No research or whatever. Unfortunately I didn't put too much so my gains aren't great. Otherwise I could have already retired today.

1 hours later 26143436 Anonymous
>>26143214 You cannot be more of a projecting autist than this. I have $200k in account just from playing simple index fund strategies. I mined BTC around when it first came out and remember thinking I memes the world as a teen buying a pizza with BTC. There are some coins that are straight up new tech, and deserve some valuation. Although of you think all these fucking ETH backed source cloned coins where their tranches goes entirely into marketing -- you're simply a fucking moron and they will liquidate your shit coin sooner or later.

1 hours later 26143440 Anonymous
Similar to traditional markets, if you just invested in BTC, ETH, and LTC regularly over the past few years you'd do better than if you tried timing some shit coin to moon. Crypto is risky, so only risk money you can afford to lose, and of that, put 85% or so into BTC and ETH. Gamble on shit coins with the rest.

1 hours later 26143477 Anonymous
>>26140782 Hedera Hashgraph $HBAR You're welcome

1 hours later 26143487 Anonymous
>>26143372 They're way more legit than your empty claims, your Pepe and your insults.

1 hours later 26143493 Anonymous
>>26142909 Survivorship bias. There are numerous people that do their research but didn't 100x their portfolio.

1 hours later 26143505 Anonymous
>>26143440 The truth

1 hours later 26143527 Anonymous
Just buy XMR and sit in it for few years, there’s your 100x

1 hours later 26143590 Anonymous
No you're just a fucking idiot. If you're not sure then %100 Link because it's Ethereum 2017. Then when everything is falling apart you move all your profits into the new 4chan 500x real gem for the next bullrun. If you can't figure out what it is, then you are too stupid and we're never going to make it anyway

1 hours later 26143627 Anonymous
>>26143590 Yes, the word for that is Ponzi scheme.

1 hours later 26143686 Anonymous
>>26143627 Yeah you're an idiot. Have fun with your below average IQ.

1 hours later 26143743 Anonymous
there is a guy developing a shill detector site, he post updates here, I believe he's onto an essential shitposting tool shill.watch/biz/

2 hours later 26143774 Anonymous
>>26141958 Nf6

2 hours later 26143817 Anonymous
>>26143686 > You get 500x returns Product creates no inherent value. It's a currency > You have a large position and tell to buy Other coin investors are your profit and what gives you the insane return > They had X years, they should have known better K scammer, idk hope the FTC wakes up and fucks you in the ass.

2 hours later 26143848 Anonymous
>>26143774 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4

2 hours later 26143902 Anonymous
Stop falling for scam projects with no credentials ffs. Look in this thread for an example of a coin worth buying: >>26143513

2 hours later 26143906 Anonymous (a1.jpg 190x266 13kB)
>>26143848 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d6

2 hours later 26143928 Anonymous (1601064178103.png 815x740 798kB)
>>26140782 >I give up, there's no way to filter what's scam and what isn't https://streamable.com/xomcmu

2 hours later 26143968 Anonymous
>>26143906 Join anons. Winner determines price of newest shillcoin

2 hours later 26144012 Anonymous
>>26143906 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d6 3. Nf3 -

2 hours later 26144042 Anonymous (sgmpp.jpg 236x213 8kB)
>>26144012 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d6 3. Nf3 g6

2 hours later 26144142 Anonymous
>>26144042 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d6 3. Nf3 g6 4. e3

2 hours later 26144179 Anonymous
>>26144142 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d6 3. Nf3 g6 4. e3 Bg4

2 hours later 26144211 Anonymous
>>26144179 oops g7 lol

2 hours later 26144248 Anonymous
>>26144211 CHECK MATE

2 hours later 26144265 Anonymous
>>26142817 So pretty much only btc by this rubric

2 hours later 26144282 Anonymous
Just buy BTC and never come back to this board bc everyone here is unironically stupid

2 hours later 26144302 Anonymous
keep an eye out for tw33t

2 hours later 26144312 Anonymous
>>26144179 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d6 3. Nf3 g6 4. e3 Bg7 5. Be2

2 hours later 26144317 Anonymous
>>26140782 I made 10k profit on bitcoin. The first thing i did was withdraw the initial investment. Now i lose nothing. Then i use some of the profits for buying shilled coins.

2 hours later 26144326 Anonymous
>>26143493 Thats why you only invest what you're willing to lose. Its a pretty simple strategy and if you arent willing to do that then you are better off investing in boomer rocks or blue chip stocks and avoid crypto completely because every coin and be boiled down to being a ponzi scheme

2 hours later 26144331 Anonymous
>>26144282 You take that back you fucking NIGGER!

2 hours later 26144347 Anonymous
>>26144265 Now you're getting it.

2 hours later 26144456 Anonymous (1609828439286.jpg 1242x1213 391kB)
>>26140782 https://shill.watch/biz/ From there, DYOR.

2 hours later 26144549 Anonymous
>>26140929 Pajeet this or pajeet that, why the fuck does biz not use flags

2 hours later 26144582 Anonymous
>>26140924 NGMI went with 20k into prq at 30c and doubled my portfolio in 3 weeks

2 hours later 26144612 Anonymous
>>26144549 This discussion is as old as biz itself and I don't get it as well

2 hours later 26144759 Anonymous (0937423861.jpg 1280x720 170kB)
>>26142042 what's the BVOL1M?

2 hours later 26144860 Anonymous
>>26140782 Im certain no one actually holds any coin on this board. Everyone is really one pissed off larper who lost all their money in 2017 and want you to ape in with your life savings and lose everything.

2 hours later 26144912 Anonymous
>>26144549 we use vpn sir

2 hours later 26144939 Anonymous
>>26141536 >It boggers my mind that there are so many folk claiming to dump stupid big amounts in a literally who coin in a - Business & Finnance - board. Welcome to 4chan. Where 90% of people on this site are fucking idiots that have no idea what they’re talking about.

3 hours later 26145192 Anonymous (s-l400 (70).jpg 400x304 36kB)
Never going to make it with small amounts. Don't bother going into a coin or token with less than 10k USD equivalent. Transaction fees and your time aren't worth it for anything less. If you can't tell the scams from solid projects you really shouldn't be in this space.

3 hours later 26145263 Anonymous
>>26144939 >90% This is already a huge improvement over the real world.

3 hours later 26145325 Anonymous
>>26141171 Absolutely. Why do I know this? Because I haven’t been ok /biz/ in months and as soon as I come here today it was the first shilled coin I saw that I’d never seen before. The shills are always, always, always pushing a new pump and dump shit coin.

3 hours later 26145497 Anonymous (590-5902946.jpg 254x280 43kB)
>>26140782 OP, unless you pick a literal pajeet coin (XRP,GRP... etc), it won't matter. During alt season everything will pump. The only pattern there might be is that once we start seeing some coins go 3x or 4x, then the next ones are always going to be high supply, low price coins. Newbies love those. After that it's god taking the wheel.

3 hours later 26145542 Anonymous
I can't really describe it, you just have to have been on 4chan for many years.

1.583 0.126