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2021-01-17 05:30 26110731 Anonymous (opengraph.png 500x500 14kB)
Will a coin ever surpass BTC or will it literally remain at the top based purely on name recognition to normies/boomers?
4 min later 26110901 Anonymous
>purely on name recognition to normies/boomers?
That's a superficial biased take on why it has remained on top.
11 min later 26111159 Anonymous
probably, might take at least a year though
13 min later 26111230 Anonymous (1596489534631.png 769x1285 328kB)
Monero, unironically
15 min later 26111314 Anonymous
Its true though
16 min later 26111369 Anonymous
Fuck Blockstream
17 min later 26111397 Anonymous (rsfy58myrc601.jpg 640x568 90kB)
Shut up idiot.
Just let it happen. No more talking.
20 min later 26111503 Anonymous
When i was younger i thought that once I make it I would be
20 min later 26111533 Anonymous
I think it may just because
>Fair launch.
>Branded as safest bet since it's been number 1 for so long so will potentially be the permanent flight to safety coin.
>All other crypto projects inherently have more competition. You can compete on features. You can't compete on being the first and oldest.
>Lightning works better than everyone is willing to admit, it's actually going to be pretty sweet when it's mass adopted.
>It's tied to a movement and pretty much is branded as the people's money.
>STX 2.0 is bringing smart contracts to btc in a more developed manner.
Others say that since derivatives are bigger than store of value it will have to be flipped. I dunno about that though since we have >8500 coins that are going to divide up that space and absorb that value. Not 100% ETH. Dominance will fall but I still think BTC will stay on top.
22 min later 26111589 Anonymous
Bitcoin cash will flip btc
23 min later 26111638 Anonymous
BTC will remain in the top, and if you don't get it I have no time to explain it, sorry.
24 min later 26111691 Anonymous
Chainlink but it will take a few years
25 min later 26111744 Anonymous
Anyone who says BTC is overtaken at any point is ngmi.
33 min later 26112048 Anonymous
>Will a coin ever surpass BTC
35 min later 26112121 Anonymous
it will remain on top because it actually has the best tech and development culture when you actually understand it. you can also be confident nothing will come along and fuck up the guarantees like 21 million or hard forking to new consensus rules. you can literally set it and forget it.
also there are a million more things that go into clients than just consensus rules. most other blockchains just talk about bullshit but you never hear about the actual nuts and bolts of the clients. for instance, bitcoin is already implemented the new tor v3 standard, most other chains don't even have basic tor integration at all. go read bitcoin optech and realize just how much foundational shit in the p2p network, transaction relay, cpu/memory performance, dos/erebus/eclipse attack mitigations, etc go into bitcoin. there is currently a pr in libsecp that increasing signature verification by 20% using cryptography research that literally dropped like a year ago, and tons of coins use this library. you know who develops it? the fucking bitcoin devs, like always
38 min later 26112244 Anonymous
look at DLCs with schnorr. if you read the suredbits blog you'll see all kinds of crazy shit they are doing with just basic signatures, no need for smart contact bullshit that clogs your network. DLCs are tradable on lightning too and main chain of course.
people are completely sleeping on these. derivatives markets need something incredibly liquid to settle on, we can build the whole thing on bitcoin using DLCs which is the most liquid network
39 min later 26112285 Anonymous (stxbtc.png 1680x713 145kB)
Bitcoin is about to take back the entire DeFi and Smart Contract marketshare with STX.
42 min later 26112412 Anonymous
Thanks I'll check this out. Haven't heard of those at all actually.
1 hours later 26113211 Anonymous
> bitcoin is already implemented the new tor v3 standard
who implements it? who runs bitcoin?
1 hours later 26113983 Anonymous (3502848505632.png 801x1629 209kB)
>BTC will remain in the top, and if you don't get it I have no time to explain it, sorry.
Because being non-fungible and thus ending up on govt blacklists is a good thing?
1 hours later 26114038 Anonymous
No wonder Jack Dorsey shills BTC non-stop, once your BTC isstainted, you're locked out of the BTC banking system, thank you XMR devs.
1 hours later 26114090 Anonymous
It has the most proof of work, it is the most secure chain.
1 hours later 26114139 Anonymous
Nothing will EVER flip btc
1 hours later 26114242 Anonymous (bitcoin-blacklist.png 856x656 59kB)
>No wonder Jack Dorsey shills BTC non-stop, once your BTC isstainted, you're locked out of the BTC banking system, thank you XMR devs.
Currently 50 Bitcoin addresses blacklisted and counting.
In other words:
XMR address = zero chance of ending up on a government blacklist
BTC address = non-zero chance of ending up on a government blacklist
Really inspires confidence in that whole "store of value" thing.
1 hours later 26114313 Anonymous (monero-is-the-future.png 1150x3896 1373kB)
>Nothing will EVER flip btc
XMR is currently flipping BTC in the darknet and blackhat sectors.
1 hours later 26114503 Anonymous
Isn't that were BTC got it's start? Isn't that were it proved (and later invalidated) itself as a viable medium of exchange?
1 hours later 26114631 Anonymous
>Isn't that were BTC got it's start? Isn't that were it proved (and later invalidated) itself as a viable medium of exchange?
Correct. The darknet was Bitcoin's first major use case but now that superior crypto has been developed its gradually being phased out.
1 hours later 26114955 Anonymous (Grayscale.png 746x698 75kB)
Buy more bitcoin.
2 hours later 26115281 Anonymous
The security of BTC is based on hashpower. Hashpower now is mostly funded by the block rewards.
Who is going to keep funding the massive infrastructure needed to keep BTC as secure as it is now once the tech is more established? Transactions are too slow and expensive for fees to power a giant network, and a giant network is needed to ensure security.
I really don't know the future of BTC, weird combination of speculation and legitimate groundbreaking technology. If hashrate is able to be proportionally maintained, bullish does not describe just how much value BTC will hold. If you cannot stabilize hashpower once hype dies down and block rewards are all mined out, the network will die.
>t. Small position in BTC
2 hours later 26115920 Anonymous
What's secure about your address being blacklisted?
2 hours later 26115960 Anonymous
right now, block rewards happen until ~2140, so there's plenty of time to think about possible future options
personally i'd like to see it like monero where there's "tail emmissions" of the smallest block reward at the end continuing on forever so as time goes on inflation rate approaches zero
2 hours later 26116018 Anonymous
It seems like these things do pretty much everything ETH can do. In theory you can program anything on ETH, in practice you need an oracle for everything including just getting a random number. The only part ETH actually handles is paying out deposits to a contract based on predefined rules, exactly what DLCs provide.
With all the new features a contract becoming popular could in theory not increase load on the network significantly, each deposit per block can be added to the same transaction.
You can broadcast transactions that contains data only visible to holders of the relevant key. All governments can do is ban trades with any address that does anything out of the ordinary just like they can ban all trades with monero.
2 hours later 26116098 Anonymous
>purely on name recognition
It's the largest network and therefore also the most secure one. Replacing it would mean throwing away billions (or trillions) worth of hardware that was purpose-built just for Bitcoin mining. Any network that aims to replace Bitcoin would need to be larger while at the same time using a different algorithm in order to avoid getting fucked.
2 hours later 26116281 Anonymous
i never made it to any government blacklist
how id you manage to do it?
2 hours later 26116331 Anonymous
and xmr is locked out of the regulated exchanges as a consequence thus you have no fiat exit ramp.
2 hours later 26116378 Anonymous
bitcoin is already generating a full coin worth of fee reward per block. we're gonna be fine. the big block forks are the ones that are fucked
2 hours later 26116452 Anonymous
Bitcoin really is digital gold.
There may be something that comes along that threatens it, but it’s not going away.
2 hours later 26116453 Anonymous
block rewards are basically irrelevant after the next 10 years because we'll have 95% of the coins mined. transition to a fee market needs to happen now, and it already is.
2 hours later 26116520 Anonymous (https___specials-images.forbesimg.com_imageserve_1189255149_0x0.jpg 1200x886 114kB)
How many times do I have to explain. It is not a tech race, it is a brand race. Pic related started as a a guy selling wine and cocaine out the back of a wagon. This is a disgusting brown liquid that gives you diabetes. Numerous other drinks are more affordable, healthier, and taste better. Doesn't matter. This is the most popular drink on the earth outside of water. Go on and putz around with soda pop start up I guess. But pic related should tell you everything you need to know about brand. This is also why TSLA is so incredibly up.
2 hours later 26116524 Anonymous
Only threat is literally NANO. So I'm not too worried. But who knows, if this mining shitshow gets too big and fucking ecological commies tries to fuck miners, NANO can become a really big SoV. (It's fully distributed, Nakamoto coefficient of 6, very decentralized). I'm really serious here
2 hours later 26116854 Anonymous
>i never made it to any government blacklist
>how id you manage to do it?
All it takes is receiving tainted BTC. Thats scary.
2 hours later 26116901 Anonymous (54678347.png 567x1011 197kB)
>and xmr is locked out of the regulated exchanges as a consequence thus you have no fiat exit ramp.
Atomic swaps drop end of this year.
2 hours later 26116988 Anonymous
How long till NANO or anything else can even challenge Bitcoin? Bitcoin is THE coin, and even Bitcoin is getting FUD from boomers and other subhumans. Even big boy Bitcoin, posterboy for crypto. How long till someone can even begin to challenge BTC? 10 years? 20? 50?
2 hours later 26116991 Anonymous
Came here to say the same
You are the normie OP. Surprised? You shouldn't be.
2 hours later 26117302 Anonymous
It's hard to put a timeframe on something like that (crypto is hard to gauge in general)
2 hours later 26117318 Anonymous
wow took them only 5 years to catch up with btc?
2 hours later 26117361 Anonymous
more like 10+ years
2 hours later 26117437 Anonymous (wash-your-taint.png 640x721 30kB)
>wow took them only 5 years to catch up with btc?
Yeah, and now they will clean all that tainted infungible BTC for them. At a premium, of course.
2 hours later 26117440 Anonymous
>name recognition
It will remain at the top because it has the most fair coin distribution of any crypto. You are not going to convince anyone to consider your coin valuable when 2/3 of it is held by the (((company))) that invented it. Bitcoin was worthless at the start, it was spread by passionate enthusiast and true visionaries. The bitcoin early adopters deserve their wealth, the developers of today's shitcoins do not.
2 hours later 26117457 Anonymous (1610732054631.jpg 1200x1115 346kB)
>17 BTC, so can anyone else
Show Portfolio
2 hours later 26117544 Anonymous
get real, faggot. tea coffee and beer
2 hours later 26117607 Anonymous
you never heard about taproot have you?
bitcoin pretty much made monero obsolete and you guys never got the memo.
3 hours later 26117644 LebAnon
2.933 0.108