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2021-01-17 08:03 26098776 Anonymous Let’s be honest (B7A8F4EF-C489-42D8-8214-ACD0F3776CE0.jpg 680x589 38kB)
We’re all just buying bags of crypto hoping to sell it for a higher price in fiat. All you niggers go on about “muh worthless fiat” but if crypto assets did nothing but go down relative to the dollar, nobody would be buying it. We’re literally stealing money from people in what will probably go down as worlds biggest Ponzi scheme.

1 min later 26098811 Anonymous
>>26098776 I dont give a shit, give me crypto and give me gains

2 min later 26098829 Anonymous (1610862879604.png 888x894 532kB)
who care

4 min later 26098867 Anonymous
I am never selling my bitcoin, EVER.

5 min later 26098871 Anonymous
>>26098776 No not me. I bought btc because I fully expect banks to start freezing assets and denying transactions for certain things, like firearms. You fucks who sold at 40 then have fuck all after the dollar collapses will be the story.

6 min later 26098897 Anonymous
>>26098871 This is the correct approach. We play the long game.

6 min later 26098901 Anonymous
>>26098776 Im tryna stack more btc. Hodling btc next 4 years is way comfier than hodling usd

7 min later 26098925 Anonymous
>>26098776 I want to buy a house EOY. Hopefully in full but if not, at least 50% down. That's all I care about, and houses are priced in fiat, so that's how I track it. I'm currently 1% of the median house price in crypto tho lol

7 min later 26098932 Anonymous
>>26098871 The situation you describe is one of pure chaos. In that scenario you can expect complete anarchy and your btc will be the last thing on the planet to save you

8 min later 26098941 Anonymous
Because it's the most accurate representation of demand we have. 1 US Dollar = 42,105 Iranian Rial. You don't see any of us worrying about people selling USD for Rial. But at the same time, if 1 USD dropped proportional to other world currencies where it became only 4000 Rial, then your admit the USD got fucked hard on its demand, correct? USD just gives us an easy baseline understanding of how close or far it is from actualizing the fees we have for it.

9 min later 26098962 Anonymous
>>26098901 Oh? And would you say the same thing if the price of btc was $500 usd a coin in 4 years? If the answer is no, then you’re proving my point

9 min later 26098964 Anonymous
>>26098871 This. I'm not an expert on crypto but even I expect a lot of services to start accepting crypto as the standard if the dollar collapses. Didn't Venezuela try to do the same thing with wider adoption of Bitcoin but at a much smaller scale? Imagine now the US.

10 min later 26098978 Anonymous
>>26098932 >Banks won't process transactions for certain items = anarchy Guess we live in anarchy then.

11 min later 26098989 Anonymous
>>26098932 You sound like a sad faggot, read this > https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-ad option-venezuela-research

11 min later 26098992 Anonymous
>>26098932 this. go and check real shtf scenarios, the last thing you are going to want is shitcoins, or precious metals.

11 min later 26098998 Anonymous
Sneed Also /biz/ became a fast board again

13 min later 26099029 Anonymous
>>26098998 Thanks to me , and let me just say that whoever read this post is defenitely going to make it.

13 min later 26099032 Anonymous
>>26098932 >In that scenario you can expect complete anarchy and your btc will be the last thing on the planet to save you The (inevitable) collapse of the U.S. will affect the rest of the world, sure, but just because the U.S. descends into complete anarchy/civil war/balkanization does not mean that the rest of the world will do the same. Dollar inflated to worthlessness, yuan new world reserve currency, U.S. in the middle of a civil war, and all your assets inside the U.S. and/or in dollars? You're fucked. Same scenario, and you have even 10-20 BTC? You can go wherever the fuck you want and bring your wealth with you, because crypto has value no matter where you are in the world, no matter what currency was initially used to purchase it.

14 min later 26099049 Anonymous
>what is staking

14 min later 26099055 Anonymous
>>26098776 xmr will always be used to buy drugs, cp, and evade taxes. best use case of a coin thus far, bullish

14 min later 26099065 Anonymous (5520F5EC-0985-4CD2-9313-077CE289ACC1.jpg 169x169 4kB)
>>26098978 >after the dollar collapses

16 min later 26099088 Anonymous
>>26099032 You’re dreaming if you think you’ll see that in this lifetime

16 min later 26099106 Anonymous (220px-American_Cash.jpg 220x176 7kB)
>>26098871 watch me shatter your worldview with just two words: cash exists

17 min later 26099121 Anonymous
>>26099088 i think you might be the delusional one

18 min later 26099145 Anonymous (image0-8.jpg 622x561 32kB)
>>26098776 My goal is to make enough gains to pay off debts like my car and student loans (which will obviously need to be converted to fiat), with some left over to keep making gains. Debt lives rent free in my head, and I'm tired of it. I trust that cryptocurrency will become much more popular within the next couple decades, and my bags will grow, but fiat will still be around long after I'm dead - and I'm only 25. So I'll keep a maybe 20-30% of my folio in crypto, for now, even if it is just a scam. I'll either make it with my shitcoins, or lose an insignificant amount of money.

20 min later 26099171 Anonymous
>>26098776 >We’re all just buying bags of crypto hoping to sell it for a higher price in fiat. Only to reinvest in more crypto. I honestly do believe in the tech. And I honestly do hold long term. And I honestly do believe that cash will in my lifetime be a thing of the past.

21 min later 26099196 Anonymous
>>26099121 Europe’s economy has been dying for years now. Same with Canada. If the USA goes under all of western civilization goes with it. Which again, in that scenario you’re a mong if you think bitcoin will be able to save you from anything

21 min later 26099210 Anonymous
>>26099032 based and truth pilled. USA has like 20 years max

22 min later 26099217 Anonymous
>>26099106 Not for long.

23 min later 26099240 Anonymous
>>26098776 DR . NS

23 min later 26099242 Anonymous
>>26099196 I suggest you read https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-ad option-venezuela-research

25 min later 26099274 Anonymous
>>26098776 Still better than the unlimited supply ponzi fiat game.

25 min later 26099285 Anonymous
Yes I'm using crypto for fiat gains so I can buy property, weapons, and peace of mind. Does this somehow mean I like fiat or the debt-based economy? How the fuck are we stealing when the crypto marketcap is 1 trillion and countries are printing fiat nonstop? There's new money constantly flowing into crypto. Is the grocery store stealing because they increased the price of toilet paper during covid? Wtf

26 min later 26099303 Anonymous
>>26099196 excuse me but i ride with the standard. you filth.

26 min later 26099306 Anonymous
>>26098776 I think we will be in a similar situation to Venezuela in 20 years and all my USD wont save me if they are worthless.

27 min later 26099316 Anonymous
>>26099196 Good luck with your barter economy

28 min later 26099336 Anonymous
>>26098932 Hyperinflation did not lead to total anarchy in 1930s germany. Some would say quite the opposite.

29 min later 26099346 Anonymous
>>26098776 no, i'm slowly putting all of my cash into crypto because i fear inflation of the u.s. dollar. im hoping in the future i won't even need to use fiat anymore > t. zoomer

30 min later 26099364 Anonymous
>>26099088 You're dreaming if you think the U.S. will go on forever and even be remembered forever.

30 min later 26099367 Anonymous
>>26098776 I'm selling for fiat only for 14 days it takes to buy a house with that. If banks would accept crypto I would never cash out to fiarlt ever again. No one is actually cashing out crypto to sit on US meme money. They change it for real assets like houses, lambos and cocaine.

30 min later 26099379 Anonymous
>>26098776 >Biggest ponzi scheme >USD by design loses 4% value per year Volatile things are alive. Things that decrease in value are dieing.

31 min later 26099386 Anonymous
>>26099336 That’s because everyone was white

31 min later 26099388 Anonymous (1609406295159.png 939x949 684kB)
>>26099346 based zoomer

31 min later 26099391 Anonymous
I like using it to buy things. It's faster and safer than using an e-check or money transfer not to mention way easier.

31 min later 26099392 Anonymous
>>26098932 This. Gold and silver stacker fags have the exact same problem. If martial law and anarchy descend nobody is gonna want your shiny rocks, who the fuck is even gonna walk around with the necessary tools to even check that all your shiny coins are even legit? The only things worth stacking are canned food, medicine and guns, and even then the first two you can't even stack too early because they expire

31 min later 26099406 Anonymous
>>26098871 Unironically America could be in a great depression for the next 4-5 years. Then go full commie.

32 min later 26099431 Anonymous
>>26099306 Cope. If your USD is ever worthless make no mistake you will be killed in your home

33 min later 26099454 Anonymous
>>26098871 >I fully expect banks to start freezing assets and denying transactions for certain things Like crypto for example the might want to prevent capital flowing into things out of their control.

35 min later 26099499 Anonymous
>>26099379 >people buy it for no other reason but to sell it at higher price The literal definition of a ponzi. Like I said in the Op, if btc did nothing but go down relative to your “dying asset” you wouldn’t be buying it

40 min later 26099583 Anonymous
>>26099392 >who the fuck is even gonna walk around with the necessary tools to even check that all your shiny coins are even legit Crypto currency is not shiny coins or comparable to gold holy shit can't be this short-sighted.

41 min later 26099621 Anonymous
>>26099088 It's not that I necessarily expect it to happen, but that if it does, it will make crypto one of the best possible investments. Having $40k worth of crypto in an economic collapse is the same as having $40k in gold, except the crypto can be stored entirely in your head. >>26099196 >If the USA goes under all of western civilization goes with it. Which again, in that scenario you’re a mong if you think bitcoin will be able to save you from anything Again, crypto has value no matter where you are in the world. Even if the entire Western world undergoes a complete collapse, your BTC will still be valuable in South America, China, Russia. Shit, it will be valuable in Africa if you're really that desperate. And again, with a little practice you can store all relevant information to access your wallet entirely in your head. It's magic gold that you can store in your brain. The only economic collapse scenario in which it's not valuable is if a massive solar flare melts all electronics on the planet.

43 min later 26099674 Anonymous
>>26099499 >people buy it for no other reason but to sell it at higher price This thread is full of people responding to you with their reasons for buying it that have nothing to do with eventually flipping it for fiat. Also, by your logic literally every investment is a ponzi. Is gold a ponzi?

44 min later 26099692 Anonymous (06124152-9934-4067-9C60-8983DA152888.png 1242x2688 405kB)
>>26098776 Yep that’s why I’m sitting on $90k cash, bargain bin hunting crypto is fun, especially during Bitcoin panics. Thanks for the gains wagies

45 min later 26099721 Anonymous
Sounds like you're ready to start becoming an educated investor along with buying gold. Head over to pmg.

46 min later 26099723 Anonymous
I don't understand people with end time scenarios in mind believing anything digital being of any help

46 min later 26099739 Anonymous
>>26099692 that cash probably worth $80k now

48 min later 26099769 Anonymous
>>26099723 Did global communications go down when the Soviet Union collapsed?

49 min later 26099798 Anonymous
>>26099723 Nations collapse, empires collapse, life goes on. When the US balkanizes wtf is a federal reserve note gonna be worth?

50 min later 26099804 Anonymous
>>26099769 The soviet union collapse is not on the level of some of the stuff being described in this thread.

52 min later 26099842 Anonymous
OP...If you don’t think the major chokepoints for the control of ones wealth (banks, payment processors, etc) won’t become completely politicized in the next decade then I have news.

52 min later 26099850 Anonymous
Are people ignoring the fact that there has been enormous effort to globalize economies and to make nations dependent on each other?

52 min later 26099853 Anonymous (E646E782-B6D9-4061-8D7B-569804187FC4.png 1242x2688 445kB)
>>26099739 You are not reading the situation correctly

52 min later 26099862 Anonymous
>>26098776 >Let's be honest >We're all just buying houses hoping to sell it for a higher price in fiat. All you niggers go on about *muh worthless renting* but if the real estate market did nothing but go down relative to the dollar, nobody would be buying it. We're literally stealing money from the working class in what will probably go down as world's biggest Ponzi scheme. memes aside, i'll probably sell my house before i sell my crypto

53 min later 26099871 Anonymous
>>26099674 >This thread is full of people responding to you with their reasons for buying it that have nothing to do with eventually flipping it for fiat So far the only answers I’ve gotten are a)collapse of society b)using it to get some other asset, which only happens when it goes up relative to the dollar >literally every investment is a ponzi It basically is, the least ponzi investment are probably stocks, because companies actually create production and betting on a stock price is basically betting on its future production. Gold is basically a huge ponzi but it has a giant network and scarcity that Bitcoin that does not (the fact that networks exist for fraud chains like BSV or BCH proves its not scarce). And also people buy gold for jewellery/fashion purposes.

54 min later 26099909 Anonymous
>>26099871 What's high school like nowadays? I can't figure out if "online learning" would be awesome or super gay.

56 min later 26099942 Anonymous
>>26098941 I don't understand what this means but I'm sayin' based.

57 min later 26099958 Anonymous
>>26099871 Society won’t collapse, it’s just going to bleed out. It will be death by a thousand papercuts. The best type of asset to hold in a situation like this is one that’s verifiably scarce and can easily be moved across space.

58 min later 26099978 Anonymous
>>26099798 >>26099909 You’re a schizophrenic mong. If the US federal reserve note goes to zero what do you think happens to your shitty country? You either go off the grid in some poor 3rd world or prepare to become a slave to the chinks

58 min later 26099983 Anonymous
Imagine responding to such low level bait

59 min later 26099997 Anonymous
>>26099850 already priced in, all the nations in the world cant pay off the money printer.

1 hours later 26100044 Anonymous
>>26099978 >life is unpossible without USD There are people in this thread right now that really believe this.

1 hours later 26100069 Anonymous
>>26099958 >random intangible nonsense to help support your narrative cope

1 hours later 26100129 Anonymous
>>26100044 Kek if you think the USD is going to zero before the event of America using their nuclear weapons then either you’re the one in high school or I have to bridge to sell you in Cambodia

1 hours later 26100242 Anonymous
>>26100069 What I am saying is there will be no "collapse" the way you think of it. It's not going to be where one day suddenly shit hits the fan and prices skyrocket and everyone begins to riot and the SS comes marching down the street to kill everyone. There will be no happening. It's far more insidious than that. Read the poem "The Hollow Men" by TS ELiot and you'll understand. You'll just notice that every day simple things will become a little more expensive. Everyone's homes and apartments will start to get smaller. your work hours will get longer, but your pay will decrease. You'll see family and friends less, and find that in time you care less about them. Every day you'll find yourself lowering your standards for everything: work, food, relationships, etc. Job security will no longer exist as a concept. You'll notice houses and apartments shrinking. People will start hanging on clothing longer and longer. Less people will get married, even less will have children. People will engross themselves in technological distractions and fantasy while never truly experiencing the real world. That is the collapse. The reduction of the American man into a feudal serf, incapable of feeling love or hate, incapable of seeing the pitiful nature of his situation for what it is or recognizing his own self worth. That’s why people hold BTC.

2 hours later 26101176 Anonymous
>>26098776 Also consider: crypto produces nothing. All the money is crypto is dollars in = dollars out. A person who buys a coin to enter the market is purchasing someone else's exit. Math says a proportion of people will buy at the top and get nothing but bagholding for their trouble.

2 hours later 26101222 Anonymous
>>26098871 Yeah banks will shut down all transactions via traditional payments, but someone will be powerless to stop people using the energy of Switzerland to trade to tokens. Honestly if they just stopped letting banks transfer fiat money in and out of crypto, 98% would lose interest.

3 hours later 26101909 LebAnon
>>26098871 based I posted my greentext on another thread yesterday >be 27 >wage for a couple of years while paying off uni fees >get CS degree >feelsgoodman, working part-time shitty job upgraded to internship during senior year >get full-time job >fast forward a year I get a better offer; take it >live frugally, pass out on life to save up enough and gtfo to study and get a better life >economic crisis starts to happen >financially raised to just keep savings in the bank and get interest >people protesting they can't withdraw any money OHSHIT moment >I have 10k USD worth of Lebanese lira >People can withdraw 200$ per month in cash >central bank governor says lira is fine no worries >keynesian raised that all is good >Lira to USD starts to go even further >civil unrest, protests, people can't get a single dollar >black market rate starts to affect all goods and imported food since we basically have nothing local produced >get laid off and unemployment is on the rise >work a part-time job making 200$ worth of LBP >had BTC and some anons sent me some when I made a thread about this, cash out for USD >have around 1.8k cash at hand >wagie cagie time lost >fuck depression, I get tasks on plebbit and make friends online to get tasks that pay in crypto >cash them out here for USD using peer-to-peer groups, exchanges always blacklisted us and the banks always said CRYPTO bad >lurking /biz for a year, become based austrian economist >fuck keynesians >never keep your eggs in one basket, INVEST in crypto don't trade, achieve FIRE any means necessary >fuck banks

4 hours later 26102249 Anonymous (8aa.gif 800x450 2717kB)
>>26098776 Things I will buy with crypto >houses >cars >guns >food >women Things I will never buy with crypto >little pieces of paper with numbers written on them who's supply is controlled by tiny hat people

4 hours later 26102263 LebAnon
>>26102249 based and crypto-pilled

4 hours later 26102279 Anonymous
>>26101176 This. It's literally a pyramid scheme which is why Warren Buffet has spoken out against crypto

4 hours later 26102285 Anonymous
>>26098776 Nah All I can think about is how I can acquire more SATs. That's my endgame. I'm stuck at 1 BTC hell

4 hours later 26102296 Anonymous
>>26102249 Take your anti-semitic bullshit back to /pol/ you piece of crap

4 hours later 26102346 Anonymous
>>26102249 Ultra based

4 hours later 26102452 Anonymous
>>26101176 And fiat currencies do produce something? NGMI

4 hours later 26102457 Anonymous
>>26100129 kek you are delusional >oh noo no one wants our dollarios anymore lets just nuke them if they dont think the dollar has worth yeah like thats gonna happen lol

4 hours later 26102500 Anonymous

4 hours later 26102515 Anonymous
>>26102457 Both of you are blue pilled and low IQ

4 hours later 26102519 Anonymous
Until the nukes say, "Look at me, Look at me, I'm the money now" and nominate a new global currency we're not getting away from fiat. Fiat is just going to become crash level bad.

4 hours later 26102579 Anonymous
>>26098776 I dont. I actually think that buying crypto right now is like buying the Island of manhattan from the indians. I will just keep accumulating until I reach the point where I can comfortably live of passive income that my crypto generates.

4 hours later 26102601 Anonymous (loligagn.png 936x560 60kB)
>>26098776 all of life is a ponzi scheme. the sooner you realize this, the happier you will be.

4 hours later 26102615 Anonymous
>>26098776 nah, i'll hodl until i can trade 0.01 bitcoin for a modest house. and then trade 0.0001 for a decent new car. will not be converting back to fiat, ever.

4 hours later 26102656 Anonymous
There’s a point when crypto based on hard technology overtakes the central banking industry. I want to be there for the birth of Apple and Windows. And no, I don’t want to cash out.

4 hours later 26102704 Anonymous
>>26098776 >We’re all just buying bags of crypto hoping to sell it for a higher price in fiat. Pretty much. People believe in "tech" until they try to use it. Big fees, long ass transactions. It totally sucks now. After the last bubble it's "store of value" now. But come on.. it's zero sum game and everyone should know it. Kinda sad that real people are getting burned in the end. And it's also sad how interesting tech turned into speculative bubble. BTC probably had more real life usage 5 years ago than now (it was drugs mostly, but still..) Wonder what needs to be changed to make crypto usable as a currency. Probably built in inflation of some sort? Maybe bigger rewards with bugger networks and no token cap?

4 hours later 26102743 Anonymous
>>26100129 Yeah The great nuclear war of 1990 harkened the end of the soviet union. But we rebuilt didn't we.

4 hours later 26102744 Anonymous
>>26099106 Likewise: meme virus

4 hours later 26102805 Anonymous
>>26102601 Such a cope chart. You're telling me by 40 only 7% of wimin are sexually attractive? Fuck off. Lots of yummy mummies around.

4 hours later 26102830 Anonymous
>>26102656 Apple and Windows is gonna be a fucking baby compared to crypto when that happens. You'd witness a shift similar to the invention of farming or the invention of trading. Where a lot of value is simply suddenly unlocked because all people in the world can suddenly store value but also freely allocate value

4 hours later 26102890 Anonymous
>>26102805 You just have a fetish for older women because your mother was likely old when she gave birth to you

4 hours later 26102899 Anonymous
>>26101909 >fuck banks Based and redpilled

4 hours later 26102974 Anonymous
>>26102805 I've never had to resort to fucking a woman over 30 so I wouldn't know, 18-23 is prime for me. So seems accurate enough.

4 hours later 26102993 Anonymous (d0b.png 800x1024 56kB)
>>26102899 >fuck banks >Based and redpilled

4 hours later 26103059 Anonymous
>>26099392 no one is expecting a complete anarchy. It didn't happen even in Zimbabwe when the currency crashed. Besides, even if someone genuinely believes in some extreme doomsday scenario, do you expect him to put his entire net worth into lighters and cans of beans? precious metals are the only thing that will allow you to store your wealth through the potential crysis and the only thing that will be universally recognized as money once the order is established.

4 hours later 26103078 Anonymous

4 hours later 26103102 Anonymous (e0fd2c49-70db-4d73-83a0-57101f9f945d_php0uqc1c.jpg 1024x1536 112kB)
>>26098776 OP is a stupid kike ngmi

4 hours later 26103127 LebAnon
>>26102993 you are a fucking moron https://www.arabianbusiness.com/pol itics-economics/457317-lebanese-cur rency-retains-title-of-worlds-most- undervalued >>26102899 checked and yeah, they ruined my country https://www.reuters.com/article/leb anon-crisis-salameh/update-2-lebano n-central-bank-can-keep-subsidies-f or-only-two-more-months-governor-id USL1N2IH2HU https://english.alarabiya.net/en/Ne ws/middle-east/2020/12/01/Lebanon-s -Central-Bank-Governor-Salameh-says -he-is-independent-and-not-corrupt- https://english.alarabiya.net/en/bu siness/economy/2020/12/01/Lebanon-s -economy-has-plunged-into-a-deliber ate-depression-World-Bank https://english.alarabiya.net/en/bu siness/economy/2020/04/16/Lebanon-s -economy-to-have-biggest-plunge-in- the-world-in-2020-IMF https://english.alarabiya.net/en/fe atures/2020/07/07/Lebanon-s-economi c-collapse-is-slipping-out-of-contr ol https://www.wsj.com/articles/lebano ns-central-bank-fuels-corruption-ex tremism-concerns-11606744393 https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-l ebanon-crisis-students/lebanese-stu dents-abroad-fall-prey-to-financial -crisis-at-home-idUKKBN28A1I9 https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/p ress-release/2020/11/30/lebanon-is- in-a-deliberate-depression-with-unp recedented-consequences-for-its-hum an-capital-stability-and-prosperity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leban ese_liquidity_crisis https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/02/ opinion/lebanon-protests.html some reading if anyone's interested

4 hours later 26103131 Anonymous (damn son.png 763x380 384kB)
>>26099106 >coming to you soon

4 hours later 26103151 Anonymous
>>26103059 >It didn't happen even in Zimbabwe when the currency crashed Zimbabwe is anarchy by western standards. Western governments are held up by complex financial systems. Zimbabwe is held up by a few child soldiers with AKs

4 hours later 26103288 Anonymous
>>26099406 this

4 hours later 26103290 Anonymous
>>26100242 This. Anyone expecting a clear cut "now it's on" hasn't really put any thought into this. It's not going to be some hurricane Katrina where everything suddenly gets shredded in a short span of time. It'll be the Roman decline. UBI seems oddly similar to how emperors would subsidize grain and eventually just give it out for free. Guess what happened? People stopped producing in the Italian peninsula and eventually everyone who got suckered into depending on the states big tit got turned into serfs for a thousand years in the span of a century.

4 hours later 26103299 Anonymous
This is the most midwit post I've ever read

4 hours later 26103320 Anonymous
>>26103151 and yet you'll have much better luck trying to pay with a gold coin than with canned food or medicine there

4 hours later 26103362 Anonymous
>>26102296 kys

4 hours later 26103401 Anonymous
>>26099029 Thanks anon

4 hours later 26103418 Anonymous
>>26102601 The whole universe is ponzi, mate. Check out the Second law of thermodynamics

4 hours later 26103446 Anonymous (1529162642242.png 640x480 432kB)
Why don't you stupid cunts realise that speculative investing makes BTC worthless as an actual currency? Why the fuck would large company use BTC when the money they're paid can rapidly lose value in a day? >b-b-but fiat has inflation Retard fiat won't be subject to a crash and lose half its value in a day

4 hours later 26103470 Anonymous
>>26103151 >Zimbabwe is anarchy by western standards. Western governments are held up by complex financial systems. Zimbabwe is held up by a few child soldiers with AKs Back to /pol/ chud

5 hours later 26103557 Anonymous (1601784900600.png 526x638 157kB)
>>26100242 based and jewpilled

5 hours later 26103600 Anonymous
>>26103470 How is that pol? He didnt dab on the Jews or anything

5 hours later 26103633 Anonymous
>He thinks crypto will kill banks >He doesn't know banks are already in crypto and if fiat were to fail they would still be in charge just under a different kind of money Meds anons, now

5 hours later 26103700 Anonymous
>>26100242 Pretty sure this is a copy paste from that thread a few months ago talking about how leaving the gold standard will lead to the collapse of America. I would like a copy of that thread btw if you have it.

39.004 0.202