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2021-01-17 10:48 26123818 Anonymous (869.jpg 640x480 53kB)
>60 year old Mum asks me what a bitcoin is after seeing it on the news >Try to explain it to her as simply as I can but it just isn't registering properly >She rustles around in her coin purse >"can you invest 15$ for me anon" >Hands me a bunch of fucking coins >Gently try to explain it isn't that simple and takes time and some research >She looks defeated, instantly feel bad >Just take the money and say I'll see what I can do Don't know what im putting it in yet lol Are normies finally catching on to crypto fully? What ramifications would there be, easy pickings with uninformed buyers or would everything just tank?

1 min later 26123863 Anonymous
>>26123818 >>She looks defeated, instantly feel bad Aw man. Good job helping out your mom though.

2 min later 26123916 Anonymous
if dubs buy your mom 15 chainlink

2 min later 26123936 Anonymous
Just make her an account and put the 15 dollars into BTC like she asked, then anything that happens to the money is entirely on her. Just give her regular updates on how it's doing by showing her the wallet and her graph. Even the most tech illiterate person can understand a graph and numbers going up and down.

4 min later 26124007 Anonymous

4 min later 26124022 Anonymous
>>26123818 Take the 15$ and put it in btc like she asked. (Although i would personally all in rsr)

5 min later 26124040 Anonymous
>>26123818 My boomer mom though she had 1/4 bitcoin on the jewelery safe and wanted me to sell it for her. (I'd given my brother some btc a few years ago that's what she was thinking about). She then asked me if she should buy some. I advised against it.

5 min later 26124076 Anonymous
Too bad BTC is funny money and merely a meme

6 min later 26124101 Anonymous
>>26123818 Anon she looks up to you a lot. Be kind and patient with her

7 min later 26124124 Anonymous
>>26123818 Just give her $100 and say you sold just before it crashed.

7 min later 26124139 Anonymous
Buy her like 50usd of bitcoin man

10 min later 26124266 Anonymous
>>26123818 Invest it for her, if it goes down and she asks about it just lie and say she's break even and if she wants her initial back, just give her $15 even if it's out of your own pocket. She's your mom and she sounds pretty based and it's just $15, so don't be a cunt about it..

12 min later 26124350 Anonymous
Get her half a chainlink, get her 500$ boiiiii

13 min later 26124408 Anonymous
>>26123818 Normies are definitely catching on, but mostly youngsters. They invest a few hundred on big exchanges and HODL.

14 min later 26124480 Anonymous (3cbb58ae764fc38628b12b31ee3a980b.jpg 400x288 27kB)
>>26123818 Anyone who has grown up in a poor as fuck household knows how hard this hits.

15 min later 26124504 Anonymous
Man just take the $15 and buy her the bitcoin, cover the exchange fees yourself because she sounds cool. >my mum warned me against investing in crypto so I can't really talk to her about this despite her being knowledgeable about finances in general

17 min later 26124567 Anonymous
>>26124007 this, but the poop should go in the coin purse

17 min later 26124621 Anonymous
>>26123818 Don't be feel anon, if anything you can donate 10% to your parents once you've made it like I plan to.

22 min later 26124820 Anonymous
>>26124480 >friend has worked his whole life never saving any money >gets to 40yrs old and decided he wants to put away money for his 401k, company matches >knows im into this shit and wants to know more and wants to try investing >explain stocks to him and what an ETF/mutual funds are >says he doesnt like the idea because someone else is managing his money and he doesnt like that >ask him if he knows what a 401k is >he gets visibly annoyed that someone else is managing his money >get angrier that i told him his money is better managed by someone else >is offended that his 401k could go down, somehow thinks he should be doing his own investment >inform him he is too emotional for stocks >somehow this calms him down, spite? makes me wonder if investors are emotionally broken or just purely autistic.

27 min later 26125045 Anonymous
>>26123818 that sounds so cute and innocent, I would just put a few hundred in and tell her after a few months that she made this and bring her some joy and pride in her son/daughter

29 min later 26125100 Anonymous (00.png 231x308 68kB)
>>26124621 >>26124504 >>26124480 >>26124350 >>26124266 >>26124139 >>26124124 >>26124101 >>26124022 >>26123936 >>26123916 >>26123863 I'm gonna take $15 and put $50 in for her tommorow lads. Probably in bitcoin, but I would like to see her be happy for once. Not gonna get all emotional or powerlevel for you guys but she's had a rough decade of my siblings either becoming criminals or stealing from her. And I want her to have someone she can turn to. Love your Mum/Mom anons.

30 min later 26125163 Anonymous
>>26125100 Checked and best of luck. I’m hoping to retire my mom at the end of this run. She’s done a lot for me

32 min later 26125232 Anonymous
>>26124820 >makes me wonder if investors are emotionally broken or just purely autistic. why not both?

32 min later 26125247 Anonymous
>>26125100 Based

33 min later 26125258 Anonymous
>>26125100 don't fuck it up

35 min later 26125340 Anonymous
>>26125100 Buy 2 chainlink bro, it’s gonna be better then a fraction of a bitcorn

36 min later 26125381 Anonymous (tumblr_pcxxstEQ9U1t3pho2_540.jpg 415x479 15kB)
>>26123818 >She looks defeated, instantly feel bad That shouldn't have hurt as much as it did reading that.

37 min later 26125415 Anonymous (4986541.jpg 1024x990 59kB)
>>26125100 >feels Get her a tiny BEL stack anon

38 min later 26125472 Anonymous (DM6_IPTXcAAvJyv.jpg 1080x1920 230kB)
>>26123818 Piss in one of her draws for revenge

40 min later 26125521 Anonymous
>>26125100 based, I'm trying to get enough to pay off my parents mortgage, and retire early. Feels bad though cause they are both old cause they had me late. Hopefully we all make it bros.

42 min later 26125590 Anonymous
>>26123818 >$15 what's the point? Even if you get a 100x that's only $150. Just give your mom $100 in a few months and tell her that it went great. >>26123916 >if dubs buy your mom 15 chainlink literally couldn't even buy 1 LINK with $15 >>26124820 A lot of people just don't understand basic economics. People at my work are always trying to give me advice on what I should do with my crypto holdings. Of course, they're all dead broke. And the advice is always the most typical rookie error bullshit. I just cringe inside and tell them I'll look into it.

43 min later 26125629 Anonymous
>>26125100 Buy her stinkies or GRT, BTC isn't going to get her the returns she'd enjoy. Good luck bro.

45 min later 26125714 Anonymous
>>26124820 well, I've been emotionally fucked since childhood. shithead bully dad. went full numb in the head, can't emotionally connect to people. also 140 IQ. so for me it's both.

47 min later 26125789 Anonymous
>>26125100 You're a good son.

47 min later 26125791 Anonymous
>>26125590 >A lot of people just don't understand basic economics. People at my work are always trying to give me advice on what I should do with my crypto holdings. Of course, they're all dead broke. And the advice is always the most typical rookie error bullshit. I just cringe inside and tell them I'll look into it. you fucked up by telling them about it in the first place. only a few people I work with know about my crypto holdings, but it's only because I knew they were open to investing in it. I don't toss pearls before swine

1 hours later 26126342 Anonymous
>>26125472 >when mom finds the piss drawer

1 hours later 26126397 Anonymous (1519103368378.jpg 720x764 148kB)

1 hours later 26126462 Anonymous (1605231791570.jpg 758x748 89kB)
>>26125100 based

1 hours later 26126505 Anonymous
>>26124820 are you seriously asking that as we top a massive bubble with meme stocks like TSLA and shitcoins like chainlink? this is 100% emotional retail money

1 hours later 26126584 Anonymous
>>26125100 Holy shit. There are actually good people in biz. Im personally going to buy something nice to my mother if i make it (i also have a gf, but mom is mom)

1 hours later 26126611 Anonymous (1599973194808.jpg 660x315 32kB)
>>26123818 >family members who gave my cousin tens of thousands of dollars to buy BTC, ETH, and XRP (which he gambled away after the crash) all start calling me asking me to "invest" in BTC for them >niggers on twitter talking about it >fucking 18 year old kids in ALL the discords/group chats for my classes at community college (lol) talking about it, they mostly seem to hold LTC for some reason, a few have mentioned DOGE, I just lurk. >some of said kids post things like "altcoin season is starting soon" >fucking hourly threads being started by complete fucking newfags asking what/how/where to buy bitcoin or "Crypto" The top is breathing down our fucking necks.

1 hours later 26126684 Anonymous (1610754867489.jpg 608x395 100kB)
>>26126611 >The top is breathing down our fucking necks. Yup I already sold most of my stack best of luck everyone

1 hours later 26126760 Anonymous
Your mom is a retard and probably a slut fuck her in the ass for cash

1 hours later 26126980 Anonymous (thumb_kodak-black-face-blank-template-imgflip-52279879.png 300x300 61kB)

1 hours later 26126985 Anonymous
If you can't explain what bitcoin is ypou probably don't understand it yourself. Maybe try reading a book or two or at least the white paper instead of basing your knowledge off memes and tai lopez videos.

1 hours later 26127139 Anonymous
>>26125100 Put 15 in bitcoin and aggresively trade 50 for a while before sticking it into btc. Good luck

1 hours later 26127180 Anonymous (1498616938368.jpg 829x589 94kB)
>>26123818 back when BTC was $20k my mom asked me if she could buy "a few bitcoins" for $100. it was pretty cute

1 hours later 26127253 Anonymous
>>26125100 gamble it all on shitcoins kek

1 hours later 26127280 Anonymous (820032986b733c36e179c87ef57bb74d.gif 500x281 57kB)
>>26125100 you fucker

1 hours later 26127327 Anonymous
>>26123818 Tell her to wait until the market cools down

1 hours later 26127415 Anonymous
>>26125100 Your mom is why you're poor in life though.

1 hours later 26127429 Anonymous (4bdf58f1efe7d187da13f2503f151f29.jpg 1600x900 136kB)
>>26125100 Shit, please anon, make her feel happy and proud I know you can do it

1 hours later 26127469 Anonymous
>>26125100 fuck you anon, i teared up

1 hours later 26127573 Anonymous
>>26125100 Dear diary, today OP was not a fag and was in fact based.

1 hours later 26127612 Anonymous
>>26125100 thanks dsp

1 hours later 26127679 Anonymous
>>26125100 Don't buy anything but LINK if you love your mum. This sounds like it could be a scam though.

1 hours later 26127690 Anonymous
>>26123818 Well 15$ seems like good price to test if that works. Some people offered you to give her more money even if she fails but I won’t advice such strategy because she could fall for some fraud in future.

1 hours later 26127815 Anonymous
OP post ETH wallet

1 hours later 26127877 Anonymous
Lmao 60 years old isn't even that old wtf Is she literally retarded 15 FIFTEEN DOLLARS what the fuck lmao

1 hours later 26127928 Anonymous
>>26127877 if your family isn't poor you wouldn't understand anon

1 hours later 26128038 Anonymous (1510472413533.jpg 657x527 32kB)
>>26124022 id just give her 50$ next week regardless of price just so she can tell her boomer friends about it. these hags are like broken records to anything they fancy. think about it, thats like 10 people getting told those 10 will tell 50, out of 50 500 and so on

1 hours later 26128071 Anonymous
>>26126505 >shitcoins >like chainlink Go the fuck back

1 hours later 26128156 Anonymous
>>26126611 I fucking hate normies even though I’m an undercover normie

1 hours later 26128167 Anonymous
>>26124007 Based

1 hours later 26128208 Anonymous
>>26125100 You could always just wait a couple weeks and then give your mom the $50, and tell her prices are high now so best to wait a while before investing again. Regardless, good on you for being a good son.

1 hours later 26128213 Anonymous
>>26124076 Seethe, no coin fag x

1 hours later 26128280 Anonymous
>>26128038 Actually this is the best idea. Maybe even print out some fake receipt to show her friends who won't even know what they're looking at.

1 hours later 26128296 Anonymous
What's wrong with investing a small amount of money? It's low risk and you're gonna beat inflation

1 hours later 26128328 Anonymous
>>26124124 aww this is so sweet. i wish you were my son

1 hours later 26128579 Anonymous
>>26124480 I used to feel sorry for my gf and her mum when she was younger, I used to think she was poor and they struggled. I remember one year she had no money for Christmas presents for her and her brothers. I have grown up and spent enough time around her to now know why they seemed poorer back then (jobs are the same). It makes me really angry now knowing how she is with money and me being the financial autist I am now how fucking irresponsible she was back then and still fucking is.

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