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2021-01-17 01:52 26104735 Anonymous (789631452.jpg 474x474 15kB)
It is pretty clear that the Link ath breakout has been invalidated now. So where do we go from there? How low do you think it will go? Serious discussion please
1 min later 26104763 Anonymous
It seems to be steadily holding over $20. Wouldn’t be surprised to see a big run up
2 min later 26104802 Anonymous
Its not gonna dump yet, we'll see another surge ahead tues-wed, you can screencap this.
Link is still bullish, for now
3 min later 26104824 Anonymous
Sell signal
3 min later 26104825 Anonymous
Never selling. It's that simple.
3 min later 26104840 Anonymous
Remember when it broke $1, or $5, it didn't hover just over it for days, it shot straight up. This pump is clearly done, come on be serious now, you really think market makers would let you have the time to accumulate before going higher?
4 min later 26104853 Anonymous
20 dollars is the new bottom
5 min later 26104894 Anonymous
Greedy, impatient anons are NGMI
5 min later 26104899 Anonymous
Buy buy buy buy buy
6 min later 26104917 Anonymous
It couldn’t hold $20 at all last time. This is bullish imo
6 min later 26104918 Anonymous
You sound like someone who sold at 20 and is desperately trying to convince himself he was right
While it will pump above current ATH in near future, it will also drop back in a couple of month to below 20, so you will be able to buy back.
6 min later 26104928 Anonymous
I think the market is waiting to see where BTC goes.
If BTC goes up we will go up, if we get chainlink news we go up. Anything else probably down.
7 min later 26104950 Anonymous
more like gaynlink. get out now and put it into bitcoin where it belongs. look at my id
7 min later 26104960 Anonymous
I'm never selling this shit.
9 min later 26105006 Anonymous (1610793034454.jpg 1016x768 684kB)
Most stuff had a drop while LINK maintained over 20$ very close to ATH.
If it doesn't crack ATH this evening or tomorrow I'd be pretty shocked.
11 min later 26105054 Anonymous
pretty cool ID
12 min later 26105085 Anonymous
I'm expecting Link to dump when Bitcoin finally gives way, Twin Towers style.
But I'm not certain enough to try and swing. Put it this way, the amount of money I've made of Link so far isn't life changing, just shy of $100k.
I think it's still got tons of potential so even if this is the top for now I fully expect it to get to a minimum of $100 one day, at the very least.
Like everything else in life, if you've made a big stack and you need the money badly then sell what you need. If it pumps again you've at least made some profit and kept some back to keep accumulating.
13 min later 26105101 Anonymous (Er5k3ysXUAAcBPI.jpg 2400x1200 160kB)
>It's done
No retard
13 min later 26105112 Anonymous
this is the right answer
14 min later 26105122 Anonymous
back to ETH
14 min later 26105144 Anonymous (gorg.jpg 480x360 20kB)
>implying I'm ever selling
17 min later 26105203 Anonymous
30 dollars soon seems very real now.
22 min later 26105324 Anonymous (1605792368290.jpg 500x500 274kB)
Warning: high IQ take coming through.
It's a bulltrap. Keeps hovering just at ath to lure in the maximum nufags. Will crash down pretty hard. Only question is do we make a higher low from the crash, now that would be bullish
22 min later 26105333 Anonymous
When it broke $1 it went to $1.50 then bled out back to 85 cents over like two weeks. When it broke $5 it crashed and bled out for the next year.
27 min later 26105441 Anonymous
Very based sir
28 min later 26105462 Anonymous
Don't get me wrong - if we get a bullish turn either through news or btc continuing to rally I see $25-30 as likely.
However everyone is scared of a pullback. Given that fact that it's hanging around $20 is very strong.
36 min later 26105673 Anonymous
We'll retest $12 before testing $25. Everybody is too sure it's only up from there. Screencap this
37 min later 26105714 Anonymous (E13CC576-D973-430E-B88C-557407EA07B7.jpg 590x972 44kB)
>serious discussion
39 min later 26105740 Anonymous
margin short here its going back to single digits
easiest short of my life at 22$
42 min later 26105827 Anonymous (Capture.png 1073x741 170kB)
ATH wasn't the only resistance in play this time around. once (read: if) it goes above this meme line then you'll see da big pamp
47 min later 26105934 Anonymous (Capture.png 1087x730 130kB)
looking at the chart some more, i also see this spicy boi for some retarded bear cope
52 min later 26106058 Anonymous
Sell, Sergey betrayed
53 min later 26106069 Anonymous
Chainlink is crypto currency backed by white supremacists. President Biden and Kamala need to shut this coin down. I will be spreading the word on Twitter. You are all going down.
1 hours later 26106470 Anonymous
1 hours later 26106631 Anonymous
Thanks just bought more link
1 hours later 26106692 Anonymous
buy the rumour, buy the news
1 hours later 26106825 Anonymous
Isn't link usually unaffected by btc swings?
1 hours later 26107122 Anonymous (five times btc suppression may.png 4478x1362 458kB)
1 hours later 26107158 Anonymous (btc suppressing link 3.png 2022x2533 258kB)
Better pic
1 hours later 26107174 Anonymous
as i said a couple of threads ago. false break out into big shake out into never make out
1 hours later 26107349 Anonymous
We will hit 75k SATs, then slowly bleed down for a few months before the actual golden bull starts
1 hours later 26107514 Anonymous
those greedy fucks, why are they still buying??? will they ever be satisfied? leave some for us you rich fucks
1 hours later 26107560 Anonymous
Probably the only relevant image shared itt
I keep hearing retarded shit like "wait till institutional money gets in", they're already in. Follow them or be ready to lose.
2 hours later 26107805 Anonymous
This is the golden bull
2 hours later 26108014 Anonymous (250px-Three_White_Soldiers.svg.png 250x333 3kB)
do you know these guys?
2 hours later 26108051 Anonymous
Wait, if they've bought already, who's left to buy?
2 hours later 26108157 Anonymous
It’s gonna dip tonight. Typical Sunday. Could be back Monday. I’m scared honestly. Could have made so much money swinging the top but no balls.
2 hours later 26108173 Anonymous
massive link pump in 51 minutes.
2 hours later 26108245 Anonymous
These lines dont even match the dips/peaks of anything. God you TA fags are so retarded sometimes.
2 hours later 26108374 Anonymous
>the top 1% has almost all the LINK
2 hours later 26108475 Anonymous
This is like when people sold 50 dollar eth and missed the run to 300. The run to 100 is coming this year.
2 hours later 26108490 Anonymous
This is actually bearish, It means that the other big wallets after Sergey and the exchanges sold, meaning that their part got diluted, thus increasing the part of Sergey's and exchanges wallets. tldr: Whales sold
2 hours later 26108544 Anonymous
Buy signal
2 hours later 26108581 Anonymous
Free market goyim
This is why Sergey is holding a lot of LINK so it can be distributed otc to bootstrap the network
2 hours later 26108775 Anonymous
Sell signal
2 hours later 26108814 Anonymous
Fuck swinging, brother. I tried it with the recent BTC pump and cost myself 600 stinkies. Never again.
2 hours later 26108856 Anonymous (1610066349720.png 680x680 322kB)
FUD everyone and secretly buy signal.
2 hours later 26109099 Anonymous
Ya got me kek
2 hours later 26109192 Anonymous
I probably shouldn't share that strategy; just to fuck over newfriends, but I bought so long ago I don't care what people do now. GL
2 hours later 26109375 Anonymous (sergains.jpg 455x854 90kB)
Warning: Much higher IQ(easily double >>26105324
iq maybe one of the highest of all time actually) take coming through.
Number go sideways to make a launchpad for number to launch up the flatter the launch pad the higher the launch will be.
3 hours later 26109921 Anonymous (1607968264589.jpg 474x344 14kB)
Even superior IQ checking in. It's gonna crash take the money and run
3 hours later 26110037 Anonymous
That's what i was thinking, until i took a look at the DXY. Now i'm thinking it can go either way.
3 hours later 26110499 Anonymous
Looks racist.
3 hours later 26111025 Anonymous
>Even superior
>non green id
Looks like launch-team is clearing the launchpad for lift as we speak.
3 hours later 26111083 Anonymous
I can draw lines too and my lines say 1k EOM
2.980 0.093